#keikain yura
fisticuffs-bee · 1 year
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any nuramago fans out there. i have thoughts about older rikuo and yura friendship
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itsshowtimeprecure · 1 year
Kou-chan's in the same place as Yura
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la-hannya · 2 years
I really like Nurarihyon no Mago. Tsurara reminds me of my favorite character from my favorite book series, so more or less seeing her animated and drawn brings me joy. However! Something I really, really, really, hate about her is how she was raised by her mother to groom Rikuo. So while I have mixed feelings about them changing his main love interest to the human girl in the anime as she's so boring compared to Tsurara... Am I kind of glad too? It's a really weird feeling... Tsurara is so cool (literally) when not fawning over Rikuo it's ridiculous!
I feel the exactly the same as you. When I was younger I loved the hell out of Tsurara (and still kinda do tbh cause she's actually a cool yokai character, disregarding that background detail).
I was pissed off when they decided to make it/reveal that she's actually way older than she looks and whatnot because I just don't like Kana Iega (the regular human girl of the 3 potential interests). Like nothing in the story that I remember made feel like giving a sh¡t about her. She's just like extremely plain? She's no Kagome Higurashi I tell you what.
So, while they sorta rushed the ending due to losing readers back then bummed me out (I think because people were disappointed in how the anime was adapted). I did appreciate the author leaving it open ended.
Specifically, who was gonna get him with part. They left it up to interpretation. Unless, they change that in Nurarihyon no Mago: Kage. Which will be a limited series that is gonna show including some things they weren't in the original series.
While Tsurara was like the closest to "canon" because the moments they shared including a kiss, i think? It's been awhile sorry. I'm going to reread soon.
But if we get more content later... If he has to have a waifu— I just hope it's not Kana. Especially, when you got a badass like Yura Keikain (the onmyouji Miko girl) who was the other love interest of his. He made that girl get "Tsun-Tsun" over him like they say in Japan hehe. And their interactions were great.
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tatrinwhitewolf · 4 years
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The moment I saw her design, I immediately wished Keikain Yura would wear the same
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blacksunradiance · 7 years
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Nurarihyon no Mago Character CD Series #3: <Special Drama> Cure Your Fears! (怖がりをなおせ!, kowagari o naose!)
Summary: Yura decides to help Kana conquer her fear of youkai. Will she succeed?
Translation was a commission done by @kairosity!
Translation below.
Special drama: Lose your fear!
(school bell rings) Kana: Ah, Yura-chan. Yura: Eek! Kana: Eh? Yura-chan…? Yura: I------Ienaga-san! Kana: What’s wrong? Why do you sound so scared… Yura: Eeeeeek! Kana: Yura-chan… Is it because of yesterday, at the bathhouse? Yura: I-I-I-Ienaga-san! Kana: Uhm, it looks like you’ve got the wrong idea, but yesterday was – it’s not what you’re thinking – Yura: Ienaga-san! Kana: What! What’s wrong! Why are you suddenly holding onto my hand? Yura: Over here! Kana: Ehhhh? Wait, Yura-chan…!?!?
