#keratitis treatment eye drops
advopticvisioncare · 9 months
Best Keratitis Treatment Eye Drops In India - Advoptic Vision Care
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Discover the best antibiotic eye drops for keratitis treatment in India with Advoptic Vision Care. Explore our PCD pharma franchise opportunities.
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circular-time · 2 years
So I've been fighting a herpes simplex keratitis flareup since August in my left eye, and Thursday my ophthalmologist put a $1000 amniotic patch over my damaged cornea ("it looks like sandpaper") to work on healing it up before my November trip.
(Shades of my 2014 trip to the UK —why do I ALWAYS get these flareups in the fall although I've successfully managed to keep it at bay for years? There's no cure, and it's something that shows up in people with weakened immune systems, which is why I am paranoid about Covid).
AAAANNYWAY, The thing is, I have to try to keep this patch/soft contact bandage over the damaged area as long as possible. The doctor had me discontinue a lot of the treatments I usually do to keep my eyes moist and clean, telling me to stick to artificial tears only, just a single drop to avoid washing it out.
Which is all well and good but um. I didn't think to tell him I was going to be watching a TV show that would almost certainly make me cry.
I think I need to try to watch Thirteen's regeneration without crying. 
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usmedilife12health · 2 months
Bimat With Brush Eye Drop
Description Of Bimat Eye Drop
Bimat Eye Drop is used for treating ocular hypertension or increased pressure in the eye and open-angle glaucoma.
It comes in the form of eye drops. This tablet should not help if you are allergic to any ingredient of Bimat Eye Drop.
Bimat Eye Drop is accommodating in a class of medicaments called prostaglandin analogs.
Bimat Eye Drop Chemical Name
 Bimat Eye Drop Manufacturer
Ajanta pharma Ltd.
Uses of Bimat Eye Drop
Bimat Eye Dro is used in the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension.
What is Bimat Eye Drop?
Bimat Eye Drop is used for Glaucoma, Ocular hypertension, Lengthening eyelashes and other situation.
Bimat Eye Drop may also be used for purposes not listed in this medicament guide.
How Bimat Eye Drop working?
Bimat Eye Drop is a combination of two medicines: Bimatoprost and Timolol.
Bimat Eye Drop is a prostaglandin analogue while Timolol is a beta blocker.
They work by decreasing the production of aqueous humour, thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
How is Bimat Eye Drop used?
This medicine is for external use only. Take it in the dose and duration as advised by your health care physician.
Check the label for directions before use. capture the dropper close to the eye without touching it.
Gently hold the dropper and place the tablet inside the lower eyelid. Wipe off extra liquid.
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Bimat Eye Drop Indications
Use this medicine exactly as prescribed. Do not administer in larger or smaller numeral than advised/prescribed.
Consult the health care physician if you experience any undesirable side effects. Ensure that the treatment course is completed.
Bimat LS Eye Drop
Bimat Eye Drop
Bimat T Eye Drop
Bimat LS TM Eye Drop
Contraindication Of Bimat Eye Drop
Hypersensitivity to Bimat Eye Drop is a contraindication. In addition, Bimat Eye Drop should not be used if you have subsequent conditions:
Absent eye lens
Inflammation of the iris
Adverse effects
Eye color changes
Increase in hair growth
Burning or itching of eyes
Redness of the eye
Eye swelling
Eye pain
Precautions And Warnings
Pregnancy - This tablet is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless important.
All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before using this medicine.
Contact lens - The ophthalmic form of this drug is not recommended for use if you are wearing soft link lenses.
The lens should be removed prior to administration of the eye drops and can be reinserted after 15 minutes of administration.
Bacterial keratitis - If the ophthalmic solution of this medicine is contaminated by bacteria, it can lead to an infection of the cornea.
Patients are advised to take all hygienic caution to ensure that the tablet is not contaminated.
Store tablet at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze pill unless needed by package insert. Keep tablet away from seed and pets.
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grevispharma · 8 months
Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Gel
Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Gel comes under the branding Grevir. It refers to the class called antivirals. It contains Ganciclovir 0.15% is widely used to treat an eye herpes infection. Herpes simplex keratitis is an infection that impacts the cornea of the eye front surface of the eye caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
Effective medication works by killing and stopping the growth of the herpes in your eyes simplex virus on the cornea. Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Gel helps to treat herpes simplex keratitis.
Medical Benefits of Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Gel 
Treatment of Viral Eye Infections
Herpes simplex keratitis
Prevention of Recurrence
Protection of Vision
Reduction of Viral Replication
Direction for Use
Before using it, break the seal and wash your hands to avoid any infection
Lie down and tilt your head backward
Pull your lower eyelid gently with your index finger to form a pocket
Still, the number of drops as advised by the doctor into the pocket of the lower eyelid
Close your eyes for 1-2 minutes
Away from Sunlight.
Store in a cool Place.
Store in a Dry place.
Side Effects
Blurred vision
Burning sensation
Swollen and Runny eyes
Foreign body sensation
Sensitivity of eyes
Grevis Pharma Top Manufacturer And Supplier of Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Gel
Grevis Pharma is well known ISO, GMP, and WHO-accredited Ophthalmic Products Franchise in India that provides superior quality Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Gel which is approved by FSSAI, which means it meet all quality and safety standards.Moreover, they have a WHO and GMP-certified manufacturing unit for effective production.
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gloriabomfim · 8 months
Blurry vision can have various causes, and it's important to note that I am not a doctor, but I can provide some general information on this topic. Blurry vision can result from several factors, including:
Refractive Errors: The most common cause of blurry vision is refractive errors, such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. These conditions can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery like LASIK.
Presbyopia: This is an age-related condition that affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects, typically occurring in people over 40. It can lead to blurry vision when reading or doing close-up tasks and is corrected with reading glasses or multifocal lenses.
Eye Fatigue: Extended periods of reading, using digital devices, or other close-up tasks can strain the eye muscles, leading to temporary blurry vision. This is often referred to as "eye fatigue" or "eye strain."
Dry Eyes: Insufficient tear production or poor tear quality can cause dry eyes, which may result in blurry vision. Artificial tears or prescription eye drops can help alleviate this issue.
Eye Infections: Infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye) or keratitis can cause blurry vision along with other symptoms like redness and discomfort. These conditions require prompt medical attention.
Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's natural lens, leading to blurry or hazy vision. Cataracts often develop with age and can be treated with surgery to replace the clouded lens with an artificial one.
Glaucoma: Increased pressure within the eye can damage the optic nerve and lead to gradual vision loss, which may include blurry vision. Early detection and treatment are crucial to manage glaucoma.
Retinal Disorders: Conditions affecting the retina, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration, can lead to blurry or distorted vision. These conditions often require specialized medical care.
Medications: Certain medications, especially those that affect the eye's blood vessels or tear production, can cause temporary blurry vision as a side effect.
Neurological Issues: Some neurological conditions, like migraines or multiple sclerosis, can cause temporary or recurring blurry vision.
If you or someone you know is experiencing blurry vision, it is essential to consult an eye care professional or a healthcare provider. They can perform a comprehensive eye examination to determine the cause of the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment or management plan.
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rebeccaoptical2 · 10 months
Exploring Eye Infection: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
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Introduction In a world where our eyes are the windows to our souls, keeping them healthy is of utmost importance. Eye infection can be bothersome, causing discomfort and potentially leading to more severe issues if left untreated. In this article, we will delve into the world of eye infection, understanding their causes, symptoms, and the best ways to prevent them.
Understanding Eye Infection What Are Eye Infection? Eye infection, also known as ocular infections, occur when harmful microorganisms invade various parts of the eye, leading to irritation, redness, and sometimes vision problems. These infections can affect different parts of the eye, including the eyelids, cornea, and conjunctiva.
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Types of Eye Infection Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): One of the most common eye infections, pink eye is highly contagious and often caused by bacteria or viruses.
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Stye (Hordeolum): Styes are painful, red lumps that form near the edge of the eyelid and result from bacterial infection.
Keratitis: An infection of the cornea, typically caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
Blepharitis: This infection affects the eyelids, leading to inflammation and crusting.
What Causes Eye Infection? Eye infections can originate from a multitude of factors:
1. Bacterial Infections Bacterial infections are often responsible for styes and some forms of conjunctivitis.
2. Viral Infections Viruses, including the common cold virus, have the potential to trigger viral conjunctivitis.
3. Fungal Infections Fungal infections, though less common, can affect the cornea and may result from injuries involving plant material or contaminated contact lenses.
Recognizing Eye Infection Symptoms Common Symptoms Redness Itchiness Excessive tearing Discharge Sensitivity to light Blurred vision
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When to Seek Medical Attention If you experience severe pain, vision changes, or suspect you have a foreign object in your eye, seek immediate medical attention.
Preventing Eye Infections 1. Hygiene is Key Proper handwashing is crucial. Steer clear of touching your eyes with unclean hands, and make sure to remove any eye makeup before going to sleep.
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2. Contact Lens Care For those who use contact lenses, it’s imperative to properly clean and store them. Follow your optometrist’s instructions.
3. Avoid Sharing Personal Items Avoid sharing items like towels, eye drops, or makeup with others to prevent the spread of infection.
4. Protect Your Eyes Wearing protective eyewear in environments where there is a risk of eye injury can prevent infections.
Seeking Treatment If you suspect you have an eye infection, consult an eye care professional. They can diagnose the type of infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, antiviral medications, or eye drops.
Conclusion Infections in our eyes can be uncomfortable and disruptive, but with proper care and attention to hygiene, we can reduce the risk significantly. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and prevention methods for eye infections is essential for maintaining healthy and happy eyes.
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shreenetralaya · 1 year
Cornea Care Demystified: Insights from a Trusted Cornea Specialist in Aurangabad
Introduction to Cornea Care The health of your cornea plays a crucial role in maintaining good vision and overall eye health. In this blog post, we will explore the insights of a trusted cornea specialist in Aurangabad, shedding light on various aspects of cornea care and demystifying common misconceptions.   Finding a Trusted Cornea Specialist in Aurangabad When it comes to your eyes, it is essential to consult a cornea specialist who possesses the right qualifications and experience. To find a trusted cornea specialist in Aurangabad, consider checking their credentials, reading patient reviews, and seeking recommendations from your ophthalmologist or friends and family. A reliable specialist will provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.   Common Corneal Diseases and Treatments Corneal diseases can range from minor irritations to severe conditions that affect vision. Understanding common corneal diseases, such as corneal abrasion, keratitis, and corneal dystrophy, is crucial for early detection and timely treatment. Treatment options may include medication, eye drops, or in some cases, surgical interventions like corneal transplant. Consulting a cornea specialist ensures proper diagnosis and the most suitable treatment for your condition.   Understanding the Corneal Transplant Procedure Corneal transplant surgery, also known as keratoplasty, is a procedure to replace a damaged or diseased cornea with a healthy donor cornea. This procedure can restore vision and alleviate symptoms caused by conditions like corneal scars or degenerations. The transplant process involves careful donor selection, surgical techniques, and post-operative care. While corneal transplant offers excellent success rates, potential risks and complications should be discussed with your specialist.   Tips for Maintaining Good Eye Health Prevention is key when it comes to corneal diseases and maintaining good eye health.
Introduction to Cornea Care
The health of your cornea plays a crucial role in maintaining good vision and overall eye health. In this blog post, we will explore the insights of a trusted cornea specialist in Aurangabad, shedding light on various aspects of cornea care and demystifying common misconceptions.
Finding a Trusted Cornea Specialist in Aurangabad
When it comes to your eyes, it is essential to consult a cornea specialist who possesses the right qualifications and experience. To find a trusted cornea specialist in Aurangabad, consider checking their credentials, reading patient reviews, and seeking recommendations from your ophthalmologist or friends and family. A reliable specialist will provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.
Common Corneal Diseases and Treatments
Corneal diseases can range from minor irritations to severe conditions that affect vision. Understanding common corneal diseases, such as corneal abrasion, keratitis, and corneal dystrophy, is crucial for early detection and timely treatment. Treatment options may include medication, eye drops, or in some cases, surgical interventions like corneal transplant. Consulting a cornea specialist ensures proper diagnosis and the most suitable treatment for your condition.
Understanding the Corneal Transplant Procedure
Corneal transplant surgery, also known as keratoplasty, is a procedure to replace a damaged or diseased cornea with a healthy donor cornea. This procedure can restore vision and alleviate symptoms caused by conditions like corneal scars or degenerations. The transplant process involves careful donor selection, surgical techniques, and post-operative care. While corneal transplant offers excellent success rates, potential risks and complications should be discussed with your specialist.
