#kate plays christine
jointheamberclub · 10 months
Blood and Guts: Christine Chubbuck, Death and The Voyeur
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i got very personal and slightly more abstract with this post - i decided to write about the two adaptations of Christine Chubbuck's death and life, CHRISTINE (2016) and KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE (2016), and use them to talk about my own fascination death, especially its more shameful elements.
this will probably be the last bit of writing i post this year but i'm very glad i built up the courage to post it.
take a read here
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anki-of-beleriand · 8 months
Bad Liar ch. 17
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - violence - mentios of abused and sexual assault - idiots in love - violence - suggestive themes - drama - angst - fluff - top!reader - dom!reader - bottom!Wanda - switch!Wanda
Author's note: Life is settling down after what happened, America is growing up and ready to face the consequences of what happened. Wanda is letting go of the past while Reader is just being her showing Wanda happiness and love it is possible.
So sorry for the late posting, guys. Life was a little harder this week that what I was used to, and something happened that really got me anxious and a little bit...I mean, I was not in a good place, but hopefully everything is better now and here is the new chapter! Just one chapter to go and this story would be over. I hope you like it because I made it with my heart!
Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 17
The promise of the future
You never thought that going back home would be so difficult for you or even America. The place had been tied up and changed after the incident, with different furniture and painting you had allowed America free reign on her imagination to make the necessary changes into the living room.
The world had not stopped turning around, the news was still rolling on the TV and people were enjoying the weekend of the new year. You stood by your sister's side with a hand on her shoulder, America tensed lowering her gaze furrowing her brows before turning to you.
“What do you want to do?” Her question came with a trembling voice, she sighed, shaking her head while looking away from you.
You turned to look at Wanda's place then back at yours.
“I was thinking about vacations.” You hugged America, winking at her, “we could ask Tony about the cottage he had in Italy.”
America offered a shaky smile, “Italy?”
“Yeah, we could get away from this place for a while and then…get a new house.”
America chuckled, stepping away from you. You waited, ever since the both of you left the hospital America had tried to evade the topic of what had happened while she was under the claws of Agatha and Vision. The young woman scratched the back of her neck, with her eyes sweeping around the front yard. Her teeth playing with her lower lip, her feet taking slow steps towards the front door only to stop midway before turning to you.
“You don’t have to.” She finally said frowning, “it was difficult but not the end of the world, I…Hope offered her help, and I acceded to see a friend of hers that could be of help.”
You nodded curtly taking a few steps closer to her, “you know that even though we grew here we are allowed to leave, right?”
America snorted hugging you tightly, she knew it. She knew you would do everything in your power to make sure she was comfortable and that whatever traumatic event she had gone through could be healed and forgotten. Selling the house and even offering a vacation was your way to make things easier for her, but America had already talked this through with Christine and Hope. She had been scared, but more than that, she had felt powerless to help Kate, to help the twins and even to help Wanda.
“I know that, and perhaps in the future when I go to college you can think about it.” She replied shrugging, “I know you’re dying to get that Villa near Tony’s place, because you had always wanted a huge house with a pool and a bigger playroom.”
Your eyes glistened over with your lips curling into a content smile at the mental image these words evoke in you. America rolled her eyes, but she too could imagine the same; it was something she wouldn’t say no to when the both of you were ready, not because a bad experience marked their lives and they were doing it because of that. She had felt powerless to help the people she loved, but America would be damned if she allowed that man and that freaking woman to govern her decisions from now on.
“I want you to be comfortable, and happy.”
“I know, Y/N, and I am.” America nodded towards the house before pointing a finger at you, “come we need to get everything ready before we pick Wanda and the twins up.”
You watched as your sister went inside the house with the same determination she did everything else. Hope had already told you of the conversation the both of them held while you were unconscious, America had been angered by the whole situation and it took her a while to understand that there was no one else to blame but Vision and Agatha.
Kate had been the one to convince America to go to therapy for a while, just to perhaps let go of the growing fear and darkness the situation itself had created in both of them. You were thankful that America had always surrounded of good friends, and that you had always had someone by your side as well. Everyone seemed understanding, and while the situation was still fresh in your minds, you knew you would be okay.
“Come on, slowpoke!!” America screamed from inside the house, you rolled your eyes and followed her thinking about what would happen once Wanda was out of the hospital.
Wanda glanced at her reflection with a critical eye.
She scowled openly to the bruises around her neck and face, the paleness of her skin and the tiredness behind her eyes. She had spent the first weekend of the year in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to clear her up and sent her home while you and America took care of the twins while coming every day to visit her.
It had been hard.
While you had offered her the best end of the year and had been keeping your word of being by her side. Wanda couldn’t help the nightmares at night, when she was alone with her thoughts and the shadows of the past trying to crawl back inside her heart and mind. She placed a hand on her chest, holding tightly the sudden oppression threatening to cut of the air from her lungs. She clenched her jaw refusing the tears in her eyes, or the thoughts of fear that had creeped out once more. She had tried to hold onto what Hope had been teaching her in the therapy sessions, while also holding onto the bright side of her life.
Billy. Tommy. You. America and her students.
Wanda let out a shaky sigh before turning around and leaving the bathroom, you straightened up offering a half smile while holding up the bag with Wanda’s clothes.
“I put everything away, ready to do laundry duty as soon as we get home.” You walked towards her giving her a once over wiggling your brows, “you look nice.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips curling slightly.
“You’re such a sweet talker,” she leaned in kissing your cheek, “it will get you everywhere.”
You blushed with your mouth hanging opened at the cheeky wink Wanda sent your way stepping out of the room, you snorted running to catch up to her.
The ride home was filled with music; Wanda kept her eyes out of the window watching the world pass rapidly through the window while you drove down the highway before taking the long way home. You caught the small smile adorning Wanda’s lips when you made the right turn, she sighed leaning back against the seat letting her eyes drink into the trees and the forest surrounding the road while watching the blue sky right above her head.
Wanda knew she needed to get home, Billy and Tommy were waiting for her. And life had to keep going, but something inside her stirred with fear and memory. She tried to keep away the words Vision had said to her, the feeling of his breath and hand on her, everything that the man had imprinted on her. Wanda clenched her eyes closed trying to erase those memories while replacing them with the beautiful sight in front of her, and the songs playing on the radio.
You creased your brows noticing the sudden change in Wanda, your eyes glanced at the road lighting up when you caught side of the road sign you usually dismissed when driving down that highway. You looked through the mirror before turning left, Wanda frowned turning to you slightly confused.
“Where are we going?” She asked softly, you smiled at her driving just a little faster until there was only one single road taking you deeper into a forestry area.
“You will see.”
