#keller rodrigues 1
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Upcoming Events | February-July 2025
Not predicting for: Michaela Bates, Alyssa Bates and Joseph Duggar.
Just Occurred: Jed and Katey Duggar have had their twin girls, Elsie Kate and Emma Kate Duggar.
Confirmed Events: Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo are expecting their third child, a boy. Predicted birthday of 28th March. Josiah and Lauren Duggar are expecting their fourth child. Estimated birthday of 17th April. Jeremiah and Hannah Duggar are expecting their third child, a girl. Predicted birthday of 9th May. Trace and Lydia Bates are expecting their second child*, a girl. Predicted birthday of 31st May. Timothy and Heidi Rodrigues are expecting their first child. Due date of 12th July.
Predicted Events: February: 25th - Jana and Stephen Wissmann announce Baby 1.
March: 29th - Justin and Claire Duggar announce Baby 1 (11 SDs late).
April: 6th - Isaiah Bates and Sarah enter a courtship & Jason and Maddie Duggar announce Baby 1. 11th - Kaylee and Jonathan Hill announce Baby 2 (3 SDs late). 14th - Jackson and Emerson Bates announce Baby 1 (3 SDs late).
May: 15th - Jill and Derick Dillard announce Baby 4* (1 SD late). 20th - Carlin and Evan Stewart announce Baby 3 (2 SDs late).
June: No events predicted.
July: 5th - Renee Rodrigues enters a courtship (1 SD late). 9th - Joy and Austin Forsyth announce Baby 4. 21st - Nurie and Nathan Keller announce Baby 4.
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My 2025 predictions
Anna - she won't be seen for the whole year
Jana&Stephen - announce #1, a boy
John&Abbie - announce #3, a boy
Jill&Derick - announce #4*, a girl
Jessa&Ben - announce #6, a girl
Jinger&Jeremy - baby girl
Joseph&Kendra - #5 will appear very suddenly, a girl
Josiah&Lauren - #4 will appear, a boy
Joy&Austin - will buy their farm
Jedidiah&Katey - disappear from SM after the twins arrival
Jeremiah&Hannah - baby girl
Jason&Maddie - announce #1, a boy
James - announces relationship
Justin&Claire - announce #1, a boy
Jackson - announces nothing
Johannah - announces relationship
Jennifer - announces nothing
Zach&Whitney - keep going like they are
Michaella&Brandon - move to a new house
Chad&Erin - move to Erins grandparents
Lawson&Tiffany - announce #2, a boy
Nathan&Esther - living their best lives
Alyssa&John - announce #6, a girl
Tori&Bobby - announce #6, a boy
Trace&Lydia - baby boy
Carlin&Evan - announce #3, a boy
Josie&Kelton - move to a new house
Katie&Travis - Travis will get his own tour
Jackson&Emerson - announce #1, a boy
Warden - announces nothing
Isaiah - announces relationship
Addellee - announces relationship
Ellie - announces relationship
Jill&David - will get into a depresion with Timothy&Heidi not allowing her near their child and everything going on with Phillip, the grandbaby's from Nurie and Kaylee will keep her going
Nurie&Nathan - announce #4, a boy
Timothy&Heidi - announce #1 all by them self, Jill never announces it, it's a girl
Kaylee&Jonathan - announce #2, a girl
Renee - announces relationship
Phillip - cuts ties with Jill
Samuel - stays single
Gabriel - goes to college
Tessie - announces relationship
Rachel&Alan - nothing new, Rachel won't be active on SM
Ruth&Ryan - announce miracle #6, a girl
Josiah&Abi - nothing
Bethany&Dan - announce #6, a girl
Andrew&Kori - nothing
Elizabeth - get's engaged and married
Matthias&Michelle - announce #4, a boy
Stephen&Jana - announce #1, a boy
Hannah&Jeremiah -baby girl
Susanna&Drew - announce #2, a girl
Alathia - stays with medic corps
Nathanael&Katrina - announce #2, a boy
Charissa - get's her own IG nothing happens
Chelsy&John - goes back to normal life with four boys now
Mitchell&Bryn - nothing
Allison&Jeremiah - announce #4, a boy
