#khr giannini
dark-elf-writes · 10 months
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justkhrstuff · 2 years
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
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april thirteenth
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khreborns · 3 months
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ciaossu-imagines · 8 months
Skull - I'm kind of cheating here and taking from canon, but Skull is a daredevil through and through. Whether it's playing it up and astounding live audiences or putting on thrill-rides of a show for the television camera while doing special and guest spots, Skull's fame is accomplished through his career as a daredevil and his penchant for insane, death-defying stunts.
Bermuda I see as a mixed-martial artist or an ECW fighter.
Small Gia, Didi and Jeje are all notorious serial killers with their own dedicated fanbases. Birds is another infamous killer along the lines of Manson, who never physically killed anyone himself but orchestrated the murders of people. Daisy is another infamous criminal whose trial was hugely publicized, especially given the insanity defense used. Glo Xinia is infamous in the same way - a serial criminal who gained a lot of mainstream publicity.
Ricardo was a wrestler, well known for playing a heel. He became a huge celebrity though due to press coverage of his many out-of-the-ring fights and his later murder of another wrestler at a nightclub. He was acquitted of the charges due to insufficient evidence but everyone knows he did it.
Knuckle is, of course, a rather famous boxer.
Shoko Tanaka is a well-known female mixed martial artist.
Daigo Kazumi, Kenshiro Yamaki, Gosuke Takada, Renzo Oshikiri, and Nobuhiko Kakuta are all Olympic level athletes.
Giannichi and Giannini are both famous inventors and for anyone in the robotics field, they're absolute legends.
Timoteo is a famous movie director who owns Vongola Films, a large studio. He's recently moved from directing only movies to directing what's become a hugely popular television series. Coyote Nougat is an assistant director for Timoteo. Croquant Bouche and Ganauche III are really well known producers who often work with Vongola Films and Timoteo. Visconti does all the special effects work on Timoteo's movies and now the television show. Brabanter Schnitten is the sound mixer and Brow Nie Jr. the production coordinator on all Timoteo's works, employed with Vongola Films.
Hibari's famous to a select group of people who are already in the know and famous in their own rights, as he's the head of a company who supplies the rich and famous with the best of the best in security. Notoriously publicity shy, he's never been caught on camera himself and avoids seeing any of the actual clients himself.
Tetsuya Kusakabe is one of those well-respected, oft-photographed bodyguards to the stars. Romario is as well as Dino's private bodyguard. Gamma is bodyguard to the girl group Yuni is a part of, while Olgert is bodyguard to Bel and Rasiel both and is just as paparazzi-photographed as those he looks over. Nigella Beabankul is another paparazzi famous body to the stars.
Daemon Spade and Elena are famous politicians.
Bel and Siel are infamous socialites. Part of the Royal Family of another country, their diplomatic immunity protects them against any charges that arise from their very hedonistic lifestyles and the press coverage of their fights, accidents, and the bad endings of those hedonistic lifestyles are splashed all over the tabloids. They do eventually get their own reality show.
Spanner is known for his work in special effects and puppetry, kind of along the lines of Jim Henson.
Parenza and Tras are both stunt people.
Kensuke Mochida and Brutus are celebrities within the WWE circle.
Tyr was an ECW champion who became most famous for his live death in the ring against mixed martial artist turned ECW fighter Squalo Superbi.
Michael Chianu is a tennis star, Bluebell an Olympic gold medal winning diver, while Kaoru Mizuno is a famous baseball player with one of the major teams.
I honestly don't feel that Luce is the most comfortable in front of a crowd and she doesn't like to be the center of attention. She isn't comfortable with the idea of fame and celebrity, with no desire for them. She just wants a peaceful, happy, low-key life and I honestly don't even see her as someone who has Facebook, much less any other type of social media.
Fon has no desire for fame and celebrity either. There are some YouTube clips of him, found if you Google him, of prior martial arts matches he's been part of when he did compete in martial arts tournaments. However, he's not entirely comfortable even with that level of public attention, since he prefers a quieter and simple life.
Big Pino
Haruyoshi Miura
Dr. Shamal
Fuuta de la Stella was actually a child star from babyhood until he was around six or seven, when he retired and now he just wants to stay out of the spotlight and be a normal kid.
