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choujinx · 2 years ago
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WILD STRAWBERRY (2023-?) by yonemoto ire
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toyastales · 7 months ago
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P. Andrade x ASICS GEL-KAYANO 14 (2024)
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holidxyy · 8 months ago
mfs when “im speechless” / “i have no words”
mikoto kayano. my heart. my soul
mikoto is such a HUGE comfort character to me. whenever i’m feeling down i search “mikoto kayano” and smile as i stare into the multiple cute, adorable little images of mikoto flooding my screen.
i don’t like loud noises. it’s not a problem for me i just really don’t like them. so i went to a fireworks show once, right??? my heart started beating bc pretty sure that happens to everyone haha um i didnt like it. the music was too loud. but i couldn’t leave i had family anyway so. i tried listening to music and when monopoisoner mikoto cover came on……. the way my face lit up and i pulled john plush out of my bag and gently cupped him in my hands, smiling at his round little head and his cute little face UGH I CANT STOP cute little face cute little face SOOOO CUTEEEE so thats happened like 3 times now. i used to cry over the music when i was younger but. mikoto💗💗
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are you SEEING THIS. ok. he may look like a stupid little idiot to you but to me this is the CUTEST LITTLE GUY IN THE WORLD. fuck off if you GENUINELY dislike his t1 sprite btw. yea he looks stupid. and??? his head looks like a sphere isnt that cute you have to admit its cute rigjt right ots rlly cute hes like a little helpless puppy at a shelter. look at him. i’d adopt him right??? wouldn’t you???
even in t2. sure, his round spherical squishy little face is gone but ok??? i’d still squish n pinch his cheeks. despite all this, i’m not gonna go ahead and call him ENTIRELY inno and say that he must be protected at all costs. thats not true. he’s capable of murder keep that in mind.
(i know in neoplasm john was like “yea no i killed that bitch” BUT STILL WHAT IF IT WAS MIKOTO OK???? JUST BE QUIET JOHN DOESNT REMEMBER SHIT)
anyways im gonna get chick fil a idk what to get tho
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luffysfakebeard · 1 year ago
Koro Sensei just really wants a meet cute 😂
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deathmiser · 9 months ago
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moldsporr · 1 year ago
Welcome to my Big Mikoto Kayano Analysis
Basically, I fully believe that Mikoto is the murderer. Not John, not an alter. Mikoto himself. I'll be presenting evidence and such below the cut, but I would like to preface this all with a disclaimer: I'm pretty sure I don't have DID, and while I've researched it quite a bit, sometimes research is wrong or the research isn't enough. If I get something wrong about it, please let me know! I will try my best not to be, but I'm only human. However, this analysis won't focus a whole lot on his DID? If that makes sense. Now, onto the post.
After examining Undercover, Mikoto's trial 1 & 2 voice dramas, MeMe, and Double, I'm fairly confident that Mikoto is the one who killed.
First off, in Undercover:
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In Mikoto's main section of the song, the shots that linger have Mikoto looking unsure of himself, and deep in thought as he sings about how he's done nothing wrong. In the beginning of his first Voice Drama, too, he's quietly questioning why he's been brought here- if Es hadn't interrupted, I think he would've been trying to convince himself that he didn't do anything. Sort of like a few lines in MeMe.
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Probably. Probably. Probably.
Mikoto isn't sure. The chorus asks Es, and us viewers, to really look at him- to look at him, fully, and to try to see that he's a good person, that he doesn't belong in Milgram. He asks Es to do this in his first Voice Drama, as well.
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Mikoto wants confirmation that he didn't do anything wrong. Es mentions that it's possible Mikoto forgot the memory of him killing someone as a way to cope with the stress of it. As someone who suffers quite a bit from that, it can feel as though there's something just under the surface that you can't see. You know that something happened, but you can't figure out what. You can't remember. Maybe you don't want to remember.
I think Mikoto is suffering from that, as well.
Now, in the Trial 2 Voice Drama, John has stated that he's the murderer, not Mikoto. Quite a few times. He also asks us to look at Mikoto fairly, just like Mikoto himself did back in Trial 1.
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But John doesn't remember the details of the murder, either. He says it's fuzzy. He can't even tell us how many, or their identities. Of course, he also adds that he had just split from Mikoto, but... why? What caused it? Neither Mikoto nor John have been able to point to what caused the split- John says he was born to protect Mikoto, but from what?
Well, you may have seen the theory going around that Mikoto was being stalked. And honestly? I agree.
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From all of the tv-recording imagery in MeMe, the countless eyes in Double (there was so many I don't even think it's necessary to screenshot), how his first assumption was that Milgram was a TV show and he was being monitored... being watched without consent is definitely something Mikoto is worried about. Being stalked is extremely stressful. Plus, Mikoto most likely works at a company that overworks him.
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This is from Undercover. And, in Double, there's a person called "Chief" texting generally dismissive and rude things to Mikoto before he calls. So, I think it's safe to say that the stalking theory and the bad workplace theory are correct- or, if it isn't stalking, it could also be symbolic of how society is always watching, and how you have to act properly or you'll get in trouble. Which, of course, is stressful too. However, I think it's moreso supposed to hint at stalking. Now, I have to wonder if both of these things are further connected. Maybe a coworker/superior was stalking him. That could make sense, though I won't claim its definite- we don't really have any evidence.
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Despite John saying that Mikoto would have reached his limit if he hadn't been born, I think Mikoto DID reach his limit, and THATS why John was born. Mikoto killed, and John was born to help him get through it. Honestly, I don't think John killed anyone at all. Yes, John is aggressive in plenty of cases, but I think he simply feels it's the best way to protect Mikoto.
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Now, I have run out of space for more images, so I will continue this post in a reblog in just a moment. I'd like to go more into proof that Mikoto is the culprit, John's characterization, and also how this all is affecting my voting.
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snkrbonbon · 8 months ago
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ao3feed-assassin-class · 1 year ago
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trashbaby92 · 2 years ago
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Kayano and Kingo
Wild Strawberry by Ire Yonemoto
Chapter 3 - So What?
I love Kayano's design, she is beyond gorgeous. I think it's that she feels ethereal to me.
It also might have something to do with the flower petal eyelashes.
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fullreggaetord · 7 months ago
Ronnie Fieg adelanta la próxima colaboración Kiss x ASICS Gel Kayano 12.1
El hombre detrás de Kith, Ronnie Fieg, continúa su exitosa asociación con ASICS con el próximo lanzamiento de nuevos colores para Gel-Kayano 12.1. Recién salido de la bien recibida colección Kith x Marvel x ASICS, Feig les dio a los fanáticos un adelanto del Kith x ASICS Gel-Kayano 12.1 “Light Sage”. La combinación de colores “Light Sage” aporta un tono verde menta apagado al Gel Kayano 12.1,…
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churruption · 1 year ago
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choujinx · 1 year ago
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WILD STRAWBERRY (2023-?) by yonemoto ire
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nimiten · 1 month ago
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This is our sin
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luffysfakebeard · 1 year ago
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of course Karma snapped a pic of Nagisa kissing Kayano out of her madness 😂😂😂 true bestie behaviour
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credensjustitiam · 28 days ago
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i know their little friend group disbanded but i think they still stumble upon each other in the smoking area both thinking about shidou together even though there are no words to be exchanged
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kkoct-ik · 1 month ago
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