Elizabeth - announces relationship
Hudson - announces relationship
Rebecca - get's her own IG
Nathan&Melanie - nothing new
Christopher&Anna - surprise us all with another baby, a boy
Sarah&Kory - Sarah goes big with her photografy
Joseph&Elissa - nothing new
John&Chelsy - goes back to normal life with four boys now
Anna - get's into a relationship
Jesse&Anna - have #2, a boy
Mary&Samuel - announce #1, a girl
Esther&John - nothing new
Enoch - goes to the US, finds a girl, marries it and takes it back to africa
Alatheia - goes to the US, finds a husband, her family won't be on her wedding
Timothy - nothing
Nehemiah - goes to the US, meets his cousin with the same name
Priscilla&David - nothing
Anna - she won't be seen for the whole year
Nathan&Nurie - announce #4, a boy
David&Hannah - announce #3, a boy
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Major Fundie (and Adjacent) Birthdays in November
November 1
Madeline and Claire Langdon turn 25
Jessa and Ben Seewald celebrate 10 years of marriage
November 2
Annistan Collins turns 12
Erin and Chad Paine celebrate 11 years of marriage
Addison Duggar turns 5
November 3
Jill Rodrigues turns 46
Esther and John Shrader celebrate 23 years of marriage
John and Abbie Duggar celebrate 6 years of marriage
November 4
Jessa Seewald turns 32
Lemuel Reber turns 28
November 5
Spurgeon Seewald turns 9
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo celebrate 8 years of marriage
Kaylee and Jonathan Hill celebrate 2 years of marriage
November 6
Carl Lentz turns 46
Charles H Vuolo turns 73
November 7
Khloe Bates turns 5
November 8
Will Robertson Jr. turns 23
Bella Duggar turns 5
November 9
Alan and Lisa Robertson celebrate 40 years of marriage
Alyssa Webster turns 30
Lydia Meggs turns 25
Kade Smith turns 6
November 12
Jessica Robertson turns 44
Dan and Deena Dillard celebrate 8 years of marriage
Jessica and Joseph Coates celebrate 3 years of marriage
Davia Waller turns 10
November 13
Mandrae Collins turns 41
November 14
Dwain Swanson turns 49
Bobby and Meagan Ballinger celebrate 9 years of marriage
November 15
Justin Duggar turns 22
November 16
Brian and Susan Waller celebrate 50 years of marriage
Newman Keller turns 2
November 18
Jeremy Coverett turns 45
November 19
David and Hannah Keller celebrate 3 years of marriage
November 20
Mike Seewald turns 50
Jake Wilson would be turning 29
Robby Spivey turns 21
November 21
John Webster turns 35
November 22
Evangeline Vuolo turns 4
November 23
Roxanne Forsyth turns 61
November 24
Samuel Rodrigues turns 20
November 25
Sadie and Christian Huff turns 5
November 26
Holland Paine turns 5
November 27
Sadie Rodrigues turns 11
Maryella Duggar turns 5
November 30
Max Kallschmidt turns 24
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How are we already almost into February without a single pregnancy announcement!? Are they all waiting until Valentines Day so they can bombard us?
That is actually a very good possibility. It would be even better if we got some early and “late” announcements to really stretch the births out over the year. So far out of the three main families I follow/keep track of there are only four known pregnancies/ babies due in 2024.
Josie (Bates) Balka due the first week of March
Tori (Bates) Smith due date only given as 2024 and that she’s due after Josie
Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar only info is due 2024. Though has not yet announced sex of the baby even though she did so with her previous pregnancy. She also announced baby #1 “late” announcement in August and gave birth on Christmas that year, seemingly close to her due date. If they announced Baby #2 at the same time in pregnancy as baby #1 then she would be due in March. I’d really love a pregnancy update but, they deserve their privacy.
