#kde support
virtueisdead · 1 year
please god i want to switch to kde so fucking bad somebody please help me figure out why the fuck the icons wont change... i set them to a gnome xp icon pack like 5 months ago and now literally no qt or kde related applications will stop using that xp icon pack no matter what i do please help me i am begging. this is literally the only reason i havent switched. this carries over to other desktop environments too. dolphin when opened in cinnamon still uses the xp icons even when i have a different icon pack selected in cinnamon. (gtk applications seem to actually change to the selected icon pack in kde, like if i open nemo in kde it works properly with the kde icon theme)
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autogeneity · 11 days
being sick and stuck for the dozenth time is going great. I installed linux
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fred-the-dinosaur · 7 months
Linux users: Linux is a about choice! You can have whatever you want!
Me: I want a global menu bar
Linux users:
Linux users: not that
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irradiate-space · 2 months
So the actual reason half my Ubuntu desktop environment no longer worked as I expected is because Ubuntu updated to a new version of GNOME Shell, and that custom functionality was all done by GNOME Shell Extensions, and one quarter of the extensions haven't been updated to work with GNOME Shell 46, and the other quarter were disabled somehow.
Also the version of KDE that is bundled in Ubuntu 24.04 doesn't have support for per-monitor scaling, which is unfortunate.
Maybe I should switch back to something stable, like XFCE.
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muffinlance · 2 months
While I am by no means an expert in Linux distros (distributions) might I recommend two widely supported and user-friendly ones?
Linux distributions are basically packets of software that envelop the Linux kernel that determine the look, feel and function of the operating system. While there is a multitude of flavours, Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu and Mint are widely supported and have huge communities while being user friendly (i.e. keep the command line usage low/ explained). I managed to squeeze so much processing power out of my old laptop just by switching from Windows 10 to Linux Mint (very lightweight, has a graphic interface very similar to Windows). If you don't have to worry about every every Byte of RAM tho, I'd say Ubuntu is a very good start
Hope this helps <3
Thank you! I'm currently deciding between Mint with the Cinnamon desktop or Fedora with either KDE or Cinnamon. Going to try live USBs to test them out.
For others considering the switch: Mint is the most commonly recommended "easy and stable for new Linux users" version. Fedora is "stable but you're going to need to Google how to do more things until you're used to it." Cinnamon desktop is "things look like Windows", KDE is "not trying to be Windows but similarly intuitive, and you can customize everything", and the third common desktop is GNOME which is "doing it's own thing but looks like Mac, with lots of tiled apps".
Note that these are one-day-of-research impressions. I'll probably try GNOME too, but it looks instinctively ugly to me when I search up images of it.
Most common versions seem to have the option to try them before switching your computer over, so that's my next step.
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silly-gizmo · 5 months
About myself! 🐾
Previously: @solsticepony
Includes Info / BYI at the bottom Hi I'm Neli you can refer to me with she/fae pronouns! :D I am currently still trying to figure out a lot of things like my gender identity, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, preferred names, hobbies, etc. I'm potentially asexual I think? Stuff in this about me might get updated/changed sometimes so keep that in mind! Here is my art! | Here is my discord server | Here is my strawpage
Blocked immediately Pedos/zoos Icky NFTs/AI generated media
Here is some stuff about myself!
I have interests in plushies, video games, computers, retro video games and systems, lost media, retro hardware and collecting.
I have plushies, some retro games and systems (mostly Nintendo ones), a Nintendo Switch along with switch games both physical and digital I don't usually have switch online.
I usually play Minecraft both Bedrock and Java and sometimes ROBLOX but I don't support the corporation and I have a negative stance on it. I have played Regretevator, Be a wobbledog and Flavor Frenzy on there before.
You can find me on Discord, Scratch, Roblox and Steam you can ask for them but only if I have seen or interacted with you before! I have Minecraft and Ponytown so you can ask if you want to play with me if you want
I use Linux I currently use Debian 12 with KDE, I do have a laptop with Windows 11 to run Windows applications. They aren't the greatest hardware so they struggle sometimes running the games listed above.
