#kdrama lessons
silent-conscience · 1 year
KDrama movie take-away - my 19th Life
in this drama, the lesson is - that when you don't forgive the fault of others, you bring it to your death or afterlife, and you'll be the one to suffer, and maybe bringing it to your next time as your past trauma. You'll not be able to move on freely. You'll experience the pain over and over again until you understand the purpose and let go.
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herigo · 5 months
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onedramaatatime · 1 month
I know it annoys the living shit outta people when we compare stuff and it's honestly too early for that but I'm reminded of Cheol and Miae from After School Lessons for Unripe Apples being that
Cheol is Seung Hyo, the hardworking straight laced kid
Miae is Seuk Ryo, the loud chaotic kid 😂
Cheol is constantly trying to understand how is she a person with so much energy and so chaotic, at the same time he also cares sm about her, like if she's getting bullied or if she's hurt anywhere he'll immediately think it's because someone's bullying her BECAUSE SHE'S SO SMALL
But at the same time her chaoticness has helped him adapt to his new school. Having a large and tall body and a face that doesn't look friendly at all, he's often being misunderstood as the bully when he's just trying to survive school. Miae is basically his first friend in the new school and the one who chased away those bullying rumors about him
she's constantly mindboggling and annoying and trying to help him in her chaotic ways, and he's constantly helping and sticking around her anyway, mindboggled. Which of them am I talking about lol
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korean-with-haneul · 2 years
Korean Pronunciation tip#1
The T stop
ㄱ 기역 (Gi-eoK) ㄴ 니은 (Ni-eun) ✿ㄷ 디귿 (Di-geuT) ㄹ 리을 (Ri-euL) ㅁ 미음 (Mi-euM) ㅂ 비읍 (bi-euP) ✿ㅅ 시옷 (Shi-oT) ㅇ 이응 (i-euNG) ✿ㅈ 지읒 (Ji-euT) ✿ㅊ 치읓 (Chi-euT) ㅋ 키읔 (Ki-euK) ✿ㅌ 티읕 (Ti-euT) ㅍ 피읖 (Pi-euP) ✿ㅎ 히읗 (Hi-euT)
The ones with ✿ when they are in the end of the syllable they are pronounced as T ▪︎빋, 빗, 빚, 빛, 빝, 빟 are all pronounced the same ▪︎이것 [이걷], 늦게 [늗게], 몇 [멷],
◉ㄷ (d/t) :
When pronounced normally : 다른: other 다: all, everything 등: etc 달기: strawberry 도마: cutting board 둘: 2 (Korean number) 담배: cigarette 도(particle) : also, too 나도/저도 : me too
When pronounced as T (받침 position) : 곧 soon
◉ㅅ (s/sh):
When pronounced normally : 소리: voice 신발: shoes 슬프다: to be sad 사람 : people 미소: smile 시킨 : chicken 새: bird 버스: bus 다시: again
When pronounced as T: 옷: clothes 어젯밤: 고깃집 : meat house 찻집: tea house 맛: taste
Same goes for ㅆ:
When pronounced normally : 씨: Mr, Mrs, Miss 쓰다 : to use, to write 싸우다: to fight
When pronounced as T: 있다: to have, to exist
◉ㅈ (j) :
When pronounced normally : 쥐: mouse 주다: to give 주스: juice 자유: freedom /liberty 진짜 : really, truly 저: I (formal)
When pronounced as T: 잊다: to forget 낮: day time 낮잠: nap 늦게 : late 찾다: to find, to look for
◉ㅊ (ch) :
When pronounced normally : 친구: friend 차: tea 처음: at first, for the first time 층: floor 부츠: boots
When pronounced as T:
꽃: flower 몇: how many 빛: light 빛나다: to shine, to be bright
◉ㅌ (t) :
This consonant is pronounced T
토끼: bunny, rabbit 토마토: tomatoes 밑: under 특별하다: to be special
◉ㅎ (h):
When pronounced normally :
행복: happiness 행복하다: To be happy 화: nager 화가 나다: to be angry 히터: heater
When pronounced as T:
좋다: To be good, great 그렇지/그렇죠: That's right
BUT, if the next syllable starts with ㅇ (이응), then those are pronounced normally 받아요 [바다요], 버섯이 [버서시], 잊었어요 [이저써요], 꽃이 [꼬치], ….
