#keep spuhura together
maleficusbonum · 2 years
The MAIN reason Uhura and Spock weren't romantically together in TOS was because of the racism and literal anti-miscegenation of that time. So when people use "SpUhuRa cAn't hApPen iN SNW beCauSe iT waSn't cAnoN iN TOS." They're either unaware, or choosing to ignore that fact. We SHOULD be in a different time than TOS. Nothing should be stopping them from putting them together now. Except, I guess we, pathetically, haven't come too far since the 60s.
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kirkodiletears · 3 years
It's funny, when I think of it, but the reason I started actively shipping spirk is, actually, spuhura. I mean, I loved Kirk and Spock before AOS movies came out, and enjoyed their adventures, their friendship, their closeness, their intimacy. Without giving much thought to details: they were always there: a beloved inseparable couple. A universal constant: you don't think about it, you just know, it's there. Always. Being together due to their nature itself. And when AOS movies came out, it was such a shock to see Kirk and Spock separated by the producers! It just felt so wrong all the way: spuhura to me sounded so completely "off key" and out of place, that I started researching the subject: the origins of Kirk's and Spock's character's, the deep meaning and the philosophy underlying the relationship between them, their exceptional closeness. Which at the end led me to an amazing cultural phenomenon of K/S fanfiction and arts with all it's treasures. I also heard people telling their stories of falling in love with K/S after AOS movies, before even watching TOS, and then getting into TOS. Either way, it looks like there's a lot of possibilities to start shipping spirk: no matter, TOS or AOS: those two guys belong together in every Universe, and people keep getting this message, no matter what the producers plan, think or do.
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feetoffire · 3 years
Captain Christopher Pike, the rec list
I had this almost finished and ready to post, and then the kitten wiped everything, so here it is, a gazillion years later than I wanted. Yay. 
Ongoing - the fic is complete, but not all chapters are posted
WIP - fic isn’t finished
Incomplete - last-updated-more-than-a-year-ago WIPs
recs under the cut; spoilers abound
Pike’s Office by AnxiouslyGoing. Poor Jim has a Tarsus related panic attack, and ends up sleeping in Pike’s office/on Pike’s lap. Academy Era, bonus appearance by Spock, dad!Pike. 2k oneshot.
Another Life by LullabyKnell. Time travel fix it for ST2009. As ever, LullabyKnell gave us a spectacular, delightfully well-written fic. Dadmiral Pike, even if he’s technically a captain at this point. No pairings, everything is platonic. 12 chapters, 61k, T. Complete. 
Watching the Cloud of Dust by AngelQueen. Pike runs into Spock Prime while seeing the Enterprise off. Cue melancholy fluff (it follows Spock Prime around like a dog). 1.7k oneshot, G.
Phil Boyce/Chris Pike
horizons universe by gracieminabox. Massive, massive series spanning the whole of Chris’ life. Not canon compliant, i.e. Pike Lives. “Christopher Pike, in word and in deed.” Series, 263k in seventeen parts, G-E. 
Altered Horizons by InsaneSociopath. The bar fight goes very differently because Chris gets elbowed in the face. Featuring depressed!bipolar!Chris, who is Not Having A Good Time, Emergency Department (ED) doc Bones, and mother-hen!Jim. Phil is essentially Sir Not Appearing In This Fic, but he and Chris are married. Seven chapters, 14k, G. Incomplete. I adore this one. 
When Darkness Drifts by InsaneSociopath. Tarsus fic. Jim gets adopted by Starfleet but still ends up on Tarsus, except Chris is there. All Tarsus-related warnings apply. Jim and Chris centric; Phil is most present in the last few chapters. Six chapters, 44k, M. Complete. 
Kinktober 2017 by nerdqueenenterprise. What it says on the tin. Series, 13k in eight parts, T-E. Complete. 
A Vacation Long Overdue by nerdqueenenterprise. Reunion sex, mostly. They haven’t seen each other in six months, so they take leave on a remote beach. ~9k oneshot, E. 
The Weight of a Man by imachar. Another huge series charting the evolution of Chris and Phil’s relationship. Both canon compliant and canon non-compliant, so there’s a choice if you want it. Series, 174k in sixteen parts, M-E. Complete. 
shatterproof by gracieminabox. Will Make You Cry. Phil’s POV, STID compliant, featuring a picture from their early days. 4.3k oneshot, M.
Winged Desires and Veiled Persuasions by imachar. Post-Narada, ignores/was written before STID. Bones ends up hanging out with Phil and Chris at Spuhura’s wedding reception, and then the three of them have sex in Phil and Chris’ hotel suite. Pretty much pure smut. 12k oneshot, E. 
The Wind and Its Satellite by severinne. Long series, some BDSM, eventual Bones/Jim/Pike. Something of a McPike classic. Series, 186k in twenty parts, M-E.
Partridge Fallen From the Pear Tree by severinne. Post-divorce Bones works as a prostitute to make ends meet. Pike comes to town to recruit him, ends up paying for a night without knowing Bones is Bones, and then they both freak the fuck out when Pike realizes who he is. More-or-less just smut and angst. Pre-canon. Three chapters, 12k, E. Complete.
Singularities Verse by FrancescaMonterone. Bones and Pike fall in love, Pike adopts Chekov, Jim is Jim. Bonus Admirals Archer and Reed, and Archer/Reed. Mostly pre-canon, ace Pike. Series, 81k in six parts, T. WIP. 
Need by Noranem. Post STID, Pike and Bones invite Jim into their relationship and their bed. Established McPike, early days Bones/Jim/Pike. Four chapters, 12k, E. Complete. 
See All The Stars by HoneyBeeBritt. Chris and Jim fell in love some time before Daystrom. Fluff and angst, with a happy ending promised in part four. I come back to this one regularly, especially part one. Series, 6.2k in three parts, T-M. Ongoing.
Shining On The Quay by topaz. Post-Narada through Beyond, ignores STID. Chris and Jim fall in love, get together, and figure out how to keep a relationship going when one of them is in space and the other is an admiral. Series, 32k in three parts, E. Complete. 
You Still Got Wheels, Kid by withthepilot. Yes, this is partially on here because it’s one of the few (good) fem!Pike fics. Pre-canon, Pike finds out Jim’s alive because she (not Winona or Sam) is listed as his emergency contact. Prostitute Jim. Takes place two years before canon, I think. 12k oneshot, E. 
Moments along the path by InsaneSociopath. Jim, through no fault of his own, is assigned to Pike as an aide bc Command thinks he’s a loose cannon. Pike is delighted /s. (he warms up eventually.) Some Tarsus PTSD; also a fair amount of fluff. Academy Era slow burn that goes right through to (immediately) post-Narada. 46k oneshot, M. Second chapter is artwork. Long but 100% worth it. 
How Do You Want Me, How Do You Want Me? by babykid528. Get together via smut. Feelings abound but talking about them does not. 3k oneshot, E. 
The Ocean Between Us by severinne. They get a drink in a bar. They’re both dead. Something of a get-together fic. Can and Will sucker punch you with feels. STID compliant. 1k oneshot, T.
Mutual Profusion of Good Feeling (aka Wherein the Aliens have a Flair for Mood Lighting) by kayliemalinza. This doesn’t really count as Pirk, but it’s not platonic enough for the gen category. Away mission, the premise is ‘aliens made them do it’ but there’s no sex or fade to black. Romantic, I guess? I really don’t know, but the prose is gorgeous. Also a Pike Lives/returns to the Enterprise AU. 5k oneshot, T.
Timeline Shenanigans
In plain view by IceCream_Junkie, Killermanatee. Pike/Pike. What can I say? The image of Greenwood’s Pike and Mount’s Pike together is very pretty. 2k oneshot, E.
Out of This World by TheAsexualofSpades. Space Puns. That is all. 1.1k oneshot, G. 
A Small Storm by EKthered. Spock goes to visit his captain and ends up comforting him instead. Post Boreth. 2.3k oneshot. 
you were never broken by ordinary things by SiderumInCaelo. Michael Burnham & Chris Pike. Michael has only an inkling of what’s going on, but she manages to comfort Chris anyway. Post Boreth. 1.2k oneshot. 
Piler | Chris Pike/Ash Tyler
the chair and the badge by ninjamcgarrett. The boys are soft and in love. Lots of smut, but a fair amount of plot. Their respective traumas are addressed too, so there’s plenty of h/c. Honestly? My favorite from this pairing. Series, 59k in five parts, M-E. Ongoing. 
Reality by aishahiwatari. Initially a take on how these two idiots settled their differences, and evolution from there. Part two is post-season two of Disco. Series, 5k in two parts, E. Complete.
survival is insufficient by topaz. Post-Disco; they get together to remember Discovery’s crew, and then they get together. Traumas are addressed. Part two is a sort-of case fic, TW starvation. Series, 33k in two parts, E. WIP.
Feeling Too Deeply by NightOfTheLand. Established Piler, post-Disco season two couch sex. 6k oneshot, E. 
dancing to a beat of our own, flying with the speakers blown by wolfhalls. Neither of them want to talk about anything, aka Horrible Coping Mechanisms TM. Bottom Pike, quasi-hurt/comfort. 2.7k oneshot, E. 
Christmas in Sickbay by lah_mrh. Chris is accident- and injury-prone and has a new reason to hate spiders. Ash just wants to spend time with his boyfriend. 1k oneshot, G. 
The Pillow Will Disappear When I Forget I Put a Pillow There, Worry Not by prototype_malice. Sleepy fluff and cuddles. (they deserve it.) 665 words, oneshot, G. 
Chris Pike/Una | Number One 
it will take place without witnesses by love_in_the_time_of_kohlinahr. Post Disco, Pike is struggling with the knowledge of his future, so he and Una play chess until stupid o’clock in the morning (as one does), and then he lowkey has a panic attack. Una POV. Also features sleepy sex, but it isn’t plot-important and can be skipped over, if you wish. 2k oneshot, E. 
