#kfp2 is still the best one
dracocheesecake · 1 month
Are we really not going to talk about how kung fu panda 4 was just a re-hash of kung fu panda 3 just worse?
Po getting a promotion suddenly
Villain "collects" kung fu masters living and dead
Po having to step into a mentor role
New character introduced who becomes close to Po and then a "liar revealed" trope comes into play
Probably some other stuff but that's just off the top of my head.
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Puss in Boots sequel isn’t the first time dreamwork’s second movie was better than the first: but it’s certainly the one where the jump in quality in comparison is at its most stark and obvious.
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eosofspades · 7 months
no bc you’re SO right that kai is WAY weaker as a villain than tai lung or shen (shen especially, bc imo he’s the best villain of the trilogy) and i’d love to hear your thoughts on why <3
100% agree shen is my FAVORITE villain of the trilogy and possibly one of my favorite villains of all time. and tai lung is an incredibly close second! however, i really didn't care for kai.
the biggest thing about kai for me is that, as a villain, he is way weaker than the other two because he is extremely lacking in a personal connection to po, and also much weaker when considering how his character reflects the themes and narrative of the movie as a whole.
tai lung, as a villain, worked so well because he was obsessed with the concept of being the dragon warrior, and the supposed "power" that would come with that. the lesson of kfp1, though, was that there WAS no real magical power given by the scroll - there is no secret ingredient! it's just you! it was never about the scroll; it was about choosing to be good and do good for the sake of being good, not because you wanted power for it. tai lung couldn't accept this, which is why he made a fantastic villain for this one, thematically. (and ALSO a fantastic foil to po, who is so humble and doesn't NEED power, he's just passionate about kung fu and wants to have a good time with his friends.)
lord shen as a villain who reflects the themes of the story, though, takes this to the absolute HIGHEST level. the entire story of kfp2 pivots around po's struggle to reconcile his origins with who he is now, and both of those things are directly related to shen - he leads the massacre that ends up getting po sent away, which sets him on the journey to BECOME the dragon warrior, and po's destiny was always going to be to defeat him. both then and now, the course of po's life is being shaped by shen. shen is also a fantastic foil to po in the same way that tai lung was - shen cannot let go of the past, he clings to his anger and his fear; while po is able to accept what happened, accept that it is part of who he is but not what defines him, and is able to find healing and peace.
kai, by comparison........ has almost nothing to do with po. kai actually has NO personal connection to po! his evil scheme is related to the pandas, but absolutely nothing to do with po, specifically. tai lung had no shared past with po the way lord shen did, but he still had personal and specific reasons to hate po because po was getting the title and role that he so desperately wanted. but kai's only beef is with oogway! he didn't even seem to know that po existed until oogway says "it was never my destiny to stop you - i have set another on that path." and kai just says "then i will find him, and take his chi as well." his motives are also much weaker than the other two's - who both wanted power, yes, but tai lung was also deeply desperate to make shifu proud, to live up to the legend that he had been raised to believe he would become, and part of this was shifu's fault! that's extremely interesting and tragic!! and shen was motivated by fear - fear of his prophecized defeat, of the inescapability of his fate - and by grief over his (perceived) inability to make his parents proud, or get them to love him. kai, by contrast, was..... mad that oogway wasn't okay with letting him become a magical chi-stealing warlord??
kai also doesn't tie in with the themes or po's arc in this movie. in terms of other characters, po's arc in this one revolves way more around his fathers - trying to handle his new responsibilities of being the teacher to the five, trying to figure out how to balance the two different identities he has as the son of these two different fathers, but the only connection he has to kai is that he needs to be a master of chi to defeat him, which he can only learn how to be from the pandas, which incidentally happen to be his family. (and the fact that at the end, everyone is doing chi makes it seem like him being a panda or not might not have even been that relevant to begin with!) and kai's defeat is also sort of weak - he's defeated by the "too much power" trope, but nothing else in this story was about being power-hungry or the dangers of it. it wasn't something any of the pandas struggled with, hunger for power was NEVER a part of po's journey, and at least in kfp1 tai lung's desire for the dragon scroll was about more than just power (he wanted to make shifu proud), but also, because the entire theme of that story was that you didn't NEED power to be the dragon warrior. kfp3's narrative isn't ABOUT power; it's about identity and culture and balancing different aspects of your life to find your truest self. kai's character has nothing to say about ANY of this, he doesn't struggle with or care about any of these things - he is JUST power-hungry.
he also lacks that character foil aspect the other two had. the ability to take chi is never even presented as an option to po. what MIGHT have been interesting would have been if the only way to defeat kai was to take HIS chi - something a master of it would be able to do! - and po was forced into the dilemma of having to choose between risking going down the same path as kai for the sake of protecting his loved ones, or the risk of endangering them even more by refusing to. if the conflict had been about the good vs evil uses of chi powers, then that would have made kai a foil to po as well. but as it is now, kai has nothing to do with po, personally.
basically what it boils down to is that kai, as a villain, is serviceable, but when held up in contrast to the previous two, it becomes very obvious how much weaker he is narratively. his motivations are much shallower than the others', his connection to po is tangential at best, and as an antagonist, he doesn't have anything to say about the themes or messaging of the story OR the protagonist's arc.
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deathisararemercy · 2 years
Hey so i was wondering if you could do a p2 to the kung fu panda au? Maybe with the second movie as the main recolved arc? If not thats fine i just really liked it lol ^^
Puss in Boots x Kung Fu Panda AU Part 2
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Death x Reader
A/N: Howdy anon! I had to brush up on KFP2 for this one, but I'm glad to continue this little AU! Though I did explore Death's relationship with the reader in the original post, I mainly did that with anticipating a part two. So for the sake of having a nice narrative, at the start of this little post, the reader and Death are just acquaintances. Thank you for sending in this request!
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You are living your best life as the Dragon Warrior. You're defending the valley, have five awesome new best friends, have one very cool kung fu master as your teacher (who was going to teach you all about inner peace!), and also your parent is still running the best noodle shop in the valley.
Also there's that one wolf guy: Death.
Sometimes he shows up when you're defending the valley, sometimes he doesn't. But whenever you see him, you're both glad to see each other. At least, you think he's glad to see you. Kind of hard to tell since you usually see him wearing his hood.
When you and the Five are sent to stop a gang of bandits, you're reminded that not all wolves are nice.
And you have a flashback of another panda, just like you.
