#live laugh love tsukishima kei ‼️
oikawaplssteponme · 2 years
tsukishima kei and his poor, little, tell all, strawberry cheeks.
he will say it’s impossible to get him flustered, that he’ll never crack from the pressure of your teasing. but just one close whisper or kiss on the neck and those soft cheeks will look like a summer strawberry waiting to be picked. if you point it out, he will immediately bury his face into his sweatshirt. you’ll laugh and he’ll sigh. you will move towards him, pulling the fabric down to reveal his pinky face. tsukishima kei will roll his eyes, knowing exactly what you are going to say.
“pretty in pink.”
you’ll pinch his cheeks before placing a soft kiss onto his nose, which made him look more like a ripe raspberry than a strawberry. tsukishima kei gives you a playful shove, trying his best to hide his grin. you wrap your arms around his waist. he turns to face you, cupping your cheeks.
“you’re lucky i love you dummy.”
he pulls you in for a sweet kiss and soon enough your cheeks were are warm as his.
tsukishima kei and his poor, little, tell all, strawberry cheeks that never let him hide how much he loves you.
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writingssummit · 3 years
Hi I just read you’re tsukishima story and it was so cute omg but I have an idea
Let’s say y/n has a huge crush on tsukishima since they were children right. But tsukishima never rlly liked y/n in that way. So he would always like be kinda aggressive but like not in the physical way, like he would be cold to her whenever y/n would constantly say something abt them dating. In reality he did like her but he didn’t realize it. Then suddenly a new guy shows up, he’s like really handsome and he’s in a small band, he plays the bass. Y/n actually listens to that band and she was so excited so the two of them click really easy, that’s when she starts being distant with tsukishima and stops the talks abt them dating, tsukishima starts to miss everything y/n would say to him and he wanted to get y/n back, but when he tries he sees y/n and the guy sharing a peck 😔‼️ sorry if this was longgggg ugh
a/n: ahhh! I’m glad you thought so, haha! don’t worry about the length, specifics are always welcome! <3 this is a really good idea! i think it ended up on the longer side, but yk, more content is good? i also ended up naming him, so it’s easier to refer to him. i keep holding on to highschool settings i’m sorry LMAO- i haven’t finished season 4 and i’m not reading the manga yet :( but anyways, here’s a bit of angst/unrequited love to balance out my recent fluff posts !
asks/requests: open !
word count: 2.6k
warnings?: some angst/unrequited love
worth a try.
growing up with tsukishima had been a whirlwind of experiences. ever since you had moved and transferred to his school the last year of primary school, you’d been drawn to him. the tall, blonde kid with glasses. you found his pride in volleyball admirable, and you even found him to be so much cooler than you ever would be.
you originally didn’t know anybody when you first moved, but you fit right in with both tsukishima and his own friend. it was a strange combination, but it worked somehow. while tsukishima was rude, and yamaguchi timid, you were loud and energetic. you were lively. you challenged him just for the fun of it, you poked and prodded, just having fun being around him.
you were his self-declared best friend.
looking back on it, you probably always had feelings for tsukishima. back in those days when you tried to get into volleyball yourself. wanting to be like him, you tried your best, but you weren’t all that good. he would make fun of you for it, but you weren’t bothered by settling for being supportive of him and your freckled friend. You were just as passionate as they were about it.
you were even there when that passion jaded. watched as he stared at his brother from across the game.
it was when you started junior high, that you came to the conclusion that you were in love with your friend. but unlike most people, you did nothing to hide it. why would you? you were always open, always honest and straight to the point. you just weren’t one to hide that.
“go out with me, tsukki!” you poked his side with a cheeky grin, your eyes bright. your friend wasted no time in rejecting you.
“aw, you sure?”
“i would never date somebody so stupidly annoying.” you shook off the blatant insult, laughing instead with your hand on your neck. a small thing you picked up from your other friend. yamaguchi.
“you’ll come around one day!”
