#kell-el x oc
gritsandbrits · 6 months
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Together again
Never thought i see the day WB acknowledges the 2006 LOSH show and in a scooby doo cartoon at thats. I remember i had a huge crush on Superman X so I decided to draw him and my SI. imagine we had a big reunion during the events of Scooby Doo and Krypto Too
God just having an obscure f/o be mentioned is a joyful experience...
Based on the iconic Kim Gilgyu meme:
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lbwings · 25 days
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Living with Kel
When the artist has been a comic fan for a while and likes to pick on a few things meets a character that will say the quiet part out loud! XD
Sapphire's hair only floats when she uses her powers (and looks longer) so that lead to thoughts of Kel playing with it like a cat trying to figure out why it moves, how it moves, or to just make it stop moving. Plus I tossed in the thought of asking about his cape trail since it shows up but was never mentioned by anyone.
And you ever notice, how most female hero outfits (especially OG outfits) were all in heels? But if you wear a four inch heel normally someone is going to notice the first time they try to talk to you without them on. And Kel has no filter. lo
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
I have been in a LOSH mood and I fucking LOVE that show so here’s one of my first EVER OC’s lmao though I did remake her a little bit and I’ll explain that at the end. 
Name: Corvina Nox
Other Names: Vina, Cori, Nox
Alias: Onyx
Abilities: Umbrakinesis, Shadow step, Dark spot
Manipulates shadows, can travel with and through shadows and can locate anyone using shadows as long as they are on the same planet as her
Looks: https://picrew.me/image_maker/54346/complete?cd=DEEwZUYr81
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Hair Colour: Split crimson and Black
Eye Colour: Dark grey- many say they look lifeless
Distinguishing Features: Mole on left side of jaw, bandaged neck
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Home World: Galaxor 
Species: Galaxorian
Occupation: REDACTED, Legionnaire 
Information: The split hair is natural, usually defined by rank however many can change their ranks via effort and work. Nobles and Royals tend to stay the same but as a pleasure planet it doesn’t really matter it just means someone is seen as in charge and some have more money than others. 
The planet, outside of its pleasurable entertainment,  is known for its sour flavoured fruits akin to lemons. 
Corvina Nox keeps her background hidden from the Legion, she hasn’t committed any crimes but she’s not particularly fond of some things she’s done and as unashamed of her deviant side as she is she knows not all planets share the same sentiments. Even Brainy the 12th level intellect doesn’t know much about her life on Galaxor... which raises some questions when Superman X comes into the picture. Kell-El could care less for the woman who preferred to go by her hero name Onyx but he’s not a fan of secrets especially when her’s seem to be unravelling the more Imperiax makes them dig. When a lead brings them to Galaxor will she finally tell them her little secret. 
ANYWAY!! Here you go one of my very first OC’s who has grown and changed as years have gone by, every time I watch LOSH I tend to add something or take something. She was at first a 41st century clone like X one of ShadowLass or Raven (TT). Then she was Blackbird, the descendant of Raven (and I think either Kyd Wykkyd at the time or one of the Robins/ Dick or Jason) She’s always used shadows. Her name used to be Aera Mor but I didn’t like her name lmao. I’m happy with what I have of her now even if this version was last done about a year ago lmao. Obviously LOSH isn’t an anime but its still a cartoon and I’m not making another tumblr for it.... unless you guys want I guess? 
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A fluffy happy story for Mekt and Kell!
Mekt never thought he’d get here...
Married to a man who genuinely loved and cared about him, a decent home, and, as of two months ago...
A son.
Probably somewhere near a year old, no one could tell Mekt and Kell where Gage was from, or what happened to his birth parents, but the second the baby saw them he lit up and, after just a little while, he was already adjusted well to his new family.
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Trying to put Gage down for bed was a little difficult, especially with Kell right behind him, making faces he didn’t think Mekt could see, and riling him up more.
“Come on, Kell, don’t be a pain in my ass,” Mekt huffs.
“I’m not, and you shouldn’t curse in front of Gage,” Kell rests his head on Mekt’s shoulder.
“He’s not gonna copy me.”
“He might.”
“Shut it.”
“Make me.”
“After I put Gage to bed.”
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padawanton · 5 years
Kajz bonding with Kell and Kiera!
A couple notes first: 
-Happy birthday Rachel!!!! ILU!!!!!!!!!
-For anyone who doesn’t know, Kiera is an OC based on Superman X from the LOSH cartoon in mine and Rachel’s Supergirl AU. She is not Red Daughter from s4 of Supergirl.
- This is the game Kajz asks Kiera to play
“I want to go with you.”
“I’m sorry, Kajz,” Alexa said, “ we understand but this mission is going to be very dangerous, it’s safer for you stay home.”
Astra ruffled his hair, “Hey, don’t look so down, bud. We’ll be home before you know it.”
“Promise?” Kajz asked.
‘Of course,” Astra and Alexa said simultaneously.
“Will Grandpa be watching me?”
“I’m afraid not, we’ll need his, along with your Aunt Alex’s, help,” Querl said as  energy surrounded him when he donned his green lantern ring, “but I hope you’ll find the sitters we got for you suitable.”