Tips for Maintaining Good Eye Health
Prevention is key when it comes to corneal diseases and maintaining good eye health. Regular eye exams allow for early detection of any issues and can prevent serious complications. Additionally, practicing proper contact lens hygiene, wearing protective eyewear in hazardous environments, and avoiding habits like rubbing your eyes vigorously can help protect your cornea. A well-balanced diet rich in eye-healthy nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, and E, is also beneficial for maintaining optimal eye health.
By following these insights and tips provided by a trusted cornea specialist in Aurangabad, you can take proactive steps toward caring for your cornea and ensuring the long-term health of your eyes. Remember, your eyes are precious, and seeking professional guidance is vital for maintaining optimal eye health.
Regular eye exams allow for early detection of any issues and can prevent serious complications. Additionally, practicing proper contact lens hygiene, wearing protective eyewear in hazardous environments, and avoiding habits like rubbing your eyes vigorously can help protect your cornea. A well-balanced diet rich in eye-healthy nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, and E, is also beneficial for maintaining optimal eye health.   By following these insights and tips provided by a trusted cornea specialist in Aurangabad, you can take proactive steps toward caring for your cornea and ensuring the long-term health of your eyes. Remember, your eyes are precious, and seeking professional guidance is vital for maintaining optimal eye health.
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rahulp3 · 1 year
Corneal Ulcer Treatment Market Size and Growth, Industry Analysis, Trends, CAGR, Segmentation, Opportunities, and Forecast 2022 To 2029
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The Corneal Ulcer Treatment Market is anticipated to develop as a result of rising contact lens usage, novel treatment options, such as anti-amoebic medications, and well-established supply chain operations. The market for corneal ulcer therapy is expected to grow significantly at 5.7% CAGR from 2022 to 2029, reaching an estimated market value of about US$ 867.3 Million as of 2022.
According to Future Market Insights, the market share for antibiotics is predicted to reach a huge 76.4% in 2021.The general public as well as ophthalmologists are becoming more aware of corneal ulcers because to a number of activities by international as well as regional organisations, governments, etc. to end preventable blindness caused by contact lens use.
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Further, universities and non-profit organizations arranging eye check-up camps further aids in enhancing awareness about corneal ulcers.
FMI – a well-established name in the market research domain – forecasts that, the corneal ulcer treatment market will experience a major upturn in the coming years, reaching a valuation of US$ 1.27 Bn by 2029.Key Takeaways of Corneal Ulcer Treatment Market StudyTreatment of broad-spectrum corneal ulcers using antibiotics is expected to gain traction and contribute more than 75% of revenue share during the forecast period.Growing bacterial keratitis requiring antibiotics for treatment will contribute significantly to the revenue share of the segment.Eye drops or eye ointments dominate the market by form type, as these are relatively cheaper and do not require other interventional and oral route for drug delivery.By distribution channel, retail pharmacies are expected to gain more than 50% of market share during the forecast period.North America is dominating the global corneal ulcer treatment market, while East Asia is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities, owing to rising healthcare infrastructure and industrialization.Acquisition – Key Strategy Followed by Leading ManufacturersLeading manufacturers in the corneal ulcer treatment market are focusing on geographical expansion as well as increased product offerings through partnerships and acquisitions.
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Key Market Segments Covered In Corneal Ulcer Treatment Industry ResearchBy Drug class:AntibioticsAntifungalsAntiviralsCorticosteroidsNSAID’sBy Form:TabletEye Drops/ OintmentsVialsBy Route of Administration:OralTopicalInjectablesBy Indication:Bacterial KeratitisFungal KeratitisViral KeratitisAcanthamoeba KeratitisBy Distribution ChannelHospital PharmaciesRetail PharmaciesDrug StoresOnline PharmaciesBy RegionNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeSouth AsiaEast AsiaOceaniaMiddle East and Africa (MEA)
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Breed-related diseases of your German Shepherd Dog
This holds true for both humans and animals. The best treatment is to diagnose an illness early and prevent it from spreading. You must be aware of the symptoms. Here are some recognized diseases and health difficulties in German shepherds:
Pituitary short stature- Dwarfism, or short stature, is a sickness caused by a genetic abnormality that most commonly affects the German shepherd and other dog breeds when bred with the German shepherd. As a result, the origin is established. Growth halts due to low levels of growth hormones and thyroxine in the blood. It is already apparent in the first few weeks of the puppies' lives. We're dealing with hypothyroidism here, which is easily treated if caught early. A DNA test can provide the breeder with timely knowledge, preventing the disease. This hormonal imbalance produces further health issues for the dog. Skin deformities can occur, but internal organ issues can also occur. Because the vertebrae are all too short, the German shepherd can be susceptible to pain. However, the dog's proportionate appearance is unaffected by his tiny stature.
Eye diseases- Color blindness is considered a hereditary eye disease. This condition is also referred to as day blindness. The dog's vision is affected by bright sunshine, with the disturbance decreasing as the light level falls. Day blindness is caused by defects in the photoreceptors of the retina, which are responsible for seeing bright lights.
Color blindness in dogs is caused mostly by eye dysfunctions such as cone photoreceptor dysfunction, severely diminished vision, photophobia, and reduced or whole-color vision loss, all of which contribute to color blindness. Hereditary cataracts are similar to human cataracts, a clouding of the lens, which leads to impaired vision. Unfortunately, many difficulties in the dog's eye are not detectable in time. They are frequently only noticed when they have reached the last stage. A tonometer can be used to assess the internal pressure of the eye and thereby identify and treat existing glaucoma (which the German shepherd rarely has). Ultrasound is important, as is an ophthalmoscope, which can reveal abnormalities in the eye's structures. Another prevalent condition is chronic superficial keratitis, which is both persistent and incurable.
However, if the GSD's vision is to be saved, it must be regulated. Failure to do so may result in the dog being completely blind. If you catch the signs early enough, you can save your sight for life. Because the dog's condition develops at a young age, the possibilities of this happening are fairly significant. First, there is eye redness. The cornea becomes gray-blue and stores black pigments as a result of this inflammation. This is rather obvious since the dog will squint and frequently drink. These symptoms are easily and efficiently addressed with medication; only the color deposits (pigments) are permanent. Although the precise etiology of this disease is unknown, we do know that the eye's immune system abruptly turns against itself and targets the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye. High solar radiation is thought to be one of the primary culprits. Because it's difficult to put sunglasses on your dog for safety (you're allowed to try, but it looks goofy and he'll attempt to pull them off), avoid going to the ocean, beaches, high mountains, and lakes.