I have played OneShot: World Machine Edition, a little bit of Rain World, Celeste, Slime Rancher: Plortable Edition, Wandersong, Terraria, Undertale, Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition and Half Life I have not completed any of these games and might not have gotten far in them yet! I have finished chapter 1 of Deltarune before though!
I have watched all the episodes of TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus on YouTube) and Murder Drones as of June 2024.
Info / BYI
Anything that's considered explicit | No | Hate speech | No
Art requests
Suggestive/lewd/sexual/anything that's considered explicit | No | Art involving hate towards any group | No
Likes/RBs on posts from MDNI/18+ only accounts | No
Spam likes/RBs | Yes | Anon/Non-anon asks | Yes | Mentioning me in posts | Yes | Interacting with me | Yes | DMs | Yes
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autolenaphilia · 1 month
Currently using Debian 12, with KDE Plasma, which i previously used. But i had problems running plasma last year, with repeated random plasmashell crashes. I could even repeatedly cause plasmashell to crash by removing a second panel/taskbar.
But i returned to plasma to check out running wayland, i've previously used x11-based desktops and even ran plasma on x11. And it turns out plasma is actually more stable on wayland, at least the 5.27 version debian 12 ships with. Which is not something i expected, because all the talk of wayland not being fully there yet, which iirc is why i defaulted to using x11 earlier despite plasma's wayland session. I can still cause plasmashell to crash on x11 by removing a panel, but not on wayland, and the random crashes don't happen either on wayland either. It's a smooth reasonably bugfree experience that lives up to debian's reputation for stability.
I'm running older versions of KDE Plasma and of most things on this OS, because that's the Debian way, but who cares. if the software works I don't care if it's old, and with Debian I don't have to worry about an update breaking my system, and don't have to worry about frequent updates in general, which is a plus in my book (don't judge me, I have Windows update trauma /j).
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my current desktop, the theme is Sweet KDE and the wallpaper is from this post by greekie-via-linux
So now finally KDE Plasma works good for me, without all the crashing. And I'm slowly becoming a fan. It's very customizable, KDE provides a traditional desktop layout by default (which i prefer) but so customizable that you can turn it into almost anything you like. It's defaults might borrow from the windows 95 to 7 desktop paradigm, but Windows never gave users this much control.
It's pretty looking, it has all the eye candy effects and animations you want, but not too heavy on the ram useage (the performance is actually comparable to xfce) , and you can turn the effects off thanks to the aforementioned customizability. And it provides all the programs you need for a fully featured desktop environment, everything from basic stuff like a terminal emulator and file browser to a GUI package manager that supports basically all packaging formats. Neither mate or xfce has the latter, for example, when I ran debian with xfce i had to manage my flatpaks through the terminal.
Maybe even too many programs. KDE makes a lot of programs, and i'll probably never switch from mozilla firefox and thunderbird to kmail, falkon or konqueror. Though to be fair, KDE does develop a lot of programs that are first-rate in the linux world, practically without competition. And i personally find KDE connect to be extremely useful. It syncs your android phone with your desktop or laptop computer and it's awesome. Once I learned how to allow it through my firewall, I can see my SMS messages on my computer and type them with an actual keyboard on my computer, it's great. And It works on other desktop environments and even on windows.
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andmaybegayer · 10 months
I was looking into how SteamOS goes together especially with regards to display technologies and one cute thing is gamescope. The base SteamOS image Desktop is X11, which is what you get if you use "desktop mode" (although KDE is changing that soon so we'll see) but games are played on a completely separate Wayland based microcompositor, gamescope.
This allows them to isolate the game graphics from the system, and is also how they manage to do some of the clever game modifications: the microcompositor can lie to the game about its resolution and refresh rate, and it has built in support for AMD's upscaler and limited ReShade support.
