questionsonislam · 3 months
Will you mention the basic principles of Ahl as-Sunnah? What are the criteria for a Muslim to be Ahl as-Sunnah? How do we know that a person has left the Ahl as-Sunnah?
Ahl as-Sunnah is a term that means “those who adopt the path followed by the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions related to the fundamental issues of the religion”.
Ahl al-Bid’ah is a phrase meaning “groups that emerged after the Age of Bliss and that adopted certain faiths and deeds that are not based on any religious evidence”.
It is possible to summarize the basic features of Ahl al-Bid’ah in four points.
1. Not being familiar with the spirit of the nass (verses of the Quran and sound hadiths) and the basic orientations of Islam, or being under the influence of foreign cultures and interpreting nass based on distant interpretations.
In addition, it is also considered within this feature to be stuck with the outward meaning of some verses and hence hadiths, without considering the Quran’s unique style and logic, and the features of the Arabic language, and to make the preconceived and subjective views dominant in the interpretation of the nass.
Ghazzali, who aimed to draw these two extreme views, which can be summarized as “blind allegiance to nass or mind” to the moderate line, wrote the book named “al-Iqtisad fil-Itiqad “.
2. Not having good intentions about the Companions, who constituted the first generation of Islam in terms of both belief and practice, and who passed the last divine religion on to the next generations in terms of thought and action, and not valuing their narrations, understanding and practices, especially concerning religion.
3. Assuming a negative attitude against the verbal and actual sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). Those who reject some hadiths that they cannot reconcile with their own views though they are compatible with the general character of the Quran and the basic orientations of Islam on the grounds that they are not mutawatir, and those who fabricate hadiths to support their madhhab views or those who narrate such hadiths are also included in this group.
4. Breaking away from the religious understanding of the majority (jama’ah, jumhur al-muslimin) that formed beginning from the Companions, accusing the opposing groups of unbelief with minority psychology, and regarding the basic decrees of the religion as debatable.
If the basic principles of Ahl as-Sunnah are known, it will be easier to understand on what issues those who do not comply with it differ from the Ahl as-Sunnah.
The basic views of Ahl as-Sunnah and the indications showing that a person is not from Ahl al-Bid’ah can be briefly summarized as follows:
1. Allah exists and is one.
2. There are angels.
3. The (divine) books are true.
4. The Quran is the word of Allah; the Quran is a miracle.
5. Prophets are messengers of Allah; prophethood is true.
6. Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah. Muhammad is the last prophet.
7. Resurrection is true. There is resurrection after death.
8. Paradise and Hell have been created and are eternal.
9. Qadar (destiny) exists.
10. It is Allah who creates good and evil.
11. Allah knows the future.
12. Hadith-sunnah is a source of the religion. Hadith-sunnah is Allah’s approval.
13. Companions are the most virtuous people after the prophets.
14. There madhhabs and they are true.
15. A person who commits a major sin does not become an unbeliever.
16. He who dies as a believer will not remain in Hell forever.
17. There are miracles and they are true.
18. There are karamahs and they are true.
19. Ru’yah (Seeing Allah) is true and it will happen.
20. There is intercession and it is true.
21. Paradise is grace and Hell is justice.
22. There is life in the grave and it is true.
23. The miracle of Miraj (ascension) is true.
24. There are signs of Doomsday.
25. The prayer of the living for the dead is true.
26. Wiping over khuffs is true.
27. A person who says I am a Muslim cannot be called an unbeliever.
28. Muta marriage is haram.
29. Allah is free from space and time.
30. Only Allah knows ghayb (the unseen/unknown), and if He wishes, He can inform His prophets and saints about it.
31. The spirit does not die. The spirits of the dead unbelievers and Muslims hear.
32. Visiting graves is permissible.
33. Tawassul is permissible.
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lifeofresulullah · 6 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Battle of Tabuk and Afterwards
Some Other Important Incidents of the 9th year of the Migration
Urwa b. Mas’ud Becomes a Muslim and then he is Martyred
Urwa b. Mas’ud was one of the notables of Taif. When the Prophet besieged Taif with his army, he was in Jurash, Yemen. He was learning the art of making catapults, etc for the defense of Taif.