Wanda opened her mouth to reply, her heart almost leaving her chest when she realised you made a turn she was not familiar with. For a brief moment she thought how foolish she had been. As long as she was with you everything would be fine, but the memories were not so easy to dismiss and she decided that at the moment she needed the comfort your warm stare usually brought to her.
The driving didn’t take far too long, soon you were turning left then right and then another right until you drove into an open space leading to a great cliff. Wanda opened her eyes glancing at the open sky with growing clouds approaching the city, she leaned forward until she saw the sight of the big city down into the valley. You stopped the car turning off the engine while resting comfortably on the seat, your lips drawing a small smile.
“Is this the place you used to bring your girlfriends?” Wanda asked at your side, you couldn’t help but laugh shaking your head.
“No, I never brought anyone here.” You confessed shrugging, “this was my little secret, I used to come here to think from time to time. Just me, it was comforting. I thought you may appreciate it.”
There was something stirring with deep affection in Wanda’s heart, the young woman snuggled on the car seat this time around turning completely so she could face you while still have her eyes take into the amazing view spreading before them.
“I don't know how to continue,” she all but whispered to you, her eyes glistening with the deepest of her emotions flickering in her green eyes, “I keep on thinking of my mistakes, the secrets I kept…I should have told you the dangers he posed to me and you.”
Silence filled the car, your eyes never leaving the sky above your heads. You pressed your lips together, your hands resting on the wheel, playing a soft tapping with your mind working on what to say. Wanda closed her eyes, looking away from you the afternoon falling slowly with the tension building up around the both of you.
“One day at a time, Wands, there is nothing much we can do.” You shrugged, lowering your head, still looking everywhere but at Wanda, “I didn't expect you to tell me everything right away, but I suspected as much. This was not your fault, Wanda. And this doesn't mean I love you any less.”
The word love rolled out of your tongue with such an easiness, Wanda couldn’t help but gasp with her eyes opening wide and her lower lip trembling slightly. You snorted shaking your head while leaning in your face just a few centimetres away from hers.
“You’re not used to hearing such words, are you?”
Wanda leaned closer, her eyes fluttering close for a moment before she allowed your eyes to lock with hers. You lifted a tentative hand to cup her face, tenderness was quite evident in your features and Wanda allowed the warmth of your body to bring a soothing calmness she was not familiar with.
“I love you, Wanda.” You whispered only for her to engrave those words in her heart, “perhaps it is too soon, but for some reason, I just love you. I feel in love with you, and I don’t think there is nothing I can do against my feelings for you but make sure you feel loved, the way you deserved to be loved.”
Wanda swallowed down her words and tears, she offered a tentative smile before closing the gap between the both of you her lips dancing shyly with yours. Her heart beating fast, almost escaping her ribcage while she melted under your hands; you didn’t need to say anything else for her to know you certainly did love her. And she knew soon she would be ready to say those same words to you.
“It will take time, but you will heal.” You winked at her, your fingertips brushing against her cheek and jawline until your brows creased finding the marks on her neck.
“Some marks take time to…fade away.” Wanda mumbled slightly mortified by her wounds, she tried to lean back and hide away from you until her breath caught on her throat with her eyes growing big and her body tensing completely.
She felt the contact of your forehead against hers, the gesture was comforting and it made her experience an emotion she was not completely familiar with. Wanda’s heart fluttered affectionately surrendering to your gaze. She opened her lips ready to speak, but her words got tangled in her throat leaving her unable to express what she really wanted. What she really felt.
It didn't matter, though.
You were still there offering the same reassuring smile, and the same comforting touch. Wanda had to wonder how you did it, how was it possible for you to offer so much without asking for anything in exchange.
“We never got to have the date I planned.” Wanda said all of a sudden, you leaned back with amusement gleaming in your eyes.
“That's right,” you cocked your head wiggling your eyebrows, “and I got curious about it, what did you have planned?”
Wanda dipped her head with her lips curling into a tender smile, she straightened up on the seat glancing outside the window. 
“It's a secret, I guess I just have to plan it all over again so we can go.” Wanda sighed, still looking away from you. “Of course, if you want to…I mean, if you still want to go out. With me.”
The last part was said in a broken whisper, Wanda shifted on the seat creasing her brows while making sure her eyes were glancing at the city. The light of the day was soon fading away, and the city was starting to light up the artificial lights. 
“I would love nothing more than to go out with you, Wanda.” You replied with a tender smile on your lips, Wanda shivered trying to smile at you but failing.
The old insecurities were still there and you knew the work Wanda had done in the last couple of months had been shaken but the recent events. You could see her self-doubt, her uncertainty and the lost stare she gained after leaving the hospital. The bruises were pretty much visible at the moment, the pain was still pulsating through her body and Wanda was just trying to hold onto her sanity and her own determination to not fall into desperation. 
You lifted a hand slowly, your eyes seeking out those green eyes of Wanda. After a moment of hesitation, Wanda finally lifted her face looking at you expectantly. Her eyes flickered to your hand, then to your face.
“I was thinking…” Wanda winced, her throat sore and dried bringing discomfort to her voice.
You let your arm lifted for a moment before dropping it to the side to grab the bottle of water you brought early in the day.
“Thank you.” She mumbled almost dropping the bottle of water when you tenderly brush the spot on her neck. 
Her breath caught on her throat, trembling lightly with a mixture of emotions tingling through her body. Her face heated up, following with your eyes the movements of your arms and your own expression while mapping out the dark bruises on her neck. 
“Y/N…” your name left her lips tenderly, with some uncertainty that called your attention.
You frowned, stopping any movement from your hand, your eyes flickering from the bruises to her face.
“I'm sorry, did it bother you? I just…”
“No, no it's just…”
You broke into an easy smile that Wanda returned without losing her blush. She bit her lower lip, without any doubt behind her gestures she grabbed your hand placing it on the left side of her neck. 
“You surprised me, that's all.” Wanda sighed looking away for a moment before continuing. “I'm not used to such tenderness.”
You tensed lightly, your eyes flashing with anger before they softened lightly. Wanda offered a crooked smile, this time around she let go of your hand embracing herself.
“With you, everything is…different and sometimes I just can't believe this is happening.”
“May I try something out?” You asked suddenly, Wanda narrowed her eyes at the sudden flush showing on our face. Your fingertips trembled, with your lips pressed together while your eyes travelled from her face to her neck then back again.
“What are you going to do?” Wanda couldn't help the tone of wariness and curiosity; she tilted her head and your eyes gleamed strangely falling on her neck.
“Just something to show you how you should be treated, how you should be cherished.”
It was the husky tone behind your words what made Wanda tremble, she swallowed down her trepidation with a tingling void taking home in her abdomen. 
You waited patiently, your fingertips never leaving the soft skin of Wanda's neck. For a moment, Wanda just thought of her possibilities, of what exactly you were planning. Then her eyes went to your own bruises, to the wound on your hand and arm and she softened lightly. If there was anyone she trusted more than herself, that was you.
