#ki ha myeong
aylinaliens · 2 years
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no thoughts head empty just this specific part of ep 12 where suyeon, youngwoo, and attorney jung having their life flash before their eyes during that fast & furious car chase
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pahintulot · 2 years
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Atty. Jung Myeong Seok is a real mentor.
I could never thank him enough for being such a reliable sunbae for all the rookie attorneys. I love how he handled this situation. He is warm hearted and a very competent professional.
I am really looking forward how the rookie attorneys would learn from him and how he, would also learn from them in return. Because I guess that's what a real mentor is--someone who is not afraid to learn from others despite the experienced they already have within them. Someone who is always still willing to be taught.
Fighting Atty. Jung!
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choidaehoon · 2 years
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo S01E06: If I Were A Whale
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raingalaxy · 2 years
If we really get another season for extraordinary attorney woo, Minwoo better be well-developed, or I'll start a riot, no one is buying the sudden change, and I really don't want our spring sunshine to be trapped in the" I fixed the bad boy with my love" trope, I can accept a character change of heart, but you need to show me the damn growth. 
Also, he getting development doesn't mean that we need excuse his bullshit, change, grow as a person doesn't mean automatic forgiveness.
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heroichi-san · 2 years
I would like to refuse the recent development on the status of Atty. Jung Myeong-seok's health. JKASAFLDSCJSBVKSBLJGA You can't do this to meeeeeee! Call me overly passionate but I love him and you can't kill him. You can't look at him and tell me he deserves to die.
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Your Honour, I'm inlove and I can't go back.
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thecountesstribe · 2 years
I'm just gonna say it.... if they push this love story line between that asshat Kwon Min Woo and our 🌻 spring sunshine Choi Su Yeon🌻 they're absolutely gonna ruin a good show for me. I hate him too much. Maybe if he had a redemption arc in the beginning and was genuinely a good person I would've understood but he's scum! Our girl deserves nothing but the best!!!
Anybody saw what's happening to attorney Jung?!!! He's sick!!! Episode 13/14 better not be his send off episodes. I'm in shambles... he's apart of the sunshine protection squad, please don't let anything happen to him. I refuse to accept him as a loss!
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Side note: I'm obsessively gonna go look for those hats Junho and Young Woo were wearing during their protest and buy em. My love for the ocean and marine life (especially whales) are living for this show😭
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thepersona · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Thoughts on episodes 15-16 (spoilers!)
All good things must come to an end. Now that the dust has settled in my brain after my third watch (lol), let's unpack this week's two-part season finale (spoiler alert!)
First of all, writer Moon Ji-won and her team sure know how to weave metaphors and imagery like it's nothing I've ever seen in a K-drama. Definitely her strong suit. Some are blatant while others are so subtle most people miss it without a rewatch. Seriously, I could name several off the top of my head and I've probably missed twice as much. But let's focus on those present in eps 15-16.
I want to start with the introduction and characterization of Young-woo's half-brother Choi Sang-hyeon. Love her or hate her, I can't wait to see how brilliant Tae Su-mi actually is considering she's 2 for 2 in giving birth to geniuses. In his first scene in ep 15 alone, we are told that Sang-hyeon and Young-woo are alike yet different.
Throughout the show, circles have been associated with Young-woo. The title credits, the little details Young-woo's room, her headphones, the revolving door, Young-woo's name in hangul (우영우), even Dong Geurami (whose name means 'circle')! But what about Sang-hyeon?
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It's all squares with this kid, who mirrors the opening credits in ep 16. And they both love gimbap! Perhaps even for the same reason that they like to see every detail of the thing they're dealing with (Young-woo with the law and whales, Sang-hyeon with computers). Better yet, they share a tendency to lean towards what's morally right, socially just and transparent, despite being in fields that are known to exploit people who aren't well-versed in their complexities.
I definitely like how he didn't take his frustrations out on Young-woo, instead assumed that she would understand him better than their mother, and he was right. I wonder what he sees during his Eureka moments, but we'll have to wait for season 2 to hopefully find out.
Now let's talk about this case. I can't tell you how much I LOVE that ep 15 started with spear phishing. It brought me back to this moment from ep 6 so fast I could almost feel the wind coming and hear the whales jumping. (Sorry for the noob gif quality)
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Once we learn who the baby whale in question is, we're compelled to ask if Tae Su-mi is willing to make the same decision twice. And while she was ready to bury it to save her candidacy, she ultimately lets Sang-hyeon out himself as the hacker and participate in the trial, putting her political ambitions at an end - or more likely on hold.