After the Prophet lifted the siege, he returned to Taif. After a while, God Almighty placed love of Islam in his heart and he went to Madinah. He became a Muslim in the month of Rabiul-Awwal in the 9th year of the Migration. The Prophet became very glad when he became a Muslim.
After staying in Madinah for a while, Urwa b. Mas’ud said to the Messenger of God, “O Messenger of God! Let me go and invite my tribe to Islam.”
The Messenger of God knew that the people of Taif were the captives of their conceitedness and hence avoided becoming Muslims. Therefore, he said to Urwa, “They will kill you.”
Urwa said, “O Messenger of God! They love me more than their own children.” He repeated his wish to go.
The Prophet said again, “They will kill you.”
Urwa trusted in the love and respect of the people of Taif to him.
He said, “O Messenger of God! Let alone killing me, they will not even awaken me when I am asleep.”
Then, he repeated his wish for the third time.
Thereupon, the Messenger of God said, “All right! Go if you want to go.”
Urwa set off to go to Taif at once. He invited the people of Taif to become Muslims.
The people of Taif, who were the captives of their conceitedness, threw arrows at him and martyred Urwa b. Mas’ud, whom they loved very much.
When the Prophet heard that he was martyred, he said, “His situation in his tribe is like the one with the person of Yasin. The person of Yasin had invited his tribe to believe in God but his tribe killed him.” Then, he said, “Thank God; He sent a person like the person of Yasin to my ummah.”
Death of Umm Ruman, the wife of Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s wife, Umm Ruman, whose real name was Zaynab, became a Muslim in Makkah in the first years of Islam and paid allegiance to the Prophet. She was the mother of Abdurrahman and Hazrat Aisha.
Umm Ruman died in the 9th year of the Migration. The Prophet entered her grave and asked forgiveness for her from God Almighty.
Mash over Khuffs(Leather Socks)
During the Expedition of Tabuk, the Prophet ordered the Muslims to wipe over their khuffs while making wudu. The period for the validity of mash was three days (seventy-two hours) for travelers and one day (twenty-four hours) for non-travelers (residents).
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my-islam-reminder · 2 months
Narrated The father of Ja`far bin `Amr bin Umaiya Ad-Damri:
"I saw the Prophet (ﷺ) passing wet hands over his Khuffs (socks made from thick fabric or leather)." Hadrat Harb and Aban have corroborated him from Yahya.
Narrated by Sahih Bukhari in his bookImam Bukhari
Hadith (Sahih)
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petrochemicalscience · 2 months
XRD Evaluation of Clay Minerals in Shaley Formation and Its Comparison With Cross Plotting of Log Data_Crimson Publishers
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The aim of this research is to determine the percentage of clay minerals by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique and compare with the range of CGR log data. The random orientation of the samples is more suitable for analysis of clay minerals using the X-Ray diffraction technique. Evaluation of clay minerals in shaley zones has long been a difficult task. Presence of shale and shaley zones in some of the reservoir formations can introduce uncertainties in determination and evaluation of petro physical parameters. Percentage of clay minerals, shale types and shale volume has to be considered exactly in this case. Existence of shale reduces porosity and permeability of the reservoir to some extent. Shale distributed in sand and carbonates in many different types. Each of these shale types has different effects on porosity, permeability and water saturation of a reservoir formation. Dispersed shale reduces porosity and permeability to a great extent, but laminar and structural shale have less effect on petro physical parameters. In this investigation shale types, shale volume and effective porosity of shaley reservoir formations have been determined from well log data based on cross plotting of the CGR log. In other words, a triangle Density-Neutron porosity cross plot is used to determine and correct the above parameters. The area of study lies in central oil fields of Iran, where well log data and core samples are used (Tabnak Field, Well-C). Well-C selected to study the Kangan Formation (Upper Khuff) at different depths interval. A comparison between the clay minerals determined by XRD and by cross plotting of log data is satisfactory. This study illustrates that distribution of shale types in Well-C is mainly dispersed shale with few of laminar shale and the percentage of effective porosity (φe) decreases with increasing depth along well-C in Kangan Formation. The great match between the shale type determined by the cross plotting of neutron vs. density porosities after correction for gas effects and by the result of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for the same core sample is interesting. Finally, we found that the cross-plotting techniques used in this investigation can determine shale types, shale volume, clay minerals and effective porosity with acceptable accuracy.
