#kek the god of chaos
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apiswitchcraft · 1 year ago
the egyptian gods
MA'AT: the essence of harmony and balance
in the beginning, well, there were a lot of different beginnings,
AMUN/AMUN-RA: god of the sun and air, supreme king of the gods in some periods. some stories say that he created himself and then everything else in the universe
ATUM: sometimes considered another name for Ra, but when separated he represents the evening sun. he was the first of the Ennead to emerge from Nu, and was the supreme ruler of the gods, and creator of the universe and human beings
RA/RE: when separated from Atum, he represents the midday sun, but other stories say that his aspect changes as he advances his sun barge across the sky. also considered the supreme ruler and creator of the universe. later merged with Amun as he rose in popularity
PTAH: another creator of the universe, Ptah was lord of truth, and the patron god of sculptors and craftsmen (since he was considered to have sculpted the earth). he created the first mound of earth from Nu by imagining it in his heart and breathed life into things with his voice
KHNUM: said to have created everything on his potter's wheel. in a different story he created humans on his potter's wheel then raised them up to the sun so that Ra could breathe life into them
NEITH: a war and funerary goddess, she created all things from her innards. she invented birth, therefore considered the "mother goddess" and closely associated with life and living things
MUT: emerged from Nu and gave birth to the world on her own, or in other stories was the wife of Amun. she was a goddess of protection, guarding humans in life, and against demons in death
MEHET-WERET: celestial cow goddess that emerged from Nu and gave birth to Ra at the beginning of time. goddess of water, creation, and rebirth
then under Atum/Ra creation stories, there were the first gods, called the Ennead,
SHU: the primordial god of air, he was born from Atum/Ra with his sister Tefnut to create the world. it's said that after bein gone for so long, Atum/Ra sent the eye of Ra to search for them, and his tears of happiness at having them returned became humans
TEFNUT: the sister and wife of Shu, she was the primordial god of moisture and rainfall
NUT: child of Shu and Tefnut, she represented the sky, but her relationship with her brother Geb disturbed Atum/Ra so he pushed her high above Geb, decreeing that she could not give birth on any day of the year. however, Thoth then gambled with Iah (or Khonsu) winning five days of moonlight he transformed into days. On those five days, her five children were born
GEB: god of the earth and growing things
OSIRIS: child of Nut and Geb, he was lord and god of the underworld and afterlife. he was said to be the first god to die, after being killed by his brother Set, wherein Isis then resurrected him and they bore Horus.
ISIS: child of Nut and Geb, she was the goddess of the moon, healing, fertility, and magic
NEPHTHYS: child of Nut and Geb, she is the twin sister of Isis and wife of Set. she is considered a goddess of funeral rites, darkness (not in an evil sense), and protector of women.
SET/SETH: child of Nut and Geb god of war, chaos, and storms. although he was the first murderer, he was considered a necessary balance to the good of Osiris. he killed Osiris to usurp his throne, only to later be usurped by Horus.
However, sometimes Set was replaced with Horus in the Ennead,
HORUS: technically there were two Horuses, Horus the Elder, who was a child of Nut and Geb, and Horus the younger, who was the better known Horus. however, they ended up merging into one deity, a god of the sun, sky, and kingship
under the Amun (and sometimes Ptah) creation myth(s) there was the group called the Ogdoad, including Amun and
AMUNET: the female counterpart of Amun, together they represented forces unseen, including the wind and air
KEK: the god of the hours before dawn, he guided the sun barge of Ra from the underworld to earth
KAUKET: the female aspect of Kek, she represented the hours after sunset, and guided the sun barge of Ra into the underworld. Together these gods represent darkness (but not in an evil way)
HEH AND HAUHET: often not separated in any meaningful way, these two were the gods of infinity, eternity, and time
NUN AND NAUNET: personification of the primordial waters, from which everything was created. Naunet is only ever referenced when it comes to the Ogdoad
However, when Amun became revered as a god of creation, him and Amunet were sometimes replaced by
NIA AND NIAT: gods of the void
so then the rest of the gods,
THOTH: advisor of Atum/Ra, he was the god of wisdom, writing, and truth, and was associated with the moon. sometimes he is the child of Atum/Ra, other times he is the son of Horus. he gave humanity the gift of language and marked the passage of time
SESHAT: consort of Thoth, she was the goddess of writing, books, and measurements
ANUBIS: son of Nephthys and Osiris, he was the god of the dead and associated with embalming. he leads the souls of the dead to the Hall of Truth and weighs their heart to determine if they were good or evil
KABECHET/QEBEHT: daughter of Anubis and a funerary deity. she provides cool, pure water to the souls awaiting judgement in the Hall of Truth
BASTET: daughter of Ra, although her image has tempered over time, Bastet was often considered a defender of pharaohs and the hearth. goddess of cats, women, and fertility
SEKHMET: sister of Bastet, she was goddess of destruction, justice, and desert winds. after Ra became tired of the sins of humanity, he sent Sekhmet to destroy them. she ravaged the land until the other gods implored Ra to stop her, where he took beer dyed red (to emulate blood) and left it at Dendera. when she drank it, she fell asleep and woke as the benevolent goddess Hathor
MAAHES: solar god and protector of the innocent, sometimes the son of Bastet, sometimes Sekhmet
HATHOR: goddess of joy, celebration, love, women, drunkenness, and sometimes animals. in some stories she is the wife of Horus the elder, in some Horus the younger, and in some Ra
MA'AT: embodiment of the principle of ma'at, she was the goddess of truth, justice, and harmony
KHONSU: the son of Amun and Mut, god of the moon and healing
MONTU: a god of war and the vitality of pharaohs, he was later replaced by Khonsu as a child of Amun and Mut
TENENIT: goddess of beer and brewing, consort of Montu
HEKA: patron god of magic and medicine, but was also said to be present at the creation of the universe
HU: god of the spoken word, personification of the first word Atum/Ra ever spoke. represented the tongue
SIA: personification of perception and thoughtfulness who represented the heart
ANAT: goddess of fertility, sexuality, love, and war. sometimes she is a virgin goddess, others she is sensuous and erotic
APEP/APOPHIS: the celestial serpent that would assault the sun barge of Ra every night as it travels through the underworld
BA-PEF: god of terror
BES/BISU/AHA: god of childbirth, fertility, sexuality, humor, and war. he protected women and children, fended off evil, and fought for divine justice
TAWERET/TAURET: considered a consort of Set, goddess of childbirth and fertility. guarded children and invoked to help with pregnancy and birth
HRAF-HAF: the ferryman of the dead, he would carry good souls across the Lily Lake to the shores of paradise in the Field of Reeds
AMENET: consort of the divine ferryman, she welcomed souls of the dead to afterlife with food and drink
FETKET: cupbearer of Ra, patron of bartenders
MAFDET: goddess of justice, protected people from venomous bites, later replaced by Serket
SERKET: goddess of protection and funerals, protected people against venom
HEDET: goddess of scorpions and protector against their venom
IHY: son of Hathor and Horus the elder, he was the god of music and joy
IMHOTEP: the deified vizier of the king Djoser, god of wisdom and medicine
MESKHENIT: goddess of childbirth, created a person's ka (life force) and breathed it into them, creating their destiny
NEHEBKAU: joined a persons ka to their body at birth, and with the ba (winged aspect of the soul) at death. has always existed, and swam in the primordial waters before Atum rose
NEFERTUM: god of perfume and beauty, said to be born from the bud of a blue lotus flower at the beginning of creation. associated with rebirth and transformation due to his association with Atum
RENENUTET: goddess of nursing children and the harvest. she determined the length of a person's life and the important events that would occur, sometimes considered the mother of Osiris as consort of Atum
NEPER: son of Renenutet, god of grain and fertility
ONURIS/ANHUR: a son of Ra, god of war and hunting
SHAY: personification of fate, no one could alter her decisions
SHED: god who protected against wild animals and mortal enemies
SHEZMU: god of wine, perfume and plenty
SOBEK: god of water and medicine, namely surgery. lord of marshes and wetlands
SOTHIS/SOPDET: astral form of Isis, represented the star Sirius
SAH: astral form of Osiris, represented the constellation Orion
SOPDU: son of Sothis and Sah, astral form of Horus, guarded over outposts and soldiers on the frontier
TAYET/TAIT: goddess of weaving and associated with embalming
WENEG: held up the sky and maintained balance between the heavens and earth
WEPWAWET: the "opener of ways," a funerary and hunter god
KHENTYAMENTIU: the "Chief of the Dead," a funerary god believed to have created important funerary rites
and the sons of Horus, who get their own special spot,
DUAMUTEF: protector god of the stomach, he represented East
HAPY: protector god of the lungs, he represented the North
IMSETY: protector god of the liver, he represented the South
QEBEHSENUEF: protector god of the intestines, he represented the West
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santoschristos · 1 year ago
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Kek and Kauket
Deities of Darkness, Obscurity and Night
Kek (Kuk, Keku) means darkness. He was the god of the darkness of chaos, the darkness before time began. He was the god of obscurity, hidden in the darkness. The Egyptians saw the night time, the time without the light of the sun, as a reflection of this chaotic darkness.
The feminine of the god Kek, Kauket (Keket) was a much more obscure goddess than her husband. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her husband. Her name also meant darkness, as did her husband's name, but with a feminine ending.
Kauket was the feminine to Kek's masculine, more of a representation of duality than an actual goddess, so she was even less of a deity than Kek, and much more of an abstract. The mind divides while the heart connects. The mind is a precious tool, but in our quest for truth, the heart is the compass to follow.