“Okay, you…you can try it, would I…I mean, is it dangerous?” 
You snickered, shaking your head, this time around there was a glint of mischief in your eyes. Wanda felt her stomach do a flip, and soon she let out a gasp while her hands clenched into a fist with her eyes fluttering close to the sensations you were creating with your mouth.
She never imagined you would lean in to place your lips on her pulse point, nor that you would start leaving open-mouthed kisses that went to draw the marks left on her neck. Wanda was not sure what to do with her hands, her body went rigid but her lower stomach and her heart were tingling over with an emotion she was not familiar with. 
You let your lips mapped out her skin, brushing lightly while letting your free hand cup her face tenderly. You wished to let Wanda know she was loved that not all touches directed at her were meant to harm or to mark, that she deserved the tenderness you were trying to show. 
You didn’t know what got into you, the only thing you knew for certain was that Wanda needed love, she needed to understand how wonderful she was. How she deserved happiness, and that no number of wounds or injuries from her past should get in the way of her new life. And thus, without any thoughts in your mind you leaned in to kiss away her neck your lips dancing tentatively on the bruised skin.
Wanda trembled under your touch, she let her hands wrapped around your arms her lips parting slightly while her body ignited with a fire she was no familiar with. Just as you started you finished it, leaning back with your heart hammering against your chest, your cheeks flustered and a timid smile adorning your lips.
Wanda was not in a better state, she was trembling with her face completely red and her breathing erratic. She could not hide her lust, nor the complete affection those green eyes shot at you as soon as she opened them.
You opened your mouth to speak, but whatever you were going to say was cut short by Wanda kissing you harshly. You welcomed her in your arms, allowing the passion she was trying to contain while kissing her back with the same need she was showing.
The afternoon finally gave way to the night, and while you allowed Wanda the control of the kiss you could feel her tears wetting your face. Until she could not continue and allowed herself the relief of your arms, unable to say what she had been trying to tell you for a very long time.
I love you.
Wanda held onto the blanket, her eyes dancing around her room while the silver light of the moon sneaked into the room. 
The nightmare was still fresh in her mind, the shadows of the past haunting her in her sleep. Wanda let out a sigh putting the blankets away before sitting up, she was no longer tired and sleep was not an option, her eyes fell on her mobile showing the hour.
4 a.m.
The silence of the early hours of the day was deafening to her ears, Wanda turned around and decided a trip to the kitchen was a good idea. She put on some sweatpants, a hoodie and left her room with the memory of her nightmare dancing around in her mind.
The morning came with light snowing, the new year had come and gone bringing with it a world of possibilities Wanda never thought possible before. She grabbed the mug tightly around her hands, her eyes watching the snowflakes fall on her backyard. 
Wanda blew some steam out of her mug, her mind soon bringing over the memories of the day before. Your words, your smile, your touches; last day she had experienced a deep affection and protectiveness she had never felt before. The passion you had ignited in her with your kisses and your tenderness had made her soul tremble with want, but she had not dared to move forward and confessed what you had done so freely.
I love you. I'm in love with you.
Wanda couldn't help the smile breaking at the memory, without a single doubt she felt the veracity of those words whenever she was close to you. Whenever you went with her, or helped her children, or you simply were yourself. 
The young woman wished she could say it back to you, that she wasn't so afraid to be open and confessed the love she was feeling for you. Wanda wished things were easier, but she was still afraid. She had failed not only once, but twice and now that she was freed of her past, she was afraid of messing up a third time.
“You couldn't sleep either?” America crossed her arms putting the heavy coat closer to her body, she glanced at Wanda from her yard not really sure if her presence would be welcomed by the older woman.
Wanda glanced at America with eyes wide open, she tilted her head shrugging lightly.
“Not really.” Wanda all but replied with an effort, she hesitated for a moment before adding, “I have a nightmare.”
America made a face nodding, “yeah, me too.”
Wanda could see the indecision in America's face, she lifted her mug before patting the spot beside her. America tilted her head and for that moment Wanda could see the same gesture you did when you were weighing your options. The young woman turned to her house before stepping closer and moving past the side door to Wanda's yard. 
The snow kept on falling, America sat down furrowing her brows while watching at the sky. She could feel the eyes of Wanda on her, and the memory of her harsh words resounded in her mind. Before going to you, America had made sure to share her thoughts with the redhead, she made sure to let Wanda know America was not happy with what had happened. 
“I'm sorry.” America finally said huffing while turning to the shocked woman. 
America shifted on the spot furrowing her brows.
“Back in the hospital I just…I was stressed out, and finding out about this man and my sister, I was…”
“I know, I understand.” Wanda replied, placing a tentative hand on top of America's one. “You don't have to apologise.”
America shook her head frowning deeply, “but I do! Look I was unfair, when I was trapped in my house and then when I got to the hospital, I was partially blaming you for everything.”
Wanda winced ready to speak but America was firm on her explanation. She put her hand on top of Wanda's making sure to be as open as she could with her expressions.
“Y/N is the only family I have left, and I love her dearly. She has sacrificed so much for me, I just couldn't bear the thought of her suffering or losing her in any way.” America huffed, shaking her head with her eyes taking in the visible wounds on the woman before her.
“I never thought how much you and Billy and Tommy suffered all this time.” America confessed; Wanda tensed not wanting to interrupt America in the middle of her rant. “And after I got to see him, and everything I heard afterwards. I was not fair to you, I'm sorry I screamed at you and…that I was mad for something you couldn't control.”
Wanda shook her head offering a tiny smile to the young woman sitting beside her.
“There is nothing to be sorry for, America, I understand why you did it and I never hold it against you.” Wanda huffed, turning to see the snow fall, “I'm also sorry you and Kate had to live that, I wish things had been different. That he…”
America nodded curtly, and Wanda just shrugged.
“I guess right now he is where he must be, and he won't be hurting me or my children or even you and your sister anytime soon.” Wanda took a long sip from her tea, she glanced at the clear beverage before offering some to America.
The young woman grabbed the mug in her hands, she placed her elbows on her knees shivering lightly while glancing at the frozen ground.
“You really make my sister happy; you know?” She whispered pursing her lips a little.
“She makes me happy, and sometimes I just think I don’t deserve it.” Wanda cleared her throat wincing lightly when the old pain came bothering her again, “I never got to take her out, you know?”
“I know, I bet she would have loved the date you planned out for her.”
“You think so?” Wanda inquired with a hint of doubt in her voice, America nodded enthusiastically her lips curling lightly.
“You guys should really try it this time around, I mean now that everything is back to…” America was about to say normal, but the truth was nothing was normal anymore. Things were different, but they didn’t feel normal.
Wanda leaned back with hint of determination gleaming in her green eyes, she smiled lightly nodding to herself.