Overtime by Astronoddingoff. Una has Thoughts about Chris working doubles for the better part of a week. Also men get pegged. Definite sub!Chris. 7k oneshot, E. 
Terminal Velocity by Astronoddingoff. Una pegs Chris and drags his favorite fantasy out of him. Chris is On Board with all of this. Implied poly!Chris (i.e. Boyce/Pike) and hardcore switch/sub vibes from Chris. 6.8k oneshot, E. 
All for One by knightinmourning. D/s universe, where Pike had/has to hide the fact that he’s a sub to make (and stay) captain. Mostly reccing for part two, which has a fair amount of hurt/comfort (and also hints at threatened sexual assault and definite torture; be forewarned). Technically also Chris/Phil and Chris/Spock, but there’s no pairing sex, and part two is entirely Una’s POV. Series, 4.2k in two parts, M-E. Probably incomplete. 
A Gentle Touch by jedi_harkness. Chris and Una shower together. Body worship, no sex. So Much Fluff (and also happy tears). It’s super sweet. 1.7k oneshot, T.
Phil Boyce/Chris Pike
Decompression by Astronoddingoff. Chris is elated by a recent treaty success and the time spent dirtside. Phil does his best to make him even happier. Lowkey sub Pike. Implied poly!Chris (i.e. Pike/One). 3.5k oneshot, E. 
Most Pike/Boyce fics fall under the AOS tags
Triangulate by Astronoddingoff. Sex pollen, but they’re already-kind-of-mostly in an established relationship. Recent miscommunications lead to angst. They all love each other and they’re all idiots. Lowkey sub Pike. Two chapters, 20k, E. 
Holy by Astronoddingoff. Self-actualizing featuring religious guilt/conflict, i.e. Pike is a sub and religion is weird about enjoying yourself. 2.7k oneshot, E. 
Happy Birthday by MeganMoonlight. It’s Phil’s birthday. Cue breakfast in bed. 530 word oneshot, G. 
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pennywaltzy · 3 years
8. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand. -- Spuhura
And this is an answer to my “The Further Voyages Of The Starship Enterprise” series, and was also gifted to @greenskyoverme!
A Proper Holodeck Proposal - When Spock decides to propose, he shows he knows Uhura's taste in twenty-first-century television well.
“I have arranged a surprise,” Spock said to Uhura. “A visit to the Holodeck is in order, but I think you will enjoy it.” He offered her his arm and she looked at him skeptically but gave it to him. Now that they had reconciled after he had decided to stay aboard the Enterprise, he was particularly touchy-feely. She wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that he had almost lost her, not just to their mutual stupidity but to Krall.
But she worried that, eventually, his sense of duty to his fellow Vulcans would make her lose him all over again. Vulcan was still repopulating, and even though he was half-human, he was also half-Vulcan and, perhaps, with a Vulcan who could bear children…
She had hoped one day they would settle on New Vulcan together, but now, in the back of her mind, she worried he would do so without her when their times on the Enterprise ended once and for all.
But for now, she tried to clear her mind and let him take her on their date. The Holodeck was a new addition to the rebuilt Enterprise. It had been on other ships to great acclaim, but she was unsure of it. But when Spock led her inside and gave the name “Bridgerton,” she gasped as she became garbed in Regency finery, and the room became a grand ballroom. “Spock?”
“I know you and Carol would watch this show in Doctor McCoy’s quarters when he was busy with other things,” he said. “It is your favorite from this period?”
“It is,” she said. And it was. It was a show that, in its time, had shown a multicultural side of England that was commonplace now. But a black Duke, an Indian Viscountess? In the twenty-first century, it had been unheard of for a show to make such concessions to racial equality. And...it was just good.
Spock led her to the floor as a waltz came on. She knew how to waltz; as a diplomat’s daughter, she’d learned many dances from pretty much every planet she learned a language from. She was the best dancer in the Enterprise, hands down. But Spock could keep up, and soon, after nearly colliding with Simon and Daphne because she was so swept up in everything, she and Spock moved aside for a drink.
“This is wonderful!” she said, her eyes alight. “This was a truly wonderful date, Spock.”
“There is at least one thing I wish to do,” he said. He picked up a small jewelry box from the table they were by, and she knew he had planned this. Her heart skipped a beat as he opened it. “I know you worry that we will drift apart again, or that I will let duty overtake my romantic feelings towards you. But I love you, Nyota Uhura. I wish to spend as many of my days with you as I can, either on the Enterprise or on New Vulcan or any other location we decide upon. Will you honor me by accepting my proposal of marriage?”
The doubts and fears melted away as she saw the small white stone on the silver band. “Yes, I will, Spock,” she said, tears in her eyes.
He frowned. “Are you sad? Did I make a mistake?”
“No! I’m happy. I’m so damn happy.” He slipped the ring on her finger and she beamed at him as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.
“It is a diamond. Doctor McCoy made me get one for you. He said it was traditional.”
She laughed and hugged him, pulling him down for a kiss. She wouldn’t have cared if it was another stone like the necklace she still wore daily. She loved this man and was so fortunate that he loved her as well.
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Title: The Sound Of Rain
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Gif credit @spuhuras
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy reading dollies.
You were picking up torn pieces of clothing out of the yard for what seemed to be the millionth time today. The pack goes through alot of clothes and they were always scattered throughout the yard. Sam saw you as you're cleaning, he could smell the rain coming he knew this would be the perfect time.
"Babe, you want to go on a hike with me"? He came out of the house with your shoes in his hand.
"Yeah". You said excitingly sitting down the trashcan. Sam came over to you handing you your shoes. You slid them on and Sam took your hand in his walking together towards the woods.
This was a rare occasion. Sam never got a moment's peace with the pack around. They were like little kids that had to be watched at all times and you and Sam were the parents. It was exhausting at times but you always had Sam beside you.
"So you having a good day today"? Sam asked awkwardly as you started hiking up the trail behind the house.
"Yeah. At least I dont have laundry to fold". You giggled as you playfully nudged Sam's shoulder.
"I'll start making the boys clean up after themselves".
"Nah, it's fine. They have other worries to attend too instead of pieces of clothes". You wrapped your arm around Sam's arm getting close to his body as a gust of wind blew through you, shivering.
"You okay"?
"Yeah, I'm good. I got you to keep me warm". You kissed Sam's bicep.
The hike continued as you came to a open space, it looked as if a big werewolf rolled around to scratch it's back and made the clearing. There was big pine tree that's been there for decades.
"It's so nice out here, and quiet. We need to hike out here more often". You told Sam as you let go of his arm stepping in the middle of the clearing spinning taking everything in. The sun shines through the trees, a beam landing on you. Which made your eyes sparkle and took Sam's breath away.
"You're beautiful, Miss Y/L/N. Absolutely beautiful". Sam spoke with such a sweet and lustful voice. He made you blush under his gaze.
"Why Mr. Uley are you flirting with me"? You brought out a sultry southern accent, pretending to fan yourself from the hot sun.
"I sure am, Miss". He walked forward towards you, you kept with his pace backing up. Your back hit the big pine tree with a thump. Sam hovered over you taking a whiff of your scent as the wind blew once more.
"You smell". Sam took a moment to sniff the air again. You bit your bottom lip waiting for his answer but you already knew where this was leading.
"I smell"?
"Wet". He growled, attacking your neck with his lips. His hands roamed your body, cupping your breasts. Your hands went to his hair, tugging a hand full bringing his mouth to yours. His tongue demanding entrance, you wanted to be a tease and not let him but he thought a head of you.
Sam's hand snaked down your pants, his fingers creeping into your panties. He ran his finger through your slit making you moan. He tongue took it's rightful place in your mouth dominating your tongue.
Your hand held on to his forearm as he fingered you. His long finger pumped in and out of you, gathering and creating more juices that would later help with his big size. His thumb rubbed your clit in circles. Creating the friction that you needed to send you over the edge but Sam didn't want it to over so soon. He quickly removed his hand and sucked his fingers as you stood in front of him a panting mess.
Rolling your eyes with a huff you undid his shorts, letting them drop to his ankles. His cock sprung up like a vampire out of a coffin in the old timey movies. Licking your lips you unfastened your pants and slid them and your underwear off. Stepping out one side of them.
Sam picked you up getting between your legs. You wrapped yours around his waist. He grabbed his cock and slid the tip along your lips and eased into your entrance. Your head fell back on the tree as he stretched your walls. He was big in all the right places.
"You feel so fucking good". Sam grunted in your ear as he started to move his hips. Thrusting in and out. The woods were so quiet that you could hear how wet you were.
Sam thrusts became faster, you held on to him, your arms around his neck. His fingers dug into your hips leaving prints for days.
"Aaah". You cried out as Sam hit that special place that he knew drove you wild. Your legs started to shake, the fire in you started get out of control and the sound of thunder lit up the woods as you came.
The rain started pouring, the coolness felt good on your skin. You kissed Sam as he made love to you on the pouring rain.
"I love you". You whimpered in his ear, he smiled as you leaned back on the tree just feeling the rain on your body. The nature coming around you, not a care in the world at this moment. Just you and Sam together as one.
Sam picked you up and carried you to a grassy area near the tree. He gently laid you down, he picked up his pace. His hands took your wrist and held them above your head, he kissed along your clothed chest, pushing up your shirt and kissed your bare skin, licking up the rain that drop along.
You were so in heaven right now that you never wanted this moment to end. Because you knew that you would never have this again even if you tried to reenact it perfectly it would never be the same.
He thrusted deep and slow strokes. He wanted to wait as long as he could but seeing you whither from pleasure he couldn't keep himself together. You were on your second orgasm, body trembling, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Sam howled as he released, he clawed the ground next to you. His cock pulsed as he came, his warm seed covering your walls, sending a pleasant feeling of warmth throughout your body.
