#kei tsukishima x willow
vangoghmusings · 4 years
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pairing: @oikawaplssteponme​ x kei tsukishima 
word count: 1.6k
a/n: here is an autumn themed art trade piece i wrote for willow! i haven’t written in a while so hopefully it isn’t terrible lol! 
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The brunette haired girl looked up from her phone as she laid on the couch to look at her father whose arms were crosses over his chest.  
“Could you make yourself useful and go rake the leaves in the front yard?”  
She sighed and nodded, stretching and getting up from the couch. She was visiting home for fall break and was surprised how much energy her first semester at college had taken out of her. She grabbed her jacket and slipped on her sneakers and stepped outside, grabbing the rake from the garage on her way out. She stuffed her hand in her pocket and dug around for her earbuds and popped them in her ears. She clicked shuffle a couple times before landing on Paramore’s “Still Into You” since she’d been feeling quite nostalgic lately.  
Willow picked up the rake and began sweeping the large amounts of leaves that were scattered all over the yard. Quickly getting carried away, she sang out loud into the end of the rake and danced around her makeshift microphone.  
Across the street, Kei Tsukishima looked up from the book on his lap and out the window. He narrowed his eyes at the sight of the girl dancing around and what appeared to be yelling into a rake. He blinked, realizing that was his childhood friend, Willow. They were close in elementary school, but when Tsukishima called her annoying in middle school and that he wished she would leave her alone forever; she never made the attempt to talk to him again. He frowned down at his book, scolding his younger self for being such an asshole. During high school they were cordial, more acquaintances than friends. But Tsuki simply watched her bloom into herself with confidence and joy and often wished he had the courage to try and enter back into her life. Tsuki let out a small chuckle as he watched Willow pick up the rake and do a couple hops before walking back into the garage, a neat pile of leaves sitting on the lawn.  
“All done!” She hummed and set the rake down on the lawn. She stepped into the garage and opened the door to grab a garbage bag from inside, when a fuzzy blur sped past her legs, knocking her down. “MAC!” Willow shouted, watching her family’s obese and energetic English bulldog speed outside and run straight through the pile of leaves, scattering them everywhere. Willow groaned and stood up, rubbing her butt from the impact of the garage’s cement floor. Corralling Mac was no easy task, while he was too fat for his own good, he was practically still a puppy and had all the energy. She sighed and ran out into the yard, only to see Mac running in circles like a madman, frothing from the mouth in excitement. She chuckled and ran towards him.  
“C’mon Mac, come inside! I’ll get you a snack!”  
Mac paid the magic s-word no mind and continued to run around the yard. Willow gave an exasperated sigh and lunged towards her dog, only to be smacked harshly in the face by the wooden rod of the rake. She whimpered and fell back unto the lawn. With a pounding ache against her forehead, she lied down and winced. “Mac you little shit,” She mumbled.  
The sound of crunching leaves caught Willow’s attention. She opened her eyes, expecting to see the bright autumn sun, but was instead met with the silhouette of a lanky blonde boy. Her eyes widened and he let out a soft chuckle.  
“You’re too clumsy Willow.”  
“Kei?” She breathed out before sitting up. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Her childhood crush looked down at her, a small smirk plastered across his face. The same smirk he sent her in the hallway back in high school. Her heart gave a painful pound, remembering the lifelong crush she had on the boy.  
“Ow,” She mumbled, wincing once again from the pounding ache the impact of the wooden rod.  
“Careful,” Tsuki spoke softly, helping her sit up, “you hit your head pretty hard, you might even have a concussion.”  
“I don’t even know how that happened,” She grumbled and rubbed her forehead.  
“Well, you stepped on the bottom of the rake, so it swung up and hit you-”  
“Shut up, I know...were you watching me?”  
Tsuki blinked, praying his cheeks weren’t reflecting the red hot embarrassment he felt.  
“What? No- wait shit, your nose!”
Willow furrowed her brows in confusion and brought her hand up to her nose, pulling it away to see it dripping in blood.  
“Shit,” She sighed.  
“Let me help you,” Tsuki said, gently helping her up on her feet. Willow tilted her head back and cursed under her breath and blood continued to flow from her nose. She pinched her nose and winced once more as Tsuki led her inside his home. Her head hurt too much to care where she went as long as he was able to get her some pain killers.  
Warm yellow light filled the Tsukishima home as Willow walked inside. She leaned against Tsuki, who led her into the kitchen.  
“Here,” He mumbled and helped her hop onto the countertop. He grabbed a paper towel and turned to her. “Let go of your nose.”  
She sighed and tilted her head back down and unpinched her nostrils. Before any blood could gush out, Tsuki quickly set the paper towel against her nose and held it there steadily. Willow looked up at him with curiosity, her wide brown eyes peering from under long dark eyelashes. Tsuki cleared his throat and looked away. Those brown eyes seemed to haunt them, a beauty he thought was forgotten once they parted their ways after high school.  
“So, how’s college?” He mumbled, still looking away and praying his face wasn’t flushed.  
“It's fine,” She shrugged, her own cheeks burning from the closeness between them.  
“Uh, I think I’m okay now,” she said, giving Tsuki and excuse to pull away. He took the paper towel and threw it away and washed his hands in the kitchen sink. He turned back around to face her and frowned.  
“Oh, you stained your shirt.”  
Willow looked down at her shirt and low and behold, there was a big blotch of blood staining the chest. She sighed.  
“It's not my day apparently.”  
Tsuki nodded and walked away and upstairs, coming back down with a sweatshirt in his large pale hand.  
He handed it to her and she took it, wondering why the boy who had ignored her since elementary school was showing her so much kindness. She reached for the hem of her shirt and paused.  
“Uh, Kei, can you-”  
“O-oh, yeah sorry,” He mumbled and shuffled away.  
Willow let out another sigh and slipped off the bloodied fabric and slipped on Tsuki’s sweatshirt. She inhaled deeply, a thousand memories rushing to her with the familiar scent. Cinnamon.  
Memories of running around the playground, playing dinosaurs, forcing Tsuki to play with barbie dolls. All were accompanied by the scent he never outgrew, of sweet cinnamon.  
She buried her nose in the collar and filled her lungs with the smell. She smiled softly, only to frown when she remembered how he didn’t miss her. He didn’t care he hurt her feelings in elementary school. He didn’t care about her. She clung to the sweatshirt and looked down, tears beginning to well up.  
“Hey, Willow are you done- woah are you okay?” Tsuki asked in concern at her hunched figure clinging to his sweatshirt. She blinked a few times, tears rolling down her cheeks and sniffled before looking up at the boy her heart had longed for since she was little.  
“Why did you say it?”  
He paused and sighed. He often asked himself the same question. Every day at school, seeing her laugh and smile and goof around with her friends, he wished he never left her world.  
“I don’t know.” He bit his lip and looked down at Willow, tears continuing to fall. “Willow please, don’t cry...I couldn’t stand it when we were little, and I can’t stand it now.”  
“You couldn't stand me when we were little and I’m sure it's still the same-”  
“Willow I-I love you, please don’t cry.”  
Willow’s eyed widened and she looked up at him.  
Tsuki sighed and unclenched his shaking fists. As gently as possibly he brushed the brown hair from her face with his slender fingers, taking his thumbs and wiping away her tears from her pink cheeks.  
