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megahorous · 10 months ago
PaRappa is to KatLam as Hugo is to PoiLinda [?]
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war4utv · 5 years ago
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Delicious Homemade Katlam by @mrs_amir170219 . . . . . . . #katlam #kashmiribakery #bakers #baking #cakes #cake #bakery #baker #bakersofinstagram #cupcakes #pastry #cakedecorating #bread #chefs #chocolate #bake #foodie #cookies #birthdaycake #birthday #fondantcake #cakelover #instafood #cakestagram #sweets #food #cakedesign #foodporn #homebaker #cakeart https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8HyVslKrv/?igshid=x1ueq31ibell
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aparnachallu · 8 years ago
Tea with Sugar? Why not Salt?? Exotic Indian Teas with Spice and Salt.
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Mountain tribes and cultures are distinctly unique and their individualism almost directly proportional to the degree of difficulty in access and communications between the rest of the world and them. The people of the Valley of Jammu and Kashmir, that includes the well-known Kashmir and the comparatively lesser-known-about Ladakh, enjoy a rich variety of cultural legacy owing to the many influences that remained well after the many tides of rulers had ebbed and flowed.
The foods, music and dance are well documented. Wazvaan, Lal Vaak and Bachha Nagma are appreciated by most who experience these. The hidden gem in all of this though is the delicious, aromatic and marvelously nutritious diversity of Kashmiri teas!
Yes, tea. Not the increasingly sought-after Masala tea made in a pot and boiled with milk, sugar and sometimes, ginger. Not the Assamese, Nilgiris varieties of tea that is exported and served-up in fine China in ceremonial English fashion. Just Chai. Kashmiri Chai of two specific varieties. Moghul Chai or Kehwa, Green Tea and Sheer Chai, Pink Tea.
Moghul Chai or Kehwa.
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Photo Courtesy: www.craftsbazaar.com
The Moghul Chai is an exotic green tea that is made and served from a Samavaar, a tea-kettle made of heavy elaborately engraved brass with a sturdy body that has a funnel-like cavity into which hot-coal is held and the external cavity into which the tea leaves with slivers of Almonds, crushed green Cardamom, sticks of Cinnamon and sugar is added and slowly brewed by smoldering hot coals, through the passing of the day. As the water heats up the tea leaves start to release their color, flavor and aroma and the spices and almonds give-up all they have by way of essential oils, aromatic flavors and a rich nutritious concoction called “Moghul Chai”. It can be safely assumed this tradition and ritual goes back to the luxurious tastes of the Moghuls who romanced and ruled Kashmir.
The Moghul Chai is poured out from the large spout towards the upper-end of the Samavaar while the top itself has a brass lid that caps the cavity holding the coals. The hot and heavy Samavaar is cradled safely in sure and certain hands on a woolen cloth or the sleeve of the Pheran, the layered top long coat with wide sleeves, worn by all Kashmiris year-round. The tea is poured out into brass cups called Khasus which has the structure of a wine goblet that allows for the base to be held with the stem so as to avoid contact with the cup which heats up to scalding-point as the hot tea is poured into it. The top brass-lid is at all times held in place to ensure the coals or ash doesn’t fall right out! As the cavity is on the central axis and the spout long, with just the slight angel required to pour the tea, its safe but requires skill and experience. The Samavaar, a fine sample of Kashmiri artisanship and skill in Copperware and Brass, with engraved motifs of the Chinaar (Maple) Leave and its Floral tributes to Mother Nature, was not meant for the delicate-wrists of sophisticated well-off ladies but for the seasoned, cultured, born-of-the-soil Kashmiri who braves freezing winters and cold autumns warmed by a Kangri, a wicker-basket with an earthen pot inside it that held hot coals and was carried inside the pheran and close to the body, all day as one went about daily chores and even when one went to bed!
But, for now, its the Samavaar and Chai that we’re interested in! The Khasu itself was held either on the extra-long sleeve of the receiving Kashmiri or else safely ensconced in a hand-kerchief or napkin. This tea is had at virtually anytime of the day with a fresh-based bread called Kulcha or else the Bagel-like Tailwur with Sesame or Poppy Seeds on it.