So make sure to organize your holiday plans with your four-legged companion. Previously, eye infections were treated with cortisone-containing drops and ointments, but these had severe adverse effects. Fortunately, research is continually progressing, and there are now medications containing "ciclosporins" that have no severe negative effects. They have an effect on the faulty immune system, causing the inflammation to diminish. It can eliminate vast amounts of growing tissue across the cornea. It must be understood that suitable therapy must be monitored and delivered throughout a person's life. An operation is not required; it is even discouraged! Caution: There are phases that make it appear as if the sickness has vanished. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It's simply rest periods. German shepherd keratitis, like all diseases, must be identified and treated as soon as possible. So it is preferable to visit the ophthalmologist more than once.
Pyoderma- This could be a metabolic disorder (an underlying problem that needs to be addressed) or a non-healing wound deeper beneath the skin and fur. If these cures slowly or not at all, please see your veterinarian, who will evaluate what the problem is. Mites and/or fleas should also be considered. If the dog owner notices their dog licking or scratching at the spots, they should put a neck brace on them (the dogs despise this and never get tired of removing it). Simply place a sock over the dog's paw to prevent scratching. He'll also be annoyed because it hinders his sense of touch while walking and jogging. Still preferable to infecting the wound and making it worse than it already is. The most important thing is to keep licking to a minimum. Bacteria may enter the wound and cause even more severe and hazardous inflammation. To ease the dog's itching, shave the fur around the wound's edges. Licking can also be avoided by using a wound spray that the dog dislikes. Iodine compresses, which are applied to the wound for a few minutes and then changed every 2-3 hours, are also relaxing and disinfecting. Priority number one: only the veterinarian knows what is beneficial for the dog. Never do your tests without a prescription, as they may be more harmful than beneficial.
Degenerative myelopathy (also called German shepherd myelopathy) - This incurable condition only affects older dogs (typically between the ages of 8 and 10). This is a spinal-cord neurological disorder. It is easily identified if the dog, for example, stumbles or even falls over when turning, covers its paws with feces, or drags its toes or claws to aggravate the illness. In the worst-case scenario, both rear limbs are compromised, which means the dog can no longer stand on its own and cannot walk without assistance. Finally, all that remains is to redeem the dog and put it to sleep. Anyone who has had to put this into action understands how difficult, if not impossible, it is. The belief that the animal will be redeemed is the only thing that helps. There is no pain, but if you prolong and delay your death against all odds, you risk spreading the sickness to your front limbs and causing more ataxia (poor movement coordination). You should avoid adding to your dog's failures.
Von Willebrand's disease (vWD) - Von Willebrand's disease (vWD) is also common in German Shepherds. Type 1 vWD is a recessively inherited blood condition characterized by a lack of Willebrand factor (vWD). This is a key coagulation factor, and bleeding can occur as a result of a lack of it. A DNA test for Von Willebrand's disease (vWD) can provide early detection and help identify the carrier of this dangerous blood illness. Fortunately, we can now have DNA testing performed for a variety of disorders, allowing us to discover pathogens in time to combat them.
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meowk9 · 1 year
Dog Scratched Eye: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments for Eye Injuries
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Dog scratched eye, dog bloodshot eyes, dog eye injury pictures, cross-eyed dog, and dog eye injury are common problems that dog owners face. This article explores the symptoms, causes, and treatments for dog eye injuries.
Dogs are man's best friend, and we all want to keep our furry friends healthy and happy. Unfortunately, dogs are prone to injuries, especially to their eyes. The dog scratched eye, dog bloodshot eyes, dog eye injury pictures, cross-eyed dog, and dog eye injury are all common problems that dog owners face. In this article, we will explore the symptoms, causes, and treatments for dog eye injuries.
Symptoms of Dog Eye Injuries
It is essential to recognize the symptoms of dog eye injuries to provide appropriate treatment. Here are some of the symptoms that you should look out for: - Redness or bloodshot eyes - Swelling around the eye - Discharge from the eye - Squinting or excessive blinking - Cloudy or hazy eyes - Crossed or wandering eyes - Pawing or rubbing the eye - Sensitivity to light If your dog is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it is crucial to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Causes of Dog Eye Injuries
Dog eye injuries can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some of the most common causes: - Scratches or cuts from other animals or objects - Infections, including conjunctivitis or keratitis - Foreign objects in the eye, such as dirt or debris - Trauma, such as being hit by a car or falling - Allergies or irritants, such as pollen or smoke - Genetic or hereditary conditions, such as cataracts or glaucoma
Preventing Dog Eye Injuries
Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to help prevent dog eye injuries: - Keep your dog's living area clean and free of debris. - Keep your dog's toys and bones clean and free of sharp edges. - Use protective eyewear for your dog during activities that may cause eye injuries, such as hunting or playing. - Avoid exposing your dog to irritants or allergens. - Regularly groom your dog to prevent hair from getting in their eyes.
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Treatments for Dog Eye Injuries
The treatment for dog eye injuries will depend on the severity and cause of the injury. Here are some of the most common treatments: - Antibiotics to treat infections - Eye drops or ointments to reduce inflammation and pain - Surgery to remove foreign objects or correct genetic conditions - Protective eyewear to prevent further injuries - Rest and time to heal If you suspect that your dog has an eye injury, it is crucial to take them to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I use human eye drops on my dog? A: No, you should never use human eye drops on your dog without consulting a veterinarian. Human eye drops can contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs. Q: Can a scratched eye heal on its own? A: It depends on the severity of the scratch. Minor scratches may heal on their own, but more severe scratches may require medical treatment. Q: What should I do if my dog's eye is bleeding? A: If your dog's eye is bleeding, you should take them to a veterinarian immediately. Q: How can I tell if my dog has an eye infection? A: Some signs of an eye infection include redness, swelling, discharge, and excessive blinking or squinting. If you suspect your dog has an eye infection, it is important to take them to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Q: How can I prevent eye injuries in my dog? A: You can prevent eye injuries in your dog by keeping their living area clean and free of debris, using protective eyewear during activities that may cause injury, and regularly grooming your dog to prevent hair from getting in their eyes.