Iemitsu is a retired action star, famous for a lot of big 80's action blockbusters. He no longer has an interest in acting, in fame and celebrity in any form but he supports and starts his child's film career despite being estranged really from Tsuna.
Enma Kozato was born into a world of celebrity but prefers to just live his life and doesn't want any attention on himself.
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lixenn · 3 months
KHR reread
So I've skipped commenting for a couple chapters (well I did comment but I just bothered my discord people instead lol) but I don't wanna drop it completely, which means: More commenting!
Might not be as frequent with chapters but I will try my best 🫡
Chapter 50
Skull time!!
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Massive securtiy hole here, like shame on you that would never happen if Chief was in charge! (<- shamelessly namedropping my OC here lol). Also who is usually in charge of security? What Boss died? Like probably totally irrelevant and not important but I wanna know anyway because I like worldbuilding. I love the little details.
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i love how the animal companions are napping too, that's fucking cute >.<
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Skull thinking he's hot shit. Hah!
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Tsuna's commentary is gold guys like I don't know what to tell you except that I love him your honor!
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He's the WHAT???? That's just... like... no.... that sounds super weird to me
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??? Who are these other little guys??? like whut???
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ahhh the skull lackey thing, a khr classic....
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These dying will bullet applications make no fucking sense to me. They are so fucking stupid...
Chapter 51
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The raining thing... *thinks back to all the flooding in Germany in the last few weeks* so fucking accurate.
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How??? How do you have good hearing when you are throwing around explosives on the daily? That is so nonsensical! Calm down Lix... breath in, breath out... anyways @eternitas tagging you because it's Gokudera in a suit also @dontknow-willaddlater also tagging you because of the same reason (please tell me if you don't want to be tagged for stuff like this btw)
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Ohhhh @unwrathful Rika!!! That one is for you!
Chapter 52
Ahhh it's the Giannini chapter... I think I watched the anime episode of it recently but that must have been near the Varia arc? Did they that around? That's going to be real confusing real quick if that's the case.
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Having performance issues here Reborn? It's okay it happens to the best of us
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queenharumiura · 6 months
KHR April Birthdays
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto - 1st
Lussuria - 4th
Giannini - 13th
Timoteo - 17th
Hana Kurokawa - 20th
Takeshi Yamamoto - 24th
Bluebell - 25th
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Vongola Lighting Gear Helmet...Oh god I wish it was slightly different, still transform into armor but the gear being a helmet can't be worn in public or easy to disguise. It could've been a metal headband with side indents to place the horns. Or a normal headband with the symbol and Gyuudon on the side of it. The wilder suggestion would be by giving him a crown. Lambo wanted to rule the world? Frick it! Give him a crown!
oh my god yeah, lambo's gear IS the worst when it comes to be discreet with it. NO stealth mission of any kind whatsoever for him from now on for sure lmao. 😭 (tho i guess there's still mist flames and the technology in khr--verde, giannini, spanner, shoichi--to do something about it, but still.)
ohhh a crown as his vongola gear would have been so cool to see!! not only because he DOES want to rule the world, but also he likes to act like he's spoiled rotten, and you KNOW damn well if he could have it his way everything would always be given to him on a silver platter like he's the most powerful king in the world. which is probably part of the reason why he wants to rule over the world to begin with lol.
but anyway, i really can see it and i love it. we should have gotten the crown lightning vongola gear, nonny you're so right.
thank you for the ask!
