#kbs the unit imagines
techtimechronicles24 · 5 months
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🇬🇧 Immerse yourself in the captivating world of computing through the Sinclair ZX Spectrum—a groundbreaking microcomputer that captured the imagination of an entire generation!
🌟 In 1980, the visionary British entrepreneur and scientist, Sir Clive Sinclair, entered the home computer market with the ZX80 priced at £99.95, marking the era's most affordable personal computer in the United Kingdom. A year later, the ZX81 hit the high street, introducing home computing to a generation, with over 1.5 million units sold.
💻 Released in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd., the Sinclair ZX Spectrum swiftly became one of the most iconic home computers of its time. It dominated the UK's computer sales market, fiercely competing against Commodore and Amstrad. This compact and budget-friendly machine brought computing into countless households.
🕹️ Powered by the Zilog Z80A CPU running at 3.5 MHz and equipped with either 16 KB or 48 KB of RAM, the ZX Spectrum sported a sleek, compact design resembling a keyboard with rubber keys, making it innovative and approachable. Its graphics and sound capabilities were ahead of their time, enabling vibrant games and applications.
⌨️ One of the ZX Spectrum's standout features was its vast library of games. From classics like "Manic Miner" and "Jet Set Willy" to innovative titles developed by enthusiasts, the Spectrum's game collection remains a cherished part of gaming history. The computer's BASIC programming language also inspired users to create their own software.
🖥 Despite modest hardware specifications, the ZX Spectrum nurtured a lively community of developers and enthusiasts, serving as a gateway into the world of programming and digital creativity.
🚀 Over its lifespan, the ZX Spectrum evolved with new models, including the ZX Spectrum+, ZX Spectrum 128, and ZX Spectrum +2, each offering enhanced performance and features while retaining the beloved design.
📺 The ZX Spectrum's impact extended beyond its hardware, playing a pivotal role in the British computing scene, inspiring future generations of programmers and entrepreneurs. Its legacy resonates in modern computing and gaming through emulators and remakes that keep its spirit alive.
📊 At the peak of its success and largely inspired by the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer program, the company established the "MetaLab" research centre at Milton Hall near Cambridge to pursue advanced projects like artificial intelligence, wafer-scale integration, and formal verification.
💔 Financial difficulties in 1985, brought on by the failures of the Sinclair QL computer and the TV80 pocket television, led Sinclair to sell the rights to its computer products and brand name to Amstrad in 1986. Sinclair Research Ltd continued as a one-man company, marketing Clive Sinclair's inventions until his passing in September 2021.
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Making Moon Water
Ancient Craft & Occultism
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Welcome back everyone! Since we've covered an introduction to Lunar phases, I figured it'd be a great time to have a quick lesson on moon water! In this lesson, we're going to talk about what exactly moon water is, different methods of making it, and how we can use it in our craft! Let's get to it. ♡
What Is Moon Water?
Humans have revered the moon and all of the lunar energy it offers since ancient times. Numerous religions and activities place a significant emphasis on the moon. The moon is viewed by many of these religions as a goddess-like figure that is crucial to human existence. These beliefs and behaviors frequently use the moon as a guide or energy conduit. Moon water is frequently used in witchcraft, Wicca, and other spiritual disciplines. The idea of moon water actually dates back to the early to mid 1800s and is associated with witchcraft. Moon water is simply water that has absorbed the energy of the moon by being exposed to it for an extended amount of time.
How To Make Moon Water
Many moon water recipes found online suggest placing a container of water outside in the moonlight. Even though that is undoubtedly a component of the standard recipe and a precise description of the magic's external, visible shape, creating moon water takes a little more than simply pouring some water outside. Any good moon water must be carefully crafted; while the moon and all it represents provide the majority of the blend's power, it is the witch who must weave the threads that eventually unite these energies to make it all possible. You must tell the moon where to direct its energy, and you must tell the water where to locate the energy's absorbent medium. In the absence of that, all you have is some water that has been left outside. You must actively participate in the creation of moon water if you want it to be as successful as possible.
Fill a non-plastic container with water to start. Some recipes specify that water must be procured from a natural source. While water taken straight from a natural source, such rain or a lake, will have a stronger intrinsic "charge" and a more distinct magickal imprint, it may also include bacteria, parasites, organic or chemical pollutants, and it might also be contaminated. Drinking water, such as purified spring water or even regular tap water, is a more practical and convenient option for some workings because it is widely available and creates a secure and drinkable potion foundation. The type of water that is suitable for your recipe will depend on how you plan to use the moon water.
Bring the water container outside, put it close to a window, a wall outside, or a high position inside your house. The water can be heated, cooled, or left at room temperature. Spend some time contemplating the moon and focusing on the purposes you have for your moonwater. Will the water to absorb as much moonlight as it can by visualizing it literally opening to the energy of the moon. Directly invite and ask the lunar energies to enter the water by focusing your heart on the lunar essences you want to add to your concoction. It could be beneficial to picture energy connecting threads running from your body to the moon and from the moon into the water in your container. Imagine the water's internal structure truly altering, its vibrations rising as it takes in and harmonizes with the moon's energy flow. As you call on the moonlight to illuminate the water and assert your witchcraft by telling it what it should become, have faith in your instincts and your links to nature.
Any lunar working will benefit from a simple moon water, which will also strengthen any spells cast to advance healing, foster love, increase psychic power, or foster creativity. Moonlight, water, and the witch herself are the only necessary components of a moon water. If you'd like, you can add stones or plants that more directly reflect your aspirations, but be careful not to include anything poisonous to a potion that you want to consume or apply topically to your body. Witchcraft frequently involves the use of toxic herbs, and many common stones can leach toxins into moonwater.
Ways To Use Moon Water
Moon water is both a blank canvas and a carefully crafted work of wonder. It can be modified with additional components to fit any particular magical aim you may have, used as a base for other potions to increase their magical potency, or used as a spell all by itself. The moon's phases can also be used to make moonwater with various properties. With the exception of abstaining from ingesting any harmful substances and avoiding contact with potentially irritating substances, there are no restrictions on how you can utilize moon water. Here are only a few suggestions.
Anoint your ritual spaces & tools before a magical working
Use it in cleaning to bring in certain energies
Use it to cast a circle
Use it in glamor magic by washing your face and hair with it
Freeze in ice cubes for quick elixirs
Use for scrying
Dip your paintbrushes in them to add enchantment to your art
Drink it & cook with it
Water your plants with it
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ambrosiagourmet · 4 months
hiiiii i have a quick question about no reason but to starve: when does it take place relative to the postcanon labru comic? i ask partially so i can integrate this knowledge into my understanding of laios & kabru's dynamic in nrbts, but also into my understanding of the diplomatic relationship between malini and kakha brud
(i love your fic so much thank you for your gifts to dunmeshi fandom)
Oooh fun question, thank you!! I assume you mean this comic?
This ended up being longer than intended lol, so tl;dr short answer: it would take place after the comic, though the comic is not necessarily 100% canon to it.
More details and rambling below the cut:
So, in general, I'm trying to write in a way that is compatible with, but not strictly canon to, any post-canon content we've gotten.