Kek and Kauket Image--Mahaboka
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krimsonkatt · 6 months ago
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Darkforce Kek, a superboss that will appear in Chronicles II: Zero Gear Saga as the penultimate superboss. Inspired primarily by the Egyptian god of chaos and darkness, not the 4chan meme. It is found in Babel Ruins guarding the room right before the Chaos Nest, the place where the final superboss, Immortal Mordeus, rests. In battle he uses "Overwhelming Darkness" to inflict all foes with silence, blind, and lowers their HIT and EVA while dealing colossal dark damage. It can also use "Galgleam Eyes" to lower one party member's HP and AP to 1, "Dark Aurora" to raise all its stats to max, "Hades Shot" to deal unreal strike and dark damage to one foe that pierces 75% of DEF, and "Black Fog" to make all foes weak to dark for 5 turns. But Kek's most powerful ability is his "Death Thorns" passive where if you attack him, you die instantly. The only way to protect yourself is with instant kill immunity, and even then Kek can take that away with Black Fog, which also removes instant kill immunity for 3 turns. A very tough boss and a worthy challenge as the second strongest regular boss in the game, fought at the tail end of Chronicles II's lengthy postgame.
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bnbc · 2 years ago
Writer Tag Game
tysm for tagging me @fereldanwench
Do you write in order?
Yes, pretty much! My brain is chaotic so if I indulge it, I won't write shit xD Sometimes I skip parts I struggle with leaving short notes in [] to come back later, but mostly I go from the beginning to the end. In rare cases, I write some juice scenes first and oh my god, it's so hard to push myself to write the rest in such cases!
Do you start with something in particular?
Nay, it can be pretty much anything: a dialogue, a cool line, sometimes even a description: anything that gives the right vibe. In most cases, I start with something that brings the story to action or give it a paragraph or two to set up the first twist ��� if not in plot then in mood or pace.
How fully formed does your writing come out on the first try?
Well, pretty much formed? Tho it depends on what we call 'first try' kek. I do make a very messy note document when I get ideas, but when I sit to write I write pretty much a final text most of the time.
How many drafts do you go through?
Drafts? Look, I can hardly call any of my process parts this word. It's either a word salad or almost ready-to-go text xD I do have failed attempts to, when I start writing and understand that something doesn't work, but I usually discard (or leave it to store in my gdocs forever) or see it the next day and think it's not so bad. What I call 'draft' is WIP or text ready for editing.
Also my notes docs look like this (this is a structured one)
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Tell me about your process?
I usually describe it as traveling across the dark desert when you can see some lights you need to come to eventually. I have certain phrases or scenes in my head and it's up to me to explain how, when, and why they happened. The trick is to start writing at the right time: too early and I'll get frustrated because I don't understand where to go yet, too late and it'll be boring for me 'cuz I'll see the full way in my head. I have my messy notes I constantly update with new ideas coming at my head, and I usually write in the same doc, above them, deleting them on the go (which is sad, 'cuz they are fucking hilarious sometimes thanks to my dysgraphia, my habit to mix two languages and my lack of patience to fully form the idea before writing it out). Here I have to note that I mostly write short stories I can keep in mind while working on them, when I was writing Big in Japan I had a whole ass outline! It was messy and constantly changing, and had a lot of black holes to fill, yet, it helped me a lot. Short fics tho? I usually store all the notes in one doc and care a little to place them chronologically, but I know the order most od the time — but sometimes I realize that some notes are parts of other fics, or just not needed, kek xD Anyway, it's chaos but as long as I see the lights, I can find the path.
tagging: I'm out of wiring circles atm so dunno who to tag exept for @just-a-cybercroissant but if anyone wanna join pls feel free!
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stmulnts-a · 2 years ago
anonymous  :                tweek ships - creek (that's a given, who are we kidding?), twenny, tweek/butters, tweek/thomas (tourettes kid)
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creek ― I Am So Normal About This Ship (lying) (gripping my knees) their individual personalities and ways of thinking differ so much. like Craig being so collected and logical vs Tweek’s jittery outbursts and impulsive/intrusive thoughts. but they compliment each other so well? like... idk i feel like they rub off on each other in the long run, like they even each other out. no one’s too much or not enough because together they’re like half n half. idk was that a decent pun? granted they kinda need to work on communicating (at least canonically/in their like. teenage to young adult years lol). i mean to be COMPLETELY honest tho it probably doesn’t help that i can lowkey sorta relate to both Tweek and Craig individually in different ways. like i get real bad waves of anxiety sometimes, and i tend to think logically (i also kinda self-DX’d adhd and/or autism based on heavy research), so like. putting them together just feels like This Is How My Brain Works. anyway. I Love Them So Much 🥺💚💙
twenny ― i simply think it would be so funny to call this ship kek instead /j i feel like there would be so much boundary-pushing here. whether it’s a healthy pushing of boundaries, or unhealthy, is really up in the air in my opinion (but i’m kinda leaving that aspect in particular to individual portrayals lol). also just. Tweek freaking out over Kenny dying. that would happen. so much. probably. i feel like, even if he doesn’t remember when Kenny dies, Tweek would feel like something’s wrong until he actually sees Kenny face to face again. and then he’d be very “oh my GOD Kenny there you are. are you okay?? where did you go??? don’t worry about me i’m just glad i know you’re safe”
tweek/butters ― they’re so fucking soft and they’re so ready to hype each other up in their own lil ways Tweek’s anxious? Butters gonna let him get his jitters out. Butters’ dealing with his parents’ bullshit again? Tweek going off on them for him. but for the most part? they’re just chillin. Butters manages to keep Tweek’s mind off the chaos outside/online, Tweek manages to keep Butters’ mind off his parents/other stressors, and they just exist in peace for a little bit, until they have to leave whoever’s bedroom they’re in. in conclusion: this is lowkey golden retriever softboy for golden retriever softboy
tweek/thomas ― i...don’t have a lot of thoughts on this one, my memory’s awful and i don’t really remember much about Thomas aside from the fact that he has tourette’s. my only real thought is just... they’ll verbalize outbursts in tandem sorry :(
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madamelaydebug · 7 days ago
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•Rachet behavior
•Chatty Patty's
•Dystopian Directives on Netflix
•Trap music
•Gossip at it's fullest
•The alluring spells of holidays is diminishing.
•Take the wheel and guide yourself
•Mystery Meat
•Phallus play at full throttle in Hollyweird
•Ancestors aren't being fed
•Bird box
•Neglecting Core issues
•Benjamin Button's in Consiouness
•Knuckle draggers
•Woke, and still taking penitentiary chances
•Mad relatives, that's not even family(no offense to our relatives)
•Anglo Saxton blame
•Worrying about everything but self
We trust us, but us gotta get our shit together.
The playbook is in place how to handel us, but we can't handel us.
•Little %ick energy (Dark manipulated energy) Trump
•Morality rate is diminishing(fragile state of the Anglo Saxon's)
•Intellectual Warfare
•Crime at an all time high
•Drug epidemic
•Cardi B craze
•God Box (David Banner)
•FEMA Camps
•Sacred Geometry
•Get Out Syndrome
•Sephora marketed a Witch kit
•Yoni Eggs
•Mystic of old world classified as New Age
•Dark Star Rising Book
•Law of 44
•Unidentifiable Realm(Social Media- black mirror, tresel board or modern day ouji board)
•Syncro Mystisim
•Google go to encyclopedia
•Meme magic- what happens in cyber world transfers into the real world
•Kanye West
•Labron James
•Shadow work
•Internet had become an externalized imagination
•Chaos Magic (Fake News)
Witches, Warlocks, Wiccans
Peppa the frog (KEK entity) {Egregore}
•Attention Economy digital era, no longer analog
•Quantum Realm Mastermind Principles, trigger words and sounds. Trans state
•YouTube Censorship
•Me Too movement
•Rosanne Bar
•Dysfuntional Narratives
•R. Kelly
•Bill Cosby
•Brother Panic
•19 Keys
•Thought forms, Astro Leventuas, etheric shells of corpses(#Egregore)
•Bobby Hemmit
•Occult Movements
•Strong Man turned Mad Man
•LBJ Community
•Make America Great Again (programming trigger)
•Impeachment request from the majority
•Troll Armies
•Cloning (Synthetic Robitoids)
•Black Mirror
•Watch Man Movie (re-watch)
•NYC Blue & Green glowing lights
•Avitars (Virtual Reality)
•Narcissistic Disorders
•Conforming of the Populist (Purging in real time)
•Meek Mills (poster boy) for incarnation/probation reform
•Impossible Burgers (alternative meat)
•Mass Shootings
•Cell Towers Vibrational frequency (4g-5g)
•Focusing in the seen realm, while the unseen realm is orchestrating (spirit cookers)
•Chitlin Circuit Coonery
•Our magic {#Melanin} is being utilized to cook us again so they can stay in power, while dumbing us down.
•God Frequency
•Reality is the Glitch in the Matrix (Psychological Interpretation, reality is purely perception based) the mind is an Externalized Expression of what reality is.
Definition of Man is Mind, the Hermetic Principal that speaks of Mind, it says: "Mind Is All" man is Mind, but your not necessarily mind, so Who are you? Were purely projections.
•The age of the internet is mental
•Merging information
•Strange Fruit (repeats itself)
•Internalized Purging
•Placebo Effect
•Mandela Effect
•Cutting Cords
•3 levels of Subconscious
•Balance: El's or Draws (#duality) Neutral
•Colorful wording without Action
•Block Bullies (for Jordan's)
•Energy, Frequency and Vibration
•Reality TV (#distractions)
Martoring Villians (#exonerate)
•Flat Earth
•Earth Quakes (world -wide)
•Flowers in one hand and blood on the other hand
•George Bush Sr.
