#kde project
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arenaconspiracy · 5 months ago
i pledge my due respect to KDE, the project, the contributors, it's history, et cetera. but i hate hate haaaaaaaaaate how it's package dependencies are set up.
no thank you i do not want to download half of KDE project when i want just the video editor, that i will use at best once a month. no thank you i do not want your shitty cursor & icon themes that i will not use and do not want them showing up when i hover my cursor over the program (?????????) no thank you i do not want kio and kdeconnect and like five separate packages for a widget backend that i will not use
why does sudo apt remove *breeze* somehow also include the kdenlive package?
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abbiistabbii · 1 year ago
I don't think people realize how absolutely wild Linux is.
Here we have an Operating system that now has 100 different varieties, all of them with their own little features and markets that are also so customizable that you can literally choose what desktop environment you want. Alongside that it is the OS of choice for Supercomputers, most Web servers, and even tiny little toy computers that hackers and gadget makers use. It is the Operating System running on most of the world's smartphones. That's right. Android is a version of Linux.
It can run on literally anything up to and including a potato, and as of now desktop Linux Distros like Ubuntu and Mint are so easily to use and user friendly that technological novices can use them. This Operating system has had App stores since the 90s.
Oh, and what's more, this operating system was fuckin' built by volunteers and users alongside businesses and universities because they needed an all purpose operating system so they built one themselves and released it for free. If you know how to, you can add to this.
Oh, and it's founder wasn't some corporate hotshot. It's an introverted Swedish-speaking Finn who, while he was a student, started making his own Operating system after playing around with someone else's OS. He was going to call it Freax but the guy he got server space from named the folder of his project "Linux" (Linus Unix) and the name stuck. He operates this project from his Home office which is painted in a colour used in asylums. Man's so fucking introverted he developed the world's biggest code repo, Git, so he didn't have to deal with drama and email.
Steam adopted it meaning a LOT of games now natively run in Linux and what cannot be run natively can be adapted to run. It's now the OS used on their consoles (Steam Deck) and to this, a lot of people have found games run better on Linux than on Windows. More computers run Steam on Linux than MacOS.
On top of that the Arctic World Archive (basically the Svalbard Seed bank, but for Data) have this OS saved in their databanks so if the world ends the survivors are going to be using it.
On top of this? It's Free! No "Freemium" bullshit, no "pay to unlock" shit, no licenses, no tracking or data harvesting. If you have an old laptop that still works and a 16GB USB drive, you can go get it and install it and have a functioning computer because it uses less fucking resources than Windows. Got a shit PC? Linux Mint XFCE or Xubuntu is lightweight af. This shit is stopping eWaste.
What's more, it doesn't even scrimp on style. KDE, XFCE, Gnome, Cinnamon, all look pretty and are functional and there's even a load of people who try make their installs look pretty AF as a hobby called "ricing" with a subreddit (/r/unixporn) dedicated to it.
Linux is fucking wild.
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jettsecret · 3 months ago
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So, I make all of my devices look like old windows operating systems, usually Win7 cuz I'm a big fan of Aero Glass. I've got my Win11 laptop looking like XP, My Linux Dual Boot on pink Win7, My Linux Tablet on Blue Win7, and now my Win 11 desktop on pink Win7.
Here's how I do it.
For windows 10/11 there are a few ways. WindowBlinds 11 (WB11) is a good resource for this, but it's a paid program. Which kinda sucks. If you can't afford it you can find my sympathies in a button on my neocities. In an unrelated note, there's a github user named Discriminating who does some pretty cool windows styling programs. WB11 is how I style my two windows devices. The aero glass styling is done through WindowBlinds and also Start11, another Stardock program. The style I used for that is Aero 11 (set to blush :3) For the XP system (and older if you want it) I use RetroBar to style the taskbar and OpenShell to style the start menu. The WB11 style I use is eXperience11, but there are others as well. Of course, for MSN/Windows Live Messenger I use Escargot but if you're more into AIM or Yahoo! Messenger then you can check out their companion project Nina. You'll of course have to fiddle around with settings but eventually you'll get it looking good. If you want to go crazy with customization there is also Customizer God, however I've had no success getting it to work on Windows 11.