“i doubt that.”
it went on like that all throughout your remaining years until high school. a constant back and forth that became a schedule at that point.
it was decided that tsukishima would be going to karasuno, as would yamaguchi. and so would you. you would go where they go, you’d never thought about leaving them both. you’d stay with them as long as possible, holding on to their friendship like it was your lifeline..
and holding onto tsukishima even more so.
you were there with them on the first day, when they joined volleyball club. that first practice match against aoba johsai.
you weren’t always watching their practices, since you had your own club duties to attend to of course. but you always made sure to stop by the clubroom while the boys were getting ready, just to say hi to everyone and to a certain someone.
“hey, hey!” you poked your head from around the door, waving a hand. the team greeted you cheerfully enough, minus tsukishima. who looked annoyed to no end.
“tsukki, wanna go grab something to eat after your practice? i know a really great spot!”
he didn’t even look at you, only giving you the middle finger.
you laughed, shrugging. “worth a try.”
the first time the team had witnessed your very forward approach to asking the extremely salty and crude boy out, they were surprised. the way he turned you down so effortlessly too, threw them off. the added shock of anybody even liking him was the cherry on top.
“is this normal?” sugawara asked, a chuckle falling from his lips. asahi was beside him, sweatdropping at the sight of your affectionate display, and tsukishima’s obvious lack of reciprocation.
yamaguchi smiled awkwardly, nodding. “well- yeah, actually. It’s been happening for years.”
“i’d kill to have somebody all over me like that! lucky bastard!” tanaka held his fist up dramatically, as if clenching his heart in it. he even had a tear in the corner of his eye.
“well then, i’ll be on my way! good practice, everyone!” you chirped, finally leaving them.
“l/n’s got some serious determination.” tanaka whistled.
“misplaced determination. they won’t shut up about dating, it’s annoying.” tsukishima didn’t sound as impressed as his loud senpai was.
yamaguchi tilted his head to the side. “really? i would’ve thought tha-”
“shut up.”
a small laugh. “sorry, tsukki.”
it would forever continue, it seemed like. you never thought you’d give it up, you always knew that you liked tsukishima. your heart would pound, your stomach would feel fluttery. but even though you’ve been with him since you were children, it didn’t seem like he’d grown to feel the same. it would get you down sometimes, his mean and harsh words whenever you’d bring it up. either casually, or intentionally.
you couldn’t help being so hopelessly whipped!
you were walking down the sidewalk with yamaguchi and tsukishima, humming along to a new song that had been dropped recently. you were so into it, strumming your fingers like you were the one playing in the recording. tsukishima watched you with critical eyes, but yamaguchi watched as if this was entertaining.
“new song, l/n?” yamaguchi asked you, and you paused the music. you nodded right away, grinning.
“yeah! there’s this kind of new band I found a bit ago, i think around the time you guys met nekoma for that first practice match? their music is so cool!” you could go on and on about them, to be honest. they may be small, and very underground, but you liked them anyways.
“wahh, they sound cool- right, tsukki?” yamaguchi and you both looked behind at him, faces expecting the same sentiment.
he only scoffed.
you roll your eyes playfully, sidling up to him for the first time today. “you want to go get some ice cream, tsukki?” you wished, hoped for him to just say yes for once. your heart was begging at this point.
“get out of my face, l/n.” he said coldly.
with a defeated sigh, you walked a few steps quicker, before unpausing the music. the humming resumed, and yamaguchi glanced back and forth between you both with a weary expression.
“you could try to be a bit nicer, tsukki-”
“they can’t take a damn hint, it’s not my job to be nice about it.” He said stubbornly.
yamaguchi sighed himself, nodding along. there wasn’t a point in continuing the topic; he always shut it down whenever yamaguchi brought it up. he’s never been so aggressive about something before.
interhigh had come, taking up your friend’s time with it. you were upset that they’d be so busy now, but with the new tournament coming, came a new student.
he was friendly, and cheerful, and honestly probably one of the most charming people you’ve ever met in your life. he even looked familiar to you, like you’ve seen him somewhere before. you couldn’t figure it out, so you just opted to the conclusion you must have just passed him down the street at some point. or some strange case of deja vu? either way, he was in your class now.
you were just coming back from the bathroom, your earbuds plugged into your ears like they usually were nowadays.