In part tbh that's because I had WANTED to construct the timeline with the Kensuke extra in mind but then I totally goofed it and like the story basically takes place at the exact same time that the Kensuke story would. So it ended up more being like handshake meme thematical/character similarities rather than strictly canon.
Also I don't want anyone who hasn't read the extras to have trouble following anything (which is actually why I had to go back and add a bit about the situation w/ KB during editing lol. In the rough draft it was just like yeah yeah the reparations we've all heard of them).
That is all to say the story does more-or-less take place after this comic. The way I'm thinking about it, the initial negotiations referenced in the comic sort of laid the foundation for (relative) peace and cooperation, but there are still lots of specifics to work out - that's what the current delegation is in town for. It's probably less combative then the initial, uh... conversation... but I imagine there's still a fair bit of a "wring everything we can from these people" attitude from KB, so it's a slow process with a lot more smiling and nodding and going back to grumble privately later.
In terms of Laios & Kabru I think the story fits well after the comic for their relationship too... The group of them & Marcille are very much A Unit in the point where the story picks up (with Yaad also included, but not necessarily as close as the three of them). They all have been working together for a little while now, and are all committed to the work. They know a bit about how to navigate each other, and have some rhythms they've fallen into (like Marcille checking w/ Kabru about her hair, or everyone knowing that things are tense between Laios & Yaad wrt Marriage Talk).
What's still left unsaid is a lot of the deeper, more sensitive things. Part of the reason the fic opens on the question of Laios' Political Marriage (TM) is because I think it's a good example of a thing that WOULD remain buried for a while. Laios seems to not have given himself much room to think about romance, so it's something that hasn't been addressed out in the open. But they've got to deal with it eventually!! They have a life long task ahead of them all, and shoving skeletons into closets only works for so long.
(Laios romance tangent: whether or not you read him as aro or ace (and I personally put him somewhere in some grey zone there), I don't think that's a thing he would have realized yet in canon. Repression =/= happily uninterested, and I personally think Laios has repressed that shit hard.)
Anyway, the same goes for various things with Kabru and Marcille, as well. They already trust and care about each other, but being vulnerable with other people is a long, messy process. Especially with all the baggage they have. It's something they still need to figure out!
It is also, conveniently, very fun to write about :3
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mechanicalinertia · 3 months
Bubblegum Black mega-ish chapter notes: Chapters 9-12
Yes, that's right! If you only follow me through tumblr, you probably thought I was dead! But no, I just chose to hold off on my usual notes-post until I'd finished the ridiculously long and complicated battle between Hotel Moscow versus D-Company. So the notes will be for four fucking chapters now.
Also, for the record, I'm probably going to stop just posting these on tumblr, and start mirroring them to SpaceBattles or Sufficient Velocity. I mean, how many people have a tumblr account that will let them read all the way through? Not many, I imagine. Well, let's get into it.
The OCs: So! New characters, hm? I don't think they'll be playing a major role in the fic for the most part, but once I figured that Balalaika would have experience operating a powersuit - not because of any particular reason beyond the assumption that they existed during the Kazakh conflict, and then that she needed a way to stand alongside the Sabers in mecha-fighting - then I thought it would be fun to have other suit operators that were Balalaika's comrades-in-arms and thus people the Sabers could fight alongside too. It helped me, in turn, figure out how to humanize Hotel Moscow just a bit, having these specific people with specific talents.
KB-43 Oktyabr: The predecessor to the ADP's K-suits, the Model 43 'Walking Armor' was drafted as a mechanized system in between World War 3 - when light power armor was used for individual infantry protection and lugging heavy equipment - and the Kazakh conflict. UralVagonZavod, the developers, were flush with Chinese money and talent, the alliance between China and Russia supposedly ironclad - the only problem was that Russians hated UVZ for their top-attack vulnerable tanks, the ones that were not so impressive in the Ukraine war and were even less impressive during the botched attacks on Finland and Poland. Building the first powersuits, then, was a last-ditch attempt to not have Russia's legendary tank-building house liquidated and folded into other parts of the Rostec state defense conglomerate. It worked. KB-suits might require more maintenance than other powersuits, might lack the versatility or strength of more modern K-suits, but they're a bit like AK rifles in that regard. They're just fucking everywhere. Also, they're literally just the Russian Arms Boris ACPA from Cyberpunk 2020:
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KB-65 Nasyschat: 'Saturate' in Russian, appropriate for its light artillery capabilities. This is the Russian Arms Bombardier ACPA from Cyberpunk 2020. Note that in both armor's cases I've severely reduced the amount of weapons they carry. This can either be read as a concession to Hotel Moscow not having the logistical might of the old Russian army, or just acknowledging that the amount of weapons an ACPA can carry is fucking goofy. Most ACPA could squish even 2077 Adam Smasher with ease. It's wild.
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GSh-30-V: The 30mm cannon the Boris uses in CP2020, but built by the KBP boys as a rifle (hence the V) patterned off old Gryazev-Shipunov autocannons. I'm sure that this realistically does not make sense. Eh.
KPV: 14.5mm machine gun. Note my joy in turning old Russian guns into powersuit weapons. Ha ha ha. hoo hoo hoo. hee hee hee.
Semi-auto incendiary-flechette shotgun: This, in retrospect, makes no sense. The ammo doesn't make sense and neither does the use of shotguns to take down armor. Well, what the hell. Once again, I blame Cyberpunk 2020's humongazoid 'borg / ACPA weapons, specifically the United Arms CLAW, a 4-gauge mag-fed autoshotgun. If anything I've toned that fucking monstrosity down a bit by making it semi-auto. Kinda like the KS-23, another Russian goofy-gun, now that I think about it.
Instrument Vzloma: Breaching instrument. Which is hardly an appropriate term for a man-sized axe wielded by a giant powersuit, but what the hell.
Balalaika's speech, getting inside Balalaika's head in general: I actually don't want to say much here; the speech, and her internal monologue, should speak for themselves.
Tou Chi The Blaster: Real Black Lagoon character, for those of you who don't know the manga / anime. Kinda one of a million loser gunmen with big attitudes and bigger addiction problems in Roanapur.
More Regrets: Considering how big the missiles are in IRL anti-ship missile boats, I think my image of almost a missile turret for the 2069 Black Lagoon is a smidge off. Obviously the boat's much bigger than an Elco, but its ordnance is much bigger too, right? Yeah. Well, what the hell. Sci-fi tech.
Rock's guns: The shotgun in question is an SASM-18, a futuristic retread of the mag-fed semi-auto SPAS-15, using a motorized cocking system to replace the pump-action switch for specialty rounds so one need only pull the trigger. Oh, and eight shells instead of six. As for the Type-37... I have plans for a detailed look at what's basically Rock's 'hero gun' going forward, even if said gun is somewhat impractical. But I kind of want to put them in an actual chapter instead of dumping them to the side here. So let's put a pin in that for now.