Nurie (Rodrigues) Keller Due July 2024. No further pregnancy update has really been given but, maybe we’ll get something from Jill when she goes down to Florida in a few weeks. I’m sure she’ll crash baby appointments or force Nurie to film a sex reveal that she can stream on Facebook and all of three people (Two Snarkers and Lord Daniel The Racoon) will watch
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today on fundie instagram:
Duggars go camping. Why fundies are so obsessed with camping when it's fucking cold I'll never understand.
Newbie Keller turns 1. I unironically love how Nurie gels and combs his 5 singular hairs.
The Rodrigues family has Special Family Time by taking over a hotel gym. Jill of course has to make it weird (have you noticed she only ever praises the boys when they work out? Even though it's has to be a million times harder for her daughters in those jean skirts?)
Jinger's continues her tradition of choosing clothes that make me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
#the hat is not her vibe jeremy definitely told her to wear that#i really don't feel like naming all the Duggar boys right now omg#jinger vuolo#the duggar family#the rodrigues family#newbie Keller#fundie instagram
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Fotos: Divulgação / CBMSC A semana de comemorações pelos 98 anos do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Santa Catarina (CBMSC) segue em grande estilo. Nesta terça-feira, 24, a Banda de Músicos realizou um concerto no Teatro Ademir Rosa, em Florianópolis. Além do público de mais de 900 pessoas, o evento contou com a presença do comandante-geral, coronel Fabiano Bastos, do subcomandante-geral, coronel Jefferson de Souza e demais autoridades militares e civis. O evento começou com o discurso do comandante-geral. “É com grande honra e profunda gratidão que celebramos, neste ano de 2024, os 98 anos de história do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Santa Catarina (CBMSC). Nesta noite especial, teremos a oportunidade de nos emocionarmos com o concerto da nossa banda, que simboliza a harmonia e a união de nossa corporação com a sociedade catarinense”, declarou o coronel Bastos. A Banda de Música do CBMSC é formada por Bombeiros Militares e Comunitários. Atualmente, são mais de 50 músicos, que sob a regência do 1° sargento Marcelo Menezes, abrilhantaram a noite. O repertório especial de aniversário trouxe músicas populares nacionais, de vários estilos e ritmos. O enredo teve início com uma homenagem a todos os bombeiros da corporação. Pela primeira vez, foi apresentado ao público o dobrado Bombeiro Abnegado, de composição e regência do maestro da banda, sargento Menezes. Dando continuidade, a banda interpretou a Suíte Nordestina de José Ursino da Silva, o Mestre Duda. Uma composição de alguns gêneros musicais nordestinos, entre eles o Baião, a Serenata, o Maracatu e o frevo, sob a regência do soldado Gustavo Maciel Keller. Em seguida, foram apresentados: Um “medley” (mistura de canções) do cantor e compositor Djavan, com arranjo de Paulo Rezende e interpretação do cantor capitão Raniel Teles Pinheiro; A música Odeon, composta por Ernesto Nazareth com arranjo de Gilberto Gagliard. Em uma pausa entre as músicas, o vídeo do pequeno Theo, Bombeiro Mirim que ficou famoso na internet e em emissoras de TV de todo o país, foi exibido ao público. Theo ficou conhecido ao mostrar para colegas de sua escola que havia ajudado a salvar um bebê de apenas três meses, que havia se engasgado com leite. O salvamento foi realizado utilizando manobras de desengasgamento que ele aprendeu no Programa Bombeiro Mirim. Após a história do pequeno Theo, foi entoada