"I love you". Sam mumbled as he kissed up and down your body. He crawled up and laid beside you. You moved strands of hair that was stuck to his forehead from the rain.
"That was the most loving and special moment we've ever had and I don't ever want it to end". You took his hand in yours bring it to your lips and kissing each finger.
"I dont want this to end either. I wish it didn't have too". Sam traced your skin with his free hand.
"This is our spot, we can come here every week just to get away from the pack and the worries. Have us time, we deserve it".
"I want that too. I'm so lucky to have you". He pulled you close to him to warm you up. The rain was getting colder and the wind was blowing.
"I'm the lucky one. You're an amazing man, an incredible alpha and the greatest boyfriend anyone could ever ask for".
"Are you tired"?
"Ready for round two, already"? You giggled at the eagerness of Sam Uley.
"Well I could go for a couple more rounds but I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat. I'm starving".
"Me too but first we have to stop by the house".
"I have pine sap covering my ass. I'm probably stuck to the ground". You giggle as Sam scoops you up off the ground.
"You're not stuck but you do have some bark and leaves. I'll help you out when we get home". He sat you down so you could throw on your clothes.
"Thanks. Nothing beats picking bark and leaves off your ass after a round of sex". Sam chuckled under his breath.
"Hop on, let's go eat". Sam picked you up on his back giving you a piggyback ride down the trail.
This has to be the best day ever, either that or you're dreaming. But yet you could hear the sound of rain clearly..
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bearsinpotatosacks · 4 years
So, what does anyone else have their own ideas of what Star Trek 4 (AOS) could be if it's made? I really want to know.
Here's my thought process for how it could work, in my world at least:
It's near the end of the five year mission and the crew are falling apart
This started when Chekov left the ship (in my later AUs he's there but in terms of how a new film could actually work this is how it could work)
Spock and Uhura are considering leaving Starfleet (oh yeah, only canon ships in these universes) and moving to New Vulcan to start a family and for Nyota to carry on her linguistic skills
Hikaru is considering taking a role closer to home to be with family
Jim doesn't want to leave space and also doesn't want to leave his space family, Scotty's the same
Bones still doesn't have anywhere to go and acts like he's alright and will do whatever's decided, that all he wants is to care and learn, but he's way more scared than he let's on because it's another family that's breaking apart but he doesn't know where to go this time
The problem they face I want to be something that affects the crew as a whole, gives spuhura something to think about in terms of their relationship and something that affects one crew member more than the others
In ST 2009 it was Nero, his revenge against Spock Prime that threw everyone out of the academy, made spuhura go through their first crisis together and destroyed Spock's home world
In Into Darkness it was Khan, the militarized Starfleet idea getting people killed, Uhura getting annoyed that Spock can shut off and then adjusting to life on a Starship and Jim with Pike dying and the whole family thing
In Beyond it was the Krill, his anger at the Federation, Spock and Uhura breaking up and learning how they can be together in on a crisis ship and Jim learning what it's like to get stagnant or start to dislike a role
So for this Star Trek 4 it could be a villain that threatens something bigger than the Federation (because the threat goes from their livelihoods to Starfleet to the Federation), Spock and Uhura questioning if they even should be together and have to live on a Starship (hence them wanting to leave) and some link between the villain and a person in the crew
My idea for this is:
We open on an emergency c-section finishing, the mother is healthy but dies anyway, the baby looks at McCoy and attatches
This is because the species the mother's from are kinda like deities but they pass on all their knowledge and power to their 1 offspring (it's in the baby's subconscious) and whoever the baby sees first they fully bond to and have to work over years to be able to be separated from them- they don't know this though
They then have to deliver the baby to it's species and try to take turns with the baby but when Spock and Uhura (who are taking a lot of turns because parenting practice) take them, the baby cries
They eventually arrive at this temple but only Bones is allowed through
The crew eventually get in but find out that he has no memory of them
The link for this idea is Bones and the species/baby (I say villain but it's really just an opposing force)- he's lonely and is losing a family, this baby has linked with him and can't leave him
I have a bit of an idea of how to end this so I'll keep that to myself 😉
I also have some other ideas:
A version of For The World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
A take on the time travel aspect from the One with the Whales
An actual time travel idea
A Mirrorverse thing?
The crew have you travel into each other's memories to secure a diplomatic mission. But 5 other crews have already tried to get this species on their side, and they all failed
Please tell me your ideas! I'd love to hear them
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autisticburnham · 4 years
I know I probably don't have any people who dislike spuhura still following me, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone can explain it to me bc I've seen the idea stated several times. How did aos "reduce Uhura to Spock's bitchy girlfriend"?
First of all, "bitchy"???? Where??? The only scenes I can even think of that you might be referring to is her insisting she's placed on the Enterprise in 2009 or her being angry about Spock staying in the volcano in Into Darkness. And sorry to tell you, but if you think her saying "Hey, I'm qualified to be on the flagship, why am I not being given the position that I'm most qualified for?" or being upset about her boyfriend nearly killing himself and not talking to her about it is "bitchy," then you almost certainly have some internalized racism or misogyny going on.
Second of all, "just his girlfriend"? While, yes, I am the first to admit aos' writing is pretty damn sexist, Uhura gets more to do than Bones does. Seriously, when aos only fans talk about the triumvirate, they talk about Kirk, Spock, and Uhura. Aos is what made her canonically able to speak 80+ languages when tos didn't even have her able to speak Klingon. Aos is what gave her a fucking first name. Aos has her assume leadership and keep the crew working together and figuring out how to escape in Beyond. And, let's not forget that the standards for representation for black women are different. While white women find it refreshing when white female characters don't have love interests, it's still unfortunately rare to have black female characters be depicted as being worthy of love. An interracial relationship at the head of a huge franchise, where a black woman is loved by one of the most beloved characters in all of sci fi, is not making her "just a girlfriend," it is genuinely progressive.
People who say this always say that she was her own person in tos implying that she's not in aos, but there was a reason Nichelle almost quit, and it was because Uhura was constantly sidelined and had her lines reduced to just "hailing frequencies open." Yes, the singing and Spock calling her the most qualified person aboard to repair the communications console is wonderful, but that and Mirror, Mirror and the one tas episode where she only ends up in charge bc all the men have been incapacitated are the only times I can think of off the top of my head where she even gets to do anything. Aos may have shitty writing, but Uhura is not any worse off in it than she was in tos.
I genuinely do not understand. How is she "reduced to Spock's bitchy girlfriend"?????
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dawnquafam · 4 years
Spuhura + “shh, stop fussing. I am just braiding your hair.”
A/N: This was supposed to be quick but it got away from me. I just… love sleepy Spock. (Also I changed the phrasing a little bit to keep it in-character)
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Nyota sat by the corner of the cavernous shelter they resided in, next to the pair of cots she and Spock had been given. It was an underground structure carved out of the stone that composed much of the planet’s crust. Intricate designs had been etched into the grey walls, depicting a number of the native culture’s myths and legends that she and Spock had learned about in great detail during the first two hours they had been sequestered away down here. The sconces adorning each wall at regular intervals held orbs with no power source that Spock had been able to figure out, yet each one cast a steady, warm light over a fair distance, floor lamps with the same orbs lighting the center of the room.
It was a large room, consisting simply of four walls, designed only to protect every member of the town from the fierce storms of acid rain that occasionally struck. A few families had strung up their blankets as curtains for privacy, each one colorful and woven with beautiful abstract patterns that Nyota greatly admired, but the majority of the town’s residents chose to stay in the open area at the center, singing, dancing, praying, or simply chatting to pass the time.
They called themselves the Khuqiel, a people small in stature but grand in heart. They were slender, most of them hardly reaching Nyota’s shoulders, their pale purple skin covered in a fine layer of white fur that almost seemed to glow when they were happy, which seemed to be all the time from what Nyota had seen. She was rather certain that, had she not been there as a buffer, their boundless enthusiasm would’ve overwhelmed her husband.
As it was, however, they were approaching their sixteenth hour in this shelter that the Enterprise’s transporter couldn’t penetrate, and with little else to do, he had decided to brave their propensity for physical affection even amongst strangers for the sake of scientific inquiry. Nyota had smiled and set to work on the collection of children’s schoolwork she had been provided with, taking advantage of their sudden abundance of free time to familiarize herself with their two most common languages, a pile of papers and books spread on the ground before her, centered around a computer programmed with interactive lessons.
She was just beginning to wrap her mind around their second language’s extremely complex rules of verb conjugation when, after four hours of discussions with their town’s foremost scientists, Spock returned to her. He picked his way carefully through her work to sit beside her, and only a mere handful of people in the galaxy besides herself would’ve been able to detect the heaviness with which he sat, or the slight blankness in his eyes that spoke of profound exhaustion.
Though she wanted to gather him close and insist he rest, Nyota left the option of touch up to him. “Did you learn anything?” she asked.
“I learned that I will never again take for granted how restrained humans are with touch,” he answered resignedly.
Nyota looked at him sympathetically. “When the storm passes, I promise I’ll convince Jim to give you plenty of time off to hide in our quarters.”
“I would appreciate that,” he said, just a little too desperately.
She couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “We’ll be out of here soon enough.”
“I doubt that,” he muttered, eyeing a Khuqielan that appeared for a brief moment to be heading in their direction.
She shook her head affectionately, shifting slightly so anyone would have to talk to her before him. “You could sleep,” she suggested. “They wouldn’t bother you then.”
“You know I do not like sleeping with so many people around.”
“Yes, you might slip up and crack a smile during your dream,” she teased.
Looking around, she found him staring at her with pursed lips, his limbs gathered protectively close to his body. “We could be here for another thirty-eight hours, sweetheart,” she pointed out, “and you haven’t slept in nearly a week. Sooner or later, you may have to sleep here whether you want to or not.”