The hunter/ress throwing the harpoon in this case, you guessed it, is Han Seon-yeong. Throughout the show, CEO Han seemed to be playing a game with CEO Tae, though the latter didn't seem to acknowledge the game at all. Where CEO Han spends most of her jealousy-driven time thinking of how to take her rival down, CEO Tae doesn't pay her as much attention, instead preferring to use her energy on her next professional conquest. Sound familiar?
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The result for CEO Han is lukewarm. Tae Su-mi isn't outed (yet) for having a child out of wedlock and manages a relatively graceful exit from her nomination, Young-woo gets to keep her peace, Sang-hyeon is publicly disgraced but keeps his dignity and honor. So far, Han's bark has been louder than her bite. She's never made any significant contribution to the cases she injected herself into. Whereas CEO Tae would have won the Seodok-dong case if it weren't for Young-woo's genius. Maybe she held back because of her humanity towards the innocent parties. On the other hand, she could also be waiting for a bigger scandal to take her rival down for good. In that case, we have reason to expect her to be the antagonist in Season 2, though I would have liked to see more hints scattered prior to ep 16 apart from the deleted scene in ep 8.
With Sang-hyeon now in her orbit, I'm looking forward to more brother-sister interactions in Season 2. Choi Hyun-jin did a great job with his portrayal (am I the only one who likes his eyes?). There was some tightrope walking between sinister and brilliant going on there, his introduction felt like a scene from "Juvenile Justice". Bravo.
Last week, I told you (!) that Young-woo and Jun-ho would be endgame. All because it was hinted by the case, the monk, and the dialogue during the breakup, among others, that they were both capable of looking beyond the surface of their problems.
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I also said that Young-woo shouldn't be so criticized for letting go of him without a proper explanation at the time because she was trying to be selfless (for a change, or so she thought). So this week, we got another metaphor from Jun-ho this time about unrequited love for a cat, but that it's okay because the owner is happy with the cat just being there no matter how selfish the cat can be sometimes. Message received, and our whale couple is back together.
While I'm very happy that we were not given the 2521 treatment, the execution of this storyline leaves a bit to be desired. It's the same issue I've had with it since ep 11, in that they've been cutting the scenes so abruptly, especially those filmed near Young-woo's house. The scene where Young-woo finally tells Jun-ho her reason for the breakup and then it just holds the pause after she bows then that's it. I know they probably didn't want to cram more progress into ep 15 and focus more on the trial scenes but it resulted in some uneven storytelling.
Btw, I adore that scene where he gets all defensive when the Taesan messenger startles Young-woo but he doesn't pry. Kang Tae-oh was just majestic. Though this was something that Young-woo's dad could have seen so he'd give her a nudge to say Jun-ho may be right for her after all. Another could be the hospital fiasco, where instead of driving off with douchebag Attorney Jang, Jun-ho could have been caught on camera shielding Young-woo from the press, leading her dad to the same conclusion. Although driving off was one way to show that he can also make poor snap judgments and that's ok. I know I'm getting nitpicky but I just wish there was something so their makeup on the way to the trial could have a little more meat. But all is well since we got the result we wanted.
Should I even write about (still trash, now compostable) Kwon Min-woo and my girl Choi Su-yeon at this point? They really went the route of "let's introduce a worse character so the guy you hate doesn't look half bad". I mean Attorney Jang is where Min-woo would be if left unchecked after about 15+ years. I'm okay with redemption arcs, I really am. I just hate when they happen overnight or when they're being given out like candy.
And while I don't underestimate nor belittle the things love can make you do, I can't get on the "I can change him" trope. It's so beneath the Su-yeon that we know. And it taints the sincerity of Min-woo's 'change' in that every good deed he does from here on is based on pleasing her and not because it's the right thing to do. He's lucky she has a great moral compass. The attempt at fistbumping Young-woo was just cringe. Would he have done that if Su-yeon hadn't been there? Exactly.
