#kers for ts
marriedlyatt · 9 months
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happy timeless day, clockblockers! <333
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fandom-junk-drawer · 9 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 10
Jaskier wandered the aisles of the grocery store, his third of the grocery list in hand. He had managed to convince Yennefer that the supply run would go faster if they split up.
Yennefer hadn't been too thrilled about the idea of Jaskier running around loose by himself, but they were trying to get to Kaer Morhen to visit Vesemir and Peepers, and Jaskier's suggestion had actually been logical.
Plus, she just couldn't say no. Not when he had looked at her with those puppy eyes, and turned up the charm level. And it didn't help that he'd gotten his hair cut and had gone from the Sexy Long Hair, back to the short style Yennefer called his Babygirl Hair.
They joined the line for the register, adding a few drinks and snacks to their basket while they waited.
Geralt was standing in line, hiding in his ratty Emotional Support hoodie, when he felt Jaskier nudge him. He turned to see the bard holding up two plastic packages and smiling mischieviously.
Giant Stickly Hands
Geralt gave him a slight smile in return, and turned around to distract Yennefer so Jaskier could slip them in amongst the other items.
Several minutes later, and they were back on the road.
Jaskier sat in the front passenger's seat and opened the Giant Sticky Hand. He swung it around, slapping it on random surfaces as he got a feel for it. He slapped it against the inside of the windshield a few times, giggling at the sound it made.
He saw Geralt glancing longingly at the novelty toy while trying to keep his attention on the road.
Jaskier handed him his sticky hand, and opened the other one. Yennefer felt the van start swerving slightly and looked up to see the two idiots swinging giant sticky hands at each other.
"Jaskier, stop distracting him! Geralt, keep your d*mn eyes on the road! Melitele, you two tw*ts are going to cause an accident!"
The sticky hands disappeared. Until they stopped for lunch and a chance to stretch their legs.
Yennefer almost had a coniption when she found out Jaskier and Geralt had brought their giant sticky hands into the restauraunt. Geralt had come back to their booth after getting his drink, and Jaskier hand swung his arm and snapped the sticky hand right on Geralt's a**.
Geralt had pulled out his sticky hand and swung it at Jaskier. He missed, and it splatted on the acrylic booth divider next to Jaskier's head.
"You brought those d*mned thing in here? " Yennefer had whispered fiercely to them. "Put them away!" Gods, why did they always have to embarrass her in public? People were already staring!
Jaskier responded to her demand by being the menace that he was, and using the sticky hand to steal her paper napkin.
He and Geralt had started snuffling and snorting quietly, trying to hold back the laughter as Yennefer sat across from them, fuming in silent embarassment. The sticky hands yo-yo'ed in random directions as Geralt and Jaskier completely disregarded the death glare Yennefer was giving them.
Yennefer tried to ignore them and find her happy place so she could at least eat. She contemplated getting up and leaving both their a**es here; just walking out and using her magic to start the van and drive away. It would serve them right.
Geralt's sticky hand slapped right over Jaskier's mouth as he opened it to spoon his food into it. He made a humorous sound and pulled the sticky hand off, whisper laughing, "You f**ker!"
Geralt grinned smugly, then snuffled and almost spat out his onion rings when Jaskier's sticky hand landed in his lap. "B**stard!"
Yennefer almost laughed when, completely by accident, they slapped each other in the face at the same time.
Geralt looked at Jaskier
Jaskier looked at Geralt
The hands started rapidly flying in random directions, accompanied by a symphony of whispered noises.
Yennefer finally had to put her foot down after a sticky hand landed in her food.
She used their mental link and her Mom Voice. "Put those d*mned things away right f***ing now!"
Jaskier and Geralt both jumped at the sharp mental tone. It was pure wrath and the promise of swift and instant consequences if it was not obeyed.
But Jaskier, emboldened by the fact that they were in public, decided to F**k Around and Find Out.
"Make me!" he replied playfully, only to double over seconds later as Yennefer shoved the toe of her dress shoe into his crotch.
"F**k, my baws!" he whisper wheezed breathlessly.
Geralt immediately put his sticky hand away and focused on what was left of his meal. He did not want a foot to the balls too.
The rest of the meal was uneventful aside from Jaskier blowing his straw papers and throwing wadded up paper napkins at her.
Yennefer, unfortunately, had to stand in line, waiting to pay, while Geralt and Jaskier continued their Giant Sticky Hand fight.
Yennefer did her best to pretend like the two grown men behind her weren't acting like two feral 5 year olds. She was impressed with the register attendant's ability to keep a straight face and stay focused.
Once the bill had been settled, Yennefer quickly herded Geralt and Jaskier outside, where she immediately took each of them by an ear and strode determinedly to the van.