Sheer Chai or Noon Chai: Salty, Creamy and Oh-so-Pink!
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Sheer Chai or Noon Chai is as exotically unique as the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Its sharp and salty, Pink in color similar to the Antique Rose and deliciously buttery and warm, quite like the hugely sought-after Pashmina!
Its made in the Samavaar, with hot coals to give the sustained slow heat across the Brass or Copper Samavaar, with a tiny portion of loose fine special green tea leaves, a pinch of Baking Soda and just enough water to steep the tea-leaves. The water evaporates leaving behind a residue that’s deep Garnet colored with the dark thread-like tea leaves sticking to the bottom. The Baking Soda enables this brilliant color to take effect.
To this residue, one cup at a time at first and then a further two cups or so are added while continuing to reduce the liquid to a darker version. Finally, milk and salt are added and the whole tea is brought to boil. This is poured out into Brass Khasus and finished-off with a dollop of clotted cream and slivers of pistachios and almonds.
The Sheer Chai is always had after a meal as a digestive and also at times in-between meals, if the mood fancies. This comes as a shock to many given its serving of rich cream but this time-honored ritual has kept Kashmiris in good health for a very long time and raising eye-brows isn’t going to alter the course of history nor challenge the merit of this ritual!
When supped between meals in the afternoon or late evening, it is accompanied by an assortments of breads, in various shapes, sizes and textures. The Bagirkhani, the Sheermal, the Lavasa, and the layered pastry-puff, the Katlam.
Being Kashmiri is a blessing. We are quite like our Green teas, Moghul Chai and Sheer Chai. Steeped in ritual, exuding rich experiences, blending-in with diverse and contrary dualities of life’s flavors; an expression of human refinement or so we like to think.Being a Kashmiri from Karnataka is a dual blessing. One has year-round, balmy climate and appreciative fellow-journeymen to share our distinct and interesting foods and flavors with!On that note, let’s have another Khasu of Moghul Chai then, shall we?
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exculis · 7 years ago
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Did a doodle of my dumbass fan troll at 3 am without looking at any refs just because
the only thing i cheated on was his horns bc i could not, for the life of me remember how they went
original design:
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onlinesikhstore · 3 years ago
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Kanka Da Katlam Novel Ram Saroop Ankhi Panjabi Literature Punjabi Reading B8 New
Kanka Da Katlam ਕਣਕਾਂ ਦਾ ਕਤਲਾਮ Novel Ram Saroop Ankhi Literature Punjabi Reading Panjabi Book
Book Ref: B8
Novel by Ram Saroop Ankhi - Punjabi Reading Literature Book 
Punjabi Literature Book 
Pages 116. Hardback with Dust cover
Author: Ram Saroop Ankhi
Language: Indian Punjabi Gurmukhi
We have Punjabi Literature books of several Popular writes in stock, please message more information.
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P.S. Colour of item may slightly vary due to camera flash and light conditions. Please note cover of paper may vary as publishers keep on changing front of books each time they publish new edition.
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Country/Region of Manufacture: India
Topic: Literature
Format: Paperback
Product Type: Reading Book
Educational Level: Comprehensive School,Primary School,Secondary School,Sixth Form College,Vocational School
Author: Ram Saroop Ankhi
Subject: Punjabi - Gurmukhi (Indian Punjabi)
Publication Year: 2019
Language: Punjabi
ISBN: Does not apply
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bbbnews · 4 years ago
Chhattisgarh Engineer Dies In Hospital, Family Claims Police Torture
Chhattisgarh Engineer Dies In Hospital, Family Claims Police Torture
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Chhattisgarh Engineer Dies In Hospital, Family Claims Police Torture. (Representational)
The death of a junior engineer (JE) of the Chhattisgarh power department, who was one of the suspects in a murder case, has raised allegations of custodial torture by the police in Surajpur district.
Family members of the JE Punam Singh Katlam (44) alleged he died early Tuesday after…
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crystallinenewearth · 4 years ago
Tanaza Čuba: Atmošanās apziņai par dzīves nozīmi
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Kas ir atmošanās?