He paled. “I rather hope this is not one of their two-day storms.”
She sighed, knowing he wouldn’t give in on this. “All right,” she acquiesced. “Can you at least try to meditate? That’s a little restful, at least.”
He considered, conceding with a nod. “I will meditate.”
“Thank you.”
He settled into his preferred meditation pose, and she returned to her study. They continued this way in amicable silence for a short while, accented by the soothing background of the Khuqielans’ chatter, until Nyota heard a new noise: Snoring.
It was tiny. Faint. And coming from behind her.
Not that she needed that last detail to recognize Spock’s snore.
She hardly had time to arch an eyebrow before it cut off, no doubt by him jerking awake as he began to slump over. She pressed her lips together, focusing on her struggle not to laugh, and jumped a little when she suddenly felt fingers in her hair.
“My apologies,” he said, his voice dangerously close to slurring. “I am only braiding your hair.”
“Because you fell asleep and are now trying to stay awake?”
She turned around, smiling at his sheepish expression. “Spock. Just go to sleep.”
“I do not want to.”
He sounded like a petulant child. “Spock.”
Getting onto her knees, Nyota gripped his shoulders and gently pushed him down until he lay on the nearest cot. He resisted slightly, but she suspected it was more for show than anything, because he melted readily enough onto the soft surface. Knowing he found it easier to admit he needed sleep if she did as well, she closed her borrowed computer and snuggled onto the cot beside him. They barely fit, her back pressed snugly against his chest, his knees drawn up so his feet didn’t dangle, thus pushing her own knees over the edge, but once she pulled the pink blanket with a floral pattern over the two of them, he was all but hidden from sight, and that was the final push he needed. Giving in to his exhaustion, he nestled his face into the back of her neck, seeking her warmth, and wrapped his arms around her. “Good night, sweetheart,” she murmured.
He didn’t respond, already out like a light, faintly snoring in seconds.
Content as she always was in his arms, Nyota was quick to follow him.
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vitaelampada · 4 years
“Love Interest”
Been thinking about this term -- ‘love interest’. It applies (hopefully) to fictional situations only. I say that because ‘love’ and ‘interest’ seem like terms which cancel each other out. Personally, what ‘interests’ me can change during the course of a day, but something I ‘love’ -- sheesh, I hope I have more commitment there.
But the term exists, I think, to acknowledge that high-action, plot driven fictions tend to keep love on the sidelines. And the reason I started writing Spuhura was because the Kelvin films were kinda busy with warp speed chases, blowing up ships and planets. The moments with Spock and Uhura were brief, but they were very well acted. They made me wish there had been more.
When I started writing Spuhura, I also started to notice the Tumblr posts that weren’t happy with the pairing, the ones that believed the relationship demeaned Uhura, reduced her to a ‘love interest’. If the Kelvin films had involved her romantically with another character, I might have agreed. But Spock – to my mind Spock has always been a character who commits fully whenever he commits. If he loved anyone enough to show it, that would be an amazing level of love. ‘Interest’ would be a demeaning way to describe his feelings.  
I can remember seeing the TOS films when they first screened, when they paired Uhura with Scotty. I didn’t hate it, but that relationship didn’t excite me. Apologies to Mr. Scott, but his character in the Original Series and the reboot was scripted mainly as comic. Uhura’s presentation was more serious, her manner more dignified. I struggled to imagine how those two would be attracted to each other or stay together.
But the instant I saw Kelvin Spock/Uhura on screen, it felt right. Both of them were scripted as ‘serious’ characters. They were dedicated to their work/studies and very capable; they were not the kind to complain, seek attention or get into trouble. At the very least, they would admire each other, recognise that they were like-minded. And if they did fall in love, they would take their relationship as seriously as they took their jobs.
I believe pairing Spock with Uhura acknowledges Uhura as better than your average woman, better than your average Starfleet officer. Why would Spock bother with a relationship, unless it was a person of his calibre? More than that, I don’t believe he would bother with a relationship unless the significant other had the ability to understand and accept him. And in return, that partner would receive the same level of understanding and acceptance. All that goes way beyond ‘interest’.    
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strawberrypatty · 4 years
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: Discovery Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Burnham & Spock, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Michael Burnham & Sarek, Sarek & Spock, Spock/Nyota Uhura Characters: Spock (Star Trek), Michael Burnham, Amanda Grayson, Sarek (Star Trek), Leila Kalomi, Philippa Georgiou, Christopher Pike, Puri (Star Trek), Saru (Star Trek), Number One (Star Trek), Paul Stamets, Nyota Uhura, Ash Tyler | Voq Additional Tags: Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Affection, Little Brothers, Big Sisters, Growing Up, Growing Up Together, Kelvin Timeline (Star Trek), Kelvinverse Michael Burnham, Michael Burnham Needs a Hug, Spock Needs a Hug (Star Trek), POV Spock (Star Trek), PoV Michael Burnham, Kelvinverse Discovery, Star Trek: Discovery Spoilers, Not Canon Compliant - Star Trek: Discovery, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Telepathic Bond, Vulcan Mind Melds, Protective Spock (Star Trek), Protective Siblings, Sarek is a Bad Dad, Teenage Rebellion, Minor Spock/Leila Kalomi, Starfleet Academy, Rebellion, Ear Piercings, Body Modification, Piercings, Tattoos, USS Discovery (Star Trek), Minor Spock/Number One, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers Series: Part 1 of The Half-Vulcan Way of Life Summary:
The destruction of one ship should not affect so much. But the destruction of the USS Kelvin in 2233 affected more than just the life of James Kirk.
This is the story of how that event changed the lives of Spock and Michael Burnham. This is how they grew up in that changed world... Together.
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Spock makes a declaration to Nyota.
Just to tease the Spuhura shippers... The most difficult part of this chapter was keeping these two reined in. They’re super horny for one another.
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panicatthediaz · 6 years
You earned yourself a full on rant, @littlecrazyfangirl-98
Let's talk about ships here, eh? This is all what I think of some ships that came to my mind, please don't hate me >.>
Spirk is a thing that, for me, only works in TOS. In AOS, I do feel like Jim just wants to work as well with his crew as it was in the prime timeline. He wants to be that good captain and man.
McKirk, on the other hand, is a thing that works only in AOS. In TOS, I get such a father-son relationship vibes with them that it would be weird to even think about it. Might be because of the actors' ages, but who knows. TOS novels, however, are on a different level.
Spuhura (is this even the name) is a thing I love and they work together as the power couple, in AOS. I have some strong feelings about this one.
Scotty/Uhura (ain't gonna take a crack at this name) is a thing that fills my heart with joy in the TOS movies, dammit. They are so cute together that I can't make much of a comprehensive thought.
McChapel and Bones/Carol are also two things that give me life, one in TOS and the other in AOS. I dunno. They are just cute, and Carol stuck to Bones' side afterwards... And y'know, I do love Christine's no-shit attitude including to her boss.
I guess I ship Bones with plenty of blondes
Spones though. Dumb thing gives me life, in all their superficial difference. They hold the same ideals, just showing them through different means, which was actually SEEN IN TOS. One is well filtered while the other is not. I could go on for a while, so let's summarise it as "two sides of the same coin, coin which is the moral compass of one James T. Kirk, as stated by series creator".
Scones is an anonymous gift that keeps on giving, I have no idea where it came from but it's cute. Who would've thought that southern + scottish would be so cute?
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prue84 · 3 years
Winter '21/'22 review: 👍👍/👍👍
From now I'm going to keep record of my goals and achievements, instead of resetting every counter at the end of a month, so to help motivate me to keep up if I'm in a roll, or try to get back into the mood if I'm hit by a block.
In depth analysis under the cut.
Wordcount on WIPs: 0/20.000
Developing detailed drafts: 0 ≥ 20 pages
Graphic artworks: 9/1 (5 published)
Arthur/Morgana, Gwen in Gold (x2), NCIS/Trek patches(x2), Spuhura, TPura(x2), AOS!Stonn. Also the Headcanons pics, some banners for the Trek Crew masterpost and Merlin/Trek patches(x2 - one finished).
Retouching old graphics: 1 / 2
Further characters have been added between February and March to the NCIS crew edit. Merlin's hasn't been touched. But I also heavily overhauled the graphic style of these edits, and applied it both to the current WIP/back-to-work and to the two Trek pulished so far. I exceeded this goal, posting 1 manip in the winter half of December, 3 headcanons, 2 manips and 1 IG mock in January, 2 IG mocks in February and 2 manips in the winter half of March.
Manga editing: 0 (100 = project complete)
Season 1-per-Month post goal: 4/4
- Do and/or finish one fanwork per month ✔
December: - Started and published Arthur/Morgana. - Published the Trek Crew two retouched edits. - Written some AOS!characters abridged bio/headcanons.
January: - Started/finished the Gwen in Gold. - Counts as finishing an old idea, as the original pic was in my to-do list.
February: - Started/finished a two-piece NCIS/Star Trek [holding them back because I’m not satisfied on a detail]
- Finish & post some old graphic WIP✔ [1]
- Started/finished three Uhura Ships pieces. Re-worked and heavily changed the graphic for the Trek Crews two edits. - The Spuhura counts as finishing an old idea, as it was in my to-do list. - The T’Pura come from pics I saved and wanted to use for Trek. - All the while I’m slowly putting together the NCIS crews abridged bio/presentations, and in a span of time between January and March I’ve reworked the related edit by adding a whole new bunch of characters.
- Post some finished graphic that was held back ✔ [1]
- Finish Chronicles of Camelot's retouch ❌
- Finish that 90% done 2015 Spirk one shot ❌
- Finish the Royal Eagle fic that's 90% done ❌
- Return to write actual fics ❌
- Finish with all Kirk's headcanons series ❌
- Complete the Trek characters headcanon two series ❌
- Post that Le-matya headcanon ❌ I collected all the ideas, but failed to put them into a decent, coherent text so far.
