#kaya noragami
skyflyinginaction · 8 months
There was something about how father controls the narrative and the framing of father's narrative 
there was something about how Father framed the narrative, he portrays himself as a victim who suffered from heaven but when you look closely he was also the perpetrator. when he speaks he portrays himself as a victim of heaven we see him crying over Kaya's body but when we get the father's flashback we get the truth.
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this panel demonstrated father's main flaw in how his own actions drove Kaya away which led to her death something he had a part in but doesn’t admit. He shifts the blame on the gods for killing her when he himself shares the same blame as driving her away. As someone once pointed out he's unrepentant of his own actions and that is what pushed Kaya away.
we get to know just how messy father's narrative he only thinks positively of someone if things favor his own narrative. there are cracks in father's narrative seen when others don’t do what he wants. This can be seen in his want for approval of Kaya
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kanotototori · 7 months
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Noragami, Chapter 106 // Hadestown, Epic III
But the heart of a man is a simple one Small and soft, flesh and blood And all that it loves is a woman A woman is all that it loves
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herstrayskies · 1 year
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"It's okay if you're not able to forgive something , but it's also important to be able to let it go."
Noragami Chapter 103 Reminiscence
Commission for @kanotototori !
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stray-tails · 2 years
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assorted yatos & kayas from twitter
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emptysilk · 2 months
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was on a real kaya kick..... i miss her.......... my small booby queen....
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nyappytown · 2 years
37: The Sound of You Calling My Name // 103: Reminiscence
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topazpearl · 1 year
noragami is ending in like 2-3 chapters and i have NO idea whats going on 😭
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xhusu · 2 years
Okay but now I want a fanfic where Yukine catch covid and everyone freaks out except Yato because my man knows what he's doing
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kurisus · 6 months
Noragami: Final Chapter thoughts
For the last time :') I've been making these for roughly half the manga's runtime, both in chapter count and years. Which is wild to think, but anyway, spoilers under the cut. One final time.
I really spent the first half of this chapter with bated breath alternating between being relieved that Hiyori is okay and grew up to be a doctor and everything, and stressed about where Yato was and where her memories were. Then Yato showed up, and I think I burst into tears out of hysterics. They really got me, I thought he was gone.
That aside, it was an excellent chapter. I was right when I said that this would just be an epilogue and the true suffering was over, but god. god. I'm relieved they gave me that open ending and the chapter was mostly good old-fashioned Noragami silliness. With the expected gut punches.
It's probably a good thing that Yuka never got to reunite with her brother, but at least knows that he's resting in peace. That he was given a proper burial by someone who, at the time, barely knew him but wanted to make things right anyway. Great now I'm crying again.
Hiyori's pocket with the little capyper keychain she bought forever ago. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Yato's CPR being so intense it cracked Hiyori's ribs. god he was so desperate to save her. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Fujisaki getting nostalgic seeing tall grass (as we know from the omake is called kaya) was weirdly touching. Though Father has faded, Kaya is the one that is still remembered. We never got to learn his real name, and while I am still curious about it, I can see the purpose--by not knowing his name, we the readers don't give him a lifeline.
That's not the only fourth wall lean in the final chapter. There was also Yato being able to save himself by becoming a meme, much like how the fandom and Adachitoka have memed on him for years as well.
Back to the chapter, it looks like Father's consciousness had always been lurking alongside Fujisaki's, maybe making him do things from time to time, which is really weird and creepy. Maybe he was dormant until the Yomi arc, but either way he's been doing this to a dozen other guys over the centuries. I'm glad the cycle was broken.
It's hilarious that Fujisaki tries to ask Hiyori out and she's just like haha not interested coo phone be upon ye.
I'm so glad the cherry blossom party has become an annual tradition with even more gods invited to the party. I'm also so glad that Yato refuses to release Kazuma and Bishamon apparently makes it a point to bully him about this whenever she sees him. But also, Kazuma doesn't seem to want to be released. He's just like yeah whatever man I'm glad you saved us. Cheers.