In a soft whisper, he spoke, “I loved you when we were kids, when we were in high school and I still love you. I don’t know what was wrong with me- I was a stupid kid, well I’m still stupid because I never said I was sorry but-”  
Tsuki’s eyes widened as he was silenced by a pair of soft lips on his. A relieved chuckle escaped him as he pulled her close and kissed her deeply. Willow beamed at his touch and pulled away to press a kiss on his cheek.  
“I accept your apology,” She giggled. He rolled his eyes and hugged her tightly. Willow sighed happily and breathed in his cinnamon. “I love you too Kei.”  
He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. The moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of a large bark outside. Willow froze and gasped.  
Tsuki blinked, watching Willow sprint out the front door. He laughed and sighed. At least now he could help her chase down her dog instead of her.  
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oikawaplssteponme · 2 years
tsukishima kei and his poor, little, tell all, strawberry cheeks.
he will say it’s impossible to get him flustered, that he’ll never crack from the pressure of your teasing. but just one close whisper or kiss on the neck and those soft cheeks will look like a summer strawberry waiting to be picked. if you point it out, he will immediately bury his face into his sweatshirt. you’ll laugh and he’ll sigh. you will move towards him, pulling the fabric down to reveal his pinky face. tsukishima kei will roll his eyes, knowing exactly what you are going to say.
“pretty in pink.”
you’ll pinch his cheeks before placing a soft kiss onto his nose, which made him look more like a ripe raspberry than a strawberry. tsukishima kei gives you a playful shove, trying his best to hide his grin. you wrap your arms around his waist. he turns to face you, cupping your cheeks.
“you’re lucky i love you dummy.”
he pulls you in for a sweet kiss and soon enough your cheeks were are warm as his.
tsukishima kei and his poor, little, tell all, strawberry cheeks that never let him hide how much he loves you.
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willowfolksong · 3 years
hi, so lately i’ve been more comfortable with my body, like when i go to the beach i wear a two piece bathing suit and i myself am chubby like rolls and thick thighs but i don’t hate it, so i was wondering if it’s possible to make a head cannon of the readers crushes finally seeing her in a two piece, like she wears loose clothing and one day she’s just like *BOOM* in a cute 2 piece bathing suit. preferably suna or tsukki
When they see you wearing a bikini for the first time
- Tsukishima Kei x Reader/Suna Rintaro x Reader
- SFW; slightly suggestive
a/n: hi @annitalahuefana !!!!! first of all, thank you for sharing how you feel with me. ❤ I'm genuinely glad that you feel more comfortable now, and I bet you look as beautiful as our dear Reader here, leaving this poor boys speechless! 😌 So here's your request! I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it! Let me know what you think and if you need me to change anything 😁❤
Willow ❄
Requests are open! ❄
Tsukishima Kei
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🏖 He never wanted to come in the first place. It's hot and and the sun gets in his eyes, and he never even liked the beach that much either. But you were coming, and he just wasn't going to let you go alone, especially when Tanaka and Nishinoya were also going to be there.
🏖 He's not the jealous type. He really isn't. He just likes to make sure there's no dumb head drooling over you. He likes that people know that you're pretty, but he prefers them at a safe distance from you. And to be honest, from him too.
🏖 And so there he is, sitting under the umbrella as he watches Hinata and Tobio arguing about something he can't hear — but it's probably stupid— with Asahi trying to calm them down. They haven't even started playing and they're already fighting. Tsukki eyes the makeshift sand court wearily.
🏖 Yamagushi comes running towards him in that moment, his hair sticking to his face and a huge smile on his lips. Of course he would like the beach. He's the type to enjoy this kind of things.
"Tsukki, are you not going to play?" he asks, out of breath, and Tsukishima feels your eyes on him from beside him.
"No" he deadpans, fixing his glasses.
"But we need another player! And even the girls are going to play!"
You pipe up in that moment, excitement evident on your voice "Yachi and Shimizu are going to play?"
You glance at him again, and this time, his eyes meet yours "I'm gonna go play too then"
"Really?" asks Yamaguchi, excited.
"Yeah! If Kei's not going to play... I will" you place your hand on his arm, squeezing lightly "You don't mind, don't you?"
Tsukishima scoffs "You can do whatever you want"
"Okay then!" Yamaguchi claps, sending him one last worried glance and running back to the others "Come on, hurry up!"
🏖 You stand then, stretching your arms over your head and letting your hair lose and— oh... you're taking your shirt off. Tsukishima actually shokes beside you.
🏖 He's never seen you without a shirt on. You're a big fan of loose clothes and baggy sweatshirts, and he actually think they look good on you... but this... this is something else. Nothing can compare to the way your bikini hugs your curves in the best way possible. Those thighs...
He can't stop himself from talking, his face burning hot "Where do you think you're going?"
You glance down at him with a frown "Ahm... to play? Remember? Yamaguchi just asked me?"
"Yeah... yeah, right"
You snicker, grabbing your phone to take a look at your reflection on the screen "Do you like my bikini, Kei?"
He clears his throat, feeling like his face could explode at any moment "It's... fine"
"Just fine?" you ask, twirling around and Oh...
Tsukishima wasn't expecting your butt to look so... incredibly delicious. And again, your tights look so plump that he would just...
He looks down at the sand, ready to bury himself in it "It's cute"
"Oh, well... that wasnt the kind of answer I was expecting. Guess I'll go and ask Yū what he thinks about it"
He stands up as quickly as he can to grab your arm before you can stalk away. You look back at him, fighting a smile, and your face immediately heats up too as he bends down to whisper in your ear.
"You look beautiful. I... really wish it was just the two of us now" he says, and you cover your mouth with one hand and look up to find his eyes staring intently at you from behind his glasses.
"And what would you do then? If there was just the two of us...?"
"Hey, guys!" Hinata screams then, waving at you both "Hurry up, we're starting!"
"Tsukki's not going to play!" Yamaguchi warns, but Tsukishima pushes his glasses up and firmly grabs your hand, dragging you forward with him.
"I changed my mind. I'm playing now"
🏖 There's no way he's going to let you play alone with the rest now that he saw you like this.... and he also wants to be there for when you run around and jump... just to take a good look.
🏖 On the ride back, when you finally fall asleep with your head on his shoulder, he keeps himself busy looking for bikinis on his phone. Maybe he can find a cute store and take you there while pretending he didn't knew anything about it.
Suna Rintaro
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📱 Practice is over, finally. He whines to himself, glaring at the twins still arguing about something he really doesn't care. They could have been done much earlier, if it wasn't for Atsumu and his insistence in 'Just trying it one more time'
📱 Suna is tired, and kind of hungry, but most of all, he really misses you. With the weekend right around the corner, he can't barely wait to be with you already. Maybe you'll stay home and watch some movies; maybe you'll drag him around the mall, going from store to store while he pretends he's not interested but secretly takes pictures of you everytime you do something cute. He doesn't care. He just wants to be with you.
📱 He eyes his phone on the bench next to him, and finally decides to send you a text saying he's done for the day. Sometimes you stay until late, your club activities keeping you busy, and the two of you can go home together.
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📱 He stops dead on his track when he sees the picture. It's you. In a bikini. Winking at him in front of a mirror.
"Is everything alright?" Kita asks him, and he puts down his phone so fast that his hand actually hurts.
