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goat13 · 7 days ago
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Bio-Electric Corporation Security Guard (Keibi) / BLAME!
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celestesboy · 10 months ago
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Rank of all Aliea’s teams?
(Teams: Gemini storm; Epsilon; Epsilon Plus/Kai; Prominence; Diamond Dust; Chaos; Absolute Royal Academy/Shin Teikoku Gakuen; Keibi Machines; Genesis; Dark Emperors)
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rebbystuff · 1 year ago
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Perspective Practice 2: Keibi
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yanderepuck · 2 years ago
Hi Kat hope your and Kiki are doing good today here's a silly picture of my little sister's cat his name is Peaches
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With a Keiby hat we got him at a Japanese book store yesterday
Kiki is playing with her favorite bird rn. It tweets and has feathers so she's obsessed with it
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poiuytrewsdcvb · 4 months ago
Shield Hero: Rise of The Four Cardinal Heroes: The Lemos
(I do not own Shield Hero it belongs to Aneko Yusagi)
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★ Moziandi “Mozie” Hulver: Lemo Chief, bushy mustache, skilled storyteller. Leader and wise-man. The fatherly grandfather with a shoulder to cry on. And a Cobbler/Shoemaker. ♂ “Mo-zi-andi”.
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★ Josefuhs Hulver: Nephew of the Lemo chief, has no desire to be the leader after his uncle. Mustache and chin beard goatee. Messy, Dramatic, Protective, & Loyal. Loves to make jokes, dreams to be a famous Musician/Entertainer/Jester. Skilled with the Minstrel. ♂ Character based on Eugene from Hilda, and Rango from Rango. “Josephus”.
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★ Pazeban: Miner accent. Love's wearing all kinds of different hats, including Miner hats. He is a little naive, and dimwitted, but he is also gentle as well as incapable of lying to others. He can't keep a secret, and often ends up in trouble. Miner: a jewel and mineral finder. ♂ Charater based on Rory from My babysitter's a vampire, Dario from Wish, and Dock/Xu/Bushi from Avatar. “Paz-e-ban”.
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★ Zamir “Zam” : Bow tie, Construction worker/Builder, “Carpenter”, twin to Zanri. ♂ Character based on George Weasley. “Za-mir”.
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★ Zanri “Zan”: Bow tie, Construction worker/Builder “Stonemason”. Twin to Zamir ♂ Character based on Fred Weasley. “Zan-ri”.
Both are based on these Frozen characters. https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/hhx2bk/in_frozen_2013_two_men_are_arguing_about_whether/
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★ Keibi: Wears green, young teen, cloth, quiet, sneaky, loves animals, Animal caretaker, & Weaver. ♀ Kei-bi. Character based on Bazeema From Wish, Kanao Tsuyuri From Demon Slayer, and Hinata Hyuga From Naruto. “Kei-bi”.
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★ Ehovah: Mate to Yaratal. Mother to Ruach, and Vehka. Apothecary. Healer, and makes Lotions, and Perfumes. ♀ Character based on Mrs. Beaver From Chronicles of Narnia, Rose the Healer From Duncton Wood, and Miss Voorhees, but slightly mild. “E-ho-vah”.
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★ Yaratal: Mistrustful, Mate to Ehovah. Father to Vehka and Ruach. Forager/Farmer/Digger/Botanist. He can also make baskets. ♂ Character based on Mr. Beaver From Chronicles of Narnia, and Sokka From Avatar the last Airbender. “Ya-ra-tal”.
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★ Ruach: Passionate artist with a love for geology, and Landmarks. Paper and pen. Sibling to Vehka, Son of Yaratal, and Ehovah. Cartographer/Map maker. ♂ Character based on Craig From Craig of the Creek, and Milo Thatch From Disney Atlantis: The Lost Empire. “Ru-ach”.