•The thread of Society is unraveling
•Tangle of Pathology
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amleviosa · 1 year ago
Beberapa hari yg lalu, malem2 mau ke rumah org, sendirian pake motor. Trus pas nyampe depan gerbang, dah siap2 mo turun buka gerbangnya, tiba2 ada anjing keluar dari rumah seberang sambil menggonggong trus jalan ke arah aku. Aseli shock bgt bund. Aku diam di atas motor, ga gerak sedikit pun sambil nahan napas berharap dia ga ngedeketin aku. Eh ternyata ga ngaruh dong, doi makin maju diikutin sama 2 anjing lain yg baru keluar dari rumah yg sama. *Mampos* *goodbye universe*
Satu2 nya yg bisa aku lakuin cuma "hush, hush":( sedi bgt sumpah. Ga ngaruh apa2, doi dan rombongan makin maju dengan gonggongan yg aduhai sekali:(
Trus tanpa pikir panjang, aku hidupin motor trus langsung ngegas ke jalan yg ga tentu arah. Doi berenti ngejar? Ga. Ofkors tydack:( doi ikut ngejar sambil tetap gonggong, asli dah kek maling, ck. Tapi sumpaaah, saat itu berasa chaos bgt, pen teriak tapi pen nangis juga, mana jalanan gelap:(
Yah tapi namanya juga bela, mana ngeh dia jalanan apa aja yg dilewatin, tiba2 udah sampai jalan buntu aja *i wish i could cri as loud as i can*. Tapi, di titik ini aku cuma bisa berterima kasih dgn bantuan-Nya si, tuhan masih sayang aku ternyata *thanks God*, anjingnya ilang, gaada lagi di belakang wkwkw. Tapi setelahnya aku bingung harus gimana. Coba chat org rumahnya dan alhamdulillah fast respon. Ujug2 disuruh balik lagi dan parkir di tempat lain aja, yg mana harus ngelewatin si anjing (lagi). Yauda, bodo amat. Dan pas lewat ternyata doi lagi rebahan dong melintang di jalan wkwkw. Dengan keberanian super, motor di gas kenceng2 dan doi cuma ngelirik aja🤣😭😭
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ebayjz-blog · 2 years ago
Show respect to your parents who are Wii-We-The-Many(PRIMORDIAL-PRIMEVAL-Creators'-Vessel)-I-Joseph-Alexander-Mannino-Zerilli-10-08-1984-Primordial-Primeval-Creators'-Vessel; Primordial Entities, Primordial Deities, Progenitors, Primeval Entities, First-Generation Primordials, Cosmic Entities, Higher Divinities, Expert Reality-Warpers, Multi-Dimensional Travelers, Kabbalah (Abrahamic), Protogenoi (Greco-Roman), Kotoamatsukami (Japanese), Ogdoad (Egyptian), Second-Generation of The Pre-existentials
Primordial Creators
Kabbalah (Abrahamic)
God - Abrahamic Primordial 'God' of Existence, Light, Good, Purity, Heaven, Order and Creation
Ayin - Abrahamic Primordial 'Goddess' of Non-Existence, Darkness, Evil, Impurity, Hell, Nothingness and Chaos
Barbelo - Abrahamic Primordial of Silence
Life - Primordial Entity of Life
Death - Primordial Entity of Death
The Darkness - Abrahamic Primordial 'Goddess' of Nothingness, Emptiness, Darkness and the Night
Khaos - Pagan Primordial God of the Void, Nothingness and Creation.
Dʰéǵʰōm - Proto-Indo-European Primordial Goddess of the Earth and the Land
Dyēus - Proto-Indo-European Primordial God of the Sky and the Heavens
Chronos - Greek Primordial God of Time
Nyx - Greek Primordial Goddess of the Night
Erebus - Greek Primordial God of Darkness and Mist
Aether - Greek Primordial God of Light and the Upper Sky
Amor - Greek Primordial God of Love
Tartarus - Greek Primordial God of the Abyss (the Underworld)
Hýdros - Greek Primordial God of the Ocean, Sea and Water
Thésis - Greek Primordial Goddess of the Earth, Creation and Donation
Hemera - Greek Primordial Goddess of the Day
Pontus - Greek Primordial God of the Sea
Achlys - Greek Primordial Goddess of the Mist of Death and the Eternal Night
Ananke - Greek Primordial Goddess of Inevitability, Compulsion and Necessity
Aion - Greek Primordial God of the Ages
Caligo - Greek Primordial Goddess of the Abyss
Norse Primordials
Búri - Norse Æsir Primordial God of Creation
Ymir - Norse Jötnar Primordial God of Ice
Surtr - Norse Jötunn Primordial God of Fire
Auðumbla - Norse Primordial Creature of the Beginning
Ginnungagap - Norse Primordial Void
Ogdoad (Egyptian Primordials)
Nun - Egyptian Primordial God of the Watery Abyss and Masculine version of Naunet
Bennu - Egyptian Primordial God of Rebirth
Aten - Egyptian Primordial God of the Fire
Mehet-Weret - Egyptian Primordial Goddess of the Sky
Amun - Egyptian Primordial God of All Things Hidden and Masculine version of Amunet
Heh - Egyptian Primordial God of Infinity and Eternity and Masculine version of Hauhet
Kek - Egyptian Primordial God of the Darkness and the Day and Masculine version of Kauket
Qerḥ - Egyptian Primordial Snake God of the Night and Masculine version of Qerḥet
Mesopotamian Primordials
Abzu - Babylonian Primordial God of the Fresh Water
Tiamat - Babylonian Primordial Goddess of the Salt Water, the Ocean, the Primordial Chaos and Dragons
Nammu - Sumerian Primordial Goddess of Water, Life and Creation
Kotoamatsukami (Japanese Primordials)
Amenominakanushi - Shinto Primordial God of Creation and Control
Kami-Musubi - Shinto Primordial Goddess of Creation and Divinity
Takami-Musubi - Shinto Primordial Goddess of Creation and Conquest
Umashi'ashikabihikoji - Shinto Primordial God of Energy
Amenotokotachi - Shinto Primordial God of the Heavens
Hindu Primordials
Brahman - Hindu Primordial God of the Highest Universal Principle
Atman - Hindu Primordial God of the True Self of the Individual
Shakti - Hindu Primordial Goddess of Cosmic Energy of Existence
Mahadevi - Hindu Primordial Goddess of the Soul of Existence
Pralaya - Hindu Primordial of the Void
Aztec Primordials
Ōmeteōtl - Aztec Primordial God of Fertility, Nature and Duality
Cipactli - Aztec Primordial Eldritch Monster of the Primeval Seas
Finnish and Baltic Primordials
Ilmatar - Finnish Primordial Goddess of Chastity and the Air
Zoroastrian Primordials
Ahura Mazda - Zoroastrian Primordial God of Benevolence, Light, Creation and Wisdom
Angra Mainyu - Zoroastrian Primordial God of Malevolence, Darkness, Destruction and Chaos
Zurvan - Zoroastrian Primordial God of Neutrality, Duality, Infinitude and Space-Time
Other Primordials
Ouroboros - Primordial Dragon of Infinity
Ozgon - Primordial Entity of Fear
Father Time - Primordial Entity of Time
HWML and HWMD - Primordial Old God of Light and Darkness
Bondyé - Primordial God of Creation, Kindness, Goodness and Honesty
Primeval Creators
Huitzilopochtli - Sun Primeval
Quetzalcoatl - Wisdom Primeval
Tezcatlipoca - Night Primeval
Xipe Totec - Agricultural Primeval
Shenlong - Storm Primeval
Apep - Chaos Primeval
Atum - Creation Primeval
Khnum - Nile Primeval
Neith - Fertility Primeval
Ra - Sun Primeval
Thoth - Wisdom Primeval
Aphrodite - Love Primeval
Atropos - Moirai/Fate Primeval
Charon - Underworld Primeval
Clotho - Moirai/Fate Primeval
Eris - Discord Primeval
Geras - Aging Primeval
Hypnos - Dream Primeval
Keres - Death Primeval
Lachesis - Moirai/Fate Primeval
Momus - Misery Primeval
Moros - Doom Primeval
Nemesis - Retribution Primeval
Oizys - Misery Primeval
Thanatos - Death Primeval
Brahma - Trimurti Primeval of Creation
Vishnu - Trimurti Primeval of Preservation
Shiva - Trimurti Primeval of Destruction
Saraswati - Tridevi Primeval of Knowledge, Music, Art, Wisdom and Nature
Lakshmi - Tridevi Primeval of Wealth, Fortune, Power, Beauty, Fertility and Auspiciousness
Parvati - Tridevi Primeval of Sex, Love, Beauty, Marriage, Children and Devotion
Kamiyonanayo (Japanese)
Kuninotokotachi - Creator Primeval
Toyokumunu - Cloud Primeval
Uhijini - Mud Primeval
Suhijini - Mud Primeval
Tsunuguhi - Animal Primeval
Ikuguhi - Plant Primeval
Ohotonoji - Sexuality Primeval
Ohotonobe - Sexuality Primeval
Omodaru - Completion Primeval
Ayakashikone - Completion Primeval
Borr - Aesir Primeval
Bestla - Aesir Primeval
Enki - Sea Primeval
Ninhursag - Mother and Fertility Primeval
Enlil - Air Primeval
Ninlil - Air Primeval
Damgalnuna - Motherhood and Fertility Primeval
Asherah - Fertility Primeval
Astarte - Love Primeval
Dagon - Agriculture Primeval
El - Creator Primeval
Sara la Kali - Primeval Salvation
Mithra - Primeval Frienship
Ahriman - Primeval Desserts
Angra Mainyu - Primeval Evil
Ahura Mazda - Primeval Good
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viastro · 2 years ago
Hi!! Just wanna get this off my chest in a very sane and calm manner...
To live again is the first fic I've ever read from you and omg... OH MY GOD AKSJALALAL
I am in honest to GOD tears, you don't understand— I DONT THINK ILL EVER BE THE SAME??? I LOVE IT SO MUCH 😭😭
You did SO GOOD, thank you for this masterpiece, you beautiful human being ❣️❣️
but omg hi welcome to the chaos of my tumblr account HAHAAH i'm so happy that you enjoyed to live again even tho it made you cry :,)) i really worked hard on it, so i'm glad that it provided you with some joy (mostly heartache tho i think? kek)
thank you for sending such a kind ask and for your support, you absolute beautiful human !!