“Sitters?” Astra asked. Sure, back when she and her sister had to be looked after, she had to admit she was could be a bit of a handful at times but Kajz was nothing like that, he was more like one of those kids that was so quiet and unassuming you’d forget they were even there.
Querl smiled knowingly. “Yes, your mother and I decided it was time that Kajz met these two.” He stepped aside from the doorway and gestured for someone to come join them.
Kajz and the girls watched as Kara backed into the room. They saw that she lead someone by both hands while a second person followed close behind. “Kajz, I’d like you to meet-“
“Kiera!” Astra shouted, barreling towards the woman Kara had brought into the room to meet her in an embrace.
Kara laughed, “Yes, this is Kiera.”
“And this,” Querl added, “is Kell-El.”
Kajz couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw that these two people looked exactly like Kara and her cousin, Clark.
“We thought that it would be good for you to get to know them,” Kara said, “since they’re like you.”
“Like me?” Kajz asked.
“They’re clones of me and Clark.”
With this information revealed, Kajz looked at them closely and realized that while it was clear that this was the truth, he could see there were just as many differences as there were similarities. Where Kara’s hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves, Kiera’s was cut in a short, stern bob; Kell’s was shaggy, with parts of it falling in his face. Although Kiera smiled at him, Kajz could tell these two faces were much more familiar with scowling. Although, the feature that stood out the most was their unnaturally green eyes.
“Alright, sweetie, we have to go now,” Kara said, “we love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Don’t cause too much trouble, sport.” Astra said as she and Alexa waved goodbye, “Bye Kiera. Bye Grumpy, say hi to Keenan for me.”
Kell scowled.
As Kell cleared the dishes from the table, Kiera turned to Kajz. “Is there anything you’d like to do right now?”
Kajz sat for a moment then got up from the table, leaving the room. Shortly after, he returned carrying a small plastic cylinder in his arms. He held it up to Kiera and said, “It isn’t game night but can we play this?”
“Yeah, definitely,” Kiera said.
Kajz grinned and ran over to the coffee table in the middle of the living room. He upended the tube, scattering several small, oddly-shaped metal rods onto the table. As he set up the longest rod onto a wooden base, Kiera and Kell made their way to the living room.
“Kajz,” Kell said, “that’s an unusual name.”
“Dad told me that was his father’s name.”
“Brainy named you?” Kiera asked.
“Well, kind of,” Kajz said, “everyone put names in a hat and that was the one I picked.”
Kell snorted, “Let me guess, that was Astra’s idea.”
“Yes!” Kajz said brightly.
“I’m not surprised,  Only she’d come up with such a ridiculous idea.”
Kiera shot him a dirty look. Yes, she could admit that Astra had a habit of being a bit more, relaxed that than the rest of her family but she always had good intentions. She looked back at Kajz, “Kajz, I noticed you called Brainy ‘Dad’, you must really feel like you’re part of the family.”
Kajz flushed in embarrassment, “I accidentally called Kara ‘mother’ but she wasn’t mad and she told me it was alright to think of her as my mom.”
Kiera smiled, “Kara’s always been like that.”
“She lets you call her ‘Mom’?”
A bubble of laughter burst from Kiera, “No, no but she’s always been kind to me. Kara was the first to treat me like a real person, and helped me realize I was  more than just a weapon.”
Kajz smiled.
She continued, “She also gave me my name; she told me it was something a woman named Cat Grant would call her,” as she said this, a soft warmth filled her chest as she recalled her early days of getting to know Kara.
“Did Mom name you too?” Kajz asked Kell.
He shook his head, “Kal-El…Clark named me.”
Kajz nodded and decided to finally ask the question that burned within him from the moment he learned of the connection between himself and his sitters. “Why were you created?”
Much to his surprise, Kell answers first, “I was created in the 41st century to protect the Earth from Imperiex.”
Kajz turned to Kiera, eagerly waiting for her response.
Kiera fidgeted, averting her eyes from Kajz’s innocent, wide-eyed stare. Her fists were clenched in her lap as she took deep, ragged breaths. She opened her mouth in an attempt to give him some sort of explanation but stopped as he reached out to pat her arm.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Kajz said, “that’s what they always tell me.”
Kiera smiled at him. He may have only been with for a few months at this point but there was no doubt he was a Danvers.
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windwardstar · 6 years
OS’s OC’s Ask Day(s)
Ok since @incandescent-creativity has apparently started a thing where each OC gets a day for being spotlight, I’m gonna do a modified version (because let’s be real, nobody has the time for all of mine to have their own day). So we’re gonna do a letter of the alphabet each day.
So, send in your questions, your headcanons, your art and I’ll be posting something about each one of them giving a quick rundown of who they are.
Since this is gonna take quite a bit of prep on my end (I’ve got 150+ of these to type up and create stuff for) I’ll start it on the first of May.