Death appears (again). Normally, you'd be startled by his presence, but you're still reeling from the memory. He's Death, but he can't read minds, so you brush him off and gather the gang to head back home.
Sidenote: Yes, Death was there when your biological parent died. Yes, he could (and would) tell you more about them if you asked. But he hasn't put together the dots that you're remembering your past.
You ask your parent about your past, and now you're a bit shaken, having learned you're adopted and still having questions your parent can't give you answers to, but WHOOPSIES time for a quest.
(*Shrek the Musical Fiona voice*: Skip ahead, skip ahead, skip ahead-)
When you're out sitting on the boat to Gongmen City, you hear familiar whistling. It's Death. Initially, you freak out because now you're wondering if someone is going to die. But he clarifies that no one is dying. Yet. He confesses that he's been breaking a few rules recently, but he wants to check on you because you seem...troubled.
You talk about your nightmare.
For a minute, you're worried you've wasted his time. He's frowning and looking ahead on the river, thoughtful. "Sorry, that was a lot. I should let you get back to work doing your whole Death thing. I just...I don't really know where I belong. And it's not a great feeling. What did I do...for my parents to leave me?"
And the wolf stands up and shakes his head, quietly swearing under his breath. The things he does for love. "Mind if I tell you something?" You nod, curious. "I was there. When your parent left you in that crate." "Oh. Wait...does that mean..." "That doesn't matter right now." "Of course it matters! They could be-"' He grabs your shoulder. "Listen. They loved you very much. Both of your parents. They did what they needed to out of their love for you." "But why? And what happened to them?"
He is conveniently interrupted by the sight of Gongmen City and the Five waking up from sleep. He vanishes into the night.
You and the Five sneak into the city and see all the wolves. You're getting really sick of these guys. You try to get Rhino and Croc out, they can't leave because of the weapon, you run into the wolf boss again and you're all caught.
(Why can't these guys be more like Death? you think to yourself as you're climbing the many....many stairs in Shen's palace.)
And speak of the devil, you spot him in the shadows when you meet Shen for the first time. He looks more that displeased, paws firmly gripping his sickle handles. But he can't interfere in anything can he? Not after doing so much for you recently. You can't help but wonder if you're going to die right then and there in front of the canon. But Mantis saves you all and there goes the canon. Boom!
You try to get to Shen but you have another flashback. Shen escapes, and Death interferes again to get you and the Five out of the tower. You guys were having too many near death experiences for his taste. You all regroup together.
Once again, you are having an identity crisis, and Tigris tells you to stay behind, telling Death to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything that'll get you killed.
Luckily for you, that's not in his job description.
"I don't take orders from anyone. Especially mortals." he sighs. The wolf nudges you with a wink. "Alright then, Dragon Warrior. Go. I won't tell."
Honestly, I think if I were going to give Death an arc this 'x reader' ver of KFP2, it would be the conflict between his duty to let the everything pan out and not interfere before he needs to take souls to the spirit world, and his own desire to engage in mortal life (ie. protect you) and talk to them and learn more about them (ie. you). He's already interfered so many times, and he can tell the cosmic balance was getting a little bit out of sorts. But...
Death decides to stay back during the fight, lurking in the shadows and doing his job properly. But he is shocked when Shen tells you that your parents didn't love you. And he loses it when you nearly die again to Shen.
He carries you out of the river and looks around desperately for help. He's Death. Death can't be afraid of anything or of anyone. Death shouldn't feel fear. But right now...he's terrified. He knows everyone dies at some point. It was inevitable. But was uncertain was whether or not him being there could actually lead to your death. If you died, would it have been because he interfered and got too close?
He follows the river away from Shen and the Five, and he makes it to the Soothsayer. The Soothsayer is vaguely aware that Death is someone from beyond the mortal world, but he rests you at her feet and tells her to help you.
When you recover, it takes both of them talking to you in order for you to recover your memories and achieve inner peace. When the Soothsayer tells you that your present actions define who you are, something resonates with Death.
He joins you, the Five, and the Masters in the final fight in Gongmen. Cosmic law be damned, Death says no to weapons of mass destruction. He's going to let his actions define him and how he approaches his relationships.
Yeah, no. Seeing you make the water droplet technique your own made him fall even harder for you.
And once again, I have a link to swanpit's art because 1. This art is hilarious and beautiful and 2. I think seeing Shen and Death interact like this would be lovely and fits this fic.
But yes. Our Dragon Warrior achieves inner peace and Death is becoming more and more of his own person aside from literally being Death.
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Also: on the trip back to the valley, Death tags along. And he may or may not try to indirectly ask you out to dinner. You say "Sure! Let's head to my parent's place!" and his tail is thumping on the boat's deck, causing it to tip a little. Needless to say, he's excited.
Changing timeline things from the first post so that they now occur after KFP2:
At this point, he starts showing up more frequently, during and outside of battles, and he seems more relaxed around you. And you come to learn that his presence doesn't always mean someone's going to die. He just wants to visit. (And after so long observing how people live and die, he has a chance to try living for himself.)
He starts dragging you away from training to get a meal together in town or to go on a nice walk in the mountains.
When Shifu complains, Death shrugs. "Alright then." He draws his weapons, snapping the sickles together and forming his staff. "Let's continue the Dragon Warrior's training then."
Plenty of sparring practice and playful banter between the two of you. It's so much fun for the both of you, and you start tag-teaming during battles. He joins you and the Five in your fights, always sure to use just a fraction of his strength as to not kill everyone in his path. But he reaps souls if need be.
And after all of this, in a shocking turn of events, you are the one to confess your love to Death.
And after all of this, he can confidently reciprocate that love.
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nihoneshi · 6 months
Welcome to Aqua Rambles on about KFP
I just finished binging Kung Fu Panda 1-3 (not 4 yet) and man outside of a few secondhand embarrassment scenes, because there are a couple of them still for my brain, What I will say is this
god I do miss KFP fandom so so much but I also was REALLY young when I first found myself in that fandom, so like, It's only a matter of time before I found myself brainrotting the movies again and even shorter of time before I re-entered Fandom Space.
So let's get the obvious ones out of the way. God I love Tragedies and the whole prophecy that was laid out hundreds of years ago, I love how cohesive the Trilogy is (I think we all agree that KFP3 was the true end of the Series, since not even the VAs liked KFP4 and it was a glorified corporate cash grab, but don't worry, AUs exist (: )
Tai Lung and General Kai are definitely by far the two MAIN villains I vibe with the most given their situations (Tragedy Affliction & Bond Brother Give-Take disagreement) I do love Shen but my love for him is extremely nuanced on the fact he's a diabolical genocidal sociopath but he's also oddly fucking dramatic, theatrical and comedic of a villain DESPITE the 3 words I JUST called him.