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theloversbox · 8 years ago
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From Tekkocon, we found Kekistan's Patron Deity. Now, excuse me while I Shadily and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
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displeasedfrog · 4 years ago
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greateggcult · 5 years ago
Is... Is that Wilford impersonating Assholiplier, killing people in a game where they made Celine their character?
other things to note:
-They are using a google IRL to record
- the quietly muttered “I-I hate myself” after flexing his back to the camera at the end of the video
-The player character looking similar to Celine withe red eyes
-the heart stabbing and canes
-boobs get in the way of battle
-the excessive groin beatings
-the musical light floor hatch in black and white, durring the glitching
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bloodmoon-bites · 3 years ago
The Moon’s Shadow |:| A khonshu x reader fic|:| Part 3
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Warnings: Swearing, angst, 18+ mentions of sex
Summary:  You are the reincarnation of the god of shadows (yes I am aware that kek exists but for sake of this fic, kek does not, and you are in his place), you had a past with a certain moon god. A past you were certain was left there, but when you run into him and his avatar you’re pulled into an adventure that you are sure you’re ready for. Who knows how it’s going to go, let’s see if you two can stand each other long enough to get done what needs to be done.
Word count: 1k+ Info: Y/N = your name
Y/G/N = your god name
N/N = nickname
F/C = favorite color
E/C = Eye color
Zali = My shadow
“Love you, birdboy…”
A few hours later we were on a flight to Egypt, I had taken the window seat and sat with a sketchbook in my hand, using the light from the window to shine onto my sketch. Khonshu’s avatar had been sat beside me, he had explained that he had 2 persona’s Marc, and steven, steven was sitting beside me. He looked over at my sketchbook, it was full of sketches of the gods and the page I was on currently was a page full of sketches of khonshu, and someone else
“Woah, is that khonshu? And who’s the other person? I’m guessing they’re a god, but I haven’t seen them before…” he said placing a hand on his chin looking the sketches over before looking up at me
“The other god is me… that’s what I look like when I'm in true god form” The form with khonshu in the sketches was a wolf with 2 sets of ears and a skull for a face, the fur on its head was F/C with black and white littered across it, while the eyes were E/C. Steven nodded slightly
“So Khonshu hasn’t told us much, but what is the whole thing between you two? If you don’t mind me asking of course” he said giving me a small smile and I chuckled 
“Well, I guess we have a few hours… Long ago, during my first life, me and him ruled the night together, the god of moon and justice and the goddess of the dark and chaos. At one point, during it all we had fallen in love, we had become unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with.” I took a pause and sighed before continuing, “But then Ammit began to grow evil, claiming that justice needed to be bestowed before the person could even commit the crime, but her fatal flaw was that it was just a choice they could make down the line, so that meant the person could choose not to do the thing they would be judged on.” I looked into his eyes to make sure he had been keeping up. Steven offered me a small nod and I continued
“So we had to kill her, but after that, he just began going downhill for some reason… I could never figure out why though, sorry off-topic. So we had started fighting a lot and eventually I broke it off but that same day I was killed not even half an hour later, and I still never learned who did it” I shrugged, “I don't care too much about it now really, but I'm still trying to figure it out” I said looking back down at my sketchbook and then out the window before looking back over to steven
“But, why were you never mentioned in any myths we’ve found?” he asked me and I shrugged
“Maybe the other gods didn't want me known after I died, maybe they wanted to leave me in the past. I don't know… all I know is most don't know I exist, or at least few do, but very few” I said picking my pencil back up and continuing to draw on the paper, adding some small details to the sketch of khonshu I was working on, then I spoke up once more
“Though, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t left and had just tried to work it out, but I guess I’ll never know huh? Sometimes I wonder what could have been…” I shook my head lightly feeling the tears whelm in my eyes, “I loved him, and I still do, that’s not going to change, no matter what he may do, I love him” I said looking back over at steven only to watch his eyes change and glow white for a second before returning to normal a familiar voice ringing from his vocal cords
“I love you too, zali” Khonshu said placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me in to lay his forehead to mine and a small smile falling over his lips
“I missed you, more than you could ever know…” his thumb brushed my cheek lightly. His eyes opened to look into mine, I offered him a small smile 
“Trust me Khon, I think I know…” I put my hand on his and heard an intercom ring out
“We are now within one hour of our destination”                                                         Time skip I woke up feeling an arm tightly wrapped around my waist, and a body pressed up against mine I slowly rolled around to face khonshu, his sleeping form lazily laid infront of me. He had shifted into a human form so it would be easier to sleep with me. I slowly ran a hand through his dusty light blonde colored hair and placed a small kiss on his chin.
I watched as his eyes slowly opened, revealing the yellow orbs I had been waiting to see since I woke up. He smiled at me and laid his forehead on mine
“Good morning, my goddess. Did you sleep well?” he asked lazily, his voice low and deep, groggy from just waking up
“Mhmm,” I said nuzzling closer to him and he spoke up in a teasing voice, “enjoy last night~?” he said running his hand up and down my back, his lips close to mine, ghosting them. 
“Maybe…” I said smirking
“Hmm, sure sounded like it last night~,” he said placing a kiss on my lips, his hand moving to my ass, giving it a light squeeze, causing me to gasp in surprise into the kiss, making him chuckle slightly before pulling away. I rolled my eyes after opening them
“Whatever birdboy,” I said lightly smacking his chest, failing for the most part as I didn’t have much room, “ugh, what time is it?” I said rolling over to look at the clock, it read 10:12 am.
“Well we have a few hours to lay around I guess,” I said rolling back over to look at him, seeing him propped up on one elbow and a smirk over his face
“Hmm, I think I can think of one way to pass the time. What do you say to round two, my love?” he said, his smirk only growing his tongue lightly dragging over his bottom lip
“Sounds good to me, my god,” I said nibbling my bottom lip Khonshu’s human form (source: picrew ) Taglist:  @wlfia​ @prophecyflame​ @1storminsummer​ @beautifulweaselranchgarden​ @urleftball @poeticine​ @strangersomeone​ @sporadicoafshepherdpainter-blog @memento-mora​ @acceptedbyace​ @instantalien​ @maggotqu33n​ @ekkomorningstar​
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dragon-discourse · 2 years ago
The Ogdoad
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Name: The Ogdoad
Type: Mythology
Culture of Origin: Egyptian
Description: Frequently depicted as four frog-headed men and four snake-headed women.
Myth: Atum, the Creator God in some iterations of the Egyptian Creation Myth, was born from Nun, the Primordial Waters and part of the Ogdoad.
There are eight members of the Ogdoad, made up of male and female pairs who share a name between them. These pairs are Nu/Nun and Naunet, Heh and Hauhet, Kek and Kauket, and Qerh and Qerhet.
The names of the members of the Ogdoad center around water, stillness, and darkness, most likely representing the state of primordial chaos and nonexistence before the birth of Atum.
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l1teraryangel · 2 years ago
In Another Life (Ch. 14) + HIATUS
He could see them. They were so close. His body — no, his soul flew towards them, weightless, soaring through the white nothingness around him. The only color came from the red, black, and gold tendrils braided around his transparent form. Heka leashed his soul to their bodies, calling him, guiding him onwards.
‘Keep it up, guys! I’m right there! Just a few more seconds…’
He was so damn close. The sweat beading on their foreheads, dripping from their faces… The strain in their facial muscles… The subtle twitches of their fingers… He saw everything. They were reaching their limits, like he had. Desperate, he reached for their outstretched hands, using the final bit of strength to propel himself.
And right at the end, when he swore despite his spirit form he felt the warmth of their flesh and the give of their skin, the image of them shattered. A string of curses, vicious enough to rival Bakura or Touzoku-Ou on their worst days, flew from his mouth.
‘NO! I was there! I was right fucking there!’
Though no tears fell from his eyes in this form, his whole being screamed and ached. It would have been less cruel for the magic to fail while he existed in the other realm. Yet, with these thoughts playing out, he understood more than last time. Something was blocking him. It was always for a moment, a split second, but he recognized the same energy refusing him entry into his home. Why did it — whatever ‘it’ was — need to taunt him, let him get so near, then snatch his lovers away?
His spirit continued to suffer, wordless, as the white abyss welcomed him back with neither warmth nor cold. He floated, a specter once more, amid the empty space and lost in his moroseness. Until, that was, the space materialized a new passageway. An unassuming door — light brown, no scratches, a tacky gold doorknob — flouted the availability of a novel realm with brand-new mysteries and unknown dangers.
Unable to stand the maddening emptiness housing him, Ryou decided to take the plunge yet again. He brazenly threw the door open and let the realm vacuum him inside.
On the other side of the mirror, Bakura and Touzoku-Ou swore and cursed, their magic whipping the air and tearing apart their borrowed bedroom. They were enraged, inconsolable, and precariously lost in their own thoughts even as the rest of their friend group ran in.
Seeing the chaos brewing, Kek shielded Malik from a maelstrom of violent magic while Atem hauled Yugi out of the room, safely removing him in the nick of time before a shattered end table flung into the wall where his light would have been.
“Whoa, jeez! Guys! GUYS!” Malik shouted, but his voice drowned amidst the thunderstorm. “Fucking hell! Pharaoh, this is an appropriate time to use your godking bullshit!”
Atem squinted, trying to find Bakura and Touzoku-Ou through the twister of mangled furnishing and unruly heka. “Those idiots are going to destroy their bodies…! I’ll cut them off, but watch out — things are gonna go flying!”
Hastily, Kek shoved Mali down, using his own body to cover as much of his lighter half as possible. The maelstrom died in a flurry of golden sparks, and just like Atem predicted, the broken bits of bedroom furnishings flew in multiple directions. A piece of drawer slashed across Kek’s back, and the Egyptian hissed, tucking in tighter on Malik.
