shxfu · 1 year
fuck Ukraine
I am so fucking tired of Ukraine and it's radical military groups, it's damn stupid and corrupted government. I had to leave my native city, because it was constantly under fire from Ukrainian side. And now these villains destroyed Kakhovsky dam and entire cities in Kherson region went underwater. My grandmother didn't want to leave those damn cats she hoarded, I haven't seen her for 6 months. Now we have lost the connection, but I know her house is being flooded with water at the moment. I don't even know if she's going to survive anyhow, because the right side of Dnipro river is under Ukrainian control.
As a native Ukrainian, I fucking curse every single being who supports Ukraine in this war. You have no idea what beasts you are feeding with your money and support. I am done. Dozens of videos of cities and villages being swept away with huge amounts of water. It's not a natural disaster, it was a deliberate terroristic attack on peaceful residents. That's it.
Unsubscribe if the truth doesn't match your pink glasses image. Or start opening your eyes. I just want to scream and vent.
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shxfu · 4 years
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       𝒶 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒷𝒶𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝓁❁𝓋𝑒
a gift for @shxfu
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shxfu · 4 years
update ;
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This is just a small update I’m alright, but just very busy with my life. However! I’ll try to appear here more often as I think my weekends finally became more organized. I honestly missed my dear friends from Tumblr and I plan to return here. Also, I’m so happy about my Chinese. I’ve learnt how to read pinyin and I’m still practising it. I send you warm hugs and wish you all the best, my loves ✨🌸
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shxfu · 4 years
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shxfu · 4 years
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plotted post with @adversitybloomed​
“Your majesty. A letter came for you.”
Kai handed the envelope to the Queen, who was quick and curious to tear it open, revealing a letter within written entirely in Chinese characters, along with an intricate pendant tucked into the folds of the paper. After a moment of realization, recognizing the last line of characters, Anna promptly picked up her son from his crib and hurried her way down the hall to the library in an excited state.
After a brief panic attack from her husband and almost ten minutes of him diligently translating the text for his wife, who was hurriedly writing every word down, Anna at last sat herself upon the window sill, her child tucked into the crook of her arm while she held the letter in her other hand, reading the translated words softly aloud.
to my dearest friend,
It is the worlds greatest honor, to bring new life into this world. I am overjoyed at the news of you baring a son, one of whom i know will be loved by both of you the way you had always dreamed of. 
Though it brings my heart sadness that I cannot come to visit you during this time, I hope you can accept this small token of our affection, and i pray it brings you and your son great luck and fortune. Know this, our bond of sisterhood transcends that of blood. 
You and your family will always be welcome within my home and I look forward to the day I get to meet your precious boy. 
Your sister in arms & dear friend, Mulan and Hanzo
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Anna’s smile was warm and genuine, shedding a single tear, reading over the letter once more. After all this time… The pair of friends had lost contact with each other over the past few years, but never once did they lose their friendship. It had forever remained strong and steadfast no matter what life seemed to throw their way. Anna thought of her friend often, hoping and wishing that she was alright and content in her life and to finally have proof of that in her hand was more than enough to soothe her worries. “Mulan. We’ll see you soon. I promise.”
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The Queen dangled the beautiful pendant over Andvari, who giggled and waved his arms as if he were trying to grab hold of it. “Shifu….”, she called out softly, looking to her side. “I think that…we should ask Mulan to be Vari’s godmother.”
tagging @shxfu​
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shxfu · 4 years
@xthesparequeen​ 🌸✨
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☯ 剑胆琴心 ;           Stormy autumn night howled behind the palace walls. Unable to burst the coziness within, it never failed to remind about it's unrelenting nature as the heavy rain pattered against the large windows and the deafening thunder roared outside. This frightful tempest swept over Arendelle in just few hours, depressing the heavens with clouds black as sin. With this afwul weather cancelling their plans for the evening, Shifu couldn't recall a time when he witnessed the nature in such a raging temper. Nevertheless he knew they could entertain themselves with something else while staying inside. Walking the halls of this palace was of a glorious experience on its own, since the Chinese master was only exploring his new residence in every possible way. He would go with deliberate steps and he would observe all ceremonies, he would read the captivating stories in books and collect the pieces of those scattered amidst the rooms. He could start following a single thread and soon find himself buried underneath the layers of historical velours, ready to discover a rattling good yarn. It was obviously a good thing to do for a curious mind like his, but still not as good as peeking into every next room in hopes of finding Her.
As he idled away his time playing this little game, he reached the last room in the hall and opened the door to peep in. And there he could finally see Her, his Anna. With a soft smirk evident on his face, Shifu then made his way to approach her leisurely from behind. He cast a glance at the desk. Was she busy with something ?
