#onlyoneof tarot
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theninthdoor · 1 year ago
Hello! MTL date a fan in OnlyOneOf?! Thanks :)
Rie (the chariot), Junji (ace of swords) and Mill (the magician) || they're all totally OK with that.
Yoojung (queen of wands) || it depends, but he's not opposed to it, at all.
Nine (five of cups) and KB (temperance rx) || both strong NOs. they're overly aware of the risks that would come with that, plus they might actually prefer someone who's not so much into Kpop as a fan.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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outsidereveries · 2 years ago
Hello! 🥹 I hope your day is going well. Could I request an ideal type reading for OnlyOneOf’s KB? Thank you
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— kb (onlyoneof)’s ideal type
disclaimer: i know nothing about him. my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
five of pentacles rx: someone who's persistent when they have to.
devil: someone who thinks only about him and nothing else.
page of cups: someone who's dreamy, possibly introvert, romantic.. maybe naive.. these words.
[bottom: the empress] someone who appreciate the femimine side of themselves.
.. hope you are satisfied ... /gen
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9800sblog · 1 year ago
Hello! Could you read on OnlyOneOf’s KB ideal type 👀 thanks so much! ❤️
kb tarot reading
ideal type characteristics
do i have his energy permission to do and share this reading? ace of wands
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9 of swords - a night owl, he may like those that collect things too, someone homely, with a well decorated and extra comfortable house/room. he likes those that pay extra attention to their appearance, he may like piercings, tattoos, a bunch of accessories, and a smokey eye may be attractive to him too. someone who is not afraid to ask for help, he may like people that are spiritual, specifically those that pray. someone with slower hobbies, like reading, painting, sewing is coming through too. I think he likes painted and decorated nails.
the world - obviously, well traveled. as someone who travels a lot for work, he may prefer the conversations with those that already know at least the basics of what's he's talking about. he likes someone that is well balanced, a balanced body type too, nothing disproportionate, except for hair, he may like big or impressive, different hair. water and nature is coming through, maybe someone who comes from a simpler place, somewhere they can see the stars in the night sky. he wants someone he can be obsessed over, and that can make his day brighter just by existing.
knight of swords - extremely focused, detailed, calm, passionate. he doesn't want someone who is impulsive, but someone who has a lot of intense feelings about specific things (specially him). he may like jealousy and someone protective over him, someone who will yell at him if he does too much on stage, for example (whatever that means to them). someone who will easily get along with his family members, maybe root for the same sports team. someone who is easily well liked and who would do anything for those they love. he may want someone he needs to protect physically, but who takes care of his spirit.
8 of pentacles - a hard worker, maybe someone in his industry or immediate circle. may be more introverted tho, someone who's prone to hyperfocus, isolation and just maybe forgetting to talk to people or take care of themselves. someone who needs his help with routines, organizations, self-care, etc. because their natural focus is elsewhere. he does like people with beautiful hair. a passion project is coming through strongly. he may like it if someone can cook and/or bake. a toned and athletic build is coming through too, may like small eyes and big lips, prominent eyebrows. with this card, the opposite could also apply.
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kfanopinions · 2 years ago
KB Ideal Type (Tarot Reading)
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okie dokie! this was interesting to do since i had no idea what to ask jk i'll share what questions i asked as well as the cards that came up with what i found. so please like always take it with a grain of salt and enjoy! ^^
Q: what is KB from OnlyOneOf's ideal type?
Page of Cups || Knight of Swords || The Hierophant
-> someone imaginative -> creative (may not know how creative they can be) -> shy/naïve -> someone who leaps into action -> isn't afraid to lend a helping hand -> there for others -> wise/has some wisdom -> people look up to them -> stable person/someone who has their sh*t together
Q: what is the energy this person embodies?
Vulture Spirit -> nothing is wasted
-> through their triumphs and struggles they have gained knowledge to use at their disposal -> very strong regenerative type of energy
Q: any chart information?