- Finish to develop the "Modern Times Merlin" AU and made this AU edit ❌ Idea from January, worked on it some then pretty much lost the moment.
- Work on some Merlin / Star Wars AU content. ❌ I did start writing down about the AU and making sense of all the ideas at the end of December but never opened the doc file again.
- Get the Star Wars Prequels x Trek edit ready before the Obi-Wan series hits Disney+ ❌ I only managed to include the Original Trilogy in the project. Ah ah.
- Finish and post the Sea Patrol Trek crew ❌
- Post some other Trek crew AU ❌
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tomfooleryprime · 7 years
Adding to canon is not the same thing as destroying canon
At San Diego Comic Con, we learned that Sonequa Martin-Green’s character, Michael Burnham, is Sarek’s adoptive daughter. The second I heard the news, all I could think was, “Let the hate begin.” And boy, did it ever.
I understand the disappointment, particularly with fan fic writers who invested a lot of time and effort into crafting stories that fit neatly into canon. Amazing how one sound bite can bulldoze right through decades of widely accepted fanon, huh?
Let’s be real, those little behind the scenes moments are almost the entire point of fan fiction: some of us like something so much, we like to imagine all the things the writers didn’t tell us, but now Michael Burnham has come along like a square peg in a round hole, rendering countless stories AU that previously adhered perfectly to canon. Some of mine included.
But fanon isn’t canon. One might say, “How come we’re just hearing about this now?” Surely Spock would have mentioned having an adoptive sister? But would he? Would he though?
No one had any idea he was engaged to T’Pring until the Enterprise showed up to Vulcan on Spock’s impromptu wedding day in the TOS episode, “Amok Time.” What was it he said when Lieutenant Uhura asked who the lovely woman on the viewscreen was?
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If you watch closely enough and get creative with your interpretation, I swear Christine Chapel mouths the word, “bullshit.”
And no one knew that Spock had a strained relationship with his father until that time dear old Sarek hopped on Enterprise for the Coridan admission debate in the TOS episode, “Journey to Babel.” Kirk urged Spock to go down to the planet and visit his family before they left orbit, and what was Spock’s reply?
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I can’t think of a better example of where Spock made Kirk look like a total asshole.
I can maybe understand that he never brought his father up in typical conversation, but one would think once they received a mission to pick up Ambassador Sarek from Vulcan that Spock might have mentioned, "Yeah, it's no big deal or anything, but he's my dad." But of course not. Of course it would be "logical" to wait until the last possible moment just to amp up the cringeworthiness. And then there’s the fact that Kirk had known Spock for decades before finding out he had a half-brother named Sybok in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
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You would think Kirk would be used to Spock family bombshells by now.
So if anything, the idea that Spock had a secret adoptive sister actually feels more in keeping with canon than going against it. Given the weight of the evidence, I wouldn’t be all that shocked to discover he had three step mothers, a couple of wives, a brother-in-law who worked in engineering, and a whole herd of secret love children drifting around out there. I mean, it happened often enough that even Saturday Night Live parodied it.
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Spock-O could have been real and you know it. So yeah, there are worse things that could happen to the fandom than Michael Burnham.
The other thing is, as viewers, we tend to get into the habit of thinking that if a character doesn’t specifically address something on screen in front of other characters, other characters are in the dark along with the viewers. Like if a character didn’t explicitly announce some detail about their personal life to the world, not only did it never happen, it never could have happened. And that’s just silly. Think about this: Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew spent five years together on that mission, and we only got to view a little less than 66 hours of it. So imagine all the conversations in the mess hall we as viewers missed out on. Did anyone flip out when it was revealed that Dr. McCoy had a daughter in The Animated Series? You would think he would have mentioned her in The Original Series, no? Maybe he did, but the viewers just weren't invited to that conversation.
Going back and adding to canon is not the same thing as destroying canon. Star Trek, particularly The Original Series, was always more focused on exploring the galaxy and meeting new civilizations – its primary purpose wasn’t to flesh out complicated life stories for each of the main characters. When you think about it, there’s so much we don’t know about Spock’s upbringing or Sarek and Amanda's origins. Almost everything we do know about this family comes from two episodes – “Journey to Babel” in The Original Series and “Yesteryear” in The Animated Series.
I think because we spent more than five decades without any concrete ideas of how Sarek and Amanda met, what Spock’s formative years were really like, or how their family dynamics worked, we just filled in the blanks for ourselves. But fifty years is a long time for the lines between canon and fanon to start getting blurred.
So I’m actually tickled pink at the thought that Spock had an adoptive sister, not furious that they’re "corrupting" more than fifty years of canon. It would be tampering with canon to claim that Spock never existed, that Chekov was a flower child, or that Starship Troopers is actually some kind of prequel to Kirk and the starship Enterprise, but writing in a sister for Spock where one previously didn’t exist isn’t quite the same thing.
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Would you like to know more?
The writers of the show are just doing what we as fan fic writers do all the time – filling in the gaps. You’re definitely allowed to feel however you want to feel about it. And I do understand a lot of the dismay and shock. It really sucks to pour your heart and soul into something, polishing it for months or even years until it’s perfect, and then have Michael Burnham thrown into the mix and it almost feels like a bad Photoshop job over your favorite family portrait, ruining your origins fics for Sarek/Amanda or Spuhura or Spirk or Spones or Spotty? (Is that actually what the Spock/Scotty ship is called?). It’s perfectly acceptable to say that Michael Burnham’s existence has ruined your perception of canon, but I don’t think it should be confused with ruining actual canon.  
And worst case scenario… fanfic writers will just do what they’ve always done: include disclaimers explaining how they hate certain aspects of canon so they just plan to completely ignore it. That’s their prerogative, but I often find it disappointing. I see it with Sybok in Sarek/Amanda fics all the time. Many people prefer to just write him out, and while it is tempting to pretend like The Final Frontier never happened, I’ve always included him. I think it does reality a huge disservice to cut him out, and I think it will be just as bad to do the same thing to Michael.
People get hung up on the idea that Spock was so lonely and misunderstood, but what about the loneliness that Sybok must have felt, having his mother die and going to live with a human step-mother, a half brother, and a father he barely knew, if he ever even knew him at all before his mother’s passing? I loved Sybok’s addition because he helps represent the complex reality of blended families. Between Sarek, Amanda, Spock, and Sybok, I think that family was rife with loneliness and misunderstanding long before Michael Burnham was written in.  
I think Michael, if I understand her story correctly that she’s an orphan who was taken in by Sarek and Amanda, only serves to add to the rich tapestry of Spock’s unique family, and it certainly seems as if she'll fit right in with the other misfits in Sarek's brood. A human wife, a moody Vulcan son from a previous relationship, a half-human son from his current marriage, and now an adoptive human daughter. I feel like that’s a true picture of a modern family in all its messy and complicated and beautiful glory.
People like to romanticize the idea of a “traditional” family, but I like the “messier” version so much more. I think it actually fits in better with Spock’s character. I’m sure there are some who will ask, “But then how can you explain why he would say he felt so lonely growing up if he had not one but two siblings?” I also imagine many of those people were raised as an only child.
We don’t really know how much of an age gap exists between Spock and Sybok (or between Spock and Michael Burnham), but just imagine for a second that you’re Spock, and you have an older brother who’s constantly disappointing your father with his talk about emotions and a human adoptive sister who’s constantly struggling to fit in on Vulcan too. It might be easy to feel like an afterthought at times, especially because Sybok is fully Vulcan like Sarek and Michael is fully human like Amanda and you almost feel like something “other.”
Not that Spock feels of course. No, he would “never” do that. But I look forward to seeing how this all plays out and I sincerely hope people give her a chance (canonwise and fanonwise) before dismissing her altogether because she “ruins” Spock’s “traditional” nuclear family.
During the Comic Con panel, producer Alex Kurtzman insisted they have a good canon explanation for why Spock never mentions Michael. He was quoted as saying, “We’re aware [of the situation]. You’ll see where it’s going, but we are staying consistent with canon.” So I’m inclined to keep an open mind and see where they take it before dismissing it outright for being “too ludicrous.” Spock always held his cards close to his chest where his family was concerned, and weirder things have happened within the Trek universe. Give Michael Burnham a chance.
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soap-brain · 7 years
You wanted a Spuhura prompt?? RIGHT WELL give me some vaguely exhibitionist Spuhura pls and ty
Under the cut:
Losing Inhibition
Pairing: SpuhuraRating: ExplicitWarnings: none ... other than, y’know, pornWordcount: 2931
    “Nyota, this is highly -” Spock stops and frowns, almost closing his eyes.
    “Yes, it’s highly … what?” She asks, running her nails lightly over the palm of his hand. If she’s honest, she’s kind of surprised he’s still offering this much protest, but then again, no matter how secluded they are in their little alcove, they’re still at a public opera and Spock is still Spock.
And yet. Maybe the situation calls for more drastic measures. She lifts his hand, surprised at how little he attempts to resist, and runs her tongue along his pointer finger, leaving a little bite at the tip, just enough teeth to make a shiver run down his spine.
    “- pleasurable,” he gasps out, eyes falling closed. “Please, Nyota, we are in public.”
    “That’s part of the fun, isn’t it? Nobody will see us, nobody will hear us, but we are in public.” Puffing her breath against his now saliva-slick finger is probably a bit cruel, considering how she’s been gently riling him up for the better part of the hour. It’s a Rigellian opera, and those usually take some four hours. But they’ve been invited by the Chancellor, who’s sitting somewhere and trying to endear herself to the captain, so it would’ve been rude not to come. Come, heh. Nyota hopes Spock will indeed come.
    “I fail to see the humor in that,” he grits out.
