#katherine x crutchie
military-newsboys · 1 month
Albert: ‘They’ll never find the body’ is such a boring threat, a better threat would be ‘they’ll never stop finding the body’
Crutchie, bored: Or just say ‘they’ll be finding parts of you for at least 4 months, and you’ll still be alive for 3 of them’
Race: Now that’s a threat!
Davey, covering Les’s ears: *horrified silence*
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reaganroo · 3 months
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hi guys
i was told to put my au here so
tell me if you want more because i have some locked and loaded
1 2
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bwaybby09 · 5 months
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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deogreys · 2 months
If you ever feel just a little bit too happy, Google Joseph pulitzer. That will sort you right out. 🙄
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It just goes to show how powerful men were two face b*tches.
Thank you and good night
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knockoff-conlon · 1 month
80's newsies!!
and it's your typical shitty coming of age story. it follows jack and his group of friends (race, albert, crutchie, finch, tommy boy, and katherine) in high school. they get a new kid at their school and race immediately asks him to go to the arcade with their friend group. race introduces him to everyone.
davey meets jack. is a little enamored by him. tries to hide it because being gay in the 80s in high school was interesting. jack doesn't understand that he's allowed to be gay/bi and doesn't realize that's what he feels for davey. they fall in love through the course of the story. but they have a huge falling out when davey kisses him for the first time cause jack freaks the fuck out and shoves him away, yelling that's he's not a fag. they get back together though after race punches jack in the face and makes him go after davey again. then they're gay together.
race meanwhile meets a jock, spot, who looks all bitchy and mean but is really nice and doesn't mind the fact that race shoves a camera in everyone's face, no matter who they are. race hangs out with spot a lot and learns all about him and his life. race will sometimes blow off his friends to go to spot's house. they fall in love too but they only get together at the very end when race invites spot to his and his friends' grad party they're holding for themselves. they kiss there and the story is pretty much over at that point.
albert is already with finch at the beginning of the story. that's a large part of the reason jack realizes he's gay. they're publicly out at school and albert has multiple times beat the shit out of people for going after him or finch.
katherine is a year older than everyone and already in uni. she gets an open ending. she moves in with sarah as friends for her second year of university and sarah's third. they have lots of tension but they don't get together during the course of the story itself.
crutchie stays the ho we all know bro is and he goes to uni as a fuck boy. he's very respectful toward women, he just likes sex. (get it crutchie, living his best life out there, isn't he???)
tommy boy moves away for university at the end and gives crutchie a little kiss on the cheek as he leaves. crutchie has a gay awakening but he does not in fact make a move on tommy boy before the story ends.
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
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how to get better at acknowledge and being okay with saying you’re disabled via projection, a guide by me
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as potential song titles part two (the sequel nobody asked for)
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yourfaveiskenough · 11 months
idk if i submitted my boy already but crutchie from newsies is kenough
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Crutchie from Newsies is Kenough!
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newsiesficchallenges · 3 months
Did you know that your happy chemicals in your brain go up when you read and write fanfiction? According to actual, empirical, scientific evidence, when you consume media that brings you enjoyment, and participate in it, your mind and mental health get better. It’s magical. And, hey, wouldn’t it be really cool if there was a way that you could participate in reading and writing Newsies-focused fanfiction? OH WAIT-
Sign up for the 2024 Newsies Gift Exchange here!!!
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
*sighs* anyone got any newsies fics or hcs they would love to see? someone (@crystallizedtwilight) (whom I adore and respect very much but also- what the fuck, bro) dragged me back into this fandom kicking and screaming with their lovely art and now I have the strongest urge to write something, but we’re tired children with zero creativity to our names, so.
headcanons? aus? the tiniest fragments of an idea?
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military-newsboys · 2 months
Jack: That building is, like, 5 Davey away and we're at least 14 Davey high. Davey: Please don't use me as a system of measurement.
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lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
Requests are Open!!
So... it's been ages since I've posted on here, but I've finally got some actual time and I've just gotten back into the musical... fandom? I guess? Idk what to call it lmao
But I recently saw West Endsies, which made me fall in love with Newsies all over again, which led to me falling back into the rabbit hole of musical fandoms! So I'm going to be deleting all the old requests I have (unless I'm particularly inspired for one in particular), and opening requests for new characters and the same old ones!
It's going to be for short little blurbs, based off of a prompt list (linked here (credit to: @mangocherri))
Here are the characters I will write for (if you want to request for someone else not listed, feel free to - but also please also put who you wouldn't mind me writing for, if I don't feel comfortable writing for your preferred character (if that even made sense lmao)) - I've put a * next to my favourite characters to write for!
Platonic requests and ones not from the prompt list are also welcome and encouraged!