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★ Vehka: Pretty sociable. Self conscious about her appearance. Follows her mothers foot footsteps in making lotions, soaps, and perfume. Lavender clothing. Favorite flower Hyacinth. Sister to Ruach and Daughter to Yaratal. Nurse/Apothecary.♀ Character based on Rosetta From Disney Fairies, and Rarity From MLP. “Veh-ka”.
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★ Hugo: Chubby, and jolly. A hard working and earnest individual, always giving their 100% in the kitchen and trying to make their food as delicious as possible. He's extremely soft-hearted and kind, to the point of despising violence entirely. Father to Alura. Cook/Butcher/Cheese maker. ♂ Character based on Simon Pearson From Red Dead Redemption 2, and Fair Hugo From Redwall. “Hue-go”.
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★ Arula: 6 year’s old, likes bugs and Pet bees. Ladybugs eat pests.  Daughter to Hugo. Beast Tamer/Shepered/Herdsman/Bee Keeper. ♀ Character based on Olivia Flaversham From the Great Mouse Detective, Rollo from Redwall, Kokobu From The Slime Diaires, and Bluey from Bluey. “A-ru-la”.
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★ Oinome: Known for making beautiful glass objects. Passionate. Isn’t very good at cooking. Love interest to Bo-Heidi. Glass blower/Brewer.♀ Character based on Marie From The Glassblower, Ember Lumen From Elemental, and Ursula From Kiki's Delivery Service. “Oi-no-me”.
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★ Igniaren: Friend and apprentice to Yakub the Toymaker. Scientist/Tinker. ♂ “Igni-a-ren”.
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★ Gibbor: Blue scarf sword fighter Gaurd/Fighter: Headstrong, Gibbor is a serious and talented person who excels at being a fighter, and later knight. He originally relied heavily on his friend and superior Vinardo. Has neither the patients or desire for craftsmanship but a desent battle stragitest ♂ Character based on Captain Rex From Star Wars, Tomoe From Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy. “Gib-bor”.
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★ Bruom: Farmer/grows trees, quiet, nods a lot. Grass in his mouth. ♂ Character based on Big Machinotash From Mlp FIM.
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★ Tzilaurimyu: Guard: Fletcher, ranger/scout/hunter bow and arrow. Has a huge crush on Gibbor. ♀ "Tzila-uri-myu"
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★ Niveyal: Fighter, close friend to Moziandi. Loves mud in his claws a fine pottery maker and unafraid off getting his hands dirty.♂ "Niv-eyal"
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Vinardo: Second command of the fighters. Sensible, reliable, and try's to act like a role model for the younger members in the Lemo tribe, Makes leather items like saddles . Brother to Tzilaurimyu ♂ "Vi-nar-do" Cowboy Ranger/Hunter,
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gabichive · 2 years ago
wait theyre both so cute!!!!!!!!! gabita and keibi :( <3
right??!!! i have the same amount of votes for bothwdlaal
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barriofinoarmy · 3 years ago
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manoken2345 · 3 years ago