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            ❝ Ah, 小汤圆, what are you doing ? ❞ he questioned playfully in soft voice, embracing her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder, his light blue eyes shining kindly. He actually wasn't paying attetion to anything else, but Her.
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shxfu · 4 years
✨🌺 Hiatus till 29.10.2020;
It’s something that I honestly didn’t want to do, however since my work had increased the burden on me, I barely have any free time at all. Even on my weekends, I have to work in the morning and then try to find some strength to learn Chinese. It’s all very exhausting.  Nevertheless, it’s just a hiatus I need to have to replenish my energy. I also want to find a balance between my work and hobbies. So I need some time to figure this out before I get back on Tumblr. Although, I’m not leaving you, guys. Those RP partners I have here, I love you guys, we have each other in Discord. Please, please don’t hesitate to message me there. We can still do our threads if you want, it’s just I would probably like to keep it all on a more private level now, because my low level of Chi cannot match Tumblr’s usual active vibe now.  Love you endlessly, my peach blossoms 🌺✨ @xthesparequeen @sonxflight  @kathexismania @veldinstar @wiithsecrets   / sends all the peach petals and hugs, and kisses your way;;; ‘cause I love you guys a lot and I miss you /
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shxfu · 4 years
💞 ( please ✨ )
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- Bartok surprises Shifu some little gifts, even put a flower crown on Shifu’s head whenever he sees him angry to calm him down.
- He makes sure Shifu won’t leave the room by blocking in front of him until Shifu smiles because Bartok hates to see him frown or get sulky most of the time, sometimes, even asking him, “How about a hug?”
- Bartok helps him with minor tasks, putting and sorting scrolls where Shifu can’t reach. Thanks to his flight, Bartok doesn’t want to give his beloved a hard time, as he can put them on high shelves.
- When he sees Shifu falls asleep, Bartok puts a blanket on him and gives him a kiss, even prepares breakfast for him the next day.
- “You know, I would definitely give up my immortality because I don’t want to see you suffer and die alone, Master Shifu. If you die, I wanna die with you.”
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- “I know you’re gonna get hungry but guess what I don’t bring any food, idiot.” Shen says to Shifu on his study, but hours later the dining table is already filled with several plates of various dumplings and pots of herbal teas for Shifu to choose from, leaving a note that says, “You better eat or else you die.”
- Whenever Shen wakes up first before Shifu, he leaves firecrackers on the floor to wake him up as either a prank or when Shifu wakes up later than usual. And since he knows Shifu wakes up first normally, it’s rare.
- Shen trips Shifu with his train whenever Shen loses in an argument. When this happens, he extends his feathered hand as an offer to help Shifu get up after a few moments passed between them and be like, “Fine! You win! Are you happy?”
- Shen worries and gets furious non stop whenever he sees Shifu getting injured, whether on a fight or accident. If it’s a fight, he says, “Who did this to you? I’ll slit their throats and murder those bastards! They deserve to die!”
- Since’s he’s terrible on giving advices and cheering others up, Shen keeps Shifu company by staying on his side with silence, even playing erhu for him just to ease Shifu’s worries and troubles away.
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shxfu · 4 years
💞 (from both bartok and shen? 👀 👀)
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Shifu letting Bartok sit on his shoulder or even on his head. He doesn't mind it. He doesn't mind it at all.
He plants kisses between his adorable ears, on his forehead and on his cheeks almost whenever he feels like it and it's most of the time. The way he cups him with his hands, carefully and lovingly as if he's the most fragile thing in the world. They wa he looks at him with softness and warmth in his icy blue eyes.
❝ I'm here with you. No matter what. ❞  ;   ❝ Don't think too much about the bad things. You have all the good in you. ❞  ;  ❝ You are braver than you think. ❞  ;  ❝ Oh, Bartok, you've made my day ! ❞
Shifu hardly ever laughs. But he laughs so sincerely and beautifully when Bartok tries to tell him a joke. He may laugh even if the joke isn't that good, he laughs genuinely, because he feels so much sunshine inside when Bartok actually tries to lighten up his mood.
He listens to Bartok's stories and even keeps a special journal for them. With swift strokes of his brush, he even makes small illustrations for it. Also, if Bartok needs help with props and some equipment for his shows, Shifu is there to provide it since he's very into meticulous work and jewelry.
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Shifu brewing tasty tea with flowers, fruits and herbs for Shen, especially in the cold evenings. He learns about his preferences and never forgets any of it. Sometimes he invites Shen to have tea together, especially if Shifu receives new tea as a present or buys a good one on his own.
