#keep being brave
virtualplushy · 2 years
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snippets from this week's ask polly (x) [ID in ALT]
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
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the stupid run he does in the space episode lmao
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knaccblog · 1 year
We all know that when Crowley says, "You can't leave this bookshop", what he's really saying is, "You can't leave this life we've made together", but he's too scared to include himself explicitly in it, right? It's like in the fight about Gabriel where Crowley says he wants Gabriel "nowhere near the precious, peaceful, fragile existence he's carved out for himself" but we all know he's just talking about Aziraphale because whenever he's actually talking to Jim or himself, he's only worried about what will happen to Aziraphale, not himself in the slightest. Worrying what will happen to himself is a facade he pulls up in front of Aziraphale to deflect from how deeply he loves him.
On the other hand, when Aziraphale says, "Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever", he's really saying, "I love you so much that I am willing to give up all my most precious worldly possessions to assure that you are given the treatment and reinstatement you so deserve." His tone of voice and his face are both all love even.
Like it's just so amazingly sad that what Crowley is reading as rejection, as "you're not good enough as you are", is almost definitely Aziraphale saying he loves him more than everything else and thinks he's the most truly good soul he knows?
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atdawn · 1 year
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MERLIN | 2.13 The Last Dragonlord
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tianhai03 · 10 months
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[danteleon] ☀️
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filletedfennysnake · 20 days
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@caleblandrybones I cannot stop thinking about this
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hyakunana · 2 months
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BREAKING NEWS: The most miserable man that ever stepped in DPG is winning and about to make everyone as miserable while looking good at it
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had a presurgical appointment for the procedure to have cysts removed from my ovaries, and tomorrow is the big day when it happens. Feeling a little bit nervous, but mostly trying to keep calm and carry on with a little mantra that I'm repeating in my head. At least it will be all over and I'll be on my way home and recovering before I know it...
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
oh my god I'm 8 chapters into this 10 chapter Batman RIP AU and I only just bothered to look at the author. And it's esther-channah. no wonder there's a frankly insane amount of comic canon references sprinkled throughout the fic. they know all the canon
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virtualplushy · 2 years
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the cancer journals – audre lorde
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introspectivememories · 6 months
"evan, i find you adorable". adorable as in able to be adored. as in capable of being adored. as in i find you worthy of adoration. adorable, from the latin adorare (to worship) to adorabilis (in the sense 'worthy of divine worship') to the current day adorable. as in maybe if we had made it to the movies or if eddie didn't show up, i could've showed you just how much i want to worship you. as in i look at you and there is a font of adoration in my heart for you. adorable as in i flew into a hurricane with you and yet this date is a thousand times more thrilling than that. adorable as in there is a person in your building who saw me jump up and down like a little kid in the lobby after i had kissed you for the first time. adorable as in i kissed you and immediately thought fuck i could do this forever if he lets me. adorable as in i want to press kisses to your birthmark. adorable as in i spent the entirety of the days leading up to our date wondering about you, if you liked your coffee with two sugars or one. if you liked storms or if the lightning strike had put you off on them all together. if you liked cats or dogs or if you were the kind of weirdo who liked goats instead. if you thought about the kiss as often as i did. if your stomach tangled into twisted knots as saturday drew closer. if you would be agreeable to sitting in my lap. if you would blush as prettily as you did the day i kissed you. if your world also realigned when our lips met. if our orbits had matched up now that we flew into a hurricane together. if the gravitational pull between us had finally been too strong for either of us to resist that night in your loft. or maybe, more simply, adorable as in, "evan, i find you adorable."
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icarusflights-blog · 1 year
Apps I use everyday as a trans guy.
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The tone of your voice doesn't determine your manliness but if you are disphoric about it this app helps you voice train. 🖤
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This app helps you set specific goals as a trans person and customizes them based on your state.
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This app sends you messages that affirm your gender when maybe the world isn't being as kind. 🖤
Hope this helps somebody. 🖤🖤🖤
Stay safe!
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skyrigel · 3 months
fictional character that made you realise your bi?
*sighs* it's her.
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Saw her in iron man first and knew I was a goner ;)
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xovera-toz · 1 year
Okay but like, what's up with the running gag of confusing french and italian in Goncharov's return?
It's not that type of movie. Who even thought of that.
I admit it was funny, and I really, really needed it at certain points, but still.
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hella1975 · 6 months
the thing about trauma and i think the reason im always more compelled by characters who lash out as a result of it instead of being made stronger by it is that it’s pointless. none of that shit happened for a reason. there’s nothing you’re supposed to do now that it happened. i can’t stand narratives that romanticise trauma bc the reality of it is that you went through that for no reason and you have to just deal and keep going. there’s nothing beautiful or brave about it. no one is writing you for it to mean something. it’s just… there
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madamescarlette · 6 days
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