So he got that. She leans over and breathes a kiss onto the tip of his ear, tongue flitting out to touch the skin for a very short moment.
    “Do you want to stop?” Spock’s boundaries are more important than getting a rise out of him.
He sighs, and that’s when she knows how close she is to breaking him. “No.”
Nyota worms out of her seat and crawls onto his lap, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. The orchestra is swelling to a crescendo; the protagonist’s voice hitting a truly awe-inspiring tone that probably knives right through Spock’s ear drums.
She kisses underneath his jaw, gently, feathery, his hands sliding under her dress because he can’t withstand the sensation of her bare skin.
    “We shouldn’t,” he says against the corner of her mouth. She grins and kisses him properly, opening his lips and sliding her tongue inside. He’s toying with the clasp of her bra, clearly still held back by some Vulcan restraint. There won’t be any of that left when she’s done with him.
Nyota pulls back from the kiss and grins as Spock tries to follow her.
    “Please don’t tease.”
    “Aww, ashal-veh. Of course I’m going to tease. We have some three hours of this opera left, and I don’t think you’re any more interested than I am.”
He shakes a little bit at that and bites his lip. She takes his hand again, the one not nudging at her bra, and kisses the pads of his fingers again, tongue dipping out to lap at the spaces between the digits, and then she bites gently at the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. Spock’s other hand drops suddenly, landing on her ass and pulling her closer, and she laughs a little, the vibrations probably sparking across Spock’s skin.
She nuzzles close to Spock’s ear again.
    “Do you think you could be quiet? You never know - there could be a quiet moment anytime. Could you stay quiet even if I were on my knees with you in my mouth, hm, Spock?” She laces their fingers together and lifts their arms over their heads, pinning his wrists to the wall. “I’d stay between your legs until my knees were sore, and I’d make you come over and over and over, swallowing everything you’d give me, and then I’d ride you, slowly, so you’ll remember every second. And you’d have to be so quiet, because what if we get caught? What if we’re too loud - the Chancellor and Captain Kirk are right next door, and what if they hear us and come investigate and see me on my knees, between your legs, your cock in my mouth, your nice and proper outfit all rumpled, hair messy, flushed? What would they think of us?”
Spock moans, a tiny, aborted sound, and she knows she almost has him.
    “Is that why you’re offering so little resistance? Because a small part of you wants them to find us, wants everyone to catch us, see us, all your beautiful Vulcan self-restraint out the window, moaning shamelessly, helplessly. I’d let them, you know. If they’d find us, I’d keep sucking you. Keep riding you. Let them see and hear exactly how you make me feel. Would you like that?”
Spock squeezes her hip probably too hard, but he’s so close to lose control. The emotional transference from Nyota must be intense on him. She undulates her hips against him unhurriedly in an approximation of sex. She can feel how close he is to give in and let his dick come out of its sheath and become hard.
    “Do you want me to stop?” she asks again.
    “No. No, anything but that, Nyota, please.” His voice is rough.
    “Alright.” She traces the outer rim of his ear with her tongue, teasing little touches, and then she slides down, off his lap and between his legs, getting her arms comfortable on his thighs. He spreads them almost immediately, chocolate-brown irises nearly completely eclipsed by his blown pupils.
She winks at him and nuzzles his crotch. “Please?”
His fingers wander into her hair, winding strands around themselves. She tugs at the button of his pants with her teeth, watching him. He sighs in surrender and spreads his legs some more to make room for his emerging erection.
Nyota wastes no time to open his pants and fit her mouth to the hot bulge in his underwear. Spock’s head falls back and he groans quietly.
The opera is silent for just a moment and Captain Kirk’s laughter pearls into their alcove. Right. He’s right next to them.
Spock’s hips hitch forward of their own volition, the shock lacing through his system, and Nyota is delighted.
Please, Spock asks and she goes back to nuzzling his clothed erection. She loves Spock’s smell - alien, but still male.
Please don’t tease, k’diwa.
- What would you have me do instead, Spock?
He shudders gently. Dirty talk doesn’t come to him easily, not even over their bond, but she enjoys teasing him so much.
Please take me inside your mouth, he manages.
Nyota licks a stripe up his erection, kissing the tip. His underwear is already completely damp. Not that she needs more proof that he’s totally on board, but it’s nice to know she has such a profound effect on him.
Please suck my cock!, he thinks, the edge of desperation sharp and clear. Who is she to deny him?
She pushes down his underwear until the tip of his dick emerges, stark green and wet with precome, and then she kisses it, probably far gentler than Spock wants, enjoying the little sparks of pleasure that sends through his body and mind.
She looks up and meets Spock’s eyes, fixed on her. There’s a hand at the base of her skull, not exerting any kind of force, more a quiet plea.
She pushes his underwear down further and accommodates him, relaxing her throat to take in as much of him as she can. His sigh is almost lost in the burgeoning applause from the audience. He twitches in her mouth, double ridges pleasantly dragging against her throat, and if Nyota wasn’t so intent on riding him later, she’d slip a hand inside her panties now. She knows that realistically, there is no reason to believe that anyone would come into their little two-person alcove, but the fact that someone could isn’t just exciting Spock.
She pulls back a little, pressing her tongue against the underside of Spock’s dick and then into the slit at the top. He pushes his hips forward a little, seeking out the heat of her mouth again, clearly beginning to enjoy himself.
And that’s when the lights go up, bathing them in sudden light, Spock probably able to see all the other opera guests clearly.
He comes so unexpectedly Nyota almost chokes before she manages to swallow. He’s luckily grabbing the armrests of his seat instead of her neck, knuckles white with force.
Nyota laughs, the vibrations undoubtedly jarring against Spock’s sensitive skin.
    “Right. It’s intermission.” She licks a stripe up his dick. “I’m sure the captain will expect us at the buffet.”
Spock stares at her.
    “Nyota, please, I cannot - cannot step in front of the captain and the Chancellor, not in this state.”
She can feel the desperation coursing through him, begging her. She kisses the tip of his dick and gets up, pressing another kiss to his jaw.
    “Then I guess we should better be quick. Wouldn’t want him to come check up on us in here, right?”
Spock more or less follows her around miserably for the entirety of the intermission, all thirty minutes. Nyota takes great care to brush against him a lot, try pretty much every food that needs to be eaten with fingers, and flirts with a few dignitaries, registering her mate’s increasing desperation and relishing in it.
They return to their seats almost too late, the orchestra already starting up again as they enter, and Spock wastes no time pushing her against the wall and fixing his mouth to her, pressing his erection into her abdomen.
Nyota. Please, I need you. You have teased me enough.
She laughs a bit breathlessly. “Are you sure about that?”
He growls into her neck, effortlessly lifting her up and holding her by her thighs. She wraps his legs around him, aligning her crotch with his and sighs in relief. Spock is still breathing against her neck, biting at the skin when she lightly runs her fingertips over the tip of his ear.
    “You’re so sensitive, Spock, it’s so great.”
    “Only for you,” he manages to grit out. Nyota. K’diwa. Please, I need to join with you. Let me, please.
Nyota trails a hand between their bodies and frees Spock’s erection again, gasping when the head drags over her pussy, dampening her panties even more. She kisses him, arching her body against his.
    “Yes, come on, Spock.”
She can’t help but laugh at his desperate groan, and then he’s pushing away her panties and dragging his fingers through the wet mess between her legs.
    “But remember - Kirk and the Chancellor are on the other side of this wall, Spock. If they hear us -”
He pulls back from her neck to look at her, pupils completely blown.
    “Perhaps - you need to take care to be quiet, then,” he grits out, nudging the head of his dick against her opening.
She winks and opens her mouth for a retort. He pushes in.
Nyota clamps her mouth shut and lets her head fall backwards, gritting her teeth against the moans that threaten to spill out. Spock stretches her out so nicely, going ever so slowly -  Heaven knows where he’s getting that control from now. He stops halfway in, kissing the side of her face, breath fanning over her skin.
    “Spock - ah, that’s not fair.”
The amusement radiating from him isn’t fair either.
Nyota, you have been teasing me for the past one point six hours. Should I not be allowed revenge?
    “Oh, you bastard,” she gasps out, his shirt bunching under her fingers.
I can assure you that my parents were -
    “Married at the time of your conception, yes, I get it, but please, Spock -”
    “Shh. You wouldn’t want the captain to hear, would you?”
Nyota clenches involuntarily, mind readily supplying images of Kirk busting through the door to find her quite literally pinned to the wall, crying out in pleasure.
Spock uses that moment to press in entirely, covering her mouth with his, fingers probably bruising her thigh with the intensity that he’s holding her.
- Please, Spock, oh, please.
He obliges and snaps his hips against hers, setting up a quick punishing rhythm that makes stars race up her spine.
The orchestra is getting louder again, almost shaking the walls, and Spock adjusts his rhythm, cock dragging perfectly over every nerve inside of her. Her head falls back as he kisses down her neck and she tries her hardest to let no sounds escape except for the breaths he’s punching out of her. He runs a hand under her dress and pushes under her bra, fingers cupping her breast and toying with her nipple.
I sincerely hope you will be able to remain quiet, Nyota, he remarks and she laughs shakily.
    “God, no, no, I don’t - ah - don’t think s-oh, Spock, please, please, oh -”
He stops. Why does he stop? His eyes are glittering with the same smirk that’s tugging at his lips.
And then he pulls out.
    “No, no, Spock, come on.”
    “Hush, Nyota.” He sets her down gently, steadying her as her knees wobble. She leans against the wall, her dress bunched up uncomfortably around her middle. Spock’s hands are at her hips, tugging down her panties, making her step out of them before he dangles the fabric in front of her face.
    “Open your mouth,” he instructs, and fuck, that’s hot, that’s definitely doing things to her. “Nyota, do not make me have to force you. It is imperative that we keep you quiet. Unless you want Captain Kirk to hear us, I strongly suggest you open your mouth now, or I will have to open it for you.”