Lena meditating: I know I've said this before someplace, but I'll say it again: It's strange that 2032 Linna's prowess as a melee expert supposedly comes from her aerobics and dance training, and not just plain ol' martial arts. (and then 2040 Linna has no talents either way, but that's beside the point). I still think it'd be nifty if Lena had martial arts training, was still a vain materialistic yuppie but also good at keeping her body in tip-top shape through various techniques. Fuck, now I'm remembering a bit I read of Shawn Hagen's BGC Shadowrun crossover where she just got muscle grafts. How tasteless. And, again, yes, the Sabers are superheroes, of course they're going to rescue people soldiers would write off as dead.
Duhmin, and Roanapur's history: I like this bit of writing. But it explains itself, really. I rewrote the opening of this scene like three times, by the way.
Marya Zaleska: One of Hotel Moscow's big cargo ships (presumably able to carry some weapons at some point) in canon.
Swimmer Rounds: Are apparently a real thing! I think if you look for the most recent Nammo ammunition catalogue you can find them somewhere in there. Wild shit.
Icewolf: So, here's some lore about how hacking works in this cyberpunk-y universe! The old internet was bricked by cyberweapons, not by Bartmoss, and now crude memetic organisms, evolving from those old pieces of software like microbes, are bred, learned from, weaponized for various purposes. In an age where computers are explicitly brain-structured (ie neuromorphic), it makes sense to go for biological metaphors, I think. Like... like Hacker Pokemon? Is that too trite?
Tardigrade: No, there is no prior fic where this type of Boomer showed up, but I really enjoy the idea of the Sabers having had enough adventures that a lot of things that show up in this fic don't necessarily surprise them all that much. Anyway, incoming miniboss encounter!
The Boomer / Powersuit: The thing Balalaika fights here is heavily inspired by the D.D. Mass Production Type, a scribble found in the B-Club and then in the BGC RPG EX book:
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Weirdly enough, according to both the B-Club and the RPG, this was a never-seen design for a Battlemover, but I swear I've seen it in an establishing shot of GENOM Tower's entrance in OVA 6. I don't understand what's going on - is it the same thing? I want to believe it is.
47C Kappa Boomers: Not much to say about these. They're there.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy: Rock finally killed someone himself! What fun! What excitement! I suppose it has to happen in every longer Black Lagoon fic. And I suppose Rock never gets to feel very good about it. And I suppose... what else? I think Revy's reaction was about right here. I really ought to chill on Depression!Rock for a bit, but that'll wait until the next arc.
KA-77: Basically the Russian version of the Bell V-280, the tiltrotor replacement for military helicopters, kitted out with gunship weapons. Fun fact: Tiltrotors don't actually have a worse safety record than helicopters. For a near-future sci-fi setting, they're a much more sensible new VTOL than vectored-thrust vehicles like the Harrier jumpjet or the AVs from Cyberpunk the franchise. Then again, BGC has those really cool-looking enclosed-fan 'aerodynes' the ADP use all the time, so that's an entirely different form of VTOL I didn't use...
Junayd Lakhani: The man himself! He's kind of a preening weenie! That's kind of the point! Also, yes, I resorted to an MGSV-style Fulton recovery system almost as a joke that became a real thing. I do not regret this.
Honestly, I think I've got enough here. Things work out, they explain themselves, and I don't feel like writing extremely long notes for these chapters anymore. Let's just vibe, for now.
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rustbeltjessie · 1 year
Rust Belt Jessie’s NaPoWriMo 2023 Prompts: #1
New Seasons
I recently read an article about how the seasons are shifting due to climate change. Some seasons last longer, others are now shorter; therefore they don’t start or end when we expect them to, based on the calendar and the solstices and equinoxes. I’ve noticed this for years, and having it confirmed is both reassuring (I’m not imagining it!) and disturbing (for obvious reasons). That’s one way you could approach this prompt: what are the new, longer summers like? The winters that start later and are more erratic, but still last too far into the spring months? Get as dark and apocalyptic as you like. (Think of fire season on the west coast of the U.S. This shouldn’t exist, and is every bit as terrifying as it sounds.) Or sad, nostalgic—what do you miss about the way the seasons used to be? Or get weird and surrealistic—after all, living through these times is often weird and surreal. (I mean, it’s bizarre when it’s April and one day there’s a blizzard and the next day it’s 80 degrees Fahrenheit.) Or get hopeful, even utopic—what beautiful possibilities could arise from these new/changed seasons? Or, of course, you could combine any or all of those moods and modes.
Another way you can approach this prompt, which has less to do with climate change, is to think about micro-seasons, which exist in between—or within—other seasons; or, what seasons are like in a micro-climate as opposed to the larger climates which surround it.
Here in the Upper Midwest, where I’ve spent 43.90243902439025% of my life (I did the math), we’ve long had a micro-season people call “fool’s spring.” It’s that time in late February/early March, when it gets into the upper 40s or low 50s (I know that doesn’t sound that warm, but when you’ve spent months at freezing or below, it’s fucking warm, okay?), and we all go crazy and wear light jackets instead of down parkas and we sit out on our porches drinkin’ beers and we’re like heck yah, it’s spring! And we know it won’t last, but we always hope it will, and sure enough, our springdreams are blasted away by another blizzard and then a plummet into the teens.
Or maybe you live in a micro-climate. When I lived in the Bay Area, I remember summer being so weird in Frisco. (I know San Franciscans hate when people call it that. I’m taking a bit of poetic license and doing it anyway.) I lived in Oakland, and it would be hella hot and dry there, and then I’d take BART over into the West Bay—and it would be cold and damp as shit in Frisco. There’s actually a similar phenomenon where I live now; the tourism slogan for Racine used to be cooler on the lake. In the spring and summer, it can be anywhere from 5-20 degrees warmer inland than it is near Lake Michigan.
Or take Kurt Vonnegut’s assertion that in the northern parts of the United States, there are six seasons rather than four: Winter, Unlocking, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Locking.
Or, you know, in the immortal words of Homer Simpson: “Lousy Smarch weather.”
Whichever approach(es) you choose for this prompt, consider naming your new season(s), a la “Unlocking” or “Smarch” (but with your own twist, and in your own words, of course.)
Recommended reading:
Seasonality and Climate Change (via the EPA—or just web search “shifting seasons climate change;” there are a lot of results)
My therapist called it “climate despair” (by KB Brookins)
10 Poems About Climate Change to Read Right Now
Seasonal Poems
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x7 cops & robbers
castle: bored af Tho I like how he's with his mom at the bank not for co-signing or anything but just for... moral support?
MR: Richard, I’m a business woman now. I do not want your money, I do not want your signature, thank you very much. It’s the principle. Dp: No, Ms. Rogers, it’s the interest. RC: And I’ve just lost mine. Excuse me.
I'm watching this after covid, it didn't seem out of the ordinary At All to see ppl with masks. RC, seeing sussy stuff: Hm. I think this bank is about to be robbed. *robbery starts* RC: It’s not my imagination. It’s definitely not my imagination. I love how he Just Happens to be on the phone with the cops when this is going down lol. She's able to just call it over to her homicide team
Ok so I know This Guy & he just nods at castle's shh motion. Makes sense For Now. Castle should really put the phone in his bra or smth so he can have it still recording w/o needing to have it up to his ear obviously. If it was in his bra (which he totally has) he could still describe the scene (which is smart of him) Manager just has it on his neck? Make that four. "You a cop? (to Castle) You called a cop?" "No. I-- We were already on the line when you guys came in."