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itskicks · 2 years
Kaeya genshin impact, Lambo, Spanner, Giannini KHR, Iori digimon 2, Junpei and Takuya digimon 4 for the characters thing :3c
i wanted to do all of these tbh but i felt it would be too long with pictures so I chose iori and junpei bc I never talk about them even tho I actually really like both of them 😳
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iori is first!!! when i was younger watching the English dub i didn’t really like him but after we rewatched with subs i really love him and wish they had let him and miyako switch knowledge and love bc literally so many of his conflicts revolved around relationships 😭 I feel like people are so hard on him for not accepting Ken as a friend as quickly as everyone else but hello? Ken was abusing and enslaving digimon and iori cherishes digimon very deeply as living beings with thoughts and feelings, of course he wouldn’t readily accept him even after he’s changed. honestly, I feel like iori was nicer than most people would’ve been if put in his shoes but no one wants to admit it :/
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junpei… my fella… my guy… I feel like he was sidelined and treated as a joke a lot by the show and fandom bc of his size which is really upsetting since i feel like there was potential for him to really grow as a character (could be said for all the frontier kids tho). his story of forming shallow connections with the kids around him and knowing that he had no true friends but not knowing how to actually form a friendship with someone was really relatable :( I want to squeeze him as shown in the bingo for being weird when it comes to izumi in the beginning of the anime but I feel like 1. he’s a kid having a crush and sometimes that seems weird and cringe 2. they become genuine friends by the end of the anime and I don’t like people making him out to be some pervert especially when they’re all in elementary school 😭
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cloudhayato · 4 years
Greek Yogurt Melancholy
Happy @khrobscureshipweek guys
Lancia jerked awake from his nap. His heart was pounding and his face was drenched in sweat. Looking down, for a split second he expected to see blood on his hands, but there was nothing. Just the calloused and scarred skin after years of use. He blinked, needing a moment to process all this, and then let out a heavy sigh.
Nightmares again, huh? Even though it was all over, he still couldn't get a good night's sleep. He probably never will, and he doesn't deserve it. Even if Mukuro made him do it, all their deaths are still on him. He's the one who slit their throats and crushed their skulls and-
Yeah, he needed to do anything other than think right now. Getting up to his feet, he felt the weight of exhaustion push down on his shoulders, and dragged his feet towards the kitchen.
His apartment wasn't anything big or stylish. It was a small space with only a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. That was all he needed though, he wasn't one for excess amenities.
Opening his fridge door, Lancia glanced at the almost barren shelves and felt a migraine coming on. Reaching towards the back, he grabbed a carton of greek yogurt and went to his drawers to pull out a spoon. The sour taste would help him feel more awake, and it was one of the few things he genuinely enjoyed.
After he sat down at his table, he popped the lid off, and felt his heart fall. Empty. Why would he even put the empty carton back in the fridge? Did he really hate himself that much? This was the sole event that almost made him consider therapy, but he pointedly ignored those thoughts and forcefully got up.
He'd just go to the store and buy more greek yogurt. It wasn't the end of the world, no need to be dramatic about it.
...Except he didn't have a car, and glancing at the clock, which said 7pm, he knew the store would close two hours from now. He wouldn't make it on foot. There was another option available for him, but he didn't feel good about it. Asking for things made him feel weak, and this would put him in the vicinity of another person, when he really would rather be alone.
Swallowing his pride, which was almost as sour as the yogurt he was craving, he walked towards his rotary phone and slowly inputted the numbers.
"Hello?" The familiar voice of Giannini said from the other line. "Mr. Lancia, is that you?"
He still didn't get how Giannini always knew it was him. Technology just never made sense to him.
"Yeah, Giannini, it's me." He answered. "I'm sorry to be asking you this so late, but could you drive me to the store?"
God, he sounded pathetic. He would never willingly learn how to drive one of those deathtraps though. Last time he tried to stop a plane from crashing, let's say the plane still crashed and his presence didn't really affect anything.
"Oh, yes of course Mr. Lancia!" Giannini chirped, as bright and chipper as always. "I'll be there in five minutes, just hold on one moment!"
"Yeah, thank you, Giannini."
Lancia waited for the familiar 'click' to signal the end of the call, and then put the receiver down. Pressing his forehead against the wall, he was already regretting this decision. Just thinking about it was draining, and he sounded so pathetic asking someone to come pick him up just so he could get some yogurt.
There was nothing he could do about it now though. He'd dug his hole and now he had to lay in it, no changing that now.
Lancia stayed like that the entire five minutes. His mind raced through constant mental turmoil, but that was his default state so it was fine, until he heard the doorbell ring. Finally removing his head from the wall, he steeled his face in a default expression that looked like it could kill you, and answered the door.
At first, Lancia was confused. He had to look down to speak to everyone, but he wasn't expecting to look so far down. He also wasn't looking at Giannini. On the ground was this little metal disk thing. A hand had come out of the top, and was still hovering by the doorbell, before receding back into what could only be some kind of machine.
"Mr. Lancia!"
He didn't expect the machine to shout his name. It took him so by surprise that he almost crushed it under his foot on instinct, only stopping himself at the last moment. That voice was Giannini's.
