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annunen · 17 days ago
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one braincell among these kids
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liigainenglish · 1 year ago
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Finland - USA 1-0 || Oiva Keskinen
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badhockeymom · 1 year ago
Wdym hockey isn't back?
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Home opening of the champions 4-0 lfg!
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joshhaden · 20 days ago
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jayessentialsblog · 6 months ago
Keskinen from Helsinki moves to Aberdeen
Topi Keskinen, a winger for HJK Helsinki, has joined Aberdeen.The Dons have inked a four-year contract with the Finland U21 international. “Topi is a really exciting young talent who we believe will add some real quality to our side here at Aberdeen,” said Aberdeen manager Jimmy Thelin. “His arrival will strengthen our options in the forward areas and he has all the attributes to be a big…
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pittoreski · 2 years ago
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gorbalsvampire · 6 months ago
notes toward revenant families in V5
revenants produce their own vitae with extremely limited applications. treat this as Blood Potency 0 - 1 die Blood Surge. failed Rouse checks still stack Hunger - but the revenant craves vitae as though burdened by the Methuselah's Thirst flaw. many revenants are also ghouls with a bond to a Kindred master.
revenants have Discipline affinities. 0 starting dots but they can buy them. these Disciplines should probably be limited to parent clan spread - Auspex, Animalism, Dominate, Protean, Sorcery for Tzimisce
no Bane Severity but a signature Flaw that they all possess.
discard the ones that are just throwaway names in thirty year old books
first name in these lists is the Dark Ages name, second the modern
Szantovich/Zantosa - medieval courtiers, modern hedonists, keepers of the Eldest - Dominate Affinity, Risk-Taker Flaw
Vlaszy/EXTINCT - horsemen, champions, messengers, honourable, massacred during the Revolt, only survive as a surname of some elder Fiends - Animalism Affinity, Long Bond Flaw
NOT YET FORMED/Rossellini - the "little brothers" of the Giovanni, the crueller necromancers who didn't quite make it, have a Loresheet already that converts well enough - Oblivion Affinity, Enemy Flaw (they've all made "friends" on the other side)
Rafastio/Rafastio - oh, must I? OK... servants of a shattered cult, ties to the Bahari, may take Bahari loresheets - Auspex Affinity, Walking Omen Flaw (every surviving Rafastio is evidence of some grand, forgotten tragedy)
Premysl/EXTINCT - the ruling dynasty of medieval Prague, descended from the ancient ghoul Libussa, so tainted by Methuselah vitae that they were sitting ducks for the Inquisition. Protean Affinity, Beacon of Profanity Flaw.
NOT YET FORMED/Oprichinki - the youngest of the revanant families, formed during the atrocities of Ivan the Terrible, still have blood on their hands. Animalism Affinity, Haunted Flaw.
Obertus/Obertus - the quasi-mortal base of the "Children of the Dracon" Methuselah cult; obsessive scholars with a grand design. may take The Trinity loresheet. Auspex Affinity, Knowledge Hungry Flaw.
Khavi/EXTINCT - the personal servants of the blood god Byelebog, dwindled into nothingness following the Northern Crusade and their master's death in the Anarch Revolt. Protean Affinity, Horrible Scars of Penitence Flaw.
NOT YET FORMED/Keskinen - a strange manifestation of Malkavian vitae, serving a Scandinavian Methuselah aligned with the Cult of Shalim, and infiltrating the Anarch movement. Obfuscate Affinity, Empty Flaw.
NOT YET FORMED/Katayama - only a handful of these Malkavian-borne mad-science Reage & Netchurch experiments exist, and one of their enclaves, in service to Lady Anne in London, was exterminated during the Fall. Not yet fully autonomous revenants. Auspex Affinity, Muddled Blood Flaw.