받다: to receive 버섯: mashroom
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v-ani · 10 months
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robloart · 5 months
Looking at the reddit for BE and seeing ppl saying BE was disappointing bc it focused on a complex interwoven set of circumstances and character motivations rather than stereotypical evil serial killer #162627282... Okay...
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kdramaxoxo · 1 year
Seo In Guk And Lee Sung Kyung In Talks To Lead New Romance Drama By “She Was Pretty” Writer
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I 100% trust Seo In Guk but She Was Pretty is probably my least favorite k-drama on earth.
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herdailydiarysblog · 5 months
I think I am accepting myself a little more everyday! 🪴
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I just remember few things from the past while trying to sleep. Those random memory flashbacks came with sudden realisation.
I remember when I was young I had very low self-esteem. I was never someone significant around things. Like when it comes to being able to speak in classroom for some assignment, to be able to give auditions for senior's farewell party or just speak up etc. People around me from family used to push me. That made me feel small. I also wanted to do all those activities. I really do. But I was always low that side. Mostly nervous, unable to speak up. Being blank while taking about a topic to the teacher.
That young girl (me) from the past used to think that she was never enough. Little did she know she was more introverted that everyone else.
Later at some point in life she gathered all her courage during many events in life- she sang infront of audiance alone and won price. She learnt speaking to strangers. She started cracking jokes which somehow engaged people in a conversation.
Fast forward. I still feel weird being around large audience. I can speak now when it is necessary. I try and try. My job involves talking to others and showcase whatever the issue is. I still feel more nervous than others. But it's a part of me. I am not ashamed now. I muster up courage when I have to. I think there still a long way go now.
"Working on myself for myself "💗
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
'i hit on her first' TELL THEM BITCH
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that-guy-smeaton · 2 years
10 Life Lessons to learn from the Korean Drama Summer Strike
Summer Strike is a healing Korean Drama with a slice of life that revolves around the grief-stricken young woman who moved to the countryside after failing to chase her dreams of having a better life in Seoul. Here are the ten life lessons that I have grasped from this KDrama that might encourage you to watch this, too:  
1.      Quitting doesn’t always mean letting go of the opportunity, some times it can also be taking a step back to make a fresh start. And it doesn’t make us a loser. In fact, it makes us more courageous. Dropping everything that is bothering us when life seems to be cold, dark, and weary is not an easy thing to do. Thus as long as we’re still breathing, we just need to take a rest, self-reflect, try again, and go on with life. 
2.      Do not trade your inner peace for a paycheck. You are being compensated for your valuable service, not as someone to be bullied for. Never let someone look down on you and power trip you.
3.      You don’t have to be sorry for choosing the path that you want. Just because everyone is going on the same path doesn’t mean that you also have to. Going in the opposite direction of everyone else might be the right decision to find a peaceful and quiet path because sometimes living a simple life to the fullest is all that we need.
4.      Kindness will never be ineffective. It is contagious that even if you did not ask for something in return for showing someone genuine kindness, it would always be human nature to express gratitude in so many ways as a form of deep appreciation.  
5.      Having a goal in life takes time, and that’s okay. It’s alright to enjoy the present moment while finding your purpose. There is nothing wrong with living your life for yourself alone and not to please other people’s expectations. It is your life anyway.
6.      Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes will help you go on with life. Sometimes, to be able to avoid conflict, we just have to be more understanding and patient. Empathy is one of the main ingredients of a happy life.  
7.      Dreams do not only mean pursuing a career path and living a lavish life. For some, contentment, joy, and life satisfaction are the end goals of life. The life that allows you to feel the chilly breeze against your face, ride a bike for as long as you want to, decide what book to read, hear the sound of the laundry shaking before hanging it, and smell the lingering scent of detergent in your hand These feel great. And these are already enough.
8.      Surrender your feelings. There’s nothing wrong with liking someone, regardless of whether your feelings will be reciprocated or not. Do not ever worry. Sometimes seeing someone you like is already a good thing.