British sounding accent huh Love the different doctor names. My first thought was healthcare was so bad in the usa that they needed to rob a bank. How did he open the door I thought he locked it? He DID lock it the thing is right there! I guess it has some wiggle room. You know, come to think of it, those doors look lik ethey are made of glass. Strong structured & thick, but still. A heavy object a couple times... Love a good hostage situation. We've all seen Die Hard we know how this goes.
Man's right. You're homicide he's robbery. He's also very calm & direct. Not impolite but firm & short. (tho "missed your cue" was rude) Where's demming tho?
What if I raise my hand to ask a question? lmao acab tho I don't trust anything here
Ryan looks very s2 like. Blue shirt, tie, brown normal jacket. Espt looks bisexual with his layers. Nice to have contacts in emergency service units Bro I think the robbery people have this handled.
She's a woman she doesn't need to have a bedroom voice the robber is just like horny & straight or smth I don't think that keeping him calm is hard bc he seems like a pro. TJ: Yeah, I don't like that other guy. KB: Yeah, me neither. peterson: ?? Trapper John! Bro it's M*A*S*H! You should come down & watch this episode with us! He IS a pro Oh no now cap peterson thinks that he is beckett's boyf.
Wow what a jerk. Blaming someone for the bank getting robbed. Or well, for getting the cops here too soon. If the cops didn't get here maybe they would have left with the money & let the hostages go. Except the bank ppl said the silent alarms went so ok. Oh no don't tell me we're going to deliver a baby I like how she says they should let the pregnant lady go but the way she says it implies she's ok with being held hostage.
RC: Don’t worry mother. I saw this work on Die Hard. RC: Uh, Mr. Howser-- Excuse me, Doctor Howser. Why not just give them a cup behind a desk?
RC: So, why Doogie Howser? I mean there's so many cool TV doctors you could pick.
Was espt in ESU before homicide? What IS his exp?
omg he likes her <3 lmao the banker & actress hitting it off I wanted to check out the food at my new work before I start working there & ofc I ended up using the washroom & there was some sort of old b/w sensual film playing in the stall. it is not his box: how did he get the key? woah castle remembers which wall & row & column it was in?? & Dp knows the number??? Martha-?
Three hours sounds... reasonable...
it's me! I know morse code! ... -.. is what I saw but they kept cutting away. I also don't know numbers only letters. Numbers are easy I just don't know them. how DO you know it's him? It could be another smart civilian!
Martha actress moments Why is That Guy telling castle this? He was "in the washroom" during castle's secret message sal martino? idk I'll continue with That Guy (unless I quote). "you have no idea" WOW THIS EPISODE IS GOOD I don't make promises
Rick did too well, SM was supposed to freak out bc of the c-4 but rick calmed him down which was NOT the plan.
Wasn't gideon fields? Sus. KR: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't go in there, we don't have a warrant and we don't have probable cause. JE: Bro, Castle's life depends on this. KR: ... Did you just hear that? I think I just heard someone yell out, "Help, police!" JE: (in a voice) "Help, police!" There it is again. Ah yes, dead bodies. Grody. & perfect for the homicide detectives.
I couldn't tell if she was dead for a week or she was just old... but then again the smell of decomp
JE: I don't get it. This is a little, old, retired librarian. What could possibly be in her safe deposit box that would be worth doing all this? KR: Nazi gold, cold fusion, map to Atlantis. JE: Hey, Castle Jr., could you maybe start thinking like a cop, please? (Castle HAS mentioned nazi gold) KR standing with That Booty: I am!?? JE: Are you? KR: It had to have been something huge that was worth killing her over, right? Hey, Super Cop, check it out.
Hug alexis, becks, she needs it, you might too. But hey, rick made kate promise to take care of alexis! & esposito promised to get rid of his porn collection!
Rick just do the flashing bracelet thing again. Idk numbers but (-.-.) ..-. --- ..- .-. is easy enough What is HER accent? cushions is a good idea <3 GOSH WHAT aT Least put him sideways so he doesn't choke!
told Whom to stay with her? Y'all never leave me a voicemail, please text.
it's legit not enough time bestie Send in esposito he looks like a buff firefighter paramedic
Trapper would know her voice. Bad idea. Love the double talking obv not a paramedic since she didn't know she could put the gurney closer to the ground & then raise it up once the fellow is on there UM SIGN LANGUAGE MUCH? Castle could have totally slipped it into sal's shirt
Martha should totally have just kicked everyone's ass & the hostages could have gotten themselves out on the fury of a mother There is a second T in twenTy kate That chuckle was very nathan fillion bc that's where the money is lmao Castle why are you revealing your hand? Just like tf2 for real just like rvb for real Castle has escaped duck tape before. Zip ties are easy to get out of
RC: Mother, I find I'm no longer satisfied with the customer service at this establishment. I think we should take our business elsewhere. Me: Is that code? RC: no just trying to be funny ig
Ron Brandt. Good thing I didn't switch names Were those guys wearing black before? & now they are covered in dust? or were they always wearing that greyish colour?
PUT AWAY THE GUN BEFORE YOU UNTIE THEM BESTIE mr: *shaking her hands with a grin*
They would NOT have messed up Captain Peterson probably is surprised with how good castle is, he's like "wow this guy really does know his stuff" Whose body parts?
Oh no are castle's banker & mother going to sleep together?
I like how beckett has a touchphone & ryan has a flip or smth
See? Castle wasn't supposed to calm him down Holy crap bad bruising I sometimes hate being a christian (what with being who I am) but right now I love it.
That Guy: Honey, I'm home. what a line Girl u should have kicked his balls while he was outside the door TG: Oh, no. Hon, you bumped your head. Ha what a typical abuser line. Disgusting.
*kept the cop's face in shadow*
JE: Come on, let's go pick them up. KR: Ithaca??? Why is espt just going on this huge road trip with ryan? RC: Even as a hostage, I help you solve murders. Beckett, I think…I think you have the perfect partner.
Poor alexis. Poor Ash. Long distance sucks.
In my binge watch I should have counted these. 8th time becks saved castle, castle has saved her 9.
The vodun episode with the purses & champagne, I remember that. The nikki heat murders were not a save, she lived you just gave her your coat RC: Won't be forgetting that anytime soon.
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little-sundays · 6 years
ginger tea
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Genre: Romance
Requested | Not
Could you do a unb scenario in which feeldogs sibling has a huge crush on chan or hojung and always being awkward around them because they're their ultimate bias? 💕 (Sorry English is not my first language 😅)
The Unit/UNB: Kang Yu-chan
“Do I?” It’s a rhetorical question to himself, but he already knows the answer to it. He just finds pleasure in entertaining you. “Don’t tell him, but I find it lame.”
“You’re staring.” You avert your eyes back to the male in front of you to scoff at his obvious observation. Mark devours his toast muffling his words and getting crumbs all over the desk, and so he tells with gesticulations, “Point is all you do is look. Take a taste.”