Grimaldi/Grimaldi - an Italian merchant house, competitors of the Giovanni whose "Bohemian connections" profited them greatly. The glue that holds many more monstrous Tzimisce domains together, but their masters watch them closely, (correctly) suspecting the Grimaldi have an exit strategy. Dominate Affinity, Prestation Debt Flaw.
Enrathi/Enrathi - cousins to the Rafastio, still serving the dead agenda of absent gods and long-lost cultists. now they're a loose organisation of mercenaries in sectarian conflicts. Obfuscate Affinity, Word-Scarred Flaw.
Krevcheski/Ducheski - the traitors! the revenants who abandoned their masters and sided with the Tremere! hawk! spit! Blood Sorcery Affinity, Suspect Flaw - their new masters do not trust them and their old ones despise them.
Danislav/EXTINCT - a subverted line with ties to the werewolf tribes of old Transylvania, and the prize in a long-ago conflict between them and the Voivodate. Protean Affinity, Crisis of Faith Flaw.
Dhabi - no. not doing this. fuck the Baali and fuck infernalism. someone else can field this one.
Bratovitch/Bratovitch - degenerate beastmasters and keepers of decrepit estates, the oldest revenant family and the most sunk into inhumanity. Animalism Affinity, Stench Flaw (it's spiritual as well as physical).
Basarab/EXTINCT - an ancient and noble line that seemed above the corruption exhibited by the other families, but also bred itself into near-nonexistence before being slaughtered for the acts of their most prominent scion. Dominate Affinity, Folkloric Block (Garlic).
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blue-village · 1 year ago
"Maahanmuuttoon keskittyvä keskustelu unohtaa usein Suomessa jo pitkään tai ennen nykyistä valtaväestöä asuneet ryhmät, kuten romanit ja saamelaiset, ja näihin kohdistuvan rasismin. Maahanmuuton korostaminen myös kiinnittää huomion lähihistoriaan, jolloin sivuutetaan se, että rasistiset ja rodullistavat käsitykset ovat olleet osa Suomessa elettyä arkea vuosisatojen ajan. Rasismi ei ole suoraan sidoksissa muuttoliikkeisiin, eikä se ole niiden seuraus. Lisäksi monikulttuurisuutta tai maahanmuuttajataustaa saatetaan käyttää kiertoilmauksena rodullistatavalle kategorisoinnille. Esimerkiksi maassa syntyneitä ja itsensä suomalaiseksi mieltäviä ihmisiä, kuten afrosuomalaisia, kutsutaan usein heidän ulkonäkönsä perusteella "maahanmuuttajataustaisiksi". Rasismia ja monikulttuurisuutta käsittelevä tutkimus ja julkinen keskustelu uusintaa sitä rasistista väärintunnistamista, mikäli rasismin kohteeksi joutuvat ihmiset luokitellaan oletusarvoisesti ulkomaalaisiksi ja maahanmuuttajiksi."
Rasismi, valta ja vastarinta: rodullistaminen, valkoisuus ja koloniaalisuus Suomessa (2021). Suvi Keskinen, Minna Seikkula & Faith Mkwesha (toim.) Gaudeamus.
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uralic-canvas-culture · 1 year ago
The Controversy of Uralic Peoples as Mongoloids
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During the age of European nationalism, Finns, Hungarians, and Estonians have often had the concept of their Whiteness challenged. Some individuals have even gone out of their way to classify these three collectives as a part of the Mongoloid (East Asian) race. The strongest evidence for this claim had to do with linguistics. In the 21st century, many individuals only recognize language to be a fluid construct that has no indication of race. However, Europeans of the late 19th and early 20th century perceived language as an ethno-racial marker.
