#kaz's post-revenge storyline
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capinejghafa · 1 year ago
sorry im just mad that we won't get to see the ice court heist.
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simpingcorner · 2 years ago
Daughter of the Shadows
Word Count: ~1.3k Warnings: mild violence (stabbing, mentions of gunshots, physical fighting), blood, alcohol, gambling,mention of human tr*****, Pekka Rollins,not proofread, let me know if I forgot something. 
Author's Note: First chapter to my Grishaverse fanfic. A reminder this is insipred by my SoC DR so it’ll follow both the books and the show plotlines, there will be changes to the canon characters and their storylines, it’s also a Kaz Brekker x OC. | English isn’t my first language so please bear with me and tell me if there’s something wrong. I hope you like it.
all rights to leigh bardugo, i only owny liith and her backstory (other ocs will be introduced later)
Read part 2 here - Ch.3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6
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The starless night sky, the waves breaking on the rocks, the muffled sounds coming from the city, the briny autumn air surrounded her, it happened before she could even think of enjoying the moment a voice broke the night silence, the girl jumped to her feet, knives drawn, eyes locked on the darkness in front of her as her legs moved independently, silent movements, invisible to the inexperienced eyes allowed her to move closer to the noise source, as she’d expected a crowd had formed on the pier of the fourth harbour. Their guns reflected the dim street lamps’ light, red rubies shone under the moonlight, “This wasn’t the deal.” said a merchant’s voice, “The deal was you’d bring me fresh meat and I’d set you free.” Pekka Rollins’ hoarse voice echoed in her ears, she watched and studied the scene in front of her, hidden by the shadows, disgusted at the ideas of even more lives ruined by Pekka Rollins.
The smell of blood came before she could even realize what was going on, the pier’s shadows hid her making her even more dangerous than in the daylight, her knives handles now an extension to her hands, her leather gloves blood stained, her legs silents and fast followed a now too familiar pattern, the men surrounded her, guns at her head ready to fire, the girl’s eyes studied the scene as in a book, reviewing every possible outcome, she was surrounded, the men much bigger than her, she gripped the handles of her knives, the material seemed to heat up under the pressure, the lights of the street lamps trembled ready to go out at any given moment, the salty air now corrupted by the smell of blood and gunpowder. “I don’t want to kill you Mrak.” Said the merchant stopping in front of the brunette, a grin forming on his face studying her. “I wish I could say the same.” The girl replied wiping blood from her cheek with the back of her hand, her eyes full of anger, hatred, revenge, but her face was impassive, the scar on her righ cheek illuminated by the lamp post, her lips and jaw tight, her feet and hands ready to attack or defend, the faded tattoo of Emerald Palace was still too visible on her left forearm. “I thought you’d be happy to hear another slaver dead.” The man continued staring at her, “Wasn’t it one of them who brought you here? Who ruined your life?” the brunette knew if she’d attacked the rest of the Dime Lions would open fire to save their leader, “My life was over before I even got to Ketterdam.” she said closing her fists and inhaling before attacking, their moves were draw in her brain like the project of a house on paper, predictable and obvious, during each fight the Dime Lions’d forgot they had guns in their hands, finding themselves fighting hand to hand with their rivals.
The girl’s eyes became watery, a sudden burning sensation invaded her right forearm, the gray sleeve darkened, soaked in blood, but before she could assimilate what happened, the dagger disappeared from her hand finding a new home in the skull of one of the men surrounding her, some had fled, others were on the ground gasping for air or passed out. Her eyes found Pekka Rollins’, her face covered in blood, her left hand gripping her right arm, “Next time I won’t let you free.” said the man turning on his heels and disappearing into the shadows of the pier, the girl inhaled trying not to think about the pain in her arm, the burning had given way to cold and numbness, the brunette put her knives back in their places before walking back towards the Barrel.
Ketterdam was the place to go if you wanted to disappear, a city run by criminals, thieves, crooks, murderers; a city where authorities were nearly as corrupted, if not more, than the citizens; tourists from all over the world came to live without rules, to enjoy the freedom of a city without laws, to distract themselves from the problems of their daily lives, with their money, clean clothes, hot food on the table, a roof over their heads, a warm comfortable bed to sleep in after a tiring day, hot water always at the ready for a relaxing bath; the more fortunate citizens, the merchants, the Council members, the owners of the most famous clubs in the city lived in safe, warm, private houses; all the others, on the contrary, lived from day to day, hoping and praying to the Saints that they’d have enough to be able to afford a common room, a hot meal, or to be able to repay their debts.