Geralt and Jaskier shuffled along beside her, bent over awkwardly and making various noises of discomfort.
"You embarrass me," she growled darkly, "And I will embarrass the ever living h*ll out of you!"
The few children in the parking lot moved closer to their parents and were suddenly very well behaved. They knew an angry Mum when they saw one. And they didn't want their Mum to get any ideas.
There were more than a few whispered questions of "Mum, why's that lady got those men by the ear?" And the simple reply of, "Because they weren't behaving, love".
Geralt and Jaskier did the Awkward Walk of Shame all the way to Roach.
Never had Geralt regretted his habit of parking far away from everyone more in his life.
Yennefer let them go when they reached the van, and Geralt immediately dug his keys out of his pocket and rushed to get out of the public eye.
Jaskier immediately opened his mouth because he had zero sense of self-preservation.
"What the hell, Yen, I-!" Jaskier began in righteous indignation, only to choke back the rest of what he was going to say when he saw the look on Yennefer's face as she snarled, biting out each word.
"Get. In. The. F***ing. Van. Julian."
They drove in silence for a while to give ruffled feathers time to settle.
Yennefer was sitting on the bed in the back, reading that book Madeleine had recommended when something smacked her on the side of the face. She yelped in surprise and dropped her book , swiping at her face.
Giant Sticky Hand.
"You kn*b head!" she snarled.
"That's for kicking me in the fork!" Jaskier laughed, then squealed, dropped the stickly hand, and started trying to get away from Yennefer.
"Hey, sit down back there!" Geralt snapped. He had to reduce his speed and do some counter steering when the van started rocking as Yennefer chased Jaskier around the inside of the van.
"Come here, you little sh*t!" Yennefer hollered, grabbing at the bard.
Jaskier was alternately laughing and gibbering as he dodged and jinked, weaved and twisted, trying to stay away from the angry witch.
Yennefer tripped him, and he fell face first in the gap betwixt the front seats. She was on him in a flash, smacking the back of his head, then ruthlessly pinching the first a**cheek she could reach.
Jaskier gave a muffled yelp and twisted onto his back, hands holding his nose. Yennefer's tone went from incensed, to worried.
"Oh, f**k! Are you alright?"
Jaskier didn't answer, he just kept groaning and holding his nose.
"Is he alright?" Geralt inquired, trying to watch the road.
Jaskier got to his feet and started stumbling towards the bed, Yennefer following behind him.
"Jaskier! Julek! Julek, let me see!"
Jaskier turned around and slowly started moving his hands. Yennefer held her breath, guilt coiling in her chest as he moved his hands and revealed...
...his extended middle finger.
"You jacka**!" Yennefer hollered.
Geralt had to pull the van over and go save Jaskier as hands started flying.
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manzardworkshop · 1 year
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Légy részese az egyik legérdekesebb kerámia égetési eljárásnak. Gyere el velünk rakuzni, ismerd meg ezt az érdekes szabad ég alatt történő, ősi japán égetési technikát, vegyél részt a folyamatban az elejétől a végéig.
Várunk szeretettel!
Mit kell tenned, hogy velünk tarts?
Ahhoz, hogy elkészíthesd a tárgyaidat, a Manzárd Workshopba kell jönnöd (Nagytétényi út 48-50; Art Quarter Budapest “B” épület), erre összesen 2 alkalmad van, egy alkalomra kb 3 órát szánj, de jöhetsz úgy is, hogy az alkalmat összevonod, így egyszerre elkészítheted a kerámiákat. Az időpontokat előre egyeztetjük, hogy rugalmasan tudj jönni, gyorsabban haladsz ezáltal, könnyebben be tudod osztani az idődet és én is jobban tudok figyelni Rád. FONTOS! Legkésőbb május 10-ig be kell fejezni a kerámiák elkészítését.