Mēs visi esam dzimuši `atmodušies`, tomēr caur mūsu ceļojumu šeit, uz Zemes, reizēm, mēs aizmirstam, ka esam vairāk, nekā tikai mūsu ķermenis un vairāk nekā tikai mūsu prāts.
Parasti, tas tā ir, līdz kādai traumai vai emocionāliem satricinājumiem, kas atgadās mūsu dzīvē, tad mēs sākam atcerēties, ka dzīve, patiesībā ir par visu.
Faktiski, viens no visbezjēdzīgākajiem, tomēr atbilstošākajiem jautājumiem, kuru cilvēce var uzdot ir – kāda ir dzīves jēga?
Tas ir bezjēdzīgs, tāpēc, ka atbilde ir tik vienkārša – dzīves jēga ir viss tev apkārt. Tā ir gaisā, kuru tu elpo, tā ir koku lapu vākšanā, tā ir dzīvībā, nāvē un visā, tam pa vidu.
Patiesa un īsta dzīves nozīme ir dzīvot mirklī „šeit un tagad”, vislabāk, kā protam, ar zināšanu un spēku, ka mēs apgūstam savu ceļojumu. Kad mēs sākam atmosties lietām, kas lielākas par mums pašiem, mēs sākam izprast dzīves `jēgu` un šos notikumus, ka viss ir daļa no lielākas, bezgalīgākas ainas.
Reiz, ja esam atvēruši mūsu prātus faktam, ka esam neierobežotas būtnes ar bezgalīgām iespējām, mēs sākam lauzt barjeras, kas definē mūsu fizisko telpu un ienest bezgalības enerģijas apziņu, kas mūs aptver un savieno ar Visumu.
Tā kā, mēs ejam caur šo atmošanās procesu, klātesošas, mēdz būt `pazīmes`. Te būs 6 pazīmes, ka tu atrodies uz atmodas ceļa, lai atmostos apziņai par dzīves nozīmi:
1.Sajust enerģiju: vai, kad atrodies publiskā vietā vai savas mājas sienās, kad sāc sajust citu izstaroto enerģiju, tā ir laba zīme, ka esi atvēris savu prātu ārpus savām piecām maņām. `Āķis` - ļaut sajust sev enerģijas bez absorbēšanas un padarīt tās par savām. Tas prasa praksi un atvērtību. Ja atrodies līdzās kādam, kurš ir saspringts, tā vietā, lai ļautu viņa frustrācijai tevi ietekmēt, padari klusu savu prātu, ievelc dziļi elpu un ļauj emociju `katlam`, kuru iztēlojies, aptvert tavu sirdi ar baltu gaismu. Kad nostiprināsi šo `muskuli`, tu iemācīsies, kā citu negatīvo enerģiju novirzīt daudz pozitīvāk un, pat efektīvākā veidā, viņiem par labu.
2.Uzticēties instinktiem: mūsu intuīcija nekomunicē ar vārdiem, bet gan sajūtām. Kad mēs sākam augt apziņā, mēs saprotam, ka mūsu intuīcija ir viena no vissvarīgākajiem vadības spēkiem dzīvē. Mācies uzticēties savai intuīcijai, praktizē. Kad jūti, kad pieaug emocijas par kādu lēmumu vai tēmu tavā dzīvē, izvairies šīs sajūtas marķēt. To marķēšanas, kā „skumju sajūtu” vai „laimīgu sajūtu” vietā, ļauj sajūtām celties un tās tev pastāstīs, kā tās patiesi `jūtas`.
Ļauj sajūtām komunicēt ar tevi, nevis ātri par tām izdari spriedumu. Šī prakse ir labs veids, kā noteikt, vai tavas intuitatīvās sajūtas nāk no ego vai tavas sirds. Jo vairāk tu ieklausies savā intuīcijā, jo spēcīgāka tā kļūst, un tu apgūsi vairāk, kā tā ar tevi komunicē.