“Then, you should help me out.” Wanda turned to America who had her brows raised and eyes slightly opened. “I mean, I will have to plan it all over again, but this time around I want it to be perfect for her, I want to…”
Wanda didn’t finish her thought, but for America there was no need to. America could see the affection there as well as the will to offer you a perfect date. Silence fell between the both of them, no more words were needed it and America could see how little by little her family had grown in such a small amount of time.
She wished upon the falling snow for everything to finally fall into place and happiness to be possible again.
This time around, she also wished for Wanda, Tommy and Billy to be part of that happiness and to allow you and her to be part of that family.
Time passed slowly with the recovery of the wounds and the unstoppable meetings with Hope.
Wanda realized the nightmares were back, and she had to face the ghost of her past and her present while finally speaking about what had happened during those hours in which Vision had come back to her life. Hope was always patient, telling the young woman that the progressed she had made was still there but that the current fear and uncertainty she was feeling was just natural and in a matter of time she would let go and move on.
Wanda wished it was easier, and faster.
As of late being closer to you had been easier yet allowing you a single touch was difficult to experience. A part of her, the one that sound eery familiar, told her she didn’t deserve your affection much less the tenderness behind your touch. Wanda was afraid that her insecurities would finally push you away and she would be like at the beginning, alone.
“You have to be patience as well, Wanda,” Hope tilted her head smiling softly at her, “Y/N would never get tired of showing you her affection, and she knows and understands what you and your children are going through. You have told me of the conversations you both held regarding this situation.”
“Yes, but I just…” Wanda passed a hand through her hair, she turned to the window watching as the cold sun of winter sneaked through the clouds, “I’m just afraid she will get tired eventually, that I won’t be able to change this.”
Here she pointed to her chest, clenching her fist while growling lowly. Hope observed the young woman for a very long time, this was not a new discussion and in the last two weeks had been the main topic around their sessions.
“How is going with the planning of the date? Have you gotten what you need?” Hope asked trying to divert the topic to something that would ignite the flames of hopefulness in Wanda.
Wanda stopped her frustration giving way to a tender smile, her eyes softened nodding lightly.
“Yes, actually this time around I got America and her friends helping me out with the planning,” Wanda chuckled taking a seat, “they really are good teens, and I just need to pay the last part and I will be able to finally get her to the date I promise.”
“She will love it, you know that, right?”
“You think so?” Wanda pursed her lips resting her chin on her hand, “America told me she really loved this, and I just…God, she had been so good to me and my children, and I just…”
Hope waited for Wanda to continue but the other woman merely trailed off shrugging. Wanda wanted to be perfect for you, she wanted to make sure that what she was doing for you was enough to let you see how much she loved you. Wanda wanted to make sure that she was the right person for you, that in this new adventure she was enough.
“You are enough.” Hope commented offhandedly, ignoring the stare coming from Wanda, “but you need to start believing it yourself and giving yourself the chance to experience this.”
“I know.” She mumbled letting her hand rubbed her neck, “I’m really trying, you know? I don’t want this to consume the time I could spend with my children, with Y/N and with my new friends.”
Hope shrugged offering a comforting smile, “we have seen your efforts, Wanda. Don’t sell yourself short because this is not moving at the speed you want it, be patient and persistent. That’s the secret.”
Wanda sighed breaking into an easy smile when her eyes fell on her mobile and a new message appeared on the screen. Hope chuckled recognizing the name, and her eyes went to the clock on the wall. Right on time.
“I guess this is it for today, isn’t it?” Hope said chuckling when Wanda nodded putting the mobile away.
“I don’t know how to thank you for your help.” Wanda stood up waiting until Hope got to her to wrap her into a comforting hug.
“Nonsense. At the end of the day, Wanda, you are my friend as well and the important thing is for you to be and to feel safe.” Hope winked at her nodding to the door. “Now go, I bet they are waiting for you.”
Wanda nodded turning around and leaving the practice. Hope shook her head making her way towards the window where she could see you were standing right on the sidewalk with Tommy and Billy by your side grinning widely holding some posters on their hands. Wanda put a hand on her mouth, laughing before hugging her children while leaning into your embrace as well. Hope smiled tenderly watching the scene with fondness, you really were pretty much in love with the woman and your every action was to ensure her happiness.
Time was all you and her needed. Of that, Hope was completely sure.
The cold of winter came crashing against Wanda, but whatever coldness she was experimenting was soon forgotten when the warm of your hug and the arms of her children engulfed her completely.  She couldn’t help but smile when you planted a single kiss on her lips, and her children snickered calling out to her with posters in their hands.
“What are you guys doing here?” Wanda took the first poster that Billy had made, it was a drawing of their home decorated with many toys and colours representing her, Tommy, America and even Y/N.
“Y/N thought you missed us, and we decided to come and invite you to some snacks.” Tommy said also presenting Wanda with his own drawing. “And, she said you need support.”
“And thus, they did this for you.” You continued grinning, “this is mine, but of course not as good as theirs.”
In your you had written a single declaration of beauty and love in Sokovian, Wanda softened at the words and the drawings not being able to take her smile off of her face. She breathed softly when your lips found hers, her laughter breaking the moment when she heard Tommy and Billy making gagging sounds.
“Ugh, no, mommy!” Billy grabbed Wanda by her hand shaking his head, “come on!! I’m hungry!”
“Me too!”
You chuckled wiggling your brows while winking at Wanda, “come, America is waiting for us and then, once we have them distracted I will kiss you again.”
Wanda flushed but she decided she wouldn’t wait, instead of letting you go she grabbed you by your hand and placed a singe kiss on your lips. You blinked away your shock, while the twins merely snickered covering their mouths.
“Now, where are you taking me guys?”
“We’re going to the park!” The twins screamed running towards the car, you smiled at Wanda who merely blinked confused at you.
“The amusement park.” You clarified scratching the back of your head, “they have this new carnival and I thought you guys would like it.”
Wanda let her eyes wandered to her children then back at you, her heart shrank under your stare and the innocent happiness behind her children. She nodded stretching her hand to grab your right hand in hers.
“We’ve never been to one, so I’m pretty sure we would love it.”
“Good, then let’s go!”
The park was located it in the southern part of the city.
Winter was the perfect time to bring forth the ice-skating rinks, the place was filled with families and friends enjoying the falling afternoon light and the bright lights from the different attractions. Wanda felt her heart jumped anxiously when she lost sight of Tommy and Billy only to see them talking animatedly with Kate and America.
It didn’t take too long for her to see the familiar faces of her students, and some of your friends walking around the place while sharing a good time. You intertwined your fingers with hers, smiling softly at her while leading her to the closest food stand. You glanced around seeing as America shook her head while negotiating with the twins, Wanda leaned closer to you offering the same tender smile she reserved for you.