In conclusion, the dog scratched eye, dog bloodshot eyes, dog eye injury pictures, cross-eyed dog, and dog eye injury are all common problems that dog owners face. It is important to recognize the symptoms of eye injuries and take your dog to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. By taking preventative measures, such as keeping your dog's living area clean and free of debris, and using protective eyewear during activities that may cause injury, you can help reduce the risk of eye injuries in your furry friend. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. For more information on dog eye injuries and other pet-related topics, visit Meowk9.com. Read the full article
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westpointoptical1 · 1 year
Your Cornea: Common Diseases and Conditions
Are you experiencing eye pain, blurred vision or tearing and redness in your eye? Have you noticed that your eyes are extra sensitive to light? You may be experiencing problems with your cornea.
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The cornea is the curved, clear front part of the eye that works with the lens to bend and focus light as it enters the eye. A healthy cornea is essential for clear vision both up close and at a distance.
If your cornea sustains damage from infection, disease or an injury, the resulting scars and alterations to the cornea can cause problems with your vision. Below our Brampton eye care team outlines some of the most common eye conditions that affect the cornea. Let’s take a look!
Astigmatism: This is a condition in which your cornea isn’t completely round. Though most people are born with it, you can also get it after an eye injury, an eye disease, or surgery. Symptoms of astigmatism may include:
Blurry, double or distorted vision
Trouble seeing at night
In some cases, astigmatism may also be linked to a condition known as keratoconus, in which the normally round cornea takes on a steep cone shape. This can result in severe vision distortions that may only be corrected by specialty contact lenses or surgery.
Keratitis: This is inflammation caused by an infection from certain bacteria, fungi or viruses entering the cornea after an injury.
Symptoms to look out for:
Extreme sensitivity to light
Severe pain
Blurred vision
Treatment for keratitis may involve antibiotic or antifungal eye drops, as well as certain antiviral drugs or steroid eye drops.
Ocular Herpes: This is a recurring condition that is most often caused by the same virus that causes cold sores, herpes simplex virus I (HSV I). It can also result from herpes simplex II, which is the same strain that causes genital herpes. It often creates sores on the cornea itself and can cause inflammation that spreads deeper into the eye over time. If untreated, this can cause loss of vision and even blindness.
Although there’s no cure, it can be treated with antiviral drugs or steroid eyedrops.
For more information on these and other conditions that can affect the cornea, contact our Brampton eye care team at Westpoint Optical today!
Can keratoconus be corrected with eyeglasses?
In the very early stages of keratoconus, eyeglasses and standard soft contact lenses may give some relief from visual symptoms. However, if the condition progresses, these solutions will become less effective, and specialty contact lenses will likely be the primary non-surgical option.
Can dry eye syndrome cause damage to the cornea?
Yes. In severe cases, dry eye syndrome can result in corneal abrasions, inflammation, infection and ulcers on the cornea. Besides being uncomfortable and often painful, this damage to the cornea can result in significant vision loss and even blindness. Consult your eye doctor for treatment options if you suffer from chronic dry eyes.
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besteyespecialist · 1 year
Cornea Surgery in Ghatkopar From Cornea specialist in mumbai - Dr. Jatin Ashar
Cornea Surgery in Ghatkopar
The cornea is the clear dome shaped transparent, outermost layer of the eye, about 12 mm in diameter. It serves as a physical barrier against dust, microorganisms and other harmful particles. The cornea also plays an important role in vision. It filters some amount of ultraviolet light and protects iris, pupil and anterior chamber.
As light is refracted by the curvature of the cornea, it is focused on the object and forms a clear Image. Any infection, disease or trauma to the cornea can interfere with vision by blocking or distorting light as it enters the eye. It contains specialized tissue having no blood vessels and is nourished with your tears and aqueous humor (behind the cornea).
Cornea is made up of three major components.
Epithelium – Cornea has numerous nerve endings, that’s why you experience pain while rubbing your eyes. It absorbs oxygen and nutrients from the tears. Epithelium is connected with stroma with the help of basement membrane.
Stroma – The stroma is the thickest part of the cornea and is made up of collagen and water. Collagen fives elasticity and keeps cornea firm. These collagen fibres are arranged in strictly in a regular, geometric fashion. This arrangement is responsible for clear cornea, while in case of trauma, collagen fibres laid down in repair, often leads to cloudy cornea. Below stroma is the Descemet’s membrane, which connects it with endothelium.
Endothelium - The innermost layer of the cornea is made up of endothelium. Function of endothelium is to maintain fluid balance by acting as a pump, expelling excess water as it is absorbed into the stroma. Without this specialized function, the stroma could become waterlogged and hazy and opaque in appearance, also reducing vision.
Symptoms of corneal conditions
Minor injuries of cornea heal by itself while major injuries may result in scarring and impaired vision.
Intense pain.
Blurred vision.
Double vision
Extreme sensitivity to light.
Corneal conditions
Eye allergies
Ocular herpes
Herpes zoster (shingles)
Dry eye.
Nutritional Deficiencies like Vitamin A
Corneal dystrophies – Keratoconus, Map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy, Fuch's dystrophy
Common diseases that can affect the cornea — Abnormal growths, autoimmune diseases, Stevens - Johnson syndrome, iridocorneal endothelial syndrome and pterygium.
Simple corneal conditions can be treated with antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eye drops or pills. If you have advanced corneal disease, you may need an advanced treatment.
Laser treatment – In Corneal dystrophies, doctors can use a type of laser treatment called phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) to reshape the cornea, remove scar tissue, and make vision clearer.
Corneal transplant surgery – In case cornea is damaged and cannot be repaired, doctors can remove the damaged part and replace it with healthy corneal tissue from a donor.
Artificial cornea - As an alternative to corneal transplant, doctors can replace a damaged cornea with an artificial cornea, called a keratoprosthesis (KPro).
To schedule an appointment with our experts for Cornea Surgery In Ghatkopar, Mumbai, please call us at +91 8451045935, +91-8451045934 or visit our clinic at Address.
TAG : cornea surgery in mumbai, cornea specialist in mumbai, best eye specialist in ghatkopar, eye clinic in ghatkopar east
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Cornea or Keratoconus Treatment In Mumbai
Cornea is the first coat of eye which is transparent circular structure. Functionally it acts as a lens responsible for focusing rays inside the eye. It is an important optical structure through which rays of light enter the eye. Any damage or injury to this delicate structure can lead to permanent loss of corneal transparency or in other words cause clouding and opacification.