Linux is the easiest to configure to make look retro. Specifically you want to use some kind of KDE Plasma version of Linux. I use Kubuntu. Basically all you have to do for these is dig around in the app store for themes relating to "aero" "aero glass" and "windows 7" and apply them until you're happy. I don't really have any specific suggestions for that but it's very easy to do if you install Kubuntu or any KDE Plasma Linux. Basically you can find anything and everything you need in it.
There's one other thing I've not yet been able to set up but it's on my radar for my campus computer: ReactOS. I'll make another post when I'm able to try it out but if you're curious go nuts, install it in a virtual box or on a usb or directly over your main drive. God is your oyster.
One last thing, Space Cadet Pinball still runs perfectly on Windows 11
Edit: Suggested by @tetrachromacy4 (thx~!!!) GadgetPack offers a windows 7 sidebar. It is listed as 7/8/10 compatible so it will likely work on windows 11 but I have not yet tested it.
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autolenaphilia · 9 months ago
I got a Steam Deck last year, and it’s such a great machine. It’s obviously inspired by Nintendo Switch, but it’s a lot better than a Switch.
The most important part is that it runs PC games. It’s fundamentally a Linux gaming PC in the form of a handheld console. There are a lot more games available than any console and and PC games both on Steam and GOG are a lot cheaper than console ones. You can get old or indie games for as cheap as 1-3 euro during sales. It’s a tremendous advantage for the deck over its console competitors.
And while the obvious intent of the deck is to get more people to buy games from Steam, it isn’t a walled garden at all. The deck launches into Steam when you boot it up, but you can go into desktop mode, and then it functions as a normal PC running a Linux distro. From there you can install Lutris or Heroic Games Launcher, and use it to easily install games you bought from GOG and Itch.io.
You can also do things like use the official dock or an unofficial usb-c hub to hook the deck up to a monitor, mouse and keyboard to use it as a desktop PC. Or you can hook it up to a tv to use it as home console.
The hardware is also a lot more powerful than a switch, the demanding triple-a games it can play is actually impressive. Although this comes with the natural disadvantage that it’s bulkier too. Putting more powerful PC parts demands more space for them. The deck is not something I bring with me outside. But then again I didn’t even do that with the 3DS, which was actually of a practical size to do that. The deck is portable enough that I can comfortably play lying in bed, which is how I always used my handheld consoles. So it’s perfect for me, but maybe not if you want to play it on the bus or something. It can probably be a fun addition to your luggage on longer trips though.
Of course, as mentioned, the Steam Deck uses Linux. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that it allows Valve to customize the operating system to make it fit with the machine it’s running on. The Deck’s SteamOS feels really well-integrated into the hardware, like how a proper console OS should be like. It’s not that dissimilar to how Sony used FreeBSD to make Playstation’s OS. Windows would not allow for this amount of customization and would not integrate as well.
And the open source nature of most Linux development allows Valve and the user to use existing open-source Linux software to their advantage. For example, the desktop mode is largely not a Valve creation, it’s an existing desktop environment for Linux, KDE Plasma. Yet it extends what the user can do with the deck to a great extent, like for installing non-steam games.
The main disadvantage to the Deck using Linux is that most PC games are built for Windows and don’t run natively under Linux. To run games built for Windows, the Deck has to run it through Proton, a compatibility layer which is Valve’s own gaming-focused version of Wine. Wine/Proton is far from perfect, sometimes games require extensive tinkering to work, or only run with serious issues, or don’t run at all, no matter what you do. Sometimes a game not working with Wine due to some random but serious issue that comes naturally from running a Windows executable on a Linux system via a compatibility layer. Sometimes it’s due to things like a multiplayer’s game anti-cheat system requiring access to the Windows kernel, and it will block a Linux pc from running the game because it has no Windows kernel.