Side note, Kazuma's new glasses look a lot like the ones he was wearing in that 100 years ago flashback of him and Bishamon, around chapter 68 or 69 I think?
So we also get to see the aftermath of what happened to Yukine--he still transforms into a wolf every now and then, because much like how Nora transforms into a snakelike creature whenever she loses control of her emotions, his form is a wolf, and unlike Nora he's always been very emotional. So the nightmares come out and Yato's left with a giant wolf thrashing around in their shared living space lol, but at least his dad is there to hug him :')
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The panel of Yato hugging him made me lose it again. THEY'RE SOOOOOOOO.
So we never did get to find out what happened to Yukine's father--but as I pointed out in the reread I did during December, I don't think it matters. Yukine wasn't going to exact revenge on him anyway because he's not the kind of person to do so.
The page of Nora reading Hiyori's diary also made me so sad. Hiyori's right--she probably did have parents who loved her, but she never got to meet them. One thing I noticed throughout this manga is shinki habitually chasing something relating to their pasts. Yukine craves a good relationship with a father figure, Kazuma is obsessed with Bishamon because he missed out on marrying a girl he loved, Daikoku acts like a dad to every child he meets because he died before having his own kids, and like Yukine, Hiiro craves the parental love she never had. And as Hiyori pointed out, being given a name by Father was like being given life.
Since we didn't get to see what became of her name situation, but Yukine still bears the Hagusa name, she must still have Mizuchi. If her master is gone, can she still draw borderlines? Does she hang around with Yato and Yukine still? Adachitoka didn't say Kofuku DIDN'T name her, so...
The way Hiyori remembered Yato because of his scent had me SOBBING, yall. She didn't forget, but she did solve her problem and it was solved by people, just like they've been saying throughout the manga. But now, they can be together again. Yato was away from her for some years, and maybe he'll leave for several more (it's been a repeated thing in the manga that he'll insist he has to stay away for her own good), but the point is that even if it's been years and years, she'll always remember him. It's open-ended, but that just means it can be my preferred ending of Hiyori not forgetting but choosing to distance herself. She'll meet up with Yato and Yukine every once in a while living her own, separate, fulfilling life. They've been watching over her all these years anyway.
And so, that brings us to the close. It's as happy an ending as we could have possibly gotten, and above all else, I'm relieved. I've been saying for...years, probably, that I want an open ending, but I really thought it was off the table with recent events.
Final hangups are the same as they were in my final reread (tagged under #Noragami reread on my blog), so I won't repeat them, but the bottom line is that I got everything I wanted out of this ending--except maybe a trio hug? But that interior illustration of the four of them, all smiling and happy, Yato's arm around his sister, made up for that. I kind of wish there was a Yatori kiss for real, but the panel of her touching her lips also assuaged that.
Anyway, I'm not sure what other manga would/will make me unhinged enough to type up monthly thoughts posts for years, but I'll be tuned in to whatever new Adachitoka has coming up. Whether it's a full series, a short series, or just a oneshot, I'll be reading every word. I'm also looking forward to getting the final volume once it releases here, and praying for an artbook announcement.
Thank you for reading! I have some posts to make, some projects to plan, and I'll be diving into the tag once more for old times' sake. This won't be the last of me!
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yatorihell · 6 months
Noragami Chapter 109 Thoughts and Reaction
First off a massive thank you to @fast-moon for years of dedicated service to the fandom and answering our questions. You have been the pillar of the community from the moment you picked up the series.
Now onto my (second) read reaction and thoughts
Seeing Yuka and she's aged more and she's looking at the sakura tree thinking of her brother just like Yato told Yukine she would I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
WHO LEFT THE FLOWERS could it have been Yato? Could it have been Yuka unwittingly placing them to remember her brother not knowing it's actually Haruki's grave? I'm so sad
Oh when it said another new year and we're at the hospital I'm so sad and then it turns out it's been many years!!!!!