“l/n, please take your earbuds out, it’s class time.” iour teacher scolded you gently, and you pouted a little. It was just getting to a good part-
you had tugged on them a little too hard, and instead of just getting them out of your ears, they came out of the headphone jack completely.
you were embarrassed as your new favorite band’s music started blasting out of the phone’s speakers, and you hurried to turn it off. You were blushing, laughing at yourself as you went to go sit back down.
ahh, dang! everyone heard that! you were just laughing at yourself in your head now.
there was a tap on your desk, and you turned your face towards the hand. it was the new kid, and his face looked bright.
“you listen to my band’s music?” he whispered to you, his face beaming, and you gasped quietly.
“is this you?” you pointed at your pocket, where your phone rested. he nodded.
“that’s so- wow, i go to school with one of the people in my favo-”
“l/n, do you have something to say about the lecture?”
you shook your head violently, holding back a huge grin. “n-no, miss!” your teacher sighed, and continued past the interruption.
the looks you both shared didn’t go unnoticed by tsukishima.
everyday now, you were hanging around the new kid. you had come to learn his name, which was ishiwaka teruo. you both had hit it off instantly, it was like you guys had known each other forever, and not just a few weeks. it was almost like some crazy twist of fate, or luck. you guys were both alike in a lot of ways, held similar passions, too.
“see you, ishi!” you waved a hand, grinning as he waved a goodbye back. you guys didn’t take the same way home, so he ended up leaving the opposite direction, while you walked with tsukishima and yamaguchi. you were humming again, one of ishiwaka’s band’s songs.
“you seem pretty happy, l/n.” yamaguchi chuckled, watching as you danced a little. 
“oh yeah, you bet! ishi actually invited me to sit in for one of his practices, isn’t that so cool? he plays the bass, and he even offered to teach me a few chords. i don’t really mess with instruments, but-”
“can you shut up about him? all you do is just yap on and on about this guy, hanging out with him isn’t enough for you? what’s so special anyways?” his tone was harsh, and condescending. “if you’re just going to talk about him all the time, i’m not walking with you guys anymore.” your eyes widened as soon as you heard what tsukishima had just said. your heart was pounding, like it had been caught in the act of something terrible. you even felt slightly ashamed.
“wow, nice, tsukki. sorry for being excited about something.” you muttered, clutching your bag straps tight. what did you expect at this point? he didn’t like you as much as you thought, if he was so ready to just leave you behind. yamaguchi sensed the tension between you both, which made him uncomfortable.
you were all quiet for the rest of the way home.
interhigh came and went, the loss against aoba johsai stung the volleyball team, leaving their spirits broken, and cracked. you hadn’t been to the game that day, busy with a certain band member. and your missing presence hadn’t been looked over.
“where were you?” tsukishima had confronted you in the hallways, while you were walking with ishiwaka to the water fountain. it was break, which meant he could freely talk to you now.
you looked away from him, a nervous air around you that wasn’t like you at all.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t make it, tsukki- i heard that you guys lost, and i’m really sorry i couldn’t have been there!” your words were careful and slow, like you were thinking on how to say the right thing to him.
the blonde closed his eyes, and looked off to the side. he didn’t look pleased in the slightest. “were you with your precious band member? like some kind of groupie.” 
ishiwaka raised an eyebrow, and you just shook your head. tsukishima was really doing this right now? you said sorry, what else were you supposed to say?