"Why are you red like that?" Atsumu asks, his hands behind his head "You look weird"
"I said it's nothing"
📱 His heart beating fast, he waits for his friends to stop paying attention to him to look at the picture you sent him once more. He's never seen you wearing a bikini before. Actually, he's never seen you in nothing but sweatshirts and t-shirts. They look cute on you —specially when they belong to him— but this...
📱 He wants to be standing in front of the mirror with you, his hands roaming down your curves and leaving imprints on your waist. And your thighs, so plump and round... he wants them wrapped around his face. He wants to drown in them. He stops himself from texting you to turn around to instead ask for something else.
📱 You can't blame him, really. It's not beach season. He can't just take you to the beach in the middle of winter to see you wearing that. It has to be this way.
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
Hi Shyna! What are your favorite fics you’ve written?
Hiiii nonnie! Hope you’re doing well and I hope the weekend turns out fine for you ♥️
So, I thought long and hard for this one and here’s a couple of fics that I love and I’ll encourage EVERYONE to go through them if you can. Your likes, comments and reblogs, especially reblogs with comments mean a lot:
Say You’ll Remember Me (Jean Kirstein x f!Reader) - My first Royalty AU piece
Willow (Fuegoleon Vermillion x f!Reader) - My first fic on Tumblr
Icarus (Keigo Takami {Hawks} x f!Reader) - My first MHA fic, that gave me confidence to write about the next piece
Cardigan (Shota Aizawa x f!Reader) - My Collab Submission for @fuwushiguro’s collab, I had so much fun writing it 💖
Can I Call this Fate? Or Call You Mine? (Tetsurō Kuroo x f!Reader) - Coffee Shop AU
I Think I’ve Seen This Film Before (Tetsurō Kuroo x f!Reader x Kei Tsukishima) - I personally loved writing this when @hyeque sent in a request, and I wanted to do justice to this ♥️
The oneshot (that I wrote as a coping mechanism) I wrote with Jotaro Kujo in my mind
Have I Lost My Passion (Kento Nanami x f!Reader) - My first ever Kento Nanami piece
My most favorite so far: Knock You Down (Satoru Gojo x f!Reader x Bruno Bucciarati) - Anime Crossover and Mafia AU, read trigger warnings accordingly
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Anime characters as songs: Them in relationships
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Notes: Sorry most of these songs are break up songs. But this was just a spur of the moment idea and I kind of liked how it turned out. If you want me to link the playlists I used to make this lmk.
Pairing: various x gn! reader
Stages: pining, dating, s/o's/in love, falling apart, holding on, breaking up, Acceptance, moving on.
WARNINGS: implied toxic relationships.
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Momo Yayorozu: Anger: Bust your knee caps by Pomplamoose
Jirou Kyoka: Anger: transparent soul by WILLOW
Bakugou Katsuki: Pining: Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery
Aizawa Shouta: Acceptance: Godspeed by Frank Ocean
Shinsou Hitoshi: Holding on: Star Shopping by Lil Peep
Mina Ashido: Acceptance: GONE GONE/THANK YOU by Tyler the Creator
Denki Kaminari: In love: Freaks by Surf Curse
Sero Hanta: Falling apart: Don't Believe by Vashti Bunyan
Todoroki Shouto: Breaking up: Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo
Kirishima Eijiro: Breaking up: Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo
Izuku Midoriya: Breaking up: Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo
Fukudako Emi/Ms. joke: Breaking up: Remember me by UMI
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Sasha Braus: Sadness: ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? by Tyler the Creator
Eren Yeager: Pining & Dating: Juke Jam by Chance the Rapper (ft. Justin Beiber)
Jean Kirstein: In love: 3005 by Childish Gambino
Connie: Sadness: YKWIM by Yot Club
Reiner Braun: Breaking up: I Can't Handle Change by Roar
Levi Ackerman: Holding on: Me and My Husband by Mitski
Erwin Smith: Breaking up: Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo
Armin Arlet: Breaking up: Happier by Olivia Rodrigo
Hange Zoe: Acceptance: We find love by Daniel Caesar
Mikasa Ackerman: Dating: True colors by the weekend
Historia Reiss: Breaking up: Trust by brent faiyaz
Peick Finger: Acceptance: Won't live here by daniel caesar
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Sugawara Koushi: In love: I'll never smile again by Frank Sinatra (ft. Tommy Dorsey Orchestra)
Tendou Satori: In love: Another Love by Tom Odell
Daichi Sawamura: In love: Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County
Suna Rintarou: Holding on: Bored by Billie Eilish
Aone Takanobu: In love: Love like you by Steven Universe & Rebecca Sugar
Tanaka Ryunosuke: Falling Apart: Complicated by Avril Lavigne
Ushijima Wakatoshi: Pining: Nobody by Mitski
Asahi Azumane: In love: Butterfly Repose by Zabawa
Nishinoya Yu: In love: Freaks by Surf Curse
Tsukishima Kei: Breaking up: Enough For you by Olivia Rodrigo
Oikawa Toru: Breaking up: Happier by Olivia Rodrigo
Kuroo Tetsuro: Breaking up: Jealousy Jealousy Olivia Rodrigo
Ukai Keishin: Breaking up: Session 32 by summer walker
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Sk8 the Infinity:
Reki Kyan: Falling Apart: Tired by beabadoobee
Langa Hasegawa: Falling apart/Holding on: I Bet Losing Dogs by Mitski
Kaoru Sakurayashiki: Holding on: Worldstar Money (interlude) by Joji
Kojiro Nanjo: Falling apart: 1 step forward, 3 steps back by Olivia Rodrigo
Higa Hiromi: Pining: Match into water by Pierce the veil
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
tsukishima kei x manager! reader | fluff (?) | tw: suggestive content, aged up characters | wc: >1k
tsukishima kei let out an exasperated sigh, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. you scratched the back of your head, chuckling nervously.
“i’m sure someone will come get us soon,” you said.
“i can’t believe you didn’t think to bring the supply closet key,” he huffed. you gave him a glare.
“i told you to hold the door while i grabbed the box-”
“and i told you that i would get it since you barely could reach it.”
you crossed your arms, looking back to the supply closet door. the two of you sat pressed against the wall.
“i appreciated your help but since you let the door close, we’re stuck until someone comes gets us.”
“i texted tadashi.”
tsukishima looked at his phone. he peaked over at you from the corner of his eye. you rubbed your arms, trying to keep warm. he chuckled.
“a little.”
“you really are one unprepared manager,” he teased. before you could give him an annoyed response back, you felt his club jacket draped over your shoulders. you looked up at him.
“you didn’t have to-”
“it’s better than hearing you shiver.”
you adjusted the jacket, having it rest just right on your shoulders.
tsuki nodded. he hated how much he liked seeing you in his jacket. it drove him crazy.
“why’d you decide to become a manager?” he asked. you looked up at him, chucking nervously.
“oh, club requirement, that’s all,” you lied.
in all honesty, you thought what better way than to get your crush’s attention then by being the manager of his team.
“well i mean, you never showed interest in volleyball before, so you being our manager for our third year seemed kinda weird.”
you felt your face grow warm. you bit the inside of your cheek.
“i did too show interest…i came to a lot of your games before i became a manager.”
“you did?” tsukishima questioned, looking over at you again.
“yeah…i mean i mainly stood farther away as to not have anyone see me but i was there.”