Ezúttal 4-5 db közepes méretű tárgyat (kb. 12x12x12 cm-es) alkothatsz, vagy ékszereket is készíthetsz 10-12 db-ot, vagy kombinálhatod a méreteket, mennyiségeket, ezeket előre kell egyeztetned velem. Miután elkészültél a kerámiákkal, meg kell várni, hogy megszáradjanak, ezután kiégetjük őket a kemencénkben. A rakuzáshoz ez az úgynevezett “zsengélés”elengedhetetlen lépés. Tudnod kell, hogyan épül fel az általad készített kerámiák útja, milyen munkafolyamatokon esnek át míg a kész tárgyak a kezedbe nem kerülnek. Amikor elkészülsz a műhelyünkben a kerámiáknak ki kell száradni. Ezután, ha szükséges egyenként letisztítom őket, majd bepakolom a kemencénket és kiégetem 1030 C-on, ami kb. 24 órán át tart. Minden elkészült tárgyat becsomagolunk, majd szállítunk a rakuzás napján az égetés helyszínére (Cinkota HÉV állomástól 500 m-re) teljes biztonságban, autóval. Ott összesen 8 féle különböző színű mázból választhatsz (ezek közül vannak fémes/aranyszerű mázak is), aminek a módszerét helyben a szakma nagyjai, Szabó Kata és Szili Feri keramikusművészek elmesélik részletesen, és megmutatják Neked az összes apró lépést. A rakuzás napján, május 21-én, reggel 8:45-re a helyszínre kell érned, ahol kiválasztod, hogy a 8 színből melyekkel szeretnél mázazni, amit magad fogsz csinálni, de természetesen a mi segítségünkkel. Délelőtt 10-11 óra körül indul az első, ha szükséges délután a második égetés. A rakukemencét Katáék külön erre az alkalomra elemekből építik fel nekünk, mázazás után szakszerűen bepakolják a bemázazott tárgyaitokat, hogy égetés közben ne ragadjanak össze. Mindegyik égetéskor az 1000 celsius fokon izzó tárgyaidat kiszedik a kemencéből, egy faforgács és fűrészpor keverékből álló szerves közegbe helyezik, amit aztán be kell temetni. Ezt utóbbi folyamatot szakmai felügyelet mellett szintén Te fogod végrehajtani, hiszen ez az egyik fő eleme az égetésnek. Nemsokkal később kiszedjük a lehűlt tárgyakat, aztán mindenki a saját szépségeit vízben, súrolókefékkel jó alaposan letisztítja, végül pedig becsomagoljuk neked, és remélhetőleg elégedetten és boldogan magaddal viszed az otthonodba.
Mikor és hol?
Az égetés május 21-én lesz,  8:45-től kb. 16:00-ig tart. Szabó Kata fogad minket a műhelyházában Budapesten a XVI. kerületben. Kata, Szili Feri és én biztosítjuk számodra az egész napos szakmai hátteret, tudást, és persze felhőtlen jókedvet.
Mennyibe kerül?
A program ára 80000 Ft. Ez tartalmazza a profi szakmai segítséget a teljes programsorozat alatt, az összes műhely többszöri használatát, a rengeteg alapanyagot, kismillió eszközt, gyönyörű és izgalmas mázakat, az általad elkészített tárgyakat, ezek helyszínre szállítását, az első égetéseket és raku égetéseket, és remélhetőleg feltöltődést, interaktív kikapcsolódást, jokedvet és sok-sok nevetést.  
Jelentkezni a "[email protected]" címen vagy itt, Facebookon üzenetben tudsz. Helyedet a teljes összeg utalásakor biztosítod, melyet jelentkezésed után legkésőbb 24 órával meg kell tenned. Mi történik, ha befizetted az összeget, de mégsem tudsz eljönni, vagy elmarad az égetés (rossz idő esetén, vagy bármilyen okból kifolyólag)? Ebben az esetben 2023. december 31-ig a teljes összeget felhasználhatod bármelyik programunkra, a nyári alkotótáborunkra vagy általunk készített tárgyakra vagy természetesen a soron következő rakuégetésre (ennek időpontjáról később kapsz értesítést.) Az összeg visszautalására nincs mód. Minden esetben a program kezdete előtt a GDPR nyilatkozatunkat alá kell írni, ezt a helyszínen is elmondjuk neked.
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prettypopforever · 3 months
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HI! Welcome to the official account of Sonnett Beatse! ✨
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I Heard the fans saying they wanted to see me with a blog, so i have provided! and let me say, it feels good to have something all to myself. (^w^)
When i have the time, I'll be posting ~sneaky~ insiders, silly videos, and even answering questions from YOU: THE FANS! So,
Join me on my online adventure If you're a Sonnett superfan, And feel free to stick around so watch me work my magic! Love you! , KISSES~~~ (>^3^)>
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are they gone?
i'm sonnet, (THEY/IT/NOTE) the person behind this account. irl darling, nsft. anybody lookin' for a virtual punching bag or somebody to coddle just a little too hard, this is the place.
Blog is inspired by Perfect blue, Sexymax2019, and We're all going to the world's fair. Half pcrn, Half art.
thr€@ts, st@|king, asks and unsolicited messages are encouraged. n0ncon, fe&rplay, and traumatization are favorites of mine.
DARK TOPICS WILL BE PRESENT. i have very few limits. (un)s-fe space for everybody, especially the weirdest of the weird.
overbearing, delusional fans and spiteful sadistic st@|kers alike are welcome. intended for queer people, as op and Sonnett are nonbinary alike.
op is 19 ❎ i'll be hidden in Sonnett's posts, at the bottom. come find me.
I love my obsessors, We both do.
asks are always open, and i bet you can't find my out of character blog. have fun.