Some Western Chauvinists theorized that their shared identity of whiteness was partly ingrained in their common linguistic heritage. A broad language family identified as "Indo-European" is what loosely bound the white race together. The Finnish and Estonian tongues, however, are derived from the "Finno-Ugric" or "Uralic" language family. Because of this discrepancy, the Uralic peoples were considered Orientalized by their lack of linguistic kinship. In addition to a difference in language, certain Uralic populations also possessed physical features similar to that of East Asians. Most notably, ethnic groups like the Khanty and Mansi have pronounced epicanthic folds and maintain distinct linguistic ties with the Hungarians. These linguistic and phenotypic attributes indicated that, although the Finns, Hungarians, and Estonians appeared to be white Europeans, they were, in actuality, descendants of the Mongoloid race. These racial designations were not merely trivial ideological conflicts either. We see its impacts demonstrated when, in the United States, early Finnish immigrants were not considered white. In their book, Peter Kivisto and Johanna Leinonen note how a Finnish gentleman was denied American citizenship due to his Mongoloid origins.
This condescending view of the Finns was even shared by their fellow kin from Central Europe, the Hungarians. But why? Why would the Hungarians, a fellow Uralic-speaking people, deny any sort of linguistic/lineage tie with the Finns? This rejection is rooted in several factors tied to race, culture, and politics. In terms of politics, Hungarians have often tried to ease themselves into the sphere of pan-Turkism. This was especially prominent during the era of European nationalism when pan-Slavism was perceived as a threat to Hungary. In a reaction to Pan-Slavism, the Hungarians have often hearkened to their steppe ancestry as proof to be included as a part of a Turkic union. In addition to political factors, Hungarian history has instilled a strong sense of pride in their descent from hardened steppe warriors. The Hungarian nationalists envision themselves as the perfect syncretism of equestrian valor and . However, this romantic imagery is removed by asserting that Hungarians are related to the Uralic people. Uralic people, who were not steppe warriors, but lowly fishermen from the baron reaches of northern Europe.  
The Nordicists sought to reinforce Hungary's shared origin with the Finns by emphasizing their cranial similarities. In his work Intra-Nordic Differences, Suvi Keskinen writes:   
"Anders Retzius, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology,
developed a skull index to investigate “longskulls” and “shortskulls,”
coming to the conclusion that the Finns, the Sámi, and Hungarians
were to be placed among the Turanian type, understood as of Asian
Finland's history of being colonized by Sweden only added to the narrative that Uralic people were naturally meant to exist as subjugated people. This was in no way appealing to the Hungarians who sought independence from the Austrian Empire. This degrading portrayal of Finns as a subjugated and primitive race caused Hungarians to distance themselves from any sort of shared identity. In the book Languages and Publics, by Susan Gal and Kathryn Woolard, the authors note that a certain linguist was disgusted at the notion of having any sort of ancestral lineage to the Finns. In contemporary times, however, Hungarians have largely come to accept their place as members of the Uralic language family. Though others may stress the possibility of Turkic roots, one cannot deny the distant Siberian influence present across all Uralic peoples.  
As the era of nationalism waned, the focus on race and ethnicity also diminished. The tumultuous aftermath of World War 2 prompted European nations to reconsider their relationships with neighboring countries. This shifting landscape gradually relieved the burden on Finns, Hungarians, and Estonians to constantly affirm their place within the Western sphere. The post-war period brought a nuanced perspective, allowing these nations a respite from the need to continually assert their Western identities.
Book Sources:
Kivisto, Peter, and Johanna Leinonen. “Representing Race: Ongoing Uncertainties about Finnish American Racial Identity.” Journal of American Ethnic History 31, no. 1 (2011): 11–33. https://doi.org/10.5406/jamerethnhist.31.1.0011.
Map Sources:
Morton, Samuel George. 1839. Crania americana or, A comparative view of the skulls of various aboriginal nations of North and South America. To which is prefixed an essay on the varieties of the human species. Illustrated byseventy-eight plates and a colored map., Philadelphia : J. Dobson; London : Simpkin.Marshall & co.
Map of human races (Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1885–1890)
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
Inflation is still ticking up, reports Kauppalehti, citing fresh figures from Statistics Finland.
Inflation was 6.5 percent in July, up slightly from June's 6.3 percent.