This is however not as big a problem as it might otherwise be. Most games work, more or less. Valve has put a lot of work and money into both their own Proton and the Wine project as a whole, and they work a lot better than they did 10 years ago. Many run perfectly out of the box, because they are native, or play nice with Proton. Some require mere minor tinkering, like using a different version of Proton. And I generally don’t play multiplayer games, or if I do they don’t have draconian anti-cheats, so the games that are blocked because of anti-cheat are no big loss to me. The Steam Deck not running Fortnite is a plus in my book.
And we shouldn’t forget the Steam Deck verified system. Basically Valve employees check if the game runs out of the box with no issues on the Deck. They get a verified rating if they work with no issue, including both proton compatibility but also things like the controls working nice and the text being legible on the deck’s small screen. They also get a “playable” rating if the game runs to an acceptable standard but with tinkering required or other minor issues.
This is a good system. If you dislike tinkering, you can just buy and play games on steam with a verified rating, and the deck will work like a normal console for you, but with a lot cheaper games. It’s a good way to get people used to consoles into PC gaming, which is probably the point of the Deck.
And if you want more than deck verified games from Steam on the Deck, you are given the freedom to do it. I’ve gotten officially non-supported steam games to run on the deck by installing and using proton-GE and I’ve installed and played games from GOG.
The Steam Deck is really how a Linux PC for the common people should work. An easy and slick experience for casual users, but freedom and customization given to those that want it.
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kde-plasma-official · 3 months ago
whats the status of like. using linux on a phone. it feels like there are two parallel universes, one that kde lives in where people use linux on phones, and one where if you google linux phones you discover theyre almost usable but they can barely make phone calls or send texts and they only run on like 4 models of phone
don't have much experience with linux on phone so anyone please correct me if i'm wrong but
one of the problems with phones is that every vendor and manufacturer adds their own proprietary driver blob to it and these have to be extracted and integrated into the kernel in order for the hardware to function.
as companies don't like to share their magic of "how does plastic slab make light", reverse engineering all your hardware is quite a difficult task. Sometimes there just isn't a driver for the camera of a phone model yet because no one was able to make it work.
So naturally, this takes a lot of time and tech is evolving fast so by the time a phone is completely compatible, next generations are already out and your new model obsolete.
Also important to note: most of this work is made by volunteers, people with a love for programming who put a lot of their own time into these things, most of them after their daytime jobs as a hobby.
Of course, there are companies and associations out there who build linux phones for a living. But the consumer hardware providers, like Pinephone, Fairphone and others out there aren't as big and don't have this much of a lobby behind them so they can't get their prices cheap. Also the manufacturers are actively working against our right to repair so we need more activism.
To make the phones still affordable (and because of said above driver issues) they have to use older hardware, sometimes even used phones from other manufacturers that they have to fix up, so you can't really expect a modern experience. At least you can revive some older phones. As everything Linux.
Then there's the software providers who many of are non-profits. KDE has Plasma Mobile, Canonical works on Ubuntu Touch, Debian has the Mobian Project and among some others there's also the Arch Linux ARM Project.
That's right baby, ARM. We're not talking about your fancy PC or ThinkPad with their sometimes even up to 64-bit processors. No no no, this is the future, fucking chrome jellyfishes and everything.
This is the stuff Apple just started building their fancy line of over-priced and over-engineered Fisher-Price laptop-desktops on and Microsoft started (Windows 10X), discontinued and beat into the smush of ChatGPT Nano Bing Open AI chips in all your new surface hp dell asus laptops.
What I was trying to say is, that program support even for the market dominating monopoles out there is still limited and.... (from my own experience from the workplace) buggy. Which, in these times of enshittification is a bad news. And the good projects you gotta emulate afterwards anyways so yay extra steps!
Speaking of extra steps: In order to turn their phone into a true freedom phone, users need to free themselves off their phones warranty, lose their shackles of not gaining root access, installing a custom recovery onto their phone (like TWRP for example), and also have more technical know-how as the typical user, which doesn't quite sounds commercial-ready to me.
So is there no hope at all?