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moondeerdotblog · 1 year
It's damn near 2024, why TF are these little sh$ts coming through my television set still going on about a dime bag of cocaine found on White House grounds. Just stop it. I know you f$&kers lived through the 80's. It's about as scary, José Díaz-Balart, as sneaking through a pinch of Sweet'n Low.
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pariosdexs · 4 years
hiii, so bc there isn't a lot of stumptown content going around, i just wanted to say i'm open to gif requests. if u have any just send them my way and i try to work on them as fast as possible! 😊
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simsandoblivion · 7 years
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Baby, it’s cold outside
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marriedlyatt · 6 months
james tw just announced he'll release a song called timeless on april 12th.... ... ..
yeah, you bet your asses i'm gonna gif lyatt to it although i haven't even heard the song or lyrics shskdjsjs
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ritterum · 2 years
problematically ambiguous dni suggestions:
- t*ll people (including tr*lls and t*xm*n)
- people who do m*th (looking at you mr h*senberg and erd*s)
- people who like m*ths (flying things creep me the fuck out. what's up with ic*rus amirite)
- people into r*ce discourse (who cares if it's j*smine or b*smati or wh*te. just s*y it up)
- min*rs (c-word industry, need i say more)
- w**d users (growing plants to smear on yourself is f-worded up, even for c*lts)
- b*kers (they tend to be little s**ts who tell me to 'get bread' (paraphrased))
- f*rry workers (nothing personal, i just don't like seamen)
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shyishsarawat · 2 years
this BL tik t*ker I don't like popped up again just to leave the take that N*t Me isn't a BL and it's just I already knew I couldnt trust his opinion bc he brings up 2g*ther any chance he gets to shit on it then hypes up bad but sexual BLs but now this? but the worst part was seeing a comment that said at*ts wasn't a BL either 😭😭
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manzardworkshop · 1 year
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Készíts kerámiából virágokat a pop-up boltunkban a Ráday u. 55-ben!
A workshopon megmutatjuk neked, hogyan készíthetsz egyedi kerámia virágokat a saját kezeddel, amelyek kiválóan alkalmasak otthonod, erkélyed, kerted dekorálására, vagy ajándékba is adhatod szeretteidnek, akiket biztosan lenyűgöz majd a kreativitásod.
A kerámia virágok készítése lehetőséget ad arra, hogy felfedezd és kifejezd a benned rejlő alkotóerőt, és a természet szépségét ötvözd az alkotás örömével, legyen az egy pipacs, rózsa, margaréta, vagy akár kála. Körülbelül 10-12 db virágot készíthetsz a foglalkozáson, amiket a műhelyünkben kiégetünk neked. Lehetőséged van még egy alkalommal visszajönni hozzánk és megfesteni őket a neked tetsző, közel 10 féle színnel; ennek az időpontját közösen beszéljük meg.
Helyszín: Manzárd & Baantal Pop-up Store, 1093 Budapest, Ráday utca 55.
Időpont: április 1. szombat 10:30-13:00 óráig.
A workshop ára 12.000 Ft.
Fontos! Jelentkezni üzenetben tudsz, a "[email protected]" címen. A workshopon való részvételedet a jelentkezésed után legkésőbb 24 órával, előre utalással biztosíthatod. Amennyiben valamilyen oknál fogva mégsem tudsz eljönni a workshopra, a teljes díjat felhasználhatod másik programunkra, vagy általunk készített kerámia vásárlásra 2023. 08. 31-ig. ᐧ
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Message #399 From RED BASE , Friday 13th at 6:59 AM: Miss Pauling i ts wing, cconne tion is Horb bile. I dont trust these n ew kers, they havnet been so kind as you say and I fear for 's Life, they
Jeremy Neck *sobbing *I'm so sorry I dont know what I cna do please send help pleas PLEASE
..... I've sorry you have to sit here for a hour
If you get th. Please come down, tha k u,.
Message ended From RED BASE , Friday 13th at 8:29 AM.
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szanyitibor · 4 years
Normál esetekben a tüntetők jól megdobálják a rendőröket, azok pedig jól megverik a tüntetőket. Ez egy tűrhető táncrend.
Az viszont a hatalom hitványságának a jele, amikor a vízágyúra vizipisztollyal válaszoló tüntetőt bíróság elé citálja.
Bárki bármit is gondol a Momentumról és a főnökéről, ezúttal a szolidaritás vezessen minket!
El e kezekkekkel Fegyőrtől!
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moondeerdotblog · 2 years
Improving Dual Reality Democracy Polling Data
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The f$&kers inside my television set seem fixated on polling data. Without capturing the associated reality bubble data, I find these polls kinda useless. I've assembled six questions that, should these little sh$ts conducting these polls add them, would append this additional demographic.