3.Ķermenis kā templis: kad mēs sākam noskaņoties uz savu iekšējo ķermeni, veselīgu ēdienu, izvairīšanos no ķīmijas, vingrinājumiem un svaigu gaisu, dabiski, ka mēs piesaistām šīs lietas arī turpmāk [savā dzīvē]. Kad mēs sākam apzināties savu ķermeni un mūsu sirds pukstus, mūsu desmit skaitos roku pirkstus un desmit skaistos kāju pirkstus, dabiski, ka mēs sākam ieklausīties un aizsargāt savu ķermeni. Kad tu sāc patiesi sajust savu ķermeni, tu sāc izprast, kas tam vajadzīgs un, kas tam kaitē. Ķīmija, alkohols, tehnoloģijas, dūmi un apstrādāts ēdiens, negaidot, tev liek justies slikti, turpretim, jauna vitalitātes sajūta rodama organiskā, tīrā ēdienā, dabā un vingrinājumos.
4.Atbrīvoties no spriedumiem: ir ļoti viegli tiesāt citus, sevi un pieredzes, bet, kad mēs kļūstam daudz apzinātāki, mēs atbrīvojamies no spriedumiem un saprotam, ka te nav labā vai sliktā, tikai mūsu attieksme. Mēs sākam arī saprast, ka ikviens atrodas savā ceļojumā un, ka mums nevajag rūpēties par sevi caur citu domām un motīviem. Sūdzoties un spriežot, mēs pazeminām mūsu vibrācijas un ieejam savā ego, turpretim, kad mēs iznākam no upura pozīcijas un ieejam izpratnes un apzināšanās telpā, mēs pietuvojamies apziņai.
5.Bagātība: sabiedrība mums saka, - lai būtu veiksmīgi, mums jābūt bagātiem, ar iedomātām lietām un jāvelk iedomātas drēbes, taču, kad sākam atmosties, atklājam, ka materiālā bagātība ir maza vērtība. Nav tā, ka mums nauda nav jāuzskata par vērtīgu vai jāliedz prieks par jaukām lietām, taču ir kaut kas vairāk par identificēšanos ar to.
6.Lielāks mērķis: atmošanās mūs nodrošina ar vispārēju miera sajūtu – mieru pagātnē, tagadnē un nākotnē. Caur šo mieru, mēs sākam sevi noskaņot mūsu lielākajam mērķim. Nekļūdīgi, mūsu lielākais mērķis nav darbs vai nieks, vai etiķete, bet drīzāk, mūsu lielākais mērķis ir apvieno mūsu enerģiju ar Visumu. Vienīgais veids, kā to var sasniegt, ir caur esību apziņā, tā dzīvē visu aptver ar akceptu, mieru un prieku. Tas ir tad, kad viss ir līdzsvarā, kad tu esi atmodies tam, kas patiesībā esi, un tam, kāds ir tavs mērķis šeit, šajā Visumā.
Tulkoja: Kwana Mikaela©2015`Oktobris
Attēls unsplash.com
Tanaza Čuba (Tanaaz Chubb) - (Atmošanās apziņai par dzīves nozīmi/Awakening to the Meaning of Life)
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perdepazar · 5 years ago
4 farklı etek dilimi renk seçeneği ile keten doku tül katlamalı perde .80 cm katlamalı perde kaliteli işcilik ve ücretsiz kargo fırsatı ile perdepazar.com da
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ezatluba · 6 years ago
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Garbage Dumps Are Changing the Food Habits of Wild Animals
Garbage dumping sites are already known to have both physical and toxicological effects on animal life.
Greater adjutant storks at a garbage dump at Deepor Beel, Guwahati. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Rayies Altaf
New Delhi: Modern day garbage dumps, which are full of harmful products and chemicals, are emerging as a serious threat to animal and plant life. Now, a new study has found that these dumps are shifting their food habits as well.
The main culprit is plastic waste, known to cause health complications and disrupt reproductive patterns in animals that accidentally ingest it. It also causes environmental pollution through chemicals that are leached out of it, and into the soil.
The study examined the relationship between animal type and behaviour vis-à-vis the risk of plastic ingestion.
The researchers used direct observation as well as infrared camera-traps to monitor animal visits and food intake behaviour at two sites in Nainital district, Uttarakhand. The instruments scanned the sites once every 10 minutes for two to three hours a day, for two months.