Dodging an armoire door, Atem glanced at his fellow yami. “You okay?”
“That hurt like hell, but I’ve had worse.”
“I’m sure.” Atem’s sangria-colored gaze returned to the center of the room where, choking on sobs, the two thieves sat back-to-back. It took him a minute to process the scene, never having seen the two so openly ruined. “Bakura, Touzoku-Ou! What happened?”
Yugi poked his head back in, gasping both at the men and the damaged surroundings. “Oh my gods!” He darted in, passing Atem before he could utter a protest, and dropped to his knees beside his friend’s lovers. “Guys! Are you hurt?!”
They shook their heads, silently refusing to meet his eyes, and continued to draw in stifled breath. Malik, sneaking out of Kek’s hold, joined Yugi beside them and placed a hand on Bakura’s knee.
“Hey, talk to us. What happened?”
Over his shoulder, Yugi beckoned to Atem. “Take Kek to Isis to get his back looked at, please. Let us talk with Bakura and Touzoku-Ou alone.”
Kek groaned, but he kept his arguments sealed up. He and Atem understood Yugi’s request had less to do with his minor injury and more to do with lessening the people around, hopefully allowing the thieves to speak openly.
When the two men exited the room, Bakura muttered, “That wasn’t necessary. I don’t have the energy to care if they see me falling apart.”
“Second that,” Touzoku-Ou sniffed, scrubbing at the swollen skin beneath his eye. “Who fucking cares. Something out there doesn’t want us to get Ryou back, and it is actively cockblocking us.”
“Cockblocking well.” Bakura clenched his fist until what little color his skin possessed vanished. “When I find out what is going on, I’m going to tear whatever bastard is responsible a new asshole.”
Lost, Malik and Yugi looked at each other, and the Egyptian inquired, “What are you guys talking about? What happened?”
Sighing, Bakura filled them in on Ryou’s appearance in the mirror, how he reached out to them and tried from his end to push himself through. His mahogany eyes gleamed like glass, a second round of tears ready to break out at any moment.
Yugi shook his head. “Dammit, guys, you should have called for us. We could have helped.”
“Doubt it,” Touzoku-Ou snorted, patting Yugi’s head, eyes absently staring passed him. “The issue wasn’t the connection or the amount of magic… Like I said, something is preventing Ryou from reentering our world. Something doesn’t want my Rohi back in his own world.”
Annoyed, Malik jabbed his hands into his hips. “Something being what? Work with us, guys. What stopped him?”
Bakura kicked Malik in the stomach, light enough not to hurt but firm enough to knock him onto his ass. “I appreciate your faith in our being omnipotent, Ishtar, but I assure you that is not the case. Don’t you think we’d tell you if we knew anything?”
The blonde muttered a swear in his native tongue before replying sharply, “Okay, can you describe it?”
“Annoying,” Both thieves snarled, and Yugi slapped his forehead. Malik glared daggers at them, climbing to his feet.
“Alright, fine. Pout. Be completely useless.” They glared back at him. “I’m going to take Kek and help Isis and Rishid research. Yugi and Atem can watch your lookalikes. Why don’t you do something and eat some food? You really did a number on yourselves with that stunt.”
The silver-haired thieves watched both lights leave, Malik storming and Yugi reluctantly following, glancing over his shoulder at them. When the star-haired man clicked the door closed behind him, they fell to the floor, more hopeless than ever, and stared at the ceiling.
Ryou’s eyes skimmed over the colorless ceiling, aloof save for the boiling contempt over once more being in another’s body. It was exhausting on all levels, and quite frankly, he was sick of it. To make matters worse, he kept finding himself lost in the things he’d done since this mayhem began.
‘I killed a man. I basically cheated on my boyfriends with another version of them while they were trying their hardest to get me back. I possibly damaged my other self’s body by using too much magic. Oh, and I abandoned poor Yugi and Malik to the demented versions of Kek and Atem. Didn’t even try to help them.’
His self-loathing hadn’t been this high since he found out the diorama he built at the museum nearly led to his friends dying. Usually, when he had a bad day where no light penetrated his thoughts, he relied on Bakura and Touzoku-Ou to pull him through. Bakura distracted him with Monster World shenanigans, either by dragging him and Touzoku-Ou into an impromptu session or by finding funny compilations on the internet. Touzoku-Ou preferred to gift Ryou things from his accumulated, and certainly stolen, treasure trove. One of Ryou’s favorite items, a polished onyx heart on a gold chain, laid inside his bedside drawer for safe keeping.
And, if all else failed, they carried him to bed and snuggled under the covers. Bakura might make a fuss about it, saying Ryou was killing his reputation, but Touzoku-Ou enjoyed the feeling of skin-on-skin contact. His counterpart would often shut up if one of the others kissed him and nuzzled into his chest. Ryou also found puppy-eyes an effective tactic when he needed to cuddle and Bakura wanted to play hard-to-get.
“Dammit…” Ryou wiped his eyes. “I’m so sick of crying. I’m too old, and I’ve been through too much shit to be acting like a baby over this.”
‘I’d better get no backtalk and all the cuddles when I get home, though.’
A buzz by his right ear captured his attention, and he grabbed the vibrating cell phone off the end table. Once the alarm was disabled, having successfully alerted him to the fact it was nine in the morning, Ryou unlocked the phone with his fingerprint.
‘Time to gather info, I guess. Hopefully this is a good realm.’
His alternate self’s text messages, open already, seemed as good a place to start as any. He saw six separate chains worth looking into: Malik, Yugi, Kek, Bakura, Touzoku-Ou, and a group thread with Bakura and Touzoku-Ou.
‘Mmkay, I’ll start with… Individuals first.’
[imamura this is bakura, save my #]
[Oh, hi! Sure thing, no worries. You are officially in my contacts.]
[cool] [are we still on for studying tmw] [if not it’s fine]
[No, I’ve got my schedule cleared just for you! C:] [If you can’t make it, though, I understand! I’m sure you’re busy.]
[hardly] [guess i’ll see you after class]
[I look forward to it! Want me to bring any snacks or drinks?]
[eh idc]
[hey those creampuffs were really good]
[Haha, thank you! I love baking. Want me to bring them next time, too?]
[i wouldn’t mind]
[Then I will!]
[Hey, Bakura-san! Just checking that I have the right date and time?]
[shit sorry ran into some issues] [be there soon]
[No problem! Take your time. I’ll see you when you get here.]
[thanks for tutoring me]
[Of course! Did you pass?]
[by the skin of my teeth… would have failed without you for sure]
[Aw, I appreciate that. If you ever have any other courses you need help in, feel free to ask!] [Do you mind me asking about what happened during our last session?]
[ah fuck i’m sorry] [those bastards love to pick fights with me] [hope they didn’t freak you out too bad]
[No, not really. I was just concerned.] [Have your injuries healed?]
[yeah they weren’t too bad] [thanks for patching me up]
[Anytime, Bakura-san.] [Um, can I ask one more question?]
[you just did but sure]
[How do you feel about maybe spending some time together outside of tutoring?]
[you asking me out?]
[I guess…?] [I mean, I’m open to hanging out as friends, too.] [Unless that makes you uncomfortable.]
[6 outside central park]
[Oh… really?] [Uh, platonic or otherwise?]
[i’ll let you figure it out when i get there]
‘Aw, that was cute.’ Ryou sighed, a wistful long shimmering in his eyes. ‘These texts are from a year ago. Guess they mainly chat on the phone or in the group text now? Okay, next… Malik’s texts go back waaaaay far, so maybe only the recent ones…’
[Told you he had the hots for you] [Seriously look at all the options for tutors and he chose you? Totally a ploy to get your number]
[I… think he genuinely needed help, too?]
[Well maybe XD he’s an idiot] [Ah didnt mean you werent a good tutor btw!!!] [(ᗒᗣᗕ)]
[I knew what you meant.] [He wasn’t clear if he considered this a date or not, though…]
[It’s obviously a date] [Go get ‘im]
[You really think so…?]
[Ryou I adore you and find your lack of confidence endearing, but cmon] [Look in a mirror and strike a pose] [Your H O T] 
[My hot what, Malik?]
[*You’re] [Haha dork] [I gotta study but if he texts you anything spicy let me know] [And if he sends dick pics without your consent, I’ll spread them throughout the school]
[You’re a good friend, Mal.]
[I’m the best friend <3] [Keep me posted, smooches~]
[Deja vu?] [Lol what’s up?]
[I know, he told Kek] [And I beat the truth out of him]
[Got it…]
[Let me be clear] [It was a handjob, not domestic abuse]
[I understand, Mal.]
[Glad we’re on the same page] [You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to text an ‘I told ya so’ btw]
[Hah, I’m not surprised. Honestly, I really wasn’t sure, but after we hung out for a while… I knew he was attractive, of course, but now…]
[Want tips to seduce him? I’ve got leftover ideas from when I wooed Kek]
[I don’t think I’m quite brave enough to use any of your methods.]
[Pfft, suit yourself] [You’re such a cutie, Ry] [Don’t understand why you’re so shy]
[I’ve never dated anyone outside Jonouchi! And that was only because Yugi kept pushing us to try.]
[Oh yeah, I remember him] [Isn’t he dating some older chick now?]
[I don’t know? We only talk when Yugi invites us out with the group.] [You’re distracting me.]
[Right, sorry] [So are you and Bakura official? Or gonna keep testing the waters?] [Ooh a quick fling might be fun if you aren’t ready to commit]
[Not sure where we stand. He said we should hang out again some time and don’t be afraid to text him.]
[Well at least he knows where he stands] [Sounds like a college lovestory if I ever heard one]
[You think so?]
[Guarantee you he’d be DTF]
[Oh boy… I don’t know… Flings and one-night stands are more difficult for me than dating, I think.]