Read More About this Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/pps/fulltext/PPS.000513.php
Read More Articles: https://crimsonpublishers.com/pps/index.php
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telkomuniversityputi · 3 months
Panduan Ringkas Untuk Mualaf | Almanhaj
DAFTAR ISI Mukadimah Tuhanku Adalah Allah Nabiku Adalah Muhammad Al-Qur’an Al-Karim Adalah Firman Tuhanku Mengenal Rukun Islam Mengenal Rukun Iman Belajar Wudhu. Mengusap Khuff (Sepatu Bot) dan Kaus kaki, Mandi dan Tayamum Belajar Shalat Hijab Wanita Muslimah Sifat-sifat Orang Beriman Kebahagianku ada di Agamaku © Mengenal Islam Aku Seorang Muslim Kelebihan Agama Islam Aku Bahagia, Agamaku…
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drmaqazi · 8 months
SAHIH AL-BUKHARI, Book 8, Hadith 40
Chapter (25): To offer As-Salat (the prayers) wearing Khuff (leather socks)
باب الصَّلاَةِ فِي الْخِفَافِ
Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu’ba (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu):
I helped the Prophet (ﷺ) in performing ablution and he passed his wet hands over his Khuffs and prayed.
حَدَّثَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ نَصْرٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أُسَامَةَ، عَنِ الأَعْمَشِ، عَنْ مُسْلِمٍ، عَنْ مَسْرُوقٍ، عَنِ الْمُغِيرَةِ بْنِ شُعْبَةَ، قَالَ وَضَّأْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَمَسَحَ عَلَى خُفَّيْهِ وَصَلَّى.
: Sahih al-Bukhari 388
In-book reference
: Book 8, Hadith 40
USC-MSA web (English) reference
: Vol. 1, Book 8, Hadith 385
(deprecated numbering scheme)
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muslimmallcom · 4 years
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Goat-hide Leather Khuff Khuffain *MuslimClothing.com* * * * #khuffain #khuff #khuffs #masah #leathersocks #leather #masjid #namaz #salat #leatherkhuff #leatherkhuffain #muslimproduct #muslimposts #dervish #derviş #tekke #zawiya #sema #semashow #semazen #semazenler https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMBq_Mldhj/?igshid=1k20k3aj8ipv0
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daily-hadith · 3 years
Daily Hadith
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah Narrated Abdullah (Radi-Allahu 'anhu): A man got up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us to wear when we assume the state of Ihram?" The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) replied, "Do not wear shirts, trousers, turbans, hooded cloaks or Khuffs, but if a man has no sandals, he can wear Khuffs after cutting them short below the ankles; and do not wear clothes touched with (perfumes) of saffron or wars." Bukhari Vol. 7 : No. 696
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g-daism · 4 years
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Irish shoes secondary link (x)
Early shoes
Bog shoe
Ballymacomb shoe
Lazercut shoe
Peaked shoe
Mary Rose shoe
Front laced latchet shoe (x)
Persian Khuff boots
Ankle latched shoe (x) (if you click index, then return to contents, there's more information regarding historical shoes)
Felt slippers
Early Victorian slipper (x)
Mid 20th century slipper
16th-17th Century Overshoes
Raised Heels, a historical shoe reference site
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riyad-as-salihin · 4 years
Riyad as-Salihin, The Book of Dress, Book 3, Hadith 10
Chapter: The Excellence of Wearing White Clothes and the Permissibility of Wearing Red, Green, Yellow and Black Clothes Made from Cotton and Linen but not Silk
Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
I was with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in a journey one night, and he asked me, "Do you have any water with you?" I said, "Yes." So he dismounted from his riding camel and walked away (to answer the call of nature) until he disappeared in the darkness. When he returned, I poured out some water from a vessel and he washed his face. He was wearing a long woolen cloak and could not take out his forearms from his sleeves, so he brought them out from below the cloak and then washed them, and then passed his (wet) hands over his head. I stretched out my hand to take off his Khuff (leather socks), but he said, "Leave them. I put them on after performing Wudu'," and he passed his (wet) hands over them.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Another narration is: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was wearing a Syrian cloak with tight sleeves.