The smell of the Barrel invaded her nostrils as she went from roof to roof trying not to be seen, the window to his office was open, a sign that he was waiting for Inej, the girl knew she shoulnd’t have gone in but with her arm injured she wouldn’t be able to open her bedroom window, and entering the front door was out the question. She climbed over to the window and nimbly entered the room, the inexperienced ear would never notice the air shift caused by the girl, but Kaz Brekker wasn’t inexperienced, not when it came to his investments. “I will not do business with a criminal.” The unknown voice filled the room, forcing her to hide in the shadows, her steps were silent, her breath inaudible, “You will find no honest man in Ketterdam.” Kaz replied before dismissing the man and closing the door behind him, “You can come out.” he simply said going back to studying the papers on the desk, the girl headed to the door, her arm hidden behind her back, her face covered in blood, her steps trembling but still too silent and proud, she barely got to reach the doorknob that his cane stopped her, the girl’s eyes fixed on the door, her hand firm on the doorknob, “What do you have for me?” the boy said as he sat down at his desk, the cane resting on his knee in of him staring at her, the crow’s eyes on the handle seemed to study her. “Pekka Rollins has bought other kids.” The boy’s face was stern, unreadable, fixed on the brunette in front of him, “He killed the slaver at Fourth Harbour.” the girl explained. “Okay.” His voice was hollow, the voice of someone who had decided to turn off their emotions, the same voice used by the girl.
The cut on her forearm was less serious than she had imagined, the help of a healer would have fastened the recovery but she didn’t have the money nor the time to find one, she tightened the bandage on the wound and left her room heading towards the bar counter, “Lilith, came to bring me luck?” Jesper’s cheery voice woke her up from the trance she was in, the Zemeni boy motioned for her to sit next to him at the poker table.
The Crow Club was full of tourists and non, whoever was in the Barrel and wanted to tempt fate was there, the girl noticed Rotty and Specht busy gambling away the last few coins they had left, Big Bolliger greeted her from the door before kicking out yet another cheater, Anika stared at her from the counter, while Jesper looked at her with a smile, letting her slip in next to him. “SO how much did you lose?” The girl asked as she sat down and studied the table, “Your lack of confidence hurts me Lilith.” said Jesper betting the rest of his Kruge on the upcoming hand, “Just saying if you don’t pay your debts, Per Haskell won’t kick out only you, and I really like my room.” explained the girl pulling out her daggers and cleaning them, she could feel his gaze on her, he was studying her, the bandage on her harm, a bandage that wasn’t there just a few minutes before, but as soon as she looked up he was gone, the office door closed at the top of the stairs.
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lilisouless · 2 years ago
Guys i think i know who is Fruszi!
Spoilers for six of crows bellow (if you are an only show watcher then this counts as spoilers too)
I was walking around and thinking all this information about Kaz’s revenge storyline and it hit me, it’s been there this whole time
EDIT: If someone already brought this theory to me and I forgot then please remind me so i could give credit to you instead
It’s Saskia!
It all fits, Rachel Redford posted about Ketterdam in her stories, so she was most likely a Ketterdam character.
Pekka Rollins didn’t use his real name. Why would she? It’s never said what he did to Saskia , what if that’s what “every monstrous thing is about” we are finding out what he did and this Fruszi is a close ally of Pekka and that’s why she is on so many episodes
Also the actresses are not exactly identical but they are passable as the same character
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For the first time something is finally making sense and if this is NOT the case i will be the biggest clown on this room
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wafflesandkruge · 2 years ago
misc. sab thoughts from the first three eps under the cut
I’ll release a bigger post after I’m fully done hehe
Nikolai is perfect no notes
Why are zoya and mal so well adjusted. Let them be angry let them be bitter LET THEM HAVE EMOTIONS OTHER THAN “I LOVE ALINA AND WILL DO WHATEVER SHE NEEDS”
Like zoya apparently did not give a fuck that her family just died 😭😭😭 how are we gonna get kos zoya. Let her grieve let her lash out let her have uncontrollable rage
I hate what they’re doing with the crows storyline like you’re taking away all the nuance of the duology by having them go through everything now
Like they’re not gonna have the “not just girls” conversation bc apparently they’ve already hooked up, Inej’s freedom is tied up to Kaz’s revenge which takes away her sense of agency, Heleen is dead????