(door slams) Yura: Haaa… I don’t think anyone will bother us over here. Kana: Uhm…Yura-chan? Why are we on the roof? Yura: Ienaga-san! Kana: Uh! Yes! Yura: I…was thinking about it by myself, after that. About your feelings. Kana: Like I said, that was – Yura: And so, you know? I’ve…decided. Kana: Eh? On what? …Eh? Don’t tell me you took what I said seriously? And when you say you’ve decided, you mean…!? That you’d…!? Go out with…!?!? Yura: Ienaga-san! Kana: Eek! Yura: I’m sorry! Kana: Sorry! I didn’t mean to say that yesterday at – wait, you’re sorry? Yura: I can’t reciprocate your feelings. So I’d like us to keep on being friends… Can we? Kana: Eh? That’s… It’s fine! We’re friends, you and I! Frie-n-ds! Yura: I’m sorry, Ienaga-san. It’s like I’ve stomped all over your heart just as you found love… Kana: No, not really… Yura: So, y’know? I wanna make it up to you! Kana: Uh? You do? Yura: You get attacked by youkai a lot, right? I’ll come save you if anything happens, of course, but maybe I won’t be able to reach you right away. In those cases, the scariest thing is – if you panic. Kana: Ah. …? Yura: Those who end up in a panic state and lose their composure – that’s the scariest. They forget to run away, even, and are gobbled up by youkai in one chomp! That kinda thing is definitely not outta the question. Kana: Really…? Yura: But here lies your critical weakness! Which is…how you’re really not good with youkai! Kana: Eh? Yura: Well, you’ve been attacked by youkai many times, so it’s understandable… But in that critical moment, you mustn’t quiver in fear like a newborn fawn! To protect yourself, you must be strong of heart! Kana: Uh…yeah, I guess that’s true… Yura: And so, I’ll have you go through special training! Kana: Special training? Yura: Yes. You’re going to increase your mental fortitude so that you won’t fall into a panic no matter what youkai you encounter! Kana: Uhm…that’s really considerate of you, but exactly what will we – Yura: Scary stories. Kana: Eh!? (spooky traditional music plays) Yura: I’m going to make you listen to a scary story… That’ll increase your mental fortitude come whatever may, no? And thus…heheheheh… Kana: You’re already plenty scary, Yura-chan! Yura: But this is just me trying to make up for how I enslaved your heart at the very least! Kana: Haa… Yura: So anyway, I’m going to start now, okay? Kana: Eh!?!? …Are you really going to tell scary stories… Yura: Of course! They’re going to be reallllllly scary, so prepare yourself! Kana: Oh no………… Yura: This, you know, is a story from when I’d just become an onmyouji. Kana: Wahhh…she’s started… Yura: In my neighborhood, there was a dog with mottled black and white speckled fur named Buchi. And that little dog looked oh so very cute. I always saw it and thought, how very cute! However, one day…that terrible incident happened. Kana: Eek…! Yura: I had something to do at school and got home a little late ‘cause of that. The sun had long set; the road pitch black. There was hardly a person out there. And I had this thought. If anything were to happen right now, not a single soul would know. Kana: Like…? Yura: And so? After some time, I could see the light from my house. I’d finally gotten home… When I thought that with a sigh of relief… Right then… Kana: I can’t take this any more… Just what happened… Yura: Hwaaaaaaaaaa! Kana: Uwa!!! Yura: There was a howl. A dog’s howl. Buchi’s. Kana: He howled, and then…? Yura: (back to her normal bright voice) Ahhh, I was really surprised! I mean, it was so sudden, and in such a dark place. Kana: Uh…ah… Yura: Man, was I real scared, though… Kana: Eh – is that…the end of the story? Yura: Yeah. That’s my scary story. How was it? Scary, right? Kana: Uh, uhm… Yura: Howwwww was it, Ienaga-san? Kana: Uhm…I guess there are two things I can say… Yura: What are they? Kana: First, isn’t that more of a surprised story than a scary story? Yura: Ooh… Kana: And the other thing would be – it’s a story about how you yourself had felt in that situation, right? To be honest, how to say…it’s not quite clicking with me… Yura: Ooooh… All right! Enough with these dull stories! I’m going to go with a real, all-out scary one! Kana: Ehh! Hey, no more! (scary music plays again) Yura: This, too, is a story from when I’d just become an onmyouji. Of youkai wandering through the town and doing bad things… Kana: Uwa… Oh no, this one’s really a youkai story… Yura: I was running towards an