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本日も業務終了しました! 予報通り午後からなかなか強めの雨が☔️💦あまり降りすぎませんように🙏 本日も皆様お疲れ様でした! #企業公式がお疲れ様を言い合う #イマソラ #松江城 #企業公式相互フォロー #企業公式春のフォロー祭り YouTube CM youtu.be/r_b2d_Okbsk #安心というあたりまえを ------------------------------------------- #tokeisanin #tokei #keibi #東警 #警備 #山陰 #島根 #鳥取 #コロナに負けるな #警備員男子 #警備員女子 #警備員 #警備会社 #警備員募集 #求人 #アルバイト 弊社の山陰地区専用のホームページを開設いたしました!どうぞお気軽にご覧くださいませ^_^ @tokeisanin https://tokei-sanin.co.jp ↑プロフィールにリンクあります^_^ 求人や業務依頼等のご相談もどうぞお気軽にお近くの営業所までお問い合わせください^_^ 各営業所お問合せ先一覧 松江営業所(東警山陰本社)(担当:ヨシギ) 〒690-0876 島根県松江市黒田町469-6 山陰プロセスビル3階 ℡.0852-20-7888 FAX.0852-61-0789 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/matsue 出雲営業所(担当:モリヤマ) 〒693-0023 島根県出雲市塩冶有原町5-10 ℡.0853-20-9888 FAX.0853-20-9777 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/izumo 大田営業所(担当:カンダ) 〒694-0041 島根県大田市長久町長久ロ175-5 ℡.0854-82-9888 FAX.0854-82-5222 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/ooda 益田営業所(担当:カワムラ) 〒698-0026 島根県益田市あけぼの本町5-12 ℡.0856-22-1888 FAX.0856-22-2999 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/masuda 米子営業所(担当:アマコ) 〒683-0805 鳥取県米子市西福原2-9-49 shinkenビル2階 ℡.0859-21-1888 FAX.0859-21-1889 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/yonago 津山営業所(担当:ヒロナガ) 〒708-0006 岡山県津山市小田中2206番地14 ℡.0868-23-2410 FAX.0868-23-2415 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/tsuyama https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDotdpv6MY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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actiaslunaris · 3 years ago
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whumpetywhump · 3 years ago
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Whumptober Day 1 - You Have To Let Go
4-Go Keibi - Ep. 2
High & Low 3: Final Mission (2017)
Life On Mars - Ep. 12
Missing Nine - Ep. 8
Mouse - Ep. 6
The Flaming Heart - Ep. 23
The Ghost Detective - Ep. 5
The Secret Of Love - Ep. 30
The Untamed - Ep. 33
Word Of Honour - Ep. 29
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thetulip84 · 4 years ago
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pikahlua · 3 years ago
MHA Chapter 350 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 喋るな しゃべるな shaberuna “Don’t speak.”
2 警備が減っておるぞ けいびがへっておるぞ keibi ga hette oru zo “Security is decreasing.”
3 明白じゃないか あからさまじゃないか akarasama ja nai ka “Isn’t it obvious?”
4 この日の為に このひのために kono hi no tame ni “For the sake of this day”
5 探し求めてきたんじゃ さがしもとめてきたんじゃ sagashi motomete kitanja “we sought them out.”
6 歪みを持って生まれた種を ゆがみをもってうまれたたねを yugami wo motte umareta tane wo “The seeds born with distortion”
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1-2 器たり得る歪みの種たち うつわたりうるゆがみのたねたち utsuwa tari uru yugami no tane-tachi “Seeds of distortion to procure into vessels.”
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1 瀬古杜岳 セコトたけ SEKOTO take Mount Sekoto
2 熱い あつい atsui “Hot”
3 熱い‼︎ あつい‼︎ atsui!! “It’s hot!!”
4 嫌だ いやだ iya da “No/I hate this.”
5 死にたくない しにたくない shini takunai “I don’t want to die.”
6 まだ何も… まだなにも… mada nanimo... “Nothing yet...”
7-8 まだ何も まだなにも mada nanimo “Nothing yet”
9 見せられてない みせられてない miseraretenai “I haven’t shown him.”
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1 全てが すべてが subete ga “Everything[...]”
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sign おねむりくんはやくよくなってね onemuri-kun hayaku yoku natte ne Sleepy-kun, get better soon
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1 3年?何だ?何が起きた? 3ねん?なんだ?なにがおきた? 3nen? nanda? nani ga okita? “Three years? What? What happened?”
2 何が起きてる?俺は瀬古杜岳で なにがおきてる?おれはセコトたけで nani ga okiteru? ore wa SEKOTO take de “What’s happening? I was at Mount Sekoto”
3 燃えて…それで…… もえて…それで…… moete...sore de...... “burning...and then......”
4 帰らなきゃ かえらなきゃ kaeranakya “I have to go home.”
5 ダメなのさン DAME na no saN “No can do.”