Had I a voice capable of reaching the little f$&kers, I'd go through the bother of assigning weights to the questions that follow. While Bubble One residency tends to be all or nothing (the whole f$&king population would produce identical answers), Bubble Two residency is scatter shot. The answers from those living on the surface of the bubble may not align with the answers from those living in the center (most likely because Bubble Two's reality has been fabricated and overlayed atop Bubble One reality). Weighting the questions would allow for the calculation of a threshold value for identifying Bubble Two denizens.
Anywho, here are the questions my mind shat out this morning as I was waiting for the meds to kick in:
Were the results of the 2020 presidential election manipulated via massive voter fraud?
Does the January 6th gathering at the Capitol amount to a constitutionally protected political protest?
Is the Earth flat?
Was the production and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in response to a global pandemic?
Are Democratic Party members and Hollywood elites secretly running a pedophile ring that's trafficking children to be abused and ultimately cannibalized?
Is Q a patriot?
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sunday 15 September 1839 TRJ
4 3/4
10 1/4
Damp morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 60 1/2° at 5 a.m. I am all ready now at 5 35/..
no c[oa]ch h[ou]se .:. p[ai]d for man watch[in]g the carr[ia]ge
last night ./50 and p[ai]d Gross this morn[in]g for p[ai]d yest[erday] for
d[itt]o d[itt]o ./50 – w[i]th all the [?] I ha[ve] made, it is
6 3/.. when we get off – 3 min[ute]s lat[e]r than the ti[me] –
damp hazy morn[in]g – forest immed[iatel]y on leav[in]g the Stat[io]n
neith[e]r of us slept well last night – A- [Ann] m[u]ch bit –
we had noth[in]g b[u]t plates and caps and sauciers and knives
and forks and tab[le] linen and our doub[le] bedd[e]d r[oo]m and serv[an]t r[oo]m and
p[ai]d 4/20 – Scotch firs this morn[in]g bark[e]d all r[ou]nd
for a yard or 2 fr[om] the gr[ou]nd at 6 20/.. lit[tle] dist[an]t left
fjord or lake – r[oa]d red coarse as yest[erday] sandy b[u]t good tho’ m[u]ch r[ai]n
in the night – forest and lit[tle] breaks all the way to
Säcjarvi [Sackjarvi] at 7 1/2 – one h[ou]se in the forest – sm[all] b[u]t goodish
  Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
Urpala [Uppsala]
as the Gent[leman] s[ai]d at Högfors one might sleep at
Helsingfors [Helsinki] 237 v[ersts]
Wiborg [Vyborg] 44 1/2 v[ersts]
St. P- [Petersburg] 181 v[ersts]
Säcjarvi [Sackjarvi]  b[u]t
Urpala [Uppsala] seems
a good deal the
bet[ter] of the two –
Same sort of forest r[oa]d as yest[erday]
b[u]t less populat[io]n and bould[e]rs n[o]t so strikingly large –
the soil here a fine red gravel as yest[erday] and many
[expanses] of gravel-conglorn bould[e]rs –
mo[re] cattle this morn[in]g than ev[e]r bef[ore] s[in]ce Abo [Äbo] – no
sheep today as yest[erday] so few in these north[e]rn count[rie]s
can on[l]y be just en[ou]gh to supply the inhab[itant]s w[i]th wool and
a lit[tle] cheese and mutt[o]n – they salt the legs (the hams)
for winter – the Russ[ia]n male costume this morn[in]g ver[y] pret[ty] and pict[uresque]
a whi[te] frock coat and red belt or blue or dark and
often bound w[i]th the sa[me] – the wom[e]n wear a [strong]
linen? dark w[i]th narrow red stripes for pettic[oa]ts, and a bodice
or jack[e]t .............. and a whi[te] hand[ker]ch[ie]f
on the head – they all wear the red strip[e]d stuff – or
I ha[ve] seen many men wear it for jackets and trousers
8 25/.. sev[era]l baggage lit[tle] waggons and 1 horse and so[me] sold[ie]rs on f[oo]t
now at 8 25/.. just cross[e]d lit[tle] bridge ov[e]r lit[tle] stream and
cross[e]d a broad[e]r str[ea]m so[me] ti[me] ago the on[l]y two str[ea]ms
this stage so far – the forest too less swampy than the forest yest[erday]
at 8 3/4 consid[era]ble br[ea]k in the forest – unpaint[e]d
hamlet (we pass thro’) – one of the long[e]st flocks of
sheep we ha[ve] seen (recent[l]y shorn) – log houses
the trees n[o]t even flatten[e]d big boulder all among
the cot[tage]s – peas[an]ts wear bl[a]ck leather gloves like our
 Russ[ia]n costume
man bl[a]ck beavers w[i]the buckles
Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
hedg[in]g mittens – hardly out of the hamlet
bef[ore] the young forest beg[i]ns ag[ai]n (Scotch fir and birch, alder
bushes ev[er]ywhere in the swampy places) – but mo[re]
break, and anoth[e]r fields hamlet (scattered) bef[ore] at 8 55/.. and at 9
one neat lit[tle] ochre-yel[low] and whi[te] seam[e]d stat[io]n h[ou]se
at Nisalaks the old[e]r port[io]n of the h[ou]se und[e]r the sa[me] r[oo]m unpaint[e]d
flatten[e]d log-h[ou]se – br[eak]f[a]st boil[e]d milk and Wiborg [Vyborg] (criks?)