We’re never gonna get the ice court
Anyway if I don’t get a zoyalai crumb I’m gonna delete my Netflix account
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daydreamsofsoledad · 2 years ago
first thoughts on shadow and bone season 2
Spoiler Alert! Long post ahead
* all of this is based on my first watch. thoughts and ideas may change after this but i still want to discuss stuff because I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS RN
Let's start with the positive first. I am very satisfied with the acting performances this season! From the old cast to the new ones, everyone really did a great job portraying their characters. Even if I had some issues with plot decisions, the cast nailed their roles which made every second worth watching.
I want to commend the amazing art department of S&B for bringing the grishaverse to life. The places that we only imagined in our heads became real and alive because of their amazing work.
To be honest, I was really entertained at how the events unfolded this season. I read the books multiple times, and still, I don't know for sure what would happen next. This made the experience both thrilling and terrifying.
And about the ending, I actually liked it! (I have some concerns but its 3 AM here and i need to sleep). That last shot of Jessie Mei Li going from shock to grim satisfaction was just AMAZING. Alina and Nikolai have now their own demons to face while rebuilding a country destoryed by war.
Now on to the issue that bothered me the most:
The Crow Storyline.
I got really worried about their storyline the moment I heard about the casting for Jordie. I see the reason why the writers may want to explore the past of the crows more. Like of course, to add more depth, and nuance to their characters. So development is necessary.
But I think this is early to reveal Kaz's past + the Pekka Rollins-Crooked Kingdom Arc. I mean sure, the inner conflict is not yet resolved and Pekka Rollins seems to still have involvement in the next events. Soo there is still material to explore in the spin-off.
I just don't get why explore these now when we can do all of this in a seperate show where can delve into all of the lives of the characters properly.
There is just too much going on. Alina is preparing to face the darkling. While there is a separate storyline of Kaz exacting his revenge on Pekka Rollins. Like we were already at Crooked Kingdom when we haven't even scratched the surface of the main story of Six of Crows.
The balance with the storylines started to appear more when the Pekka Rollins story ended and the crows got the 2nd job from Nikolai.
Also, let me just say. HOW DARE THEY KILL OFF DAVID SO SOON??? They can both fit in that elevator thing. David can just pull the lever down as he close the door. And both of them would still be alive!
at least give them more time. there is enough heartbreak in the canon. enough heartbreak for genya.
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gellavonhamster · 4 years ago
shadow and bone season one
because I can’t liveblog for shit, here are all (or most) thoughts in the same post
it was... alright? The books are definitely better, and I think a lot was lost in terms of logic and not only, but overall it was entertaining and made me wish we could get s2 as soon as possible - if only to see the characters who weren’t in s1 yet
to elaborate on logic, I think it was the most obvious when it was first established that Heartrenders need to touch the person to affect their condition, but then starting from the Darkling’s flashback (if I remember correctly), it wasn’t necessary anymore. Like, if it was necessary for the plot for them to be able to do that without touching, why make Nina say that first?
I also do not understand how it was possible to build and maintain a railway, even if unfinished, in the Fold. It couldn’t possibly have existed before the Fold was created, because that happened centuries ago. How do you build a railroad, especially in secret, in a place swarming with bloodthirsty flying monsters?