area where youkai were acting up. When I got there, I found that the youkai were doing those bad things to a house of normal people who had done no wrong. Kana: What do you mean by…bad things…? Yura: Stealing the persimmons that had just ripened from the tree… Drawing on the walls… Kana: Eh? Yura: And breaking a window with a ball… Kana: …A youkai did? …With a ball? Yura: Oh, I stopped ‘em right away, y’know? I just kind of went rawr!! at them, and scared them off. Kana: …Er, I see. Yura: How was it? Scary? Kana: Eh? Yura: I want to tell youkai stories! This one’s way scarier than the last one, yeah? Kana: Uh…well…… Yura: Give me your honest opinion, Ienaga-san! Was it so scary that it made your hair stand on end? Kana: Well, if I had to say it…not at all… Yura: Ehhh!?!? Why? Kana: Even if you ask me that… Yura: Could it be that you’ve already gotten over your fear of youkai? Kana: No, it’s not that… Your stories just aren’t scary at all, Yura-chan. Yura: But I’m telling stories about youkai… Kana: They are about youkai, but you already got rid of them all. So these youkai in question aren’t scary at all, I guess… Yura: Hnnnngh… You’re a difficult one, Ienaga-san…! Kana: Am I? Yura: Then, how about this story! It’s not something I experienced, okay? It’s a seriously scary story told since times of old! Kana: Uh huh… Yura: Somewhere, there was a man who said that he was afraid of nothing. But his friends wanted to give him a scare no matter what, and asked him if there was really nothing that he was afraid of. And then, he said this: “There’s only one thing. Manju!” Kana: Er – Yura: So when he was at home, his friends threw a ton of manju into his house. “Now then, he’ll scream and rush out of the house!” they thought, and so waited outside. But no screams came no matter how long they did. Thinking this strange, they peered inside, only to find…that their friend, who should have been afraid of manju, was instead eating ‘em with gusto! And when the man realized his friends had noticed, he said this. “I’m also afraid of hot tea, by the way.” Kana: Ah, I thought so. Yura: So how the story works is, the man lied about being afraid of manju so that he could get a ton of them, which he actually loves by the way, from his friends trying to pull a prank on him and – Kana: No, you don’t need to explain it. Besides, that’s not a scary story. It’s more like a funny story, wouldn’t you say? Yura: Ah… Just when did I stray down the wrong road… Kana: Haha…I wonder… Yura: Wahh, I messed up! If I can’t tell a story that actually scares you…! Kana: Uhm, Yura-chan. You don’t have to force yourself… Yura: No! I decided to scare the livin’ daylights out of you! To beat out every last bit of fear in you! Kana: Eh, wait, this is going in a weird direction! Yura: Now that it’s come to this… You’re gonna be spending a whole lotta time with me! All right? All right!? Kana: …Yura-chan right now is the scariest one of all…
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tagarianblack · 4 years
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Tonight you glow bright. Secure in our thoughts, you drift downstream, to your world.
After two months I finally finished this picture. In between, I thought of giving up, especially because of the background and the Yucatas ...
But I endured it and now it's finish. Often I worked until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. What do you think about? Here you can see my
Here you can see my Nurarihyon no Mago Ocs Tsuyu (梅雨 jap. rain season) and Satoro Ikanata (悟 jap. daybreak), where they sending a Toro Nagashi over the sea.  I hope you like it.
Tsuyu (梅雨 jap. rain season) is a Ameonna (雨女, "rain woman") is Satoro's most trustworthy attendant and part of his "Hyakki Yakō". She has been a member of the Ikanata clan for several centuries under the leadership of Nariaki Ikanata. She is a traditional rain woman with eternally wet hair who show her true face to the people at the monsoon season in Japan. Earlier in the days of Edo, she was considered a goddess and many worshiped her, but then the rain lost in importance and the monsoon grew stronger. Many people turned away and Tsuyu fell into depression. Only Nariaki could save her 300 years ago. One year before the story of Nurarihyon no Mago begins, Nariaki Ikanata dies and the clan falls in mourning. So she goes off in search of Nariaki's son Satoro, who lives as a human and a Keikain.