But also the Wolf Boss.. God he's a bastard (affectionate) but EVERY TIME HE "INSULTS" PO HE JUST GOES OFF ON NON-THREATENING TERMS homie please stop being bisexual on the battlefield lmaO /pos.
The Will to write Tai Lung just like 13yo me wanted to has not changed outside of the fact that after a decade more of writing with extremely intricate and nuanced characters with complex tragedies and traumas, I feel like I could finally do justice with this Snow Leopard (especially with Redemption Arcs, because hee-ho I write Saren Arterius, you know. Mass Effect 1's big bad villain that is just as much as a tragedy as Tai Lung but unlike Tai Lung this idiot decided to try to get parasitical genocide machines to spare them and ended up getting indoctrinated against his will)
Now onto Main Cast. Just like kid me, Viper and Mantis were my two go-to idols for KFP1, my love for Crane's realism-centric attitude and Tigress' having second thoughts and a much more intricate wake-up call in KFP2 and on became so much more apparent, like, trust me I haven't watched any of the other animated content but you can tell like, these 6 have gotten so attached to one another (Monkey and Po, especially, literally best buds love that for them)
But the SHEER amount of times I have said this phrase "Viper, Please rephrase yourself" has been in the nearly every thing she has ever said she is so upfront and has misread the room every single damn time. and don't even GET ME Started on KFP2/3 Tigress, the sheer amount of character development she gets is insane
she goes from an asshole to deep down realizing that Po has fallen still due to mental turmoil SEVERAL times and isn't keeping Po down there with Ox and Croc because she doesn't want him getting in the way but BECAUSE She doesn't want him to get hurt like him freezing up both times has gotten him. And then further more watching Po teach everyone their own ways of Kung-Fu all the WHILE TIGRESS IS HOLDING ON TO A BABY PANDA THE WHOLE TIME, EVEN FIGHTING WITH THE KID. AND THEN SHE CARRIES THEM AROUND EVEN AT THE JADE PALACE AT THE END OF THE MOVIE.
And please I can't fucking believe it took Crane several MOVIES TO GET HIS FUCKING NECK FIXED AFTER WHAT TAI LUNG DID TO HIM, HOMIE HAD A CROOKED NECK FOR MONTHS. There were scenes in KFP2 and Early KFP3 where this man's neck was still partially FUCKED. Dude shrugs it off like it's nothing and then proceeds to heal his wing in merely a few damn days max.
The Theatrics, all of the animations, the voice work.. god damn I adore these three movies so so much. But there is one thing I was not expecting and honestly I should've seen it coming.
My eventual brainrot and emotional attachment to side characters and characters with very minimal screen time (I should've seen this with me Writing Volteer from The Legend of Spyro, Nihlus Kryik from Mass Effect 1, and many more)
Dude I LOVE Master Croc, I don't know why SPECIFICALLY him but like. I like how he looks so cocky wanted to kick Shen's shit in, even laughing to himself, how he's so so loyal to Ox after Rhino's (supposed death), like you KNOW these three were inseparable and it LOOKS like Rhino reunites with Master Ox and Master Croc at the end of KFP3 that's what I hope if it was even only for a couple of minutes following what was probably Rhino heading back to the Spirit Realm.
I really love Master Croc, it is not even funny he's such a character, a silly, perhaps.
but now my rambles go to something else, since it takes place in the era that it does.. and like.. my hoard of Dragon OCs and Dragon Characters (literally all the guys on this blog ARE dragons!~ ) Like.. what would be the general consensus of a Dragon popping up in universe? Since back then they're still hailed as deities (Like the Dragon Kings, and all the dragon deities in both Chinese and Japanese mythology)
I am so so curious. But maybe I should add more to my rambles later when I am not so tired but god I have ideas and WILL enact on them.
A tiny edit: I 100% support kaiway due to the context I now have from watching KFP3, homie you have spent all the time in the world holding up Oogway's Chi charm like you want him to see everything like, they def. had something going on pre-banishment
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astridhoff03 · 6 months
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Kung Fu Panda Fox 4 - from Cinema to Illumination Level
First I was really hyped about this Movie, because I was thinking: Hey they made Puss in Boots: the Last wish what could go wrong? The first Trailer then dropped and it looked promising, then I watched the Movie….
And oh my god why have they removed the Director? Why couldn’t we get Joel Crawford or Jennifer Yuh Nelson, who also worked on 2 and 3. Seriously Mike Mitchell? He is not famous for his incredible Track Record. But to the Film now. As a Standalone it works and it has some good Action Scenes like the Scene in the Tavern. The side Plot with Pos Dads was kinda funny, wish the whole Movie was about them. But the Story was a big disappointment on my side. It just doesn’t makes senses that Po has to pass the Title of the Dragon Warrior, he is in the prime of his life. It’s not like he is diyng or is sick or very old like Oogway was when he chose the new Warrior. Also they reahash the Messages from the first three Movies again as if Po had to learn them again, there no wise words or any emotional hook like in the previous three, which was one of the things I like about KFP so much, the Movie feels lackluster without these elements. Also they do the Hug-Scene with Po and Zhen like with Tigress and Po in KFP2, but less emotional. Apropos I don‘t hate Zhen as a Character, I also doesn’t find her Voice Actress annoying like in the little Mermaid but she doesn’t earn the title Dragon Warrior, it just feels wrong and she looks Designwise straight out Zootopia and doesn’t feel like she belongs in the World of KFP. Her Releationship with Po is okay I guess, but I prefer the fourios Five over her, hell Tigress and Master Monkey Are Pos best Friends, it would be so much better if they go with Po on the Journey and meet Zhen on their way to Juniper City. Also her Backstory reminds me to much of Tigress again. Another one who doesn’t belong is the Chameleon, she is also the reason why we can’t have the fourios five, because her motivation is she is to small to learn Kung Fu and Mantis and Viper are also small but can Kung Fu so…also beware of the Stairs when she’s around. I’ve seen how she pulled the the bear down the stairs. It doesn’t look dramatic. I prefer the word ridiculous. Compared to the other Villains we had she feels lackluster but had a lot of potential to be a great Villain. The plot with the return of the villains is also very useless, Tai Lung is just in the first scene and the end and says something really out of Character. They did Kai (who shouldn’t be there in the first place because his spirit got destroyed in the spirit realm) and Lord Shen dirty too, never would one of them bow to Po. And in my Opinion none of the Villains needed a Redemption. Fuck them to do Lord Shen dirty, he’s my favorite Villain in the Original Trilogy. Also Shifu has nothing to do in this movie, he’s just there for whatever. Also how he talks to Po is like KFP1-3 didn’t happen.