*this is information about the person but i'm wording it to fit what he would like in a person*
1st House || Pisces || Saturn || Square
-> someone who knows their self-worth -> even if their personality rubs someone the wrong way they own who they are -> someone who knows to take care of themselves and doesn't always bend over backwards for others (this person may need to keep this in check) -> someone who uses everything that has happened to them (good and bad) to their benefit and to grow from
astro dice - possible chart info/signs
signs - sagittarius // libra // gemini chart info - this is anything that might be of significance in any way pluto // sagittarius // 1st house
Oracle Cards
i used two different decks asking the same question... 'what can you tell me about kb's ideal type?'
stay optimistic about your love life - positive thinking and faith will bring you romance worth waiting for - divine timing is at work in your love life coffee cup || not today || stabbed in the back || love
-> could be someone that started off as a friend (or he might have an ideal type within his friend group) -> again this feeling of someone standing their ground. setting boundaries and not letting people walk all over them -> they may have suffered some kind of hurt but that has only made them stronger which is an admirable quality (maybe he might like someone who takes the hurt and turns it into gold?) -> someone who he finds attractive -> a person that gets him like there is just this instant connection
now this just for fun. they are possible facial details, eye colors, love messages etc. that this person may have or want to convey. this is for fun so please take this with a grain of salt ♥
charms and letters
-> cute -> sweet -> likes nature -> maybe into astrology or they like to stargaze -> perhaps someone that likes rock music (?) lol skulls came up and a guitar so maybe he likes rocker types? -> name could start with a vowel or have many vowels (letters: O, O, I, I, I, U, and D)
hair style || bangs // 3/4 part // eccentric hairstyle (this could be the cut or color) eye color || green eye // blue eye // honey brown hair color || light blonde hair // reddish blonde // warm espresso (dark brown) // burgundy // purple brown face details || thick/bushy eye brows // strong jaw (nice jawline) // longer face // beautiful long eyelashes personality || cheerful // good sense of humor // sensual // nervous/worrier love messages he (kb)/they (ideal type) want to convey || i'll be there for you always // you are the most beautiful person. inside and out // you are super smart! let's stay up and talk more!
Q: how can kb bring his ideal type into his life?
9 of Wands || The Star || 4 of Cups || 6 of Pentacles || 10 of Cups
-> getting rid of what isn't necessary. out with the old and in with the new -> manifesting. stating what he wants to the universe/wish on a star -> seeing what is in front of him. working on his relationships with those he cares about. sharing in the wealth -> enjoying the relationships he has both romantic and friendship -> being their for people he cares about -> getting rid of someone who wasn't there for the right reasons (there was just a shadow figure in the background of the 10 of Cups which makes me think someone was hanging around or it's like an ex)
*hope you liked it ^^*
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sillyabtmusic · 3 months ago
sillyabtmusic year in review!
rules: link your most popular & your favorite post from every month (skipping months is also okay)
tysm for the tag @honeydewtual!! tagging @demainest, @faceglitchsworld, @mizugucci and @jooyeonnie :•)
Most Popular: Hwanwoong and Xion with doggies (102 notes) Favorite: My 2023 top songs set
Most Popular: Onlyoneof ending fairies (70 notes) Favorite: Kingdom company Dann 🫠
Most Popular: Harin bday set (61 notes) Favorite: Kingdom as tarot (fave set of the whole year easy)
April (side note i made 55 gifsets in april somethings wrong with me)
Most Popular: Yonghoon and Dongmyeong shenanigans (165 notes) Favorite: Keonhee in oneus MVS
Most Popular: San teasing Yeosang (150 notes) Favorite: Midnight circus / Jahan sweet lullaby
Most Popular: Hangyul for Lullua (35 notes) [this is also a gifset i made entirely in the command line!] Favorite: My fave releases
Most Popular: Jayoung rolling quartz in the victory mv (38 notes) Favorite: Kingdom family </3
Most Popular: Onewe off road teasers (66 notes) Favorite: Legend by Kave / Yunmin band performance
Most Popular: Leedo in queen bee game (120 notes) Favorite: Xikers bittersweet mv
Most Popular: Jungwoo and Johnny sgs behind (260 notes) Favorite: Yuta off the mask / ToTh6y teaser images
Most Popular: Yuta jacket behind (333 notes) Favorite: Ireh on my bike stages / Keonhee malus teaser
Most Popular: Seoho APT cover (82 notes) Favorite: All my gift sets (x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x)
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emojackolantern · 9 months ago
about me:
endymion. 22. he/him. us american. nonbinary mlm. audhd. chronically ill/disabled. white.