This is also how they manage to merge the interface of the deck and the desktop mode, which is that they don't. In Game Mode they just run gamescope directly as the only compositor, and it can do whatever it wants to the game's interface with the system. If you want some of these features on desktop, you can also use Desktop Nestability to run whatever else you want in there.
It's also how they've managed to get HDR up and running well ahead of e.g. RedHat's ongoing efforts to get HDR to the desktop. Gamescope implements a simpler implementation of HDR through DXVK that is absolutely not suitable for a desktop but works mostly fine for video games.
You could use this to run HDR on your PC, although HDR requires some third party kernel patches. You can patch those in if you want, and then you could run your own gamescope compositor on a separate session and bam! HDR games on Linux.
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steamos-official · 2 months
Keyboard shortcut of the day: On @kde-official's @kde-plasma-official, only if you havent changed the shortcut, and only if you enable it, and only if you have a new enough version of the software, and only if they haven't removed it in the version you have, and only if your keyboard supports it, but, of course, as you may know, or not know, but whatever your knowledge of it, and howevermuch it is importiant to you, weather that be little or much, and weather or not it matters,,,,,,
if. *deep breath*
you press. *gasp*
Alt. *breath*
And. *breath*
Space. *breath*
it will open kde's k'ful, korrectly konstructed, karefully krafted kopy of the Mackohess spotlight search: the krazy unkomparable... krunner!!!!
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sowlmates · 8 months
Als Leo in KdE sagt "ich würde mit dir bis ans Ende der Welt gehen" und Adam erwidert "dann muss ich vielleicht alleine gehen"
Aber in FdG folgt Adam Leo bei seinem leichtsinnigen Alleingang, ist mit Geld und Auto und Support zur Stelle. Adam geht mit Leo bis ans Ende der Welt des Falls. Much to think about
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linuxreinstall · 3 months
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"Yes, I use KDE with full HDR support in Proton, how did you know?"
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eastern-lights · 2 years
(since you guys asked for “more more”, english version once again follows)
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Řekli jste si o to. Zodpovědnost padá na vaše hlavy. Další další random fakta o našem novém prezidentovi, které jsem se dozvěděla z jeho životopisu:
během studií byl jeho nejbližší parťák Karel Klinovský, zvaný Klíňák nebo také Major Kurva, a po vlastní zásluze také badass memetických proporcí. Odpověď na otázku “Kde je Klíňák?” byla údajně vždy “Tam, kde Pavel” a naopak.
během oněch studií se oba zúčastnili týmového závodu v přespolním běhu v plné výstroji. Podle Klíňáka tehdy v každém týmu “padl” jeden voják. V jednom asi v polovině někdo zkolaboval, v dalším si jeden pilot odrovnal ledviny a už nemohl nikdy chodit. A v Klíňákově týmu, na posledních několika kilometrech, které se běžely v plynových maskách, začal omdlívat Pavel. Jak to později Klinovský popsal, běžel sice dál, ale v záklonu a nohama vykopával do vzduchu “jak kobyla”, zatímco Klíňák ho zezadu podpíral, aby se nevyvrátil. Hned za cílem zkolaboval a musela ho odvézt čekající sanitka. Klinovský jim ho předal a ještě si za cílovou rovinkou zapálil. Později o Pavlovi řekl, že “Peťa by radši chcípnul, než aby něco vzdal”.
když se mu narodil první syn, Pavel se na oslavu zbořil natolik, že když mohl druhý den ráno synka navštívit, vypadal tak hrozně, že “jsem se nepoznal ani já sám v zrcadle, natož moje žena”. Tehdy se rozhodl, že druhého syna rozhodně na světě přivítá důstojněji.