A high pitched shriek erupted from the disk at this attempted murder. "Please wait a moment—"
"Where are you?" Lancia interrupted, looking around the hallway in confusion before back to the disk. "Is this thing like a phone?"
"Exactly that! This is a roomba I've modified to have a variety of extra uses than just vacuuming." Giannini gushed, before calming down and sounding a bit more sheepish. "I'm sorry to have startled you, I should have given you fair notice beforehand."
Most of that flew over Lancia's head, especially the roomba part, but the moment it came up, he stopped caring. Not that he'd say that out loud, Giannini sounded excited and shutting him down would be rude.
"It's fine. Where are you?" Lancia asked, trying not to sound too exhausted.
"Ah, I'm parked outside." Giannini answered.
The 'roomba' turned around and pointed towards the stairs. He lived on the second floor so just at the bottom would be the exit.
Lancia just grunted in affirmation.
He stepped over the roomba and doubled his pace. This already felt like it was taking forever. He literally just wanted some Greek Yogurt, that was it. If only life itself didn't hate him with a burning passion.
The staircase went in a circle pattern. Not really a spiral staircase, but how most stairs in a small space worked. Lancia just jumped the railing and fell perfectly through the middle part where no stairs touched. It was just the second floor after all.
He landed on his feet, knees bent a little, but he barely felt the landing anyways. The building manager behind his desk was looking at him with wide eyes, but he pointedly didn't make eye contact as he walked past. He really didn't need to deal with that right now.
Opening the door to the parking lot, Lancia recognized Giannini's car immediately. It was bright yellow, and the mechanic had told him it was a 'buggy' as if that meant anything to him. It was small and cramped, and Lancia could barely fit himself in it, but it's not like he was going to make Giannini make, yes he made that buggy, a whole new car just for him.
Giannini excitedly waved at him through the windshield. Lancia was grateful he remembered not to honk the horn this time. The loud noise activated his fight or flight, and he was hardwired to always choose fight. He still felt bad about completely crushing the engine, but Giannini assured him it was fine and he could fix it.
None of that mattered now though, and as Lancia opened the car door, he finally felt like he was getting somewhere. The roomba jumped in after him and crawled behind the seats. He didn't have anything more to say about the invention so he just didn't acknowledge it.
"It's been awhile." Giannini said conversationally as he started the engine. "What have you been up to?"
"Mulling over the sins of my past." Lancia answered honestly.
"Okay!" Giannini smiled uncomfortably. "I was working on upgrading my microwave in order to stabilize isotopes."
"Hm. Did it work?"
The conversation quieted down to an awkward silence after that, both unsure where to go from there. It was difficult for them to relate to one another. Giannini was the son of a brilliant inventor trying to live up to his father's legacy, and Lancia spent most of his early life possessed and forced to kill. Finding common ground was a challenge.
"What kind of greek yogurt do you like?" Giannini spoke up after a while, sounding nervous.
"...Regular." Lancia mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed talking about this.
"Oh, an excellent choice!" Gianni said, with a little more enthusiasm than necessary. "I'm a big fan of vanilla myself."
"Vanilla's fine. I just prefer it more sour." Lancia responded, and from there they descended into a very thoughtful conversation about flavours and their own preferences.
It was the most Lancia had spoken since returning to Italy.
Before they knew it, they arrived at the store. Lancia was actually genuinely surprised that the car ride wasn't another long, agonizing ordeal to go through. He actually felt a little energized, as strange as it was to say. He'd need to ruminate over this later when he got back to his apartment and was trying to sleep.
"Well, we're here!" Giannini said needlessly, since they'd been parked for around two minutes already.
"We are." Lancia repeated in his gruff voice, and then opened the door and stepped out.
It was a small little corner store that was several corners too far. Still, it was cheap and never too busy, and that ticked all of Lancia's boxes. Only one automatic door worked and Lancia had to step around the frozen one. He walked through the aisles, not making conversation with the cashier and the one other customer present.
After a bit of searching, he found what he was looking for. The long sought after prize, Greek Gods Greek Yogurt, and in this moment he'd never felt so happy before to finally buy some gross dairy product.
As he went to grab the yogurt from the fridge, something else caught his attention. A little notice advertising a sale. 'Buy one get one free!' it said, and after some hesitation, he grabbed a second one.
