#kell mares
lilyharvord · 11 months
I need people to understand that my hyperfixation ships are limited to one thing: a man who is usually in full control of himself meeting 1 woman and losing complete and utter control over absolutely everything he does.
I just like to watch when they go full feral for a woman who could literally chew them up and spit them out, but choses to let them stick around because I don't know, it's nice to have someone carrying their bag or whatever.
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cosmererambles · 2 years
Pirate Kelsier AU brewing in my brain. I already have a project, but I desperately want him as a pirate.
Dashing scoundrel raids yet another East India ship! 
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cikebabbler · 1 year
I wish Sazed wrote about Kelsier and Mare meeting Vin and Elend after everything. I need to know that Mare embraced Vin like she's the daughter she never had. I need to know that Kell smiled at El and told him he did well. I need to know that Kell hugged Vin and let her know that he's so proud of her.
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luckystar1327 · 8 days
mistborn book 3 thoughts ch 9-14
!!hero of ages spoilers!!
oooh mare mention! Sazed actually successfully converted someone wow
Flower returns! So its gone from Mare to Dox to Kell to Vin to Sazed. Quite the journey.
I really like TenSoon actually
Oh boy, Cett’s back. Yippee.
i do not like the fact that Spook isn’t here. Give me back the boy.
im gonna cry. although the discussion of kell IS a good place for characterization
I feel so terribly for marsh right now. I forgot does he even know kelsier is dead at this point????
Ah yes he does
This is so morbid oh my god. When i said i wanted marsh back i didnt mean like this
SPOOK!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
oh dear. Spook buddy. What do you mean you’ve been flaring tin for a year straight. THATS NOT GOOD.
i love spook so much :( I hope he doesn’t die!!
I really want to draw spook i feel like that’d be fun
Damn Spook is a really good Tineye huh
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Currently incredibly frustrated by the fact that there’s an incredible lack of information about what happened after Sazed left Terris and when he began helping the skaa rebellion.
Like just to summarize what I can find on coppermind and skimming through the books again:
-Knew Mare (most likely before he knew anyone else/anyone else knew him)
-Mare introduced him to Kelsier
-Began helping the rebellion
-Only terrisman to actually support the rebellion
-Served as a messenger and gathered information
-Introduced to Vin by Kelsier
And that’s literally it. Like there’s so much that could be there but I feel like we know nothing, and I feel like the “Kelsier’s crew” and “skaa rebellion” get used very interchangeably when referring to the groups before Kell and Mare are sent off to Hathsin.
Him working with the skaa rebellion would imply that he had more of a relationship with Marsh than Kelsier, right, since Marsh was the leader of the rebellion and we know Kell was more focused on his own thieveries and stuff than helping the rebellion?
How did Mare meet him? Did they meet before or after she joined the rebellion and started helping Kell's crew?
Honestly when it comes to Mare, Sazed, Kelsier, and Marsh, there's just so much blank space and so much we don't know about when it comes to ANYTHING before the start of Final Empire, so if y'all have any WOBs I've missed or stuff I skimmed over in the book or literally just any theories to fill this gap, I'd be forever in your debt because I'm trying to work out stuff for a fic of my own right now and I've got nothing.
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"La Setta degli Elementi"
...riprendiamo con i simboli celtici
I due cigni
Questo simbolo è stato ritrovato dipinto nel Book of Kells.
La rappresentazione dei due cigni rappresenta l'unità tra due persone come un vincolo infinito (cerchio) che trascende da tutto in quanto i cigni sono animali che si accoppiano a vita.
Due che diventano una sola mente, un unico pensiero.
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Il Sorgere del Sole
In questo simbolo di protezione il semicerchio rappresenta il sole.
Inoltre se il cerchio rappresenta completezza il semicerchio rappresenta la rinascita e il risveglio spirituale.
Era utilizzato dai Druidi per focalizzare il potere degli elementi.
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Questo simbolo prende il nome da una parola gallese che significa “ispirazione”, anche se letteralmente vuol dire soffio, una benevola brezza capace di parlare al cuore del poeta facendo riferimento al Calderone dell'Awen che avrebbe donato sapienza e ispirazione poetica a chiunque vi avesse bevuto.
Il simbolo è diventato di uso comune nel neo druidismo, i cui membri sostengono che le tre linee contenute nel cerchio rappresentino il cielo, la terra e il mare e dunque il corpo, la mente e lo spirito così come la saggezza, l’amore e la verità.
