#kermit anon
beansprean · 1 year
Dude, as much as I tease, you are truly a great artist. Not only do you have a recognizable style and amazing artwork, but I adore your storytelling. Your humor is infectious and blends with your stories perfectly. I look up to your prowess and hope one day I could have a bit of this talent.
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
"*points again at the kermit nodding gif*" damn this early? this is really funny
girl huh
girl wot
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markscherz · 1 year
What kind of frog is Kermit? Also, opinions on Kermit?
Kermit is arguably Hyalinobatrachium dianae
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My opinion: he is iconic. Which other muppet is featured in so many gifs and memes?
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Muppet Piss Slaves, The Kermit Saga.
Hello, my name is Kermit. Yes the famous B star celebrity. Well, used to. Let me give you a quick backstory. After working on films and the shows, they decided to fucking replace me with some younger new star who just so happened to look like me, throwing me in the dirt. Thankfully my abusive ex Ms. Piggy broke up with me and went with my replacement, but I was dirt broke. I ended up like the young muppet I was many years ago, holding a cardboard sign asking for money as I played my banjo hoping for some kind souls to donate. Then all of a sudden on a normal day, I blacked out. Waking up in the hellish torture that is a Muppet Piss factory. For 6 years, I fucking woke up each morning forced to piss against my will, thankfully most muppets like me don't have noses but the fumes in there was fucking unbearable, squished against my fellow muppets, sweating like hell in the heat of the room, pissing just to appease the masses for our piss, it was just like how it was when I was famous. Each fucking day in there was HELL. You all can't actually fucking say shit about it until you've actually been there, pissing away. One thankful day, Joker and his posse just so happened to accidentally break the walls, leaving me and my friends to escape, as I was running out, I met eyes with Joker, those sweet green eyes, tough on the outside but so soft and kind in the inside, it felt like forever staring into those eyes, then all of a sudden he reached out his hand. "I like something about you, I can't put my finger on it but I believe that we'll make a good match. Would you like to join me?". After hearing his words I gasped and tried to find my words blushing all over the place and unconsciously nodded and took his hand. I feel like this is the start of something good.
-Kermit, 2022
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robraeinnevermore · 2 months
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they’re both pretty easy to please
As much as they enjoy hanging out alone at the tower sometimes it’s nice to get a little stimulation elsewhere. Dick drives them around the city on his bike of course. She absolute hates it but it’s what makes him happy. They both enjoy reading and Rae is pretty pacified looking through books for hours and spending some time in a quiet place. Neither of them are exactly the most diurnal but that’s the only time places are open so they need to stop for caffeine… probably a few times…
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months
Narcissism IS a bad thing! Which is why it is considered a disorder!! Narcissism simply stunts you as a person and won’t allow you to become grow. You thinking of yourself as “better” than others does nothing but make you look pretty stupid tbh
The fact that I selfship with the Joker while kinning him does not mean I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
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Silliest and gayest Napoleon fun fact?
oh man... hard to pick
I feel like it's the one everyone knows which is that, according to Meneval, Napoleon had a penchant for taking running leaps into the laps of friends/secretaries/people he liked**.
Also, this bit from Meneval**: “[Napoleon] would come and sit on the corner of my desk, or on the arm of my armchair, sometimes on my knees. He would put his arm around my neck and amuse himself by gently pulling my ear.”
There's also the one, that I feel is also pretty well known, which is in Cronin's biography**:
Napoleon found that his friendships with men often began with physical attraction, and this took a curious form. 'He told me,' says Coulaincourt, '...that for him the heart was not the organ of sentiment; that he felt emotions only where most men experience feelings of a different kind: nothing in the heart, everything in the loins and in another place, which I lean nameless.' The feeling Napoleon described as 'a sort of painful tingling, a nervous irritability...the squeaking of a saw sometimes gives me the same sensation.'
**insert obligatory disclaimer about early modern/into early 19th century male friendships and homo-social relations being far more intimate and physical in their expression than they are in modern north american and/or #Western Society etc. etc.
Not quite on topic, but I am often amused whenever I think about Napoleon ribbing Cambaceres about his love-life and that one story where Napoleon hauled everyone out of bed at ass-o'clock in the morning for Empire Reasons. Cambaceres was late to this impromptu meeting and when he arrived Napoleon apparently said something like, “When your emperor calls for you, Cambacérès, you must tell your pretty ladies to put their trousers back on, take up their canes and be off”. 
Relatedly, that letter from Napoleon to Josephine where Napoleon writes: “is it true the First Chancellor is in love? you might have given me a hint”.
Napoleon being like: babe. babe. you need to tell me the Deetz. i ne eed..,, them. for Reasons. babe. babe. you can't leave hanging. babe.
thank you for the ask!! :D :D
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fryday · 8 months
Dan and Phil are so Miss Piggy and Kermit coded. No I will not elaborate.
confession i've barely watched any muppets content in my life but when i saw this ask i went to look at their interviews and now i'm cry laughing and you're so right you don't even need to elaborate
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yesloulou · 7 months
Check mereeedithh's tweet, Josh got caught being a WAG again
the way josh was filming on his phone and everybody was????? teasing him???? what?????? but like also the fact that he’s filming on his phone to begin with??????????????
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(via @ mereeedithh)
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
ahem, sorry for the yelling - goblin anon
YESS this works so well with Dazai’s whole controlling his heartbeat thing you’re right!!
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stepheniemeyer · 2 years
Hello Mrs. Meyer! How open would you be to having your work adapted by the Muppets? (And do you think Kristin Stewart would be open to reprising her role as Bella, the One Human Character?)
I am open to it, but it is non negotiable for me that Bella is played by Kermit. The one human character has to be Billy Burke reprising his role as Charlie.
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beansprean · 1 year
In regards with your latest post, I can't believe you advised your viewers to ILLEGALLY DOWNLOAD a TV show. That is just the wrong way of doing things. It is dangerous and foolish to download shows that Hulu has spent a lot of work exploiting their workers for. Streaming the pirated content is much safer. Less likely to download malware and is basically invisible to internet providers if you use a VPN. Look up "beginners guide to piracy" to find a link on reddit for more info. Much love, dear Kermie. <3
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Kermit is a cuck
Anon, you better pray to god Miss Piggy doesn't find you.
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st4rfckerz · 8 months
I would let Anakin go arms deep and pretend I’m his muppet that’s all I’m saying.
this might be the realest thing you've ever said disco ball.
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cosmic-radio-station · 4 months
hey moots is ya boy cosmic
uhh I found this interaction a lil weird
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the first message was something like
"elmo is a CHILD and he would never date Kermit the frog. this is sick... "
after my apologetic message he said something like,
"you are forgiven, we all stumble blindly in the dark of life making mistakes"
or some shit like that
boy shut your goofy ass up
btw I'm talking about @/the-muppet-joker
go block the deranged freako please
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statleragainstposers · 2 months
Omg you literally posts about a Kermit plushie and now the croaker‘s is missing!? Sus af.
Me? Suspicious? not the Croaker, who is lying to you all? The hypocrisy of you people is astounding.
also, he literally said it was late at night and that his phone was almost dead, so he obviously just went to bed when he got back home. I get that most of you aren't Rational Thinkers, but please apply a little bit of common sense before you decided to FLAME.
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