“That sounds wrong.” Your nose bunches up as you give him a displeased face. He tosses you a crumpled napkin in effect; consequently, the paper dissolves in your soup, but despite him ruining your lunch he tells you, “It’s supposed to sound wrong.”
“Listen, asshole, that’s Kang Yu-chan--he’s not just some random dude.”
He snorts, “Actually--when you think about it--he is some random dude, because he remains a stranger to you and you to him. But to your brother he’s a friend.”
Your eyes find its way back to him smiling at the crowd in his table, and you realize that he’s not as normal as you; he’s someone--talented, known, and an achiever. On the other hand, you worked behind the scenes with only people who study your field to appreciate the work and effort the teams puts.
“You’re a director, but you don’t even socialize with him.” Mark points out slowly withdrawing the tray on the table to put his forearms atop it. You say it consciously, “You know how I was with you when we first met.”
“You were avoiding me when I tried to introduce myself to you.” He recalls only for you to add, “Of course, because I’m shy.”
“Of course,” he mimicks, “but you’re creative when you work on their placings, shots; you over flow with creativity, and something that not a lot of people are born with.”
The room is silent but the swift movement of your pencil had created the faintest squeak, yet there seemed no end to it; the ideas flowed reluctantly, and so you rest your head on the desk out of stress. But all of your attention shifts quickly to the tapping on your window as a few pebbles collide on the glass. You pushed yourself up from the chair, and lifting the window seal to shout out your frustration. “What the fuck do you want, Mark?”
Chan stares at you as he is fazed by your change of personality that he gives you a cheeky smile. Your eyes widen slowly before you mutter a soft, “Oh shit.”
He beams, “I never took you for one to swear.”
“I never took you for one to throw stones at someone’s window until it actually breaks.” You look back to your door to see it locked before turning your gaze to him, “Were you trying to break in my house?”
“I thought your room was Feeldog’s. I guessed wrong.”
A small smile crept its way to your face until you let out a short laugh, “Call him by his real name, please. His stage name sounds awfully funny.”
He replies with witt, “Consider this, he finds it really cool.”
“Do you?”
“Do I?” It’s a rhetorical question to himself, but he already knows the answer to it. He just finds pleasure in entertaining you. “Don’t tell him, but I find it lame.”
He looks to the ground for a second before asking you a different question, “Can I come in?”
Without giving him an answer and only a gesture, you shut your window in a haste to run down the stairs and open the door for him. He looks pleased as he stares at you in your housewear. He reluctanlty gazes away and onto the interiors of your house only to gape and comment on it, “Being a director pays off a lot, doesn’t it?”
Until he entered the house you remained by the door watching as he admired the beauty of your home. Then, you disagree with him, “Not so much, some days are just as tiring as yours maybe even more when the shots aren’t taken aesthetically.”
He had only explained himself when the idea struck him abruptly, he ends up with a smug grin as he faces you. “I didn’t really come here for your brother if you were wondering.”
He stares at you for some time before admitting it himself, “I came here on my own for some advice and tips on making a short film.”
You show him your room and the films your directed that were stored on your computer for viewing purposes or studies when there had been no inspiration. He finds it entertaining that you don’t brush him off casually when he talks about his interests, instead you tell him about each film’s weakness, strength, beauty and history; its location and plot--he found them well versed. He admires it until you stop, “Sorry, I talked too much about films you probably haven’t watched before.”
He notices the conflict in your features and it somewhat makes him nervous so he comments, “I watched some of them not all; they leaned a lot on an artistic perspective rather than heavily dependent on the norm.” He turns to you with a smile that’s contagious enough to do you the same, ”I like different.”
“You sound like you’re trying to imply something quite off-topic.” You tell him while looking into his eyes that never left yours.
“I--” He gets interrupted by the sound of the knob turning and the loud hum from behind the door. Gwang Suk enters your room unknowinglly as he says, “Hey, dude, are you hungry?”
His gaze shifts from Chan to you before he settles with blinking a few times and opens his mouth to speak, but only fins himself asking Chan. “Are you with my sister?”
Chan swallows down his nervousness in order for him to answer without an ounce of hesitation, “No, I just came by to ask her a few questions.”
You bite down on the pain that settles in your gut begore letting out a harsh reply, “I’m very busy over the fact that I am still not finished with your new music video. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Sorry, I’ll leave you two--”
“I lost my appetite and I don’t want to be bother again. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You focus the camera onto the scenery ahead of you; there you lined up the grid exactly on the train tracks to create a moving perception. The view was blocked when he stood in front of the camera trying to capture your attention, but you hadn’t wanted his attention. You became more fidgety accidentally blurring the focus of the lens, and consequently you swore many profanities under your breath and apologizing to no one in particular.
“God, I hate this.” You mutter under your bresth, but it’s still very audible to him so he questions you, “Is it what I said yesterday that’s bothering you?”
“Please don’t blame yourself for any of this.” You say this to him, but he doesn’t believe you. “Tell me.”
“No.” You lie before walking away from him.
After hours passed, you catch him fixing the camera out of spite so you approach him to stop him, but he doesn’t let you. When you’re in front of him, he takes a picture of you.
Quickly, you look away from the lens to avoid both his gaze and the camera from picturing your face, but he continues until the beating of his heart becomes loud enough for him and you to hear it.
“I like you.” He admits unconsciously, but he doesn’t take it back either. It makes you stop when he applies pressure on your left cheek before caressing it and smiles at you. “I really like you.”
You breath in sharply through your nose to refill the air that escaped your lungs too suddenly. He doesn’t let you confess, because he already knows it--knows more than you do that you had his entire being wrapped around your gaze before you even fell for him. Thus, he lets you kiss him not as just another idol’s sister or their director, but as his only.
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bubblegeon · 7 years
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“He’s the reason why I’m doing this.” let’s stay together to the end ☀️🎼💜
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doyomi · 7 years
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parkjuhnee · 7 years
hhh i really like the Stay team but IMAGINE that's what i like team performing at the KBS gayo........... ok thank you good night
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oraclekleo · 2 years
[Readings] OnlyOneOf
All tarot readings related to OnlyOneOf and all sub units.
Read the instructions in Master Post before requesting.
Any requests that don't follow the guidelines will be deleted from my inbox.
I have the right to refuse to do a reading without explaining.
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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OnlyOneOf Group Kinky Reading
Love Relationship Role
Love Ideal Partner (WIP)
KB Relationship Role
KB Ideal Partner
Rie Relationship Role
Rie Ideal Partner
Yoojung Relationship Role
Yoojung Ideal Partner
Junji Relationship Role
Junji Ideal Partner
Mill Relationship Role
Mill Ideal Partner
Nine Relationship Role
Nine + Kleo Couple Readings
Nine Ideal Partner
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meltwonu · 4 years
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8. “Like what you see?”
19. “Take off your clothes.”
48. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
notes; idol!soonyoung x stylist!reader, mirror fucking, dirty talk, a little praise kink😗, softdom!soonyoung, oral(fem receiving)/fingering, also waiitttt this is hot😳🥴but u have to imagine 191227 kbs gayo soonyoung with the mesh shirt ykwim, i actually want to sew my own rendition of these green outfits tbh like the seamstress in me is so in love with the green shades and silver accents just *chefs kiss* maybe when i’m not lazy LOL, anyway!! Thank you for liking my long posts😭💕 jdkksfh I know I can’t shut up… This ‘drabble’ is 2200 words bc I got carried away dkjfsf ☠️ And thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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“Take off your clothes.”
Soonyoung pretends to be scandalized; eyes wide and lips parted in an over dramatic gasp. “You didn’t even buy me dinner first~” He jokes, already slipping off his fluffy coat as you roll your eyes.
“Soonyoung, please. I need you to behave and help me pick out the clothes that’ll decide what the rest of the performance unit members will wear. I’m behind and I need to get hip hop unit’s clothes picked out after.” You let out an exasperated sigh, pulling the rack of clothes closer to the two of you as Soonyoung stands and faces the tall full length mirror.
He slides his shirt off, lips in a pout when you toss a silky button up his way. “You’re overworked and you need a break. When was the last time you slept?”
“Try this one first, please. And yes, I’m aware. It’s busy this time of the year, I have a lot of things to do and who knows if I’ll even sleep before the new year.” You say it jokingly, but the look in your eyes tell Soonyoung it might not all be in jest.
“You need a break, baby.”
“I know, okay? Just try this damn shirt on first and we can talk about that later.”
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Soonyoung looks good in everything he tries on, but everything he’d tried on so far didn’t seem to have the look you were going for.
“I don’t know… I feel like these black suits are overdone and the uniforms just look too formal, y’know? Maybe we should go for something casual… Maybe more sexy?” You help Soonyoung out of a brocade blazer, tossing it onto the rack as you sigh. “I don’t know, Soonie… You look good in everything but I don’t know what’s the mood right now.”
Soonyoung laughs as he unbuttons the pressed black button up before he, himself, starts going through the rack of clothing. “I’m telling you, you’re overthinking this.” It goes quiet for a bit as he sifts through the rest; a small ‘ah ha!’ leaving his lips when he picks out a dark green velvet lined blazer with matching pants.
“There’s no shirt with this one?” He asks.
“There is, it’s---here.” You help him out, pulling the hanger with the mesh shirt out. “I--I wasn’t sure about this one since it’s gonna be cold. I can put a shirt under it if it’s... y’know.”
“Lemme try it on!”
He shoots you an eager smile; letting you do your job as you help him into the green ensemble.
Your throat goes dry once Soonyoung slips on the blazer and you can’t deny the way your body warms up at the sex appeal that Soonyoung naturaly exudes in the outfit.
“Like what you see?” He grins, doing a spin for you.
“Um--uh…” You’re at a loss for words, suddenly shy with the way Soonyoung shoots you a knowing smirk. “You just saw me with my shirt off so why are you shy now?” You don’t know how to explain it to him, but the mesh shirt that paired with the blazer gave the outfit a sense of flirtatiousness and sexiness without being completely bare.
Soonyoung’s eyes twinkle in a familiar way and you can only gulp knowing exactly where this was going.
“I think… You need to take that break right now.”
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“F--fuck, Soonyoung don’t---don’t get the clothes d-dirty!” Whining, you place your hands on his clothed shoulders the second he drops to his knees; still dressed in the outfit as he rolls his eyes up at you.
“It’s fine, if anything it’s just a ‘lil dust. Now shut up and let me eat you out already.”
He had backed you up against the tall mirror, soft praises on his lips the entire time before he’d kissed you hard and slotted a leg between your own. Teasingly, he pressed his chest against your own; smirking when he saw the lust pooling in your eyes when you felt his, essentially, bare skin against your clothed chest. He knew the effect he had on you and it definitely hadn’t been the first time a fitting session ended with more clothes off than on.
Soonyoung pries your legs apart, leaning in and pushing your skirt up until it bunches up around your waist. “You really need a break, baby. When’s the last time I even got to eat you out, hmm?” He doesn’t give you much of a warning before he’s leaning in and licking at you through your panties; a soft moan on your lips at the feeling.
“Ugh, fuck, but it’s me that has to clean it, Soonyoung…” Muttering, you watch as he focuses on teasing you; flattening his tongue against your covered folds and the action has you grinding down onto his tongue, biting your lip at the way him not bothering to move your panties only intensifies the pleasure.
He lets you do as you please; your soft and quiet cries the only noise in the empty changing room. “Oh, Soonyoung…”
Smirking, he slightly pulls away as he brings his fingers up to pull your panties to the side. “I know, baby. Let me make you feel good.” You nod slightly, hazy eyes fluttering shut when you feel his tongue on your skin.
You let out a long groan, head thrown back into the mirror as Soonyoung drags his tongue from your entrance to your clit; flicking at the nub with the tip of his tongue. “Fuck, you’re--you’re such a tease…” You whine, to which he chuckles against your skin.
‘I could be worse,’ he thinks.
He drags his tongue down until he can dip it into your entrance, teasing you when he repeats the action over and over and you quickly find yourself wanting more than just his tongue.
“Fuck, I want m-more…”
Soonyoung takes pity, knowing that this was a much needed break for you. So he brings his fingers up to your folds, collecting the wetness on his index and middle finger as he looks up at you.
“This is cute and all but I do hope you remember we’re on a time crunch.” Grinning, he positions his soaked digits at your entrance before fully sheathing them inside of your tight warmth in one fluid movement. You cry out his name;  body on fire when he curls and scissors his digits just the way he knows you like it.
“Mm, I could eat you out all day. Get you up on that makeup table and eat you out little by little in between sets until your entire body is trembling.” Soonyoung pauses, thrusting his fingers into you hard. “You’d be so cute too, baby. Imagine your ‘lil pussy all wet for me, ready to take my cock after a loooong show. I’d bend you over the sofa and give you what you want. Fuck you nice ‘n good and make you come home with me so I can fuck you again while we get cleaned up in the shower. And you’d be so fuckin’ wet I bet I could slide my cock right into you, huh?”
Soonyoung’s words combined with the skillful flicks of his wrist are almost enough to throw you over the edge. 
But the two of you knew you wanted more.
“G-god, Soonyoung, please! I’m so---so wet you can fuck me n-now!” You harshly whisper; hips moving on their own to meet his hand. The said male smirks, licking his lips before he leans in once more to flick his tongue against your clit.
“You deserve it for working so hard~” He coos.
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You’re not sure what it is, but Soonyoung has a fascination with mirrors. You don’t know if it’s because he has to watch himself so often in them, but he takes any chance he gets to fuck you in front of one.
Not that you’d complain.
“Palms flat against the mirror, baby.” You watch through the mirror as he shrugs off the jacket; tossing it haphazardly behind him as it falls to the ground in a lifeless heap. “Goddamn it, Soonyoung! I’m gonna have to dry clean that!”
He can only smirk, repositioning himself behind you as he meets your not-so threatening glare. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad. Remind me next time to rip something instead.”