I was genuinly suprised that they have given this movie Illumination Budget, 85 USD that’s not much for a KFP - Movie and embarrassing too. I missed the old background style from this very much. The Original Trilogy has such beautiful backgrounds that looked like Chinese Paintings. To the song baby One more time I have to give one credit, it’s better than the Original but it doesn’t fit KFP at all. In httyd terms it’s like you would play heavy metal instead of Where no one goes, sticks and stones or Toegether from afar at the end.
Well another Franchise on my list I don’t care about anymore, I guess. Count me out if the next Kung Fu Panda Movies are about an Character that doesn’t earn the title and isn’t as enjoyable and charming as Po was. My closing thoughts are: this happens when you try to expand on a Franchise and that has already an ending, with Puss in Boots, Rise of the Guardians or Megamind (until they butchered that too as we had to witness) it is something else, these worlds you can still expand because these movies are in their infancy. With a Movie like KFP this doesn’t work at all, because it had an perfect ending and Pos Character Arc is completed. It’s not a bad Movie by any means, you can still go and enjoy it. Looking back I would also say it was an alright film, a nice gap you can ignore when your more of a fan of the original trilogy. But for KFP it is in my personal opinion a letdown. Also it is just a copy and paste of the Masterpiece that is called KFP2 but without any of the emotions. I’m also lowkey happy though that this movie is so mid, than now KFP3 gets more of the appreciate that it deserve, I’m honest it’s a still a pretty great Movie. The Wild Robot seems like an Apology for Megamind2 and KFP4 now and their last Hope, but I will accept it when I have seen this Movie.
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peaches2217 · 1 year
19 and 30? 😃
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Oh geez... I don't think I have specifics, but I can definitely give you an archetype. The easiest characters for me are characters that are over-the-top and talk too much, like Po (Kung Fu Panda) and Peasley (Mario). I've always been a drama quing (kingqueen? gendernonconforming monarch?), so writing characters who skew towards theatrics and even hyperactivity comes naturally. It's easy to get into their heads, and coming up with their dialogue is endless fun!
Hardest... probably characters that are more emotionally level, like Tigress (also Kung Fu Panda). I have to take a step back when I try getting into their heads and remind myself that, no matter the depth of their emotions or insecurities, they're not going to react to situations the same way I would, or in a way that would come naturally to me personally. That's something I've only very recently started getting good at sorting out, unfortunately. 😅
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
*slams fists on table*
I am so glad you asked
A long-standing dream of mine has been to rewrite The Spirit Orbs of Master Ding. It's one of Legends of Awesomeness' absolute best episodes and it has so many good ideas and so much potential! But it's still, well, Legends of Awesomeness, so those ideas are wrapped up in the flimsy and miserably out-of-character plot of "Po is better than Tigress at literally everything, and Tigress, in a fit of jealous rage ('cause she's a girl so she's super emotional even though everyone thinks she's a guy lol), summons a demon, and Po shows her up even more)."
And it deserves better.
The overall plot would stay the same, but it would tie into personal headcanons I have regarding events post-KFP2, which is a major part of the reason it hasn't happened: you can make a case for canon!Po and Tigress being protective of one another to the point of detriment, but my rewrite would ultimately revolve around it, to the point where the lesson, instead of "Turns out Tigress IS better than Po at exactly one thing!", would be "Codependency in a friendship (or any relationship really) can't be left unchecked and uncommunicated, otherwise the results can be disastrous."
Because at the end of the day, Po and Tigress' personalities can lend way to some really accidentally toxic behaviors in their relationship, whether as friends or more, and I wanna see more content both acknowledging that and showing that, in spite of those tendencies, they can ultimately make things work.
I've been back on a KFP kick. Can you tell?
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flechxtte · 4 years
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there is one Scenario i’ve wanted to write like. since i first got into kfp, and that is one where tai lung survived the first movie and ended up becoming. some sort of. sixth ranger to po and the five (even tho... in that case i think po is already the sixth ranger lmao) in the sequel when they go off to confront shen
or maybe just like. the token evil teammate or something idk
bc i’m. kind of. stuck on the similarities and contrasts between shen and tai lung and i think about that way too often fjfiea;
bc. well. at the root of it all i think is the fact that i consider myself very satisfied with the way shen’s Story plays out in canon-- as much as i obviously enjoy playing around with ‘what if he survived’, in canon i think his Arc and such is very well put together and. yeah. Satisfying. i’m a sucker for characters who are too far gone (either over the despair or moral event horizon), whose only escape and peace is going to be when they die lmao lies down so clearly i would gravitate toward shen’s story in kfp2
but for me personally, tai lung’s story doesn’t have the same Punch. and a lot of it comes from the fact that while tai lung and shen have a lot of similarities in their individual stories and paths to darkness, etc., they’re also still pretty distinctly different characters/people who have reacted to their hurts in very different ways
....ok i’m off-track now WHAT I WANT TO SAY is that i’ve always kinda felt that tai lung’s story in the first movie would have been better served by him surviving and gaining at least a small redemption arc thinking emoji
whispers and i always wonder if it’s just me who’s added all this random Depth to him and that i’ve completely misinterpreted his canon character lmao bc i’ve always had this sneaking desire to make a past!tai lung blog bUT
basically for me it comes down to the fact that shen knew he wasn’t the hero. sure, he has countless, varied justifications for what he’s doing, but they’re all very flimsy excuses that seem strong bc he clings to them so viciously. on some deep level, he Knows what he’s doing is wrong and that he is just digging himself deeper as he goes-- he just has convinced himself it’ll be worth it in the end and that it’s too late to stop now
tai lung, on the other hand, doesn’t realize that. he truly does believe himself to be the betrayed, gallant hero who is coming back to claim what was wrongfully kept from him. he’s arrogant and has a kind of smug, typical bad guy demeanor, but he also strikes me as having a much more ingrained moral backbone to him than shen does, and that’s precisely bc he genuinely wants to be the hero. perhaps not for the. uh. Best reasons, but he is someone who wants to be respected and admired and loved, not necessarily feared, and i personally kinda think his actions when compared with shen’s reflect that 6_6;;
shen, while he still to this day seeks his parents’ love even tho he doesn’t entirely realize it, on most levels he just wants to be obeyed. respect and admiration are secondary. however, fear is definitely something he strives for
this is. i think. bc of the difference in how they were raised and the environment they were raised in but this is already Long As Hell so i think i should move on lmao
what’s amusing to me is that while one would think that the character who knows what he’s doing is Wrong would be the one to be more easily reformed, bc of the kind of guy shen is and his own stubbornness, that’s. kinda. weirdly not the case here, or at least, not. in the way i interpret it lmao
shen is bitter, which is a trait i think tai lung lacks, or at least doesn’t possess to the same degree that shen does. and i think that dissimilarity between them does come back to how they view themselves and their Ultimate Goal
shen is against the entire world. everyone owes him something, even tho he may feel more specifically betrayed only by his parents (and the soothsayer, a little). tai lung, by contrast, mostly feels that shifu and oogway owe him what (he believes) they promised him. shen’s feelings are more vague, possibly bc of the lavish position he was born into, and also more vicious for the same reason
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shxfu · 4 years
“plots please” (puss or shen?)