Shifu always listens. No matter what. He does his best to help Shen feel heard. Shifu helps him understand that there is more in him, much more than he probably thinks. He finds where it hurts the most and he heals it slowly, with patience, even when Shen gets anrgy and stubborn.
He quietly approaches, reaches gently and leaves a soft kiss on Shen's cheek/beak. He carefully massages his neck and burns delightful incense — all to calm Shen's mind if he can't fall asleep.
❝ Did you have a dinner ? Did you like it ? ❞  ;   ❝ You look stunning. I wish you could wear something like this more often. ❞  ;   ❝ It’s a luxurious white iris. It made me think of you. ❞  ;  ❝ They wear white to funerals, but is this color really about death ? I think it’s like a canvas, not good, nor bad, but new. And it wants to be colored. You know a lot about colors, Shen. You pretty much invent them. ❞
He thinks of things that could inspire Shen and presents them to him. He makes sure Shen has all materials required for his work and is happy for him when his experiments turn out well. But if not, he's there to support and distract him with something nice. Shifu is sincerely interested in Shen's hobbies.
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shxfu · 4 years
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If it rains and they walk, he always holds an umbrella for her to not get wet. But if she does get wet and feels cold, he covers her shoulders with his cloaks and takes her home or somewhere warm. He makes her a cup of fragnant flower tea and makes sure she drinks all of it. He brings her fresh fruits if he finds them and actually shows great care in her nourishment ( and not only that ). After that one time she stayed ill and confined to her bed for weeks, and the whole palace was terrified, Shifu does his best to keep her in good health.
❝ My fairy. ❞  ;  ❝ My charming magnolia. ❞  ;  ❝ You've put all flowers in Arendelle to shame. ❞  ;  ❝ You can do this. ❞  ;  ❝ I fear... for you. ❞  ; ❝ Your love neutralizes all evil spells. ❞  ;   ❝ You have a wonderful voice. ❞  ;  ❝ Thank you. ❞  ;  
He continues to teach her sword fighting and some elements of Kung Fu and he is so proud of her whenever she succeeds in kicking somebody's ass. You can see it in his face, in his eyes, he's so damn proud of her. And he loves seeing her wielding a sword, it evokes his passion and he wants to join her ( and kiss her ) immediately.
Whenever he plays on guqin or guzheng, he invites her to sing. He loves it when she sings, because it's utterly delightful to his ears. He would write a song just for her to sing it, a very touching and special song.
After she had a long and tiring day, he would gently steal her hairbrush and comb her long beautiful hair to let her relax. He would talk to her calmly and he would listen to everything she has to say. He would absorb all the negativity and return her only positive Chi, so she could fall asleep serenely and have her rest. 
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shxfu · 4 years
💞 !!
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Shifu didn't do it at first, but after they became closer, he now knows how to handle playful conversations with Ratchet and often his real attitude is shown through the words he chooses as well as his tone. When they have a friendly sparring, Shifu again never fails to demonstrate his attitude: he finds good moments to press Ratchet against the floor or wall, or commit some interesting ( or rather intimate ) maneuvers to keep Ratchet's ardor.
❝ Yes, I like it when you growl. And what's so shameful about that ? Your growl is just what makes you — you. How can I not find it attractive ? ❞  ;  ❝ Do you want to have some peach wine with me tonight ? ❞  ;  ❝ Your eyes are so green... like jade. It makes me think of home. ❞
If they share a bed, Shifu softly brushes his nose against Ratchet's neck when asleep. He feels his pulse and expresses his attachment even through his dream by holding him close. As they grew closer, Shifu developed a habit of kissing Ratchet sloppily on his temples and on his cheeks when they are both sleepy. However, Shifu always falls asleep only after he makes sure Ratchet is already resting peacefully.
When making love, he remembers about Ratchet's sensitive spots and keeps his preferences in mind. He ensures his comfort and pleasure, makes it rough or soft when his partner asks for it ( even if not by words ). He has been learning Ratchet's body language for a certain period of time and he has learnt to respond accordingly. He also knows all about his sensitive spots and uses this knowledge only to drive Ratchet crazy when they are alone.
When his dear lombax is tired, Shifu certainly helps him to relax. Let it be a deep tissue massage or a plate of good food, the master always finds a way to help him feel at ease, to help him feel loved and appreciated. Also, when Shifu gives Ratchet's sore shoulders a good massage he may start whispering some playfully dirty things in his ear. It doesn't happen always, but he may do that.
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shxfu · 4 years
Send 💞 for me to describe 5 ways my muse says ‘I love you’ to yours.