If the writer's intention was to keep his suspiciousness, then mission accomplished. I won't be surprised if they break up and he regresses to his old ways, or he regresses then they break up. If the goal was to transform him into a loveable character, then I just hope he's given a chance in season 2 to make morally sound decisions (at his expense) while he and Su-yeon are apart. It's the only way to get him back on track. I've been very critical, but seeing how things turned out, I'm optimistic we the audience will get the storyline we deserve next season.
Lastly, I like how Jung Myeong-seok's reconciliation with his ex-wife was left open-ended and dependent on how ready he would be to leave Hanbada for good. But even if he left the firm, old habits die hard. He may choose to represent less affluent clients like the temple, but his devotion to his work could make him relapse (in more ways than one). It would be interesting to see him slowly shift into someone a little more like Attorney Ryu from ep 12 and even work with her for a change. Better yet, start a firm with his babies and take on social justice cases going head to head with Taesan and Hanbada like David v. Goliath. It's another way to see what both CEOs are really made of once Young-woo takes off with her real family.
And that's where the season ends. Where the first episode only had one floating whale during Young-woo's commute, the conclusion showed several as she no longer feels alone.
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Overall, I still think the two-part season finale was more than satisfactory with enough room to elaborate in season 2. I'm excited to see what's in store for Young-woo and co. now that the writer and producers have at least 2 years to figure out the best way to continue this extraordinary saga. Until the next Whoa Whoa Wednesday!
Check out my midseason (episodes 1-8) review, thoughts on episodes 11-12 and 13-14.
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theresa-1145 · 2 years
Hear me out (Myeong suk & Su Yeon ship)
Atty Jung being worried about Suyeon and calling Youngwoo to 'Woah woah' and relax her when she has the public interest case because he knows Suyeon likes Youngwoo and they're friends. Instead of Minwoo, who is an emotional-less spineless snake and would treat the case practically. (He knows Suyeon doesn't like Minwoo because she refuses to try out wedding dresses with him in ep 8)
Atty Jung staying out of Geurami's inheritance case and letting Youngwoo take the lead but being involved in the North Korean defector case because Suyeon wants to fight the case.
Atty Jung taking the blame on himself for losing billions of won and not letting anyone say anything to Suyeon (it was her idea afterall) and leaving because he feels embarassed in front of her
Atty Jung looking at Suyeon during the court trials while Youngwoo is explaining the chat and breaking into giggles.
Atty Jung watching Suyeon comfort Youngwoo after the victim's mother yelled at her and getting his heartbeat fast because he's so mesmerized at just how lovely Suyeon is.
Atty Jung and Suyeon sitting next to only each other in the cafeteria or in the Seodokdang bench beneath the tree
Atty Jung falling in love with Suyeon, watching her in that white outfit and hearing her say she wants to aggressively date a good guy
Atty Jung knowing Suyeon stays in the office and works late and not leaving himself choosing to sleep in his office
Atty Jung and Suyeon falling in love ❤️
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ijustchangedmyname · 2 years
I am drunk on Young Woo's smiles from the last few minutes of Episode 16. That is all.
I love this girl 😭♥️
Thankyou to Park Eun Bin and the cast an crew to bringing this wonderful character to life!
I think Ep 16 tied up the lose threads fairly well. I also have a sense of fulfillment after watching the show.
I think the thing I loved at the end (and was most afraid would happen) was Tae Sumi not being villainised for carrying Young Woo to term at the request of her father and choosing to not be a mother to her- by being exposed for it. I'm glad that her candidacy ended because of a different reason. And that Young Woo and her brother met <3
I'm content for Tae Sumi to be in shades of grey.
But someone who has no shades??? Min Woo. I'm not buying his redemption atall especially because it came about due to lurve. Yeah those few moments of him accepting Young Woo eere nice but there's a huge chasm between this and the shit he pulled in the middle of the show which the writing failed to fill in my opinion. Even Min Woo self-reflecting that he didn't want to become Attorney Jang 2.0 would have been something.
Also, I still don't know what beef the Hanbada CEO has with Tae Sumi? ALSO, no Papa Woo x Lee Jun Ho interaction? 😭
I loved Hairy's Pub acquiring 3 more customers- or 5 if we count Jung Myeong Seokie and his ex(soon to be not ex?) wife. I just loved Attorney Jung showing up at the end. And tried doing Dong to the Geu to the Rami xD. Thankyou to Kang Ki Young for his amazing performance!
I went in EAW without even reading the synopsis and have come out knowing Woo Young Woo and whales and dolphins (and great layered storytelling in the first half) and I feel pretty satisfied with how S1 has wrapped up.
