#jill rodrigues
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spurgie-cousin · 6 months ago
ok this is just too specific to be a coincidence, Jill Rodrigues posted this oversharing bs (of course):
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And Ellen, Heidi's mom, posted this to her stories after Jill's post, apparently:
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Jill and Ellen beef confirmed imo lol and I don't blame her. Jill says this every time one of her kids gets married and it's fucking invasive and weird as shit tbh
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thefundiemuseum · 3 months ago
It's Olivia's Birthday! (So Jill Makes It About Herself and Her Miscarriages)
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Classic Jill.
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countingandsnarkingon · 7 months ago
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It’s officially official, Samuel is in a courtship. Everyone meet Brianne Hessert
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wtffundiefamilies · 10 days ago
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fundieshaderoom · 8 months ago
Phillip Rodrigues Homeless?
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quiverlockedandloaded · 3 months ago
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Happy birthday Olivia.
Also Jill, could you not mention a single thing about your poor daughter? It’s her birthday, not your celebration of that time you really trusted God.
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duggarsetal · 2 years ago
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Did I miss something? Are they engaged?
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prayerclosetdropout · 8 months ago
Naomi Christine Keller. Not what I was expecting but a pleasant surprise
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19kidsandloving · 2 years ago
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months ago
Ok wtf, I had a feeling Jill got this puppy because this is the first time in 20+ years she hasn't had a baby or really small child to obsess over, and she can't live without something to smother. But this video pisses me the fuck off
It really looks like Jill is telling Janessa to kiss the dog when she doesn't really want to, and then the dog nips at Janessa's *face*, freaking her out, without any behavioral corrections. Every time a dog does something bad and you don't correct it, that makes the behavior 10% harder to correct in the future.
Not to mention what shitty parenting this is, Janessa looks like she has scratches on her face that might be from the dog already. She's also being taught it's ok to mess with a dog past their comfort level which is so goddamn unsafe, if she does that in the future to a large dog she could get really really hurt. A bite from a German Shepherd isn't just going to leave a little scratch on your face.
Jill is so incredibly stupid and this interaction makes me so mad lol. Looks like Janessa isn't the favorite baby anymore, Bitey the dog is.
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thefundiemuseum · 6 months ago
Jill vs. the Coveretts: A Timeline of Events
While there have been vagueposts on both sides prior to Tim + Heidi's wedding, and Hallie has been pretty open about her opinions on Jill, I'm going to focus on the social media back and forth around Tim's wedding.
As far as I can tell it starts here, with Jill posting about the wedding.
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She says that pics will follow once Tim + Heidi give the go-ahead. At first, that seems like a huge step forward for Jill and Tim. A boundary set by one of her children that Jill respects? Even though it could deny her social media engagement and the opportunity to talk about marriage? HUGE. Big if true.
... It was (probably) not true. Also at the wedding, Jill takes some pictures of of Samuel + Brianne. More on that later.
Within a couple of days, Jill broadcasts to the world about Tim + Heidi's purity with some (unflattering) video and images from the wedding. It is unclear if she actually got that approval from the bride and groom, or if she couldn't resist posting about the wedding. If they did approve of her posting, it's unlikely that they approved of the whole "purity" thing, given Heidi's family's reaction.
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"We are so thankful that Timothy and Heidi chose purity in their relationship. It brings God great glory!"
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Ellen and Hallie Coverett have Thoughts about Jill's post. Ellen says "Some things can be left private and don't need to be plastered all over facebook. Especially if it's about someone else. Private decisions between a husband and wife is not the world's business. JS We need to stop making preferences, commandments. Stop making others feel bad or dirty for having a different opinion.""
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Heidi's grandmother weighs in with "TMI. This should be left private."
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At this point, Jill could remove the video per Heidi's family's requests. She could apologize for crossing a boundary. She could even do nothing, which might be better than what she chose to do. . . The Double Down.
David also posts in her defense. I'm not including the full things because I'd probably hit my limit of images that I'm allowed in a single post.
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Hallie (Coverett) Judge is done with Jill's shit.
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Several Rods come to Jill's defense, however.
Nurie writes about her own experience saving her first kiss for the wedding. It's giving "well I never wore a seatbelt growing up and I turned out just fine, what are YOU so worked up about?" (Guess who just remembered Nurie's track record with seatbelts. . .) It's like that weird aunt who says at family reunions "my mother commented on my weight all the time and I turned out fine, so I don't understand why you're making a big deal out of all this."