Satoro Ikanata (悟 jap. daybreak) also known as Satoro Keikain, is the son of the fire yokai, Lord Nariaki Ikanata of Osaka, and the human Yue Keikain, a onmyōji. He grew up in faith  to be a human and learned to seal and fight yokais with his shinigamis: a warrior in the form of Susanoo (Example) and a big Fire Snake (Example). He noticed early that fire is the right element, but didn't  understand the reason. He is the older brother of Yura and therefore a member of the Mainhouse like his mother. At age 25 he meets Tsuyu and others from the Ikanata clan. They tell him the truth about his origins, he doesn't believe it at first. But then he accepts his heritage and even joins the Nura clan. He makes Tsuyu to his right hand and he falls in love with her.
I hope you like the picture
Please comment or fave it, if you like it.
Base: Hakuouki Ocs and Background by me Nurarihyon no Mago by
Hiroshi Shiibashi
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impracticaldemon · 4 years
10 in 10 Tag
Name ten favorite characters from ten different things, then tag ten people! (tagging is strictly optional, but this is a fun, easy little tag game)
Thank you to @nerdyshaddowhunter for the tag!
** I’ve linked some of the names if you want images :)
Hakuouki ~  Saitō Hajime (but very fond of Sano & several others)
Ikemen Sengoku ~ Date Masamune 
Marvel Universe ~  Thor (although... Loki...)
DCU ~  Raven (especially Animated DCU Teen Titans GO!)
Robot / Foundation Series (Isaac Asimov) ~  R. Daneel Olivaw
Discworld ~  Granny Weatherwax (by a narrow margin over Vimes & Death)
Star Trek Original Series ~ Spock
Laughing Under the Clouds (Donten ni Warau) ~  Shirasu Kinjō (aka Fuma Kotarō)
Nurarihyon no Mago (Rise of the Yokai Clan) ~ Oikawa Tsurara / Yuki Onna (Snow Woman) [big soft spot for Keikain Yura the young but powerful onmyoji though!]
Fairy Tail ~ Erza Scarlet or Gray Fullbuster (depends on version/arc tbh)
Oof! Always more difficult than I expect.
Tagging:  @canadiangaap  @kondo-hijikata  @nalufever  @kawaiikatanabushi  @nospringonions  @nollatooru  @ieyasukenshinsandwich  @krys-loves-otome  @petri808  @blitzsaturn [no expectations - do it if you feel like it!]
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mer-birdman · 8 years
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More fanart. Keikain Yura from Nurarihyon no Mago. I actually rly like this doodle of her.
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nayrael · 6 years
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Some of the Nurarihyon no Mago art from the Hyakki Ryouran Taisen game.
(art taken from this vid: https://youtu.be/VAXV1a37mUI?t=8m4s )
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fisticuffs-bee · 10 months
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yknow that one tumblr post thats about some girl's toast preferences and her partner is roasting her for it bc it's barely even toast? yeah that but it's tsurara and yura. bonus my vision of post-canon tsurara (kiyotsugu and kana also have that shirt)
(images read:
image 1: "here's your lightly warmed bread!"
image 3: "it's frozen"
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zeenzz · 9 years
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x0401x · 9 years
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  happy birthday to the genius girl~  (❛ᴗ❛人)
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blacksunradiance · 7 years
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Nurarihyon no Mago Sennen Makyō Character CD Series # 3: <Special Drama> Great-Great-Great (abbreviated) Grandpa is a Butler! (ひいひいひい(略)じいちゃんは執事!, Hihihi (ryaku) jiichan ha shitsuji!)
Summary: Hidemoto has some advice for fighting a Nurarihyon, but can Yura withstand the training?!
Translation was a commission done by @kairosity!
Translation before.
Special Drama: My Great-Great-Great(-etc) Grandpa is a Butler!