[It’s cause you get attached so easily] [In which case, date the guy] [From what Kek told me he’d be over the moon for either] [With you specifically]
[My time has come] [I TOLD YOU HE HAD THE HOTS FOR YOU] [Ah, much better]
[Okay, okay. I’ll… see about scheduling a date for this weekend.]
[Why not Friday?] [Isn’t that horror movie you’ve been dying to see coming out then?]
[It is, but I have another student to tutor. He’s new to the school and will need some extra help catching up and adjusting.]
[Fine, but text Bakura before you lose your nerve] [I want a screenshot as proof]
[I’d rather call him.]
[Uuuugh, then send me your call history after]
[Alright, Malik. I’ll send it to you in a bit.]
[Good! Love you~ <3]
[Goofy… I love you, too.]
‘And there’s the screenshot proof. Maybe it’s because I lived with Bakura for so long before we became a couple, but I never remember being so timid about my feelings… Guess I was a little quieter back then, but not totally reserved… Hm.’
Ryou flicked his thumb, but the phone suddenly vibrated, slipped, and landed right on his face.‘OW! Dammit…’ He yanked the notifications down begrudgingly, yet his eyes softened when he saw Bakura and Touzoku-Ou’s group thread with his alternate self.
‘Gotta catch up faster so I can see what that’s about… Okay, next… Oh, Yugi and Kek only have a few exchanges. Kek’s messages are mainly communicating about Malik or asking general questions about my health, my relationship… Sweet, but irrelevant. Yugi’s are school-related except for one or two meet-ups… Guess we aren’t as close in this realm? Makes catching up easier, then.’
Backing out of Yugi’s thread, Ryou once again nearly dropped the phone, caught off-guard by the vibration. Tutting, he opened Touzoku-Ou’s thread.
[Tahsin-san, you know where the library is, right?]
[Call me TK please] [Yeah my class let out early so I’m already here]
[Oh, sorry… I’ll be there as soon as I can!]
[You said I can call you Ryou]
[Good morning, TK. Yes, you can.]
[Just checking]
[Okay.] [Did you need anything?]
[Not really]
[Well, let me know if you do…]
[Do you have plans today]
[Um, sort of? Not until later tonight.] [Did you want to go over more stuff?]
[No] [Wanted to ask you out]
[Oh… Uh… I’m kinda seeing someone?]
[I… don’t suppose we are. We haven’t really talked about it yet.]
[So yes or no to me]
[I mean… Can I think about it for a second?]
[Sure take your time]
[Okay, I’m back.]
[Welcome back]
[Haha, thanks. If you don’t mind a lunch date or the fact that I have plans with someone else later…]
[I’ll pick you up in an hour]
[Oh. You’re very… eager.]
[You’re cute]
[Thank you?]
[You’re welcome] [See you soon]
[Ryou can we go on another date]
[Good morning, TK. You have a way with starting conversations.]
[Thanks] [Date?]
[Um… What time were you thinking?]
[I need a bit more notice than that…]
[Thirty minutes]
[I also have class today.]
[After class]
[Well, we are studying together after class. I guess you could call that a date?]
[Doesn’t count in a library] [Restaurant I’ll pay]
[I suppose I can’t argue with free food.] 
[Good see you then]
[Date tonight?]
[I was wondering when you’d text me.]
[Maybe you should take the day off? You’ve been studying really hard.] [And you keep asking me out, which is taking up your free time.]
[I like spending time with you]
[I like spending time with you, too, but I don’t want to take up all your time…]
[Don’t have anything else to do] [Don’t know anyone really] [Plus you’re fun and cute]
[Maybe I can get my friends Malik and Kek to hang out with us? We could go to the arcade or something?]
[Hm guess so] [Why not invite that other guy you went on a date with]
[Uh… You mean Bakura-san? Wouldn’t that be uncomfortable?]
[Why we’re not exclusive]
[It just seems like it might lead to awkwardness]
[Humor me] [I also want to see my competition so I can win you over]
[You’re funny.]
[Thanks but wasn’t joking]
[Hm. If you really want me to… And it would be a group setting, so nice chance for everyone to get to know each other better…]
[Text me the time and place when you decide]
[Sure. Get some rest, though?]
[Since you’re cute ok]
‘Man, how is this me more timid but also reeling them in faster? Unfair.’ Ryou backed out of the message chain and scrolled to the group thread. ‘Alright, this is the big one. At this point, I don’t really need to read it; the dynamic is clear. But… Why not?’
[Ryou date]
[geez you weren’t kidding about his openings]
[Shit didn’t mean to grab the group]
[wow asshole] [way to make me feel like a 3rd wheel]
[Don’t be dramatic]
[dramatic? me?] [you know what… if you’re gonna be a fuckhead] [ryou would you go on a date with me?]
[Hey I asked first]
[i dated ryou 1st]
[Um… Guys? Please don’t fight… Especially not over me.]
[morning cutie] [who’s fighting?] [just reminding him of his place in the food chain]
[Ryou date]
[don’t ignore me!]
[Sorry, guys, I have a big test coming up. I need to study.]
[study with me]
[Study with me]
[hah mine went thru 1st] [suck it]
[Doesn’t mean you automatically win]
[TK, Bakura-san, I need to REALLY study. You two tend to be too distracting, separate or together.]
[distracting eh?]
[But you’re cute when you get flustered]
[he’s ignoring us]
[Wanna go over to his dorm and break in]
[I have a deadbolt on my door.]
[he speaks!]
[Cute that you think a deadbolt would stop me]
[Guys. Seriously, I need to study. Why don’t you two go on a date if you’re so bored?]
[us date?]
[I’m bored enough to try it]
[how romantic…]
[You’re no Ryou but you’ll do]
[are you asking me out or asking me to kick your ass?]
[Eh both if you’ve got the balls]
[you cocky son of a bitch]
[GUYS.] [Take this out of the group chat, please!]
[Sorry Ryou]
[fine but i’m coming for you next cutie]
[Not if I get to him first]
[in your dreams] [get your ass over to arcade so we can settle this]
[Highest score gets a Ryou date first]
[game on mf]
[I’m turning my phone off.] [Don’t break into my dorm.]
‘So on and so on for… Wow, three months to give up on individual relationships and go for a threeway? College relationships develop so fast… I lived with them for longer than that before I started seeing Touzoku-Ou alone, and it took months after that for us to invite Bakura into the relationship.’
Smiling to himself, Ryou thumbed down the wall of messages, an occasional giggle escaping as he read the familiar-sounding shenanigans. The minutes ticked by until, at last, he reached the newest messages responsible for the bruise forming on his nose.
[ryou you finished your last exam for a while right? let’s go out to a nice restaurant]
[I’ll buy]
[obviously… you’re the guy with fat wallet]
[you there ryou?]
[Maybe he’s asleep]
“I guess I should text them back,” Ryou muttered, biting his lip. “They seem perfectly normal, so meeting them would be safe. Maybe I should write that I’m sick, though… Buy myself some time to get out of this realm and let them have their actual boyfriend.”
His fingers hovered over his first letter when the phone buzzed extensively. The new messages poured in too fast to process.
[wanna go break in?]
[Welfare check?]
[if we’re caught] [otherwise it can be a booty call]
[Race you there]
[see you both soon]
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AO3 Link: In Another Life - Chapter 14 - LiteraryAngel - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own]
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REMINDER: I'll be going on hiatus from now until the end of January. Thank you for reading!
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comm-caribou · 3 years ago
Chapter One: The 952nd Commander
Word Count: 3.9k
Warning: Alcohol, mentions of death, prejudice against clones (let me know if I missed any)
It was a dumb suggestion.
Hardwire knew it was bold to ask the Jedi for something so crazy, but Yoda was considering it as it was so intriguing.
The Jedi council might be giving him a General of his choice, one that wasn’t a Jedi.
One that might let the clones do as they’re meant to do without the Jedi’s beliefs holding them back or looking at them in disgust.
He sipped on his drink, making a face.
“Don’t like it, Commander?” Cooper asked.
“Tastes like… burning.” Hardwire gagged.
“I’m not that big a fan either.” Cooper shrugged, “but this isn’t really about us.”
“No,” Hardwire agreed, “it is not.”
Fang stumbled towards the bar, hanging off Coyote, his only batch mate left, “you know, you all are the best!”
“Awe,” Mirage hiccuped, “you’re such a good kid.”
“I’m going to miss you, vod,” Boomerang raised his glass, “to Fang!”
“To Fang!” The eight men clinked glasses and chugged.
That is, except the Commander and Sergeant.
Hardwire cradled his drink in his hands, watching Fang laugh as Keks slurred his words for another round.
Good thing we’re on leave.
Hardwire heard an eruption of chaos from his brothers from the other legions. 79’s was crowded with clones, infecting the Coruscant bar more and more as the war went on.
They were only a few months in and now every trooper was coming here to get wasted on their few days off before getting blasted at again.
Hardwire tried to focus on this circle of brothers, the ones who sported the same shade of pale purple as him.
“…eh? Sounds like 952nd…”
“Yeah… that’s 952nd for sure…”
He recognized his other brothers’ voices, but tried to zone them out. Hoping none of the other troops drunkily approached, asking the wrong and inappropriate questions.
“…they’re in that back corner.”
Hardwire sighed, closing his eyes, “dammit.”
“Sir?” Cooper asked.
“You hear them too, right?”
“Who? I was focusing on Keks. You know how hard his accent is to understand on a regular basis.”
Hardwire went to speak, but as he turned his head he saw her again.
That bounty hunter from Temple.
She had her helmet on still.
Black armor, gold detailing. It didn’t quite fit her right, like it wasn’t her’s.
She stopped next to the two officers. T-slit visor looking them in the face. Their faces reflected in the dark glass. It made Hardwire sick seeing his new face still, so he focused on the jaig eyes on top.
“I would like to talk to that one.” She pointed towards Fang.
The eight of them were just staring at her, trying to process what was happening.
