#kem music
musictyme · 4 months
Kem - I Can't Stop Loving You
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instructionsonback · 5 months
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art by Jaevonn
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Just two random ones I love.
Always impeccable choices 🙌
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ashthejoker · 11 months
This probably the best song mix ever 💜🔥
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brokenbutnotbroke · 1 year
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music fixes everything.
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imperfectiveverb · 1 year
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unfinished thing from july
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positivebeatdigest · 2 months
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musictyme · 7 months
 Kem - Inside
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pangeen · 16 days
" Peacock Dance " //© Amsavani Rajendran
Music: © Hari Bharwad - Radhano Prem Kem Bhuli Gya Chho Kana
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help-an-alter · 1 month
Looking for gender and pronouns for myself.
Feel as though I am not fully formed yet, but I know what I look like and I know what music and culture I adore.
That is Russian culture and music, and I am abstract, unnerving, and like black cat. I named myself “Кошка.”
Would like to know what other option I could have as growing alter!
Thank you.
hey anon, i hope these are what you’re looking for!
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genders: darkwelestic, abstractgender, surrealgender, apeirogender, cephellion, abysscatgender, catbeing ( + other catgenders), noircatgelic, feliscosmic, melancatly, noircatic, viotoic, romrosic, catmagicae, catnitous, voidcat gender, blackcatgender
pronouns: ner/ving/unnervingself, abstra/abstract/abstractself, cat/cats/catself, purr/purrs/purrself, rie/eer/eerieself, meow/mews/meowself, black/blacks/blackself, whi/ker/whiskerself, abyss/abyss/abysself, eni/enis/eniself (enigma — alt. enigmaself), voi/vois/voidself, un/unreal/unrealself, sei/seir/seirself, vy/vim/virself, xae/xaer/xaerself, cae/caer/caerself, fir/firs/firself, ke/kem/keirself, mu/mur/murself (only to be used by those who are not a binary gender), hie/hir/hirself (alt. hemself), re/rei/reiself, fur/furs/furself, fuzz/fuzzy/fuzz(y)self
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cookinary · 2 years
Werewolf Chai AU
Some people were curious so here’s what I got so far for this AU!
So a few months after the post-game, the second SPECTRA computer gets plugged back in (probably by a clumsy bot or something)
AI Kale gets back online and starts plotting for revenge
He manages to get his hands on Chai (he either get some bots to kidnap Chai or he mind-controls him just enough to lead him where he wants)
Instead of simply using Chai to do his bidding, AI Kale decides to "upgrade" Chai
He turns him into a cybernetic werewolf like Roquefort
And cranks the mind-control up to 11
In his wolf form, Chai still has his music player visible in his chest (it looks tiny tho)
His robot arm/paw is aesthetically different from his normal arm/paw
He can still summon his guitar but it's HUGE now
Instead of using the little grabby thingy as a base, he straight up uses a steel beam
Talk about heavy bass
In his human form, Chai does not look that different
But since he's full cyber/robot now, he has junction (? is that the correct word?) lines visible all over his body like Roquefort does
They glow orange/yellow tho!
Anyway, AI Kale sends Chai to get rid of the gang
It takes a moment for everyone to realize that "Oh shit, that huge cyber wolf is actually our beloved moron"
They can't fight Chai head on (Chai is already crazy powerful, now imagine him with Roquefort's strength) so they decide to go and destroy the SPECTRA computer instead
They do that by leading wolf Chai down to the secret room
And tricking him into crashing into the computer, effectively destroying it for good and freeing Chai from the mind control
Chai actually finds his new body and powers pretty fucking cool
This ends up with him becoming even more fearless and excited when it comes to dealing with enemies
Much to everyone's dismay
"Chai, this Kem-Ono is highly unstable, you should—"
Some things are subject to change but I think this is a solid base so here you go
I don’t have art for it yet but I’ll try to doodle some concepts between school work and stuff!
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ipoppa75 · 6 months
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cb-writes-stuff · 1 day
OC ask game- spin the wheel or choose one that applies the most, I just want to see!
Alrighty! Time to spin the name wheel once more... or, a few more than once more... Anyway. Gonna format it a bit differently this time.
10. What kind of music does... Mela enjoy?
Mela doesn't particularly like music. Or much of any background noise. It makes it harder for her to think.
12. How well does... Ven do in school?
As you might expect, he was a little troublesome. But he never actually broke any rules. Performance-wise, he was pretty average.
(Also, the schools in Kem lon-Dalan are basically just to teach kids to read, and about the religion (since they're usually also churches. After learning to read, kids usually start learning a trade.)
21. Hobbies... William enjoys?
He has very little time for hobbies actually. Even so, he quite enjoys reading.
23. What are... Elial's biggest flaws and biggest strengths?
Ooh! I'm glad this one was Elial, she's fun. Her biggest flaws are that she can be arrogant and a bit of a show-off. She is extremely good at what she does. Now, she doesn't think herself incapable of mistakes, but rather, she thinks some jobs are too easy. So, she shows off, takes unnecessary risks to make it more fun. As for her strengths, she's very deft and dexterous, being a thief and all, and she's very loyal--albeit to a select few people.
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The secret identities of the heroes... revealed!!
Do you want to know the secret identities of the hero coaches? Well, you're in luck...