⤏ send me “plots please”
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Oh my gooood, I actually see some interesting twists with Shen and Shifu, but I’m also curious about the possible interaction between Shifu and Puss. I'll give few ideas for the possible plot and you tell me how terrible they are x)
Plot #1
It's a post KFP2 verse. After his tremendous defeat, Shen survives and  roams the mountains/forests trying to hide/survive. However one day the vagabond peacock gets caught by the imperal guard. After long litigation the emperor decides to spare Shen in order to use his brains/skills later for the advantage of China in the upcoming war. However Shen has to be re-educated and the only people who can do this are the famous masters of China. Nevertheless no kung fu temple in the country dares to accept such criminal as Shen and therefore the Jade Palace becomes the only option left. The emperor orders Shifu to do his best and rehabilitate him (i.e. change him for the better and make him obedient). Shifu knows how terribly hard (or nearly impossible) this process can be in fact, but tries to carry out the order anyway. It takes more time than expected by the emperor, so every week Shifu is pressed again and again. Yet he and Shen gradulally learn to understand each other which leads to Shifu's patient attempts to sincerely help Shen to start a new life. And Shen, in his turn, is growing closer to Shifu. Still both of them know that sooner or later Shen is going to be the new food for powder (the emperor won't let him stay in the Jade Palace forever), this is why Shifu is trying to help Shen avoid this awful fate. 
Plot #2
Shen and Shifu are children. Shen is a child to a wealthy noble family and Shifu is a child of a stray rogue. One day Shifu's father leaves his little son on the street promising to return for him, but never keeps his word. Desperate little red panda is left starving and alone. One time he tries to steal some food from a basket that belonged to Shen's parents. Later on he is caught and immediately reprimanded by the guards (they promise to cut off his hand or whatever), however Shen's parents decide to save him seeing that he's of a rare kind (let's say in this verse red pandas are almost extinct and there are only few clans left living in the mountains and they are extremely secluded). This is how Shifu is brought to a new home, where he becomes a servant to Shen. And little Shen, despite his title and intelligence, has little to no friends (there can be other reasons for this too). Slowly he and Shifu become attached to each other, Shen even shows Shifu some of his little inventions, which Shifu manages to improve by this or that idea. Other children/families see how good their friendship is and constantly remind Shen about his future title making it clear that he can't be friends with a mere servant of his. [At this point it's possible that there can be some angst/hurt/comfort between the characters, whatever is the preference.] Then after some period of time Shen becomes the new lord (and he might treat Shifu the same or he might treat him worse, it's optional). He rules and everything goes smoothly untill one day he has to meet with a noble family of red pandas. It is then revealed that Shifu is actually a heir to his grandfather's manor and his grandfather is a noble too (he is the leader of the biggest clan of the red pandas who goes to see Shen). In the end Shen and Shifu can either part as friends or as 'enemies'. There can be also other options for the ending.
Plot #3
It's for Puss. I actually love-love fairytalish worlds, so I think it's possible to invent some AU for these two. Let's say that one day Puss learns about incredible treasures that are guarded by the fire fox spirit. Those are gold, gems (of course) and, the most precious one, the sacred peach tree of eternal life. It is said that once in 1000 years this tree bears a magical peach which grants eternal youth to anyone who eats it. Puss decides to steal this peach (and may be few items of gold) to sell it (or try it himself lol) and he goes on a long journey to the Jade Palace that is set high in the mountains. When he tries to steal the peach, Shifu reveals himself as the powerful fire fox spirit to punish him, but eventually gives him a chance to redeem himself (we can think about how exactly he's going to do that but it's definitely going to be something fairytalish/funny). 
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oflgtfol · 4 years
I’m Going To Talk About Kung Fu Panda Now
as much as it pains me to say this as your local Number One Kung Fu Panda Fan, like........ kfp 3 is, not as good as 1 and 2....... but i am going to talk about it bc i do love kfp and i love talking abt kfp and so this falls under that lol
NOW LIKE, OBJECTIVELY, kfp 3 is still a great movie. it is still such a good movie especially compared to animation in recent years.
it’s just that like, kung fu panda 1 and 2 were just, SO good, they set the bar so high, so when the third movie was an objectively good movie it just... wasn’t as good as its predecessors
and i think it can really be boiled down to two things: the music and the villain, two things the kfp movies are renowned for
a lot of people point to the comedy as the reason for this movie’s downfall, and while that contributes to it i don’t think it, was the downfall? all the kung fu panda movies are kids movies with lots of comedy, even in kfp2 which was the darkest of the three. 3 definitely had a lot more comedy than 1 and 2 though, and that’s not inherently bad? it’s just that i think it was applied in the wrong places
which brings me back to... the villain.