She gestured to the doors leading outside, “please?”
Hardwire turned to Fang. The young cadet with his hair not staying in place was too awestruck by the Mando and full of liquor to register what was going on.
A sigh escaped Hardwire, and he stood up. He wrapped an arm around the one armed former shiney, tilting his head down to her, “let’s go.”
They all filed out, following her to the side away from most of the foot traffic and shameless flirts drunkenly hitting on the locals.
Fang hiccuped, and leaned on the Commander.
Hardwire sighed, “what do you want, ma’am?”
“Ma’am?” She practically scoffed, removing her helmet, “I’m only 20.”
She was pretty. Long dark blonde hair braided like a crown around her head, hazel-green eyes, and a smile brighter than the city they were in.
Mirage whispered to Boomerang, “she’s cute.”
“And she wants to talk to Fang,” Boomerang whispered back.
“Knock it off,” Cooper ordered quietly.
“Your nose is cute,” Fang drunkenly gushed.
Hardwire groaned, “oh my god.”
“I…” She giggled, covering her nose shyly, “thank you.”
“Vhat du yew vant?” Keks words may have been slurred, but at least he got to the point.
“Right,” she rubbed the back of her neck, “so, um, I saw you all today, earlier at the Temple. And… well… these two troopers in red and I were speaking and they told me that he-“ she gestured to Fang, “-would be… decommissioned. That’s the word they used.”
“We know.” Mirage grunted, “it’s why we’re here.”
“You didn’t need to come here and tell us,” Coyote grumbled, “it’s an obvious fate.”
“Actually,” she continued, “I understand it’s the missing arm that’s the problem, and was wondering if I could help.”
“Help?“ Boomerang scoffed, “sweet of you to come running over to offer, but there is nothing you or anyone can do.”
“Come on,” Coyote swiped his brother from Hardwire, “let’s go, Fang.”
“But I can help.” She pressed, “please, let me explain.”
“No, thank you,” Mirage called over his shoulder.
“It’s a valiant effort,” Cooper offered, “but utterly pointless.”
“Sorry,” Hardwire turned away, “you wasted your time.”
“Bye, pretty lady!” Fang called, stumbling over his feet.
She ran, getting in front of them and holding her arms out in a last ditch effort to halt them. “There is a hospital a couple blocks down. Please, let me help you. You don’t deserve to die like this. After everything I heard. How you were trained to be soldiers. You deserve to be given a chance.”
They walked past her, ignoring her.
“Fang!” She called out, “I’m giving you a choice, do you want a new arm?”
Keks laughed, “crazy broad!”
Tracks waved his finger by his head, silently snickering.
Hardwire stopped though, and looked back.
The look in her eye said it all.
“Men!” He barked, “come here.”
They paused.
“Now.” Hardwire ordered.
The seven of them obediently came over to him, blinking in confusion.
“Fang,” Hardwire squeezed his shoulders. “Let’s pretend for a minute she’s not some nut. I know you’re drunk and not thinking straight, but try for me. Do you want a chance to live?”
Fang was quiet, taking a minute longer to process such a question. “I… I think I do. I would like to be around a little longer, sir.”
Hardwire turned to the girl, she looked so relieved and slipped her helmet on again.
“Please, follow me.”
The men entered the bright, florescent lit Emergency Room.
There were a tiny handful of other walk-ins, sitting and waiting. Unlike them though, they were all civilians.
A human woman approached, narrowing her eyes on the men, “we don’t take clones here. Leave.”
Mirage grumbled in his helmet, “this is so stupid.”
“Vhy don’t ve just go?” Keks’ suggested.
Tracks already was walking to the door.
The bounty hunter stepped towards the woman, “listen, get me the head ortho doctor.”
“You deaf? I said-“
“My hearing is fine, thank you for asking,” she replied too chipper for her liking, “how’s yours?”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Not a threat. Just a simple question.”
Hardwire placed a hand on her shoulder, “we should leave.”
The bounty hunter’s head tilted to the nurses’ station, and she marched forward to them.
“Hey!” The woman followed her, “do I need to call-“
“My name is Juliette Trix, my friend needs help,” she said to the nurses, showing them a holoscan.
“This is so embarrassing,” Coyote groaned. “Let’s just-“
“Paging Doctor Amundi,” one nurse called while the other rushed over.
She looked flustered, but not necessarily afraid either.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, “please, follow us to a private room.”
“She didn’t threaten you, right?” Cooper asked.
“What just happened!” The first woman demanded, “they’re clones!”
“And she’s rich.” Their nurse hissed, “now shut up.”
Juliette hummed as she walked with the men.
“Never doubted you for a second,” Mirage lied.
“I believe you,” she sarcastically replied.
In a private room, the most miraculous thing had occurred to Fang. A doctor—not one like Kaminoans—had taken care of the injured clone trooper, and treated him like a person.
Fang flexed his new mechanic fingers, twirling his new wrist in amazement by how precise this was.
“Best prosthetic out there,” the doctor promised, “better than what even the higher ups have.”
Juliette had left them for a moment, so it was just the clones gawking over the fancy hardware attached to their brother’s right arm.
“I do hope your friend didn’t abandon you,” the woman from the front said, “we’d have to undo all that work, or send a hefty bill to Republic. And they won’t like that.”
“Would you stop.” The nurse hissed.
“I’m just saying,” she rolled her dark eyes.
The other nurse came in with Juliette, eyes glued on her.
“What?” The doctor asked.
“I just…” the nurse eyed the heavy bag in Juliette’s hand, “I’ve never seen that many credits in one place.”
Juliette set the bag down, “the price of the arm and some, in cash.”
The doctor opened it, the credits glittering in his eyes as the lights hit them.
“Holy kriff.” The woman gasped.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” Juliette gave a mock salute, “goodbye.”
The men followed her out, watching the four medical staff members discuss what they were going to do with each of their quarters.
Fang looked down at his arm, then rushed to her side. “I don’t get it. Why’d you spend so much on me? I’m just a clone.”
“You’re still a person,” Juliette said, “and that was nothing.”
“To us,” Hardwire said, “it means everything.”
“Yeah,” Coyote agreed, “thanks.”
The men stood in a line, saluting her.
She stood at attention, and saluted back.
“Be safe out there,” she said, “maybe we’ll meet again.”
“I hope so.” Boomerang called as she walked away.
“She was nice,” Cooper sighed, “I wish we could have a General like that.”
Tracks nodded in agreement, rubbing his neck.
Hardwire thought for a moment, “what did she say her name was again?”
They had been at the Republic’s Executive Building for hours.
In these past two days, Hardwire theorized he and his men have been at these important Republic centers the second most out of all the clones .
Cooper stood on one side of him, reading over the news on his datapad while Keks read over his shoulder.
On the other side, Tracks was practicing his hand signs with Coyote and Fang tiredly holding their throbbing heads.
Boomerang and Mirage were whispering to two of the troopers from the Coruscant Guard, disturbing them from their post.
When Commander Fox came by, they turned to attention but he just gave them a simple nod.
Hardwire wondered how long it would be before Fox would lose that easiness, and be as stern as some other Commanders he knew. If he was lucky, Fox’s position on Coruscant might keep him young a little longer.
Fox paused in front of Hardwire, tilting his head lazily like his helmet was too heavy for him, “I can’t say I agree with this, but I think it’s pretty brave what you’re asking.”
“What do you mean?” Cooper lifted his gaze.
“They don’t know?” Fox crossed his arms, oozing with amusement.
“No, they don’t,” Hardwire admitted.
“Sir,” Keks whispered, “vhat did you do?”
“That’s prime evil, Hardwire,” Fox chuckled, continuing on his way.
“Commander?” Coyote stared at him with worried blue eyes, “what’s going on?”
The corner of his lip tugged upwards, “don’t worry about it.”
“Saying don’t worry about it is the worse thing to say to someone who is worried,” Boomerang interjected, “it’s like telling Mirage to calm down.”
Mirage snorted, “I’m always calm. Until I’m not.”
“I swear…” Boomerang rubbed his temples, “you’re going to be the death of me, Pretty Boy.”
The doors opened, and out came a handful of Jedi, a few senators, the Chancellor, his guards, and a bounty hunter in black and gold mandalorian armor.
“Why is she here?” Coyote muttered.
“Did I get her in trouble?” Fang whispered.
“I hope not.” Cooper grumbled. “Because that means you’re in trouble too.”
Hardwire stood at attention, debating putting his helmet on before settling to hold it under his arm.
“Commander Hardwire,” the Chancellor smiled at him, “I’m so sorry for all you and your men endured. The Republic values you greatly.”
“Thank you, Chancellor,” Hardwire said, even though he wanted to roll his eyes.
“We took your request very seriously,” Senator Organa explained, “and after a lot of consideration and research, we have come to an unanimous decision.”
The 952nd stole quick glances at the Commander, but he remained focused on that bounty hunter.
“Gentlemen, this Juliette Trix,” Mace Windu said proudly, “she’ll be your General, as per requested by your Commander.”
She stepped forward, hand out to Hardwire. “Hello, Commander.”
He took her hand, relieved, “hello, General.”
“I must inform you that while not a Jedi, she is under contract,” Mace explained, “and while Jedi may be assisting at times, you are on your own.”
Hardwire stayed cool.
He believed in his decision, and this was the right one.
“I understand.” Hardwire stated, and his men nodded.
“In that case, it’s settled.” The Chancellor grinned, “now, if you excuse me. I have other matters to attend to.”
“It is pleasure,” Bail said to Juliette, “and I hope to meet you again.”
“Likewise, Senator,” she nodded politely.
They all disbanded, but Yoda stayed with them.
The small, green Jedi slowly approached Fang hobbling with his cane, “Fang, is it?”
“Yes, sir?” Fang answered warily.
“Your arm,” Yoda said smiling, “see it, I would like.”
Fang knelt down, presenting his black armored right arm.