The agency attributed the acceleration in consumer price growth to an increase in electricity prices, the average interest rate on housing loans as well as the interest rates on consumer loans.
The business daily quotes a recent release from Juho Keskinen, an economist at the The Mortgage Society of Finland, Hypo.
"The interest expenses on mortgages have nearly quadrupled from a year ago when the 12-month Euribor was slightly above one percent. Now it’s above four percent."
A remote-work future?
Many employees in Finland are logging on from home as the workweek starts. When it comes to remote work, Finland is one of the top countries in Europe, according to Helsingin Sanomat, which suggests that the benefits of working from home—the flexibility and autonomy—are keeping people from returning to the office.
Before the pandemic triggered an explosion in working from home, hybrid work patterns were already taking root in Finland, especially among those in white-collar, specialist roles, the newspaper reports.
Last year, nearly half of employees occasionally worked remotely, according to Statistics Finland, up from 28 percent in 2018.
Oligarch-related assets
The owner of the Långvik Hotel has filed for bankruptcy, according to Hufvudstadsbladet.
On Långvik's website, Ryokan, which runs the hotel, wrote that Russia's aggression war against Ukraine has led to a significant drop in guests.
Since 2015, Ryokan has operated the spa in Kirkkonummi. Before that, the Russian businessman Roman Rotenberg, a member of the oligarch family with the same surname, ran the hotel.
The ownership structure, however, changed after the US placed him on a sanctions list following the Russian annexation of Crimea.
However, while the hotel operations were taken over by the Finnish company Ryokan, the property remained owned by Rotenberg through the company Tanskarlan Centrum.
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years ago
NHL Draft Round 7:
193. TBL- Jack Harvey C
194. CBJ- Oiva Keskinen C
195. CHI- Janne Peltonen D
196. SJS- David Klee C
197. MTL- Luke Mittelstadt D
198. FLA- Stepan Zvyagin LW
199. PHI- Matteo Mann D
200. WSH- Brett Hyland C
201. DET- Emmitt Finnie C
202. STL- Nikita Susuyev RW
203. SJS- Yegor Rimashevskiy RW
204. OTT- Owen Beckner C
205. BUF- Norwin Panocha D
206. WSH- Antoine Keller G
207. OTT- Vladimir Nikitin G
208. CGY- Axel Hurtig D
209. NYI- Dennis Good-Bogg D
210. WPG- Connor Levis RW
211. TBL- Ethan Hay C
212. SEA- Zaccharya Wisdom RW
213. MIN- James Clark LW
214. BOS- Casper Nassen RW
215. OTT- Nicholas Vantassell RW
216. EDM- Matt Copponi C
217. PIT- Emil Jarventie LW
218. NSH- Aiden Fink RW
219. COL- Maros Jedlicka C
220. BOS- Kristian Kostadinski D
221. DAL- Sebastian Bradshaw LW
222. CAR- Yegor Velmakin G
223. PIT- Kalle Kangas D
224. CBJ- Tyler Peddle LW
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annunen · 3 days ago
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Big smiles after a big win!
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top4allo · 2 months ago
Aberdeen 1 - 3 Hibernian
Hibernian’s surge in Scottish Premiership form continued with a Martin Boyle-inspired 3-1 win over Aberdeen. The striker scored one and created two more for Elie Youan and Nicky Cadden as the visitors fought back from Topi Keskinen’s opener for the Dons. The Dons freshened up after a week off and brought Jack MacKenzie into the starting eleven after injury, one of four changes from the side that…
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badhockeymom · 1 year ago
Okay #20 scored the first goal of the season. So i can expect the same from canes right???
Oiva Keskinen, his first Liiga goal. Do I have a new favorite? He's 19. Awww boy
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sociologyboom · 4 months ago
Is this of interest? Does this fit in with the postmodern idea of pick n mix culture and the self creation of identity?
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emeraldphilo · 5 months ago
keskinen is pissing me off
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