Lovely watching with all the folks over here and reading great analysis, especially from people on the spectrum. It was a learning experience for me!
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lenteur · 1 year
random thoughts about run on, episode fourteen
(please do note that this post contains spoilers so read at your own risk.)
so i was right when i said that mi joo treated su bin the way she wanted to be treated when she was younger.
this quote is heartbreaking “it’d be nice to have that type of friend but that means i’m lacking something. i think i was looking back on my childhood years hoping i also had someone who would stand up for me like i did for su bin” and with that mi joo’s entire upbringing is summarized. on top of being lonely because she didn’t have parents like most of the children around her, she was ostracized by others and nobody else stood up for her when she needed it the most
and being lonely from such a young age does have a lot of impact on someone
which brings us to something i relate to so much “i want to get along with myself” all those years hating yourself, feeling hurt and lonely messes someone up. but now that she somehow has her life together, she wants to heal her heart and focus on herself because she’s the person she’ll have to live with for the longest time 
on a more funny note, i like how mi joo basically asked seon gyeom to netflix and chill only for it to be cutely awkward right after lol
the kiss felt so intimate. i felt like i was interrupting something hehe
we’re now at 2/3 people telling ki jeong do that he needs to step back step back silly boy
when yook ji woo told him “my life isn’t yours. i’m the star of my life” i was doing a little victory dance because that feels so nice whenever someone just stops that old man in his tracks
when both dan ah and mi joo came to see yeong hwa, i thought it was funny how both women were dressed as if they were secret agents or something. and then there’s yeong hwa in his beekeeper outfit (idk what it’s called)
talking about dan ah, myeong min came to see his father at the hospital shedding crocodile tears “worrying” about him. but it was such a meaningful moment to see seo tae woong interrupt that moment by showing that he truly cares about his father
dan ah knows she’s being followed and that’s why she asked mi joo to come with her meet yeong hwa. and she was right. myeong min is keeping tracks on her whereabouts. it seems he wants to catch her doing something immoral/scandalous just so he can take her spot, even though he’s an illegitimate child...
right after this touching scene at the hospital, rumors start spreading around that seo tae woong is a b*st*rd and i can’t help but think myeong min is behind that. i’m saying that because he’s the one who told him to think about who his (tae woong) shares belong to. myeong min threatened tae woong to let the cat out of the bag if things didn’t go his (myeong min) way
but the rumors are extending to someone else. maybe myeong min? and, as expected, dan ah will be the one dealing with the scandal and rebuilding the company’s image if the general public knows that her dad had affairs
seo dan ah isn’t paid enough for this sh*t
now going back on dan ah’s little trip to yeong hwa’s town. it was nice to see her be vulnerable and comfortable enough to sleep in yeong hwa’s arms. it’s like the first time she allowed herself to rest and just relax
and finally going to the part that made my blood boil. ki jeong do finally agrees to meet seon gyeom after several attempts from the latter’s part. the first thing the father does is bring kim woo sik’s incident and blaming it all on seon gyeom’s change in behavior... typical ki jeong do behavior. blaming everything on other people instead of taking accountability
however, he offers his son to take both him and woo sik in his track and field team. under the condition of seon gyeom marrying dan ah. once again, saving face and caring about his reputation only