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Jonathan and Kaylee chime in. They're a little more subtle than Nurie in their support for Jill, but they're still pro "save the first kiss for the altar, and then tell everyone about it."
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And then Timothy finally gets involved. He starts by untagging himself from his mother's FB post. Jill appears to then edit his name out of her post to hide the fact that he was originally tagged there.
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Tim posts on Facebook thanking everyone for the well wishes. He includes a scripture that commands men to "leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife." Often shortened to "leave and cleave," this verse is typically used in Christian circles to, among other things, emphasize the importance of growing up and establishing your own family separate from your parents'. While a secular person might say "cut the cord" in response to an overbearing MIL, a conservative Christian might say "leave and cleave."
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Renee writes a poem and posts it to Jill's FB (allegedly, I'm still not convinced that anyone but Jill ever writes for her socials). The poem is quite long and all about how important it is to listen to your mother, how your mother's love is there to protect you. Some highlights:
"As the toddler reaches for an object on the shelf, / Not knowing that it may bring harm or danger to herself, / Her mother quickly scolds her as she leads the babe away."
"In each mistake or wilful [sic] sin and choice to disobey, / Her mama still is standing near, to guide, correct, and pray."
"The soul inside her daughters [sic] heart is far too great a price, / To keep from saying something, for the sake of being 'nice'."
As poetry goes, it's pretty mediocre. Maybe someday I'll do a full analysis of Rodlet poetry, but for the time being, just know that it's what you'd expect. A singsong meter, AABB rhyme, fairly juvenile language.
I think Brianne is the last to jump in on all this. She is in full support of Jill. If there were any question as to how well Brianne will fit with this family--not anymore.
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We have another vaguepost from Ellen Coverett about the ways our children grow up and grow away from us.
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Update! On October 3 (he asked me what day it was I'm sorry I can't help myself), Jill posts pictures she took of Samuel + Brianne for their "official courtship photoshoot."
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Eagle-eyed viewers may notice that Samuel is in his wedding attire.
This photoshoot was done AT the wedding.
Brianne went to this wedding with her princess dress presumably stowed in the car, took the time to change (during the reception, I guess?), and had a whole photoshoot with Samuel while they were there to celebrate and support Timothy + Heidi.
Ok, Jill. We get it. You have a favorite, and it's the gal who won't set boundaries with you.
I wasn't sure where to put these in the timeline, but I think it's worth noting that Jill seems to pick out the photos that are specifically the most unflattering to Heidi.
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Heidi's eyes are closed! And Jill is stepping on her dress! (The labels for the in-laws, the arrow pointing to Newman(?), the photoshopped Phil--there's so much going on.)
Also, Jill posts about the mocktail bar at the wedding, and Hallie reveals that not everyone was drinking mocktails that evening.
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What Now?
As far as we can tell, there is no great schism in the Rod family. Ellen Coverett is still in Jill's downline, still selling Plexus and touting its benefits.
I hope Tim continues to set boundaries and establish distance from his mom. I hope he and Heidi are enjoying married life and not getting bogged down in social media nonsense. I hope he finds a healthier example of what a family can look like in the Coveretts. I hope he continues to grow.
(And yeah, it's so cathartic to see Hallie call Jill out on her BS.)
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countingandsnarkingon · 6 months ago
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She could not have made it more obvious that Philip was not in attendance
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countingandsnarkingon · 1 year ago
Jill has been severely passive aggressive about her seemingly dislike for Heidi. She wasn’t present at the engagement, if that was her choice or not we don’t know but, then early this month she made a post about how her first two children in law are AMAZING ect..ect and that she hopes her future in laws are like that? Meaning…Heidi is not respectful, loving, thankful??
thrilled to learn about the likely beef between Jill Rodrigues and her future daughter in law. 10/10, excellent development.
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wtffundiefamilies · 9 days ago
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fundieshaderoom · 7 months ago
Jill Posted a Photo of Phillip
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Unsure if this is new or old.
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quiverlockedandloaded · 3 months ago
Brianne has been scrubbed from Jill’s socials. I will assume the courtship is over. The gushing messages to each other aged like milk. Such a pity, because Brianne and Jill deserved each other.
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