a Canção do Bombeiro Mirim, música da cabo Janaína Candia Costa interpretada pela soldado Jéssica Cruz Cechella, com coreografia da equipe do programa Bombeiro Mirim. A programação do concerto seguiu com as músicas: Na baixa do sapateiro, composição de Ary Barroso e arranjo de Jorge Cerdeira; Um medley de músicas do grupo Roupa Nova, com arranjo para banda de Almir França, arranjo vocal de Rafael Francisco Welter e interpretado pelo quarteto vocal composto pelo capitão Raniel Teles Pinheiro, cabo Rodrigo Rodrigues e as bombeiras comunitárias Alice Riffati e Sônia Beatriz Soares; A música seguinte foi uma homenagem ao estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que em maio deste ano, sofreu com as severas chuvas que atingiram a população gaúcha. Após a exibição de um pequeno vídeo com imagens da atuação do RS, foi interpretada uma seleção de músicas gauchescas, com arranjo do sargento Otávio, acordeon com cabo Maycon Daniel Mariano e vocal do cantor Evandro Cardoso; Para coroar o repertório brasileiro, foi interpretada a música “Canta Brasil”, composição de Alcyr Pires Vermelho e David Nasser, com arranjo de Paulo Rezende e vocal da Bombeira Comunitária Sônia Beatriz Soares. Ao final, foi realizado um agradecimento em nome do CBMSC a todos que prestigiaram o concerto, especialmente aos músicos convidados e solistas que, com seu talento, enriqueceram a apresentação. De pé, o público acompanhou a apresentação final com a Canção do Bombeiro Catarinense (letra do major Francisco de Assis Vitowski e do capitão Osmildo Delvan. :: Confira aqui todas as fotos deste emocionante evento: Fotos do Concerto: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16JABPlTwvMuSM1mkLDmts9lPK0fMBrLl?usp=sharing
Fotos dos Convidados: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tV7hSChwayBrSBvuBznyw3EQTR1ZXJ5d?usp=sharing Fonte: Governo SC
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Sunday March 10 starting at 8:30 pm Rutsubo. What it seems to be a new series curated by Rieko Okuda in our favourite x-berg secret spot in Berlin. It will start with a blast. A full evening featuring also the World Premiere of a trio by Marcello S. Busato on drums, Matthias Koole on guitar and Mat Pogo on vocals, we're particularly excited to announce. Here's the program: 1. Kellen Mills - ebass 2. Antti Virtaranta - doublebass Maximillian Ferdinant Bogner - strings, electronics 3. BERG Ernesto Rodrigues - viola Guilherme Rodrigues - cello Beat Keller - guitar Rieko Okuda - piano 4. Dr. Nexus - voice, electronics 5. Mat Pogo - voice Matthias Koole - guitar Marcello S. Busato - drums
If you don't know the address, look it up.
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Nehemiah David Keller!
On Facebook Live, Nurie + Nathan officially announced their son’s name: It’s Nehemiah David Keller. He was born on October 11, 2021, at 9:44 AM. He was 8 Pounds, 2 Ounces, and 21 Inches Long.
They also confirmed that they’ll be doing an N Theme. (Yippee!)
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Nurthan 1 is a boy.
#nathan and nurie#nurthan 1#keller rodrigues family#keller rodrigues 1#fundie#baby boy#sex reveal#fundie sex revea#jrod#jill rodrigues#rodrigues family#keller family#nurie keller#nathan keller
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'They wanted to do it with us' No, you MADE them do it with you.
News of the Nurthling!
#nathan and nurie#keller family#rodrigues family#jrod#fundie#keller rodrigues 1#baby shower#sex reveal
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Upcoming Events August 2024-January 2025
Not predicting for: Michaela Bates, Alyssa Bates, Jinger Duggar, Joseph Duggar and Josiah Duggar.