6 どうして⁉︎ doushite!? “Why!?”
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1 君はこれからここで皆と暮らすのさン! きみはこれからここでみんなとくらすのさン! kimi wa kore kara koko de minna to kurasu no saN! “You’re gonna live here with everyone from now on!”
2 ここで新しい家族になるのさンきっとすぐに気に入るさン! ここであたらしいかぞくになるのさンきっとすぐにきにいるさン! koko de atarashii kazoku ni naru no saN kitto sugu ni ki ni iru saN! “We’ll become a new family here, you’ll come to love it soon for sure!”
3 は… ha... “Huh...”
4 そんな待ってよ そんなまってよ sonna matte yo “Hold on a second!”
5 帰らなきゃ!お父さんは かえらなきゃ!おとうさんは kaeranakya! otousan wa “I have to go home! Father...”
6 仕事が入って来られなかっただけかもしれない しごとがはいってこられなかっただけかもしれない shigoto ga haitte korarenakatta dake kamoshirenai “got put on a job and just couldn’t come maybe.”
7 きっと……! kitto......! “He’s surely......!”
8 心配してる…‼︎ しんぱいしてる…‼︎ shinpai shiteru...!! “worrying...!!”
9 ひどいことをしたし… hidoi koto wo shita shi... “I did something horrible...”
10 言ったし… いったし… itta shi... “and said [horrible things]...”
11 お母さんたちに謝って… おかあさんたちにあやまって… okaasan-tachi ni ayamatte... “I need to apologize to mother and the others...”
12 お父さんにまた見てもらわなきゃ おとうさんにまたみてもらわなきゃ otousan ni mata mite morawanakya “I have to see father again.”
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1 ……何を言ってるのか…分からない……別人? ……なにをいってるのか…わからない……べつじん? ......nani wo itteru no ka...wakaranai......betsujin? “......what are you saying...I don’t get it......another person?”
2 以前のような力は出せない いぜんのようなちからはだせない izen no you na chikara wa dasenai “You cannot bring out the same power as before.”
3 各器官の損傷痛覚など体性感覚の鈍化… かくきかんのそんしょうつうかくなどたいせいかんかくのどんか… kakukikan no sonshou tuukaku nado taisei kankaku no donka... “Because of how the pain from damage to each of your organs will slow down your somatic senses...”
4 君の身体は弱りーーー きみのからだはよわりーーー kimi no karada wa yowari--- “your body is weak---”
5 もう元には戻らない もうもとにはもどらない mou moto ni wa modoranai “and cannot return to its original state.”
6 我々も万全な君を迎え入れたかった われわれもばんぜんなきみをむかえいれたかった wareware mo banzen na kimi wo mukae iretakatta “We also wanted to welcome the perfected you.”
7 手を尽くしたが残念ながら… てをつくしたがざんねんながら… te wo tukushita ga zannen nagara... “We did our best, but unfortunately...”
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1 ……うるさい… ......urusai... “......shut up...”
2 ん? n? “Hm?”
3 俺は おれは ore wa “I”
4 他の人間から教えを乞う気はない ほかのにんげんからおしえをこうきはない hoka no ningen kara oshie wo kou ki wa nai “I have no intention of begging other humans for lessons.”
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1 ワシらは放っておいたなぜなら ワシらはほうっておいたなぜなら WASHIra wa houtte oita naze nara “We left it alone because,”
2 荼毘の身体は目覚めて動き始めた以上 だびのからだはめざめてうごきはじめたいじょう Dabi no karada wa mezamete ugoki hajimeta ijou “even if Dabi’s body woke up and started to move,”
3 一月と保たぬはずじゃった ひとつきともたぬはずじゃった hitotsuki to motanu hazu ja tta “it shouldn’t have lasted for even a month.”
4 ブローカーが奴を連れて来た時は驚いた ブローカーがやつをつれてきたときはおどろいた BUROOKAA ga yatsu wo tsurete kita toki wa odoroita “When the broker brought him, I was surprised.”