Yura: Isshiki Issei! Yura Max! Yura Max! Yura Max!!!! (sound of someone clapping as she breathes heavily) Hidemoto: Hey, that was great! Nice job, Yura-chan! Isn’t that pretty good? Yura: It’s still not enough. I should be able to up both my speed and accuracy…! Hidemoto: Nothing good’ll come of you pushing yourself too hard, though, I’d say? How about taking it a little easier? I know! We can go and get some anmitsu! Yura: Hidemoto! You say stuff like that, but I bet you just want to go strolling around in the city! Hidemoto: Eh? That’s not true. I’m just worried about you, y’know? But it seems like I may as well take the good old opportunity to enjoy the world of 400 years in the future while I’m at it. Yura: “Seems like”? The heck’s that! Hidemoto…how about you spend more time with me when I’m training, being my shikigami and all! Hidemoto: Meh… Yura: “Meh”!? What! You should just go on and teach me stuff! Hidemoto: But if we train any more than this…what if you collapse, Yura-chan? Yura: I won’t die from losing consciousness two or three times! Hidemoto: I don’t really want you to push yourself too far… Ah, then why don’t we do this kind of preventative training? Yura: Eh? What kind, what kind? What’s it like? Hidemoto: Tactics for dealing with Nurarihyon! Yura: What? Hidemoto: This is a secret art to use when fighting him – the ultimate youkai commander. Yura: Amazing! Seriously amazing! So you had something like this up your sleeve! Hidemoto: In order to fight with him, you must first become able to withstand his mental attacks. Yura: Mental? He can do that? Hidemoto: It only works on certain people, though. To phrase it another way – on women. Yura: What does that mean? Hidemoto: I’m going to try mimicking Nurarihyon’s mental attacks now, so try to endure them, okay, Yura-chan? Yura: All right! Ready when you are! (saxophone music plays) Hidemoto: Yura-chan. You truly are beautiful. Yura: Wh…wh…what are you saying, Hidemoto? Hidemoto: Hm? This is Nurarihyon’s mental attack that I was talking about. Yura: This? Hidemoto: Yes? He makes his opponents go like rubber when he uses them. Yura: Like rubber… Hidemoto: I’ll continue, then? (sax plays) Yura-chan. I want to continue gazing at you forever. Yura: Ahhhhh!! No. No. I have to endure it. Hidemoto: No matter what pain lies in their depths, your eyes remain utterly pure without nary a hint of shadow. I’ve never met anyone like that until now. So, would you focus those eyes of yours on me and me alone? Yura: Ahh…ahhh….g…gotta endure… Hidemoto: You are strong, sublime, and simply beautiful. You alone are my sun, my stars. My universe. Je t’aime. Mon amour. I love you! Yura: Aaaaaaaah…!! Hidemoto: My, you sure do give things all that you’ve got, Yura-chan. Yura: Is…is it over…? Haaa…my heart was beating so hard, I thought I was gonna die… This sure is some hard training�� Hidemoto: Hahaha… There’s no way that this kind of thing is training! Yura: Wha…! Hidemoto: You sure are funny, though! All bright red, blushing from top to bottom. Very cute. Yura: (wails) Hidemoto!! Guys like you are just – Hidemoto: Oh no, don’t get so mad. We were taking a break. A break! Yura: I don’t need one! Hidemoto, if you’re not going to help with my training, then go and be useful by doing something else! Hidemoto: Being useful with…what, for example? Yura: Like… Like…like…like…... Hmmm… Ah! Helping take care of things around me! It’d be a huge help! Hidemoto: Around you? Like…this? (imagine spot music plays) (sound of a bright morning as birds chirp, while someone knocks on the door before entering and wheeling in a cart) Hidemoto: Excuse me, Yura ojou-sama. It’s morning. (draws back the curtains) Yura: Mmn… Nn… Hidemoto? Morning. Hidemoto: Good morning. (sets down plates and cutlery) This is the menu for today’s breakfast: grilled salted salmon, miso soup, cooked beans, and egg on rice with soy sauce. Yura: Mn, got it. I heard a lot of katakana phrases in there, so I’m gonna guess that it’s Western breakfast today. Hidemoto: That is correct. After you finish, I will take you to school via ox-pulled carriage. (sound of mooing in the background) Yura: Okay. Get it all taken care of, please. Hidemoto: Yes, ojou-sama. Yura: Oh, that reminds me, Hidemoto. Hidemoto: Yes, ojou-sama? Yura: Is that a letter over there I see? I bet it’s from Ryuji nii-chan. Read