“why didn’t you want anyone to see you?”
you stiffened your at the question, hiding inside of kei’s jacket.
“i didn’t want to distract you boys with my good looks that’s all,” you joked. tsuki sneered.
“sure you didn’t. honestly i almost wished i saw you…you could’ve given me motivation or something…”
your eyes widened. tsuki smiled to himself.
“you distract me a lot more now that you’re a manger. i even went as far as to get stuck inside a supply closet with you. hey, not the worst thing now that i think about it.”
you tried to wrap your head around what he was saying. tsuki just smiled, looking up at the ceiling. you turned to face him, trying to catch his gaze.
“you’re trying to tell me that you like me-”
“i didn’t say that-”
“you implied it. i didn’t become a manager for some dumb club requirement, i did it for y-”
you felt his hands grab your shoulders and move you to lay on the ground. you felt your breath escape you as he hovered above you. you gulped.
“for me? you became a manager, for me?”
you didn’t make eye contact with him, feeling a bit embarrassed now.
“maybe i did…”
tsukishima chuckled to himself. he placed his hand onto your cheek, causing your goosebumps to stiffen. he rubbed his thumb against your cheek.
“well im glad you did.”
kei began to move closer towards you. you could feel your heart pound out of your chest, and you heard it too. he licked his lips and just as he was about to meet yours…
“oh and by the way y/n…i have the keys.”
kei pressed his lips against yours as you felt a wave of electricity rush through you. you couldn’t contain yourself, instantly wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him even closer. tsuki grazed your torso, feeling up against the soft fabric of your clothes.
“shhhh, don’t spoil it.”
“i-i need you-”
you both jolted your heads over to the sound of the supply closet door opening. you rushed back to a presentable position and adjusted yourself.
“there you two are! see i knew something was wrong when you didn’t come back for the team huddle. glad i needed to put the ball carts away before i locked up the gym or else you would have been stuck here all night,” said tadashi. you sighed.
“yeah good thing you did…”
you got up from the floor and began to make your way out. you felt a hand grab your wrist and pull you back.
“don’t think i didn’t hear you. we’ll finish this later,” whispered kei. you have him a smirk.
“good. also, i’ll take those keys back now.”
reblogs are sexy and so are you <3
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
𝟐:𝟎𝟏 𝐀𝐌
pairing: Tsukishima Kei x gn! reader
warnings: one swear word, suggestive content
genre: fluff, the smallest hint of angst
word count: 891 words
synopsis: What do you do when you can’t sleep? The obvious answer is confess your feelings to your roommate, Tsukishima Kei.
a/n: for the lovely @kyotarou ‘s 24 Hours Collab! i am so grateful to have been a part of it and i loved writing this <3 ! go check out all the other amazing creators who wrote something for it :)) reblogs are greatly appreciated! enjoy xx
24 Hours Collab Masterlist
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You stared up at the circling ceiling fan as you laid in your bed. You watched as the blades cut through the warm air of your bedroom. You clenched onto your blanket, taking a deep sigh. You couldn’t sleep no matter how hard you tried, and you knew exactly why.
You turned to your side, looking at the red lights reading ‘2:01 AM’ on your digital clock. Was it really that late already? Or early you supposed. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep until you had gotten this off of your chest. You hadn’t been sleeping at all lately, ever since your brain decided to remind you how you felt towards him. It was on a constant loop, hence how your mind was never able to shut off. For sake of your sanity, you knew what you had to do.
You pulled the covers off of you and got up from your bed. With careful feet, you walked quietly on the creaky floor, shutting the door behind you.
His bedroom was right there, not even three feet away from yours. You guessed that was one of the perks of being his roommate, you could bother him whenever you pleased. He was most likely asleep. Honestly, he was most definitely asleep. Unless there was something keeping him up too.
You knocked on his door, not too loudly but just right.
“Psst, Tsuki, are you awake?” You whispered. You could hear the ruffling of sheets on the other side of the door, signaling some kind of activity.
You huffed, turning the doorknob.
“Oh so you sleep talk now?”
You walked over to Tsukishima’s bed, sitting down at the edge of it. Kei pulled the covers over his face.
“Y/N what the hell? It’s like two in the morning,” he groaned. You took the blanket from Kei to see his face. His eyes were still closed. You grabbed his glasses, placing them on his face.
“I couldn’t sleep. Could you?”
“I was asleep, idiot.”
Tsuki sat up, rubbing his eyes before adjusting his glasses.
“Since when do you sleep shirtless?” You teased. Tsuki crossed his arms.
“Since you started turning the thermostat to eighty degrees every night.”
“Hey my room gets cold.”
“How is that my problem?”
You crossed your arms as well.
“Why are you extra grumpy today? I just wanted to talk to you,” you pouted. Kei rolled his eyes.
“So if I woke you up at two AM and stormed into your room, you wouldn’t be the least bit annoyed?”
Tsuki sighed. He scratched the back of his head.
“Can‘t this wait until later?” he said. You looked down at your hands.
“Well, uh, it’s been bothering me for a bit and I just kinda need to get it out,” you whispered. Tsuki raised a brow.
“Alright then, just spit it out.”
You opened your mouth but no words came out. Your palms began to get sweaty and you couldn’t seem to look him in the eye.
“God Y/N...so you woke me up for nothing-”
“Just give me a damn second! Actually-screw this-”
You got up from his bed making your way to the door. Tsuki got up as well, grabbing your hand. He pulled your back towards him.
“Don’t be like that Y/N-”
“No you’re the one being difficult here! Can't you see that I’m trying my best to figure out what I’m gonna say?”
Tsuki tilted his head. He took a deep breath and loosened his grip on you.
“I’m sorry, I’ll listen.”
You shook your head, feeling all confidence that had brought you here slowly melting away.
“This is way harder than I thought it would be…”
“Why’s that?”
You looked up at Tsukishima, feeling your heart beginning to pound.
“Because it’s you...and I have no idea how you’re gonna react...”
Kei gently placed his hand underneath your chin, caressing your skin softly.
“I’ll be nice. I swear-”
“I just want you to be honest, which is the scary part.”
You could barely see his facial expressions from the darkness of his room, just a small sliver of moonlight touched his face. Yet, you knew he was smiling.
“You can tell me Y/N.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath.
“I-uh...like you Kei…”
You painfully awaited his response, fearing what he was about to say. The last thing you expected was for him to chuckle.
“I like you too Y/N.”
Your eyes widened, but disappointment still lingered. You sighed.
“No Tsuki, not like that. I meant that I like you like-”
Before you could finish, you felt Kei’s lips against yours. You stiffened up when you first felt his touch, but instantly melted into him as he kissed you with more passion. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer. His hands grazed your body, as if he had waited for this moment for ages, just as you had. Before you knew it, you were pressed up against the wall of his bedroom, begging for more.
Tsukishima pulled away from the kiss as the two of you caught your breath. Tsuki had one hand on the wall, above your head as he looked down at you with a devilish smirk.
“I knew what you meant. I just needed to make myself clear too.”
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[general taglist: @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @misszenin @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful @katlingclaw ]
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
Congrats on 600 !! 🤍
I would like to request prompt 13 fluff with Tsukishima Kei
hi hi! thank you!!💕 hope you enjoy (i got really excited seeing this was for tsuki hehe)
#13: “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
Love is a strange concept for anyone to understand. It can be overwhelming, it can be wonderful, it can change your entire perspective. Love is weird to say the least.