9.      Being alone does not mean you have to be lonely. People just have different interests and preferences, and if yours do not match theirs, that’s all right. There is nothing more fulfilling than enjoying your own company and creating a safe space.
10.  Stop being hard on yourself. Nothing is harsher than living your life in a daze and being afraid of failure, falling behind, and criticism. Self-love starts with having self-confidence and tenacity that will push us to try harder no matter what happens.
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srdcovka · 8 months
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my favorite mi-ae panels -`ღ´-
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kdramaslove · 8 months
You can't say you're living when you live in constant fear, But since I was a coward, I always lived in constant fear, Afraid that the world wouldn't recognize my worth, that I would fall behind my peers, and that I would be rejected, I ended up taking my own life due to this fear before my life could even blossom. I only realize after dying that life itself was an opportunity, and the pain that I thought engulfed my whole life was only a small part of it. A clear day. A rainy day. A windy day. I learned that life was made up of these different days. And that it was okay to fail as long as I kept going. -choi yee jae.
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borinaga-jessa · 6 months
Unlocking Life Lessons - Exploring Must-Watch Kdramas
Hi, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Jessa, and I am 20 years old. I want to share some must-watch Kdramas and the lessons I have learned that have helped me in my self-improvement, growth, realization, and insights. Most of you might wonder, 'Does it really help her?' Definitely yes, Kdrama is just like reality, but with a twist that brings valuable life lessons to light and expresses unsaid feelings. It's a journey worth taking, and I'm excited to share my experiences and insights with you.
So here is the list of four Kdramas that I have prepared, which are really memorable to me:
1. Reply 1988
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I've watched this Kdrama countless times because each family portrayed in the series experiences situations and challenges that many viewers can relate to. Whether it's dealing with love and relationships, facing hardships, or experiencing moments of joy and triumph, the characters' journeys resonate deeply with the audience, making the drama highly engaging and impactful. This movie emphasizes the importance of family bonds, especially during hard times. We should provide support to them not only in their happy times but also in their challenging times. While it's early, we must make them feel the love they deserve because we don't know when they will be there for us. Treat them nicely and try to understand each other because family is our foundation, and their love and support are invaluable. For instance, there are times when we do something without being mindful of our actions, and even if it is small, we must not invalidate it because every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can have an impact on our family members. It's important to be considerate and thoughtful in our interactions with them, showing kindness and empathy in both words and deeds.
2. My Liberation Notes
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I only watched this once and already forgot the rest, but the most memorable one really resonated with me because I could relate to their situation. One thing is being an introverted person, and there are other lines that I relate to;
"I didn't do anything but I'm already exhausted" - This line is what I always feel every day in my life. I just don't understand why sometimes I want to isolate myself in one place. I feel tired of dealing with other people and myself, and I don't want someone to talk to. I just want to be alone, always alone.
"Let's keep going, I don't know why I have to live, but let's have a descent life while I'm alive." - It totally expresses how I fee....I have this sense of determination to keep living, even though I don't know the purpose or reason for my existence. I feel stuck doing the same things every day, with no hope of anything new or exciting.
"It feels like I'm stuck, but I don't know how to get out." - Similar to the second line. I always feel like I'm stuck, and I don't know how to figure out why because it is really hard to understand myself deeply. Maybe I'm the problem. Or maybe there are things that I didn't realize I'm still holding on to, but I just didn't notice because I was too focused on the pain I felt and the situations I experienced (trauma). I became numb until I forgot about them. Also, I don't know how to express it through words.
"I'm not unhappy, but at the same time I'm not happy either." - I'm in a state where I'm not unhappy, but at the same time, I'm not exactly happy either. It's like I'm in between, and it's a complex feeling that's hard to put into words.
These thoughts teach me that sometimes I feel tired and stuck, not sure why. I want to be alone and figure things out, but it's hard to understand my feelings. I keep going, even though I'm not always happy. It's about finding a way to live meaningfully, even when life feels confusing and uncertain.
3. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
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"Life may seem long, but it really isn't. Throw away unnecessary thoughts and be honest with yourself"
This perspective is crucial for me because it reminds me that life is short, and I shouldn't waste time on unnecessary thoughts or burdens that weigh me down. It's important to prioritize what truly matters to me and let go of distractions or negative thoughts that hold me back from living authentically. Being honest with myself means taking time for self-reflection, acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses, and making choices that align with my values and goals. This mindset encourages me to live mindfully and authentically, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Letting go of unnecessary thoughts allows space for personal growth and new experiences. Sometimes, we dwell on "what ifs" even though we're not actively pursuing those possibilities. This fixation on thoughts that aren't being actualized can create a sense of being stuck and hinder our progress.
4. Uncontrollably Fond
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Lastly, this drama/series can really break your heart and make you burst into tears. This drama teaches us that life is valuable, so enjoy each moment and love your family and friends. Be thankful, forgive others, and show love to those who matter to you. Let's avoid pushing people away because we might regret it later on. Instead, let's cherish our relationships and try to understand each other's feelings and perspectives. It's important to communicate openly and resolve conflicts peacefully to avoid any future regrets or misunderstandings.
Discovering the beauty of life through unforgettable Kdramas. Unlocking lessons that touch the heart and inspire growth. Join me on this journey of exploration and self-discovery! Feel free to share your favorite Kdramas or suggest ones for me to watch...or share your insights and experiences If you need recommendations, don't hesitate to ask!😊❤
- Exploring kdrama life's lessons together, Jessa:)
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kristingelatin · 1 year
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korean-with-haneul · 2 years
Korean Pronunciation tip#7
Silent 겹받침 (double consonants)
ㄹㄱ, ㄱㅅ, ㄴㅈ, ㄴㅎ, ㄹㅁ, ㄹㅍ, ㄹㅅ, ㄹㅌ, ㄹㅎ, ㄹㅂ, ㅂㅅ
✧읽다 is pronounced as [익다]: To read
✧닭 is pronounced as [닥]: Chicken
✧넋 is pronounced as [넉]: soul, spirit
✧몫 is pronounced as [목]: portion, share
✧품삯 is pronounced as [품삭]: wage, pay for manual labor work
✧앉다 is pronounced as [안따]:to sit, to sit down
✧많다 is pronounced as [만타]: to be a lot
✧삶 is pronounced as [삼]: Life
✧닮다 is pronounced as [담따]: to resemble, take after, look like
ㄹㅍ:ㄹ or ㅂ
✧읊다 is pronounced as [을따] or [읍따] : to recire (a poem)
✧외곬 is pronounced as [외골]: single-mindedness
ㄹㅌ:ㄹ or ㄷ
✧핥다 is pronounced as [할따] or [핟따]: to lick
ㄹㅎ: ㄹ
✧싫다 pronounced as [실타]: To not like, To dislike
✧넓다 is pronounced as [널따]: to be large, spacious, roomy
✧밟다 is pronounced as [발따]: to step on, to trample
✧값 is pronounced as [갑]: Price
✧없다 is pronounced as [업따]: to not have
But if a word ends with double consonants and is followed by ㅇ 이응 then both consonant are pronounced:
✧삶은 is pronounced as [살믄]: the life …
삶은 계속 진행돼요 Life goes on.
✧싫어 is pronounced as [시러]: i don't like
싫어요? Do you dislike it?
✧읽어요 is pronounced as [일거요]: i read
보통은 신문을 읽어요. I usually read the newspaper.
✧많아요 is pronounced as [마나요]: there's a lot of ...
모르는 게 너무 많아요. There are a lot of things that I don't know.
✧닭이 is pronounced as [달기]: the chicken
물과 양념을 넣고 닭이 익을 때까지 끓여요 Add water and seasoning and boil until chicken is cooked.
✧앉아 is pronounced as [안자]: I sit down
앉아도 될까요? May I sit down?
✧값이 is pronounced as [갑시]: the price, cost
값이 얼마였는지 기억이 안 나요 I don't remember how much it cost. I don't remember its cost/price
✧넓어요 is pronounced as [널버요]: to be large, huge, spacious
그것들의 폭은 매우 넓어요. The distance across them is very great.
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"사랑은 손잡는 것보다 그 맘을 알고 이해하는 것" "Love is, rather than holding hands, Knowing and understanding the heart"
- "나에가 조금 더", 걸어서 하늘까지 OST중
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