“you know what, yeah. i was with him. it’s not like..it’s not like i have to be around you or yamaguchi every second of the day, okay?” you sighed. “look, i’ll make it to your next practice, and skip my club activities. is that fine?”
he hesitated, before giving you a curt nod. you smiled in relief. “great! i’ll see you then. now, about that specific measure-”
you had left him behind, and tsukishima had been hit with a realization.
you hadn’t mentioned going on a date at all. not today, not even within the past few weeks. was something wrong with you? he’d gotten so used to that, but now even that wasn’t a constant.
it was like you were slipping away from him, day by day.
and he realized that he didn’t like that.
as the days went on, thoughts about this ran rampant through his mind. it was maddening, he was trying to focus on school, and now, as he was walking to the clubroom, volleyball. he was scarily silent, and yamaguchi caught onto it right away.
“tsukki?” he asked quietly, not wanting to push. but he wanted to know. ever since tsukishima had come back from break that day, he’d been acting strange. he was even saltier, if that was possible.
“am i not enough for l/n?” he spit out the question, like it was a disease.
taken aback, the freckled boy could only blink. the two stopped walking, looking right at each other now. “what?”
tsukishima barked out a laugh, running a hand over his face in frustration. “you heard me, yamaguchi.”
yamaguchi’s jaw dropped. “do you miss them?” was he for real? was this jealousy actually coming from tsukishima?
“hell if i know.” he muttered. but he knew the answer, and that’s what upset him.
“i knew it. tsukki, why did it have to be now, though?” he shook his head in disbelief. at the utter obliviousness of this boy. yamaguchi knew himself that there was something there in tsukishima, something resembling feelings for you. but of course it was when you were no longer always around that he saw it.
“l/n isn’t a puppy anymore, they’re not following after you. if you haven’t noticed, they’ve given up. you need to do this yourself, and fix it.” yamaguchi stated. he wouldn’t be lying if he said that he’d been frustrated with the back and forth between you both, it was so obvious to him, but apparently not obvious to tsukishima. or you, for that matter.
“i know that.” he muttered. he would have to confront you about this. was he stupid? why didn’t he get this before? 
“then do something about it.”
tsukishima was quiet.
it was decided by him that he’d catch you outside of practice, since you said you’d be coming to watch. it was a quick, and impulsive decision from him, but he needed this to be figured out. his head was at it’s most unclear, and that was affecting him.
you were affecting him.
he looked around the outside of the gym, trying to see if he could spot you coming. it took a minute, before he saw a figure off to the side. it was you, he could tell by that bag anywhere. he stepped out, only to be met with the full picture.
you were with ishiwaka, and you were kissing him.
tsukishima hurried back into the gym with a stone-cold expression. oh. so this is where he stood now.
no longer at the top of your list, no longer important.
you walked into the gym, beaming. it angered tsukishima, more than he should have been. he yanked your arm, and held you by them with a vice grip. you looked up at your friend with nervous, maybe even scared eyes. you hadn’t seen tsukishima like this before.
“what is he to you?”
you blinked. “wh-what?”
“who is he to you? that little bass player.” his eyes were searching yours, for anything, anything that he could hold on to. you didn’t respond, only looking away from his intense stare.
your eyes didn’t hold that same look that they used to whenever you looked at him. 
he had his answer. and he didn’t like it. so he let go of you, maybe for real this time. things had changed so much, right under his nose. and he had let it happen.
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lovelykei · 4 years
Haikyuu boyfriends on insta pt. 4‼️
These are pretty fun to make even tho it takes me a hot minute 🥵
I’m really glad to see you guys enjoying these! So here’s part 4!