“This is amazing.”
“You liked it?” You asked softly, Wanda nodded squeezing your hand reassuringly.
“I do.”
“Good, I was thinking of doing something different with you and the twins, I know as of late you have been stressing out and they haven’t slept well.” You lowered your gaze to the menu, sensing as Wanda tensed by your side.
“You knew?” She turned to America then back at you, your lips broke into a crooked smile shrugging.
“I suspect as much.” You sighed pointing at the combo for a hot dog and soda, “this one look fine, what do you say?”
“It has been difficult but, nothing we can’t deal with.” Her tone of voice had improved since new year, but sometimes you could catch the scratching of her throat and the fading wound Vision had left on her.
“You know I’m here for you and the twins, don’t you?” You faced the young woman, this time around forgetting all about the food and focusing your attention on Wanda.
Wanda shifted letting go of your hand, she felt the cold breeze of the afternoon sneaked inside her clothing. She shivered missing the warmness your hand was providing, though if she were to be honest with herself, it wasn’t your hand. It was you. All of you.
“I know.” Wanda lowered her gaze, her arms wrapping around herself. “Sometimes it’s just difficult for me to know…to actually realise I’m not alone. And that…”
She trailed off when a young man came from behind the counter asking for your order. Wanda observed with care just as you asked for her favourites, while also making sure to ask for Billy and Tommy’s favourites. You knew them so well, Wanda wondered why she had never noticed how attentive you were, how much you knew about them without any difficulties.
You need to let go, and give yourself a chance.
Wanda had already had this conversation before, and she had already fought over with herself against the uncertainty that these new emotions and this new relationship might bring to her life. With a softening heart she sneaked her arm around yours leaning closer to you, you lifted your brows surprised by the gesture but smiling smugly at her closeness.
“Which one is your favourite?” Wanda asked all of a sudden, you furrowed your brows pursing your lips before speaking.
“I like it spicy; you know? No pineapple because, yuck,” Wanda chuckled taking into your every word, “and I like all the sauces I can get my hands on.”
“So basically, a hot dog that may kill you in the near future or get you an upset tummy?” Wanda commented shaking her head, you rolled your eyes shrugging.
“Come on, is not that bad!!”
Wanda snorted but she could not say anything else for Billy and Tommy came right there, both of them were quite excited talking at the same time pointing to a different set of attractions they wanted to try over. You smiled fondly just as Wanda tried to negotiate with her children, America chuckled lifting her arms when both of them pointed to her while pouting. Soon the food was brought over, and you decided it was time for you to intervene.
“Okay, okay, I have a proposal!” Everyone turned to you, your good arm lifting above your head before pointing with your head the table filled with food. “We are going to eat first, then we will go to the Carousel, then we will move onto the bumper cars.”
Billy and Tommy cheered high fiving while hugging you with smiles on their faces, Wanda chewed on her lower lip glancing at those rides before turning to you. You winked at her leaning forward while lifting a single finger.
“Then, we will go to the Ferris Wheel to see the lights show from the park, okay?”
“Yes!” The twins then proceed to drag you to the table eager to start eating and go to the different attractions.
Wanda and America stayed behind grabbing napkins and helping with the beverages.
“They really are happy.” Wanda stated glancing at her children then back at America.
“They really are, are you?”
“I am.” Wanda shrugged smiling softly, Kate came right at that moment helping around while turning to Wanda.
“My mom just called me, she told me everything is ready and that if you confirmed her right now she would get everything ready for Friday.” Kate grinned when Wanda opened her eyes excitedly.
“You mean it?”
“Yep, I know Y/N would love her so…”
“You just have to say the word.” America pressed over smiling as well. Wanda turned to you where you were sitting with the twins helping them around while also allowing them to help you with the food.
Wanda felt her heart beat a tad bit faster, shrinking with pure emotion at the familiar scene she had gotten to witness in the last couple of weeks. She turned to the two teens nodding excitedly.
“Yes, tell her I take it.”
America squealed excitedly hugging Wanda before turning to an equally excited Kate.
“She is going to love it, you will see.”
Wanda surely hoped so, for the only thing in her mind was to make sure you also experience the love, affection and happiness she had felt with you from the moment the both of you met. From the moment, the both of you gave the friendship a chance to grow into something else.
Wanda Maximoff had never had such a wonderful time before.
She was dragged by you or America or even her children around the park to try the different attractions. She got to experience the adrenaline of the roller coaster, while also gave in the excitement of the bumper cars while laughing alongside you.
You were by her side at all times, without being overwhelming it was as if you knew what it was she needed and you were right there to make sure she got it. Wanda admired the easiness in which you and the twins soon found a common ground and they sought you out for comfort or confirmation of what to do next.
Whatever doubts that came after the incident, or whatever reluctance Wanda felt when around you were soon forgotten and she just gave in standing by your side with a beating heart and a tingling body whenever you brushed your hand against hers or your lips found hers when alone.
In the end, and after going through all the different stands holding games with prizes everyone ended up on the Ferry Wheel.
“Come on guys, you can go first.” You nodded to your sister and Kate, winking lightly while America just rolled her eyes.
“Let us take Billy and Tommy…” Kate started but you shook your head placing your right hand on her shoulder.
“No, this is for you guys, go and snog my sister when you get to the highest point,” you chuckled when Kate blushed looking away while America looked mortified, “you guys have been taken them with you most of the day, so it’s only fair. Go.”
Wanda was standing back with Billy and Tommy furrowing her brows when, after a moment of discussion America and Kate finally went inside one of the passenger cars. You stepped back joining Wanda who was trying to hold back the twins that were waving happily at America and Kate.
“I think we shouldn’t eat those candy apples,” Wanda snickered when the twins talked amongst themselves excitedly.
“Oh, come on, those are quite delicious, and I don’t mind them being this hyperactive.”
“You don’t?” Wanda blinked a couple of times stepping forward, waiting until the car stopped and the door was opened for you and the others to go in.
“No, I actually think it’s kinda cute.” You blinked at her before calling for Billy.
“Come here, little guy, you’re sitting with me, and Tommy is sitting with Wanda.” You pinned them with your eyes, your face transforming into a mask of pure seriousness. “I need you to be well-behaved because while this is fun, we need to make sure it is also safe, okay?”
“Yes, Y/N.” Both of them said at the same time, Wanda cocked her head lifting a single eyebrow impressed.
Soon the ride started with classical music playing through the speakers, you looked outside with Billy pointing out the different spots. You leaned forward answering his questions, while also telling him and Tommy about a past you had experienced with America and your parents. Wanda leaned back hearing the sound of your voice and the question of her children while taking in the scene.
“Woah, look mommy!! This is so pretty!” Tommy said pointing right outside the car where the lights show was being played near the skate rink.