seo dan ah’s father acknowledging his daughter’s hard work as seomyung’s ceo but then wanting seon gyeom to take over once they get married. sigh dan ah has to put up with so much... 💔
seon gyeom is now faced with a harsh decision: will he throw everything away for love? i mean the romantic answer would be yes but he has to take into consideration woo sik’s career. i don’t know how that mess will be resolved but i sure hope it does
when mi joo was on the verge of giving up, seon gyeom’s words motivated her and she kept on seeing images of her life. seeing how much she struggled as a young girl and in need of a friend. that friend ended up being seon gyeom. whereas seon gyeom just wished he was with mi joo from the start. it was such a beautiful moment to see both younger mi joo and seon gyeom meet each other at the end of that scene 💞
seon gyeom being the only one waiting for her at the finish line. so romantic and intimate. i feel like all their moments together in this episode were all so intimate. it felt kind of rude to see them with my eyes. i shouldn’t have been there to witness this kind of vibes
the codename candy scenes were all nice! especially anthony’s outfit
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cephei-ea · 18 hours
Shows Masterlist
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A compilation of all shows and games I will write for
Fairy Tail-
Natsu Dragneel Lucy Heartfilia Erza Scarlet Jellal Fernandes ! Juvia Locksar ! Gray Fullbuster ! Levi McGarden Gajeel Redfox Zeref Dragneel Mystogan Romeo Conbolt Wendy Marvell Loke Mira Strauss Laxus Dreyar
Attack on Titan-
Levi Ackerman ! Eren Jeager ! Mikasa Ackerman Armin Arlet Jean Kristein Armin Arlet Jean Kristein Annie Leonhart Hange Zoe Connie Springer Reiner Braun Erwin Smith
Bungou Stray Dogs (unfinished)-
Dazai Osamu ! Chuuya Nakahara
Tokyo Revengers (unfinished)!!!-
(Mikey) Sano Manjiro ! Draken Ryuguji Baji Keisuke ! Kakucho Rindou Haitani ! Ran Haitani Sanzu Haruchiyo ! Kazutora Hanemiya
Haikyuu (unfinished)-
Kageyama Tobio  Sakusa Kiyoomi ! Suna Rintarou ! Kuroo Tetsurou Kiyoko Shimizu Koutarou bokuto Keiji Akashi Toru Oikawa ! Tsukishima Kei Ukai Keishin Ushijima Wakatoshi Kenma Kozume ! Nishinoya Yu Iwaizumi Hajime Miya Atsumu Miya Osamu
Saiki K-
Saiki Kusuo ! Aren Kuboyasu Saiki Kusuke
Noragami (unfinished)-
Yato ! Yukine Hiyori Iki Bishamon Kazuma Ebisu Nora Daikoku
Jujutsu Kaisen (unfinished)-
Gojo Satoru Itadori Yuuji Fushigurou Megumi ! Fushigurou Toji Choso ! Getou Suguru ! Nobara Kugisaki Toge Inumaki ! Yuta Okkotsu Maki Zenin Kento Nanami Sukuna !
Blue Spring Ride-
Mabuchi (Tanaka) Kou ! Futaba Yoshioka Toma Kikuchi
The Promised Neverland-
Ray ! Norman Emma
Blue Exorcist-
Okumura Rin ! Shura Kirigakure Shiro Fujimoto Okumura Yukio
Assassination Classroom-
Tadaomi Karasuma Karma Akabane! Irina Jelavic
Sakuragawa Kurou ! Iwanaga Kotoko !
Demon Slayer (unfinished)
Uzui Tengen Tomioka Giyuu Iguro Obanai Shinazugawa Sanemi Kocho Shinobu Rengoku Kyojuro Kamaboko Gonpachirou Zenitsu Agatsuma Inosuke Hashibira Kibutsuji Muzan Kamaboko Nezuko Upper Rank 3 Upper Rank 6
Live Action and Video Games:
Final Fantasy VII REMAKE-
Cloud strife ! Reno ! Aerith Gainsborough Zack Fair Biggs Tifa Lockhart
Genshin Impact-
Tartaglia (Childe) ! Diluc Ragnvindr ! Kaeya Alberich Zhongli (Morax) Xiao ! Dansleif ! Aether Lumine ! Itto Arataki Beidou Ganyu Hu Tao Jean Gunnhildr Thoma Kamisato Ayato Kamisato Ayaka Kujou Sara Yae Miko Dottore Pantalone Scaramouche !
The Arrow (unfinished)- unavailable
Oliver Queen ! John Diggle Felicity Smoak
The Flash (unfinished)
Barry Allen Cisco Ramon Harry Wells Eddie Thawn Wally West Kaitlin Snow Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) Hunter Zoloman !
Avatar The Last Airbender-
Zuko Sokka Katara Aang Azula Mai
Miraculous Ladybug-
Adrien Agreste (Cat Noir) Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Ladybug) Luka Couffaine
Tale of The Nine Tailed-
Lee Rang !! Lee Yeon Ki Yu-Ri Koo Shin-joo Imugi Yi Ah-Eum !