She wants that. Oh god, she wants that, wants his fingers holding her jaw and stuffing her panties into her mouth. So she resolutely keeps her mouth shut. His hand is on her jaw almost immediately.
Is this acceptable?, he wonders, and she almost has to laugh because if Spock had an idea of what’s going on between her legs right now, he definitely wouldn’t need to ask.
- Yes. Yes, very acceptable.
Good. He opens her lips then, prises her teeth apart with inhuman strength, and forces the panties inside. She groans, muffled by the fabric.
Spock lifts her up again, sliding back inside her effortlessly, cock almost burning inside of her.
The rhythm he picks up is brutal, every thrust dragging over her sweet spot relentlessly. He dips his fingers between her legs but she’s already coming, crying into the fabric in her mouth as she clenches around him, wetness trailing down her legs, brain completely shortening out.
She vaguely feels Spock come as well, and then the world fades to black for a while.
Nyota comes to in her seat, mouth mercifully empty, legs over Spock’s shoulders, with his head between her thighs, licking away the traces of slick and come happily.
Welcome back. There’s amusement in his mental voice. She slides her fingers into his hair and rocks into the feeling of his slightly sandpapery tongue against her pussy.
- That was amazing. I don’t know whether I’ve ever come this hard. I blacked out, didn’t I?
Yes. Am I correct in assuming that that is not … bad?
- Very correct, yeah.
Spock lowers her legs and sits up a little straighter, not-smiling at her.
    “I am relieved.”
She snorts. “Oh, I bet you are.”
He kisses her then, letting her taste herself on his tongue.
    “So, am I going to get my underwear back?”
A quirk of an eyebrow. “Of course not. It would slow down my undressing you in our quarters after the opera by at least three seconds.”
She doesn’t get her panties back that evening, no matter how much she begs him, because suddenly Spock is very interested in the opera and keeps shushing her. They do, however, manage to run into Kirk and the Chancellor on their way back, and Nyota isn’t too sure how much she likes the feeling of being essentially completely bare while in a chat with her CO and a foreign dignitary.
Consider it revenge for your teasing, Spock thinks at her. She doesn’t like Spock a lot - until his knees hit the floor within seconds of them being back in their quarters.
    “I believe I like you far better with your mouth unobstructed,” he says after round two. She’s lying on his chest with a hand over his heart, he’s playing with her hair.
    “That so?”
    “Yes. I also prefer you on top of me.”
    “Spock, if I didn’t know better I’d think you have a bit of a dominance kink.”
    “But as you do know me better … ?”
    “... I know you have a bit of a dominance kink.”
Spock doesn’t respond immediately.
    “I like it,” she ventures.
    “Nyota … I do not wish to force you into an action you would dislike.”
    “I liked it. If I didn’t, I’d’ve said something. Spock,” She pushes herself up so she can look into his eyes. “I know the whole ‘doing it in public’ thing was kind of a long time fantasy of yours, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Yes, gagging me went into a direction I didn’t anticipate, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.”
    “I am … glad to hear that.”
She grins and kisses his cheek. “Good. Now let me sleep because otherwise I don’t see myself awake for alpha shift.”
    “Of course. Lights off. Goodnight, Nyota.”
    “Goodnight, Spock.”
so that was fun to write :D
also i’m still doing prompts, even though i’m sorta on hiatus! send something my way!
(also i hope y’all are enjoying st:disco because i saw the first ep yesterday and i’m in love)
everything tag list: @bottomkirk @gumballgladiator @logicheartsoul @sixclawsdragon @kagenightray @jimothyandspocko @logicallythyla @needles-and-ink @headcanonsilove @i-am-a-real-human-being @fallenpiestiel @skyeries @alanna342 @shamanship @lesbiantasha @startrektrash
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Don’t Mess With Pregnant Ladies
Pairings: Fem Kirk/Bones, Spuhura
Warnings: None 
Their captors were writing the book on how NOT to stage a kidnapping for ransom, Jamie thought as she delivered a powerful kick to the gut of the angry Romulan that was trying to keep her from escaping. First of all The dingbats had thought two pregnant, well-known Starfleet officers would be easy prey, despite their vast experience and combat skills. Second, they clearly didn’t understand the power of motherhood when faced with threats to their offspring. As soon as they’d hauled Jamie and Nyota in front of the view screen and pointed phasers at their stomachs in full view of Spock and Bones, their plan had gone south as the mama bear mode went into full effect. Jamie tried to flash Bones a reassuring look, the poor man looked so terrified. 
“I’ve got this,” she mouthed to him, just before nodding to Uhura and flying into action. The Romulan tough guy wannabes were taken off guard at the fierceness of their hostages. Nyota could see Spock was exerting supreme effort to contain his agitation even as he worked with Sulu and Chekov to pinpoint their location. She kneed her captor right in his privates and he doubled over in pain, where she was able to grab his neck area and perform the nerve pinch Spock had taught her. He passed out cold. Jamie was just finishing off her guard when Nyota looked back over at her and the two shared a triumphant grin before turning to the screen to reassure their worried mates. “They didn’t get my boot knife, Uhura,” Jamie panted. “What about you?” “Still there,” she confirmed, her smile growing. “Let’s cut these ropes. We’re okay, Spock. Baby is doing fine, if a bit confused.” She had the advantage of having a telepathic bond with her little one, which was very comforting right now. Jamie was farther along, but only had the movement and mother instinct to go on. The Captain patted her stomach and smiled. “So is Davy. I think He’s annoyed with me for disturbing his nap. Seriously, he kicks like I do.” “Glad to hear that, darlin’” the doctor replied. “Try to take it easy if you can until we get there. Spock thinks he’s found the ship you’re on. It’s cloaking technology is not very good, luckily. Should have you out of there soon.” “Thanks, Bones,” Jamie said, beginning to peel off her right boot with her tied hands. She soon found she had to sit down to do it properly and managed to extract her knife, which she offered to Uhura. “Mind cutting the ropes? I’ll do yours next. These idiots didn’t think to tie our hands behind us.” “Are you certain there are no more crew aboard?” Spock asked cautiously. “We’ll be ready for them if there are,” Jamie answered determinedly, relieving the unconscious guards of their weapons upon freeing the lieutenant. She heaved herself to her feet (which was rather tricky due to her being seven months along) and examined the phaser, which was very high powered and lethal. “This thing doesn’t even have a stun setting,” she exclaimed. “They don’t mess around, I guess. We’ll only use these if we absolutely have to. Spock, do you have a read on this ship, yet?” “I do,” he confirmed. “But In order to retrieve you, it’s shields must be lowered. It would be preferable for it to be done manually. I will not risk firing while you and Lieutenant Uhura are on board.” “Understood, Commander,” Jamie said. “Well, luckily the best linguist in the Fleet is here, so we have a much better chance at finding the control in this maze.” Walking towards the computer banks, she began scanning them for anything that might be remotely connected to shield function. Both of them working together (Uhura deciphering the Romulan and Jamie figuring out the system) were able to succeed in lowering the shields, albeit after some trial and error. “I hear footsteps!” Uhura warned. “Does Scotty have our coordinates yet?” “Not yet, but he will very shortly.” Spock’s tone suggested dire consequences for the engineer should he be tardy in the transport. The footsteps grew louder and angry voices were heard yelling in Romulan when they realized they’d been locked out of the bridge. “It won’t hold long!” Jamie yelled, watching the door carefully, and taking aim with the phaser. “Get us out of here!” Just as the metal gave way under the battering of the Romulans, they were caught up by the transporter beams and beamed to safety. Leonard shook with relief, grasping the arm of the captain’s chair he’d been standing and watching the whole mess. They were safe. Jamie was safe. Meeting eyes with Spock, he could see the tension release from the first officer as well and he rose from the chair swiftly. “Mr. Sulu, you have the conn,” he ordered. Sulu nodded and took his place. Leonard almost ran to the lift to get to the transporter room, Spock striding along at a pace much faster than he normally used. “Bones!” Jamie exclaimed, as her husband met her in a tight embrace upon her return. (Well, as tight as they could with her bump in the middle). “Oh, Jamie darlin’,” he breathed between kisses. “I’m so glad you’re safe. I’ve haven’t been so scared in years.” Jamie held on tightly, more relieved than she’d ever let on, but she was very thankful to get back to her Bones. “There was no way I was going to let them hurt Davy,” she said. “They underestimated us again.” “They sure did,” Leonard replied, pride filling him at how his wife had handled those bad guys–in her third trimester, no less! “C'mon, Darlin’” he motioned at last, with a glance at her abdomen. “Let’s get you checked out. Make sure that drug they hit you with didn’t cause any problems. Who knows what was in it?” Reluctant as she was to move, she allowed him to guide her off the transporter and head towards Medbay. At least she wasn’t waddling, yet. Nyota, meanwhile, was allowing Spock to reassure himself of her and the baby’s wellbeing via their bond. She knew her abduction had been extremely stressful for him, even more so with her being pregnant. Vulcans were very protective of their mates and she’d seen that murderous look flickering in his eyes when the thug had a phaser aimed at her. “I am grateful you are unharmed, k'diwa,” he said out loud at last. “Despite my uneasiness, I do acknowledge Your combat skills are quite impressive. It reminded me of seeing you fight Krall’s troops on Altamid.” “Only a lot more awkwardly with my baby bump,” she added, fingers intertwining with his. Spock closed his eyes and the corner of his mouth twitched upward with the sensation the contact produced. “Perhaps we should adjourn to Medbay and then our quarters?” He suggested. “Dr. McCoy will want to confirm your good condition as well as the captain’s.” “A good suggestion, love,” she replied and they followed Jamie and Leonard out the door. 