Quickly, he paid for them and left the store. Giannini waved at him again as he stepped into the parking lot, and Lancia looked away, feeling kind of embarrassed. Hurrying over, he opened the door and took his seat beside Giannini.
"Did you find what you were looking for, Mr. Lancia?" Giannini asked, looking at him curiously.
Without saying anything, Lancia handed him the second greek yogurt. It was vanilla.
Giannini let out a small gasp as he took the yogurt, and out of the corner of his eye, Lancia could see the mechanic's lips quirk up in a delighted smile.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Lancia!" Giannini sounded so happy it was almost ridiculous.
"Yeah, no problem." Lancia said, and after a moment of hesitation. "It's just Lancia, by the way."
Giannini's eyes softened at that, as he handed over plastic spoons he had in his glove compartment along with various tools.
"Okay then. Thank you, Lancia."
Maybe this outing wasn't as bad as Lancia thought. The greek yogurt tasted a little sweeter on his tongue, and he found that he didn't mind as much.
It was nice.
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secretsocietyxmen · 5 years
Flamebug Au
For anyone who was wondering, the inventors are
Spanner - the mechanic
Giannini - the weapon tuner
Solte - the ringmaker
And Shoichi - the voice of reason
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basedkhr · 5 years
you ever think about how giannini and probably fuuta designed (and maybe built) the underground base in the future arc by themselves? like everyone always act like there are only three technical geniuses in the manga (spanner, shouichi, and verde) and im just... the disrespect... they didnt make a whole base with rooms to grow crops and training grounds and anti tri-ni-sette radiation resistance to get slept on
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kinbari14 · 5 years
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 years
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April’s calendar! it seems Amano realises she forgot Fon and Byakuran last month, so they’ve made cameos this month!
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Nanbaka & KHR crossover fandom prompt
What Percy Jackson cabins the KHR characters would be in
Who in KHR is best at parenting, lying, & charming others
Who in KHR is most attractive to the mun, gets bored the fastest, tells the most dad jokes, is the purest cinnamon roll
KHR boarding school AU!
The women of KHR fandom prompt
KHR fandom prompt
Gangsta. fandom prompt
Fantasy AU! for the Varia story
KHR fandom prompt
Gangsta. fandom prompt
Vongola Quinto NSFW headcanons
KHR - Which Disney character is Jager?
What is Ricardo comfortable with in a relationship?
KHR - XS Shakespeare aesthetics
The Varia playing video games together
KHR - Tsuyoshi Yamamoto spending Christmas with his son
Which KHR characters hate Christmas
KHR - Shimon family fandom prompt
KHR - Six Funeral Wreaths fandom prompt
KHR - Who is the most excited about Christmas?
KHR - Christmas fandom prompt
KHR - Shoichi, Spanner, and Giannini all working on a project together
KHR - Gaunache III's ideal partner
Some favourite KHR headcanons
The KHR cast going to an amusement park
Who in Saiyuki listens to Taylor Swift?
Gangsta. fandom prompt
KHR - The Varia setting up a pool in the yard
Eyeshield 21 - The Devil Bats doing arts and crafts
Eyeshield 21 - The Devil Bats setting up a pool in the yard
Eyeshield 21 - The cast going to an amusement park
 KHR - The Shimon family watching a bad movie together
KHR - The Varia doing arts and crafts
elDlive - The cast watching a movie when a steamy scene comes on
Mystic Messenger - The cast house hunting
Class of the Titans - The cast house hunting
Mystic Messenger - The RFA taking Christmas card pictures
Mamori x Suzuna ship aesthetics
Zen x Jumin shipping aesthetics
Who in Saiyuki prefers a s/o who takes the lead?
My Candy Love - The cast during a zombie apocalypse
Servamp - Soulmate! AU & what their marks would look like
Special 7: Special Investigation Squad fandom prompt
Eyeshield 21 - The cast plays Monopoly
KHR fandom prompt
KHR as a horror movie
Eyeshield 21 as a horror movie
Disney XD's Ultimate Spider-Man as a horror movie
Class of the Titans fandom prompt
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incorrectkhrquotes · 7 years
Giannini: Gotta say, this tech is pretty sharp. It's as good as my tech.
Spanner: I recognize you intended that to be a compliment,but I find your comparison insulting to my technology.
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