Ragnarok (Netflix tv)-
Magne Saxa Fjor
The Glory-
Moon Dong-eun Ha Do-Yeong Son Myeong-oh Joo Yeo-jeong Jeon Jae-joon Lee Sa-ra
The Summer I Turned Pretty
Belly Conklin Steven Conklin Jeremiah Fisher Conrad Fisher Taylor Jewel Cam Cameron
Mary Stuart Francis II Sebastian (Bash)
Jane the virgin
Raphael Solano Michael Cordero Jane Villanueva Petra Solano Rogelio de la Vega
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aylinaliens · 2 years
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attorney choi suyeon + attorney myeong seok trying and failing at not giggling in court in episode 10
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tomorrowedblog · 2 months
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Friday Releases for May 3
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for May 3 include The Fall Guy, I Saw The TV Glow, The Roundup: Punishment, and more.
The Fall Guy
The Fall Guy, the new movie from David Leitch, is out today.
He’s a stuntman, and like everyone in the stunt community, he gets blown up, shot, crashed, thrown through windows and dropped from the highest of heights, all for our entertainment. And now, fresh off an almost career-ending accident, this working-class hero has to track down a missing movie star, solve a conspiracy and try to win back the love of his life while still doing his day job. What could possibly go right?
I Saw The TV Glow
I Saw The TV Glow, the new movie from Jane Schoenbrun, is out today.
Teenager Owen is just trying to make it through life in the suburbs when his classmate introduces him to a mysterious late-night TV show — a vision of a supernatural world beneath their own. In the pale glow of the television, Owen’s view of reality begins to crack.
The Roundup: Punishment
The Roundup: Punishment, the new movie from Heo Myeong Haeng, is out today.
Detective Ma Seok-do joins the Cyber Investigation Team to nab Baek Chang-ki, a former mercenary and the head of an online gambling organization.
Evil Does Not Exist
Evil Does Not Exist, the new movie from Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, is out today.
In the rural alpine hamlet of Mizubiki, not far from Tokyo, Takumi and his daughter, Hana, lead a modest life gathering water, wood, and wild wasabi for the local udon restaurant. Increasingly, the townsfolk become aware of a talent agency’s plan to build an opulent glamping site nearby, offering city residents a comfortable “escape” to the snowy wilderness. When two company representatives arrive and ask for local guidance, Takumi becomes conflicted in his involvement, as it becomes clear that the project will have a pernicious impact on the community.
Lost Soulz
Lost Soulz, the new movie from Katherine Propper, is out today.
When aspiring rapper Sol is discovered by a group of Gen-Z musicians after performing at a house party, he joins their tour through the heart of Texas and embarks on a once-in-a-lifetime road trip. Sol and his new collaborators bond over their shared pains and longings from the lives they left behind. Bold and brash, yet surprisingly sensitive and vulnerable, these young artists pour their souls into the music they create together. The novelty of Sol’s newfound family fades as the demons Sol left behind come back to haunt him, including his guilt over abandoning his ailing friend. His sense of self is put to the ultimate test as he seeks refuge from the rootlessness and loss that has defined his existence.
Slow, the new movie from Marija Kavtaradze, is out today.
Dancer Elena and sign language interpreter Dovydas meet and form a beautiful bond. As they dive into their new relationship, the dynamic changes when Dovydas reveals that he is asexual. Slow is the story of two people exploring how to build their own kind of intimacy.
Tarot, the new movie from Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg, is out today.
When a group of friends recklessly violates the sacred rule of Tarot readings – never use someone else’s deck – they unknowingly unleash an unspeakable evil trapped within the cursed cards. One by one, they come face to face with fate and end up in a race against death to escape the future foretold in their readings.
Wildcat, the new movie from Ethan Hawke, is out today.
Directed and co-written by four-time Academy Award nominee Ethan Hawke, WILDCAT invites the audience to weave in and out of celebrated Southern Gothic writer Flannery O’Connor’s mind as she ponders the great questions of her writing: Can scandalous art still serve God? Does suffering precede all greatness? Can illness be a blessing? In 1950, Flannery (Maya Hawke) visits her mother Regina (Laura Linney) in Georgia when she is diagnosed with lupus at twenty-four years old. Struggling with the same disease that took her father’s life when she was a child and desperate to make her mark as a great writer, this crisis pitches her imagination into a feverish exploration of belief. As she dives deeper into her craft, the lines between reality, imagination, and faith begin to blur, allowing Flannery to ultimately come to peace with her situation and heal a strained relationship with her mother.
Unfrosted, the new movie from Jerry Seinfeld, is out today.