“It is, it looks really pretty.” Wanda mumbled glancing at you and noticing you had your eyes on her.
“It is just beautiful.” You replied as well, smiling tenderly at her before turning your attention back to the outside world.
“This is the best day ever, Y/N, thank you.” Billy said softly turning to you and giving you a tight hug.
You returned the hug softening your features while feeling your heart skipped a beat under the display of affection from the little boy.
“I’m glad you like it, Billy.” Your voice was loud enough for him, Tommy and Wanda to hear you out, “I just want to make you enjoy the beautiful things in life, if you guys allow me to do so, I will be more than happy to show you the world.”
Wanda wrapped her arms around Tommy, shaking her head while her eyes filled with tears.
“How about you let us show you also the beautiful and fun things in life, and we share those experiences with one another?” Wanda replied glancing at you, the silent invitation there.
You chuckled nodding, “I would love that.”
Wanda nodded turning again to the world outside the passenger car, her heart leaping with happiness at the moment she was living with you and the twins. Suddenly, in the midst of such peaceful moment Wanda came to the realisation that everything she needed, whatever she had been looking for was just there, sitting right across her loving her children and her without asking nothing in return.
And for that, she loved you without any reservations.
For that, she promised herself to make sure you were happy, the way you were making her and her children happy.
Final chapter: The date Wanda planned finally comes to be, there will be smut, and happily ever after.
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in-the-moodboard · 2 months
Bat fanfic recommendations
Bruce Wayne - Venn Bruce by icarus_chained
General Audiences - J'onn J'onzz/Bruce Wayne; Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne; Clark Kent/Lois Lane; Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne; Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne; Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne
In a quiet moment, in bed with his lover, Bruce considers the sum of his parts, the people who had helped shape it.
Kate Kane - If I Never Tell You by LesbianArsenal
Teen And Up Audiences - Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane
Kate Kane isn't used to being flustered, but she finds herself exactly that every time she's in the presence of a certain Amazonian Princess. Who wouldn't be, she justifies. But when a demonic threat enters Gotham, she starts seeing more of Wonder Woman, and much more of the woman behind that title.
Bette Kane - hate to see you like a monster by flamebirds
General Audiences - Bette Kane & Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe; Tim Drake & Bette Kane; Duela Dent & Bette Kane
The Joker's Daughter has kidnapped Huntress and there has only ever been one person that Batwoman would turn to.
Damian Wayne - Damian Wayne v. The World by superstar_socrates
Teen And Up Audiences - Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne; Duke Thomas & Damian Wayne; Cassandra Cain & Damian Wayne; Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi & Damian Wayne; Alfred Pennyworth & Damian Wayne; Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne; Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne's second semester at Gotham Academy begins by being roped into playing the titular character of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Meanwhile, Batman and Robin come to a horrifying realization regarding a series of murder victims.
Barbara Gordon - Being Wanted (The Aggravated Assault Remix) by Mara
Teen And Up Audiences
Oracle gets a little tired of being on call.
Jean-Paul Valley - in space (all I think about is you & me) by KathrynShadow
General Audiences - Luke Fox/Jean-Paul Valley
It starts out as a tickle at the back of his neck, the Azrael armor’s contacts embedded in his nervous system reacting to his new suit detecting something.
Cassandra Cain - do I dare disturb the universe? by Hinn_Raven
Teen And Up Audiences - Cassandra Cain/Christine Montclair; Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain; Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne; Cassandra Cain & Duke Thomas
Cassandra Cain was falling, and there were stars. When she landed, she found herself stranded in a universe where there never was a Batman. Good thing that she’s a detective.
Tim Drake - to find a town where we can live by batwitches (goodwitches)
Teen And Up Audiences - Tim Drake & Dick Grayson; Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
“Tim, do you want to go home?” And his little brother, all scathing wit and teenage nonchalance, replies, “Don’t ask me that,” and walks out the kitchen door without looking Dick in the eyes. A seventeen-year-old Tim Drake leaves Gotham in the rearview mirror, catches a bus to New York, and moves into his brother's shitty Hell's Kitchen apartment. It's hard to be an adult when you've never been a kid.
Stephanie Brown- These Twists and Turns of Fate by Hinn_Raven
General Audiences - Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain; Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake; Harper Row/Carrie Kelley; Stephanie Brown & Harper Row; Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd; Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne; Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain; Stephanie Brown & Crystal Brown; Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake
To be born is to exist, but to live is something else entirely. Stephanie Brown falls apart, and pulls herself back together.
Helena Bertinelli - Robins are an Invasive Species by Havendance
General Audiences - Helena Bertinelli & Tim Drake; Tim Drake & Dick Grayson; Helena Bertinelli & Barbara Gordon; Jack Drake & Tim Drake
Team up with a teen vigilante once and you'll never get rid of him again. Helena didn't sign up for any of this.
Dick Grayson - soft clocks by dustorange
General Audiences - Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne; Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne; Dick Grayson & Tiger
Side effects of being revived by Lex Luthor may include amnesia, going undercover into a high-level espionage agency, not recognizing your family, fighting your family, and dealing with the emotional weight and guilt associated with encountering said family. Ask your doctor if being revived by Lex Luthor is right for you.
Jason Todd - YOU MUST KNOW LIFE TO KNOW DECAY. by orpheusaki
Not Rated - Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne; Dick Grayson & Jason Todd; Jason Todd & Willis Todd; Catherine Todd & Jason Todd; Catherine Todd/Willis Todd
Bruce starts, eyes glaring down at the city and unwilling to look anywhere else, especially in Jason's direction, "You always… hated the rain." Jason's breath gets caught in his throat. (For as long as Jason can remember, it's always been raining.)
Duke Thomas - and you breathe, sunshine, for you're not alone by Aelig
Teen And Up Audiences - Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas
"There’s a knocking sound against the window frame. “Hey,” the vigilante says softly, and Duke immediately takes a breath only to choke on it. “Robin,” Duke stammers out, and it comes out with a sob." OR: in which Dick and Duke meet years before, and it doesn't really change anything, except for a little bit of comfort.
Mia Mizoguchi - MAPPING out Neo-Gotham (Eh? Get it?) by theycallme_ook
General Audiences - Terry McGinnis & Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi
"Mia! You were in the clock this whole time?" cried Kyle, running to check on his baby sister. "I was in the future!" Maps responded eagerly, waving off his concern. "It was--will be?--preeeetty goooood!"