Another narration is: This incident took place during the battle of Tabuk.
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kunoozalilm · 4 years
Wiping over the socks is from the Sunnah.
Wiping over the leather socks (khuff) is the Sunnah. [1] NOTES [1] Al-Laalikaa’ee reports in Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah (1/no.314/p.152) that Sufyaan ath-Thawri said, within the ‘Aqeedah which he narrated to Shu’ayb ibn Harb, “…O Shu’ayb ibn Harb! What I have written for you will not benefit you until you hold that wiping over leather socks without removing them is better for you than washing the feet… Point 40, Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah, by Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan ibn ‘Alee ibn Khalaf Al-Barbahaaree. Translation: Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank Telegram: https://t.me/kunoozalilm Twitter: https://twitter.com/kunoozalilm Instagram: https://instagram.com/kunoozalilm Facebook: https://facebook.com/kunoozalilm Tumblr: https://kunoozalilm.tumblr.com
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questionsonislam · 3 months
My spouse is Shiite (Jafari) an I am Hanafi. Can I worship according to Shia?
If you imitate Shia in issues contrary to Ahl as-Sunnah, your worship will be invalid. For example, washing the feet in ablution is fard according to the verses of the Quran and hadiths. However, in Shia, it is not fard to wash them; it is fard to wipe over them. Therefore, if one makes wudu according to Shia, both his wudu and his prayers are invalid.
To give a brief overview, Shia is the collective name of the communities who consider Ali (ra) as the worthiest person for the caliphate after the death of the Prophet (pbuh), who accept Ali (ra) as the first legitimate caliph, and who believe that the descendants of Ali (ra) should be the caliphs after his death.
Shia emerged as a result of the political events that began with the martyrdom of Uthman (ra) and continued with the battles of Jamal and Siffin in which Ali (ra) and many Companions participated.
The Jafariyya madhhab, named after the sixth Imam of Shia, Jafar as-Sadiq, is the fiqh madhhab of the Ithnaashariyya Shia and is also known as Imamiyya. The Shia’s understanding of Sunnah differs from that of the Sunni madhhabs in that it includes the words, deeds and statements of the infallible Imams in addition to those of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and only the hadiths narrated by Ahl al-Bayt are accepted as sound by Shia.
The Jafariyya madhhab, which differs from the Sunni madhhabs with understandings such as the infallibility of the Imams, reached different conclusions from the Sunni fiqh madhhabs in fiqh issues due to the difference in the understanding of ijma, the rejection of qiyas as evidence and the difference in procedural understandings such as the intellect (reason) being accepted as evidence.
Most of the Shiites have adopted the Jafari madhhab in fiqh.
The main fiqh issues in which the Jafari madhhab differs from Ahl as-Sunnah fiqh madhhabs can be summarized as follows:
1. Wiping over the upper part of the feet up to the ankles in wudu is one of the fards of wudu. It is not permissible to wash the feet in wudu; in addition, wiping over the khuffs (masah) is not valid.
2. Touching a dead person who has not yet been washed and has cooled down requires ghusl.
3. Prostration can only be performed on things that are of the earth and on things that the earth grows but are not eaten. It is not permissible to prostrate on things that are eaten and worn, such as gold, silver, agate, and turquoise.