and then there were some other things of that kind, like everyone in the Darkling’s flashback - which takes place, again, centuries ago - being dressed pretty much the same as in the present, but okay, enough of that
wait, no. Not enough yet. Because can I just say that THAT’S NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE “MOROZOVA”
like, I get that Ravka isn’t completely Russia, but these are Russian words and you’re pronouncing them wrong, and I, being Russian, cannot help feeling annoyed, even though I am used to this kind of things happening in the Western movies/shows
okay, rant over, let’s proceed
it’s amazing how the Crows’ storyline is a total filler (and predictably so, since their mission couldn’t have succeeded in any case - they can’t kidnap Alina, Alina already has two books’ worth of story on her own), and they still pretty much carry most of the show on their backs
seriously. Kaz? Perfect in his mannerisms and delivery of lines and everything; I particularly liked how it is often obvious from the way he carries himself that he wants to touch Inej, but he can’t. I’ve seen people say that he’s not ruthless enough in comparison to book!Kaz, but I think that might be because we haven’t seen much of him with his enemies this season (except for that one scene with Pekka Rollins, in which he was overpowered). I bet there’s more of that coming. Inej? Also perfect - brave, badass, principled. The scene when she has to submit all her knives before talking to Heleen was great. Nina and Matthias? The most book-accurate storyline so far, and both of them are so charming and have wonderful chemistry. Jesper? Stole the whole motherfucking show with his charm, sense of humour, friendship with Inej (especially Inej!) and Kaz. He really must be what I loved the most about this show. Also, there’s a lot of interesting blink-and-you-miss it foreshadowing re: his Grisha abilities
I am very curious as to how much Jesper knows about Kaz’s history with Pekka Rollins. He’s aware that Kaz wants revenge, but does he know why? I love the scene in Crooked Kingdom in which Kaz accidentally calls Jesper by his dead brother’s name; I wonder how it will look in the show if Jesper knows that part of the story (if it is included at all, of course)
the hints about Wylan! Oh don’t worry, Jesper, you’re gonna have a demo expert, both “you” as in “the Dregs” and you in particular
I think we can all agree that the emotional support goat was good. I, too, want to be able to hold a baby goat in stressful situations
seeing the Crows interact with the characters from the trilogy was surreal, but not in a bad way. I liked the interactions of Alina and Inej, and that in this version Inej’s Sankta Alina knife is actually given to her by Alina. I hope after Alina’s “death” in the show someone’ll inform Inej that it’s just a ruse
moving on to the Grisha Trilogy part, I am normally very much against adaptations changing the personalities of the book characters, but I appreciated all the changes about Mal. He’s much more likeable than in the books, and his relationship with Alina was very cute
Genya and David my beloveds <3 they’re so sweet
also Alina and Genya’s dynamic!
Fedyor and Ivan being a couple was not something I expected, but it was a nice touch. Also, loved Fedyor in particular, what a guy
the dead girlfriend in the Darkling’s flashback... how “””original”““
I am not entirely happy about Zoya’s portrayal, but then again, some things about it are probably not for me to judge about, and some are not that bad, so whatever. In any case, the actress is great, and I have hopes for the next seasons
love Nadia establishing already in what much be her third scene that she likes girls. Hang on love, we’ll get you a warrior gf soon
I’m so mad they didn’t rename Ana Kuya even though I definitely remember reading some interview in which Leigh said she was informed later that it’s a bad idea for a name for a character based in a Russia-inspired country... could’ve saved me and all other Russian viewers from facepalming, but alas, it didn’t happen
I always imagined the amplifiers as something one wears, not something growing out of one’s skin, so that was pretty terrifying - but impressive
ok so I’m running out of things I wanted to say, basically there’s room for improvement but overall I enjoyed it and look forward to season two
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demonsfate · 2 years ago
Very thankful for your posts about Tekken lore and such. I became a fan since T4/5 and I didn’t remember some things. Watching Bloodline certainly made me a bit confused due to some plot decisions but I'm glad you explained a few points. Do you think Jun will show up in T8? I think (or at least, HOPE lmao) that we see the Kazama side just like we saw the Mishimas storyline in T7. I also want more Xiaoyu, Asuka and Hwoarang but knowing Harada.. who knows. I remember the endings some characters got in T7 and I physically cringe 💀 like a few were so silly and.. unimportant. I just hope we have less of that in the next game.
And I am very thankful that you read 'em! 'cos sometimes I feel I just ramble like a madperson xD I dunno, I wanna say Bloodline would be good had it not made so many decisions that go against the series. Buuuut... honestly - as I've explained in posts before - even if it wasn't Tekken, it'd still be bad. It was still full of too many exposition scenes that just tells, not shows. Leaves no room for surprises. And it also has an issue with dragging some scenes out, whilst other, would've been interesting, scenes are rushed. (like most of the tournament.) Whilst I would never critique ppl for what they like - ppl can enjoy whatever as long as it's not harmful lol. But I still can't quite comprehend why ppl would enjoy Bloodline that much. It's not the best adaptation of the story, and even ignoring that it IS an adaptation and just viewing it as its own thing, it still does so many sins against story telling.