Loss of corneal transparency prevents the entry of light rays into the eye and reduces vision. In cases of severe of damage, this can cause total loss of vision making the person visually handicapped. There are other conditions also such as malnutrition, Vitamin A deficiency, infection, certain corneal diseases such as ‘keratoconus’ and ‘corneal degeneration’, which can cause corneal blindness.
Corneal disease is third largest cause of blindness or low vision in Indian population. Corneal disorders encompass a wide spectrum of diseases most common of these are pterygium, Keratoconus, corneal dystrophy, corneal tears, corneal oedema, infective keratitis, contact lens related keratitis, allergic keratoconjunctivitis, each of these diseases need methodical approach and specialized care.
Pterygium is a veil like lesion that usually occurs in exposed part of white of the eye. This grows slowly over the cornea (the central black portion) and can obstruct vision or deteriorate vision by inducing cylindrical power.
Symptoms of pterygium may include:
Gritty feeling
Sensation of a foreign body in the eye
Blurred vision
Causes of Pterygium : significant risk factors include:
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light
Dry eye
Irritants such as dust and wind
Treatment of Pterygium
Pterygium is not only cosmetically disfiguring but can affect the vision also. In view of this it is advisable to surgically excise it at the earliest. Surgical excision of pterygium is a simple day care procedure with no adverse effects.
Latest surgery method involves removing the pterygium tissue and placing a healthy tissue on bare area which prevents recurrence and is cosmetically very rewarding.
Surgery for pterygium is minimally invasive, sutureless and is very safe.
Pterygium does not respond to medical treatment of any kind be it in form of eye drops or ointment and surgical excision is the treatment of choice.
It is a progressive disease of the outer transparent layer of the eyeball (cornea) affecting young adults mostly in their twenties. It is characterized by progressive thinning of the normally round cornea causing it to bulge forward & assume a cone like shape. This irregularity in the cornea results in the formation of a distorted image of objects on the retina & gives rise to blurred vision.
Symptoms & signs of Keratoconus
Keratoconus causes myopia or nearsightedness & astigmatism.
Frequent change in glasses prescription with fluctuation in vision.
Glare & sensitivity to light especially during night.
In advanced stage of Keratoconus corrective prescription glasses do not help patient to see clearly & they have to switch to using hard or semi-soft contact lenses.
Keratoconus can be diagnosed at an early stage with detailed eye examination which includes Retinoscopy,
Slit lamp examination & sophisticated tests like Topography to check the shape & curvature of cornea & Pachymetry to determine the thickness of the cornea.
Exact causes of Keratoconus is not known but latest research suggests that the cornea becomes weakened due to an imbalance of enzymes within the corneal tissue. Young patients produce high levels of free radicals which cause oxidative damage to the cornea in absence of protective enzymes causing thinning & bulging of the cornea.
Keratoconus also shows some genetic predisposition. It may transmit from parent to children & affect more than one family member. It is also associated with excessive rubbing as it is more common in allergic conjunctivitis patients who have itching & tend to rub their eyes more frequently.
Other risk factors are overexposure to ultra violet rays, chronic eye irritation & improperly fitting contact lenses.
Treatment Options  
In early stages, when the cornea is still regular, corrective prescription glasses or soft contact lenses can help the patient. As keratoconus advances, the corneal surface becomes increasingly irregular & these options do not help adequately. In intermediate & advanced stage, various other treatment options & different types of contact lenses are available.
Rigid Gas permeable contact lenses : provide a smooth refractive surface replacing the irregular cone like surface of the cornea, thus enabling the patient to see clearly. Lens fitting in Keratoconus can be demanding & time consuming process. RGP lenses are not as comfortable as soft contact lenses.
Piggybacking Contact Lenses : a soft contact lens is first placed on cornea to give it a cushion like effect & RGP lens is fitted over it. Best features of both lenses are combined – makes the wearer comfortable & at the same time gives crisp & clear vision. The fitting should be perfect to ensure good oxygen permeability to the cornea as the patient will be wearing two lenses. However, with newer high oxygen permeable lenses this is not a problem.
Hybrid Contact lenses : uniquely designed wherein the central visual portion is made up of high oxygen permeable rigid material & peripheral anchoring portion is of soft hydrogel material. Maximizes the best features of both lenses & improves wearers comfort as well as visual performance in keratoconic eyes.
TAG- Eye Hospital in Bandra, Eye specialist In Kandivali
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Keratoconus Treatment in Mumbai | Keratoconus Specialist in Mumbai | Cornea Surgery in Mumbai
Cornea or Keratoconus Treatment In Mumbai
Cornea is the first coat of eye which is transparent circular structure. Functionally it acts as a lens responsible for focusing rays inside the eye. It is an important optical structure through which rays of light enter the eye. Any damage or injury to this delicate structure can lead to permanent loss of corneal transparency or in other words cause clouding and opacification.
Loss of corneal transparency prevents the entry of light rays into the eye and reduces vision. In cases of severe of damage, this can cause total loss of vision making the person visually handicapped. There are other conditions also such as malnutrition, Vitamin A deficiency, infection, certain corneal diseases such as ‘keratoconus’ and ‘corneal degeneration’, which can cause corneal blindness.
Corneal disease is third largest cause of blindness or low vision in Indian population. Corneal disorders encompass a wide spectrum of diseases most common of these are pterygium, Keratoconus, corneal dystrophy, corneal tears, corneal oedema, infective keratitis, contact lens related keratitis, allergic keratoconjunctivitis, each of these diseases need methodical approach and specialized care.
 Pterygium is a veil like lesion that usually   occurs in exposed part of white of the eye.   This grows slowly over the cornea (the   central black portion) and can obstruct   vision or deteriorate vision by inducing     cylindrical power.
Symptoms of pterygium may include:
Gritty feeling
Sensation of a foreign body in the eye
Blurred vision
Causes of Pterygium : significant risk factors include:
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light
Dry eye
Irritants such as dust and wind
Treatment of Pterygium
Pterygium is not only cosmetically disfiguring but can affect the vision also. In view of this it is advisable to surgically excise it at the earliest. Surgical excision of pterygium is a simple day care procedure with no adverse effects.