“Conflicted, you are,” Yoda said, “but valuable, your life is.”
“Um,” Fang blinked, “thank you?”
He moved onto the next, “Coyote, burdened you are with guilt of survival. Let go, you must, to survive.”
Coyote looked away, nodding slightly.
Yoda continued down the line, “Tracks, unfair what has happened to you, it is. But resilient you are.”
Tracks smiled, tapping his chin below his lips and extending his hand.
“Welcome, you are,” Yoda smiled, and passed by Hardwire, “Cooper, nose in your reports, up you must look.”
Cooper hid his datapad behind him, guiltily, “yes, Master Jedi.”
“Keks,” Yoda continued on, “quick to accept the worse, hope is never gone.”
Keks whispered to Cooper, “vhy do I feel like he told me to stop being pessimistic?”
Yoda chuckled to himself, “Mirage, Boomerang, hard war is, take it lightly you should not, but live you should.”
“Thank you sir,” Boomerang answered politely.
Yoda finally approached the Commander.
Mirage turned Boomerang, who whispered to the confused ARC, “I’ll tell you later.”
“Hardwire,” Yoda gave the Commander a long, sympathetic look, then said, “broken is your trust, but time will heal you. Trust your General, you should.”
“I understand, sir,” Hardwire answered.
Yoda turned to Juliette, “and you, Juliette Trix, hurt you have been in the past. Face it, you will.”
Juliette nodded.
Yoda chuckled to himself, “off you all go now. May the Force be with you.”
As the walked off together, Juliette moved closer and whispered, “what just happened?”
“To be honest,” Hardwire said, “I don’t really know.”
“Um, General?” Cooper cleared his throat, “permission to speak freely?”
“That’s actually a thing?” Juliette said, “of course you may speak freely.”
Cooper rushed up to Hardwire, grabbing him by the shoulders, “have you gone completely mad?”
“You requested a new General who isn’t even a Jedi?” Mirage exclaimed.
“No offense to you, of course,” Boomerang said to Juliette.
“No offense taken,” Juliette assured.
“Maybe that explosion rattled his brain?” Coyote crossed his arms, “made him lose all his reasoning.”
“I kind of like the idea,” Fang quietly offered.
“What would you all prefer?” Hardwire asked, “Jedi roulette? Or the bounty hunter?”
“Do you even know military?” Mirage asked her.
“My father was ranked a sergeant,” she offered, “and he trained me since I could walk. I know I can pick it up.”
“Better than the Jedi’s background,” Boomerang shrugged.
“She doesn’t have a lightsaber,” Cooper sighed.
“Or the Force.” Keks added.
Tracks walked over, and stood at Juliette’s side. His dark eyes narrowing on his brothers.
“You’re taking her side?” Cooper gasped.
Boomerang nodded, “we both are.”
Fang moved over next to them, “three.”
“This is stupid,” Coyote grumbled, but moved next to Fang.
“What the heck!” Mirage sighed, smiling as he joined them.
Hardwire turned to his two fellow commanding officers, “look, I get you’re mad at me. She’s not what I was expecting to pick either, but I believe in us all.”
Keks raised an eyebrow, and Cooper studied Hardwire hard.
“Fine.” Keks stated, “ve do need a General. Better her than vhat other Jedi are left vithout an assigned Legion.”
Cooper sighed, “yeah, what Keks said.”
They could tell she was nervous, and they couldn’t blame her. A non-Jedi General, in a war against Sith, an endless supply of battle droids, and so forth.
Not even a lightsaber on her hip.
Keks was walking ahead with her, not really talking other than giving her the tour and introducing her to passing troops.
“I can’t believe you didn’t talk to us about this,” Cooper whispered to Hardwire.
“You would’ve talked me out of it,” Hardwire mused.
“Because it’s ludicrous.” Cooper stated, “we barely even know her.”
“So?” Boomerang hissed, cutting into the officers’ conversation with no hesitation.
“We barely knew any of the Jedi assigned to us,” Mirage jumped in.
“I’m starting to think our leadership is too relaxed,” Cooper grumbled. “And we’re going to be the next Legion wiped out.”
Juliette spun around, stopping short in front of them.
They all crashed into Hardwire and Cooper, who stumbled only slightly.
“I can hear you,” she said sternly. “And it’s not polite to talk behind other people’s backs.”
“Sorry, General,” Cooper muttered.
She turned back, continuing to walk with Keks.
“She likes manners.” Fang remarked.
“I noticed that too,” Coyote whispered.
Hardwire glanced at Cooper, his confident and highly intelligent sergeant looked unsure.
Hours had passed, the naval ships had taken off under Navy Captain Stickler’s orders.
They were well on their way to assist Quinlan Vos on some planet in the outer rim.
“According to some of the network,” Cooper picked at his food, “General Vos isn’t exactly the kindest to clones, and he prefers to work alone.”
“Up you must look,” Keks quoted Yoda.
“Oh, shut up,” Cooper elbowed him.
Hardwire didn’t really want to eat either, but he couldn’t sleep with that ringing that was still in his left ear. It came and went, and he worried he was going to hear it for as long as he breathed.
Cooper kept side eyeing Juliette, sitting next to Hardwire like she was one of them. Not like the previous Generals who took their food to their room or ate away from the men.
Hardwire liked it. It was comforting knowing she saw them as more than just—as one of their previous Generals put it—living droids.
Her fork twirled around in the noodles, thinking.
“I’m just saying,” Cooper looked at his datapad, “it’s our first mission with her, and he’s going to push… us around.”
Hardwire caught that pause, along with the subtle look at Juliette.
The word he wanted to say was her.
Juliette looked up, “can I ask you something?”
Keks nudged Cooper, “she’s talking to you.”
Cooper turned to her, “yes, General?”
“We’re the only ones in here,” she gestured to the empty mess hall, “you don’t have to be formal right now.”
“Alright,” Cooper rolled his dark eyes, “yes, Juliette?”
“You seem troubled by the fact you don’t know me,” she said, “would asking questions help you maybe trust me a little more?”
Cooper mulled over the question, finally answering, “maybe a little. I guess?”
Keks seemed intrigued, smirking as he watched Cooper think of something to ask.
“Feel free to ask anything,” Juliette assured. “Just don’t get too inappropriate.”
“Where are you from?” Cooper asked.
Keks snorted, “obviously she’s from Mandalore, vod.”
“Actually I’ve never been to Mandalore,” Juliette explained. “My father fled when Kryze came into power. Became a mercenary for hire on Bakura, met my mom, they moved on to Jakku, had me, then my father started traveling from place to place when she died. To summarize, I’m from all over.”
“I’m sorry about your mother,” Cooper said.
“Thank you,” Juliette set her fork down, “can I ask you all a question?”
“Of course,” Hardwire answered.
“Forgive my wording,” she said, “but, how did you get your names? They’re so… charming?”
Keks laughed, hitting the table as he doubled over.
“They’re nicknames we give ourselves,” Cooper explained, “easier to address than CT-4848.”
“But how did you get them?” Juliette pressed, “why is it Cooper? Or Keks? Or Hardwire?”
“I can hack into systems and reprogram droids better than anyone,” Hardwire declared proudly.
“We got our names at the same time,” Cooper jabbed his thumb at Keks, “we were doing a relief mission and this little girl who could barely talk made us some really burnt cookies. The locals called them keks. As for me, the kids were young and didn’t talk too good. Called us cone coopers.”
“That’s sweet,” Juliette gushed.
Cooper smiled, turning back to his food.
“I got a question,” Hardwire announced.
“Yes?” Juliette asked.
Hardwire turned to her, really studying her, “why did you buy Fang a new arm?”
She thought for a moment, then said, “he deserved a chance to live, and it seemed like no one cared that he was sentenced to death for fighting their war for them. I just don’t like how those troopers in red acted like it was normal.”
Hardwire nodded, satisfied with her answer.
“I like her,” Cooper picked up his fork, “we can keep her.”
Keks smiled, “she’s a good one.”
“Told you,” Hardwire smirked.
They’d be arriving soon, and Hardwire worried Juliette hadn’t had much sleep in these confusing few days.
It was just him now, leading her down the hall to the barracks. One room of which would be her quarters alone.
She trailed behind him, helmet under her arm, looking at him with a troubled look and then just as quickly looking away.
He wondered if it was the scar. He himself hated how it looked, and if he was destined to have one would’ve preferred something smaller or less gruesome.
However, he got a horrible Jedi General who tried to stage an accident. Make his brothers believe they were wrong, and they killed him and that squad by friendly fire.
Juliette stopped, biting her lip as if in pain.
“Are you alright?” Hardwire asked, turning around and going back for her.
She exhaled, as if holding a breath, blurting out, “I stopped knowing what I was doing when my my dad died.”
Hardwire wasn’t sure what brought this up.
It was a confession, maybe a form of building trust.
He racked his brain for a moment, something to confess that will maybe meet her half way.
He considered his accident, but was not ready to share that story yet.
“We’ve had six Generals, and only liked two. Master Kip and so far, you.” Hardwire offered.
Short and sweet, not getting into any details.
Juliette smiled softly, touched by the sentiment.
Hardwire didn’t know what to do, so he cleared his throat, “well, here’s your room.”
“Temporary or permanently?” She asked entered the small space the Generals before her slept in.
“Yours until the vessel is taken down,” Hardwire left out the other option.
If he thought of her dying, it might happen.
“So, I can add personality to it?” Juliette asked.
“Sure,” Hardwire said, “whatever you’d like.”
Juliette turned to him, “do your barracks have any decor?”
Hardwire sighed, “yes. Some men put up posters.”
Posters of pin up art.
Juliette brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, probably unable to think of anything else to say.
“We’ll be arriving soon,” Hardwire said, “get some sleep.”
“You too, Commander,” she said kindly.
He nodded, and dismissed himself.
He wouldn’t be sleeping, not anytime soon.
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