(I’m currently working on the flower shop requests and another boyf on insta request so have these crumbs while I get my shit together 😀)
The bois: Kuroo, Tsukishima, Kenma
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I think it’s pretty canon that Kuroo wears the big boy pants in any relationship really
So today you had decided to steal the big boy pants and wear them yourself 😤
Holding the door open to let him walk first
Keeping him on the safe side of the road
Today you were a ✨gentleman✨
You guys were on your way to hang out with some friends that you hadn’t seen in a while
Being 3rd years truly drained you both
Ngl at first Kuroo was probably like ??????wtf
And there were probably a lot of times when he just ripped the big boy pants off of you unconsciously
“Babe be careful here hold on to my arm”
“O okay🥺🥺”
Cue 3 seconds later
“😳no no you’re holding on to my arm and being careful testu😤”
“Babe you can’t reach” listen those little handles on the train??? They’re way too far up
N e ways exceptions had to be made and you had to hold on to your big boi Kuroo 😔
But only for a while because a few stations later people had started to get off and there was more room to move
Your friends had gotten on the train by now and you guys were heading to ‼️the final destination ‼️
Your friends quickly caught on that you were acting like Kuroo and that’s when one of them came up with the brilliant idea
“You should do the whole kissing thing u know? The one where one leans back and you lean forward” (idk what it’s called this is my best attempt at explaining 😔)
You immediately agreed and got excited to show just how big the big boy pants were
Ofc Kuroo agreed bc wbk you’re /both/ crackheads
What you didn’t account for, was his weight in your boiled spaghetti arms 😔
The picture you see up there is one of “10 pictures taken before disaster”
The second after this picture you were both tumbling down to the cold hard ground on the train😔
Kuroos ass? Broke. Your knees? Broke. Your friends? Laughing so hard they broke.
Maybe the big boy pants were too big on you after all 😔
But we love dom daddy Kuroo so it’s okay 🥺💓
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Remeber the insta post about Ushijima?? Where he’s bent all weird to hug you??
Yeah that won’t happen with our boy skinny penis Tsukishima
Which is why you had to find some way to reach his lips if you wanted a kiss
And that’s why we’re here 😔
You guys had been at the cinema with the other first years and we’re now walking around just chatting
You were holding Keis hand swinging it back and forth as you talked animatedly with Yachi.
One thing led to another and to be completely honest you weren’t sure how you ended up in this situation-
But now you were jumping trying to reach Keis face to give him a smooch
Yachi was laughing saying how she told you so
Tsukishima was smirking bc he’s a ******* ***** ** **** 😇
So you simply did what you had to do
Parkour’ing moving your way forward untill you found what you were looking for 😤
A bench 😃
So anyone else might’ve just walked over there calmly and stood on it but nO
You dragged that noodles lookin ass with you as you zoomED🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃
And that’s the story of how it took you a good 20 minutes to get a boyfriend from your kiss a kiss from your boyfriend
Luckily Yachi took a picture and now you have a new lock screen 🥺✨
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Listen,, you aren’t an outdoorsy person
In fact you generally prefer to stay inside in your room with Kenma
But you and Kenma hadn’t gone on a date in so long 🥺
A gaming date would be fun but it wouldn’t be a date bc you always do that
Neither would a cooking date be one
Or a movie date
Basically at home there’s nothing to do that you guys don’t already regularly do
SO you wanted to go camping bc why not 😀
“Y/n there was a bug in the living room 1 week ago and you weren’t able to step a foot there until yesterday”
“But we’ll be in a tent”
“You’re allergic to pollen and grass”
“B bu-“
“Not to mention you wouldn’t survive without the ac bc you overhear”
“Alright alright I get it” 😔
So- there goes your hopes and dream
Or so you thought ✨
Kenma is the best boyfriend tbh.. he’s always thinking ahead and somehow always finds a way to do things you want to do but in a way that ensures both of you 100% enjoyment
So when you got home after a long day you were confused
Why is there a tent? In the living room?? Decorated with fairy lights????
“We’re going camping, without bugs and allergies.. and with WiFi and a comfortable sleeping place”
You didn’t know what to say, or what to do so you just kinda stood there 😲~shook~😲
“I also got snacks”
That’s all you needed to run into your shared room, get into kenmas comfortable clothes, bring some plushies and zoom back out to the living room.
Kenma just chuckled and patted the spot infront of the laptop but before you went and kissed the **** out of him you had one last important business.
Turn the aircon on high😤 bc you’ll be damned if you don’t end up getting cuddles bc you’re overheating 😤
And well that’s how you spent your weekend, in your little living room tent with your boyfriend. Cuddling, laughing, kissing and all that good stuff 🥺
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