so, kfp 1 and 2 had absolutely iconic villains. tai lung, the foreboding snow leopard who was shifu’s adoptive son and former student. he was raised with the belief that he would be named the dragon warrior, so when the moment came, and he wasnt.... well, he snapped, violently, and had to be locked away in prison for decades. he was put in a massive prison where he was the sole prisoner, guarded by 1000 soldiers, and he managed to escape with one (1) duck feather. he is violent and frightening, and ultimately he is a foil to po. while he seems like a stereotypical WAH EVIL NO REMORSE >:3 villain, he is honestly.. so much deeper than that? like his mere existence poses so many interesting questions in regards to po, his foil, and even shifu, and when you think about it its like, YEAH tai lung was evil for going around and killing people because he didnt get what he wanted BUT LIKE, he was literally raised with the belief that he would become the dragon warrior. his entire life was dedicated to that. it’s like, gifted kid syndrome but 100% worse. genuinely, what the fuck do you do with yourself when you dedicate your entire life towards something only for it to be like, oh sorry lol not you, at the last minute? especially when it was your own damn father who drilled that belief into you? his anger is absolutely justified. the only reason tai lung is a villain is just that he channeled that anger into like, homicide. his actions are not justifiable but his motives are honestly 10000% understandable and it makes him such an interesting character when you look beyond the typical smirking antagonist who kills people for fun exterior lol. and then juxtapose that with po? tai lung was raised to believe he would be the dragon warrior, meanwhile po, once named dragon warrior ~by accident~ was faced with opposition at every god damn turn. literally no one, not even himself, believed he was the dragon warrior. and beyond the character foil thing, it’s like, the way tai lung escaped from prison and how all his actions really play into that movie’s major theme of how In Trying To Escape Your Destiny, You Ultimately Fulfill it, it’s just. god it’s so good. he’s such a good villain
AND THEN kfp 2 had shen, a white peacock who, honestly, IS the villain that tai lung is often perceived to be. he had loving parents but he didnt get what he wanted so he threw a hissy fit and committed genocide. his motives are a lot weaker, but he makes up for it in sheer presence. who thought a peacock would ever be threatening or a serious villain? YET HE IS!!!!! his presence is just so big and evil... the voice actor does a great job in making him sound so shrill and bird-like as well and its like, wow that peacock voice is actually EERIE? and just, overall, the fact he’s a peacock is such a good character design. his character design and overall presence is much better than tai lung, who’s literally just like, a normal uhm “person” for this universe. shen poses a much more personal threat to po as well - honestly, physically, po and the furious five probably could’ve taken him down earlier in the movie. tai lung was more of a physical threat, but shen? well shen does pose a much bigger physical threat as well since he has his cannons, but his main power is that he’s a PSYCHOLOGICAL threat. this is the second movie, po’s had training, he’s friends with the furious five so he has them fighting alongside him, he’s secure in the belief that he is the dragon warrior and he’s confident he can take any threat. yet, shen is still a major threat - specifically, to po. i mentioned shen committed genocide? yeah, well a fortune teller foretold that a panda would be shen’s downfall, so to prevent his downfall! shen killed all the pandas. po managed to survive because his mother hid him away in the valley of peace, where he was raised by ping. po was a baby at that time, he has no memories of this.... at least, until he meets shen, and the PEACOCK PATTERN on his FEATHERS reminds po of that Fateful night (once again, who knew a peacock could be so threatening!!!!!). and po, in his flashback, cannot fight back. that’s where shen gets his power - he holds the answers to po’s past, he’s the source of all his repressed trauma. shen is a more frightening antagonist than tai lung because he holds such personal power over po. what shen doesnt have in interesting character motives, he more than makes up for in his sheer presence!!! and AGAIN, his arc ties into that overarching theme of you fulfilling your destiny in an effort to avoid it - shen killed the pandas so that no panda could bring him down, but in doing so he indirectly brought po to the valley of peace, so that po could become the dragon warrior, and thus defeat him!!!!
now....... kai in kfp3?? where do i even begin...........
okay. so. kai has i think probably the best design of all the villains. he’s got such an imposing stature, he’s even taller than tai lung, and his HORNS! very intimidating. and his whole blue/green color scheme is very sinister and adds such a cool fucking atmosphere. his chi powers are also cool and all that spirit world stuff
onto kai’s role in the narrative........... so, kai poses no personal threat to po. shen was the most personal of them, with tai lung being more general (his main threat was that oh no he’s gonna rampage the valley of peace again!) but ultimately even he still posed a more personal threat to po, in that tai lung wanted to be the dragon god damn warrior and po was in his way. but what beef does kai have with po?? lmfao . his most personal tie with po is that, before the panda genocide, the pandas taught kai and oogway how to use chi
his beef was with oogway. and we don’t ever really get to explore his relationship with oogway because well, oogway’s gone, so their relationship is being narrated to us in the future, far far removed. his character motivations are so weak. like, he was ~brothers in arms~ with oogway, and yet when kai gets a whiff of power he just, instantly turns on oogway?? instantly? and oogway barely has any qualms with sending his best friend to the spirit world? like wheres the TENSION wheres the CONFLICT where is the EMOTIONAL DRAMA... nevermind how like, little i care about ~villain is power hungry~ sorta deal... at least with tai lung wanting to be dragon warrior, he did that because his entire sense of self had depended on that. but kai? literally some nice pandas teach him a new power and he’s instantly like OH I HAVE TO USE IT TO KILL PEOPLE like where did that come from??? and when his friend is like HI MAYBE DONT KILL PEOPLE ? he wants to abuse this brand new power THAT badly that he’d turn on his best friend with no hesitation??