Michigan, 1963. Kellogg’s and Post, sworn cereal rivals, race to create a pastry that will change the face of breakfast. A tale of ambition, betrayal, sugar, and menacing milkmen, Unfrosted stars Jerry Seinfeld in his directorial debut.
Mars Express
Mars Express, the new movie from Jérémie Périn, is out today.
In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker.
On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet’s capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.
Fearless Movement
Fearless Movement, the new album from Kamasi Washington, is out today.
0 notes
korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 9,1 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Extraordinary Attorney Woo (English title) / Strange Lawyer Woo Young-Woo (literal title)
Hangul: 이상한 변호사 우영우
Director: Yu In-Sik
Writer: Moon Ji-Won
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Eun-Bin, Kang Tae-Oh, Kang Ki-Young, Baek Ji-Won, Ha Yoon-Kyung, Joo Jong-Hyuk, Jin Kyung, Jeon Bae-Su, Joo Hyun-Young, Im Sung-Jae
 İzlediğimiz ağır dizilere inat, kaliteli ama soft bir diziydi. Konusu nedeni ile çok tereddütlerim vardı. Gereksiz duyar kasan, kasvetli ve duygu sömürüsü dolu bir dizi bekliyordum. Neyse ki çok yanlış bir yanılgıya düşmüşüm. Avukatlık bürosunda geçmesine rağmen son derece gündelik, gerçekçi konular ele alınıyordu.
Woo Young-Woo (Park Eun-Bin) babası tarafından büyütülen tuhaf bir çocuktur. İlk okul çağında rahatsızlığını fark eden babası onun üzerine titrer. En iyi şekilde yetiştirmeye çalışır. Babası Woo Gwang-Ho rolünde, dizilerde baba rolünde görmeyi sevdiğimiz bir oyuncu olan Jeon Bae-Su oynuyor. Anlayışlı, elinden geldiğince yetmeye çalışan bir baba olarak karşımızda. Kendi döneminin iyi avukatlarından biri olmasına rağmen, Woo için mesleğini bırakmış küçük bir lokanta açmıştır. Woo ise küçük yaşta babasının kitaplarıyla ilgilenmeye başladığı için kariyerini oraya doğru çizmiştir. Asperger Sendromlu olmasına rağmen üniversiteyi birincilikle bitirip Hanbada hukuk bürosunda işe girer.
Eğlenceli ve zeki ki��iliği ile dikkatleri üzerine çeken Woo, aynı zamanda özel durumu nedeni ile ön yargılara da maruz kalır. Büro, ilk etapta onun altından kalkamayacağını düşündüğü için çaktırmadan basit davaları verir. Ancak Woo, yasal boşluklar ve ayrıntılar ile kimsenin göremediği detayları görebildiği için pratikte de insanların dikkatini çekmeyi başarır.
Aslında dizi otizme dikkat çekmeye çalışmak yerine, otizmli birinin hayatına kısa bir bakış atıyor. Günlük hayatı, insan ilişkileri, yaşadığı zor durumlar, rutinleri gibi kimsenin gözüne batmayan minik detayları anlatıyor. Dizideki karakterde yüksek sesten rahatsız olan biri, kendi düşüncelerini duyamadığı için etrafındaki seslerin çok olması ona rahatsızlık veriyor. Bu nedenle kalabalık yerlerde kulaklık takıyor. Küçüklüğünden beri balinalara takıntılı olan Woo, çoğunlukla kulaklıkla onların seslerini dinliyor. Bir odaya girerken parmakları ile beşe kadar sayıyor. İçinde ne olduğunu görmediği şeyler yemekten hoşlanmıyor. Bunun gibi ufak ufak bir sürü detay ile diziyi renklendirmişlerdi. Her bölüm ayrıca bakılan davalarla farklı sosyal mesajlarda veriliyordu. Ama bu benim en başta korktuğum gibi duyar kasma gibi değil de daha ziyada tatlı bir dille aktarılıyordu.