it to me? Hidemoto: Yes, ojou-sama. (sound of pages flipping) “To Yura. Your brother has discovered something amazing. If you put egg on top of tokoroten (TL: a kind of Japanese noodle made from seaweed gelatin), it tastes just like egg on rice. You would do well to learn this, Yura. Egg on tokoroten. I’m telling this to you and you alone. Try it, Yura. From your brother.” Yura: Then I guess we should prepare tokoroten and egg for dinner tonight. Heh, Ryuji-nii-chan sometimes does know a good thing or two. Hidemoto: Ojou-sama. I regret to say that this is but one of the jokes that are Ryuji-sama’s specialty. Yura: Eh!? Really? Hidemoto: Tokoroten and egg is well known for being a combination of foods that go poorly together. Yura: Ngh… Is that so… How dare he… I can’t believe I was fooled again! Hidemoto: That was a close call, if I may say so myself. Yura: Hidemoto, thanks for telling me. Hidemoto: Not at all. Everything is as you wish, ojou-sama. I am but your butler, after all. (imagine spot end music plays) Hidemoto: …Or something like that, right? Yura: Yeah! Exactly! Just like that! You’re super useful, Hidemoto! Hidemoto: Super useful, you say… Yura: What, something wrong with that? Hidemoto: How you put it is just so…rough. I mean, there’s nothing tasty about it for me. Yura: What, you mean you want to eat those breakfasts, too? Hidemoto: Not quite… I mean that I’d like to make some tasty memories, so to say… (imagine spot music plays) Hidemoto: Is the bath to your liking, Ojou-sama? Yura: It’s just right! Hidemoto: Is that so? Then, if you’ll excuse me. Yura: Hidemoto? Hidemoto: Yes, ojou-sama? Yura: Since you’re here and all, can you wash my back for me? Hidemoto: …Excuse me!? (sound of the door sliding open) Yura: Come in already. Hidemoto: I mustn’t, ojou-sama! We are of different classes, and there is a line that we cannot cross – ah, but…well… (imagine spot end music plays) Hidemoto: Juuuust kidding! You’ve got such a dirty imagination, Yura-chan! Yura: Why’s that? Why the need to raise a fuss over washing someone else’s back? Hidemoto: …Er? Yura: If you’re gonna help with things, then it’s easier for me to ask directly. Nothing to get mad over, right? Hidemoto: Yura-chan… Are you serious? Yura: Why would I lie about something like this? Hidemoto: Ha…hahahaha! Yura: What? Why are you laughing all of a sudden? Hidemoto: No, sorry, sorry. You really are pure as snow. Yura: What? You making fun of me? Hidemoto: Nah, I’m complementing you. You’re so pure that I can’t leave you be. I finally understand how Ryuji-kun feels. Yura: What? Why d’you have to bring him up now of all times? Hidemoto: No need to worry yourself over it. It’s good to be this pure. Yura: Geez… I don’t get it. Hidemoto: Well, basically... I’ll be your own exclusive butler. Yura: …? Hidemoto: I can’t just leave you as is, Yura-chan. Well, I’m done for. This is my utter defeat. I mean this in many ways – you’re the strongest, Yura-chan. Yura: Sure doesn’t feel like you’re complementing me… I don’t really get it! Hidemoto: But I am, you know. Now then, what shall we do next, ojou-sama? Please, list anything at all. Yura: Eh? You sure? Hidemoto: I am your butler. Yura: Then…do my homework for me! Hidemoto: …Excuse me? Yura: And after that – take care of the laundry and the dishes, and clean my room! Hidemoto: Eh…uhm…Yura-chan? Yura: It’ll really help me out! It’s all been piling up since it’s such a pain to do! Oh and then if you could do tomorrow’s wake up call and breakfast prep for me! I’m counting on you, Hidemoto! No, my butler! Hidemoto: Yep, no can do! Yura: Eh? Ehhhhhhhhhhh!? Why not! You said you’d do anything! Hidemoto: I did, but there are things that I can and can’t do. I can’t touch physical objects, after all. Yura: Eh? Hidemoto: I mean, shikigami are kinda like ghosts or spirits. Even if we try to touch something here, we’ll just pass right through it. Yura: Wh…what did you just say…? Then, my homework…? Hidemoto: Well, I might be able to give you advice while at your side. Yura: And the laundry? The dishes? The cleaning? Hidemoto: Mmn, don’t think I can. Yura: Then…my wake up call? Hidemoto: I disappear when you’re not conscious, so...impossible, I’d say. Yura: Ooh, I can’t believe it… Hidemoto: Being a butler is sure rough, I’ll say. Haha. Yura: Man! Hidemoto…you’re so freaking useless!!