4. It is necessary to add the phrase “Hayya ala alal-khayril-amal”, after “Hayya alal-falah” in the adhan, since it is a part of the adhan. The phrase “Ashhadu anna Aliyyan Waliyyullah” is not part of the text of the adhan, but it is mustahabb to recite it after the sentences of shahadah.
5. Intentionally tying the hands (putting the right hand on the left hand) in prayer invalidates the prayer.
6. Gold and silver that were not been minted as money and coins are not subject to zakah.
7. Khums (one-fifth of the profit) is given from the profits of trade goods.
8. Muta marriage is permissible.
9. A man may also marry his wife’s aunt when he is married to his wife if his wife and her aunt give consent.
10. Divorces that are not made in the presence of two witnesses are not valid.
11. The five daily prayers are performed in three times by being combined.
In conclusion, if a member of the Hanafi madhhab imitates the Shia madhhab and, for example, does not wash his bare feet during wudu but only wipes them, his wudu and the prayers he performs with it will not be valid according to any Sunni madhhab. Similarly, his mut’a marriage and his marriage contract with his aunt will be invalid as long as his marriage with his wife continues. If he performs five daily prayers by combining them in three time periods - outside of their prescribed times - it is not valid
In this respect, it is not permissible for a Hanafi person to worship according to the Jafari madhhab in issues that are completely contrary to his own madhhab and other Sunni madhhabs.
However, it is valid and acceptable for him to worship according to the Jafari madhhab in issues that coincide with at least one of the Sunni madhhabs.
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lifeofresulullah · 1 year
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Battle of Tabuk and Afterwards
Some Other Important Incidents of the 9th year of the Migration
Urwa b. Mas’ud Becomes a Muslim and then he is Martyred
Urwa b. Mas’ud was one of the notables of Taif. When the Prophet besieged Taif with his army, he was in Jurash, Yemen. He was learning the art of making catapults, etc for the defense of Taif.
After the Prophet lifted the siege, he returned to Taif. After a while, God Almighty placed love of Islam in his heart and he went to Madinah. He became a Muslim in the month of Rabiul-Awwal in the 9th year of the Migration.The Prophet became very glad when he became a Muslim.
After staying in Madinah for a while, Urwa b. Mas’ud said to the Messenger of God, “O Messenger of God! Let me go and invite my tribe to Islam.”
The Messenger of God knew that the people of Taif were the captives of their conceitedness and hence avoided becoming Muslims. Therefore, he said to Urwa, “They will kill you.”
Urwa said, “O Messenger of God! They love me more than their own children.” He repeated his wish to go.
The Prophet said again, “They will kill you.”
Urwa trusted in the love and respect of the people of Taif to him.
He said, “O Messenger of God! Let alone killing me, they will not even awaken me when I am asleep.”
Then, he repeated his wish for the third time.
Thereupon, the Messenger of God said, “All right! Go if you want to go.”
Urwa set off to go to Taif at once. He invited the people of Taif to become Muslims.
The people of Taif, who were the captives of their conceitedness, threw arrows at him and martyred Urwa b. Mas’ud, whom they loved very much.
When the Prophet heard that he was martyred, he said, “His situation in his tribe is like the one with the person of Yasin. The person of Yasin had invited his tribe to believe in God but his tribe killed him.” Then, he said, “Thank God; He sent a person like the person of Yasin to my ummah.”
Death of Umm Ruman, the wife of Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s wife, Umm Ruman, whose real name was Zaynab, became a Muslim in Makkah in the first years of Islam and paid allegiance to the Prophet. She was the mother of Abdurrahman and Hazrat Aisha.
Umm Ruman died in the 9th year of the Migration. The Prophet entered her grave and asked forgiveness for her from God Almighty.
Mash over Khuffs(Leather Socks)
During the Expedition of Tabuk, the Prophet ordered the Muslims to wipe over their khuffs while making wudu.The period for the validity of mash was three days (seventy-two hours) for travelers and one day (twenty-four hours) for non-travelers (residents).