Note: When I post this on Ao3, I’m planning on adding some alternate endings for Scirk and Pirk, because I want to explore Pike’s and Scotty’s reactions to this as well. I’m doing my best to lure people into the genderswap trash can:) @southernbellestatues @kingarthurscat @mrseclipse9856
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Title: Road Trip
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Gif credit @spuhuras
First twilight imagine. First Sam Uley imagine. I hope you all enjoy.
It's a little smutty.
Happy reading dollies
Feedback is greatly appreciated ❤
As you were packing up snacks for the trip you heard a loud honking outside. The pack ran through the house to see what it was all about and you followed.
There was a RV parked in the drive way. Sam and Edward came out both with smiles on their faces.
"What's going on? We were supposed to be going on a little road trip just you and me".
"We'll, we thought why not take a family vacation together". Edward told you and the pack.
"Are you all going to behave and not threaten or kill each other"?
"We'll be fine". Sam came and scooped you up planting a kiss to your lips.
"I like the idea that all of us are going but how are we supposed to have alone time"?
"I'm driving so you can ride up front with me".
"That's not what I meant Sam Uley". You say sternly.
"Oh. Ooh. We'll figure out something". He quickly kissed your lips, put you down and ran inside grabbing the snacks and heading on the bus.
"Wonderful". Frowning as you got on the bus, Sam patting the passenger seat up front with him.
Taking a seat beside him, you got comfortable since it may be a long trip cause you had no idea where you were going. Everyone piled on the bus. The whole Cullen family and the pack. There was hardly any room to move but they all were happy to be together. Kinda weird if you asked anyone that knew them.
About fifty miles into the road trip you got this surge of sexual excitement. It came out of no where and that's why you wanted to be alone with Sam. It's been happening from a month now. You didn't know what was happening to you.
"Sam"? You whispered looking in the back. Knowing the Cullens and the pack had such great hearing and could read minds you had to be sneaky.
"Yeah, babe"? He didn't take his eyes off the road.
"I'm horny". You purred. He blinked his eyes at you, like he was processing what you told him.
"Yes. If you didn't invite the families you would be balls deep in me right about now". You moaned just thinking of the idea of Sam pounding into you.
"I love you but you really need to control yourself at the moment". He scorned you. You huffed, crossing your arms and slouching in your chair.
"Fine. I'll go see what the guys are up to".
Sam shook his head. He wanted you just as badly but he knew how to control his urges.
Walking back to the back of the bus. Edward came up to you. "Hey, sorry if we ruined your getaway week".
"No, it's okay. We can do it another time". You told him with a slight smile.
"I'll make sure you two get some alone time. I know that's what you wanted since you cant get it when the tribe is around".
"You really need to stay out of my mind, Edward. It's not nice". You laugh.
"Actually, it was in Sams mind. He can't stop thinking about it. It's really disturbing what all he's thinking about, to be honest".
"How are you in his mind without him knowing"?
"He's distracted with driving and the scenes he's picturing".
"Can you tell me what he's picturing up? Please"?
"I'm not giving you a mental picture. I'm not your porn source".
"Oh so that's what kinda stuff he's thinking of". You bit your bottom lip.
"That's my Sam alright. He's alittle freaky in bed. May not show it as a alpha but when he's in bed he is way alpha-yer". You laughed as you made up a word to describe Sam in bed.
"Yeah, I didn't need to know that". Edward scrunched up his eye brows.
"So, where are we going"? You thought why not ask someone else and they may tell you.
"It's a surprise".
"If you want to give me a surprise Edward, give me Sam, a room and have Sam give me tons of orgasms then that would be the best surprise you could ever give me". Edward chuckled but you were dead serious.
"I think we should go to our seats before you tell me actually what Sam does in bed".
"I can tell you. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two". You giggled as you walked passed Edward.
"Hey now". He chuckled shaking his head going back to Bella. Who heard everything and was quietly giggling to herself.
Getting back to your seat, Sam was still in drivers mode which annoyed you.
"Where are we going"?
"I'm not telling you so stop asking. You'll love it, I promise".
"Fine". You chewed the corner of the inside of your cheek. Getting a idea that Sam would love and hate.
Seaching for the RV guide to see if there was a door or curtain to close you off from the others. And there was. The divider was in the wall and you found it easily closing you off.
"What are you doing"? Sam asked confused.
"Just watch the road and enjoy". You seductively said getting down on your knees beside him. Undoing his belt and pants. You slid your hand in his boxers pulling out his cock. Running your tongue from the base to the tip. Sam shivered as you did so.
"Stop. Someone's going to catch us".
"You really want me to stop"?
"Yeah, we have too".
"Well, someone has a mind of his own". You kissed his cock as it grew in your hand.
You wrapped your hands and mouth about his cock, sucking him off. Swirling your tongue over this tip licking up his pre-cum that was oozing out.
"Shit. Don't stop". Sam moaned throwing his head back.
"Sam, road". You giggled as Sam jerked the bus back on the road, growling at you.
You went back to stroking and bobbing your head. Taking him down your throat, gagging a little as he hit the back of your throat. Sam closed his eyes tightly trying not to cum right away, he didn't want you to stop.
"Road, Sam". You said with a pop of his cock. He jerked the wheel back in place. Rubbing his eyes. You continued you tease and suck him, he tried his darnest to keep his eye on the road.
Meanwhile in the back of the bus, everyone was holding on. They didnt know if they would get thrown one way or the other. All of them confused except Edward, he was giggling heavily his face looked as if it got heated from the laugh.
"What the hell is going on"? Jacob cussed as he was forced on to Paul as Sam jerked the wheel again.
"Maybe he's dodging pot holes"? Esme suggested, shrugging her shoulders. 
"Maybe. I'll go check". Jacob got up from his seat.
"I wouldn't do that". Edward warned but Jacob shrugged it off and opened the divider coming to a scene he never wanted imprinted in his brain.
Sam was a moaning, groaning mess under your touch. He bucked his hips when he could without slowing down the bus. You sped up your bobbing and pumping him. He was close to coming and felt it as he tensed up.
"You going to cum for me baby"? You purred as his face turned beet red. He nodded with a grunt. You wrapped your mouth around his cock and he exploded down your throat. The warm liquid slipped down your throat with ease, you hungrily swallowed it down.
"Fuck". He cursed under his breath.
You both were so caught up between sucking and coming that you didn't hear Jacob freak out.
"Oh god. My eyes". Jacob screamed shutting the divider.
You giggled as you wiped your mouth going back to your seat. Sam panicked and fastened his belt and pants. Wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.
"That was fun". You say with a smirk.
Sam growled giving you the evil eye. "It's not funny".
"Stop pouting. We had a good time. It's his fault for coming in without knocking".
Sam rolled his eyes and turned on the turn signal as he pulled into a gas station. Coming to a stop. The buses door swung open and Jacob ran off. The pack laughing at him.
"What happened"? Bella asked as she got off the bus.
"Jacob saw something for mature eyes only". Edward chuckled as Bella caught on.
Sam and you got off the bus, eyes were on you two. "So dodge many pot holes lately"? Emmett asked with a snicker getting a slap from Alice.
"Does everyone know"? Sam blushed.
"We have a pretty good idea but we'd like for you to tell us". Emmett opened his mouth again but instead of Alice slapping him Rosalie did it.
"Shut up, Emmett". You told him.
"I told you we should stop, now everyone is making jokes". Sam was embarrassed.
"Who cares. I bet everyone here has been in the same position we are right now. I don't care. I liked what I did and I would do it again. If you dont want to be with someone that does stuff like that then we need to break up right now".
Sam stayed quiet. You threw your arms up in frustration walking away.
"We've all be there, Sam. Dont worry". Carlisle reassured Sam. Emmett nodded with agreement.
"Should I apologize"?
"I would if you ever want that to happen again".
Sam took of running after you. He found you in the woods beside the gas station playing with a twig.
"I'm sorry". Sam came up behind you spooking you.
"I just don't know why you got so mad".
"I was more embarrassed. Jacob saw. Im supposed to be the alpha not some teenager getting caught fooling around with his girlfriend".
"I'm your girlfriend and imprint we can do whatever we want. Who cares who sees or what they think. I love you and I'm going to show you how I feel".
Sam smiled wrapping his arms around you engulfing you in a warm hug. "I love you and I'm sorry that I got them to come with us but I had my reason".
"What crazy reason was that"?
Sam pulled away making you whimper as the cool air hit you. He pulled put a box and got down on one knee in front of you.
"I love you and I wanted the people most important in your life to see this moment. Y/N Swan will you marry me"? Sam asked. You heard twigs breaking around you as the families circled around you. Bella had her phone with your dad video chatting since he had to work.
"God, you're amazing. Yes, Sam Uley I will marry you". You pulled him up by his face, your hands cupping his face bringing him to your lips kissing all over his face.
"I love you, I love you". Sam took your hand and slid the ring on your ring finger.
"I love you more". His kissed your lips softly.
"Congratulations guys". You heard your dad over the explosions in your head as you were kissing Sam. And also something about road safety.
"Thanks. Thanks everyone for being here. It means alot. Sorry I was rude for not wanting you all to come".
"That's okay. We know how it is when you find someone you can't get enough of". Bella and Edward kissed. Emse and Carlisle kissed. Jasper and Alice kissed. Emmett and Rosalie kissed. The packed just looked at each other and nodded. They all knew what you were going through. Finding that special someone is hard but when you do you want to do everything together even if you get caught in the act.
"Sorry to break up this moment but we need to get going. I promised Y/N that Sam would give her tons of orgasms so I'm driving and they can have the back bedroom". Edward spoke up and getting the keys from Sam. Everyone laughed awkwardly.
"Really, Edward? Really"?
Sam buried his face in your neck with a groan that turned into laughing. You giggled at how subtle Edward was.
This was going to be a very interesting road trip.
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