The Capyper and star sticker as an earring? Remnants of attachment to Yato? Earring like Kazuma? Thank you Doctor Iki? Killing myself
Oh I really expected her diary to show up and then it does but Nora has it I'm so sad
The fact Hiyori's whole memory of that year is fuzzy so she doesn't remember Capyperland, and probably her grandma's death and the hospital arc and so many other bits
Oh she's touching her lips as she wonders who saved her I'm so fucking miserable Adachitoka you make me so sad are you happy
Jumpscared by hot Fujisaki I forgive you <3
Fujisaki gained control of his body and immediately fixed those bangs hejdjj
Remnants of Father's yearning to see Kaya again sorry babe she wasn't your girl maybe you'll find one that looks like her
Coo phone attack jdjdjnd that was so funny I can't believe he actually came back I was reaching with that prediction
My god I know it's not Father and he's cute now but I still hurled when he asked her out
Rip Masaomi's hairline, they say unproblematic men age better, so what crimes did you commit
Also rip Mr Iki you've aged so much it's probably the stress, but he's still got his medical license!!!!!!
Also I've been told it's been 8/9 years since that day with her being an intern now, it makes you wonder if Masaomi started a family
I actually couldn't believe how many of the bingo card predictions were coming true when I got to the sakura party jsjdnjf we truly manifested this ending
Little Ebisu growing up you will live forever you <3
Takemika and Kiun showing up like two dads with their children and pet bird jdjbdjfk
Takemika reassuring Shinatsuhiko that no one's laughing about their reincarnation vs Takemika bullying Ebisu in Heaven about killing him I hate growth I hate it (affectionate)
Followed by Takemika owning the fact that he himself has reincarnated when it was kept secret for so long I'm so sad
Oh Adachitoka you're so sick faking us out with a toast to Yato like he's dead followed by Bishamon once again beating the shit out of Yato at a sakura party
It's so funny Yato wouldn't release Kazuma but tbf it's handy if he ever needs to use him again
I wonder if Kazuma is treated differently now that he's a stray, or if he could suppress the name physically (it would only show if he got called like Nora did)
This Houki shinki that's a pegleg gun???? Rendered us bamboozled double checking Bishamon didn't lose a leg
Yato please find Yukine some clothes that fit????? Or maybe they're loose so they don't tear when he transforms and they can go back for them idk I don't like this look
Yato disappearing into the ground and becoming known as Teke-Teke he is the living meme hejdjb
I'm so sad Yukine has nightmares and turns into ayakashi form every night and Yato's wearing a Capyper jumper and he's hugging him
I did wonder if Hiyori's diary was on the shelf with the shrine, which begs the question when did Yato go to retrieve the shrine???? I'm so sad he would've seen that she fixed it and maybe it's a but scuffed from where it was dropped but it's his
Yato following Hiyori to keep her safe and he didn't want to cut ties I'm so sad the cord problem was enough to divorce her from the far shore without severing them altogether
Nora comforted by the fact Hiyori believes she had a name when she was in the womb? Devastated how did we never think of that
Interesting that the Yuuki name remains even after the word was destroyed, but it means that Yukine can't sting Yato so silver linings
Yato still doing his regular job of slaying and answering small prayers
Cherry blossoms being like snow I'm so fucking emo
Oh I'm so fucking miserable I'm so fucking sad I hate this manga she remembered him all on her own after all this time and she's a doctor and everyone's safe I'm so depressed we're gunna celebrate April 2nd we need to work out what year it will be when she remembers
The final art????? Of all of them happy???? Hiyori is a doctor???????? Nora is with them??? Smiling??????? I'm ending it
It's been such a ride for these last 9 years since I picked up the anime and then demolished the manga right in time for season two. I've made friends and I've enjoyed building this blog into something that people used for their Noragami content. In the words of the rats this truly was my noragami
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youuuimeanmee · 6 months
Noragami Final Chapter Thoughts
You know what? I'm used to it.