5 何故戻ってきた?何故生きている? なぜもどってきた?なぜいきている? naze modotte kita? naze ikiteiru? “Why did you return? How are you alive?”
6 氏子さん うじこさん Ujiko-san “Mr. Ujiko.”
7 あんただろ俺を生かしたの あんただろおれをいかしたの anta daro ore wo ikashita no “It was you, right, who revived me?”
8 ワシは荼毘の真意を聞きたく二人きりになる機会を拵えた ワシはだびのしんいをききたくふたりきりになるきかいをこしらえた WASHI wa Dabi no shin’i wo kikitaku futari kiri ni naru kikai wo koshiraeta “I wanted to ask Dabi’s true intentions, so I manufactured an opportunity for us to be alone together.”
9 嬉しいのう!どう生きたのじゃ‼︎ うれしいのう!どういきたのじゃ‼︎ ureshii nou! dou ikita no ja!! “I’m so happy! How did you survive!!”
10 …この生きる屍を見てると …このいきるしかばねをみてると ...kono ikiru shikabane wo miteru to “...looking at this living corpse,”
11 あんたらが俺をどうしたかったのか あんたらがおれをどうしたかったのか antara ga ore wo doushitakatta no ka “what you guys wanted to do to me”
12 何となく察しがつくよ 何となくさっしがつくよ nanto naku sasshi ga tsuku yo “I can make a guess somehow.”
13 戻ったのは…葬式に丁度良い場所だったからだよ もどったのは…そうしきにちょうどいいばしょだったからだよ modotta no wa...soushiki ni choudo ii basho datta kara da yo “I came back...because it was a place just right for a funeral.”
14 その一瞥が全てを物語っておった… そのいちべつがすべてをものがたっておった… sono ichibetsu ga subete wo monogatatte otta... “That glance told me everything...”
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1 死に征く体を しにゆくからだを shi ni yuku karada wo “It said, 'The body that conquers death’”
2 ただ怨嗟の炎だけで踏み留まらせてきたのだと ただえんさのえんだけでふみとどまらせてきたのだと tada ensa no en dake de fumi todomaresete kita no da to “‘is just one made to hold out by only the flames of grudge.’”
3 焦凍 しょうと Shouto “Shouto”
4 帰ったんだよ俺 かえったんだよおれ kaettanda yo ore “I did return home.”
5 前より弱体化してんのにさ期待してるモンなんてあるハズないのに まえよりじゃくたいかしてんのにさきたいしてるモンなんてあるハズないのに mae yori jakutai kashiten noni sa kitai shiteru MON nante aru HAZU nai noni “Even though my body was weaker than before so I couldn’t expect anything.”
6 また見てもらえるように またみてもらえるように mata mite moraeru you ni In order to see everyone again
7 きっと…変わっていてほしかったんだ…見たかったんだ きっと…かわっていてほしかったんだ…みたかったんだ kitto...kawatte ite hoshikattanda...mitakattanda “Because surely...I wanted [things] to be changing...I wanted to see [how much].”
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1 俺を生んだ意味を おれをうんだいみを ore wo unda imi wo “The reason I was born[...]”
2 3年ぶりの 3ねんぶりの 3nen buri no “For the first time in three years,”
3 変わらぬ光景が かわらぬこうけいが kawaranu koukei ga “the unchanged scene”
4 改めて教えてくれた あらためておしえてくれた aratamete oshiete kureta “taught me anew:”
5 俺が失敗作で意味は無く おれがしっぱいさくでいみはなく ore ga shippaisaku de imi wa naku “there is no meaning for me, the failed creation.”
6 この家族はもう このかぞくはもう kono kazoku wa mou “This family has already”
7 俺を過去にした おれをかこにした ore wo kako ni shita “put me in the past.”