Wiburg  [Vyborg] 29 2/6
Säcjarvi [Sackjarvi]  15 1/6
Kiskila 14 1/6
Helsingfors [Helsinki] 252 1/2
St. P- [Petersburg] 105 5/6
br[ea]d tied up in a
sort of rose – and made
tea, and took my pint bot[tle] full
away w[i]th us – all
ready at 10 – off at 10 20/.. fr[om] Nisalax
we sh[oul]d ha[ve] liv[e]d bet[ter] here than we did at Urpala [Uppsala] I suspect –
nice lit[tle] stat[io]n – a lit[tle] meat on the fire boil[in]g when we ca[me]
in, and our milk ready in 10 min[ute]s or 1/4 h[ou]r – In 5 min[ute]s
pass thro’ the lit[tle] hamlet – and then forest rocky forest and big bould[e]r ag[ai]n
r[oa]d coarse red sandy as bef[ore] b[u]t good forest, till 11 1/4 good riv[e]r – 2 or 3
good wood, yellow paint[in]g h[ou]ses scatt[ere]d ab[ou]t and lit[tle] unpaint[e]d scatt[ere]d
hamlet – nice bit of open cultivat[e]d count[r]y – the
r[oa]d red sand (b[u]t good) and the soil red sand – still damp and
rath[e]r hazy – (Read[in]g Handb[oo]k artic[le] Moscow) soon
forest ag[ai]n – at 11 3/4 lookd[o]wn up[on] bey[on]d us (left) the
handsom[e]st gent[leman]s h[ou]se we ha[ve] seen in Finland, surround[e]d
w[i]th park-like gr[ou]nds – lit[tle] hamlet scatt[ere]d hereab[ou]ts –
h[ou]se and 2 wings – whi[te] w[i]th pea green roof – at 11 51/..
one neat good yellow, and whi[te] pilast[ere]d stat[io]n at
Kaskila and br[oa]d sheet of wat[e]r at a lit[tle] dist[an]ce in
front – anoth[e]r pavill[io]n-like gent[leman]’s h[ou]se alm[o]st in front
(to the right) fr[om] our stat[io]n yel[low] w[i]th pea green roof and whi[te] corners and
a whi[te] hexastyle portico (w[i]th pedim[en]t – the gable end) beautif[ull]y
   Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
paint[e]d c[oa]ch h[ou]ses and stabl[in]g and unpaint[e]d barns and cot[tage]s
scatt[ere]d ab[ou]t the fine sheet of wat[e]r com[in]g close to the h[ou]se – ver[y] pret[ty]
Wiborg [Vyborg] 15 1/6
St. P- [Petersburg] 153 2/3
Niserlax 14 1/6
Helsingfors [Helsinki] 266 ½
here – one stage
last night to U- [Urpala] [Uppsala]
ver[y] pict[uresque] – and
[?] this morn[in]g – big boulders ag[ai]n conglom[era]te red granite as yest[erday]
pict[uresque] foresty stage to here – corn (rye) out in cocks
here – soon Scotch fir forest ag[ai]n – the cranberry and moss and heather
dispute as us[ua]l possess[io]n of the rock and bould[e]r
a lit[tle] farm and at 12 17/.. 3 lit[tle] stacks of corn thatch[e]d w[i]th straw and then spruce branches laid
on the top – here and ev[er]ywhere ab[ou]t they lay spruce fir
branches at the doors to keep one clean [crossed word] inst[ea]d
of mats when it is dirty as it alw[a]ys m[u]st be in wet weath[e]r
w[a]s this cust[o]m of strew[in]g branches in the way (as palm br[anch]
as our sav[iou]r rode al[on]g etc.) orig[inall]y to keep one out of the
dirt? now at 12 50/.. sandy and heavy r[oa]d uphill in the
forest – at 1 fr[om] the top of hill Wiborg [Vyborg] in sight, and
its fine island fjord, immense expanse of
wat[e]r and 10 arch wood br[idge] ov[e]r arm of the fjord on
left to w[hi]ch we wind d[o]wn and cross (deals and big bould[e]rs)
now at 12 7/.. 1 7/.. – beaut[iful] wood[e]d islandy expanse of
wat[e]r on each side – ver[y] fine dri[ve] fr[om] here –
at 1 10/.. cross anoth[e]r 10 arch wood[e]n br[idge] – the large
sq[uare] tow[e]r and 3 sm[all] point[e]d tow[e]rs of Wiborg [Vyborg] full in
view left fr[om] the br[idge] – fine wood[e]d dri[ve] fr[om] here – the
wat[e]r right – damp ver[y] sm[all] drizzling r[ai]n – bouldery com[mo]n
just bef[ore] ent[erin]g Wiborg [Vyborg] – at 1 20/.. the 1st barrier and archway –
then at 2[n]d archway and wat[e]r and wood br[idge] 13 arches, to cross
a steamer lying at the quai – ver[y] fine view of fjord and town
the old brick cast[le] close (right) on a lit[tle] isl[an]d – this w[a]s the large sq[uare]
tower I saw at the top of the hill at 1 –
enter the town at 1 25/.. – at the Society’s house good Inn at 1 1/2 –
  Strew[in]g Spruce
branches inst[ea]d of mats
Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
S[e]nt Gross w[i]th my passp[or]t to the police – asleep –
c[oul]d n[o]t be seen till 3 – had my h[ai]r done and A. [Ann] and I out at 2 40/..