Tsukishima Kei knew that love was a thing, same as everyone else. However, he didn’t know what love truly was until you. You opened his eyes into a entirely new world. A world that contained only you and him, just how he liked it. He understood what it meant to ‘fall’ in love when he laid his eyes on you.
He was lucky enough that you felt exactly the same. You adored him. Tsukishima made you happier than you ever thought possible. The day that he asked you out for the first time, the stars and the moon aligned in perfect harmony.
Tsukishima couldn’t quiet pinpoint his feelings towards you. He knew they were strong, he knew they were powerful. He knew it was love. He only ever felt this with you.
Kei had brought you to the top of a grassy hill. He had set up a few blankets and a lantern for the two of you. You laid down on your backs, looking up at the sky. You rested your head onto his arm, tracing your finger along his belly.
“That tickles Y/N,” he chuckled.
“Oh sorry,” you said, setting your hand down on his chest. He took your hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss.
“It’s so peaceful up here,” you whispered. Kei breathed in the fresh air, agreeing.
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid. Usually alone though.”
“Well good thing you’ve got me now,” you smiled. Kei turned his head to look at you. He gave you a small smile.
“More than just good.”
Tsuki placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your skin. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping you up in his arms for a tight hug. He let out a sigh.
“I don’t know what I would do without you,” he whispered. You made eye contact with Tsuki, adjusting his glasses.
“Me neither.” You moved to kiss his cheek, keeping a smile on your face.
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much,” he said, “then I met you.”
Your face grew warm and your smile was hard to contain. Tsuki had a way of making your heart beat of of your chest.
“Nothing’s impossible with you, Kei.”
You laid your head back down onto his chest, closing your eyes. Tsuki knew that he would only feel this way with you. Just you.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you Kei.”
🌈Willow’s 600 Event✨
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
╱╲❀╱╲╱╲❀╱╲╱╲❀How the Haikyuu boys would act when watching a romantic movie with you
(and managers)
featuring: Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Yachi (the post got kinda long so i decided to just do first years but i plan on posting the rest of Karasuno and maybe more)
genre: headcanons, fluff, crack (?)
warnings: mention of spicy movie scenes but nothing explicitly described, (a lot of the movie pairs are male/female but no reader pronouns are used) movie spoilers (?), (im writing this assuming they haven’t seen these movies)
a/n: i was recently blessed with a bunch of HC’s from you all which i absolutely LOVED reading and i got inspired by one (thanks @bokutory 😘) so i thought i would elaborate more on it :)) i haven’t written an hc post in a while so this was fun❣️enjoy xx
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- watching a romantic movie was his idea actually
- Hinata is the type to talk during movies so you had to make him promise that he would be quiet so you could enjoy the movie
- he suggested that you watch Romeo and Juliet (the 1996 version) to keep things classic (though it doesn’t have the best ending oops)
- the two of you curled up on the couch and the film begins
- Hinata soon realizes that they are using a lot of fancy language, and he breaks his promise of not talking to ask you what they mean
- he actually likes the movie, finds it visually pleasing and timeless
-however, everytime Romeo and Juliet kiss or get a lil touchy touchy, he tenses up a bit
- no matter how comfortable he is around you, he still gets a little nervous/flustered
- (it’s adorable btw)
- without realizing it, he’s taking mental notes of how to be smooth like Romeo (minus the dying part)
- i don’t think he’s the type to make a move while the movie is actually playing, instead he waits until after to shower you with all the love that the movie stirred up in him
- as the credits roll, with a pink flushed face and a cheeky smile, Hinata will look to you and say:
- “You’re way better than any Juliet/Romeo”
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- okay i was blessed with the hc that Kageyama likes romantic movies because his sister forced him to watch them when he was little
- and i am a firm believer in it now
- you actually suggested the movie and very much to your surprise Kageyama didn’t oppose
- he didn’t react, giving you a simple “okay” and a shrug
- though on the inside he is pretty excited to watch something heart fluttering with you
- you decided to watch Me Before You, hoping to get some emotions out of Kageyama
- you’re snuggled up next to him, holding his hand and your head resting on his shoulder
- Kageyama watched the entire movie with a straight face
- like this: 😐 the ENTIRE time
- but on the inside he was more like: ☺️🤭🥺🥲🥰
- during the tear jerking parts however, his face stays still but a singular tear streams down his face
- at the end of the movie, he just kind of wraps his arms around your waist and nestles his head into your stomach
- you asked him if he liked it and all he said was “it was alright”
- even though he loved it and will suggest another romantic movie for your next movie night
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- i am a firm believer in hopeless romantic Yamaguchi
- man loves love 🥺
- he’s no stranger to romantic movies but it’s a different story when watching one with your s/o
- the two of you settled on watching Titanic
- everyone’s knows the story but it’s different when you actually see it
- he makes cute comments throughout the movie, keeping you smiling
- again, when ✨that✨ scene comes on, like Hinata, he tenses up a bit
- for the next few days he just is thinking about “draw me like one of your French girls”
- however, he does make a move
- bringing you to a kiss or just drawing your attention to him
- yams is a little awkward but his confidence definitely boosts when he’s around you
- at the end of the movie and your emotions are all over the place, yams will just kinda cuddle you
- he’s a snuggle bug and no i will not be taking criticism on this
- most likely he will be drifting off to sleep by the credits and then the two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms
- im so soft for yams oops
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- okay this man was soooo reluctant to watch a cute, lovey dovey movie with you
- but because he loves you, he did it anyway no matter how much he didn’t want to
- (it’s a total act btw)
- in hopes of bringing some emotion out of him, you put on The Notebook
- he complained for probably half of the movie
- Tsuki would comment on the characters, their decisions, and what they should have done differently
- when ✨that✨ scene comes on (in the barn house) man goes dead SILENT
- his arms are crossed as they were before, your head on his shoulder, and you look up to see his red face
- his facial expressions don’t change but you can tell he’s a little flustered
- he is actually super invested in the movie but would never admit it
- when the pieces start to click about the ending, he lets out a sigh
- he wraps his arm around you, kissing the top of your head
- “next time we need to watch one with a happier ending”
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- Yachi gets nervous no matter what you’re watching
- it could be a cooking show and she would still be a little jittery
- when you suggest the movie Pretty in Pink, she doesn’t oppose
- yachi would rest her head on your lap as you run your fingers through her hair, keeping her nerves away
- i also believe she is the type to fall asleep during movies
- she just is so comfortable around you that she can relax and then she just kind of crashes
- but the odd chance that she is still awake, she would be SO into the movie
- she also is a sucker for the more old school feel of the movie
- She’ll ask you questions like “do like the movie so far?” or “who do you think Andie will choose?”
- even though you were the one who picked the movie, you find it pretty adorable that she is so engaged
- at the movie’s end, Yachi will place her hands on her burning face and look at you with a nervous smile
- “i liked that one. mind if we watch another?”
[general taglist: @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @roesaurus @evivn1 @astrooliver @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl ]
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
hiiiii may i join your event? if so, i would like to ask #22 from fluff prompt with tsukishima kei please? and also congratulations on your 600 🎉 thank you!
hi hi! yes you may! and thank you sm💕 i hope you like it :))
#22: “You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
Sweeter than honey.