I'm used to have exceptionally well-written manga get cut off or deadline-d to finish at certain point of time (usually by the publisher's order) when the authors still have so, so, SO much more left to give, so in the end they have no choice but to rush the final chapter.
Shingeki no Kyojin, Promised Neverland, Nisekoi, other mangas I forgot to name. And this manga. For such a long-running series with deep lore, they all could use a special volume (200+ pages) as an epilogue, not a 45-pages speedrun of everyone's everafter. I wish more series could follow Mob Psycho's example. Some say Mob Pycho Season 3 is too long, it needs to be more compact etc, but I don't think so at all. I think it's perfect the way it is -- it's a fulfilling send-off for all the characters we love so much. I wish more series would get their ending like that, but what can I say about Japanese manga industry.
And there's also Adachitoka's health to consider too. In which case, I'd say they did their best, and I'm really thankful for them for being able to deliver this series safely.
In short, I already expected this chapter to be a speedrun. Because of that, my experience when I read this chapter is better than I expected.
Maybe because I've learned my lessons for not making theory too much, so I don't have certain expectations that'd cloud my judgement.
With no deep thoughts when reading, let's go dive in.
The PUNS it still gets me. Yukine's sister calling Haruki's name while watching a tree that blossoms in spring is 😭😭😭
Ayoo he can change to a dog still? My poor baby 😭
I guess this is his punishment for wrecking havoc in the human world and disturbing the Heaven? But like, he was clearly under the influence of trashdad?? He's not really at fault?? Is this author's message that we shouldn't justify his action just because we understood his reasons?? But still. That's too cruel for doing it for your own main character.
I know shinkis that were left behind by their master would retain their name after the master's death, but still. To think Izanami's power is still working on Yukine after the Kotonoha is destroyed. This is tragedy.
Daww that's nicee. Hiyori as an intern!
Damn, she really forgot everything. This is for the best though, she already died once when she got too close with the far shore; I'm already prepared for this much. Maybe Yato had finally severed her ties with him and that (along with the cpr) is what allowed Hiyori to return.
Wdym "intense cpr," it's more than intense. It's hella long too. Nobody could perform intense cpr for hours nonstop, unless that person is non-human.
Good to know Yato broke her ribs though, nice work!
Hiyori's missing notebook? Prob taken by Yato or something.
Dafuq. Move along with your "it's me!" wishy-boy. No. This time it's not you who kissed her. You were delirious in some random abandoned building in some random city when Hiyori was dying.
See, this is my nightmare. To have the real Fujisaki Koto as Hiyori's future love interest. Because I know for sure, for so long, that they could bonded with their out-of-body experience when they both lost their memory.
Sorry Koto, 'nothing against the real you, but your alter ego has kinda ruined your image.
Damn, Father's longing for Kaya runs deep in Koto's veins.
BAHAHA, Nice one Coophone. Or Yato. Or Yukine. Or whatever tf Hiyori's guardian is.
Aww man I didn't see Nana. She'd love to have a picnic with both Bishamon and Arahabaki! Is it because she was infected with GGS, or is it simply her turn to watch over the house? I hope it's the latter.
I wish the Gods would talk more about Yato's miracles, including about Hiyori. She is literally the glue that help stick these guys together. Without her, they wouldn't even know about Father's Liberation ability.
Heck, forget about Yatori. I wanna hear the Gods reminscing about their situations & conditions after the incident. But alas.
Oh well. This is something I've learned to let go.
Woow Kunimi looks young! Does he finally have a vacation?? Lol
Ebisu's voice got deeper? He still looks like a baby to me. Is he a baby 12-yo?