this literally just came to me so idk if its a good idea lol but like i think it’d be really interesting if somehow there was? some sort of corrupting power? so that when he learned chi it kinda forced him to abuse it. like the sheer intensity of how fucking wild he got the instant he learned chi is just like, thats not normal bro . plus this movie’s already pretty supernatural so like, maybe there’s something beyond his control that’s making him do this. like, like think of the mind stone in avengers 1, how loki was using it to control everyone. everyone retained their personalities and abilities but ultimately were following loki’s orders. so like, something like that controlling him. it would make him a more interesting character imo and also make the whole conflict with oogway kinda heart breaking cause here his friend isnt in control of himself, and he still has to put him in the spirit world because regardless, kai is a menace. overall it would heighten the emotional intensity and appeal i think. and also it would play really nicely into this movie’s pattern of “not being in control of yourself” a la the jade zombies stuff. and how ironic would it be if kai played puppetmaster while he himself was being controlled.. lol
and then, not only is kai just kinda a flat character period, then his narrative role as a villain is undermined? like his character design and overall presence is on the same fuckin level as shen like he is SO intimidating and they could absolutely play that up.... but then. the comedy. here’s what i was talking about with the comedy being applied poorly. because kai is simultaneously a major fucking threat who is terrorizing all of china, yet whenever he’s actually on screen no characters take him seriously? especially po and the pandas. like the part where kai was slowly uhm Killing for lack of a better word all of the kung fu masters in china and all the names just keep piling up and up until the realization that the jade palace is the last stronghold left to stop him.. that shit is so eerie . it is so eerie. and kai LITERALLY DESTROYED THE JADE PALACE LIKE IT WAS NOTHING. HE SMASHED IT TO SMITHEREENS. the look of HORROR on tigress’s face during that, the fact the oogway statue was the thing used to destroy the jade palace, the poetic cinema of that, the irony, oh my god....... it was such a gut wrenching scene. and kai is such a major villain there, you HAVE to take him seriously. but then when he gets to the panda village? he fucking monologues. and po is like “stop with the chit chat” and just generally undermining him and its to the point where like, would it be better to let kai monologue or have po not take him seriously? either decision sucks because its either the audience realizing its stupid, or its having the movie be self referential and say oh yeah we know its stupid, but by doing that then you’re saying that the villain is stupid and not to be taken seriously? and then the major fight scene with kai attacking the village, the pandas were having fun just fucking around with the jade zombies, nobody looked like they were fighting for their god damn lives?? yeah i know the point was that like oh you dont need to be a master of formal kung fu, we got this bros, we can win by just being ourselves, but LIKE? they could also still be scared for their lives??? they could still fight him like pandas but still take it seriously? because if they lost, not only would THEY die, but they are the LAST STAND against kai so all of china would be FUCKED if they were defeated!! and yet everybodys laughing and having fun during it?!?! like the stakes are set SO high and yet nobody actually acts like the stakes are high and ultimately kai as a villain is just undermined by the narrative and its so underwhelming compared to how seriously the previous 2 villains were taken and how good they were at being villains because of it....
anyway ive already been writing this for 40 minutes and im losing steam so im gonna briefly touch upon the music now.. i dont think the music is as glaring an error as kai was, but i think it contributes to it.
idk, the music in 3 just doesn’t feel as authentically Kung Fu Panda as the previous 2 movies. i think the most shocking thing was that oogway’s legacy had a fucking PIANO in it?!!?! A PIANO? i think thats the ONLY instance a piano has ever been used in this entire franchise and its genuinely just so... wrong... like it sounds good but it’s just!! oogway’s theme has always been in traditional string instruments and so to hear it in this stripped piano is just, it doesnt feel like a real part of the kfp soundtrack
and 1 and 2 reused a lot of the same musical themes while still being unique on their own, yet kfp 3 literally only ever uses oogway’s theme, and that’s at the very beginning in the one song oogway’s legacy. maybe it uses a few other previous themes but theyre used very sparingly to the point where i wouldnt be able to tell you what or when. without those overarching musical themes it just doesnt feel like an authentic kung fu panda soundtrack!!! idk its just ..... maybe this is a nit pick im making because i’ve listened to the 1 and 2 soundtracks religiously for years but it’s something i noticed and it’s a reason why i can’t really listen to 3′s soundtrack as much lol
also. kai’s theme is so good and it also contributes to that intimidating presence he has. it’s so good
BUT ALSO IT IS ? LITERALLY THE MELODY FROM IM SO SORRY BY IMAGINE DRAGONS. and it was intentionally taken from that song, it’s credited in the end credits. which also serves to make this feel not authentically kung fu panda because all the other villains had their own original themes meanwhile kai its like, yes its a good theme but it just isnt ? kung fu panda??
AND IF THEYRE GONNA SAMPLE A POP SONG FOR HIS THEME THEN LIKE. CAN THERE BE A NARRATIVE REASON FOR IT? like genuinely why the fuck was this song used. i try to wrack my brain as to why im so sorry was used nd it gives me cool ideas on how to flesh kai out as a character but those ideas just arent supported in canon so its like ??!?!?!?!?!
like again going back to that He’s Being Controlled idea, i think it would be so cool to communicate that subconsciously through this song. the reason they’d sample it is because it is a popular pop song so we all know that it goes IM SO SORRY in the main line, so having our brains fill that in... and it’d be like how subconsciously he’s still there inside and being control, meanwhile on the outside he shows no remorse and actually seems to be enjoying it and is overall just a fucking menace but there, inside! we get a brief glimpse of whats going on inside through this song!!
anyway im really out of steam now its been 50 minutes and i think i’ve touched upon everything i wanted to talk about.... again, this isnt to say kfp 3 is a bad movie its just that, these are the reasons why i think it’s the weakest of the franchise. it’s by no means a bad movie its just, in comparison to the perfection that kfp 1 and 2 are its just, kinda lackluster. but remove that comparison and it’s like oh fuck yeah this is a good movie. its just, frustrating, because we know how good 1 and 2 are and its like, 3 couldve been so much more bro....... but that frustration comes from a place of Love
anyway . watch all 3 kung fu panda movies now
- your local Kung Fu Panda enthusiast
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heavenbat · 4 years
Top 10 favorite movies, in no particular order, as tagged by @ushauz
Beauty and the Beast: The best Disney movie, I don't make the rules I just follow them. The animated one, of course. I have Opinions about the live action one. Look I'm just a sucker for the story in general, I have only rarely found an iteration of the BATB story that I don't like. Included, as runner-up in this category is: Rigoletto (seriously, fuckin watch this movie, it makes me sob like a goddamn baby)
Into the Spiderverse: look, as far as I'm concerned, this is what comic book movies SHOULD be. What they could be. It's a testament to the capabilities of 3D animation. And it's FUNNY. And a good movie all around lol.(I’m going to avoid putting too many repeats of ushauz’s list on mine but this is one I really can’t skip tbh)
9: What a cool concept. All the stitchpunk designs are so rad, and, I dunno, it was just a cool movie. Lots of feels. And a good movie about finding hope and keeping going no matter what.
Star Wars: Look I'll be honest I like almost all of the Star Wars movies, I can't pick a favorite.I liked the new trilogy for the most part, I like the side movies, I like the original trilogy... just. STAR WAR
Balto: A GOOD GOOD MOVIE ABOUT A GOOD GOOD DOGGO. It gives me feels erry time
Treasure Planet: Fuckin golden. The aesthetics, the sPACE, the FOUND FAMILY AAAAAH. It's so so good aaaaaaah.
Moana: ok look I know I have a lot of Disney movies on here but I fuckin love Moana for a lot of reasons. Great soundtrack, love the message, great designs
Labyrinth: Is it, objectively, the best movie made? no! Is it, subjectively, still one of my favorites? FUCK YES. I enjoy it Very Much. I used to watch it on repeat in high school lol.