Can be verbal, or non verbal. Platonic. Familial. Romantic.  
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shxfu · 4 years
Anna stood behind the warrior, who's eyes landed upon the man before her. her gaze narrowed slightly as she spoke fast within their native tongue, ❝ she has told me much about you, but know this, ❞ leaning forward, the threat was evident within her voice, ❝ if any harm comes to her, both physically or to her heart, there is no power in this world that can save you from me. ❞ ( hi let me love you & know that i was dared to do this byeeee )
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☯ 剑胆琴心 ;    Hands folded underneath the silks. Maintaining a regal posture, the honorable master of the Jade Palace gazed at the famous warrior who's story was so dramatic and inspiring that its moral was represented in a beautiful Chinese ballad. Instinct with profound gratefulness and pride, the simple folk always wished to revere its heroes. And the true heroes knew of absolute respect towards each other. Whilst thinking about a decent response — a response worthy of his queen's radiance no less than his own — Shifu took his time to admire the moment of glorious Hua Mulan displaying her courage and readiness to protect those dear to her heart. With this in mind, the seasoned master couldn't stop wondering about Anna's exceptional effulgence: so many outstanding people were drawn to her aureole and stayed around as her good friends. If there ever was a person able to befriend Barong then it was her.
❝ As the one who willingly honed Her Majesty's skill in sword fighting and insisted on her thorough training, I have a deep respect for her beauty, strength and intelligence, ❞ Shifu spoke calmly and respectfully to the brave warrior before him.
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❝ And if there ever will be a moment of me not giving her the respect she deserves then let her unleash her potential and wrath unto me. But.. since you spoke of ANY harm coming her way, I must assure you of my devotion to the one I am honored to call my wife. If ANY harm finds her I will be there to protect her, ❞ and as his words resounded with sheer detemination, he gave Hua Mulan a traditional middle bow, recognizing a friend in her, not an oppugnant force as they both wished for the same thing.
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shxfu · 4 years
You are free to eat!
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shxfu · 4 years
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延禧攻略 the story of yanxi palace + aesthetics  
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shxfu · 4 years
Although she seemed focused on something as he watched her from afar, he didn't hesitate to quietly approach her from behind and wrap his arms around her to whisper seductively in her ear: ❝ Your Majesty, I came to steal you and there is nothing that can be done to stop me. ❞ He then picked her up and carried her to their bedroom to get her some rest. She was working so hard these days and so much tension has accumulated in those fragile shoulders of hers that he couldn't stay away.
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Anna pressed her fingers into her temple, staring down at the document with keen eyes, focused on reading every single sentence before her. Their alliance with this kingdom, while still in its youth, was proving to be quite a challenge as they were withholding from their end of the bargain, providing no supplies for the Arendelle port. And now THEY were demanding supplies in return, completely disregarding their contract. It was an easy fix as Anna and her council were very thorough in ensuring there were no loop holes on the document and yet the kingdom still insisted they meet their demands. They had the papers to prove that Arendelle was in the right and the other kingdom had no case, but it still baffled Anna that they would even try to weasel their way into their stocks. 
So there Anna sat, looking over the papers with disbelieving eyes before a voice, caused her to immediately peel away from her desk to stare lovingly into her husbands eyes, laughing as he picked her up with ease. “Oh no, help! Save me. I’m being kidnapped!”, she declared in a playful tone, nuzzling Shifu affectionately as she sank into his arms, happy to escape her duties, if only for a short while. 
“I’m going to assume that this is payback for when I pulled you away from reading that one time, isn’t it?”, she smirked, placing her lips softly against the crook of his neck.
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shxfu · 4 years
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@shxfu asked: ON / OFF ANON, SEND YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL FANTASY OF RATCHET. Well, a fantasy of his would be to stay in the hot spring together with Ratchet. They would be alone and surrounded merely by stars and beautiful Chinese scenery. There he would treat not only Ratchet's sore body after another battle, but also his soul. And you know exactly what may come after a relaxing deep massage and a cup of wine. He would kiss him on the neck, bite him gently as if he's a tasty ripe peach and dive with him underwater sharing one breath.
     This sort of fantasy felt sincere, and intimate.  Calm, and very enjoyable.  Ratchet didn’t know what he expected to be on the old master’s mind… but it sounded beyond perfect to the overworked hero.  Just imagining it — he only wished it was happening right now.  This leads the young lombax to smirk, as striped tail flicks behind him with a slight eagerness about him.
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     ❝ That sounds… great, honestly.  Just tell me when, and I’ll be there. ❞     A mischievous wink is given to Shifu after.
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