Fret not, my friend!
If we can't put the Linux into the phone, why don't we put the phone around the Linux? You know... Like a container?
Thanks to EU regulations-
(US consumers, please buy the European versions of your phones! They are sometimes a bit more expensive, but used models of the same generation or one below usually still have warranty, are around the same price as over there in Freedom Valley, and (another side tangent incoming - because of better European consumer protection laws) sometimes have other advantages, such as faster charging and data transfer (USB-C vs lightning ports) or less bloated systems)
- it is made easier now to virtualize Linux on your phone.
You can download a terminal emulator, create a headless Linux VM and get A VNC client running. This comes with a performance limit though, as a app with standard user permissions is containerized inside of Android itself so it can't use the whole hardware.
If you have root access on your phone, you can assign more RAM and CPU to your VM.
Also things like SDL just released a new version so emulation is getting better.
And didn't you hear the news? You can run other things inside a VM on an iPhone now! Yup, and I got Debian with Xfce running on my Xiaomi phone. Didn't do much with it tho. Also Windows XP and playing Sims 1 on mobile. Was fun, but battery draining. Maybe something more for tablets for now.
Things will get interesting now that Google officially is a monopoly. It funds a lot of that stuff.
I really want a Steam Deck.
Steam phones would be cool.
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gnu-nano-official · 7 months ago
due to recent events i’m proud to announce that gnu (+) nano is being picked up by none other than @kde-official !!
as well as this, apple has registered their interest in gnus project, and for a generous donation, inserted themselves into the growing success boosting it!
from now on, gnu nano becomes….
iGnu (+) Knano
thank you for reading this report
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surrandon · 5 months ago
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Yesterdays project. Kali Linux had to go on first. Partitioning for Kali side is custom. /boot, / , and /home all have their own partition.
For the Ubuntu side I installed as the Gnome build, got it all up to date, then installed KDE plasma. KDE build this way seems to function near flawlessly (for Linux) when stacked ON TOP OF a complete Gnome environment. Setup this way, it will run Steam and games with minimal issues. Important note: Laptop is an AMD system NOT INTEL.
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kemch122 · 5 months ago
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An Uncontrollable Thirst for Power
The lab was quiet, but a tense atmosphere filled the entire building. We had just finished an all-day meeting discussing the progress of our research. This time, we focused on experiments with muscle growth, finding ways to accelerate and increase muscle growth without traditional physical training. I was one of the lead scientists on the project and had the opportunity to present the results of our work to our investors and sponsors. One of them was Alex.
Alex, a tall and confident man, was mysterious and silent at all the meetings. The other scientists and sponsors saw him as someone who liked to invest in research, but few knew his true motivations. Today, however, he gave me a look that unsettled me. When I finished my presentation, he nodded at me, as if he wanted to say something but held it off until the end of the meeting.
When the others left the room, Alex approached me. “Can we meet tonight in the lab?” he asked in a quiet but persistent voice. “I’d like to take a closer look at the results of your research. I want to see... what possibilities your experiments offer.”
I was slightly surprised by his suggestion, but I also felt curious. Alex fascinated me in his way—he had an incredibly charismatic presence, and it was hard to guess what he truly wanted. Finally, I nodded. “Alright, let’s meet there tonight,” I replied.
A few hours later, I stood in the silent lab, preparing materials and checking the results of our latest tests. It was late, and the building was empty, except for the faint light in the lab. When Alex entered, he radiated authority. He wasn’t just an investor; he looked like someone who had come here with a specific goal.
“Thank you for coming,” I began, showing him some results on the monitors. “As you heard in the meeting today, we’ve made significant progress. Our tests show that we’re capable of significantly increasing muscle mass in our animal subjects and—”
Alex raised his hand to stop me. “I’m not interested in the technical details,” he said calmly but firmly. “I want to see results. Real results. And not just on animals.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, though I suspected where this was going.
“I mean exactly what I’m saying,” Alex replied, removing his jacket and placing it on a chair. “Tonight, we’ll test it on me.”