Il simbolo consiste in tre raggi, a volte interpretati come fiamme, e sta a rappresentare l’armonia dell’universo.
Si pensa che i raggi di destra e sinistra rappresentino il maschile e il femminile, mentre quello centrale l’equilibro tra di essi, in un certo senso può essere considerato la versione celtica dello yin e yang.
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La Croce di Caithlin
La Croce di Caithlin può essere chiamata anche Croce Scozzese.
È una croce a lati uguali, i quattro trifogli raffigurati sono simboli di protezione dal male proveniente dalle quattro direzioni cardinali, mente il cerchio simboleggia la continuità o crescita spirituale, quindi ciascun quadrante evoca il potere della trinità.
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I Tre Leoni Celtici
I Tre Leoni Celtici forniscono protezione dalle forze del male.
Questo simbolo include trascendenza, conoscenza della vita e la capacità di lasciare andare via le cose non buone e mettersi in superiorità a queste ultime. Aiuta anche a superare le pressioni della vita di ogni giorno.
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La Croce di Afsling
La Croce di Afsling simboleggia un cambiamento.
In particolare nella tradizione celtica indica un guardiano che protegge dalle forze del male.
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random-racehorses · 7 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: MUSICAL KELLY
MUSICAL KELLY is a chesnut mare born in The United States in 1990. By ABRI FISCAL out of KELLS HARP. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/musical+kelly
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from American, French, German and Dutch forenames, excluding the letter "I"
Aachry Aafan Aaldradran Aaltorg Aance Aanda Aarcorsus Aarlexanny Aarma Aberrya Abretje Aderry Adewaron Adjean Adjes Adradelord Agandy Agnel Agneth Albeanel Alberl Alberth Aldance Almatter Alphana Alvalrann Alynda Ameloth Andor Andsa Angobby Angotte Anoît Anpatsy Anyane Areth Argert Arnatte Arnda Aärollyne...
Beandordt Beandy Beanna Belva Bermared Bermarvé Berne Betch Betjenra Bette Betteffer Beugla Blancy Bober Bobyne Bodne Bonney Borgreter Bradrene Brannonne Brathann Brenn Brené Calber Calen Calfreen Carace Cared Carle Carloderes Carndren Carnekke Carry Casta Catsy Channem Chantone Charnekke Chary Chele Chery Chlora Clacon Claurégo Cléme Colger Colly Colte Coltje Conel Coredua Coresebet Corethaël Corgud Corna Corne Curaquel Cédrah Daalmune Daand Daary Dagdam Dagnès Dagtjean Dalevenjas Dance Dancecco Danevey Danger Danne Darnez Deannola Debashawna Debesty Delent Delma Delsa Derno Deterle Dolaume Dolernouk Duart Eandy Eanmarnes Eanne Ebert Edwallyn Elhane Ellanny Elotterre Emeloreda Erhald Esevalfra Ettyrolk Everenez Faber Fanean Fanes Fanna Faymo Fernda Ferta Floudua Fonna Frace Fracout Frada Freenjach Frelyne Frence Frentjet Fretterne Genny Geona Geonrya Geore Gerada Geran Geraurosel Gerce Gerry Gharkolyd Glaud Godoren Goeleeley Goren Gorostald Gotharl Gotheredem Gotthanto Gredd Green Grena Grenn Grenne Gretta Grettesl Guely Gunda Gunekkee Guste Gwenn Günth Haemaula Harachal Hareghaël Hellexanne Heody Hernouke Herreste Herryleen Hersha Holeonarry Holke Honne Honyaane Hopath Hugerme Hugorgen Hunda Hundy Hérès Jaandrenda Jaane Jaarma Jaccal Jacech Jacey Jacha Jachowanda Jacquelle Janatrane Jancenrany Jancent Jandy Jealen Jeandt Jeane Jeank Jeanlettha Jeart Jeathera Jefael Jentope Jerbas Jerren Jeryssam Jesmutz Jesta Joana Joanfra Joanoue Jodellmar Joelse Johanne Joharle Johartopha Johawn Johawrenja Jonne Jorace Joren Joret Jorobby Jorys Josan Josetchan Josetterna Josham Joshel Jossa Jostacha Joycey Juady Juanda Juang Juanna Julanor Jularady Jérane Jérola Jérèse Karace Karlee Karley Karlys Karmarmas