Soonyoung undoes the button and zipper of his pants, shimmying his underwear down just enough for him to wrap a hand around his cock. He lets out a groan as he thrusts up into his palm; smearing the precum down his shaft as you squirm and wiggle your hips. “Soonyoung, please hurry…”
“Ah, guess you’re right. Wouldn’t want someone to walk in on us, would we?”
He moves your panties to the side and positions his cock at your entrance, already inching in before you can open your mouth again. “Oh? You really are soaking, baby.” Your tight warmth sucks him in deeper and when he meets no resistance, he fully bottoms out inside of you as you cry out.
“Fuck m-me, please! I can’t w-wait any longer!”
Soonyoung chuckles under his breath as he draws his hips back, “You’ve been workin’ so hard, baby. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” He thrusts into you slowly; letting you feel every inch of his cock before he starts a moderately quick pace. “I wish we had more time but, ah, still so much work to do, huh?”
You nod shakily, eyes clamped shut as you focus on the feeling of Soonyoung’s skillful thrusts that are angled perfectly to tap your g-spot. “Ngh, I--y--yeah…”
“Baby, look at me when I’m speaking to you.”
Soonyoung’s voice is gentle and warm, yet firm. And more than enough for you to blink your hazy eyes open. “Suh---sorry…” You mewl.
His stare pierces through the mirror and you can’t deny how attractive Soonyoung looked fucking you in the mesh top that he hadn’t bothered to take off either.
“Ah, look at how cute you are falling apart on my cock. So fuckin’ pretty.” He grits his teeth, already feeling the pleasure building up in his body. “Mm, gonna make you finish up the rest of your workday with my cum inside of your cunt.”
You clench around his cock as you mentally imagine his cum pooling in your panties and soaking through the material while you still had to deal with the other members. “Please… Soonyoung… I--ah, wanna g-go home with your c-cum dripping, mmh, down my t-thighs…”
He lets out a whistle, shaking his head slightly before he laughs. “Since you said please. Touch your clit for me, baby.”
Reaching a hand down, you use your index and middle finger to rub soft circles on the swollen nub; moaning into the mirror and fogging it up as you tighten up around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer…” He mutters.
You can only nod and work your hips back to meet his own thrusts, “M-me too…” You hear him groan before he doubles his pace, fucking into you faster as you feel your body shifting more and more towards the mirror. You rest the side of your face against it, breath fogging it up as the two of you chase your orgasms.
Neither of you know how much time is left in the fitting session, but you really hoped nobody walked in on you slumped against the mirror with your skirt bunched around your waist and Soonyoung with his cock out.
“Cum on my cock, baby. Get it nice ‘n wet before I fill you up.”
You work your fingers quicker on your clit, this time alternating between pinching the nub and rubbing harsher circles to throw yourself over the edge.
“Oh, S---Soonyoung, ‘m c-cumming!”
It only takes a few more perfectly angled thrusts before your orgasm washes over you and Soonyoung’s name rolls off your tongue in a hurried, jumbled mess and through the haze, you can vaguely hear Soonyoung’s groans as he follows suit; hips stuttering and losing rhythm. 
You moan at the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you just as he moans at the feeling of your walls fluttering and tightening around him; the two of you slowing down your movements as you let the warmth wash over your already heated bodies.
“Fuck…” He mutters.
A sheen of sweat covers his brow and he’s quick to run a hand through his hair as he watches your body tremble underneath him. He chuckles under his breath; letting the remnants of his orgasm ebb away before he’s slowly easing his cock out of you.
You moan at the emptiness and your sticky hand quickly finds purchase on the mirror again to keep yourself upright. Your panties slide back into place like they’d never been moved and you bite your bottom lip when you already start to feel his cum soaking into the fabric.
“Ngh, Soonyoung… I feel… s-sticky… and we---we need to c-clean up...”
The said male is three seconds from laughing when there’s two sharp knocks on the door that have the both of you going rigid at the same time.
“Hey, um, our fitting sesh should’ve started 15 minutes ago. Just… letting you know. We’re... behind.”
Vernon’s shy and quiet voice pierces through the awkward silence and through the mirror you meet Soonyoung’s red cheeks and sheepish smile.
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kbs-theunit · 7 years
[!]Sunmi to reportedly join 'The Unit' as a mentor
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divinefireangel · 3 years
au: mafia!youngbin
Okay I will try my best 🥺
Also I made stuff up so I won't be suspected or smthn idk lol
TW: Death, drugs, murder, mafia stuff 😎💀, weapons, torture & content warning.
Mafia! YB was born into the field
I'm imagining Good Guy YB for this
His father was one of the most important people for the KB Faction, was killed by a rival faction
So he stepped into his father's place, cause his siblings already had their roles and couldn't leave those
He's a skilled gunman, never missed a shot and hence it's his weapon of choice
Everyone's envious of him cause he's so young and came into such a high position
But he's proved his worth to the main boss, whom very few people have seen
He leads the organized crime unit due to recommendation from the boss
So naturally he has a target on his back 24/7
Will not hesitate to kill people who've wronged him or his faction
Always ready for action cause he's very alert of his surroundings
Sherlock Holmes type, but just more brave & a lil cruel
We've seen the horror room thing, so he has excellent detective skills
He uses those skills to find the person who killed his father
When he successfully finds said person, he surely knocks them out and brings them in to get the information he needs
His signature torture/interrogation involes being tied to a chair and branding from a hot fireplace poker
Don't worry, he is humble enough to pour a bucket of water on the killer when they do answer
Once he gets the information, Youngbin reports it to the boss and let's the others have their fun with the captured
He isn't too fond of the drug business but won't say no for dropping off or picking up orders
Probably the only one who strongly refuses to sell drugs to foreign students
Has charm so he is sent to do many public dealings because no one suspects him one bit
So smug when he fools the police or law enforcements
Overall brilliant at everything he does and everyone depends on him to do the job they couldn't've
I hope you like it 👉🏽👈🏽. I've never written anything related to mafia but I did a bit of research so I hope this is what you wanted anon. Also I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be x reader so I just wrote a general HC. If you want an x reader HC do let me know! 😄
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f9-teljes-film-2021 · 3 years
Halálos iramban 9 Teljes Film Magyarul - HD 2021
Halálos iramban 9 Teljes Film Magyarul - HD 2021
F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 á n teljes film Ingyenes online próba. F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án [BlUrAy] | Nézd meg F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án Online Film 1933 HD ingyenes HD.720Px | Nézd meg F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án Online Film 1933 HD HD HD !! F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án 1933 angol felirattal letöltésre kész, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án 1933 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, Youtube, Reddit, Multilanguage és kiváló minoségu. F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án (1933) teljes film magyarul
🔴 HD Minőség Letöltése »»»»»»»  https://pemburudollar.starmovieseries.com/movie/385128/f9.html 🔴 Ingyenes Online Streaming »»»»»»»  https://tinyurl.com/5fkk5epm
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        Halálos iramban 9 2021         8.2/10 által 95 felhasználók Dom Toretto visszahúzódva él egy félreeső helyen Lettyvel és fiával, a kis Briannel, de tudják, hogy a veszély állandóan ott les rájuk a békés horizonton. Ezúttal ez a veszély arra kényszeríti Domot, hogy szembenézzen múltbéli bűneivel, ha meg akarja menteni azokat, akiket a legjobban szeret. Összehozza csapatát, hogy megakadályozzanak egy olyan tervet, amely megrengeti a világot. A terv kiötlője a legképzettebb bérgyilkos és legprofibb sofőr, akivel valaha találkoztak – és aki történetesen Dom elveszett öccse, Jakob
felszabadított: 2021-05-19 Runtime: 145 percek Műfaj: Dráma, Akció, Kaland Csillag: Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, John Cena, Charlize Theron Rendező: Sanja Milkovic Hays, Clayton Townsend, Gary Scott Thompson, Neal H. Moritz, Vin Diesel