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anhed-nia · 1 month
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I remembered the oddity of two different movies simultaneously appearing about Christine Chubbuck, who notoriously committed suicide during a live news broadcast, and I remember the Rebecca Hall movie quite well--I've seen it more than once and I admire it--but I couldn't quite recall whether I had seen the documentary. I'm not even sure if I can use the word "documentary" to describe the film about Kate Lyn Sheil preparing to play Chubbuck in a movie that is fictional; that is, it only exists within the confines of KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE which, despite real interviews with real people about a real event, is a total contrivance whose goal is to interrogate tabloid journalism and the delusion that we can ever know the "authentic self" of a public figure. I think that's what the filmmakers have said, anyway, although I'm not sure the message is always so skillfully delivered. I mean, I don't get the sense that the casting of Kate Lyn Sheil is supposed to be ironic, even though she seems almost uniquely unqualified for the role, down to the fact that her mousy little voice is barely up to the challenge of a mild argument let alone the professional skill of anchoring a news program. But I think the hardest thing for me about this meta-movie is that it starts to feel like there are only two options in addressing a story like Chubbuck's: you can either reduce her to a string of ignorant, sexist cliches for maximum entertainment value (obviously bad), or you can accept that she is essentially unknowable. And frankly, I think the Rebecca Hall movie proves that there is a middle ground where you can perform thoughtful experiments with empathy.
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Like no, of course no sensationalistic news item should be treated like the whole truth about someone, but KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE is overloaded with people spitballing about why Christine killed herself in a way that only serves to remind you that if you are seriously depressed and all your dreams are falling apart in your hands and you cannot trust or respect the world around you...well, then you really might be as alone as you feel, because no matter how loudly you shout what your problem is, the non-depressed majority will never, ever understand you. Worse than that, they might make a whole movie that makes you sound kind of shallow and ungrateful and maladjusted, where they all reassure each other that there is just no way to relate to you. I think it's a big problem that the narrative of depression is so often told by outsiders who ultimately don't really get it, although I don't know what solution to propose other than that people should try harder to listen to each other. Or at least admit that they're operating without much imagination for other people's feelings.
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Maybe I'm overstating things because I find what we know (or think we know, yeah yeah) about Christine Chubbuck really easy to understand, and relatable to a not insignificant degree. And KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE just reminded me that if I were to ever reach an extreme conclusion about my life, I could almost be sure that whoever survived me wouldn't have much to say about it except that it was selfish and irrational and any testimony that I left behind is impossible to take seriously. Like the Rebecca Hall movie might not be the TRUTH-truth, but it makes a pretty thoughtful, educated attempt to interpret things, and I don't feel there's anything wrong with that. I keep thinking about this David Sedaris essay that somebody described to me, that I haven't even read so yeah there's another layer of manipulated reportage for you, but it stuck with me: Five of the Sedaris children used to torment the sixth mercilessly, and despite the amount of detail David gives about that, he still manages to act confused about why the bullied sibling turned out all messed up and suicidal, unlike the other kids who made the most of their opportunities in life. David Sedaris may well be an unsympathetic egomaniac, but in my experience it really does happen that someone is not doing well and absolutely all of the evidence is out in the open, and the public and alleged loved ones of that person are happy to talk about their suffering like it is just incomprehensible and possibly even worth shitting on. So yeah, sorry to be a bummer on this beautiful Sunday afternoon but maybe the ultimate reason not to kill yourself is that no one will ever get it no matter what you say or do, and they might even be rude about it after you're gone.
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PS I have no idea how much good these things actually do, but I feel like I might as well put one of the many helplines out there at the end here:
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
Helloo christine! happy holidays i love love love your blog it definitely is a blessing in my life. do u happen to know any good longish fics where stiles saves the hales from kate or even derek from paige’s death. Ive read Daybreak by obsidianquill and starcanopus and im dyyiiinggg i need more. Thanks in advance hope you have a great new year
Hey! Maybe these ones.
Daybreak by TheObsidianQuill | 70.3K | Mature
The pack was gone. He had nothing left. He had no one. With nothing to lose, Stiles puts everything on the line to go back in time to try to prevent the future from becoming his past. Broken, guarded, and haunted by his past, only one overgrown-pup of a wolf seems able to get past his defenses. Changing the future? Easy. Finding a place for himself in the Hale Pack? Impossible.
Find A Way by LLN3dseestheLight | 25.1K | Mature
Kate Argent came back to Beacon Hills and slaughter the Pack. Only Stiles and Lydia survived for the moment but thanks to Peter Hale they have a way to change that...by doing something very stupid.
A Time Travel spell... If it works... And it does in a way... but it also sent them to another reality as well.
Play It Again by metisket | 63.2K
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
Spook: A Ghostly Love Story in Three Parts by zosofi | 38.1K
Derek is fifteen when he dies. He's been fifteen for six years when he meets Stiles. And then suddenly... suddenly things start looking up.
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller | 28.9K
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
Stiles plans are the worst (the best) by Dashar | 88.7K
Stiles world ended when his pack died. It didn’t exactly come as a surprise. He had been running with wolves for so long that within hunters and monsters it was just a matter of time. It was a surprise when the world ended too. And Stiles… Well, he had to do something about that.
When the Smoke Clears by Spikedluv | 15.7K
Beacon Hills is under attack from various supernatural creatures. Most of the town has been burned to the ground, and Stiles has lost everyone he loves. He attempts a time-travel spell even though Deaton has cautioned against it. In the past, he’ll need to save the Hale family so they can protect Beacon Hills. The only questions are, will he make it back in time, and will Talia Hale believe him?
Turn back time by A_pretty_good_pair | 49.7K
There's no one left. No one. Stiles decides in his grief to try and fix everything he did wrong the first time around. Will he be able to save everyone or will he relive the pain of losing them all once again?
One More Again by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 22.2K
When a strange man appears in the Hale Pack territory with an unusual proposition for Stiles and Lydia, Stiles is unable to resist going back in time to stop the Hale House fire.
Even after a few bumps in the road, Stiles finds himself in the past with one nearly-insurmountable goal - getting Talia Hale and the rest of her family to trust him with their lives.
Unfettered by Heizpilz | 70.4K
In the morning, Stiles simply doesn’t get up. What would be the point? Everything he cares about – everyone he cares about – is gone. Dead and buried, quite literally. True, there are some people left on the periphery of what was once his life, but he doesn’t give a flying fuck about them.
Now as Ever (All That Is and Has Been) by  venis_envy | 52.2K
Stiles can't remember what happened to rearrange the time-space continuum, or how he ended up being pulled into the past. All he knows is that he's there now, in 2003 Beacon Hills, with a teenage werewolf and a possibly-crazy veterinarian as his only allies.