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okaminotsuki-blog · 10 years
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mer-birdman · 8 years
Well then *cracks knuckles*: Rikuo, Rihan, Nurarihyon, Gyuki, Kiyotsugu, Abe no Yoshihira, Kurotabo, Atotabo, Shoei, Ryuji, Encho, Tsuchigumo annnd... Ariyuki. (Feel free to jump over in my inbox for this meme, if you want)
Boy howdy, you weren’t kidding about it being half the cast, huh? *cracks knuckles in return* Let’s get started.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Oh, sweetheart. I have so many ships for my precious son (and you are to blame for at least two ngl). I mostly ship him with Tsurara, Zen, and Itaku (not all at once, though I do fully approve of poly ships because yes), but I’m also down with Yura, Kana (if handled well), Kubinashi (LOOK IT JUST KEEPS POPPING UP IN MY HEAD AND IDK WHY), Shōei (your fault), Tamazuki (DEFINITELY YOUR FAULT not in a bad way I mean), Rinko (because she’s cute and deserves ships and hugs), and probably more if the fanfic writers bring their A game. :3 I am a proud multishipper.
friendship them with: Just about everyone TBH. I can’t make a list, it would take too long and I have homework to do lol.
general opinions: MY PRECIOUS SON. I love him so much and he deserves like a thousand years of happiness. I also maintain that he is a trans boy, both in my beautiful son AU and just as a straight-up headcanon for the main series. I just. Ugh. I love him so much. He is so good.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Yamabuki Otome (of course), Wakana (also of course, although I really want to explore their relationship more sometime), and — I mean, it sounds silly, but Kubinashi actually. I don’t really know how to explain it, haha.
friendship them with: Kubinashi, Ao, Kuro, Setsura... the canon folk, mostly. I also see him being really fond of little Tsurara when she first joins, if that counts.
general opinions: I’d really love to see more of him, and I’m super looking forward to writing him in ‘his father’s son’! :D
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Yōhime. That’s it. Sorry, y’all.
friendship them with: Hidemoto, Setsura, Gyūki... the good old pals. I mostly just really like his and Hidemoto’s friendship, tbh. Also Yura, just a bit, because their interactions were very charming and I can definitely see him getting a bit fond of her (well, mostly of messing with her, but you know).
general opinions: On the one hand, I think he’s a really interesting character (and I love that he’s a badass old guy without being the ‘buff old man is the strongest ever’ trope), but on the other I’m really not fond of some of the stuff he does and says, so it’s hard to say. But, like with most characters in this series, I think he’s worth exploring deeper.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: I... don’t, actually. I mostly just see him as the like, chill single dad of his clan.
friendship them with: Nurarihyon, of course, and then there’s the memorable scene where he gets drunk and shoves a bottle of sake into Hitotsume’s mouth, so them too probably.