May 1st A: Afa, Aille, Ald, Aldet, Aldri, Alodi, Arim, Arren, Arsch
May 2nd B: Ber, Besene, Biitka (Bi), Bos, Brond + Big-Eared Girl
May 3rd C: Calif, Carrots, Cendi, Che, Che II, Chief, Crain
May 4th D: Daal, Deffen, Del, Deldan, Dellar, Den, Di, Digits, Dol, Dolle
May 5th E: Eille, Egari, Ellele, Elloine, Elthelene (Elthe), Elthen, Ele de Rell, + Elthelene’s Husband and Elthelene’s Lover
May 6th F: Feille, Fel, Feldran, The First Apprentice, Fren
May 7th G: Gled, Granny Afa, The Green Dragon, Gren, Gurenri Yarrich (Guri),
May 8th H: Hadell, Hardri, Hat, Hellend, Henn, Hetat
May 9th I: Idell, Ihs, Illene, Iln, Indlenle (Indle)
May 10th J: Jadesch, Jellede, Ji, Jolnde
May 11th K: Kalr, Kedre de Aie,  Lady de Kelle, Kirsch, Klim Tog, KtK
May 12th L: Le, Lef, Lell, Lem, Lethe, Lial, Little Deer, Lord Healer + Lead Handler
May 13th M: Madine, Mald, Maldl, Mari, Moo-Cow, Mosri (Mos), Mur
May 14th N: Nama, Namri, Nen, Nes, Nivelle (Nabdlnivelle), Noddle Pannrig
May 15th O: Obviri, Obvis, Odelle, Oren
May 16th P: Pardri, Parsnip, Pirre, Plin, Potato
May 17th Q: Qiv, Qotilet, Quart
May 18th R: Raln, Rato, Relfe, Rell, Ri, Rill, Lady of the Rose + Red-Haired Boy and The Royal Watcher May 19th S: Sarari (Sari), Sarth, Seate, Selet, Sen, Shaal, Skaari, Sned, Sparrow, Svend
May 20th T: Tadri, Tali, Taia, Tanno Grenich, Te, The Tea Lady, Tela, Telt, Teun, Thath, Thelle,Theline, Theln (Thathethatheln), Thradden, Tolle, Tolue, Trinelle, Trison
May 21st U: Udva, Ufovna (Ufo), Uon, Ure, Uren, Usatri (Usri)
May 22nd V: Vellin, Veth (Vethithon), Vir
May 23rd W: The Wandering Man
May 24th X: X
May 25th Y: Yadla, Yere, Yarr, Yinn
May 26th: To make up for no Z, it’s whoever you want to know more about or anyone I missed on the actual day. This’ll continue on to the end of the month too if there is interest.
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lbwings · 2 months
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gritsandbrits · 4 years
*A hero with green eyes exists*
My OCs:
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windwardstar · 6 years
My Star Verse OCs
(as of 5-28-18) There are 160+
Arranged Alphabetically.
A Afa, Aille, Ald, Aldet, Aldri, Alodi, Arim, Arren, Arsch
B Ber, Besene, Biitka, Bos, Brond,
C Calif, Carrots, Cendi, Chair, Che, Che II, Chief, Crain
D Daal, Deffen, Del, Deldan, Dellar, Den, Di, Digits, Queen Doese I, Dol, Dolle,
E Eille, Egari, Ellele, Elloine, Elthelene, Elthen, Ele de Rell
F Feille, Fel, Feldran, The First Apprentice, Fren
G Gled, Granny Afa, The Green Dragon, Gren, Guri,
H Hadell, Hardri, Hat, Hellend, Henn, Hetat
I Idell, Ihs, Illene, Iln, Indlenle (Indle), Iyaan,
J Jadesch, Jellede, Ji, Jolnde
K Kalr, Kedre de Aie, Lady de Kelle, Kirsch, Klim Tog, KtK,
L Le, Lef, Lell, Lem, Lethe, Lial, Little Deer, Lord Healer
M Madine, Mald, Maldl, Mari, Moo-Cow, Mosri, Mur
N Nama, Namri, Nen, Nes, Nivelle, Noddle Pannrig
O Obviri, Obvis, Odelle, Oren, Oslen
P Pardri, Parsnip, Pirre, Plin, Potato
Q Qiv, Qotilet, Quart
R Raln, Rato, Relfe, Rell, Ri, Rill, Lady of the Rose, S Sarari, Sarth, Seate, Selet, Sen, Shaal, Skaari, Princess Some, Sned, Sparrow, Svend
T Table, Tadri, Tali, Taia, Tanno Grenich, Te, The Tea Lady, Tela, Telt, Teun, Thath, Thelle, Theline, Theln, King Therefor I, Prince Therefor II, Prince Therefor III, Princess Thisse I, Thradden, Tolle, Tolue, Trinelle, Trison,
U Udva, Ufovna, Uon, Ure, Uren, Usatri,
V Vellin, Veth, Vir
W The Wandering Man Y Yadla, Yere, Yarr, Yinn,
Misc Characters Who Have a Profile But No Name (and are not known predominantly by the below title):
Big-Eared Girl, Elthelene’s Husband, Elthelene’s Lover, Lead Handler, Red-Haired Boy, The Royal Watcher, X
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