Karryle Katha Kathemmy Kaymotte Keene Keharrya Kelle Kendy Kenrad Kento Keret Kryne Laneke Lareda Lascard Lauston Leesusto Lenry Leorna Lethannale Lorah Loredge Lorel Loren Lorgel Lorgeo Loscath Lotherno Loudy Louthendy Ludebke Luppe Luttace Lutto Lynnes Maggy Magje Magnèse Malken Manclah Marald Maranne Maraus Marayl Marebasto Mared Margarsus Marger Marla Marlessa Marley Marne Marnonny Marnoît Maroley Marom Marranneal Marryanne Marte Marton Maryl Mathes Matondse Mattera Maxen Maxene Medel Melauk Melleon Mesleen Monal Mored Morew Nadrenth Nonnya Ocheltony Olaurt Olker Olley Orader Ostéph Otheatra Otthéo Pamue Patheane Patrane Paura Pedert Penzo Pertanlore Pharce Phazel Poldel Polenethan Racquel Radle Rafje Rance Rannelf Ranton Redar Redus Remman Rencele Renthy Reste Rette Rocham Roeloen Rolaus Romadrene Ronne Rosett Rosetta Rothela Rotte Royce Rudol Rudon Rémen Sabrus Sadal Sannet Sanny Saymonsgar Scatton Shanna Shanne Shany Sharce Shelon Sheloyced Shlenney Sjaafjea Sopaud Stertando Suely Susta Sévenz Séver Sévertan Tabepha Talder Talenkel Tallee Tamarette Tellencely Tellyn Telyne Tendonne Tevernda Torryne Trana Tyrack Udets Urenjan Urette Uwenzo Valeert Valentz Valmand Valmanne Vetchella Vérès Waldelle Waytooke Werek Xandy Xeldele Yanue Yvolger Zablaurt Zabra Éloyann Élène Élèney Érèse
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painted-fanbird · 2 years
I guess I’m live-blogging my Mistborn experience lol. So here are my current thoughts, a bit over halfway through:
Ham is suspicious. I’m calling it now, he is UP to something. Those comments about the skaa and the Lord Ruler and wondering if the nobility has been right the entire time actually, absolutely gives me “upcoming betrayal” vibes. My running crackpot theory is that it was actually Ham who sold Kelsier and Mare out to the Lord Ruler. Because it definitely wasn’t Mare herself, the book is spending too much time insisting it could only have been her imo XD
I was going to say something about Vin’s optimism with the nobility, but that just got tempered a bit by her discussion with Dockson. So neat lol. I do still think that optimism is going to be relevant though, she’s the only one who wants to give the nobility a chance, and the only one who thinks some of them can be salvaged. Which is in direct contrast to everyone insisting they’re evil. I’m betting Vin is going to get the crew contacts in the nobility, and that’s what’s going to let the rebellion succeed.
She is probably going to it through Elend and that’s,,, hnnng. As a certified Romance Hater(tm) I do not love the romance they’ve got going on. But I do really like their dynamic and what it means for the story. I just think we could’ve made them friends instead XD
I’m also excited to see Vin back to using her Allomancy to spy on Elend and his friends in the last chapter I read. I was getting antsy for her to go do thiefy stuff again lol
And Vin and Kelsier’s entire dynamic? I am rotating them around in my mind and drawing hearts and sparkles all around them. That’s a father/daughter dynamic if I’ve ever seen one, and Kell absolutely sees Vin as a daughter. He literally said he wished he had one with Mare, that carried her “dark hair and stubbornness”. Vin’s his kid and that entire sequence in Kendrik Shaw got me alright?? Love them <3
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cosmererambles · 1 year
Watching the BBC Jane Austen adaptations and I’m just imagining a Mistborn P&P <3
Elizabeth a secret Mistborn, Darcy something cool, like a Tin-eye or thug. Lydia no Allomancy at all, but Wickam? He’s a rioter! :OOOOOOOOOO “That Zinc tongued raven STOLE OUR GIRL!” Elizabeth of course, goes and kicks ass. I mean, she’s a Mistborn, and this isn’t REALLY Regency England.