took Gross to shew us the police – close to the gate by w[hi]ch we ent[ere]d
the town – recross[e]d the br[idge] on 20 wood piers pillar each form[e]d of 5 –
then up the fort-hill – near the br[idge] right on ent[erin]g the town beaut[iful] view of the fjord and suburb to the
westw[ar]d – ret[urne]d by the wat[e]r side – obs[erve]d the big pieces of red
felspar [feldspar] in the porphyritic (conglomerate?) of their
rocks – then on pass[in]g the bridge ag[ai]n and reent[erin]g the town
turn[e]d left along the rampart – A- [Ann] stood sketch[in]g the
old brick cast[le] on a lit[tle] isl[an]d fjord or [crossed word] moat
all r[ou]nd – A- [Ann] sketch[e]d the old cast[le] – its tower 8tagon [octagon] that
Look[e]d sq[uare] in the dist[an]ce – the 3 upper stories of the tower[e]d seem roofless –
the fjord on this side (tow[ar]ds the sea) ver[y] beaut[iful] islandy and
wood[e]d as far as one can see – the wat[e]r on the opposite side
the town ver[y] pict[uresque] but mo[re] like a pret[ty] islandy lake –
Deal sheds – a large raff y[ar]d near left (look[in]g n[or]thw[ar]ds) and lit[tle]
unpaint[e]d hamlet scatt[ere]d a long way along the waters
edge – hamlets (too, right, and nearer, sweep[in]g round to
the town) a large handso[me] suburb w[i]th good ch[ur]ch
yellow w[i]th red roof and tow[e]r cupola pea green – Viborg [Vyborg]
a large town tak[in]g in its suburbs – a large handso[me]
ch[ur]ch in the large sq[uare] oppos[i]te our Inn – 2/3 the men one
sees are sold[ie]rs in their long plait[e]d-in-behind fawn-grey
gr[ea]t coats – they look like monks or women?
then al[on]g the rampart to a lit[tle] pastern gate – w[e]nt out
by it ab[ou]t 1/2 way or mo[re] tow[ar]ds the good suburb –
then turn[e]d (right) tow[ar]ds the sea (along the outside
rampart breast-work) of the fortress –
w[e]nt to the waters’ edge – tast[e]d the wat[e]r – merely
a lit[tle] brackish – n[o]t at all salt – beaut[iful]
view fr[om] a round knoll of bare granite rock of
 ca[me] in at 5 1/4
din[ner] at 6 to 6 3/4
out at 7 for a
min[ute] or 2 to see
the ch[ur]ch en face
 Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
each pier form[e]d of five uprights w[i]th a spur
fr[om] each side of the foot of each upright
on the top of the rock (right, on ent[erin]g the town – and close to the
bridge – so[me] sort of fortificat[io]n there) – on the top of the rock
large when bare, obs[erve]d the sa[me] ochre-yellow moss I saw
on the large old oaks in the park at Stockholm – and in
ret[urnin]g by the water side a lit[tle] of the blood-red moss I first obs[erve]d n[or]th
of Upsala [Uppsala] – scarp[e]d a lit[tle] off w[i]th the point of my parasol
stick – it w[a]s pulpy and vegetable-like – tho’ the wat[e]r trickl[in]g
d[o]wn it, made it look shin[in]g and so like recent blood, I alm[o]st
th[ou]ght at 1st (there being b[u]t a lit[tle] patch of it) that it might
be blood –
 the wide expand[e]d, lovely, wood amphitheatric islandy
fjord – the light at 4 3/4 beaut[iful] – the dark
distant bound[ar]y of pine forest back[in]g
the smooth light wat[e]r ver[y] fine – A- [Ann]
th[ou]ght she h[a]d nev[e]r admir[e]d a scene mo[re] –
2 brigs on the stocks here (lit[tle] trading vess[e]ls)
ret[urne]d by the gate nearest the sea the road winding
within the outworks – then saunt[ere]d along
the rampart w[i]thin the walls – ver[y] fine
view (nearly the sa[me] as bef[ore]) of the fjord, b[u]t
saw rath[e]r mo[re] of it – good town – a
reg[ula]r fortress – remind[e]d me in this resp[c]t
of Rocroi where we slept last y[ea]r –
ca[me] in at 5 1/4 – wr[ote] a lit[tle] din[ner] at 6 –
ver[y] good fried Sprax a fish tast[in]g a lit[tle] like carp?