They recorded frequency with which animals and birds visited the selected garbage sites, and their feeding patterns. A total of 32 such creatures were identified feeding on the garbage.
Uttarakhand was picked for the study because it has a sizeable tourism industry, and tourists generate a lot of garbage in and around wildlife habitats. The two spots chosen in Nainital have been or are visited by over 200 bird species and 75 mammals around the year.
The dumping site was characterised by leftover food mixed with non-biodegradable waste such as plastics, glass bottles, metal cans, light bulbs, cartons, etc.
Based on the animals’ and birds’ behaviour, researchers divided them into different groups. Peckers, who used beaks to pull food out from plastic items, included 19 species of birds. The second group, handlers, included two species of animals with hand-like front body parts able to segregate food from other waste.  The last group identified was gulpers, which lacked hand-like organs as well as mouthparts, and thus could not separate food from plastic items.
In all, the researchers found that each animal or bird spent 2.8 minutes at a garbage site on average. The large-billed crow had the highest contact rate with plastic while the sambar had the lowest.
Among the three types of animals, the handlers and peckers came in contact with with plastic items twice as much as the gulpers.
“An ecological shift is happening where a few animal species at some places are becoming more dependent on anthropological food waste,” Geetanjali Katlam, a member of the research team and a behavioural ecologist at the school of life sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, told India Science Wire.
“If we don’t enforce proper waste management strategies, particularly in and around natural sites and forest areas, it would have disastrous implications on wildlife.”
Garbage dumping sites are already known to have both physical and toxicological effects on animal life. For example, when an animal eats a plastic item, the item injures its digestive tract and can cause ulcers in the stomach, reduced fitness, growth problems and – ultimately – a premature death.
The study concludes that waste from domestic activities and other activities should be segregated at the source itself to prevent them from harming animals when they’re exposed to the environment. It will also help mitigate the impact of non-biodegradable waste accumulation.
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sangklp · 7 years ago
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@turknippon: Japonca oru (katlama) ve kami (kağıt) kelimelerinin birleşmesiyle ortaya çıkan Origami, kağıt katlama sanatı olarak biliniyor. Kağıtları katlayıp 3 boyutlu şekiller vermek hem hayal dünyasını geliştiriyor hem de eğlenceli bir hobi olarak beyni dinlendiriyor. https://t.co/whE3KFIz9J
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miivija · 4 years ago
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Vasaras sākums ir vislabākais laiks, kad parūpēties par jauna kurināmā sagādi nākošajai apkures sezonai. Tad ir gana daudz laika, lai nepieciešamības gadījumā veiktu uzlabojumus esošajā apkures sistēmā un kurināmo ir iespējams iegādāties par labām akcijas cenām, kādas noteikti nebūs tuvojoties rudenim.
Pavasara beigas un vasaras mēneši ir labākais laiks kad iegādāties malku nākošajai apkures sezonai, lai būtu laiks to izžāvēt. Arī brikešu un granulu iegādāšanās šajā laikā ir izdevīga, jo tiek piedāvātas akciju cenas un pat bezmaksas piegāde! Briketes var būt lieliska alternatīva parastajai malkai.
                                       Uzzini vairāk - https://eccal.eu/
KĀ IZVĒLĒTIES KVALITATĪVU KURINĀMO? Premium granulas un briketes abas tiek ražotas no skaidām, tādēļ, ir iespēja izvēlēties kāda formāta kurināmais būs piemērotākais krāsnij vai apkures katlam. Visi zina to, ka malkai ir jābūt sausai, taču kādām īpašībām ir jāpiemīt granulām un briketēm? Viena no galvenajām īpašībām ir obligāts blīvums, jo tā ir norāde uz kvalitāti. Ja, nometot pie zemes, brikete saplīst gabalos, tad tā nav bijusi gana kvalitātīva un slikti sapresēta, kas, savukārt, nozīmē to, ka tā ātri izdegtu. Cietākas briketes un granulas ir mazliet dārgākas, aptuveni 120 eiro par tonnu, taču tām ir lieliska siltumspēja un tās ilgāk deg. Tas ir izdevīgi skatoties no visiem aspektiem. Krava malkas maksā vidēji tik pat, turklāt malka ir jāsagādā laikus, jo tai ir jāpaspēj izžūt. Vēl nozīme ir tam, kādas formas kurināmo izmantojat. Piemēram, apaļas formas kurināmais - gan briketes, gan malkas, izdegs ātrāk. Daudzi, kur izmanto krāsns apkuri, dod priekšroku arī kurināšanai ar briketēm, tikai šādā gadījumā ir nedaudz jāuzmanās, lai krāsni nepārkurinātu. Tas ir tādēļ, ka brikešu siltumspēja ir pusotru reizi augstāka kā malkai. Taču, ņemot vērā brikešu sausumu, jāpaslavē tas, ka ar šādu kurināmo netiek nodarīta skāde dūmvadam un tas aizsērē mazāk.