během již zmíněné mise UNPROFOR, když vrátil zachráněné francouzské vojáky na jejich základnu, kde mu poděkovali před nastoupenou jednotkou a připili šampaňským, se mu dostalo studené sprchy v podobě návratu na vlastní českou základnu. Tam mu jen stráž otráveně otevřela bránu, a když šel Pavel nahlásit svůj návrat, velitel byl v teplákách s nohama na stole, a nejenže ho nepochválil, ale ještě ho zjebal za to, že se nehlásil v domluvených intervalech. Pavel, který za poslední týden musel řešit víc krizí, než jeho velitel za celou svou kariéru, mu na to řekl “Omlouvám se, veliteli, ale když vám u hlavy drží samopal a ostřelují vás minometem, tak se fakt špatně podává hlášení. Teď mě omluvte, jdu se ožrat.” a odešel.
v době svého jmenování byl nejmladším generálem v historii České republiky - bylo mu 41
‘More more’ random facts about Petr Pavel that I pulled from his biography:
his best mate during studies was Karel Klinovský, a.k.a Klíňák or Major Kurva and a memetic badass in his own right. The answer to the question “Where is Klíňák?” was allegedly always “With Pavel.” and vice versa
during those studies, the two took part in a team marathon run in full gear. On each of the competing teams, one soldier “laid down his life”, as Klinovský later said. One team had a soldier collapse halfway through. On another, an aspiring pilot fried his kidneys and could never walk again. And on Kliňák’s team, on the last several kilometres, which were run with the addition of a gas mask, Pavel started to faint. But, as Klinovský later described, he pushed on, bent literally backwards, kicking his feet up “like a circus horse” and supported from behind by Klíňák so he wouldn’t fall over. He collapsed right after crossing the finish line and had to be taken away by the ambulance that was waiting there. After handing his friend over, Klinovský proceeded to have a smoke behind the finish line. He would later say about Pavel that “Peťa would literally rather fucking die than give up.”
when his first son was born, Pavel got so obnoxiously drunk in celebration that when he was allowed to visit his boy the next day, he looked so horrible that “I couldn’t even recognize myself in the mirror, and neither could my wife”. It was at that moment that he resolved to welcome his second son into this world with more dignity.
during the already mentioned UNPROFOR mission, having returned the rescued french soldiers to their base, where they thanked him with the whole unit at attention and toasted him with champagne, he had to face quite the cold shower in the form of the welcome at his own base. The guards were annoyed to even open the gate for him, and when he went to the commanding officer to report, he was greeted by the sight of the officer in sweatpants with feet up on his desk. Not only did he not commend Pavel on a job well done, he gave him a dressing down for not reporting in at the agreed upon intervals. Pavel, who already had to deal with more shit in the last week than the man in front of him in his entire career, told him “I’m sorry, sir, but it’s kind of hard to report in when you have a gun to your head and you’re dodging mortar fire. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to get drunk.” and left.
at the time of his appointment, he was the youngest general in the history of the Czech Republic at 41 years of age
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linuxscoop · 1 year
Exploring the Latest in MX Linux 23
Introduction to MX Linux 23:
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MX Linux 23 is built upon the solid foundation of Debian 12 'Bookworm,' promising a stable and reliable experience. But that's just the beginning. The real magic lies in the new and improved features that await you.
A Fresh Look at Installation:
In this video, we'll guide you through the installation process, showcasing the support for 'swapfiles' and how MX Linux 23 streamlines your setup. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or a newcomer, you'll find something to love.
Discovering the Desktop Experience:
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MX Linux 23 offers a diverse range of desktop environments, including Xfce 4.18, KDE Plasma 5.27, and Fluxbox 1.3.7. We'll explore the visual appeal, functionality, and performance of each, helping you choose the perfect one for your needs.
Enhanced MX Tools Suite:
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The MX Tools suite has received significant updates, making system management and customization a breeze. We'll walk you through the key tools that empower you to tailor your MX Linux environment.
Effortless Software Management:
MX Linux 23 simplifies software installation and updates with its robust package manager. We'll demonstrate how this distro makes managing your software a hassle-free experience.
Unveiling MX Service Manager:
Stay tuned to discover the latest addition, the MX Service Manager, and how it gives you more control over system services, ensuring your system behaves exactly as you want it to.
Don't miss out on MX Linux 23, a distro that combines the stability of Debian with cutting-edge features.