Just Occurred: Savannah and Cole LaBrant had their fifth child Beckham Blue LaBrant on 13th May. Blue joins three older sisters and one older brother. Tori and Bobby Smith had their fifth child Weston Slade Smith on 29th May. He joins two older brothers and two older sisters. Jason Duggar announced he is in a relationship with Madison Grace Jones on 30th May. Samuel Rodrigues was discovered to be in a relationship on 9th June. Kristen and Zack Clark had their third child Caroline Marie Clark on 14th June. Caroline joins two older brothers. Katie and Travis Clark announced their second child will be called Harvey Gray Clark on 28th June. Nurie and Nathan Keller had their third child Naomi Christine Keller on 14th July. Naomi joins two older brothers. Lawson and Tiffany Bates had their first child William Daniel Bates on 19th July. Isaiah Bates was discovered to be in a relationship on 26th July.
Confirmed Events: Timothy Rodrigues and Heidi Coverett are still engaged in the longest fundie engagement of all time. Reddit snarkers expect a wedding in September. Katie and Travis Clark are expecting their second child, a son named Harvey Gray, predicted birthday of 3rd October. Nathan and Esther Bates are expecting their second child, a son, predicted birthday of 6th October. Jed and Kate Duggar are expecting twin girls. The girls will be their third and fourth children. Predicted birthday of 30th December.
Predicted Events - August: No predicted events for August.
Predicted Events - September 28th - Trace & Lydia Bates announce baby 2* after a miscarriage earlier in 2024.
Predicted Events - October 17th - Jason Duggar & Maddie Jones get engaged. 21st - Carlin & Evan Stewart announce baby 3 (1 SD late).
Predicted Events - November No predicted events for November.
Predicted Events - December 11th - Jackson & Emerson Bates announce baby 1 (2 SDs late). 13th - Kaylee & Jonathan Hill announce baby 2 (2 SDs late). 14th - Jill & Derick Dillard announce baby 4 after a miscarriage earlier in 2024.
Predicted Events - January No predicted events for January.
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My 2024 predictions
What came true and what didn't. If it came true it's bold, if it didn't it's streept out. It's italic when it's still unsure if I was right or wrong
Anna - Stays away from the camera but we will spot her from time to time
John&Abbie - appears to be pregnant with #3
Jana - keeps going like she has been the past years
Jill&Derick - announce #4 after Freddy's 2nd birthday
Jessa&Ben - goes on and off on SM
Jinger&Jeremy - announce #3, another girl
Joseph&Kendra - They will suddenly have a 5th child without us knowing about their pregnancy
Josiah&Lauren - Lauren first shows up pregnant in one of the other siblings video's, later we will find out she had #4, another boy
Joy&Austin - Joy will not make come back on youtube in january. She will start making them again after visiting Carlin
Jed&Katey - announce #3, a boy
Jer&Hannah - have a girl
Jason - announces that he is married
James - announces a courtship/relation
Justin&Claire - announce #1, a girl
Jackson - stays quiet, makes appearances in video's
Johannah - announces a courtship/relationship
Zach&Whitney - Don't announce #6 yet
Michaella&Brandon - move to a house and have a dog
Erin&Chad - endless video's of precious William
Lawson&Tiffany - keep producing weird video's
Nathan&Esther - announce #2, another girl
Alyssa&John - Nothing new, just the same old over and over again
Tori&Bobby - have their 5th, another boy
Trace&Lydia - have another episode of 'help my wife and her family is getting deported'
Carlin&Evan - announce #3, another boy
Josie&Kelton - have their 3th, a boy
Katie&Travis - announce #2, a boy
Jackson&Emmy - announce #1, a girl
Warden - dates Taylor
Isaiah - stays quiet
Addellee - starts courting