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ellibroenelbolsillo · 2 years
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¡Buenas! Pues este he tenido precumple y la verdad es que ha sido especial. Vamos poco a poco con el mes y empezamos la semana, cómo no, con nuestro #LunesDeLc En este caso cerramos trilogía con 'Conjuro de Luz' de V. E. Schwab publicado por @edicionesminotauro Espero que os guste. 😊💜. . 📜𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖔📜. . Atrapado, Kell lucha por salir y poder defender a Arnes y si familia de la amenaza que se ha alzado gracias al poder de los Antari. Por su parte, Lila, asesina, ladrona, pirata, se verá cada vez más involucrada en el futuro de todos los Londres. Aquella que nunca miraba atrás… Y Alucard, ese hombre que surcó los mares de libertad, tendrá que debatirse entre quien es y quien realmente es. . Cuando nos adentramos en la última parte de esta trilogía de fantasía, nos situamos en el momento inmediatamente después de su anterior entrega. No ahondo mucho, pero Kell está encerrado y Lila acude en su rescate. Lo que le sucederá a Londres Rojo es inimaginable teniendo en cuenta el gran enemigo que acaba de llegar a sus puertas. . De este modo, comienza una carrera contrarreloj en la que los antaris junto con algún que otro pirata, tendrá que descubrir el modo de vence a su enemigo. Esto nos llevará a una novela en dos momentos, el momento del encierro de Arnes y la aventura de encontrar en alta mar la solución a la amenaza que amenaza todo el mundo conocido: Osaron. (4/5) 📚📚. . 🧐¿Habéis leído a la autora? ¿Qué os parece?🧐. . 💙Link de la reseña completa en la Bio 💙. . #fantasía #trilogía #sombrasdemagia #lecturasrecomendadas #lecturasconjuntas #bookstagramespaña #literatura #leoycomparto #instalibros #popularbooks #booklove #blog, #compartoloqueleo #leoycomento #book #libros #booklover #autoras #recomiendoautores #viviresleer #bookstagram #librosymaslibros #librosrecomendados #booksnifer (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8GIrOjBzj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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greenmaskedmarauder · 4 years
Unwaking Dreams
Another SOM fic. More hurt/comfort, because that’s all my brain can come up with lol. A special thank you to @forthegenuine​ for once again betaing my work :D
Word count: 1058
Summary: Lila has a nightmare. Kell is there to comfort her.
Find it here or keep reading below the cut.
Unwaking Dreams
I had to make Lila suffer again. I am so sorry lol. Special thanks to @forthegenuine for betaing this :D
Work Text:
The first thing Lila felt was the heat. Death wasn’t as cold as people claimed, not at first. No, the steal burned hot as the Copper Thief thrust a blade through her chest. “This is for Kasnov,” he snarled. And then the warmth of it all spread, and then she was falling. Down...down… The sky she looked into was black. Death must really be everywhere, for now she could feel the heat of it seeping from cuts on her hands. “Let me in, let me in, let me in,” chanted the darkness. She realized then that it wasn’t the sky at all, but Osaron, dragging her off the edge of the Sanctuary Garden. She scrambled, trying to find purchase, but she couldn’t breathe from the wound in her chest. No, wait. That wasn’t correct. She hadn’t been stabbed during this brush with death, she knew this. But she still coughed, and still tasted the blood in her mouth, and still felt it running down her arms and her chest. And then she was falling again.
And then Astrid Dane stood before her, pale as ever. And Lila watched in horror as Astrid’s face became her own, and her knife was plucked out of her hand. “Now,” said the evil queen, “I think I will go help Kell.”
Her scream was lost in her throat, as darkness swallowed her again, and then she felt the world tip under her as she was falling again.
Lila shot up in bed, sweat slicking her face and sides, as she tried to register where she was. She took several deep breaths before registering that she was on a ship. In her delirious, post-nightmare haze, she thought for a brief moment that she might be on the Sea King. But then her vision cleared, and she registered the body next to her.
No. She was on the Night Spire. And Kell was lying next to her. She was surprised he was still asleep, her dreams--no, nightmares--had been so loud to her that she was sure everyone else aboard could hear them too.
She pulled her legs up to her chest and buried her face in her knees. Her uneven breathing gave way to shaky sobs. And then she felt Kell stirring next to her.
“Lila?” He asked, voice full of concern. She sniffed, and he sat up, pulling her against him. “What is it?” He whispered, as she sobbed silently against his chest.
“I had a bad dream,” she choked out after a few moments. She felt his arms tighten around her, and he rubbed his hands up and down her back soothingly.
“You wanna tell me about it?” He asked after she had calmed down some. She shook her head and sniffed again. “Okay. How can I help?”
She pulled away and rubbed at her eyes with the heels of her hands. “I don’t know. Sometimes I get quick snippets of what could have happened during our battle with Osaron, but nothing like what I just dreamed.” Kell leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead. “Usually when I wake up and see you next to me I can calm down and go back to sleep, and then forget about it the next day.”
