ravengorge · 5 years
Unpleasant SANSation
Chapter one
Your eyes flickered towards the door, your body twitched and flinched at the slightest sounds that came from upstairs. Sans seems to have came back, and that meant having to endure his frightening presence and unwanted attention.
You squeezed your eyes shut tightly as you heard the telltale sound of a key turning against the old rusted metal lock. You wondered dimly at how old this building was to have such rusty locks and squeaky hinges, before focusing back on your original panic.
Trying to force you breathing at a normal pace, so as to not hyperventilate, you pressed yourself closer to the corner wall you had inhabited. Your long h/c hair stuck uncomfortably to your neck, having broken out into a sweat despite the damp and cold atmosphere of the basement.
Your hands reached up and covered your dainty ears as you heard the floorboards creak under Sans’ weight as he came down the stairs. You squirmed and resisted the urge to open your eyes as he came further down the stairs—towards you. He stopped at the bottom stair and then there was nothing but silence. Save for the involuntary whimper that escaped your own throat. Silently cursed and berated yourself for showing him any signs of you fear, you held your breath in an attempt to not do it again. But honestly, who were you kidding? The basement air was so thick with your fear, Sans could practically cut it with his most beloved axe.
You shuddered violently as you recalled that horrifying axe, stained and chipped from only god knows what. The handle had been worn down from Sans’ relentless grip on it, meaning it had been well used. You were most certain that you would meet your end at that dreadful axe when he finally tired of this sick and twisted game that he played with you.
Honestly, you can only blame yourself for ending up in this situation. You knew you weren't supposed to go into the unexplored Undergrounds. The police had even taped off the area when the monsters first emerged. But Town Ebbot was such a bumpkin town with only a handful of police officers, and you were a girl hungry for new exploration and adventure—well you most certainly got more than you asked for. It hadn't been difficult to even get into the Undergrounds.
What you hadn't been expecting though, was to find a monster still in the Undergrounds.
‘And to think, he had seemed so harmless when I first met him.’ You thought to yourself bitterly.
And he had been harmless, big smile on his face, cracking jokes, and eager to talk to you and answer any questions you had about monsterkind and his home. He had been harmless, up until the moment you had tried to head back home. Then that lead to him offering to lead you to the entrance, but instead finding yourself in a situation out of a horror movie. God how you wished it were a horror movie, at least you would be alive and could go home after the curtains closed.
You had always been too trusting, but it had never gotten you into too much trouble in your life. Much less gotten you chained up in some basement by a skeletal freak who seemed to take enjoyment in your discomfort and fear—well, that is until now of course.
Speaking of that creep…where was he? Why couldn't you hear him any longer? Had he left already? Perhaps he had just been checking up on you? To make sure you hadn't somehow escaped. Yeah, fat chance of that happening.
Sitting stiffly against the wall, you dropped your hands from around your ears to listen closely to the still silence of the basement. You sat there for several moments, the only thing heard to your perked ears were the sounds of your own ragged breathing.
After hearing nothing but silence, you sagged heavily against the wall with a sigh of relief. You couldn't deal with that creature anymore today anyways.
Finally, having mustered up the courage, and having already reassured yourself that Sans had indeed left, you flicked open your eyes.
And then promptly started to scream.
“shh, shh, ‘s ok sweetheart. jus’ me.”
You quickly cut your screaming off, flinching into the wall shielding your face with your arms as Sans raised his clawed skeletal fingers to your face to touch you.
How? How did he get across the room without you hearing? Sans was a very heavy monster, you knew having already tried to fight your way past him to get to the door. That's why you had a chain around your ankle now. So, how could he have walked across the room and sat mere inches from you without you not hearing? And why? Why had he just sat there and watched you?
You were brought back from all the questions tumbling around in your head, when you felt his, oddly warm, fingers wrapped around your arm. He firmly pulled both arms away and held them tightly against the ground. Feeling hot tears spill down your cheeks, you squeezed your eyes shut in the vain hope of stopping them.
You felt, rather than heard, Sans sit back. That would've brought you relief, except Sans still had an almost painful grip on your wrist, and had promptly dragged you forward into him as he moved.
“ain't hurtin’ ya and you’re cryin’.” Sans said, annoyance clear in the tone he used. His fingers tightened around your wrists before you let out a soft squeak of pain.
At the sound of that, Sans immediately let go of your tiny wrists. But when you opened your eyes once more and attempted to scramble off his lap, Sans’ arms wrapped around you, trapping you.
“don't move.” Sans growled, and you froze in your fruitless struggle. This was new, Sans hadn't done anything like this before. In the weeks he's kept you down here he'd only spoken to you and occasionally reached out to smooth your hair or brush his fingers across your arm. Now while his little touches weren't wanted, you most certainly preferred them to this forceful embrace.
"shh, shhhh, see. youre bein such a good girl now." Sans cooed, as if he were praising a startled stray dog. He tugged you closer and you grimaced as you felt the sharp edges of the hole in his head, digging painfully into the top of your head as he nuzzled you.
"so good, so good, and all mine." His tone became possessive as he dug his skeletal fingers into his skin, breaking skin.