Jill&David - announce another miscarriage
Nurie&Nathan - have #3, a girl
Timothy&Heidi - get married with a lot of drama, announce #1
Kaylee&Jonathan - announce #2, a girl
Renee - starts a new courtship, hyped by Jill
Phillip - Stays away from girls
Samuel - starts a courtship, Jill is first super excited, later not so much
Gabriel - goes to a fake college
Rachel&Alan - keep off SM
Ruth&Ryan - announce #6, another boy
Josiah&Abi - nothing happens
Bethany&Dan - announce #6, a boy
Andrew&Kori - nothing happens
Elizabeth - starts dating
Matthias&Michelle - nothing happens
Stephen - nothing happens
Hannah&Jer - have a girl
Susanna&Drew - announce #1, a boy
Alathia - starts dating
Nathanael&Katrina - announce #2, a girl
Charissa - visits all her sisters all the time
Chelsy&John - announce #4, a boy
Mitchell&Bryn - announce #4, a girl
Allison&Jeremiah - announce #3, a boy
Lincoln&Susanna - announce #1, a girl
Elizabeth - starts dating
Hudson - starts dating
Nathan&Melanie - nothing happens
Christopher&Anna - nothing happens
Sarah&Kory - photographers more weddings
Joseph&Elissa - appear to have a 4th child
Chelsy&John - announce #4, a boy
Anna - starts dating
Jesse&Anna - nothing happens
Mary&Samuel - announce #1, a girl
Esther&John - have a girl
Enoch - nothing happens
Alatheia - starts courting
Priscilla&David - announce #7, a boy
Anna - Stays away from the camera but we will spot her from time to time
Nathan&Nurie - have #3, a girl
David&Hannah - announce #2, a boy
Paul&Christina - announce #10, a girl
Kendra&Joseph - They will suddenly have a 5th child without us knowing about their pregnancy
Lauren - appears to have suddenly a man by her side
Micah - nothing happens
Rogers - nothing happens
Young - announce #6 at the end of the year
Ballinger - have #5, a girl
Etbauer - announce #3, a boy
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Major Fundie (and Adjacent) Birthdays in October
October 1-
Lydia Romeike and Trace Bates celebrate 2 years of marriage.
October 4-
Charles and Tammy Paine celebrate 40 years of marriage.
Jill Noyes and David Rodrigues celebrate 27 years of marriage.
October 5-
Katie Bates Clark turns 24.
Josie Bates and Kelton Balka celebrate 6 years of marriage.
Cade Foehner and Gabby Barrett celebrate 5 years of marriage.
October 7-
Matt Roloff turns 63.
October 8-
Mackynzie Duggar turns 15.
October 9-
Daxton King turns 5.
October 11-
Mark Driscoll turns 54.
John Luke Robertson turns 29.
Johannah Duggar turns 19.
Nehemiah Keller turns 3.
October 12-
Kirk Cameron turns 54.
Laura Lentz turns 45.
October 13-
Curtis Bowers turns 59.
October 14-
Esther Keyes Bates turns 27.
Bethany Baird and Dav Beal celebrate 6 years of marriage.
Emerson Wells and Jack Bates celebrate 1 year of marriage.
October 16-
Isaiah Bates turns 20.
October 17-
Kenna Bates turns 2.
October 19-
Phillip Waller turns 8.
October 21-
Isaac Plath turns 19.
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Keller–Rodrigues #1 is “Term,” As of Today!
Nurie’s Due Date w/ her Firstborn is October 12, 2021. As of today, she is 37 Weeks Along—and thus, “early term.” She could deliver at any time. (Ahhh!)
It’s time, guys. It’s actually happening… Keller–Rodrigues #1 Baby Watch!
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Looks like the Nurthan sex reveal will be soon.
#Jrod#keller rodrigues 1#Rodrigues Family#Jill rodrigues#nathan and nurie#Nathan keller#nurie keller#fundie#sex reveal#fundie baby#Fundie sex reveal
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He's here. Welcome to the world sweet Nehemiah. Good luck having Jill Rodrigues as your Grandma - you'll need it.
Baby is here. Sounds like an incredibly quick labor
#nehemiah keller#fundie#nathan and nurie#fundie baby#instagram#keller family#rodrigues family#keller rodrigues 1
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