My heart started pounding. “Alex, that’s not safe. This is still the experimental phase. We can’t predict the body’s reactions. What works on animals may not have the same effects on humans.”
Alex gave me a piercing look. “I understand the risks,” he said, his voice cold but resolute. “And I’m willing to take them. I don’t need your permission; I just need you to do your job.”
I felt I had no choice. Alex was right—he was not only an investor but also a powerful figure providing me with the resources to continue my research. I didn’t want to be in this position, but I knew that if I refused, it could jeopardize our entire work.
Slowly, I began to prepare the substance while Alex settled on one of the lab beds, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. As I watched him, I was surprised at how well he looked even now. He had a muscular body, indicating he took care of himself and worked out regularly. But when he took off his shirt, it was clear he wanted more—much more.
“You already look incredible, Alex,” I noted, trying to distract him from what he was about to do. “You’re in much better shape than most people.”
He smiled at me, an arrogant smile, as if he knew something I didn’t. “Thank you, but that’s not enough for me. I want more. I want to become something beyond human limits. And tonight, you’ll make that happen.”
When I finished preparing the substance, I approached him with the injection in hand. Alex offered me his arm, and without hesitation, I administered the substance. Silence filled the room, only his breathing and my pounding heart breaking it. For a moment, nothing happened, but then I noticed his skin beginning to shine, and his muscles starting to tense.
“Yes… this is it,” Alex whispered with a fascinated expression as his body began to change. The muscles in his arms rose as if inflating with every passing second. His chest expanded, and every muscle swelled to even larger proportions. He looked like a living statue of strength.
“Alex, this is… this is unbelievable,” I whispered, unable to take my eyes off his transformation.
“Of course,” he replied arrogantly. “This is exactly what I wanted. Touch it. I want you to feel what you’ve created.”
Hesitantly, I stepped closer and placed my hand on his tense chest. Every muscle was hard as stone, every movement of his body radiating incredible power. When he flexed his biceps, they grew into massive arcs that felt harder than any stone I’d ever held.
“This is only the beginning,” Alex continued with a satisfied smile. “Do you think I’ll settle for just this? No, this is only the first step. Next time, I need a larger dose. And you’ll be ready.”
“But Alex, this is already—”
“No, this is exactly what I want,” he interrupted. “You may see limits, but I don’t. I will continue growing until I reach absolute perfection. And you’re going to help me.”
In his eyes, I saw something dangerous—a hunger for power and absolute strength. I felt I had created something beyond my control, but it was too late. Alex stood up, his massive form filling the room, and I knew this experiment was far from over.
Laboratoř byla klidná, ale napjatá atmosféra se nesla celou budovou. Právě jsme dokončili celodenní poradu, kde jsme diskutovali o pokroku našeho výzkumu. Tentokrát jsme se zaměřovali na experimenty s růstem svalové hmoty, hledání způsobů, jak urychlit a zvýšit svalový růst bez tradičního fyzického tréninku. Byl jsem jedním z hlavních vědců projektu a měl jsem možnost prezentovat výsledky naší práce před našimi investory a sponzory. Jedním z nich byl Alex.
Alex, vysoký a sebevědomý muž, byl na všech jednáních tajemný a tichý. Ostatní vědci a sponzoři ho vnímali jako člověka, který rád investuje do výzkumu, ale málokdo znal jeho skutečné motivace. Dnes však na mně spočinul pohledem, který mě vyvedl z míry. Když jsem dokončil svou prezentaci, kývl na mě, jako by chtěl něco říct, ale odložil to až na konec jednání.
Když ostatní opustili místnost, Alex přistoupil blíž. „Můžeme se dnes večer setkat v laboratoři?“ zeptal se tichým, ale neodbytným hlasem. „Chtěl bych se podívat na výsledky vašeho výzkumu trochu zblízka. Rád bych viděl… jaké možnosti vaše experimenty nabízejí.“
Byl jsem mírně překvapený jeho návrhem, ale také jsem cítil zvědavost. Alex mě svým způsobem fascinoval – měl neuvěřitelně charismatickou přítomnost a bylo těžké odhadnout, co přesně chce. Nakonec jsem přikývl. „Dobře, sejdeme se tam dnes večer,“ odpověděl jsem.