Latest surgery method involves removing the pterygium tissue and placing a healthy tissue on bare area which prevents recurrence and is cosmetically very rewarding.
Surgery for pterygium is minimally invasive, sutureless and is very safe.
Pterygium does not respond to medical treatment of any kind be it in form of eye drops or ointment and surgical excision is the treatment of choice
Keratoconous Treatment In Mumbai
ptoms of pterygium may include:
Gritty feeling
Sensation of a foreign body in the eye
Blurred vision
Causes of Pterygium : significant risk factors include:
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light
Dry eye
Irritants such as dust and wind
Treatment of Pterygium
Pterygium is not only cosmetically disfiguring but can affect the vision also. In view of this it is advisable to surgically excise it at the earliest. Surgical excision of pterygium is a simple day care procedure with no adverse effects.
Latest surgery method involves removing the pterygium tissue and placing a healthy tissue on bare area which prevents recurrence and is cosmetically very rewarding.
Surgery for pterygium is minimally invasive, sutureless and is very safe.
Pterygium does not respond to medical treatment of any kind be it in form of eye drops or ointment and surgical excision is the treatment of choice
Keratoconous Treatment In Mumbai
Keratoconus Eye Specialist : Best Eye Surgeon in India Dr. Niteen Dedhia, Eye Clinic in India
Keratoconus is a progressive disease of the outer transparent layer of the eyeball (cornea) affecting young adults mostly in their twenties. It is characterized by progressive thinning of the normally round cornea causing it to bulge forward & assume a cone like shape. This irregularity in the cornea results in the formation of a distorted image of objects on the retina & gives rise to blurred vision.
Symptoms & signs of Keratoconus
Tumblr media
Keratoconus causes myopia or nearsightedness & astigmatism.
Frequent change in glasses prescription with fluctuation in vision.
Glare & sensitivity to light especially during night.
In advanced stage of Keratoconus corrective prescription glasses do not help patient to see clearly & they have to switch to using hard or semi-soft contact lenses.
Keratoconus can be diagnosed at an early stage with detailed eye examination which includes Retinoscopy,
Slit lamp examination & sophisticated tests like Topography to check the shape & curvature of cornea & Pachymetry to determine the thickness of the cornea.
TAG : Keratoconus Treatment in Mumbai, Cornea Surgery in Mumbai, Keratoconus Specialist in Mumbai, Eye Care Hospital in Mumbai
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Cornea or Keratoconus Treatment In Mumbai - Dr. Niteen Dedhia
Cornea is the first coat of eye which is transparent circular structure. Functionally it acts as a lens responsible for focusing rays inside the eye. It is an important optical structure through which rays of light enter the eye. Any damage or injury to this delicate structure can lead to permanent loss of corneal transparency or in other words cause clouding and opacification.
Loss of corneal transparency prevents the entry of light rays into the eye and reduces vision. In cases of severe of damage, this can cause total loss of vision making the person visually handicapped. There are other conditions also such as malnutrition, Vitamin A deficiency, infection, certain corneal diseases such as ‘keratoconus’ and ‘corneal degeneration’, which can cause corneal blindness.
Corneal disease is third largest cause of blindness or low vision in Indian population. Corneal disorders encompass a wide spectrum of diseases most common of these are pterygium, Keratoconus, corneal dystrophy, corneal tears, corneal oedema, infective keratitis, contact lens related keratitis, allergic keratoconjunctivitis, each of these diseases need methodical approach and specialized care.
Pterygium is a veil like lesion that usually occurs in exposed part of white of the eye. This grows slowly over the cornea (the central black portion) and can obstruct vision or deteriorate vision by inducing cylindrical power.
Symptoms of pterygium may include:
Gritty feeling
Sensation of a foreign body in the eye
Blurred vision
Causes of Pterygium : significant risk factors include:
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light
Dry eye
Irritants such as dust and wind
Treatment of Pterygium
Pterygium is not only cosmetically disfiguring but can affect the vision also. In view of this it is advisable to surgically excise it at the earliest. Surgical excision of pterygium is a simple day care procedure with no adverse effects.
Latest surgery method involves removing the pterygium tissue and placing a healthy tissue on bare area which prevents recurrence and is cosmetically very rewarding.
Surgery for pterygium is minimally invasive, sutureless and is very safe.
Pterygium does not respond to medical treatment of any kind be it in form of eye drops or ointment and surgical excision is the treatment of choice.
It is a progressive disease of the outer transparent layer of the eyeball (cornea) affecting young adults mostly in their twenties. It is characterized by progressive thinning of the normally round cornea causing it to bulge forward & assume a cone like shape. This irregularity in the cornea results in the formation of a distorted image of objects on the retina & gives rise to blurred vision.
Symptoms and Signs of Keratoconus
Keratoconus causes myopia or nearsightedness & astigmatism.
Frequent change in glasses prescription with fluctuation in vision.
Glare & sensitivity to light especially during night.
In advanced stage of Keratoconus corrective prescription glasses do not help patient to see clearly & they have to switch to using hard or semi-soft contact lenses.
Keratoconus can be diagnosed at an early stage with detailed eye examination which includes Retinoscopy,
Slit lamp examination & sophisticated tests like Topography to check the shape & curvature of cornea & Pachymetry to determine the thickness of the cornea.
Exact causes of Keratoconus is not known but latest research suggests that the cornea becomes weakened due to an imbalance of enzymes within the corneal tissue. Young patients produce high levels of free radicals which cause oxidative damage to the cornea in absence of protective enzymes causing thinning & bulging of the cornea.
Keratoconus also shows some genetic predisposition. It may transmit from parent to children & affect more than one family member. It is also associated with excessive rubbing as it is more common in allergic conjunctivitis patients who have itching & tend to rub their eyes more frequently.
Other risk factors are overexposure to ultra violet rays, chronic eye irritation & improperly fitting contact lenses.
Treatment Options  
In early stages, when the cornea is still regular, corrective prescription glasses or soft contact lenses can help the patient. As keratoconus advances, the corneal surface becomes increasingly irregular & these options do not help adequately. In intermediate & advanced stage, various other treatment options & different types of contact lenses are available.
Rigid Gas permeable contact lenses : provide a smooth refractive surface replacing the irregular cone like surface of the cornea, thus enabling the patient to see clearly. Lens fitting in Keratoconus can be demanding & time consuming process. RGP lenses are not as comfortable as soft contact lenses.