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1-2 魔王すら見放した偏執狂の死炎 まおうすらみはなしたへんしつきょうのしえん maou sura mihanashita henshitsukyou no shien “The death flames of a monomaniac even the Demon King abandoned.”
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1 赫灼熱拳 かくしゃくねっけん‼︎ kakushaku nekken!! Flashfire Fist!!
2 アレの大切なもの全て焼き尽くす アレのたいせつなものすべてやきつくす ARE no taisetsu na mono subete yaki tsukusu “I will burn all of THAT’S precious things.”
3 それが俺の生まれた証だ‼︎ それがおれのうまれたあかしだ‼︎ sore ga ore no umareta akashi da!! “That is the proof I was born!!”
tagline 渦巻く怨ー…衝突‼︎ うずまくエンー…しょうとつ‼︎ uzumaku EN--...shoutotsu!! Swirling grudge--...the collision!!
4 させねえっつってんだろうが馬鹿兄貴‼︎ させねえっつってんだろうがばかあにき‼︎ sasenee ttsutten darou ga baka aniki!! “As if I’d let you do that, idiot brother!!”
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fishareglorious · 3 years ago
consider: Kirby with Ei's hair, pulling the musou no isshin out of his mouth
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I fear my editing skills are not so good as to edit the musou no isshin into kirby but here is a keiby edit.
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gabichive · 2 years ago
gabi more like......................... keiti
omg i had this convo on twt it can be either gabita or keibi!! What do u think
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barriofinoarmy · 6 years ago
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LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79qCZRjxDwU
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manoken2345 · 2 years ago
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オハトーケイ!(=゚ω゚)ノ 昨日に続き晴れていますが雲多めです⛅️寒暖差が激しいので体調にご注意くださいませ😊 本日も皆様ご安全に! YouTube CM動画 youtu.be/r_b2d_Okbsk #企業公式が毎朝地元の天気を言い合う #イマソラ #企業公式秋のフォロー祭り #企業公式相互フォロー ------------------------------------------- #tokeisanin #tokei #keibi #東警 #警備 #山陰 #島根 #鳥取 #コロナに負けるな #警備員男子 #警備員女子 #警備員 #警備会社 弊社の山陰地区専用のホームページを開設いたしました!どうぞお気軽にご覧くださいませ^_^ @tokeisanin https://tokei-sanin.co.jp ↑プロフィールにリンクあります^_^ 松江市の警備会社 | 東警株式会社の求人募集用サイト tokei-sanin.co.jp 東警株式会社 山陰地区tumblr(ブログ) https://tokeisanin.tumblr.com 山陰地域最大級の厚待遇!年間を通して多様な現場があるので、自分に合った働き方ができます^_^各営業所はこちらからご確認ください! 松江 tokei-sanin.co.jp/work/matsue/ 出雲 tokei-sanin.co.jp/work/izumo/ 大田 tokei-sanin.co.jp/work/ooda/ 益田 tokei-sanin.co.jp/work/masuda/ 米子 tokei-sanin.co.jp/work/yonago/ 各営業所お問合せ先一覧 松江営業所(東警山陰本社) 〒690-0876 島根県松江市黒田町469-6 山陰プロセスビル3階 ℡.0852-20-7888 FAX.0852-61-0789 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/matsue 出雲営業所 〒693-0023 島根県出雲市塩冶有原町5-10 ℡.0853-20-9888 FAX.0853-20-9777 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/izumo 大田営業所 〒694-0041 島根県大田市長久町長久ロ175-5 ℡.0854-82-9888 FAX.0854-82-5222 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/ooda 益田営業所 〒698-0026 島根県益田市あけぼの本町5-12 ℡.0856-22-1888 FAX.0856-22-2999 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/masuda 米子営業所 〒683-0805 鳥取県米子市西福原2-9-49 shinkenビル2階 ℡.0859-21-1888 FAX.0859-21-1889 e-mail:[email protected] https://tokei-sanin.co.jp/archives/work/yonago https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj9SHg7y9jk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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