I do think Jun will show up in T8. There's a few reasons why I think this. Mainly because as I've been explaining in recent posts - the writers SPECIFICALLY mentioned she's not dead, but just "missing." I don't think they'd bother bringing this up if it's not gonna be used later on in the lore. Plus, many fans recently have been wanting her return. I also think she can really help with the Kazuya vs Jin issue - given that she's an important part of both lives.
I also made a post about the Kazamas playing a more important role in the story. (Here's the post if you're curious!) In Asuka's ending in T7, Lili SPECIFICALLY mentions that Asuka could be dragged into the Mishima mess due to her Kazama connections. This feels like it's hinting at Asuka, FINALLY, playing a bigger role. But I'd also take this with a gran of salt - because Eddy's T6 ending hinted at him being furious with Jin, and wanting revenge for his master dying after all. But then fast forward to T7 - that is completely forgotten, and instead Eddy becomes Lucky Chloe's bitch. It makes me soooo sad. Because while, yes, I'm relieved they dropped him being mad at Jin as T7 mentions he's just mad at Kazuya again. And I, too, want to forget T6 happened unless it's completely rewritten so it doesn't ruin Jin's character. But like... why do THAT to him? So I wouldn't be surprised if Asuka's potential is, again, forgotten.
Honestly, imo, Hwoarang, Xiao, and Asuka should've all played a bigger role. With Hwoarang and Xiao consistently being Jin's best friends - therefore, getting themselves involve in this mess. And Asuka having the power to repel the devil gene, finds herself useful as a weapon against DJ, and even Kaz. I had considered doing my own adaptations for the series - and which, I'd write Asuka usefulness being build up in T5, and then being extremely useful in T6. (since y'all know my blog - I state that it IS DJ who started the war, and went on with it - not Jin.)
But I believe I also critiqued that's one of the biggest issues with Tek so far. Is their humor. Whilst yes, I've always loved the Tek humor brand. I don't like it when my media is completely serious - I do like some jokes to lighten the mood. But back then, most of the jokes just came from obvious joke characters - such as the literal animals, or an old man who can barely move being a fighting character. But now they've gotten to the point where they'll turn ANY character who isn't directly a Mishima into a joke. It just gets old, and then in turn, gets unfunny. I really hope T8 has a more serious tone like T4 (which I'd say T4 was the most serious Tek game) and keep the jokes only to the more obvious characters - that being the animals, ofc. Let Eddy be serious again, let Paul be serious again, let Asuka be serious. Come on!
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heka-write · 7 years ago
Six of Crows Thoughts and Discussion
Just finished this book a week ago. 
Not doing a review because I find that boring. The book was amazing. That’s all you need to know. Definitely recommend for buying if you can. 
A solid 4.5/5. 
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I thought I’d do my thoughts on the book and story as a whole, since that’s more fun and would love to open it to discussion. 
(Spoilers are a given)  
Again, I loved this book. It reminded me a lot of The Lunar Chronicles in the sense that this book was a archetypical revenge/heist plot set in a fantasy world and The Lunar Chronicles was a traditional fairy tale plot in a fantasy/sci-fi world. 
I also did not read the original Grisha Trilogy but was still able to read the book and understand the story completely. There was plenty of world-building that intertwined seamlessly into the story, and while a few details went over my head, I was still able to have a decent understanding of the environment and politics and enjoy the story. You don’t have to read the original series to understand the spin off, and that’s another reason I would recommend the book. 
(Though, now that I have read this I am quite interested in going back and reading the original series. )
I especially loved the cast. The morally grey, chaotic neutral characters are my favorites. The ones that are victims of society and rebel against it to survive, but still have heart and care about each other. They are Bad and ruthless but sympathetic and forgivable. They are the type of Bad that you wanna be. #SquadGoals. 
They remind me a lot of Team Taka from Naruto, a team of people that were also victims of their societies and taken in by a bad crew, but learned to care for each other. Unfortunately, the author dropped the ball on those characters so the “good” characters could have their happy endings, but I’m glad I get to experience that dynamic in this book. 