Mary Temple Grandin adlı gerçek bir kişiden esinlenilerek yazılan Woo karakteri, tam anlamı ile kurudan oluşmuyor. Gerçekten var olan bir insandan referans alınmış. Karakterin yanı sıra konu olan davalarda gerçek avukatların hikayeleri ile şekillenip, yaşanmış olayları baz almışlar. Park Eun-Bin bu rolü 3 kere geri çevirdikten sonra kabul etmek zorunda kalmış. Yazar Moon Ji-Won ve yönetmen Yu In-Sik dizi çekimlerini 1-2 sene erteleme pahasına inatla oyuncuyu istedikleri için kabul etmekten başka çaresi kalmamış. Onlar bu rolü oynayabilecek çok oyuncu olmadığını söylerken, oyuncu ise rolün yüklendiği misyon nedeni ile kimseyi kırıp incitmek istememiş. Anlayacağınız aralarında tatlı tatlı cilveleşmişler.
Başarılı oyuncu Park Eun-Bin’e, Lee Jun-Ho rolü ile Kang Tae-Oh eşlik ediyor. İkilinin uyumu inanılmazdı. Son derece sempatik bir çift olmuşlardı. Küçük bir kadro ile çekilen dizinin bütün yan rolleri ayrıca başarılıydı. Büroda kıdemli avukat olarak hepsinin yönetici olan Jung Myeong-Seok rolündeki Kang Ki-Young ekstra enfesti. Daha önce de dediğim gibi bütün yan rolleri ona verseler ben razıyım. Sempatik, karizmatik, doğal ve başarılı. Ofiste Woo karakterine eşlik eden diğer bayan oyuncu ise Ha Yoon-Kyung idi. İkilinin arasında geçen diyaloglar pamuk şeker tadındaydı.
Günün sonunda kaliteli bir iş ortaya çıkartılmış. Arka planda devam eden karakter hikayeleri 2.sezon anlaşması nedeni ile yarıda kalsa da keyifli zaman geçirtiyor. Kang Tae-Oh’nun askere gitmesi nedeni ile 2.sezonun gelmesi uzunca bir zaman alacak gibi görünüyor. Yine de zaman ayırmaya değer bir dizi olmuş.
Sun Woo Junga - Beyond My Dreams
Raven Melus
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enterenews · 1 year
Lee Sun-gyun, "I handcuff myself" voluntarily appeared
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After Kim Hong-pa murdered Lee Ki-yeong, Lee Seon-gyun put the blame on Lee Sun-gyun, and Lee Sun-gyun was put in a position to become a wanted criminal.
In the 6th episode of the SBS drama 'Beopjeon', which aired on the 20th, Eun-yong (Lee Seon-gyun) and Park Joon-kyung (Moon Chae-won), who succeeded in putting President Myung In-joo (Kim Hong-pa) in prison in the last episode, fell into a ruse while executing revenge step by step. figure was drawn.
After Chairman Myung In-joo went to prison, Eun-yong made contact with CEO Oh (played by Oh Chang-hyun and Lee Ki-young), the biggest tycoon in the Myung line. He seduced CEO Oh by saying, "I'll give you the badge of a member of the National Assembly." Representative Oh was seduced by Eun-yong, who said, "Congressman Baek has no hope for the next election anyway, and he probably knows best." He decided to accept Eun-yong's offer and stood by his side.
However, Chairman Myeong did not remain silent. Representative Oh was taken aback when he received a text message of a picture of him with his adulteress in the middle of the night, and met Chairman Joo, the master, on the roof in a state of anger. Chairman Myung In-joo got angry at CEO Oh, saying, "I'm going to go crazy saying that the old men are supporting me, but are you going to wash your mouth like that? What is my appearance like this?" I'm going to give it to you, so let's be patient for a little while" and soothed Chairman Myeong.
Chairman Myung said, "I only believe in you." Chairman Myung poked the money envelope containing the forged will into CEO Oh's pocket, who grumbled, "Erase some useless photos." Then he shouted, "I'll keep my mouth shut about the prosecutor, forever" and pushed CEO Oh from the rooftop to the floor.
Oh's death was disguised as suicide. The next day, the news pointed to Eun-yong as the culprit behind CEO Oh's death, and Eun-yong's company was seized and searched.
Then Eun-yong voluntarily headed for the prosecutor's office building with firm determination. His nephew, Prosecutor Jang Tae-choon (Kang Yoo-seok), shouted, "Are you crazy?", but Eun-yong said, "You handcuff me, so that you won't get hurt," and reached out both hands toward the nephew, and the drama began. It's finished.
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dramaworlduk · 5 years
This is just an appreciation post for Lee Jong-Suk’s eye freckle, thanks for always being there bc it’s rlly cute
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