It's real nice to see the 3 reincarnated gods! Though I coulnd't care less abt them,even tho i know they have main character energy
Oh. my God. TakeKiun is really sailingg Look at dem. Matching clothes and soft smiles and all dat shit 🥺🥺🥺
Um, okay. It's good and all that each mortal has their own version about what happened at that time, but like,
Weren't people DIED???
I thought many people died!! Getting slashed by Gods!! Why is it not covered on the national news-
(myb when Father's "nation" returned to the underworld, the souls who were lost were also returned to its vessel somehow?)
Nope, nevermind. Just don't think too deeply about it. Moving on.
BISHAAA it's good to see her in great health!
Though I really wanna know, how is her relationship with the Heaven and the other Gods after that fiasco, how she feels abt Father's defeat, etc--
NOPE. Don't thinkabout it. Just moveon.
Here I thought Yato was gonna get a reward from Amaterasu for slaying "something that doesn't belong on this Earth." Oh well. Guess Amaterasu is hella stingy like that.
Why Yukine seems like he got even smaller though. Is it the changing art style? He looks more baby than ever.
Wait, they got a whole proper room to sleep? Is this their old room in Kofuku's house?? I thought since Yukine is infected by GGS, Kofuku stayed the hell away from Yukine, but that doesn't seem like the case?
Maybe Kofuku-Daikoku are the one who abandoned the shop; leaving it for Yato and Yukine to stay in? We'll never know.
(Now where is Kofuku's new address, I need to know)
Since Yukine is infected by GGS and always in constant nightmare, I'd like to believe Kazuma is experiencing the same thing; in order to separate him from the rest of the clan, now Kazuma sleeps with Bishamon every night. Lucky bastard.
That is so touching of Yato for comforting his sobbing child every night, but I wish we got a glimpse of his reminisce with his now-gone Father.
Oh wooww the dude finally stopped playing around. I thought he didn't have the guts to cut Hiyori's ties, turns out he really cut itt. No wonder Hiyori forgot about him for 10 years.
(Though I don't think she forgot completely either. Yato might not be in her head anymore, but he's still in her heart)
Adachitoka-san. Are you trying to tell ME this teke-teke thing is way more viral than the mass of unnatural, unknown deaths???
Is it because there's no death at all???
*sighs.* Anyways.
Aww Nora is now staying at Iki's household, happier than ever 🥺
Oh so that's where Hiyori's notebook goes.
Wait, Iki household creeps Hiyori out? Why? Is it because she was traumatized by her grandma's death? (Does she even remember that?) Is it because she faintly remembered the way Nora broke her house's windows? Or is it because she could sense Nora's presence and it icks her? I hope it's not the latter ☹️
I'm happy Nora is finally a happy child, but, Yukine? What about my son Yukine, who is no longer a pure soul, who could no longer sleep peacefully every night. Where is Nora's apology for leading Yukine to Father huh? Where is her apology for (indirectly) turning Yukine into who he is today? I guess it happens off-screen, we'll never know.
Wdym "the night has a scent."
"Night" is using the same kanji as Yato's name, 夜. She is remembering his smell from the nightt, peoplee
(The night when he kissed her prob)
The power of the match-matching ema hunged by Ookuninushi is really strong, huh. Hiyori managed to remember Yato again, despite her already-severed-ties with Yato.
(or maybe not. I guess their fate really IS intertwined, knowing their first meeting)
I kinda wish Hiyori would remember Yato much later, like, in her 40s when she already has kids on her own, but hey, the sooner she remembers him, the longer he'd stay on this Earth so I'd still consider it a win!
Tbh, a part of me don't want her to get involved with far shore like she did in the past, but a part of me also wants her to snuggle between Yato and Yukine's arms after her work hours end. Dilemma.
Now I need Hiyori's journey to become one hell of a rich doctor so she could build a proper shrine for Yato so she and her family could pray together every morning, because she claimed it's Yatogami who saved her life that day. She'd make dinner for Yato and Yukine and eat with them every evening while her family acknowledge it as her night-praying-time. She'd tell her family, her future husband, and her future children about the legend of Yato (she'd exaggerate it a lot) and the next thing she knows, Yato have already has a devoted followers. Oh, and she'd often visited Bisha's shrine, Kofuku's, Ebisu's, all gods associated with Yato.