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Jack Kelly
Crutchie *
Racetrack *
Davey Jacobs
Spot Conlon
Katherine Plumber
Mike Faist
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Riff * (also willing to write for other Jets/Sharks)
Dodge Mason
Connor Murphy
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Newsies UK Review (Dec. 3rd)
Brace yourselves because this will be long and rambling and will contain spoilers. I certainly haven’t covered everything or everyone, but I’ve covered a few of the things that particularly stood out to me and the people I felt particularly deserved a mention.
Just the whole set up. Shirtless Newsies getting ready for the day before carrying the banner started was a bonus, not least because it reminded me of carrying the banner starts in the film when they’re all in the lodging house getting ready. They were down on the stage rather than up in the scaffolding like on Broadway so I feel like you got a bit more of a scene setter and build up to it. And then one of them full on ziplines onto the stage, it was fabulous!! My friend who was with me described it as ‘a magic Mike entrance’ and whispered to me, ‘when are they gonna start stripping. Just the staging in generally was amazing. Having scaffolding all around so newsies could scale it at different points in the theatre as well as having the walkways between the seating was brilliant, because it meant all the chase scenes with Snyder could go through the audience and go up and down different levels, so like, Jack could run up a bit and escape then because they’d gone a different route, it was very clever. And during the World will know it meant that we had newsies marching on the spot right in front of us, sometimes turning to face us and I was grinning like a maniac, it was amazing!! There were 3 standing ovations. Three! I was expecting the one at the end, but the other two weren’t even at the end of the first act or something, they were both in sieze the day! One at the end and one at that moment when you think it’s about to end but they still have an extra bit to go. And it was one hundred percent deserved, the choreography was absolutely incredible. One of the guys did like a gazillion box jumps in a row, it was insane. Looking back at the cast list I think that was Ross Dorrington as Splasher but if anyone else who’s seen it could confirm or deny that would be great, as it is obviously hard to tell from a distance in the theatre. At first I thought this was gonna be instead of the ‘Ryan Steele spins’, but then we got those later on as well! There were even some break dancing style moves, it was ridiculously brilliant. I will say that I am a Javey shipper that has never truly understood Jatherine (which, disclaimer, may be partly because I’m a 92sies whore so I was a bit sore about the plot changes that introduced Katherine in the Broadway version, although I learnt to love her as I got used to the idea), but my god I changed my tune when I saw this performance. I don’t know what it was but there was just something different about Michael Ahomka-Lindsay and Bronté Barbé as Jack and Katherine. Part of me thinks it was just the way they kissed in something to believe in, y’know with his hands moving up her back and stuff, it was just *chefs kiss. But there was just something in their interactions as well, she was so snarky it was wonderful and you could just see it drawing him in. And like, when he strikes out at the beginning when he first sees her and she shuts him down I think you could see more of, her joy in doing that I suppose, and her amusement at him pursuing her that I feel was lacking slightly in the Broadway one. Like, you can tell more that her annoyance is kind of as much of an act as Jack’s postering is and I appreciate that because I feel you see the romance growing more rather than just being a sudden thing that happens. As much as I love Jeremy Jordan and Kara Lindsay I just felt it properly for the first time with these two. And he gives her a newsboy cap at the end which was super cute. Each of them individually were just astounding in their roles and really managed to bring a different flavour to both Jack and Katherine which was really lovely to see. Matthew Duckett as Crutchie is a fricking revelation. It was Marty Belafski who had my heart as Crutchie - he was the first iteration I saw and it was him that made me fall in love with the character. With Broadway, I already knew Andrew Keenan-Bolger, and loved him as Crutchie as well. Now it’s probably Matthew Duckett who just is Crutchie for me. I loved that he was taller than Jack for one thing, like in the original film, and that he was just generally like, a little grittier than Broadway Crutchie? He had a bit more of the Crutchie from the film who says, ‘I don’t want anybody carrying me. Never’, and who nicks food of Snyders plate to give to Jack. A little less relentless optimist and a little more world hardened, which I really enjoyed. And it doesn’t hurt that he had lovely shoulders which I had a great view of, as I was sitting in the second row from where they had a break in the seating that the cast used to run through the audience as such. Very annoyed that I just missed out on getting a pape from Crutchie himself. He waved one at us asking if anyone wanted a pape, and all of us just sat there in shocked, happy excitement, without realising that this was actually on offer to interact with the cast and not just like, part of the show. He threw it behind him into the audience members in front of us to our consternation and was then like, ‘yeah, now you want a pape’, and someone in front of me did then get one. It was amazing, and I can now say to everyone going, and if I go again, say yes to the pape! They actually mean to give them to you! I didn’t actually believe they