Letöltés : MP4 360pLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 5,184 Kb/s ] 480pLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 7,682 Kb/s ] MP4HDLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 8,647 Kb/s ] FULLHDLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 9,692 Kb/s ]
Letöltés : MP4 360pLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 5,184 Kb/s ] 480pLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 7,682 Kb/s ] MP4HDLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 8,647 Kb/s ] FULLHDLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 9,692 Kb/s ]
Kulcsszavak : F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nelőzetes magyarul, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á ningyen letöltés, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nnetmozi, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nmagyar premier, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilm online, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nteljes film, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nteljes film videa, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nindavideo, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nmagyarul online, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nteljes film magyarul indavideo, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline filmek ingyen F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline 2021 filmek magyarul F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilmek magyarul F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline videa 720p 1080p F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilm letöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á n2021 teljes filmek magyarul videa F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline sorozatok F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á ningyen filmek F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á n2021 film letöltés ingyen F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilmek online magyarul F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nmagyar filmek online
Its somewhat ironic that a movie about time travel can’t be reviewed properly until your future self rewatches the movie. It’s bold of Nolan to make such a thoroughly dense blockbuster. He assumes people will actually want to see ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án more than once so they can understand it properly, which some may not. This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2021 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  ánis’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved away as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). ~After nearly three hours, I came away from ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly inventive action set-pieces. This time around however, Nolan has finally managed to ‘out-Nolan’ himself: the palindromic plot, whilst creatively ambitious, is simply far too complicated for its own good. ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án is overlong, overstuffed, pretentious and too exhausting to comprehend in its entirety — it makes Inception and Interstellar look like Peppa Pig by comparison. I’m aware of the technical wizardry and creative mastery in this film and lord knows I’ll have to watch this again. For those who want a puzzle, ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án at least provides a unique cinematic experience. But to actually enjoy solving it Nolan wants you to work very very hard
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little-sundays · 6 years
smoke of coffee
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Genre: Romance, Smut
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o m g i saw your chans scenario and loved it 😭😭😭 i was wondering if you wrote more for a.c.e??? and in that case maybe if you could make one with jun??? something kinda smutty... 🙈 
The Unit/A.C.E: Park Junhee
He comes with you and meets your friends who insisted him to stay until you got drunk from one shot. It ends up being a routine when you stumble upon him again and he helps you without much to do either. But it's different the next time, you invite him for lunch and you talk about life and living that it ends up with both of you completely sober; he's lax around you, he's able to joke with indecency and philosophically and you understand, and it comes to a point where kissing you was normal.
He’s outside waiting for nothing, but the wind to hit his face repeatedly and stronger each time it touches him. The cigarette is twirled between fingers, but he doesn’t inhale it and lets it burn out. The smell of nicotine doesn’t settle his problems or rid him of his depression; it only makes him stressed.
Only when he hears footsteps to his right does his trance drift away and he gazes at you.
"Shit." You mutter under your breath, but it's audible enough for him to hear. He's crouched down, leaning his head against the glass while he watches you pressing down on the screen of your phone until you drop both of your hands and turn to him.
He said, "Are you lost?"
"Somewhat." It's a frank answer to change the subject when you noticed the cigarette in his hand. "Are you stressed?"
"Is it obvious?" He flicks the ashes off until they are scattered on the pavements wherein you say, "I have this stress app that could help you in a way."
You hand him your phone willingly despite not knowing if he's a thief or a murderer, you just give it to him in exchange for the cigarette he was holding.
He says, "You just wanted to smoke."
"It's honestly blatant, but I'm quite frustrated." You clamp it between your lips before he stands up and hands you back your phone. At this, you cock a brow at him and exhale the smoke in his face, "You don't like it?"
"Where were you headed to?"
"Myeongdong." You say, "Are you bringing me there or are you going trick me into bringing me to your house and murdering me there?"
"I'd rather kill myself than you." He says making you laugh, "Call me Peach."
"Is that your real name?" He takes the cigarette and throws it down the ground to stomp on it. The contents spill from the paper as it is engraved into the cement. Thus, you reply, "No."
He snorts, but tells you with honesty, "I'm Junhee."
He comes with you and meets your friends who insisted him to stay until you got drunk from one shot. It ends up being a routine when you stumble upon him again and he helps you without much to do either. But it's different the next time, you invite him for lunch and you talk about life and living that it ends up with both of you completely sober; he's lax around you, he's able to joke with indecency and philosophically and you understand, and it comes to a point where kissing you was normal.
"Hey,” you mutter, “why are you awake?”
“Thinking.” He said before turning to you, and thus he rested his hand over the skin of your stomach. Abruptly, he hovers above your sleeping frame and brushes his palms against your thighs slowly setting them apart.
You say while his fingers skim against the fabric concealing your clitoris, "About?"
He rids you of your undergarments and pushes a finger, abruptly, inside before moving it at an agonizingly slow pace. He drags it out long before thrusting it back in making you jolt, only that he's merciless and he eyes you with not much emotion. "This and, perhaps, a lot of other things."
The thumb stimulates the nub of your vagina that it sends your head back against the pillow to let out a breathless sigh. He's holding your thigh when you start arching to get more pressure and friction. When the muscles inside start retracting causing a spasm to your body, he pulls back his hand and licks it whole.
"Let's go over with the actual fuck." He says, then he bites the juncture of your shoulder blade moving to your collarbone and the top of your breast. His breaths are deep and laboured that he kisses you to distract himself from getting hazed over your pants and pleads.
It's when you buck your hips against his that he pushes into you and lets you start the pace. His hand rests on top of your right boob squeezing it while he quickens his movements until you're digging your nails against the headboard of your bed. Your eyes are screwed tight leaving only your mouth open that he presses his thumb firmly against your neck to push you further into the pillow. He marvels in the way you shake over the stimulation almost turning him into a sadist and to watch you spent completely forgetting the existence of things. And so he asks you, "Aren't we supposed to be asleep? What happened?"
But your answer is rather astonishing to him and it hits him with a sense of pride bursting in his body to the head. "Jun, please."
You're stuttering and breathless, but he holds far longer than you do and you're cluthing onto different things painfully that your hands start turning numb.
"Almost." It's an order, so you slide both of your hands against his chest and look him in the eyes, "I can't anymore."
He's done, but his dick still sits inside you as he drops his tired body above yours after he spills. His movements even feathery makes you squirm and jolt from oversensitivity.
"Goodnight." He says, "I'll clean up after a moment. I'll take care of you."
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