Pulling back away, his eyes landed hungrily on the droplets of blood welling up from where his fingers had been moments ago.
"heeheeheehee, whoops." He mumbled, not looking sorry one bit. Sans then dipped a finger in a drop of blood, dragging it across your arm to smear it, before popping the finger into his mouth. He actually leaned forward against you and fucking moaned . Like the bastard was getting off on your blood or something.
Still trapped by his steel like grip on your wrists you opened your mouth.
"Please, please let me go. I won't tell anyone. Please, I promise. I have family, they're looking for me." Your words came rushing out like word vomit. You couldn't see Sans face, as he currently had the top of his head on your shoulder, however you did feel his fingers tightened threateningly around your wrists.
"why d'ya always talk about leavin?" He growled, actually fucking growled. Like a dog or something.
"ya hav'ta stay. can't lettem see ya, theyll take ya from me. fuckin vanilla will think he owns ya, cuz yer in his timeline. and red, that horny bastard, will tryna fuck anythin in a skirt. and pup, he'll know, he'll know what ya are t'us." Sans rambled on, about who you had no idea, but he finally leaned back to look you in the eyes. While you tried to hold eye contact with his… eyelight? But being the coward you were, you just dropped your gaze to the floor like you usually did.
"it's okay m'little treat. ya jus gotta stay here. where it's safe."
You shuddered violently, not feeling safe in the least. You were terrified of the large threatening skeleton and his crazy rambling. You just wanted to go home, but you had an unnerving feeling that you wouldn't be going home for a very very long time.
{To read the other chapters go to the link below}
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ravengorge · 5 years
My bois finally got a neck
So proud 🙌
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love the new pallette so much
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ravengorge · 5 years
Love this story
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OH NO MY HAND SLIPPED and I accidentally drew myself in my so far favorite scenes from “Aggre(g/v)ation” by @llamagoddessofficial on AO3 how could that have happened I wonder
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ravengorge · 5 years
Undertale fanfics
I've been recently writing an Sans x Reader fanfic 😅
Any tips on writing it better? I don't want to disappoint my readers, since this is actually the most I've ever had.
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ravengorge · 7 years
Finding myself
I've been an Asexual all my life but just found out it had a name to these feelings a year ago
I just want to say everyday how glad I'm not broken or weird for being who I am
I thought I was for so long because that's what everyone use to say. It's easier knowing there are people out there just like me
It makes those little comments my cousins say about going out and being a "normal teenager" {They mean drinking and having sex} easier to swallow.
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ravengorge · 7 years
I want to read this!
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ravengorge · 7 years
This really hits home.
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wanting and not wanting at the same time
a comic for asexual awareness week
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ravengorge · 7 years
Everyone thought my boobs were out
So one time I was holding my cousin's baby while we were walking around town and it was really sunny out so we put a blanket over his head, babies have really sensitive eyes.
Well I guess it kind of looked like I was beast feeding with the blanket over his head, because people kept giving me weird looks.
So every time we got to a shadowy part of town, like under some trees or something, and if there were a lot of people around us I would whip the blanket off of little man's head and watch everyone jerk their heads away and then look surprised to see my boobs weren't out.
It was awesome
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ravengorge · 7 years
Vote Yoda for president 2017!
Share to spread the word
Our Class is doing a fun activity where we're seprated into four different groups and we're trying to have our fictional canadit win!
My group has Yoda
There's also Super Woman, Captain America, and Thad Castle
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ravengorge · 7 years
Somebody please show me affection
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ravengorge · 7 years
I'm not ashamed to be Asexual but sometimes I wish I could just be a normal straight gal
Just be one of the normal kids :/
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ravengorge · 7 years
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It has been forever since I got on Tumblr! Not only have I gotten into, you guessed it, Supernatural, but I've also improved my art skills!
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ravengorge · 7 years
Depressing jokes
I seriously need to stop with depressing jokes, people are starting to worry
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ravengorge · 7 years
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Heathers ~ "Our Love Is God" My baby Peppermint being obsessed over his new mate Ripple Yes it's a gay couple 😘
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ravengorge · 7 years
Signs you're in a bad relationship
He tricks you into murdering three people He's okay with pointing a gun at your face He breaks into your house and traps you in the closet whilst singing about how you were meant to be one He tries to bomb the school after you break up with him He lets you have drunk sex with him while he's tots sober Redemption points! He's hot He wears a trench coat He sacrifices his life for yours He's JD
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ravengorge · 7 years
I killed him and he cried about it
I just remembered this time in third grade, I was already getting kind of a creepy girl rep, so I was writing this story called Blood and whatnot
And I just kind of casually put this dude Classmate of mine in the story and then just killed him off.
He never got over the fact I killed him off and reminded me every day until we graduated.
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ravengorge · 7 years
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Peppermint, my gay tom When he was a tom-kit his parents left him his uncle, on his mother's side, because they didn't like to stay in one place too long. His uncle was very abusive and clawed Peppermint whenever he felt annoyed. I'll post more about Peppermint's story when I draw him again.
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