O několik hodin později jsem stál v tiché laboratoři, připravoval si materiály a kontroloval výsledky našich posledních testů. Bylo pozdě a budova byla prázdná, kromě slabého světla v laboratoři. Když Alex vstoupil, vyzařovala z něj autorita. Nebyl jen investorem, ale působil jako někdo, kdo se sem dostavil s přesným cílem.
„Děkuji, že jste přišel,“ začal jsem, zatímco jsem mu ukazoval některé výsledky na monitorech. „Jak jste slyšel dnes na poradě, dosáhli jsme značného pokroku. Naše testy ukazují, že jsme schopni významně zvýšit svalovou hmotu u našich zvířecích subjektů a—“
Alex mě přerušil zdvižením ruky. „Nezajímá mě technická stránka,“ řekl klidně, ale pevně. „Chci vidět výsledky. Skutečné výsledky. A nejen na zvířatech.“
„Jak to myslíte?“ zeptal jsem se, ale tušil jsem, kam tím míří.
„Myslím to přesně tak, jak to říkám,“ odpověděl Alex a sundal si sako, které položil na židli. „Dnes večer to vyzkoušíme na mně.“
Srdce mi zabušilo. „Alexi, to není bezpečné. Tohle je stále experimentální fáze. Nemůžeme předvídat reakce lidského těla. To, co funguje na zvířatech, nemusí mít stejné účinky na člověka.“
Alex mě propálil pohledem. „Jsem si rizik vědom,“ řekl a jeho hlas byl chladný, ale rozhodný. „A jsem ochotný je podstoupit. Nepotřebuji tvůj souhlas, potřebuji jen, abys provedl svou práci.“
Cítil jsem, že nemám na výběr. Alex měl pravdu – byl nejen investorem, ale také mocnou osobou, která mi poskytovala prostředky, abych mohl pokračovat ve svém výzkumu. Nechtěl jsem se do této situace dostat, ale zároveň jsem věděl, že když mu to odepřu, mohlo by to ohrozit celou naši práci.
Pomalu jsem začal připravovat látku, zatímco Alex se usadil na jedno z lehátek a pomalu si začal rozepínat košili. Jak jsem ho sledoval, překvapilo mě, jak dobře už nyní vypadá. Měl svalnaté tělo, což naznačovalo, že se o sebe stará a pravidelně cvičí. Ale když si sundal košili a odhalil svou postavu, bylo jasné, že chce víc – mnohem víc.
„Už teď vypadáte výborně, Alexi,“ poznamenal jsem, snažíc se odvést jeho pozornost od toho, co se chystal udělat. „Jste v mnohem lepší formě než většina lidí.“
Usmál se na mě a jeho úsměv byl arogantní, jako kdyby věděl něco, co já nevím. „Děkuji, ale to je pro mě málo. Chci víc. Chci být něčím, co překročí lidské limity. A dnes večer mi to umožníš.“
Když jsem dokončil přípravu látky, přistoupil jsem k němu s injekcí v ruce. Alex mi nabídl paži a bez váhání jsem mu látku aplikoval. Bylo ticho, jen jeho dech a můj bušící puls naplňovaly místnost. Na okamžik se nic nedělo, ale pak jsem si všiml, jak se jeho pokožka začíná lesknout a jeho svaly se napínají.
„Ano… tohle je ono,“ zašeptal Alex s fascinovaným výrazem, když se jeho tělo začalo měnit. Svaly na jeho pažích se zvedaly, jako by se každým okamžikem nafukovaly. Hrudník se mu rozšiřoval a každý sval se napínal do ještě větších rozměrů. Připomínal živoucí sochu síly.
„Alexi, tohle je… tohle je něco neuvěřitelného,“ zašeptal jsem, neschopen odtrhnout oči od jeho transformace.