That's it folks. I rarely do my thoughts about Noragami, but I do read it religiously regularly each month. This manga has already become my comfort manga no matter how angsty it is, so it's gonna be hard to part with it, after all this time. Maybe for next month I'm gonna restart from chapter 1, one chapter per month.
I do have to say though, usually when I read a series with unsatisfactory ending, it leaves a bad taste in mouth. Somehow this chapter don't feel like that at all. I don't know why. I still look at this chapter and all the previous ones with fondness.
I wanna dream that 1-2 years from now, Adachitoka would release a 200-pages of Noragami epilogue -- which I know it's impossible, but hey, let the girl dream. I'm also looking forward for the extra komas, if there's any.
It's been a good time with you all 🤗👋
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kanotototori · 1 year
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as per usual i can't be trusted with big projects because if i stop working on the thing at any point, i will never finish it. would be a waste to not post at least a preview though
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noragamizines · 1 month
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👑Merch Preview!👑
Spend your rainy days with this Kaya acrylic standee! Created by @kanotototori, she's one of the adorable items available in our full bundle!
✨Preorders are now open! Find the link below and in our bio!✨
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annamlynska · 1 year
“Why aren't you happy for me?”
Noragami is a manga about relationships, quite often about dysfunctional, toxic or downright unhealthy ones. But love relationships are mostly seen as beautiful in it.
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 Tenjin has loved his plum fairy for a thousand years, Kofuku and Daikoku overcome all the bitter obstacles life throws their way with the help of their little domestic happiness. Bisha and Kazuma see each other as a precious treasure that they want to protect. 
Yato is willing to give up Hiyori's presence so she can live, Hiyori is willing to give up her life to be with Yato. 
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Those relationships are not perfect, they have a lot of flaws, but they are definitely loving and mutually affectionate. And then there's Kaya and father.
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      I was hoping it could be one bright spot in his life. A relationship that was fine until something terrible happened. But that was very likely not the case. Father loved Kaya, but not enough to try to change for her, and she didn't love him enough to accept him for who he was. 
There was a time when father was happy and when he wanted Kaya to be happy too, but the problem is that on that one sentence "I'm happy, why aren't you happy for me?" there are so many things wrong.
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In reality, father means by this: "your feelings are not right and it's your fault, the one who is important here, the one you should focus on, is me". 
He manipulates Kaya in the same way he later does with his children. And Kaya runs away from him, afraid of who he has become and perhaps of how he has treated her. 
A tale of great and pure love doesn't happen.
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yume-yato · 8 months
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Noragami 106: What is Sought
Yato asks Father what he is looking for. Could he be looking for… Kaya?
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empty-dream · 2 months
there needs to be more noragami father meta theres something about his flashbacks in how their arranged. he paints himself as a victim but at times he is self centered there is a lot of hypocrisy in what he does i think one of them is how he driven kaya away but blamed it on others but himself
Now that I saw this, yeah I think the narration flow of Father's true motive is interesting and fresh. He first led me to believe that he has a valid reason to want vengeance against the heavens. With the heavens being THE law and system, and the earlier arcs showcase them being not very kind to the protagonists, I imagined it'd be that "one man versus the injustice of world" story. Which implies him as some kind of tragic villain (or hero, depending of the POV) all along.
Then turns out said excuse happened because he was so self-righteous and self-entitled that he never even thought that maybe he was the problem. He's basically throwing a tantrum over the wrongs that he himself had a major contribution in, all while blaming others and circumstances. I feels like he's the type of person who thinks "I'm the main character of this world, so I'm the only one whose story matters." Which is completely in line with how he is from the beginning of the manga: a manipulative narcissistic asshole
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