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sandwichmustbetasty · 5 months ago
if someone is wondering why am i religiously posting about 90% of elves/celebrimbor scenes and posted exactly 0 times about numenor, the answer is because i don't care.
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fukutomichi · 5 months ago
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The Rings of Power - Season 2 OST | Part 3 Composed by Bear McCreary template by @wilmontouch
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sugurugetos · 6 months ago
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Mightier than Este is NIENNA, sister of the Feanturi; she dwells alone. She is acquainted with grief, and mourns for every wound that Arda has suffered in the marring of Melkor. So great was her sorrow, as the Music unfolded, that her song turned to lamentation long before its end, and the sound of mourning was woven into the themes of the World before it began. But she does not weep for herself; and those who hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope. All those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom.
The KING'S MEN were those among the Númenóreans who were hostile to the Eldar and will of the Valar throughout the history of Númenor during the later half of the Second Age.
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silmarillisms · 6 months ago
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Hey friends, Finn here with some fun context for this scene. Did you guys know that you should never clean a blade with sea water? Salt rusts and corrodes steel. Typically before embarking on any journey where your blade might see sea water, the blade would be coated with some sort of grease to keep the steel safe.
You would never clean a blade with sea water. It will rust.
This is excellent attention to detail.
Kemen is not a warrior. He's not a sailor. He's not a soldier. He's a petulant child fighting for a scrap of his father's attention. He is ignorant of his own peoples' traditions because his father never respected them enough to teach him.
The gifmaker for this particular gift is goodsirs and you should follow them for their lovely gifsets.
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valar-did-me-wrong · 6 days ago
I'm going to make y'all cry with me today 𖹭
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Part: 15/?
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aureentuluva70 · 6 months ago
How heartbreakingly jarring is it that in a shrine dedicated to Nienna, the Vala of Sorrow, Mercy and Compassion, we see a numenorean spitefully destroy a relic of her, mock those who are there to honor "those for whom she weeps", and then murder another numenorean for the first time in the show, and one of the Faithful at that. And not just any faithful, but Valandil-whose very name means friend of the valar-who chose to show the kingsman mercy, which Kemen instantly proves himself undeserving of by literally and metaphorically stabbing Valandil in the back.
Kemen then washes his sword, now stained with the blood of one of the Faithful, in the waters of the shrine of Nienna the Compassionate as if bathing the blade in her tears, defiling them. I've heard that as a kind of ritual, swords were once dipped into water in order to receive the blessing of a deity, so with that point of view it feels very much like a deliberate inversion of a divine ritual, a mockery of that which is sacred, the complete desecration of a holy space.
And then Kemen has the gall to lie straight through his teeth, saying that Elendil-the one who convinced Valandil to grant Kemen mercy in the first place-"was the one who started the uprising."
If Kemen is supposed to be a kind of representation of the Kingsman alike to his father, he has sent one message and one message only: that mercy for the Faithful is dead in Numenor.
How incredibly tragic and yet how fitting that in the defiling of a temple dedicated to the Vala of Mercy we see the fruit of violence and the beginning of a kingdom's end sprout. With Nienna's love and compassion gone, it's only inevitable that Morgoth's shadow of terror and of hate is soon to come, and Numenor's doom with it.
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olessan · 7 months ago
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"Together we can put this right."
"You must remain calm at the storm's eye."
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mistandshcdow · 6 months ago
“the pelargir storyline is boring who cares about these random men”
ME. I CARE. I CARE THAT BRONWYN WAS THEIR LITERAL MATRIARCH, AND THEY STILL HONOR HER. i CARE that men of the southlands took the mark of adar to survive and that shouldn’t be a mark of moral failure. i CARE that the ents and the humans made a promise to each other. i care about these refugees trying to sift through the ashes of their lives. i care ABOUT THEO SON OF BRONWYN AKA THE CHOSEN LEADER OF PELARGIR
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saurongorthaur9 · 6 months ago
In the aftermath of ROP S2E5, I am delighted to see that the entire fandom seems to have united behind two causes:
Absolutely obliterating Kemen from existence
Helping Mirdania immediately file a restraining order against Annatar
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wormcoin · 6 months ago
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The Rings of Power The Eagle and the Sceptre 2x03 | Halls of Stone 2x05
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sauronism · 5 months ago
one of the scariest thing charlie vickers ever said in an interview is how sauron put kemen on the top of his list for his recruitment. like. do you know how fucked up you have to be for the literal tyrant of middle earth to take a look at you and be like "ur so fucking twisted and i want to study you in my lab but also be my lieutenant pls."
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fukutomichi · 7 months ago
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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Season 2 – Official Trailer
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sugurugetos · 6 months ago
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VALANDIL & KEMEN The Rings of Power — 2.05: Halls of Stone
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cottoncandiescupcakes · 6 months ago
Things I manifest for TROP season 3
Numenor gets flooded as Queen Miriel predicted but what I REALLY want is for the worm, who has been used and mistreated for probably ages, she has spears in her tail, to swim INTO THE FLOODED CITY AND EAT PEOPLE. This is my dream. I need this. It can eat Kemen or Pharazon LOL do it. If it swam up and ate Kemen and that is what his mother predictted?
Celeborn is alive but held in an orc dungeon and needs to be rescued by Galadriel. Do it. Just do it. And no he won't compete with anything she may have with Sauron, Elrond or anyone else, he's just by her side no matter what and probably stays in Lindon to recover from his injuries and is someone she can find comfort in. That's it. I want him to still be boring and played by a blandly handsome slow speaking individual. Don't change perfection.
A flashback with Jack Lowden's baby Sauron/Mairon and Melkor or Morgoth played by someone talented, tall dark and pale. Would love this. Just more of this era in general. I loved that other scene so much. I NEED more of this whole gothic old medieval vibe that scene had, perhaps even earlier so we see Mairon change and embrace darkness.
More Numenor but I want the stuff from the books with Sauron manipulating Pharazon and I want Sauron or this version of Annatar done up in beautiful Numenorian garnments and gold jewerly and slightly bronzed skin because here, he is seducing Pharazon.
Galadriel, Elrond, Arondir and Gil-Galad try to rescue Numenor from Sauron, this is probably a big part of the season. I'd love to see Sauron take over and perhaps, you will see things to do with the ring wraiths, the Witch King, the mouth of Sauron, all men he twisted. Also this is where Gil-Galad and Elendil, who will one day try to take on Sauron together, possibly meet
I'd like cameos by King Oropher and young Thranduil like maybe Arondir connecting more with his wood elf side he could go on that kind of journey to go visit the Woodland Realm and maybe warn his people of Sauron that way
Elrond.. keep doing your thing. You are amazing.
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lands-of-fantasy · 7 months ago
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The Rings of Power
Season 2 Character Portraits
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goodsirs · 6 months ago
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The Rings of Power 2.05 "Halls of Stone"
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