„Samozřejmě,“ odpověděl arogantně. „Přesně tohle jsem chtěl. Dotkni se toho. Chci, abys cítil, co jsi vytvořil.“
Nejistě jsem přistoupil blíž a položil ruku na jeho napjatý hrudník. Každý sval byl tvrdý jako kámen, každý pohyb jeho těla vyzařoval neuvěřitelnou sílu. Když zatnul bicepsy, vyrostly do obrovských oblouků, které se zdály být pevnější než jakýkoli kámen, který jsem kdy držel.
„Tohle je jen začátek,“ pokračoval Alex s úsměvem plným uspokojení. „Myslíš, že se spokojím jen s tímhle? Ne, tohle je jen první krok. Příště potřebuji větší dávku. A budeš připravený.“
„Ale Alexi, tohle už je—“
„Ne, tohle je přesně to, co chci,“ přerušil mě. „Ty možná vidíš hranice, ale já ne. Budu dál růst, dokud nedosáhnu absolutní dokonalosti. A ty mi s tím pomůžeš.“
Jeho oči zářily touhou po moci a absolutní síle. Cítil jsem, že jsem vytvořil něco, co už nemám pod kontrolou, ale bylo pozdě. Alex se zvedl, jeho masivní postava vyplnila místnost a já věděl, že tenhle experiment ještě zdaleka neskončil.
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bjsmall · 2 months ago
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Here are two Linux distributions running in a virtual machine on Distrosea. They are Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon and Debian 12 MATE.
These images show some of the themes which you can select in each distro. Linux Mint uses two themes, known as 'Mint-Y (Arc)' and 'Mint-X (Greybird)'.
Mint-X is a redesign of the Graphical Toolkit 2 (GTK2) version seen in older versions of Mint made to work with the newer GTK3 and 4 versions. All themes are available in a range of colours and include light and dark variants.
Read Linux Mint's release history here:
In Debian 12 MATE, there are a range of retro themes including 'Green Menta' which is the default.
This is Debian's background featuring the 1999 Debian red swirl logo, which also features in Pixar's Toy Story, rotated around on the chin of Buzz Lightyear!
The name for this version of Debian is Bookworm, all releases since 1996 feature the names of various Toy Story characters.
Find out Debian Linux's name history here:
I have selected a theme called 'TraditionalOK' which is a GTK3 theme based on a classic GTK2 version called 'Clearlooks' which was built from a similar theme used in the old free version of Red Hat Linux.
Most Linux distros use either GTK3, Qt4 or OpenBox as a theme toolkit.
The original GTK was developed in 1997. It was inspired by the success of the KDE project.
See wiki link to learn more about GTK:
Using GTK3 or GTK4 has many advantages over GTK2 such as the ability to support modern features such as HiDpi as GTK3 uses vector graphics (SVG files) instead of PNG files to display all the windows on screen.
See post below for my write up on Distrosea.
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fallhound · 1 year ago
Actually having so much fun with Linux it's unreal
Had a small annoyance yesterday, after fixing the last of the actual issues I've had with my Nvidia drivers 'n shit: My Firefox didn't have it's title bar buttons would only ever stay in the KDE Plasma title bar, without the usual option to DISABLE that bar and have them appear in line with the tabs.
It took me all of yesterday evening and most of today to finally fix it. I've tried every single fix. I've tried switching Desktop Environments. So many things. The fix was so easy it was kinda infuriating but also so obvious
All it took was uninstalling and purging every single instance of firefox, its extensions and plugins, manually, one command line at a time removing every single remaining folder and file because some decided to stay despite Purge, uninstalling every single non KDE Plasma DE, especially MATE being a huge bitch - again, uninstalling every remaining part of it manually, then doing a clean reinstall of my DE of choice, making sure my pc NEVER even LOOKS at the snap of firefox, configuring a proper mozilla apt-get source, getting a clean deb install and boom! it works!
and I am not even mad! I am actually so happy? Like. This has been a whole project. and a huge learning opportunity. Lotsa mistakes! But like. I fucked up bad - then I just reinstalled shit. A lot of it can be done straight from the terminal. Every single mistake I did was reversible. It's so. clean and easy and I don't have to bother with windows bullshit and im so happy
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solus-official · 4 days ago
To those who don't know me!