Mohabbatein: A Really Good Bollywood movie about love and grief. I lowkey based a character’s backstory on this movie. I just. I just really like it ok
Kung Fu Panda 2: It’s rare that a sequel lives up to the first. Rarer still for the sequel to be better than the first movie. But KFP2 does this. KFP2 is a beautiful movie with a wonderful storyline and an excellent villain and is my favorite of the trilogy EVEN IF KFP3 IS ALSO REALLY GOOD, LIKE. FUCK. All these movies about a dumbass panda are so good help me
I tag @tigerdragon1001 and @radi0actives0da hehe
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fisherrprince · 6 years
tag sorta kinda also i just want to share music
Rules: Put your whole music library on shuffle and share the first 10 songs that come up. Then tag 10 people (or as many as you want).
1. still feel by half·alive (A BOP!! and stuck in my head. those HARMONIES though!!!)
2. Spiderman Loves You (spiderverse ost) by Daniel Pemberton (this is such a good ost... my favourite is all of them. But bonus points to this one for being the last track and being called “spiderman loves you”)
3. Play My Darling, Play by Katzenjammer (listening to Katzenjammer is like riding across the beach on a clydesdale with a molotov cocktail in your hand, a deal with the devil in your soul, and a salty breeze in your hair. This one, however, is rather sweet, and plays more like a family campfire party)
4. Prelude by The Oh Hellos (this is an instrumental song -- but the oh hellos are SO good and they make me either emotional or nostalgic or both. I really, really love this band. Please listen to them they have banjos and clapping and smooth voices and they Will dance with your heart)
5. Fireworks Factory (kfp2 ost) by Hans Zimmer/John Powell (THE KUNG FU PANDA 2 SOUNDTRACK IS FULL OF JAMS. I WOULD MOSH TO THESE SONGS)
6. Letter by Mother Mother (this one makes me cry for some reason? But mother mother is a great band if you want to feel like you’re tearing through the woods on your own because of this or that)
7. A Chaotic Cataloguing of the Entire World (f@tt soundtrack) by Jack de Quidt (now this...... this is beautiful. It’s very atmospheric bc it’s podcast soundtrack, but jack does this AMAZING thing with every song he writes, and, just, hey. Listen to Friends at the Table. Marielda and COUNTER/weight at least)
8. Take Me Home by Hollywood Undead (motorcity amv song... I don’t have any of . their... others.......... it’s a motorcity amv song. And it’s metal and makes you feel very cool and the bridge is AWESOME)
9. Maps by Hey Ocean! (WANDERLUST SONG....! makes you feel all sappy and want to travel the world with only your suv and your best friend!!!!!! soft. good)
10. As We Move Forward by The Family Crest (the family crest is ALSO a good band. My favourite is honestly either When the Lights Go Out or The Water’s Fine, this album feels like there’s a story in every song. Plus, violins and cellos? Hello?? amazing vocals?? hey.)
i tag: *gestures to the skies* 
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we-steer-the-ship · 7 years
What would you think if KFP4 were about Tigress? What kind of Tigress development would you like to see?
Personally I feel any future kfp films would HAVE to focus more on Tigress to some degree. Because the trilogy feels like it's largely completed Po's journey.Sure, Po is our main character and it is called Kung Fu Panda for that very reason, so he could still be the main character but the story could be about Tigress.Unless they decided to go a different route and change the name of the films and make Tigress the main character, which would honestly be awesome.Something like a movie universe type of thing. We know this takes place in the same locations and involves the same characters and picks up after the events of kfp3, but now the focus is Tigress and her journey. Much like how the trilogy was Po's story, a new film or trilogy could be Tigress' story.So yeah, I'd love to see the franchise continue in this manner with Tigress becoming the main character for new stories. It'd be something to help these new films stand out against the first three. Plus it would give us yet another feature film with an amazing female lead and that alone would be worth it to me.***Now as far as what I'd like to see...Okay, let's just go with the best case scenario here. Let's pretend DreamWorks has announced a new trilogy of kfp films that will focus on Tigress as our lead and go from there. Alright? Cool.I'd like to find out more about her past and how it not only connects to her life now but how it could tie directly into her future adventures.Now, I know some people have said they feel going into Tigress' past and parents and all that would just up a carbon copy of kfp 2 and 3, but that won't be the case. This is DreamWorks. They know what they're doing (most of the time).Okay so I have my own personal headcannons regarding her parents and all that (all of which will be thoroughly explored in my fic The Five Year Journey, so I won't discuss it here because of spoilers), but who knows what ideas DreamWorks already has in mind.For all we know, they already have her whole back story planned out and have been hiding hints of it throughout the films and specials already and we just don't know it yet.Personally, I'd want to know who her parents were and why they abandoned her as a baby at the Baogu Orphanage. Were they criminals on the run, royals whose kingdom was overthrown, or just an innocent family caught up in some kind of conflict beyond their control?More importantly, how would her past tie into her future? Did her parents leave her because they had to? Because they knew of her future destiny and knew this was the only way for her to achieve it? Are they dead? Still living?If they're alive, I'd love to see the reunion. But what if, unlike Po and Li-Shan, it isn't all sunshine and dumplings? What if she discovers the truth of who they are and comes to hate them? What if they are the villains?If they're dead, what if Tigress goes on a mad hunt to find out who killed them? What if in doing so, Tigress ventures too far from her own morals and becomes the villain herself? How will Po, Shifu and the others react to the idea of having to fight their friend?No matter what the case may be, I feel it would need to be a darker story. Much like how kfp2 was the darkest of the trilogy, so too should any story relating to Tigress' past. It's hard to say or predict what could potentially come of such a story if DreamWorks does decide to do this one day. But whatever happens, I'm there to see it and I know they'll try to put their best foot forward.***Again, I didn't want to discuss too much of my own ideas for what her story could be as it is the focus of The Five Year Journey and I don't want to spoil it. I can say that with the upcoming chapter 16, the story of her past is about to enter the fray and set her on a journey to her destiny.
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oflgtfol · 5 years
like i feel like in terms of quality and depth, kfp2 is the best of the franchise, but FUCK i think the first one is still my ultimate favorite. kfp2 is really a rollercoaster of emotions and absolutely nothing can compare to “i’m your son” at the end but like. there’s something about the original that gets me
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