I loved all the characters, but I think my favorites would be Kaz, Inej and Nina. Nina was great throughout the novel but her ending was so hardcore. I’m hoping we will get to see her struggle in the next book, and she won’t be out of commission for too long. She’s sassy and her relationship with Matthias reminds me a lot of Anastasia and Will from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (another spin-off series! Much better than the original imo). Both these relationships are about a couple who loved each other making mistakes and working to forgive one another. The tension between them sliced through the page and I really felt their struggle. They have a great reason to love each other too; each taught the other about the common humanity among people. Matthias showed Nina kindness that she didn’t receive from her oppressors, and Nina showed Matthias friendship that he didn’t see in the propaganda he was taught. The flashbacks and progression really helped solidify them as a believable couple. I think what works the most about fictional couples like them is that you are shown how much they care despite being mad at each other. That’s how real relationships should be like. 
I was also pleasantly surprised by Jesper and Wylan as a couple. Growing up it was pretty much impossible to see gay relationships in mainstream books (only in the LGBT genre could you really find them), so I was pleasantly surprised. At first I saw Wylan as very young (for some reason) and probably a little brother figure to Jesper, but I’m glad I was proven wrong. They are hilarious together, and it was really heartwarming to see someone care for Wylan after witnessing his father reject him. 
Even though I did like these two couples I wasn’t a fan of the need of having everyone paired off. I mean seriously? Can no one be single in fiction? 
I feel this was especially since I did not see Inej and Kaz as a strong couple. I love them both as characters. Inej is a tough girl who had to work through her insecurities and heal from her past. Not to mention her cool skills. Kaz is the intelligent boy prodigy who is dark and out for revenge. They are both badass with tragic pasts, but I don’t think that’s a good enough reason for them to be together. Kaz is the bad boy type character that I usually would rather see stay a loner than have a romantic interest. If he has troubles keeping friends, how would he be ready for a romantic partner? I’m glad the author addressed that in the book, when Kaz asked her to stay and she said she needed commitment and he was too cold to give it to her. Bardugo did a good job of addressing that at least. 
But the flashbacks and longing looks didn’t really convince me for this couple as they did for NinaXMatt. They both have tragic pasts, and can sympathize with one another, but nothing of what I saw gave me reason to believe that Kaz would bond with her more than Jesper or any of the other characters. 
What really annoyed me about their relationship was that it seemed that all the moments used to show how much they cared about one another required Inej getting kidnapped or hurt. Kaz shows how much he cares for her by torturing the person who hurt her. The author shows how much Kaz cares by having a villain kidnap Inej and making Kaz go to his worst enemy for help. I’m not against female characters ever getting hurt or needing help but Inej didn’t even get a chapter in her POV after getting kidnapped. It doesn’t sit well with me. I know another book is coming, so I’ll reserve my final judgement for then. 
Again, I liked seeing Inej overcome her fears and achieve her goals. The chapter where she was able to climb up the chimney was the most empowering to read, personally. Even though I’m glad she got her revenge on Tante Heleen, I’m annoyed that we had to repeat the trope where women have to sexually please men to survive. I know the author was trying to do a subversion, because Nina and Inej were working undercover (and seductresses are staple in the Heist/Revenge plot storyline) but men are never put in this position in fiction unless it’s a joke (if anyone can come up with serious examples I’d still stand by that women are subjected to it more). Yes, I’m glad that this plot point was brought up in the issue of poverty (the author is very cutthroat about the dark aspects of the book, which I like), but I don’t understand the need to put females in this position after they escaped it. 
It was an especially frustrating point in the book because Inej spent so much of her dialogue talking about how girls were trafficked into the pleasure houses, how much abuse she suffered there, and how she left for the Dregs because it was so awful, and then says something about someone “choosing” to do it. I think the author was trying to paint that she hoped someone would choose it so it was less horrible (this is a real tactic that women in these positions use in order to cope with abuse, btw), but the fact is women in these lines of work in third-world countries rarely choose it.
 (Speaking of Inej, here’s a fun fact: My friend rented the book from the library and someone was kind enough to leave their artwork of Inej, I’ll post it if I ever get permission to). 
I think those are my most solid opinions just based on the first book. Kaz turning to Rollins for help was interesting...to say the least. I think I’ll need to see what happens next to really understand if he has given up his Revenge for Inej or if he does intend on coming back to fry that evil man’s ass. 
Let me know your thoughts ~ 
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