nixcraft · 18 hours
The hottest Linux desktop from 1999. Corel Linux OS no longer exists, but it was ahead of its time.
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never-obsolete · 8 months
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LindowsOS 2.1 (2002)
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queen-of-bad-opsec · 1 month
KDE - the Knome Desktop Environment
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steamos-official · 1 month
Infighting is either why open source is so good or bad
For example
@x11-official mad because @wayland-official is trying to do better
@kde-official rightly thinks their interface is better than @gnome-de-official
@arch-officual and @debian-official are... the two main basies of all other distros
Anyways, I don't know how to put 3 polls in one post, so just fight in the reblogs.
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kde-plasma-official · 2 months
whoever reads this is a Qt :3
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andrej-delany · 8 months
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indeedgoodman · 2 months
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nerd-on-duty · 8 months
Tatort Saarbrücken (Spatort) English subtitles - 2024 edition (episodes 1-5)
For all international fans who want to watch Tatort Saabrücken (of annual tumblr trending fame) but don't speak German, fear not:
Send me a DM and I can send you a link for English subs :)
(Please do not send asks as I can't post them publicly and I've had the unfortunate experience of privately posted ones eating links or disappearing into the tumblr void, never to be seen again...)
For return customers: as of today (04 Feb 2024) the newest episode (#5 - Der Fluch des Geldes (FdG)) is now live! The Drive link is still the same and the ReadMe has been updated as well, so check that out for links and guides as always.
More info under the cut
You can pass them along to other people privately (though please also ask them not to post them and to let anyone else they'd like to share them with know as well!), but I really don't want any beef with the channel (which is publicly funded and can afford far fancier lawyers than me, who is none-funded and can afford no lawyers) because these are not official in any capacity nor do I want to leave anyone with the impression that these could be official. They're a simple homemade attempt at letting non-German-speaking fans participate in the epic highs and lows of Spatort because there currently are no official English subtitles. Any mistakes are entirely my own, I don't own any of the copyrights to Tatort or any of their characters or plots, yadda yadda.
That being said, if you notice any typos, translation errors, missing or out of date links or anything else, please do let me know so I can update the files accordingly!
As I've gotten a few messages this year apologizing for being late: if anyone sees this in the future - yes, this is still up to date. You can shoot me a message at any time of the year and I will get back to you as soon as I can (usually within 24-48 h). If you still haven't heard from me after a week (especially if there's still new posts coming in on the blog) feel free to poke me again - I promise I'm not ignoring you, I most likely just haven't seen the notification.
If you want to filter spoilers for the new episode in the meantime, block #spatort spoilers to avoid seeing them on this blog (I generally use this tag for posts related to new episodes in between the official release and uploading the subtitles)
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skwamz02 · 25 days
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First time ricing. First time using an arch based distro too. It's mostly just a mix of dracula and catppuccin
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fedora-official · 1 month
I hear it's what the cool kids are doing now
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boytummy fastfetch
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rigatonifangemeinde · 3 months
ok wer von euch war das? 👀😄
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©Daarler Brücke, Saarbrücken, 15.06.24
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irradiate-space · 2 months
So the actual reason half my Ubuntu desktop environment no longer worked as I expected is because Ubuntu updated to a new version of GNOME Shell, and that custom functionality was all done by GNOME Shell Extensions, and one quarter of the extensions haven't been updated to work with GNOME Shell 46, and the other quarter were disabled somehow.
Also the version of KDE that is bundled in Ubuntu 24.04 doesn't have support for per-monitor scaling, which is unfortunate.
Maybe I should switch back to something stable, like XFCE.
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never-obsolete · 22 days
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screenshot from the KDE website, 2004
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garuda-linux · 2 months
anyone else miss the old konqi design. the crusty retro one
Now don't get me wrong the current design is absolutely adorable but something about this makes me feel a special way
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linuxreinstall · 2 months
KDE 6.1 Review!
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When immersing oneself in the sonic landscape of KDE 6.1, one is instantly enveloped by a symphony of precision and elegance. This latest release from the venerable KDE community is nothing short of an opus, each element finely tuned to harmonize in a resplendent orchestration of functionality and aesthetic.
Visual Fidelity:
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From the very first glance, KDE 6.1 presents an interface that is both visually stunning and meticulously crafted. The new Plasma desktop environment resonates with the clarity of a high-end DAC, delivering crisp, vibrant visuals that seem almost tangible. The attention to detail in the design is akin to the craftsmanship of a bespoke amplifier, where every pixel is placed with purpose, resulting in an interface that is both beautiful and intuitive.
Performance Dynamics:
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KDE 6.1's gaming performance is akin to the dynamic range of a top-tier audiophile system. It handles intensive tasks with the effortless grace of a well-balanced turntable, spinning with unwavering precision. The responsiveness of the system is immediate, akin to the attack and decay of a perfectly tuned electrostatic headphone, providing an experience that is both powerful and nuanced.
Feature Set:
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The suite of features in KDE 6.1 is reminiscent of an all-encompassing, high-fidelity audio setup, with HDR and Adaptive Sync that cater to the needs of both casual users and power users alike. The integration of new technologies and enhancements feels as seamless as the signal path in a purist audio chain, ensuring that each component works in perfect synergy to enhance the overall experience.
Customization and Control:
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Much like a tube amplifier with endless possibilities for tube rolling, KDE 6.1 offers an unparalleled level of customization. Users can tweak and tailor every aspect of their environment, creating a bespoke desktop experience that mirrors the audiophile's pursuit of the perfect sound. The control KDE 6.1 affords is both deep and intuitive, allowing for fine-tuning that would satisfy even the most discerning connoisseur.
Stability and Reliability:
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In terms of stability, KDE 6.1 stands as a rock-solid experimental preamp, delivering a consistent and reliable performance that might crash once in a while. The robustness of the system is evident in its ability to handle a multitude of applications and processes without faltering, akin to the unwavering steadiness of a high-end, belt-driven turntable.
In conclusion, KDE 6.1 is a masterpiece that embodies the same passion, dedication, and meticulous attention to detail found in the finest audiophile equipment. It offers a rich, immersive experience that is as satisfying to the user as a meticulously curated audio setup is to the listener. For those who seek a desktop environment that delivers both form and function with unparalleled finesse, KDE 6.1 is the definitive choice—a true testament to the art of computing.
Reinstall tonight to experience this unparalleled blend of beauty and performance firsthand.
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r0se1337 · 3 months
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Put together a rice for my Thinkpad
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