deadpresidents · 9 months
VICE PRESIDENTS/VICE PRESIDENCY •Crapshoot: Rolling the Dice on the Vice Presidency by Jules Witcover (BOOK) •Veeps: Profiles in Insignificance by Bill Kelter and Wayne Shellabarger (BOOK) •The American Vice Presidency: From Irrelevance to Power by Jules Witcover (BOOK | KINDLE) •First in Line: Presidents, Vice Presidents, and the Pursuit of Power by Kate Andersen Brower (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Very Strange Bedfellows: The Short and Unhappy Marriage of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew by Jules Witcover (BOOK | KINDLE) •Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency by Barton Gellman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Accidental Presidents: Eight Men Who Changed America by Jared Cohen (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol by William C. Davis (BOOK | KINDLE) •Calhoun: American Heretic by Robert Elder (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Bag Man: The Wild Crimes, Audacious Cover-Up & Spectacular Downfall of a Brazen Crook in the White House by Rachel Maddow and Michael Yarvitz (BOOK | KINDLE)
OTHER PRESIDENTS | CONFEDERATE PRESIDENT JEFFERSON DAVIS •Jefferson Davis, American by William J. Cooper Jr. (BOOK | KINDLE) •Jefferson Davis: The Man and His Hour by William C. Davis (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief by James M. McPherson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •An Honorable Defeat: The Last Days of the Confederate Government by William C. Davis (BOOK | AUDIO) •Bloody Crimes: The Chase for Jefferson Davis and the Death Pageant for Lincoln's Corpse by James L. Swanson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
OTHER PRESIDENTS | TEXAS PRESIDENT SAM HOUSTON •The Raven: A Biography of Sam Houston by Marquis James (BOOK) •Sword of San Jacinto: A Life of Sam Houston by Marshall De Bruhl (BOOK) •Sam Houston: American Giant by M.K. Wisehart (BOOK) •Exiled: The Last Days of Sam Houston by Ron Rozelle (BOOK | KINDLE)
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Kate: (hitting golf balls into one of America’s portals) How far is this other dimension, anyway?
America: Several billion miles away.
Kate: (hitting another ball) That’s gotta be a record.
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angelinthefire · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post: Ugh that story with Mindy pissed me of...
Depends? Like, in an ideal world, half of everything earned during the marriage, yes, but they take into account who was working and if she wasn’t, she technically wouldn’t. Unless it was a community property state. She’d get alimony probably, tho.
Really? In Canada, getting half is the default. IMO taking into account who was working defeats the purpose of separation of property.
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coffeebuddha · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post: On the one hand, I really like how I’m...
It pisses me off so much. I was a size 12 in high school and I’m a size 18 now and there’s a lot of difference. Although I project a lot more confidence so people are really SUBTLE about it, but I still see it. So rude.
I was a much less angry person before I started paying attention to the way the world works.
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rcmclachlan · 10 years
I love Jane Foster all in her own right but I will shamelessly admit that I reblogged that gifset of her purely for your benefit.
Give me a hug.
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guusana · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post:kate-wisehart replied to your post “our currency...
I am tempted to start a company purely so I could sponsor you as an employer. Since we’re not related or married, I can’t do it as a citizen. But as an EMPLOYER…
HAHA TASHA I'm sure you'd have the greatest company. I don't know what we would do but I'd work for you day and night and everytime you came around it'd be like HEY BOSS you'd super cool and i'd have an employer i actually liked, for once :')
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aldrovanda · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post: “So not only do I look great today, my parents sent an iron (which is...”:
RETRACTABLE CORDS ON IRONS ARE AMAZING THO like they're perfect for storage and you don't have to worry about your still-hot iron accidentally melting through it's own cord.
That's actually a super good point oh man I am so excited to use this iron because you know what the first thing I'm gonna make is? DROW THEMED APRON HELL YEAH
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fantasticrex · 10 years
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EHHHHHHH *buzzer noise* I'm very good at selecting selfie lighting. 