She pushed him back down and buried her face in his chest. She felt his lips against the top of her head as he shifted so that she was laying on top of him. He pulled the blanket up over her and continued to rub her back. He didn’t press her to tell him what she’d seen either. He was just there with her, holding onto her as she tried to clear her mind and slow her heart. As she told herself over and over that what she’d dreamed hadn’t happened.
But it had actually happened. That was the problem. Even though her dream had shifted and blended together, and some details weren’t quite right, everything she’d just relived in that nightmare had happened.
She felt fresh tears fill her eyes and spill over, and then Kell’s arms tighten around her again as he felt them hit his chest.
“Hey,” he whispered. “Talk to me, love.”
She took a shaky breath and then looked up into his face. His blue eye was dark with concern. She slowly began to tell him.
“It started with the fight in Rosenal, when I was stabbed,” she whispered. “And then it kept shifting. Then I was in the garden of the Sanctuary, the night I had to get supplies for Tieren. There had been three afflicted people there, and after I finished dealing with them, Osaron grabbed hold of my leg and tried to pull me into the Isle.” She paused to take another shuddering breath and then went on. “And then it shifted again, until I was back in White London and Astrid had pinned me back and stolen my face so she could go kill you and take the black stone.” Lila brought her hand up to his chest and tried to distract herself by tracing where his scar was even underneath his shirt.
Instead he caught her hand and gently pressed a kiss to her knuckles. She looked up at him then, and moved up until she lightly pressed her lips against his.
He caught her face in his hands and leaned his forehead against hers. “Lila,” he whispered against her lips. There was so much love and concern in his tone that she angled her head until they were kissing.
One of his hands brushed over her hair as the other continued to cup her face. He didn’t deepen the kiss, only let her feel how much he loved her, how strong he knew she was. “Do you want to try to sleep again?” He whispered against her lips.
She shook her head. “Can we just...stay like this? For the rest of the night?” He nodded, and she laid her head against his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed her back gently until he felt her drift off to sleep again. He wasn’t sure if it took minutes or hours, but he continued to hold her for the rest of the night and watched until just before dawn to make sure she slept through the remainder of the night.
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protectoroffaeries · 3 years
ok but that part where marsh tells kelsier that he wished kelsier had died instead of mare & kelsier just casually agrees with him
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nsewell · 3 years
I just want u to know I followed a Kelsier & Mare playlist on 8tracks in middle school that had the song “Stars” by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals and I think I need to reprocess this and reform it with kel/dox/mare
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i hate this fucking polycule
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mudwerks · 7 years
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this is St. Columb's House a 12th (or perhaps 10th) century oratory in Kells, County Meath
Photographers: Frederick Holland Mares, James Simonton
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khagihan2000 · 2 years
Little Dark Age - Foreign animation These are the foreign animations that deserved love. A response to Oscar. Version: Vimeo GD Youtube (Extended)
Song: Little Dark Age - MGMT Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dae1m2Z6fQ0&t=7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwlCXVujrWE&t=28s
List of the clips (including overlays): Breadwinner Song of The Sea The Secret of Kells The Phantom Boy The Illusionist Birdboy: The Forgotten Children The Swallow of Kabul Klaus The King of Pigs The Congress Waltz with Bashir The Tragedy of Man April and The Extraordinary World Calamity, A Childhood of martha Jane Cannary The Bear’s Famous Invasion of Sicily. Flee  Johnny Corncob Son of The White Mare Wolfwalker Yellow Submarine Where is Anne Frank? The Swallows of Kabul Have A Nice Day Gandahar The Time Masters Fantastic Planet The Triplet of Belleville The Rabbi’s Cat Nocturna The Cat in Paris Felidae Plague Dogs Watership Down The Prophet Chico and Rita Another Day of Life MFKZ Funan Cinderella The Cat The King and The Mockingbird I Lost My Body Kirikou and The Sorceress  The Crossing  Marona’s Fantastic Tales Long Way North Josep Mia and The Migoo The Summit of Gods Ernest and Celestine Eleanor’s Secret My Life as a Courgette Aya of Yop City One Night In City The Big Bad Fox and the Other Tales Ruben Brandt Collector The Painting Loving Vincent Azur and Asmar The Red Turtles Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles Crulic Allegro Non Troppo The Nose or The Conspiracy of Maverick Wrinkles My Sunny Maad Ethel and Ernest
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