general opinions: Looks like he could kill you, could definitely kill you, but also kind of a dad. Or uncle. I really kinda like him.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Fuguruma Yōbi (just because imagine how much they would have to talk about oh my god), or perhaps someone else not in the story. (And lowkey either Jirō or Kana, but that would have to be an AU bc it definitely doesn’t really mesh in canon).
friendship them with: The Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol! Also Aotabō, haha. I loved him riding around on the back of Ao’s bike, and I can just imagine that becoming just a *thing* for them as he grows up. Yup, new headcanon: Kiyotsugu and Aotaboō become Bros™.
general opinions: SUCH GREAT CHARACTER GROWTH. I love his character arc, because he starts out just a little casually dislikable and then gradually becomes someone who’s genuinely doing his best to help and someone Rikuo can really rely on and it just makes me so happy.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Nobody, haha. It’s a little hard to ship characters I don’t know a ton about, tbh.
friendship them with: Same as above. Maybe Rikuo, in an AU, since they can kind of lowkey relate about stuff.
general opinions: Don’t really think about him much tbh, but he’d be interesting to write more about. Or, you know, read about. If anyone else has some story ideas. *cough cough*.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Aotabō, a bit, and just a little bit Rihan too. (And maaaaaaybe Natsumi, if she’s grown up and not being cute and gay with Saori as I tend to imagine her being).
friendship them with: Same as above, mostly. Kubinashi and Kejōrō too. He’s not exactly a super friendshippy guy, tbh.
general opinions: I actually used to like him a lot more than I do now (what can I say, I have a thing for cool dudes with long pretty hair), but I still think he’s an interesting character. It would be cool to know more of what it was like for him settling into the Nura clan after he left the Hyaku Monogatari.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Kurotabō, a bit. Otherwise, not much.
friendship them with: Same as above, plus Kiyotsugu and Tsurara.
general opinions: Not my favorite character, but pretty cool. (Sorry, I’m getting tired, so the answers are getting a bit lame... :P)
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Honestly? Rikuo & Tsurara together, as a poly triad. (I’m a bit of a sucker for the tol-smol-smoll relationship dynamic, and let’s be real no matter how grown up his night form gets Rikuo is still a smol).
friendship them with: Same as above, but with Zen as well (of course), and actually I kinda see him getting along well with some of the Tōno yōkai for some reason (mostly Awashima and Amezō).
general opinions: I am so fond of him. I really want to know more about his childhood, and his human mother, and just what it was like for him growing up and stuff. Does he hang out in the human world and have human friends? Does he bump his head on doorframes all the time? I have so many questions for my precious tol son.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Mamiru. Nobody else. Just Mamiru.
friendship them with: Mamiru, Akifusa, maybe Itaku in some weird AU world where he’s willing to be friends with yōkai lol.
general opinions: Jerk with a heart of — well, not gold, but something close. Silver? Anyways, he’s another character who’d be really interesting to write a character study for.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: ? Nobody, really... 
friendship them with: Hard to say. He doesn’t really seem like a friendship guy. Maybe Ariyuki? But like... nah.
general opinions: Creepy mofo, tbh. Super neat design and all, but still creepy.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Nobody, haha.
friendship them with: Yura, Rikuo, and maybe the Kyōto yōkai, just a bit. (And Itaku, because goddamit I have this one screencap saved whee Yura imagines him riding on Tsuchigumo’s head bc Awashima said they’re competing and I just CAN’T). 
general opinions: I... don’t have any reason why, but I’m super fond of him somehow???
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: ??? Nope.
friendship them with: Encho, just a bit. And maybe Hiruko, because their interaction is funny and I would not be surprised if it’s something that’s been occurring for like a good century or two by now.
general opinions: Looks like a cinnamon roll but could and would definitely kill you. Not really a character I’m fond of, but I kinda like him nonetheless and would like to see more written about him (and the other Abe/Gokadoin folks as well).
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