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lazulisong · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post:okay I am feeling old now
I think I vaguely remember this movie from when I was younger. What About Bob? I think? Richard Dreyfuss played a psychologist or something?
it's a very funny movie but it's also rather horrible, so use caution and read a summary first if you have brainweasels
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alyssabethancourt · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post:Maybe I’m doing this whole Tumblr thing wrong, but...
I…don’t notice when I’ve lost followers. It’s a big scary number and I get really freaked out when I see it so I kind of actively avoid that area of the screen. But yes. Weeding out the weak. ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE.
I don't have all that many followers and I don't expect that to change, ever. It's always a shock to me when I have a new one, because I can't imagine why. Surely there can't be that many people out there who want to see a constant stream of nature photos, elfy fashion, feminist anger, outrage over the prevalence of racism and homophobia, Moffat hate, autism talk, unapologetic geeky fandom, writing advice, and a very specific set of mostly British actors, with a mild dose of biromantic asexuality on the side.
More like only the very particularly interested survive.
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angelinthefire · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post “I like how Cas gettin nekkid in the laundromat warranted a place in...”
I like how it was placed to the "release my inner fantasy" or whatever line. I cackled a /lot/.
It was very apt.
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ghostalservice · 10 years
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kate-wisehart replied to your post:And ok so I know most of you aren’t into Stargate...
I will read this thing if you promise to send me any decent Ronon/Teyla brOTP adventure genfic you happen to stumble across. (I didn’t ship anyone on SGA but I bro-shipped R/T SO HARD.)
Honestly, I ship both Ronon/Teyla and John/Rodney as like super hardcore friends who love each other in ways that aren't necessarily sexual, but I'll take fic where they get naked together because that's cool too. But if you EVER come across John/Rodney queerplatonic life partner fic I will bake you a cake.
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prophecydungeon · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post:i have to submit a photo and 2-3 sentences about...
I suppose, “cries over Wash/Maine” isn’t something you can really put on an academic description, so…I dunno, it looks fine to me.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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rcmclachlan · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post:In relation to that post you reblogged about reading fanfiction, all of your fanfiction has been better than a lot published books
This is true, I’ve often thought about printing out and hand-binding my own copies of Named and Solve For X.
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guusana · 10 years
kate-wisehart replied to your post “our currency price plummeted, the american dollar is soaring, and all...”
If it weren't so fucking expensive to sponsor people I'd get you here in a heartbeat. The graphics department for the deco company I work for could use you. Badly. Plus I'd get a guu!
dude i know. if i could i would super work my way to earn my keep but i know that as an immigrant you cant actually work untiil you have been in the country for X amount of time and that sucks because in the meantime you need someone to pay for you life :/
i appreciate the sentiment tho ♥
mariyagami replied to your post “mariyagami replied to your post “our currency price plummeted, the...”
ah, claro. en ML y tiendas argentinas el 35% ya esta calculado, que cagada. Y si, el 35% nos lo deberian devolver si no compramos mas de X cantidad de cosas en foreign currency. Hay que hacer paperwork para eso, q incluye tratar con la AFIP.
en verdad el problema es que si pedis afuera, te garcha la aduana, y si compras aca te garchan los precios osea. no hay forma. todo bien pero no puedo pagar 6 lucas una tableta q sale 250 dolares. y encima la pag de wacom no acepta moneda extranjera....
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theslipperiestbutt · 10 years
kate-wisehart said: There’s like 30000x chili powders here it’s ridiculous. We have so freakin’ many of them in my house, like no joke, something like 20 little assorted bags of various chili powder blends. I hate that I can never remember which one I want.
Are they different varieties of chillies, or different blends of different spices? That seems confusing. I just dump in everything individually, its easier to control the taste I think. Though I'm not exactly a great chef so its not much of an advantage lol. 
Nobody knows the names of any chilli powders (except kashmiri) here! At least not in my family. We just go by color and smell, which is fairly effective if you know what you're looking for, but it drives me crazy that nothing has a proper name. 
I have the strangest conversations on tumblr. In a good way! There just aren't many places I can have simultaneous conversations about chilli powder and (TMI SO SORRY)fingering. 
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