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my-islam-reminder · 2 months
Narrated Ibn `Abbas رضی اللہ عنہما :
The Prophet (ﷺ) delivered a sermon at `Arafat and said, "Whoever does not get an Izar can wear trousers, and whoever cannot get a pair of shoes can wear Khuffs (socks made from thick fabric or leather)."
Narrated by Sahih Bukhari in his bookImam Bukhari
Hadith (Sahih)
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uhuru2013 · 4 years
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Ⓜedia Hijrah Salaf Bismillah *JANGAN SALAH MENGAMBIL LANDASAN AGAMA* Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala Rasulillah wa ba'du. Akal bukan landasan agama, namun agama sangat mudah dipahami dan diterima akal. Ali Bin Abi Thalib radhiallahu 'anhu berkata: لو كانَ الدِّينُ بالرَّأيِ لَكانَ أسفلُ الخفِّ أولى بالمسحِ من أعلاَهُ وقد رأيتُ رسولَ اللهِ صلى اللهُ عليهِ وسلمَ يمسحُ على ظاهرِ الخفينِ "Andaikata landasan agama cukup dengan akal, niscaya mengusap bawah sepatu (khuff) lebih utama daripada mengusap atasnya. Namun sungguh aku telah melihat Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mengusap atas/punggung sepatunya." [HR. Abu Daud, dan lainnya. Shahih] Di antara landasan yang salah juga yaitu: • Taklid buta, • Hawa nafsu, • Mengikuti kebanyakan manusia, dan • Mengikuti nenek moyang. Landasan agama yang benar dan diterima oleh Allah dan RasulNya adalah: 1. Al-Quran 2. As-Sunnah (Hadis yang shahih) 3. Mengikuti para Sahabat. Nasihat Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, فعليكم بسنَّتي وسنَّةِ الخلفاءِ الرَّاشدينَ المَهديِّينَ فتمسَّكوا بها وعَضُّوا عليها بالنَّواجذِ "Maka hendaknya kalian berpegang teguh dengan sunnahku (tuntunanku) dan tuntunan para Sahabatku. Berpegang teguhlah kalian dengannya, gigitlah dengan gigi geraham kalian." [HR. Ibnu Hibban dan lain-lain, shahih] والله أعلم، وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم ✏️ Ditulis oleh: Ustadz Fachruddin Nu'man, Lc hafidzahullah Distributed by: *HIJRAH SALAF* and join us at: 📲 Instagram: https://instagram.com/hijrah_salafusshalih 📲 Telegram Channel : https://t.me/salafhijrah 📲 Fanspage Facebook : https://fb.me/salafhijrah 📎Sunnah dijaga dengan kebenaran, kejujuran, dan keadilan bukan dengan kedustaan dan kedhaliman." (Ibnu Taimiyyah rahimahullahu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDEcuEsSh9/?igshid=14m82wofcylpb
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ibn-sunni · 5 years
61. Whoever puts on khuffs or socks while in the state of wudoo is permitted to wipe over them (instead of washing them).
Whoever puts on khuffs or socks while in the state of wudoo is permitted to wipe over them (instead of washing them). If he is a resident of the city, he may wipe over his socks for one day and night. And if he is traveling, he may wipe over them for three days and nights.
The proof for this is the hadeeth of Abu Bakrah رضي الله عنه in which he reported that “The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم allowed a traveler – if he performs wudoo and puts on socks, then breaks his wudoo – to wipe over his socks for three days and nights. And he allowed a resident one day and night.”
[Reported by Ibn Maajah and it is a sound (hasan) hadeeth with supporting witnesses that authenticate it]
The wiping is to be performed over the tops of the socks.
The proof for this is the hadeeth of ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib رضي الله عنه in which he said: “I saw the Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم wipe over the top part of his socks.”
[Reported by Abu Dawood and it is authentic]
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