That’s what Tsukishima Kei would say when asked to describe you.
He saw you as sweeter than honey, more perfect than a diamond, and more lovable than a brand new teddy bear.
He adored you. He couldn’t believe that the universe blessed him with someone like you. Tsuki would look back on his life before you.
It was all just in black and white.
You were the color, the light, the joy that his dull life so desperately craved. He needed you so badly. You made him smile. You made him happy. Tsuki didn’t believe anyone was really capable of doing that. Then there was you.
Tsukishima took your hand, lifting you up from the couch where you sat. He placed his hand on your hips, the other grabbed hold of your palm. He began to sway slowly back and forth.
“I didn’t take you for much of a dancer,” you teased. Tsuki chuckled.
“I guess when I’m with you I do crazy things.”
He brought you closer to him, your chin resting on his shoulders. You moved to wrap both of your arms around his neck, keeping in time with the soft music that played for Kei’s phone.
Kei wouldn’t do this with just anyone. He wouldn’t allow himself to be loved by just anyone. He grew with you, like a small seed and you were his water. You helped him into his fullest, most beautiful potential.
“Yes Tsuki?”
“You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
You faced Tsukishima, tilting your head to the side. You smiled.
“All I did was love you for everything that I saw. Now you see it too. So thank you Tsuki, for letting me do that.”
Tsukishima kissed the top of your head. Then again. And again. You chuckled, moving back to have your head on his shoulder.
“I love you Tsuki.”
“I love you Y/N. More than you even know.”
🌈Willow’s 600 Event✨ CLOSED
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
“i like the rain”
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pairing: Tsukishima Kei x reader
warnings: none :)
a/n: tsuki has been taking up my entire brain so enjoy this little one shot. i feel like i always see angsty tsuki one shots (not that there is anything wrong with that, i love the angst 🤩) but i wanted to give you all some soft tsuki ☺️ i definitely have a hc that tsuki is such a simp for his s/o when no one is around tehehe. anyway, enjoy xx
Tsukishima Kei would never admit it, but he would do anything for you. If you asked him to help you with homework, he would be there. If you asked him to listen to a rant of yours, he would be all ears. If you asked him to sail around the world, he would ask where he could find the nearest boat. He would still give you a hard time though, to make sure he doesn’t blow his cover. But Tsuki wouldn’t do that for anyone else. He would do it for you because he loved you. Again, something he would never admit.
You, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi were like three peas in a pod. The three of you were always close, forcing Tsuki to keep his feelings for you on the back burner. You were always so lively and bubbly around him, but that’s how you always were, so he tried not to think much of it. Being best friends wasn’t ideal, often thought Tsuki, but it’s better than not being with you at all.
“Tsuki!” Kei turned around at the sound of your voice. You waved him over to you. You stood outside of his classroom. He got up from his desk and went over to you.
“What do you want?”
“What are you doing tonight?”
“I have practice.”
“Okay well what about after?”
“Uh nothing.”
“Want to hangout with me and Tadashi? I think we are gonna go stargazing,” you asked. Tsuki’s heart started beating a little faster than normal.
“Kei come on it’ll be fun!” You begged. You tugged on the sleeve of his shirt
“Fine.” A huge smile appeared on your face.
“Yay! Just meet me and Yams outside my house tonight after practice, okay?”
“Okay.” He said. You smiled then ran back to your classroom, leaving Tsuki with butterflies in his stomach. He sighed and sat back down at his desk.
Tsuki was nervous the rest of the day. Stargazing seemed to be something you would do with a significant other, so why would you invite him? Then again, it was going to be the two of you, plus Tadashi, so it’s not like he could make a move anyway.
Tsuki began to walk towards your house. He couldn’t find Tadashi after practice so he assumed he had left before then. The sky wasn’t as clear as you all had hoped it would be. Grey clouds began to roll in over the star filled sky. Tsuki let out a sigh, afraid that your plans could be ruined from rain. He didn’t like the rain.
You sat on the steps of your house, bundled up in an oversized jacket. In the corner of your eye , you saw the tall blond boy walk towards you. Your eyes lit up.
“Hi there,” you smiled.
“Where is Tadashi?” asked Kei.
“He texted me and said he wasn’t feeling well so he went home right after practice,” you explained. Tsuki nodded, feeling even more nervous than before. You were the only person who could make him nervous. It drove him crazy.
“Well come on, let’s go!” You grabbed the sleeve of Tsuki’s jacket and pulled him towards you. You held onto his sleeve as you walked to a nearby park.
You walked with Tsuki up a small hill and laid down the blanket you had brought. Tsuki watched how excited you were to look at the stars. His hands were shaking slightly in the pockets of his jacket. He couldn’t recall the last time it had been just the two of you.
You sat down on the blanket and laid on your back, looking up at the sky.
“Are you gonna join me or what?” You asked. Tsuki flinched crouched down to sit next to you.
“You can’t really see the stars anymore,” said Kei. The grey clouds continued to roll in above you two.
“At least we know they are still there,” you smiled. He looked over at you, a small smile creeping onto his face. You looked breathtaking. Even just laying there was enough to make Tsuki’s heart soar.
“Y/N?” said Kei softly.
“Yeah?” You turned your head to face him.
“Um...” He wanted to tell you. This might be the only chance he’ll have.
“I think it’s going to rain,” he said instead. Tsuki mentally scolded himself. You were the only person would could get him flustered like this.
You smiled and looked back at the sky.
“Good. I like the rain.”
Just as you said that, rain droplets began to fall on you two.
“I don’t.”
“Rain is a beautiful thing, Kei. Lay down and enjoy it with me.”
The rain began to pour a little harder. The water streamed down your faces. Tsuki sighed and laid down next to you. Your shoulders touched, causing him to flinch a little.
The two of you laid there, basking in the stormy weather. Just you, Kei, and the rain.
“Y/N?” Tsuki looked over at you. His glasses were covered in rain drops. His hair now wet and messy. You turned your head to face him. He slowly brought his hand to your face, wiping the rain away gently.
“If you like the rain, then I like the rain,” he said softly. Your eyes widened and your face felt warm. You stared into his bold eyes as he stared into yours. He propped himself up on his forearm, still admiring you.
Without hesitation this time, Tsuki leaned in to kiss you. His rain covered lips melted into yours. You slowly moved your hand to run your fingers through his wet hair. Kei hovered above you, his large hand softly caressing your cheek. The rain fell on the two of you in perfect rhythm. Tsuki had been holding back his feelings for far too long, so he needed to make them known in this kiss. You had been waiting for this kiss too.
“Kei...” you parted from the kiss for a brief moment. Tsuki looked at you with lustful eyes, but he had no ill intent behind them. He just needed you all to himself.
You leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“I love you,” you whispered. Tsuki’s face turned a pretty pink.
“I love you too.” He leaned back down to kiss you, a smile on his face this time.
“I know you like the rain, but mind if we head back before we catch hypothermia?”
You giggled and nodded.
“You’re lucky I like you more,” you smiled. Tsuki tucked his arms under you and picked you up bridal style. He placed a kiss on your forehead then carried you home.