editor, spreadsheet maker, shitposter. occasional artist, former fic writer. phannie since 2015.
semi-inactive at the moment? currently hyperfixating on kpop boys on twt. will still respond to messages/asks/tags dw
my dnp notice!!
my second dnp notice??
posts about:
dan and phil, hozier, fall out boy, ofmd, pompompurin, leanna firestone, idkhow, the arcana, onlyoneof, stray kids, enhypen, other kpop boy groups maybe, tarot, astrology, poetry, kink positivity, queer identity, disability, intersectionality
phannie resources:
titt trailer analysis (spreadsheet)
phedroom analysis
phan fragrances masterpost
phan fragrances spreadsheet
endymion speaks - original posts
1k - iconic posts
my edit and my art - cool things i made
more from me here !!
last updated: 01/16/25
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skinzchoerim · 2 years ago
Tagged by @rieloving-mess ty!!!
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
I'm using the playlist of songs I liked (aka gave them that little green heart) cause I only add my absolute faves there
OnlyOneOf - seOul drift
GFRIEND - Tarot Cards
BVNDIT - Jungle
NCT DREAM - Hello Future
THE BOYZ - Russian Roulette
OnlyOneOf - night flight
NCT 127 - Superhuman
E'LAST - Desire
DRIPPIN - Nostalgia
IU - Epilogue
Tagging some people that appeared last in my notes so feel free to ignore this @melting-morning-blues @hakanakimono @stay-dandelyon @toxicrevolver
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oraclekleo · 2 years ago
Random Idol Reactions to the Dentist Appointment
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All the described reactions are pure fiction and my own speculation and they are intentionally exaggerated to make it more fun to read. Please, do not take any of it seriously. 
There people walking among us who fear the dentist beyond anything else in the world. They will avoid sitting into the dentist chair unless the pain forces them to make an appointment. 
And then there are normal people like me who love to go to the dentist and diligently visit his office every 6 months to have the preventive check done. And don't let me start on the bliss of dental hygiene procedure. Well... I truly like to have my teeth taken care of by professionals. 
But what about our lovely and cute idols? How do they react to dentist appointment? 
Let's find out! 