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koolcatzblog · 6 days
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Re-entering my tiling window manager era on my main pc as I've been having weird bugs with KDE.
Using sway because I am allergic to X11 (and even if I wanted to go back it doesn't have support for freesync).
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rekishi-aka · 2 years
Between a rock and a hard place: Adam had no choice, because Leo didn't leave him any
Probably not exactly a hot take, and actually a copy from my DW post the other day. Also, the original post has pictures, but because tumblr doesn't support any proper HTML, I had to skip the majority of them. Which is annoying me.
I think the whole mess is not Adam's fault alone, I actually think Leo has a significant part in it as well. I can't actually blame him, because he's so obviously in love and thought he was so close to getting what he wanted that he probably steamrolled Adam a bit. But Leo, for all that I get him and love him, is very much not blameless here.
Adam has one major raison d'être: Protect Leo. This is his one "this, you protect" thing ever. That was true in the school yard and this is also now true in adulthood with the whole money disaster. Adam wants to keep Leo out of the business with Boris and the money, because this is the best way to protect Leo. That's not exactly a news, this has been true since "Das fleißige Lieschen".
When Leo says, "I sleep better when I know nothing will happen to you", then Adam could have simply said that the same was true for him. He didn't, because Adam represses with the best of them (as you do).
(Rest under the cut, warning it's long an convoluted)
Anyway, between DfL and HdW, Leo didn't really have opportunity to catch some air. There was always something, first Adam comes back out of the blue with exactly no warning that he's still alive or about to become Leo's new partner (which he must have known), then he learns Adam's father has woken up again and the whole angst spiral starts over again. My guess is also that Adam wasn't exactly a happy guy in those two months between the episodes, because he was keeping secrets and had to deal with the emotional fallout of Roland being awake again.
I'm mostly willing to cut Adam slack about that, because he is protective of Leo and had the misguided notion of wanting to fix it himself, but Leo must have been confused. First Adam comes back and downright smoulders at him…and then he probably ran cold, suddenly. Leo is willing to forgive that for the most part because he has Adam back and looking that gift horse in the mouth will probably end with tears. So he doesn't. He should but he doesn't.
After HdW, however, that secret is very well out of the way and they obviously have some time to get used to each other again. The team gels better - probably because with Adam there, who will always have his back, Leo finally has some time to think about what he wants and how he wants to do it and Pia is willing to give the whole thing a go, so Esther is as well. They're so happy and relaxed at the beginning of HdS, flirting like they're about to go home with each other (they might have, had things not happened), it's a joy to see! It's a very bitter moment of what was and what could have been.
After HdS, Adam has more secrets, but all of Leo's secrets and guilt and tragedy has been aired out and gotten out of the way. Yes, he did put Roland in a coma, but he also did that to protect Adam. Really tragic is, I always thought that they could have just said what happened…but after KdE we also know that no one would have believed them. Leo should probably have paid more attention at uni when that topic was on the table, but he probably never thought that was about him - because that's the kind of guy Leo is.
But Leo has no more secrets. And he doesn't want any more secrets. Since DfL, he's always been in some kind of bind and all of that is just gone. And Leo can finally allow himself to actually love Adam the way he wants to.
And I think Leo just said fuck it and doesn't stop to think what that does to Adam. I don't think there was an actual love confession that used the words "I love you" or a variation thereof, but I that whole "I would go to the end of the world with you" wasn't new to Adam. Leo has said that before, in that way or in similar guise and sure, and he's very clearly loved on Adam. Maybe a bit awkwardly, because I don't think Leo is the super expert in relationships either, but I don't think he's been hiding his feelings anymore. He's way too expressive in KdE, he opens the door for Adam way too often, he wants he wants he wants.
Adam, on the other hand, doesn't do emotions - not in the Robert Karow school of thought though; Adam is very aware that they exist and that he has them but he hates it. At best he's rusty at them, at worst he's scared of feeling more than shallowly - scratching a sexual itch isn't the same as feeling something for anyone - because it makes him vulnerable. I don't believe Adam has any kind of relationship experience despite picking up strays and his experience with being loved by anyone (except Leo) is to be hurt. So he panics. And shuts down.