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
“i’m jealous of the rain”
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“i like the rain”
pairing: Tsukishima Kei x reader
warnings: swearing, previous breakup
genre: angst
a/n: enjoy the angst, im not sorry for the pain oops. this is kinda a part 2 to a previous one shot that i write for Tsuki but you don’t really have to read it to understand this one, though it might help. i never write straight up angst so hopefully this isn’t too bad. ily tsuki💕 enjoy xx
Tsukishima Kei would never admit it, but he lost the best thing he ever had. If you told him you wanted to get back together, he wouldn’t hesitate another second. If you told him that it was just one big mistake, he would tell you it’s okay. If you told him you forgive him, he would be complete again. He gives himself a hard time now, just as you do. Tsukishima Kei will never love anyone the way he loved you. Again, something he would never admit.
“Rain is a beautiful thing, Kei. Lay down and enjoy it with me.”
Those words seemed to play in Tsukishima Kei’s mind on repeat. The sweet sound of your voice was all that he thought about.
“If you like the rain, then I like the rain.”
The rain. The rain was something that Kei never liked until you. He found it a pain, while you found it beautiful. The rain was something that brought a blissful smile to your face. Kei would do anything to be able to see that smile again, or be the reason for it. The rain even put a smile on his face. It never used to be like that before.
Now, whenever it rained, Tsukishima would hide away. Enclose himself in his room, turn off all the lights, shut all the windows, and lay down on his cold bed. He would put on his headphones, volume at 100%, to cancel out any sound of the pitter patter that surrounded him.
He would see the rain and think of you. He would see the rain and remember the night you two confessed. He would remember the way you kissed and how he would do anything to have that back.
Tsukishima Kei was jealous of the rain.
A gloomy day loomed over Tsuki. Gray skies, clouds rolling in. Things didn’t look good. He was just about to leave practice when someone called after him in the gym.
“Tsuki, be careful. I think there is gonna be a rainstorm pretty soon,” said his best friend and captain, Yamaguchi Tadashi. Tsuki let out a sigh and nodded. He didn’t like the rain.
Just as Tsukishima was leaving the gym, carefully crafted rain droplets began to fall. He pulled out his umbrella, which he bought after your breakup, and opened it up. He wouldn’t allow for a single drop to touch him. Tsukishima walked home, as he always did.
In order to get to Tsuki’s house, he has to pass yours.
There you laid. On your drive way. No jacket, no umbrella. Just you, your drenched clothing, and the rain. You laid with your eyes clothes, soaking up the essence of the storm.
When Tsuki spotted you, he froze. He knew that if you stayed out any longer, you’d get sick. But he also knew that you wouldn’t care. He stood in front of you, silently. He watched as the water raced down your skin, exploring every inch of you. He watched as the rain hugged you, held you, loved you.
Tsukishima Kei was jealous of the rain.
“You’re gonna get hypothermia if you stay out here any longer.”
You instantly recognized the voice that spoke to you. Before when Tsukishima told you this, it would have a playful undertone to it. Now, his voice was cold.
“That’s the plan.”
Kei let out a frustrated sigh. He moved closer to you, sharing his umbrella with you.
“You’re blocking my rain Kei.”
“Come on Y/N. Get up and go inside.”
“Unfortunately you don’t have that authority over me anymore.”
You were right. He doesn’t. Which upset Kei even more.
“Sorry for caring then.” He began to walk away. You stood up from the ground, clenching your fists.
“Care? Now you want to care about me? It’s a bit late for that!”
Tsukishima whipped his head around as faced you.
“I’ve always cared about you damn it! It’s just hard to when you act like a fucking idiot all the time!”
Your own tears began to stream down your face now. Kei used all his strength to hold his back as he looked at you.
You and Tsukishima had only been broken up for a few months. Your wounds still raw, feeling as though they would never heal. The breakup was messy. No, no one cheated. No one lost feelings. No one fell for someone else. Things just simply didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. Which honestly seemed like the worst option of all.
“I need you to stop caring about me then.”
Kei’s eyes widened. He threw his umbrella onto the ground, storming over to you. Now he stood maybe a couple inches from you.
“I can’t.”
With quivering lips and puffy eyes you looked up a Kei.
“I just need you to try.”
Tsukishima was drenched just as you. His glasses foggy. His hair symbolic of a wet mop. This was the first time in months that Tsukishima Kei had felt the rain on his skin.
“Tsuki please-”
“I’m jealous of the rain!”
You looked at Tsuki, shaking your head.
“I’m jealous that I can’t give you everything it gives you! I’m jealous that I can’t be enough for you! I’m jealous that this stupid rain gets to touch you and be with you more than I ever will!”
“Kei you’re not the rain...”
“That’s exactly the problem, isn’t it? If I was, I would get to hold you, ease your pain, put a smile on your face, make you laugh, keep you close! But I am not the damn rain Y/N!”
You crashed down to your knees, sobbing. Tsukishima followed, wrapping his arms around you.
“P-Please Y/N. Please let me be your rain again...”
The two of you were shaking. A mixture of the cold and the emotions you just shared took over your bodies. You loved Tsukishima Kei so much. So the next words you said hurt even more.
“I’m sorry. Y-You can’t.”
You broke away from Tsuki’s embrace and rushed inside.
“Wait please-!”
The rain began to pour onto Kei a little harder. His body feeling a little heavier. His heart hurting a little worse.
Tsukishima Kei stood up, wiped his face, picked up his umbrella, and finished his walk home.
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @roesaurus @evivn1 @astrooliver @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl ]
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖: part 4
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✨part 1
✨part 2
✨part 3
“It’s always been you. Has it always been me?”
pairing: Tobio Kageyama x fem!reader
rating/warnings: E for everyone :) [again I think two swear words but that’s it]
synopsis: You liked him. He liked you. Easy right? Well, maybe not as easy as you thought.
A/n: hii again!! 💓i hope you all have been enjoying the fic so far :) i think this is the half way point of the fic, since ive been posting two chapters at a time. just a reminder that my requests/asks are open to anyone who would like to request something (just check out my rulebook first) and the taglist for this fic is still open so just ask to be added and i gladly will add you! okay enough of me talking, enjoy chapters 7&8! xx Willow
Seven: donuts
You two laid in your bed for what it seemed like hours. You talked about everything and nothing all at the same time. You told Kageyama about the first time you saw him, and how instantly intimidated you were.
“Damn, I’m really that scary?” he asked. You laughed.
“It’s just that you were in game mode so you were too focused to even notice me.”
The first time you saw Kageyama was when you and Koi passed the gym to peek in at the volleyball team. You had heard that some first years were in the starting line up but you needed to see it to believe it. You poked your head into the door and there he was: yelling at Tsukishima. You remember asking Koi who he was. She told you that his name was Tobio Kageyama. Your heart was instantly hooked right then and there.
“Well I remember when I first saw you,” Kageyama teased.
“Okay go on.” You sat up beside him.
“It was the first day of school and I was going to turn in my club application to Daichi. I was walking to the gym when I heard you. You had your headphones in so I don’t think you noticed me, but you were singing and dancing, as if no one was watching. You were singing at the top of your lungs. I guess that's when I knew.”
You had completely forgotten about that. You got sucked in your own world that you didn’t even see him.
“Wait knew what?”
“That I liked you.” Your heart stopped. It was one thing to mess around with Kageyama but it was another to actually hear him say that he likes you.
“I’m surprised that you’d like me after that embarrassment,” you joked. You could feel the blood rushing to your face.
“I thought it was cute,” he said with a smile as he placed a kiss on your forehead. You smiled.