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Dongwoo (Infinite) 
Dongwoo finds the dentist appointment a waste of time. He takes a good care of his teeth and doesn't need the dentist to tell him what he already knows. Dongwoo isn't the type to sit in the waiting room reading the outdated magazines there, he always brings a thick book with him and would gladly read it even while the dentist has their hands in his mouth if it was possible. Once the check is over, Dongwoo sets a reminder to his phone for next appointment. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 3/10 
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Minhyuk (Monsta X) 
Minhyuk makes a scene before going to the dentist, he screams and runs around describing all the terror he could possibly encounter in the dentist chair. He will insist on the fact no dentist appointment is needed and will postpone the meeting like 5x before he is forced by someone stronger than him (Shownu or Wonho) who will  drag him into the dentist office kicking and screaming like a big baby. The dentist hates him, because Minhyuk refuses to open mouth wide and when he does, he bites. After a little wrestle the check is finished, Minhyuk insists on getting a lolly and he leaves the dentist fast. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 1/10 
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Donghae (Super Junior) 
For Donghae the dentist appointment is one of the necessary evil in life. The kind of suffering all human beings has to go through. He accepts the dentist appointment with resignation, he comes on time, sits in the chair and obeys all instructions hoping for it to be over soon. Deep down he believes that women must feel the same about gynecologist appointments. Once the check is over, Donghae will take a sticky note with the date and time of next appointment which he will lose a week later. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 5/10 
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Taecyeon (2PM) 
Taecyeon coming for a dentist appointment is a big thing. All the nurses and assistants are there, no matter whether it is their shift that day or not. Taecyeon arrives with cute smile and small presents for the staff, spreading good mood and compliments left and right. The female staff is swooning from his presence and he knows it. Taecyeon cracks double meaning jokes till the dentist instructs him to open wide. And when he can't talk, he at least winks at the nurses. Once the check is over, he leaves the office with next appointment and several new phone numbers saved in his phone. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 7/10 
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Love (former OnlyOneOf) 
Love loves to eat and he knows he need good healthy teeth for that. He looks forward to his regular preventive checks, he arrives at least 10 minutes earlier to the waiting room, he gathers all the free-to-take brochures about how to maintain your teeth, gums and mouth healthy. Once he is invited to the dentist's office he begins a conversation, he knows all about his dentist's family life, the names of his children, he knows what kind evening classes their mother attends and what is the favourite TV show of their aunt. This applies to the assistant, too. Love sits in the chair relaxed while his dentist keeps the conversation going and Love answers with unarticulated noises. Once the check is over, Love sets a reminder of next appointment in his phone and he also notes it down in his calendar at home. 
Level of will to go to the appointment: 10/10 
Who is your spirit animal when it comes to the dentist? Are you scared of the checks? Tell me in the comments. 
Just to inform you, I'm mostly like Love. Only I'm not interested in my dentist's personal life but I'm looking forward to the checks. 
More non-tarot content: Random Non-Tarot Content
Thank you for reading!
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bugchouli · 2 years ago
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☆ bug
hi my name is ray/bug. I use they/he and im a lesbian :) im mexican and white lol i am an autistic (also have adhd lol) infj scorpio. im in highschool and love science and math (nerd) i love purple, loona, and patchouli. i’m a goth & girlgroup kpoop enthusiast.
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ULTS:Loona hye gowon yves jinsoul choerry fx luna sulli fromis_9 jiheon hayoung chaeyoung
semi ults: svt joshua jun seungkwan wekimeki doyeon txt hyuka taehyun
yas: secret number dreamcatcher wjsn itzy aespa lapillus blackswan rv dia gwsn wayv nct 127 onlyoneof sf9
my music here
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fave shows/movies: black panther, MLP, madoka magica, higurashi, spongebob, lotr, banana fish, sailor moon, lego movie, monster high, monster, ever after high, ma
Video games: mgsv, project sekai, roblox, silent hill, little big plant, minecraft, the sims 4, overwatch,skyrim, sponge bob
Random faves: patchouli, monkeys, moths, seals, ladybugs, anteaters, red pandas, otters, goats, kirby, liminal spaces, uno, rosemary everything, cosmetology, art in all forms, metal (music genre), marine life, ikea.. (?) tarot cards, winter, orange chicken blah blah blahh
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im never really on here but im mainly on twt lol
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year ago
Oooh can I spam some OnlyOneOf tarot ask content I’m curious about all their ideal types I’ll take whatever you want to read on lol 👀
I don't really know them but sure
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kleo1504 · 3 years ago
Kim Junhyung (OnlyOneOf) Relationship Role Analysis based on Tarot Reading
In this post I'm going to present another tarot reading purely for entertainment purposes. I decided to analyse how would certain idols act and be like in various relationship roles.
Those roles being:
Friend - platonic relationship
Boyfriend - fresh romance with emphasis on emotional bond
Lover - more intense romantic relationship with emphasis on physical aspect
Husband - long term serious romantic relationship
One-Night-Stand - purely physical short-term attraction kind of relationship
Some of the segments fall under mature content, so please continue reading only if you feel comfortable with that.