Piggybacking Contact Lenses : a soft contact lens is first placed on cornea to give it a cushion like effect & RGP lens is fitted over it. Best features of both lenses are combined – makes the wearer comfortable & at the same time gives crisp & clear vision. The fitting should be perfect to ensure good oxygen permeability to the cornea as the patient will be wearing two lenses. However, with newer high oxygen permeable lenses this is not a problem.
Hybrid Contact lenses : uniquely designed wherein the central visual portion is made up of high oxygen permeable rigid material & peripheral anchoring portion is of soft hydrogel material. Maximizes the best features of both lenses & improves wearers comfort as well as visual performance in keratoconic eyes.
TAG- Keratoconus operation in Mumbai, Keratoconus Treatment in Mumbai, Best Keratoconus eye surgeon in Mumbai
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dianxiaotang · 2 years
Jingluo Tong with the same origin of medicine and food ---- Clove Poria Pill and Bulao Pill, manual eye patch, and secret Chinese medicine ointment in water Medical Case I药食同源之经络通----丁香茯苓丸与不老丸及手工眼贴、秘制中药水中药膏健康三宝医学案例一
Hand made traditional Chinese medicine eye patch
1、 Main functions of manual eye patch
Activates the meridians and blood vessels. The first pulse is the meridians, and the second is the blood. Manual eye patch can prevent and assist in the treatment of symptoms caused by myopia and visual fatigue (decreased vision, blurred vision, soreness and pain, photophobia and squinting, foreign body sensation, visual fatigue, eye dryness, etc.), and assist in the treatment of senile degenerative eye diseases such as cataracts, floaters, presbyopia, glaucoma, etc. Juvenile pseudomyopia below 200 degrees can completely restore normal vision.
2、 Recommended usage time of eye patch
1. It takes 15-20 minutes! Through acupoint massage and penetration, eye fatigue, itching, photophobia, squinting and other symptoms can be effectively applied, and you can enjoy a cool, moist and comfortable private massage.
2. In a 7-day period, it can obviously relieve the symptoms of dry and itchy eyes, dazzling eyes, pain, frequent blinking, etc. caused by myopia; Love eye care and enjoy a healthy life
3. After 3 months of continuous use, pseudomyopia below 200 degrees can be restored to the level of ordinary people.
4. Many presbyopians insist on using it for about a month and will remove the presbyopia.
Give yourself 1 hour, form good habits, and accompany you healthily!
3、 Instructions for using eye patches
Uncover the white paper on the eye patch to reveal the black plaster eye patch.
Close the eyes, apply the eye patch to the eyes, gently smooth the eye patch, and let the eye patch fully contact the eye skin.
Keep your eyes closed for 20 minutes to 2 hours, relax and enjoy the cool feeling of the good eye patch.
Put the white paper that has been uncovered back to its original place. After the next reuse (only for myself), take off the eye patch and continue to close your eyes for 10 minutes. When you open your eyes, you can see things much clearer than before.
4、 It is recommended to use the eye patch for conditioning cycle (individual differences exist)
1. Overuse of eyes due to asthenopia: 1-2 conditioning cycles
2. Myopia within 300 degrees: 1-2 conditioning cycles; Within 500 degrees: 2-3 conditioning cycles; Above 600 degrees; 3-5 conditioning cycles
3. Presbyopia: 2-5 conditioning cycles
5、 Take the middle-aged and elderly patients with ophthalmopathy as an example:
1. Eyeground disease, presbyopia, floater disease, vitreous opacity, macular degeneration, optic nerve atrophy and other middle-aged and elderly eye diseases.
2. Always use it three times a day. It is generally recommended to take about three courses of treatment (depending on the actual situation of eye disease)
Moisten eyes, remove turbidity, repair damage, supplement nutrition, reverse eye aging, care for eye health, and give the elderly a pair of bright eyes.
6、 Taboos for use of eye patch:
People with eye wounds, ulcerative inflammation, and eyeground bleeding. Red eye disease (infectious conjunctivitis), acute keratitis and other inflammatory eye patients.
Although the eye patch is a pure traditional Chinese medicine patch, and there are few cases of allergy, it still reminds users of allergic constitution to use it after testing.
Friends, this hospital is really
It's good. I ate it
Less than one bottle, I have to
The disc is protruding, and the waist and legs are painful
After all, please feel free to eat!
Master Zhu
I ate Jingluo Tonghe No
Less than one bottle of the old pill, the blood sugar and blood pressure drop straightly, which is very effective
Aunt Ma made a mistake. It should be that the meridians are not connected
Wrong, Aunt Ma is me
It was said that the aunt who spent more than 10000 yuan in March of the year before and failed to cure her back and leg pain may be nearly three months old now. Yesterday afternoon, she took a bottle of ageless pills and insisted on using the handmade eye patch. The aunt told me that her daughter asked her about her eyes
What's the matter with the eyes? She didn't know what C 'meant. Her daughter finally said that her eyes did not fall off, but also improved. The heavy eyelids of her youth reappeared. Very beautiful
An aunt, but she is a little overweight, and seems to have passed 70kg
Auntie has lost three kilograms by eating the meridians, and she is still worried! Auntie will tell you again, good things. Don't worry about it. How many people want to lose weight and can't lose it! The aunt carefully calculated the amount of money to be no more than 200 yuan at most: she also agreed happily
Thanks, Aunt Ma. I'm waiting
The meridian unblocking, namely the clove poria pill, can unblock all the blood stasis in the whole body, and the five viscera and six fu organs. The spleen and stomach are well conditioned and well transported
Excess things that the body does not need will disappear and be removed naturally,,. Fat, thin naturally thin. Jingluo Tong will master our body's balance. Don't worry too much.
The people with rheumatoid arthritis in our group are too thin. After eating for two months, they obviously know that they are fat and their legs are painful. They must be getting better and better.
It was said that in March
四、眼贴建议使用调理周期 (存在个别差异)
睛怎么了,她不知  c‘  啥意思,女儿最后才说,眼睛不掉皮下来,还提升了,年轻时的重眼皮又再现了。很漂亮的
身体不需要的多余东西自然消失除去,该胖的自然会  ,,。  胖,该瘦的自然会瘦。经络通会掌握咱们身体的平衡,都放心,不要有太多担心。
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