And Leo, who knows enough about Boris and the money and Roland to draw conclusions but not enough to see the whole picture, thinks if he just shows it enough, if he just keeps going and shows Adam how much he loves him, Adam will see it and accept it. Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein. But he gets restless the more Adam fudges and lies and won't open his mouth, because Leo thinks if he can just fix this problem, he can fix Adam and then they will be happy. Unfortunately, that's not how life works and the whole things leads to the mess at the hospital. Because Leo goes after him again and again and is being shut down until finally, he leaves.
Adam, who knows everything and also knows that Leo loves him, finally has the opportunity to protect Leo from himself and from Adam's whole mess. Because the cut-off finger's of his attacker scared him shitless. So did the realization that, apparently, he's the heir to a crime family, but the fingers really showed him how this ripples out. He knows he's too deep into this mess, and finally when Leo steps up to him and says, "I would go to the end of the world with you but not this way", he knows the way to make Leo go away for good and protect him is to walk that path alone (single-plank bridge, anyone?). Because better Leo emotionally hurt than Leo dead for his association with Adam. Because Adam is a self-sacrificing idiot, but he also wants to save Leo from his own choices; he inserted himself way too deeply into the shitshow that is Adam's life (the couch crashing, going to see Boris, trying to get it out of Adam, etc). He doesn't want to, it hurts him a lot, but he needs to get Leo off this track. He knows Leo well and he very deliberately pushes him over the edge; he sticks in the knife and twists it, basically.
Look at it (static pics at the DW post):
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And with Leo also physically shoving him (big, big no go with Adam, srsly Leo have you learned nothing), he finally has the momentum to shoot back.
He isn't enjoying hurting Leo, but he finally manages, because this is Leo after Adam leaves:
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(It's lucky Vladimir is a good actor, they both are, or this could have ended up being ridiculous)
This is Adam's last ditch effort. After he pushes Leo so far away that he can't even be sure they'll even still be able to work together, he makes a last ditch effort to get rid of the money by threatening Manuela with 'finding' it at the Heimatschänke. But that goes sideways and Adam learns too much about a past he never wanted and…well.
And still Leo isn't really done with him, because we have this image from the last scene:
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This is not a man who is done with his friend. And well, neither is Adam, really (because all things being equal, he will forgive Leo most things which...is a whole different can of warm I don't want to go into here).
Leo, meanwhile, knew Adam had the money. He also knew it was in the gym bag, because he tries to get into Adam's locked desk for confirmation. If Leo had gotten that then or at any other point, this would have been salvageable. But the confirmation after the fight with Alina was just too much for him to take.
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And the thing is, this was more or less inevitable. Both of them assume too much about the other and talk too little about their own shit. carmenta and I discussed back in summer or early fall already that the only way they could make it work was if they learned to talk. However, that was unlikely enough that the only way it might work was if they got together, crashed and burned the relationship, and then there was some sort of tearful kissing in the rain in the middle of the night. (With a boom box preferably, but I'm old fashioned.)
I'm actually more surprised that they managed to do that before they even have a relationship, that has to be some sort of record. But ideally they'll get this out of the way and then can start again. Dramaturgically, this is really well done, I approve even if it hurts me in my feels.
Bottom line: Adam (thought he) had no choice, because Leo didn't leave him any. This doesn't make anyone the villain in this scenario, but it also doesn't mean anyone is blameless here.
Also, they both need a hug.
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librarychair · 6 months
My computer hardware isn't supported for windows 11, so in 2025 when they stop putting out security updates for windows 10 I'll just switch to opensuse again. I'll have to make sure to backup my photos and music collection first. Maybe I'll get one of those refurb network attached storage boxes off ebay and just spin it up once a week or so. I'm half looking forward to it because kde has the best sudoku game ever created and that is the type of person I am
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