would make Spot Conlon a girl but I stand corrected! Not only Spot but the whole of Brooklyn. In my humble opinion, not quite the same as Spot being a tiny but menacing little guy, but still very cool and great fun. And I loved that the girlsies were like, actually girlsies. Like, some of them had skirts and stuff, they were meant to be girls, not just, women filling in the men’s roles, which I absolutely loved! I think I would probably have preferred it if all the boroughs were just mixed to be honest, partly because it meant a lyric change to ‘we’re the girls from the beaches of Brighton’ rather than ‘we’re the boys from the beaches of Brighton, so we don’t get the alliteration which slightly irritated my brain although obviously it would have been weirder if they’d all sung that when they’re meant to be girls, but also because I just feel like it would have made for a more accurate representation, although if they’d done that I think I would have wanted them to keep Spot as a girl. Ultimately though, I did understand why they did it like they did, as it really packed a punch, and it made sense why Spot wasn’t in the cast list as they obviously wanted to keep this as a surprise twist. It honestly was a great moment. King of New York!! It was phenomenal!! They swung from ceiling lights!!! Honestly it felt like a little homage to 92s when Damien lucero spins on the ceiling fan, as there was a moment when some of them did spins from them, as well as them swinging about like Tarzan on them. Honestly, I did feel like the choreography from this as well as sieze the day was better than Broadway. There were just so many surprises. Although Katherine did tap a bit she didn’t seem to have as much of a ‘moment’ as Kara Lindsay got, when the newsies are encouraging her to dance, so that was a shame, but they did dress her up like the Statue of Liberty which was wild and amazing. The newsies bringing on all the props! It was so good. Hilariously Katherine thanked them when they put together her desk for watch what happens, but my favourite was when they did Pulitzers office because they were all just lounging around for a bit before Pulitzer and everyone came on. I’m pretty sure on of them was was sitting in his chair at one point before scurrying off. It was great. Cameron Blakely was wonderful as Pulitzer. A great voice, and I just loved his portrayal of the character. Some funny moments because it’s Cameron Blakely but still managing to be very sinister when it counted. The line that really stood out to me from him was when he grabs Katherine’s arm in the Bottom Line Reprise singing ‘too bad you’ve no family, but you can’t have mine’. Oof. Davey was glorious. He was just so soft somehow, which was very endearing, although I was slightly disappointed that he didn’t seem to loose any of his clothes on the way as is the Davey tradition in both the film and on Broadway. Having said that, he seemed less buttoned-up, in terms of his costume, to begin with than either of the previous David’s. His exasperation at Les, like when he’s staring at the Bowery beauties or when he announces that he has a girlfriend, was continuously on point. And his beginning of sieze the day was absolutely beautiful. I’m still annoyed that Davey has no solo song though. Medda was fabulous of course! I felt there could have been a bit more of ‘wink wink nudge nudging’ over the nature of her relationship with Teddy Roosevelt, but essentially she truly understood the assignment. And her Bowery Beauties costume she wore for That’s Rich was gorgeous. Being previews there were a few sound issues which was a shame, and they’d run out of programmes by the time I arrived (how a theatre runs out of programmes I’ll never know, but hopefully those issues will be sorted out by opening night. Overall, an insanely brilliant night out - glorious show, stellar dancing and singing, still so thrilled that Newsies came to the UK and that I had a chance to see it, 10 years on from the Broadway production I truly never thought it would happen and I’m so glad that it did.
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The sequel to Papers, Post-It Notes, and Protests is here and completed!
This is a sequel to the Newsies College AU and here is the summary for this story:
It's senior year! David's nervous about taking his art credit, Jack is struggling with his internship, Race and Spot have growing pains while Spot starts grad school, and Specs has decided he's going to say something to Romeo about his crush; all while the threat of real life and graduation looms over them.
This has 12 chapters (11 full chapters and an epilogue) and is around 35K words! Every chapter is up on ao3 so you don't have to wait for the next chapter to be uploaded! I hope that if you read Papers, Post-it Notes, and Protests before you'll check this out and if you haven't ready either, please take a gander at my Newsies College AU series on ao3!
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skylathescholarly · 2 months
My brain has been struggling to support Newsies brainrot and Batfam brainrot, and the result shouldn't surprise you.
Two words: Batfam Newsies AU.
I was struck with it halfway through watching a live production of the Broadway version (amazing), but it would probably be more based on the 1992 movie (childhood favorite, I know it better. As in I can quote it all to you.)
So hear me out- I think Jason as Jack Kelly. In 92sies, Jack Kelly is a fake name, so his real name revealed at the end can be ✨Jason Peter Todd✨! But like, grew up on the streets, no living family, watches out for the younger/newer kids, frustrated with the system. For him, I think, Santa Fe would be a lot more metaphorical, since I can't picture him wanting to leave Gotham, but Santa Fe (the song) just is Jason, you can't tell me otherwise.