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╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Kim Junhyung
Junji – OnlyOneOf
Spread: Relationship Role
Deck: E. A. Poe
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
✮ .     .    °  ☆     .    °¸      . •    ✮  . •
Friend - I The Magician, 0 The Fool
Friendship is likely to be Junji’s favourite kind of a relationship. He enjoys the lightness and excitement of a platonic relationship. He’s got the soul of a small child, he’s curious about everything and he approaches every adventure with an open mind. He likes to explore the wonders of the world with his friends, no matter whether they are small or big.
✮ .     .    °  ☆     .    °¸      . •    ✮  . •
Boyfriend - 7 of Wands, 7 of Swords
Junji is one difficult person to deal with when it comes to dating. In a certain sense he’s got the black and white vision when it comes to romance. He can slip towards possessiveness and jealousy easily. On the other hand, he himself isn’t really a faithful partner. He can get charmed by passing by strangers and he sees nothing wrong about exploring his possibilities even if his significant other thinks otherwise.
✮ .     .    °  ☆     .    °¸      . •    ✮  . •
Lover - 4 of Cups, XV The Devil
Junji jumps from extreme to extreme in the role of a lover. There are days he’s not interested in the pleasures of the body at all, he withdraws completely and ignores his partner entirely. And then there are days when he’s nearly addicted to his lover and will spend hours making love to them in a frenzy. Not an easy arrangement to get along with.
✮ .     .    °  ☆     .    °¸      . •    ✮  . •
Husband - Ace of Swords, XIII The Death
Marriage could be the kind of wake up call Junji needs to steady his life and find balance. If he finds a strong willed person capable of taming him, not through force, but in a more smart and gentle way, Junji might undergo the transformation and finally settle down and become the reliable and supportive husband any spouse could dream about.
✮ .     .    °  ☆     .    °¸      . •    ✮  . •
One-Night-Stand - 6 of Cups, 7 of Cups
Let’s not be naive. Junji has plenty of opportunities for random love affairs, they are presenting to them on their own. His status guarantees there’s never a shortage of keen lovers at hand. Junji himself approaches one night stands with childlike curiosity. For him it’s an adventure, an exciting quest for pleasure. He’s likely to take the chance when it comes but he’s not going to seek it.
✮ .     .    °  ☆     .    °¸      . •    ✮  . •
Thank you for reading!
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theninthdoor · 2 years ago
Hello! Can I ask you about the current energy of the OnlyOneOf members?
KB || the emperor, strength: He's doing great! Very focused; great inner strength; very determined. He seems to be at a very stable place right now, overall. He may be also providing others with a lot of support and safety, as he has plenty of it + seems to be a very compassionate and protective person, too.
Rie || strength, page of swords: Another one who's doing quite well. A little bit more fidgety and all over the place mentally, but he's feeling great. Maybe he just has a lot to think about.
Yoojung || strength, ten of cups: (The Strength card for the third time??? these guys are very much in tune with each other, that's for sure… or maybe there's something big going on with the group - if that's the case, feel free to clarify it to me through a message!) Yoojung is also doing amazing, it seems! He's feeling very happy and content. I'm thinking that maybe they got confirmation of something they had been wanting for a long time OR it's just the holiday season that's making them feel all jolly.
Junji || justice, four of cups: Alright, so not all are feeling the same… Junji is more focused on serious life matters; big decisions. He's currently unhappy with something in his life, but isn't doing what he needs to do to fix the issue. Instead, he keeps rejecting others' help and opinions on the matter. The energy is very stagnant.
Mill || wheel of fortune, king of pentacles: Maybe he stumbled across a fantastic career opportunity?? Mill is feeling great regarding his career; like he just had a stroke of luck. Very focused on the material side of life. Could be also considering making some big changes to his lifestyle, home, etc.