Warning: this is absurdly long so I'm putting in a cut
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Okay, I know I already talk about this one a lot, but I'm going down a list here so I had to include it. Y'all are lucky this blog didn't exist yet when I put this together, it was genuinely all I talked about for roughly two months straight.
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After a couple decades of doing dutiful hero work, Kem moved to Sun Horizon with his fiancee Lillesol, fulfilling their lifelong dream of retiring to where everything was slower, quieter, and warmer. (That's why it doesn't really look like him - he's significantly older in Baby Zouk, but the fun lighthearted attitude and the pool-themed powers/dancing on a beach parallel would match up!)
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I can explain, listen - the lobster is a mascot suit, for a restaurant, and his day job is dressing up and entertaining people. Think like...if Red Lobster had Chuck E Cheese style characters. It started as a summer job for him in high school, and the cool hairdo is what inspired him to make big hair his gimmick. It's just goofy enough to work for Just Dance logic, okay? He fought a giant spaghetti monster canonically, anything goes.
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Dahlia's avatar quote is "art is more comforting than ice cream - it helps me break free!". Which seems like odd phrasing...until you remember that Break Free is the name of another routine. The hair and makeup stylings look suspiciously similar too, so I will insist on this forever idc this is one of those ones where Ubi could break into my house and tell me I'm wrong and I still wouldn't believe it
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Brown hair and cheesy 80s music? Yeah, that's Mister Overload all right. Better not to ask who the girls he was with in Careless Whisper alt were - even heroes can find themselves in situations...
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Curly dark hair, left is of course significantly brighter but she still wears a bold blue color and they're from the same game and...y'know you're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
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Do you ever just...call something as a joke, but then it kinda sticks? Yeah...I was going down the list of blonde coaches, put this together as a joke, but then it actually started to click with me and now I'm obsessed with the concept. Send help
Bonus: the "neutral" coaches!
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It's the heart locket that does it for me. I know the purple hair isn't quite the same shade, but that is her.
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They just have a similar attitude of being a badass, and Super Bass has lighter greenish streaks in the hair too even if it's hard to see...but more importantly the idea that she and Eteria had some big spat that Rosaria was just sitting on the sidelines of just casually watching with a bucket of popcorn is just too funny, I'm sorry.
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Rosaria's hair is light with dark at the bottom, and Stop Drop Roll P1's hair is the opposite. But it's still similar enough that I noticed like "hey, wait a dang minute"...
These two aren't really confirmed to be on either side either and if anything are more likely to be sketchy, but it feels weird to leave them out when I know stuff so
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It's the hair, it's the red hair. But it's also the fact that Happier Than Ever canonically knows Dahlia, who as I mentioned earlier is like totally Break Free, so maybe they met because they worked together on something.
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Idk, I'm probably not the first person to notice the similarity, but two pilots in the Danceverses that are goofballs and wear pink? Nope, more likely to be the same person.
And this is just straight up "the two heroes are the same hero" but close enough
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Their color palettes are almost completely identical. Just looking at them side by side, it seems obvious to me that there's a correlation.
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chaoticstrata · 10 months
Oh boy I got tagged in something! Thanks @kemendin! Here's something I've been working on currently, hope ya'll enjoy it! :)
post a paragraph, snippet, screenshot, or drawing layer of your current project! (✿◕‿◕✿) tag 5 people to post teasers of their wips too
Rass didn’t know what it was that drew his eyes to that particular section of the hangar. It could have been the musical laughter that caught his ear. Or the earthy scent of cologne that filled his nose. Or perhaps it was Rass’ gut telling him he needed to look over there right before he finally did, turning around and getting a good look at the Mirialan smuggler standing there. Whatever it was, their eyes met from across the room, soft lavender catching tawny brown--it sent a shiver up Rass’ spine. Those gorgeous eyes crinkled with a smile--more like a knowing smirk really--in his direction, followed by a quick wink before the smuggler went back to speaking with the Wookiee standing next to him. Rass felt his cheeks flush at the wink, not because he got caught, but because the smuggler was all sorts of pretty and had deemed him worthy enough of a wink.  If he hadn’t been waiting for Hylo to find out what ship he was escorting, he’d have gone over to chat with the man. So, imagine his surprise and utter delight when the older Mirialan started walking him in that direction. It would seem the Stars had blessed him because the smuggler was his charge. “Captain Zaberial, I got you your replacement Mando,” Hylo said, patting Rass’ arm as they approached. “Replacement Mando, huh?” Rass grinned, more than a little amused as he looked the Captain up and down, “Do I need to be worried? Or excited?” The instant mischievous grin he received from the other man made him feel even better about this assignment--the smuggler had a sense of humor, thank the Stars. Lavender eyes--wow, were they even more breathtaking up close--looked him over in return.  “Well, that depends on who you’re asking, handsome,” the smuggler said, leaning against the crates they were loading into his ship, “If it’s me, I’d say the latter, without a doubt. If it’s the Mando you’re replacing, then he’d say the former…but then again, he’s not here to say that so you’ll have to take my word for it.”
Now who to tag...and not tag the same people Kem already has. lol @eorzeashan @riachuelowii @swtorpigeons @swtorpadawan @dirthara-dalen Go my pretties!!! Show off! <3
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