Tim as Crutchy, and here's where more of the Broadway comes in, because I love their sibling dynamic in it, and it's a little less so in 92sies. Still there, but not as much. The live show I saw had a younger girl as Crutchy, and their dynamic was just amazingggg. Anyway. Maybe he ran away, maybe his parents died early, maybe they just ditched him, whatever. He does this now.
Dick as Davey, Damian as Les. Now their personalities don't match up quiiiite as well, but I think it could be done. If Dami's a little younger, perhaps. I'm thinking Dick got shuttled into the orphanage and met Dami, and bc it's still Gotham, the orphanage sucks and they're supposed to go make money or whatever. I dunno, that's the tricky bit.
We can keep Snyder, Medda (unless you wanted to put Selina there, but I don't really see it.) the Delanceys and Weasel, and the rest of the gang of newsies as is, unless anyone has suggestions for them. I'm all ears!
I'd go by the movie for this and have Clark Kent be Bryan Denton, the reporter, mostly because I can't really think of anyone to fit the role of Katherine, and definitely not someone I'd ship with Jason. Plus then, Pulitzer can be Lex Luthor and that's amazing to me lol.
And finally Bruce as Governor of New York Gotham, Teddy Roosevelt! I'd definitely have him play a larger role. You have Jason/Jack hitching a ride on his carriage from the Refuge, and then maybe trying to steal his tires or something later on, they talk, blah blah blah, strike stuff.
Of course, at the end of the strike and all, the brothers are closer than ever, and the nice old Governor is like "mine"
I don't know if this is even coherent, but please feel free to add your ideas!! If you use this to write a fic (please someone, I want to but I'm so busy, maybe eventually) just make sure to credit 😊 if there are any Newsies x Batman fics, PLEASE link them!!! I'd love to see it!
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
❤︎︎ character list ❤︎︎
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key: bolded - characters i enjoy writing for | italics - characters i’ve written for before
❥ 10 things i hate about you
cameron james, kat stratford, bianca stratford, patrick verona, michael eckman, mandella
❥ marvel
natasha romanoff, bucky barnes, steve rogers, carol danvers, stephen strange, sam wilson, gamora, gwen stacy, tony stark, kate bishop, loki laufeyson, may parker, peter parker (tasm & mcu), peter quill, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, thor odinson, yelena belova
❥ pirates of the caribbean
jack sparrow, will turner, elizabeth swann
❥ grishaverse
alina starkov, the darkling / aleksander morozova, malyen oretsev, genya safin, david kostyk, zoya nazyalensky, nikolai lantsov, kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, matthias helvar, wylan van eck
❥ the school for good and evil
agatha of woods beyond, sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, hort of bloodbrook, hester of ravenswood, anadil of bloodbrook, dot of nottingham, rafal
note: sophie x hort x reader is a fav
❥ the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, gale hawthorne, haymitch abernathy, finnick odair, johanna mason
❥ harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, cedric diggory, oliver wood, theodore nott, daphne greengrass, blaise zabini, tom riddle, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, regulus black, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, marlene mckinnon
❥ miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, enoch o’connor (MOVIE ONLY), olive abroholos elephanta (MOVIE ONLY), millard nullings (BOOK ONLY), hugh apiston (BOOK ONLY), fiona frauenfeld (BOOK ONLY), bronwyn bruntley (BOOK ONLY)
note: i will write for book- or movieverse jacob & emma. please specify which you would like when requesting or i will default to bookverse.
❥ shatter me
juliette ferrars, aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, nazeera ibrahim
❥ the folk of the air
jude duarte, cardan greenbriar
❥ percy jackson
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, thalia grace, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, reyna avila ramirez arellano
❥ avatar: the last airbender
katara, sokka, zuko, azula, mai, ty lee
❥ a series of unfortunate events
violet baudelaire, klaus baudelaire, duncan quagmire, isadora quagmire, quigley quagmire
❥ newsies
jack kelly, davey jacobs, katherine pulitzer, crutchie morris, spot conlon
❥ frankenstein
victor frankenstein, the monster, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval
❥ little women
jo march, meg march, beth march, amy march, theodore laurence
❥ star wars
anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, padme amidala, luke skywalker, leia organa, han solo, rey, finn, kylo ren, poe dameron
❥ my babysitter’s a vampire
ethan morgan, benny weir, sarah fox, rory keaner, erica jones
❥ yellowjackets
shauna shipman, lottie matthews, misty quigley, taissa turner, van palmer, natalie scatorccio, jackie taylor, laura lee, mari, akilah, jeff sadecki
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