Nine || six of wands, three of pentacles: He's thriving; feeling very confident and inspired to be out there in the world, showing off his talents. May be working a lot or with a team that he likes collaborating with. Either way, he's feeling great about his work life (and life in general, too).
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wakeupfreanz · 4 years ago
What’s coming for Onlyoneof in the middle of 2021?
Onlyoneof aka 온리원오브
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Pile 1: 2oW, 3oC rev, Emperor, KnoC
Pile 2: KoP rev, 10oW, 3oW
Pile 3: 9oC, 5oP, PoS, 3oS
Overall: QoC rev
There was a crossroads for them at some point, concede to the childish demands of those who spoke down on them or stand stall. And we’ve seen that they choose to stand tall and do what they will unapologetically whilst protecting their energy. Their growth monetarily wasn’t huge and it posed a burden, but there will be reinforcements to keep them going, Their image is gaining permanence however. They boys are doing well and perfectly happy, their marketing is extremely clever and is opening up more and more doors for them. They ain’t changing and I’m glad to see it. Here’s another bg that’s going to pave their own way in the best. Looks like we’ll also be seeing some growing success for them soon. 
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ravenbloodshot · 2 years ago
Is OnlyOneOf comfortable with their BL concept???
Rie- Hes okay with the concept but he wants it to just remain a concept and not the group's identity. Hes wishing for the concept to change at some point. Honestly, he needs the money that comes in from this concept so he doesn't mind as long as hes paid well, he thinks the concept is for the female gaze and pleases the female fans, so he does it.
Kyubin- This guy opinion isn't very clear, but I do see that he loves his idol job and the members, hes quite open minded as well so the concept doesn't completely bother him, but he may not like how the concept is executed or wishes songs/lyrics were more thought out and done better.
Yoojung- Hes quite surprised at the direction the group has gone in and even more surprised at the money rolling in for doing BL concepts. But I dont think he particularly likes this. I wonder if he thinks if their leader, Love, stayed with them, they wouldn't have done such a concept. He misses the leader and his leadership qualities that kept from facing the dark aspects of making money in the kpop industry, he feels like the concept symbolizes a great lose for temporary gain
Junji- Not really, hes an open minded guy but he may want the group to move on from this concept, he wishes for it to end soon. But, he is enjoying the financial gain from doing this concept, ultimately hes not comfortable with continuing the concept
Mill- he will soon be uncomfortable with the concept if it continues on for too long but he is enjoying the concept for rn, he sees it as the guys just being playful with each other and having fun. But he does seek change as well
Nine- YES, he is comfortable with this concept, he likes the attention/noteterity he gets from doing such a concept, especially likes the female attention and being pampered or even babied ( although I do see his personality is quite masculine way more than his image may show)
The ranking of most to least comfortable:
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kfanopinions · 2 years ago
Hey I hope your moving will go great! I love your blog so much. ❤️ I discovered it through your OnlyOneOf reading and I was so grateful to see some readings on them they’re so sweet and talented. Could I also possibly request a reading for OnlyOneOf’s Rie his ideal type either through tarot or astrology? Whatever you like! Thanks ❤️
Thank you ^^ We just checked out an apartment complex that we didn’t know was 3 minutes from where we live 😅🤣 so we’re hoping to move there 🤞 still a long way to go before we actually move but I just packed up my kpop albums 🥲
Awww 🥰 you did? Well thank you for checking out the blog ^^ A lot of these blogs are based around people asking for things. When I first started I posted a few things in regards to NCT but everything else is from everyone else 🩵 so at any point even if it’s not my blog all you have to do is ask and hopefully you’ll see your request as part of the blog 🫶🏼
And ofc I’ll do this for you ^^ now that May is done and over with (a busy month for my job) I can finally relax a bit and start working on these requests ^^
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obligatoryidolblog · 4 years ago
FYI, I will be doing the kpop tarot readings again tonight after work. I’ll finish up the asks I have received since last time, and I’ll accept new asks until tonight for it. Rules and guidelines here!
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