KO LABĀK IZVĒLĒTIES KRĀSNS KURINĀŠANAI? Granulu kurināšanai ir nepieciešams speciāls granulu katls, taču briketes kā kurināmo var izmantot arī parastajās krāsnīs un kamīnos. Granulu cenas akciju laikā mēdz būt īpaši vilinošas. Malka tomēr prasa vairāk rūpes, tā pat kā krāsns kurināšana ar pagalēm. Ja krāsns ar malku ir jakurina katru dienu, tad granulu katli ir jāuzpilda reizi nedēļā. Briketes un granulas pārdod jau sausas un gatavas tūlītējai izmantošanai, taču malku, visbiežāk, vēl ir jāžāvē.
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breakinglatvia · 7 years ago
Eksplodējot apkures katlam sabiedriskā centrā #VilaNovadaRainha #Portugāle, izcēlās ugunsgrēks, kurā gājuši bojā 8 cilvēki, bet 35 guvuši ievainojumus. 🎥 @TSFRadio http://pic.twitter.com/U5vn8hyOtJ
— BreakingLV (@breakinglv) January 15, 2018
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blog2munchiesus-blog · 7 years ago
After spending an hour on Zomato, we finally found a place with a unique name and not too common cuisine – Kashmiri , so decided to give it a try and are glad we did.
Reaching the location was not too strenuous as it is located right at the main road, just a little careful look is needed.
With the ambience of  pure opulence and peace, this cosy and homely cafe has a boutique, artifacts, library, board games & therefore it makes it a go-to place to spend some chill hours and laze around.
Having made ourselves comfortable in the awesome decor seating area, it was brought to our attention that the place is culturally sound with collection of items from the valley. We made acquaintance with ”Kehwa/Kahwah – kashmiri tea” (traditional drink), and the staff helped us with the miscellany food items in the menu. We picked up pace and ordered our starter for the day – Mutton seekh Kebabs, which is served with chutney and Lavassa. We fell in love with the food then and there. Our taste buds  were thoroughly satisfied and demanded for more. We then said hello to “Gushtaba” and “Mutton Yakhni”.
Gushtaba : gravy with big pieces of minced mutton in it. Supposed to be taken at the end of Wazwan feast with serving of rice.
Mutton Yakhni : Mutton in a curd based gravy.
All three breads are different and must try : Lavassa, Girda and Katlam (Bakarkhani).
The food here is not only different, it’s makes us feel proud of our Indian cuisines. It does not feel generic/commercialised and formula based at all. The low oil content, balanced spices, aroma and flavors of the food hints at a highly adept team and chefs.
All in all a must visit for people who want to indulge in an authentic Kashmiri food and also savour the surroundings of this beautiful little cafe. Hats off to the team..!!
  Little Kashmir in Bangalore – Orzuv Cafe After spending an hour on Zomato, we finally found a place with a unique name and not too common cuisine - Kashmiri , so decided to give it a try and are glad we did.
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brandastor-blog · 7 years ago
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iddaayorum-blog · 8 years ago
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perdepazar · 5 years ago
4 farklı etek dilimi renk seçeneği ile keten doku tül katlamalı perde .120cm katlamalı perde ücretsiz kargo fırsatı ile perdepazar.com da
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