Hello! I'm a Linux Distribution which started life in 2015, alongside the Solus Project. I may be young, but I'm not based! I'm a completely independent project, however I do get help from KDE, GNOME, and various other projects as trying to do everything all alone is difficult and sad. Check me out! Here: https://getsol.us/ Additionally, I like cats! Because I feel bad for ranting here, I'll give you a gift! A website full of Cat Emoticons? (Do people still use that name?) Here: https://emojicombos.com/cat I hope we can be friends even if I'm not going to be your Distro!
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andmaybegayer · 1 year ago
Holy crap the original art for Kate the Cyber Woodpecker is SO transgender. Love her.
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The new art is also great, tyson_tan knocks it out of the park as usual, but I kind of want to embroider the original as a patch. It's well suited for it.
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@tysontan does a lot great art including most of the KDE project mascot art. Source files and documentation here:
I started using Kate again today because I'm writing some LSP stuff at work, and while I have a reliable Neovim LSP setup at home, I don't have it installed at work. Kate makes configuring LSP very easy.
Turns out Kate has had a ton of major overhauls since I last touched it and it's really good! Extremely fast and full featured editor. Genuinely strong contender for a batteries-included GUI editor if I don't want to spend half an hour making sure my neovim setup runs.
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journeymode · 2 months ago
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On today's episode of "Adventures in Linux" - I reinstalled OpenSuse Tumbleweed a few days ago (because I briefly *shuders* reinstalled Windows 11 just so I could update my BIOS), and as such I decided to use this opportunity to split up user accounts.
I have my main account which I use for my day-to-day things and that will continue to stick to KDE for the foreseeable future. It's what I'm comfortable with, decently enough experienced and, most importantly, very happy with. KDE is stable and reliable and I love it.
But, on my previous Tumbleweed install I had started to mess around with Hyprland a little bit. I don't want to do that with my main account anymore though, because I don't want to take the risk pf maybe accidentally breaking something.
So I made a dedicated user to play around with Hyprland, and while it took wayyy longer for me than I'm willing to admit, I eventually managed to get Step One to work. Getting a wallpaper to actually show up. And then I also fiddled with the Kitty config a little bit and now have fish as my default shell when the terminal gets started as soon as I log in.
Another little side project for me to work on this year. It comes with the added feat of learning how to do more things exclusively with command line. This was a fun headache!
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track-maniac · 1 year ago
I finally made my first pull request to an open-source project. It hasn't been reviewed yet so I don't know if it will be accepted but either way I'm really happy to finally have done it. It's just a small feature on a fork of a browser extension, but I'll work my way up from there. Maybe one day I'll be able to contribute something to KDE.
I love the feeling that when I want something to be different in a program, I can actually do it, and then share it with everyone.
If it actually goes through I think I'm going to love open-source even more and start being borderline annoying about it. I actually feel great right now.
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pepinobambino · 3 months ago
Nefunguje mi internet a tak přidalvám tyto dvě kapitoly už na druhý pokus. Proklínám prázdniny na místech kde nejde internet, proklínám.
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silverysnake · 2 years ago
Summary: Nach dem Drama von KdE fährt Adam nach Frankfurt um Vincent zu besuchen und einfach ein paar Tage den Kopf freizubekommen. Verschiedene Versuche die Beziehungsprobleme des Anderen zu lösen dürfen dabei auch nicht fehlen. Und ein paar Flashbacks zu der Zeit als die beiden noch zusammen in Berlin gewohnt haben gibt es natürlich auch.
Nach zwei Monaten hab ich es dann mal geschafft die fic so weit fertig zu bekommen das ich das erste Kapitel posten kann. Lasst mich gerne wissen wie ihr es findet ich hab zu viele thoughts zu den beiden :)
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