excell[en]t veal cutlet w[i]th curr[an]ts on the top and lemon
and I ate it w[i]th excell[en]t pres[erve]d raspberry, and on ver[y] good
pres[erve]d green gooseberries look[in]g like olives and pres[erve]d
candied lemon, and sago pudding, and good coff[ee] aft[er]w[ar]ds -
Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
aft[e]r din[ner] the oppos[i]te ch[ur]ch door op[e]n, w[e]nt in for
a min[ute] or 2 – a sort of priest or man ab[ou]t the ch[ur]ch ca[me]
to see wh[a]t we sh[oul]d do – 2 candles burn[in]g at 2 silvery shrines –
b[u]t nobod[y] in the ch[ur]ch – too dark to see m[u]ch – b[a]ck at 7 1/4
and h[a]d Grotza b[u]t so long ab[ou]t gett[in]g and pay[in]g for [Podoroshma]
and chang[in]g mon[e]y and pay[in]g up bills that it w[a]s aft[e]r 9 bef[ore] all this w[a]s done –
the sm[all] damp r[ai]n and haze clear[e]d off bet[ween] 2 and 3 p.m. and
aft[er]w[ar]ds fine aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g F[ahrenheit] 58° now at 9 10/.. p.m.
our bill 16/20 – c[oul]d get no copp[e]r mon[e]y – pretend[e]d they
h[a]d diffic[ult]y in giv[in]g me 2 five kop[ek] pieces change ag[ain]st
the bill – and in chang[in]g my mon[e]y they ga[ve] me two
25 kop[ek] bills and one 5 kop[ek] – 55 Rub[les] for my Finnish rubel
notes some kopek notes 75s. and a few 50s.
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softnspicytofu · 3 years
I know it was a reblog but do you know what happened with Jimin last week that he was getting de*th thre*ts? I've been army long enough to know it happens sometimes but I'm not on Twitter so I didn't hear anything. Also you've given me one more person to add to my block list. I'm Yoongi biased and yoonmin is my otp but even if that weren't the case, Bangtan is 7!
Hello anon! You are definitely not losing out on anything for not being on Twitter, apart from seeing tweets from the boys, though lots of helpful Tumblrs here that update us from Twitter would share them anyway so there's no need to be on Twitter other than supporting Tannies tweets. I'll put this under a read more so it doesn't clog up anybody's dash
I actually took a break off from Twitter because of this, the hate against J/M is just so prevalent there it's insane. It was an amalgamation of things to be honest, but as far as I am aware of the d3@th thre*ts could be from that short clip of J/M jumping into J/K's arms in the background and any time there is a slight ji/kook moment you can expect T/Kers spewing toxic hate. I will leave it at this for now, it seriously doesn't take much for people to spread hate about J/M and it makes me so sad because he has done nothing to deserve it. I suggest not searching for it, you have a good reason for not being on Twitter so it's not necessarily to go out of your way to look for it, there are loud haters but there are also people who won't take it sitting down and will defend him.
We've seen how yoon/min have supported each other over the years, Y/G always praises J/Ms voice any chance he gets (I mean, man got so upset he went to Joonie for Tony Montana and not him😂) and J/M calls to make sure he's doing okay, visits him at the MV set
I agree anon-y, Bangtan is 7, they're a whole package and if people will put any one member down for no valid reason (and mind you, none of them have done things to incite half the vitriol J/M has received) then they are no ARMY. It's already bad enough to fight against the constant hate from other fandoms and the general public that just doesn't appreciate or understand the impact of BTS, but the in-fighting is what makes me the saddest and maddest. It's supposed to be BTS+ARMY against the world, not like this
Whew, sorry for the wall of text! Anyway, I hope you have a good day anon, thanks for dropping by and take care!
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