“Hey I have an idea. Get dressed.” You got up from your bed and put your sweater back on. Kageyama gave you a puzzled look.
“Where are we going?” he asked, also putting his shirt back on.
“It's a surprise,” you teased. Kageyama rolled his eyes and you two went downstairs.
You noticed that it was starting to snow. You put on your winter coat, a hat and your sneakers. Kageyama put on his jacket.
“Kags you’re gonna get cold,” you said. He looked down at his jacket.
“I’ll run by my house and grab my coat,” he replied.
“Okay, just meet me outside.” He nodded, put on his shoes, and headed to his house. You checked yourself in the bathroom mirror. Not bad. You grabbed your wallet, house keys, and went to wait outside for Kageyama.
It was already dark out. You waited by a street lamp and watched the snow fall. You looked around for Kageyama before feeling a warm presence behind you. There he was, hugging you from behind.
“So where are we going?” he whispered. You turned around and grabbed his hand.
“I told you it’s a surprise. Let’s go.”
You and Kageyama walked downtown, enjoying the snowy scene before you. The moon was a perfect crescent. The street lamps guided your path.
“Almost there,” you said. You pulled Kageyama’s arm out of excitement when you turned the corner. There it was. One of your favorite places in the world. It was a little food cart, painted green with blue flowers all over it. Thankfully they were still open.
“Donuts?” Kageyama questioned.
“Not just any donuts. These very well might be the greatest donuts in the world,” you explained. You got in line to place an order.
“Hi could I get an order of the small sugar donuts please?” You asked. The cashier nodded and you paid.
“Aren’t I supposed to pay for stuff?” asked Kageyama. You giggled.
“Of course not, it’s my treat.” You grabbed your donuts and went to sit down on a bench.
“Here, try one.” you handed Kageyama the bag of treats and he picked one out. You looked at him intently. He took a bite and his eyes lit up.
“Wait these are actually really good,” he said with his mouth full. You smiled from ear to ear.
“I knew you would like them,” you cheered. The two of you sat quietly on the bench ate the rest of the donuts. The snow continued to fall down around you. You could see each individual snowflake’s pattern against Kageyama’s black hair.
The breeze got colder. You started to shiver and Kageyama pulled you towards him.
“We should probably head back before you catch a cold,” he said. You nodded and started to walk about to your place.
Once you got to your house you realized how late it was.
“Kags it’s almost 10 o’clock.” You couldn’t believe how much time you had spent together and how much happened in one day.
“Oh shit really? I’m supposed to be heading home,” he said. You felt your heart sink. You knew he obviously would have to leave at some point but you chose to ignore it. You worried that this would just be a one time thing.
“Oh okay,” you frowned. Kageyama noticed your pout.
He pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” He said, giving you a squeeze.
“Okay…” You didn’t want to let go. “Kags?”
“What is it?” He looked down at you.
“I didn’t get to tell you earlier but I like you too...if you couldn’t already tell.” You could feel your face getting hot. Kageyama just looked at you and smiled. He gave you a quick kiss but you pulled him back in. You wanted to make sure he knew. You finally pulled away, giving him a shy smile.
“I know.” he said, turning around and waking home.
eight: someone like me
The rest of the weekend seemed to move painfully slow. You only saw Kageyama that Saturday and hadn’t talked to him since. You spend the rest of the weekend digesting everything that happened that day. You couldn’t have helped but notice a shift in Kageyama. He seemed to be instantly more confident after the time you spent in your room. You liked this new Kageyama. There was still doubt in your mind regarding the two of you but you knew that it was just your nerves talking. You worried that the second you stepped into school he wouldn’t say a word to you. That what happened was just for that one time. You didn’t take Kageyama for a player though. In all honesty, you were probably the first girl he ever kissed. Regardless, you were nervous.
You got dressed and ready for school. You wore your classic uniform. The weather was getting colder so you once again put on your winter coat and hat. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door. Once you opened the door to leave, there Kageyama was, waiting for you.
“Hi there,” he said. Your face lit up.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Walking you to school of course,” he said, grabbing your hand to hold.
“Is this going to be a reoccurring thing now?” You asked.
“If you want.” Your smile was enough of an answer for him.
The two of you walked together until reaching Karasuno. He still held your hand upon entering the school.
“Kageyama!” a voice called. You both turned to see Hinita, Tsukishima, and Tadashi. “Oh hi, Y/N.”
“Hi guys,” you replied.
“Mind if we borrow him for a second?” asked Tadashi. You looked up at Kageyama.
“Oh yeah, that's fine. I’ll see you guys later,” You said. You let go of Kageyama’s hand, giving him a shy smile, and turning to go to your locker.
“Wait Y/N,” Kageyama called back. You looked at him again.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” He smiled.
“Sounds good,” You nodded and Kageyama placed a kiss on your head before going back to his friends. You try to contain the butterflies in your stomach as you grabbed your books from your locker.
“Kageyama I never took you for the romantic type,” said Tadashi. The school day had finished and Kageyama was now at practice.
“I’m not,” groaned Kageyama.
“Well I think Y/N would say differently. You can’t seem to keep your hands off her,” teased Tsukki.
“Come on guys leave him alone,” said Suga.
“Thank you,” Kageyama got up and went to warm up.
“So is she your girlfriend now?” asked Daichi. Kageyama stopped in his tracks.
“Uh no…” he said. Technically you weren’t but now a million thoughts ran through Tobio’s head. He knew it was way too early to pop that question but he didn’t like the idea of any other guys having their eyes on you.
“So you don’t mind if I talk to her?” joked Tsukki. Kageyama didn’t find it funny.
“You wouldn’t,” Kageyama said back to him. Tsukki laughed.
“Come on King of the court, a little hello wouldn’t hurt.”
“Alright guys that’s enough-“ began Daichi.
“I swear if you-“
“I said that’s enough! Now everyone go warm up,” yelled Daichi. Kageyama gave Tsukki a glare before turning away to face the court.
“You’re lying,” said Koi. Your eyes widened. You were at practice and you were telling Koi about what happened between you and Kageyama.
“You think I’m lying?” you asked. Koi chuckled.
“You’re trying to tell me that the same Kageyama that can barely say more than a sentence at a time came over to your house and kissed you? If you are trying to make me jealous it won’t work,” replied Koi. You were so confused.
“I’m sorry, what? Why would I lie and why would I try to make you jealous?”
“Let’s face it Y/N, I don’t think you are really Tobio’s type anyway. I mean if all that stuff actually happened then good for you but I’m not too sure if he actually likes you.” You were shocked at Koi’s response.
“Didn’t you tell me just last week that you thought he liked me?”
“Well what was I supposed to say? I’m your friend, if I told you what I really thought you probably would have started over-thinking it. Anyway since you seemed to have had a fun night with Kageyama, I guess I was wrong. So no harm done,” Koi smiled.
You were still trying to process everything that she had said.
Why would she say that to you? Why would she think you were trying to make her jealous? How did she even know what Kageyama’s type was, or even anything about Kageyama?
You felt uneasy after listening to what Koi had to say. It was a mix of anger and anxiety that she might be right.
“Then what is his type?” you asked, unsure whether or not you actually wanted an answer. A tiny smirk appeared on Koi’s face.
“Oh I don’t know...probably someone like me.”
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @jennasquishy8 @ladybird-00 @moonlightsof]
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