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candiedspit · 1 month
Are you a movie person? What are some of ur fav films
I’ve always been into documentaries so my favorites & the ones that are very personal to me are the bridge (2006), finding Vivian Meier, David Lynch: The Art Life, Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters, Life 2.0, Boy Interrupted, Amy, Montage of Heck, Bowling for Columbine, Roadrunner, The Devil and Daniel Johnston, What Happened Miss Simone, Thin, The Queen of Versailles, Cameraperson, Kate Plays Christine & Grizzly Man oh and the one about 9/11 on Netflix I forget the name
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droughtofapathy · 3 months
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
Follies in Concert
June 20, 2024 | Transport Group Theatre | Carnegie Hall | Evening | Concert | Series | 2H 20M
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Last night, Carnegie Hall was New York's hottest gay club as every one of us turned up to weep over Sondheim's breathtaking score, played by a divine 30-piece orchestra. Fifty Broadway actors shared the roles and songs of this wonderful show, culminating in a lineup straight out of our wildest dreams.
Though we were robbed of a Donna Murphy triumph with "Could I Leave You?" due to filming schedule changes, we received the impromptu comedy show of the year as Beth Leavel grappled with a broken mic stand and brought the house down anyway.
Kate Baldwin as another eleventh-hour addition proved to be the best moment of the night. Her "Losing My Mind" will go down in history as one of the most divine we will ever hear. Not since Marin Mazzie has a theatre been so rapt, so silent, so in awe. She's always struck me as a Phyllis, but now proves she has the range.
Jennifer Holliday does what she wants, and what she wants was a smooth and seductive "I'm Still Here" full of gravitas even as she meandered far from the written notes and rhythms. She turned a five-minute showstopper into a nine-minute showstopper complete with a standing ovation to open up act two.
Karen Ziemba led six of our finest dancing Broads over sixty (or even seventy)(Mamie Duncan-Gibbs, Ruth Gottschall, JoaAnn M. Hunter, Dana Moore, Michele Pawk, and Margo Sappington) in a "Who's That Woman" original choreography to a standing ovation.
So many thrilling performances, one after the other. I am deeply in love with Barbara Walsh now, and it's honestly a crime she and Carolee Carmello were so underutilized by only having "Waiting for the Girls Upstairs" (Phyllis and Sally don't get much singing in that number, and it's a tragedy). I need to seriously contemplate the Barbara-Phyllis/Carolee-Sally dynamic immediately.
I am now dead. I have ascended. I will never come back to earth again. But the final tributes broke me. The reveal that Sondheim said in a private zoom reunion that Follies was his very favorite original score. The late Harvey Evans' epitaph. Original cast member Kurt Peterson ending the concert with "hey up there, way up there, what'd'ya say up there..." All of it underscored by Sondheim's brilliant work. I am in tears all over again.
Verdict: My Soul Transcended Space and Time
A Note on Ratings
Full set list below cut:
Opening Weissmann Monologue: Hal Linden Beautiful Girls: Christian Mark Gibbs Don't Look at Me: Katie Finneran and Marc Kudisch Waiting for the Girls Upstairs: Thom Sesma, Stephen Bogardus, Barbara Walsh, Carolee Carmello, Grey Henson, Ryan McCartan, Julie Benko, Hannah Elless Rain on the Roof: Klea Blackhurst and Jim Caruso Ah, Paris: Isabel Keating Broadway Baby: Adriane Lenox The Road You Didn't Take: Alexander Gemignani In Buddy's Eyes: Christine Ebersole Who's that Woman?: Karen Ziemba with Mamie Duncan-Gibbs, Ruth Gottschall, JoaAnn M. Hunter, Dana Moore, Michele Pawk, and Margo Sappington I'm Still Here: Jennifer Holliday Too Many Mornings: Norm Lewis and Nikki Renee Daniels The Right Girls: Michael Berresse One More Kiss: Harolyn Blackwell and Mikaela Bennett Could I Leave You?: Beth Leavel Loveland: Chorus You're Gonna Love Tomorrow/Love Will See Us Through: Fernell Hogan, Olivia Elease Hardy, Nina White, Miguel Gil Buddy's Blues: Santino Fontana with Lauren Blackman and Sarah King Losing My Mind: Kate Baldwin The Story of Lucy and Jessie: Alexandra Billings Live, Laugh, Love: Kurt Peterson (ft. John McMartin's original cane)
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artfilmfan · 1 year
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I made a list of films that i felt didn't get as much love,attention and exposure in the last years, some seriously underrated, some simply seen by few people
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See rearranged’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: pleasetakethis Dreamwidth: rearranged Discord: pleasetakethis
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: General: Getting together Angst with happy ending Idiots in love Pining/repression Soulmates/soulbonds Time travel/loops/manipulation Fix-its Hurt/comfort Multiverse shenanigans/travel Strangers/friends/enemies to lovers Imbalanced power dynamics Confined spaces/trapped together Sex pollen/magic made them do it/forced bonding Fake/pretend relationship Age gaps Smut: Porn with plot (even if the plot is shaky at best) Everyone orgasms BDSM with or without toys/outfits, with or without explicit kink negotiation Dubcon Versatile characters Foreplay (making out, kissing, nipple stimulation, finger sucking, etc.) Oral Sex Penetrative sex (oral, vaginal, anal, perceived/intercrural) Grinding and tribbing Rough/angry/messy sex with or without aftercare Sweet sex with aftercare (cudding, wiping up, offering water, etc.) Dark: Prefer positive/ambiguous endings Torture Isolation Non-con Watersports (no pee-to-mouth) Humiliation Mind control Manipulation Whump Minimal/no prep before penetration No aftercare/neglect AU: Canon-divergence Trope-y AUs that are still based around canon (soulmates, time travel)
Will not create works that contain: General: Changing how characters are related in canon (ie: unrelated canon characters as siblings) Established relationship Mpreg, pregnancy, kidfic (canon-compliant is okay but prefer not the main focus) Infidelity Reader insert 1st/2nd POV Genderbends (trans a-okay) Omegaverse Permadeath Smut: Smut between characters younger than 16 Dubcon involving unaroused characters Scat Bodily fluid play (including spit-to-mouth and pee-to-mouth) Gaping/prolapse Anal fisting (vaginal fisting is okay) Sounding Needles/acupuncture Ageplay Body part fetishes (feet, armpits, etc.) Dark: Excessive gore Needles and scalpels Surgical descriptions/surgical-style torture Necrophilia Non-con where victim stays unaroused (forced arousal is fine) AU: High school College Mundane/no powers
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1020
Will create works for the following relationships: Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - MCU Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov - What If..? Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood - MCU Natasha Romanov-centric - What If..? Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo - MCU Peter Parker/Tony Stark - MCU Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - MCU, Spider-Man (Raimi trilogy), Spider-Verse (animated films), TASM, X-Men movieverse Bucky Barnes/Peter Parker - What If..? Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop - MCU Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts - MCU
Work Description: I am offering a 5k+ fic (5k minimum, any longer is story dependent) with a starting bid of 10 USD and bids in 1 USD increments. I expect a 5k fic to take 4-8 weeks without any unforeseen real life events that could affect the timeline. Due to other obligations, I would not start work until 1 Jan 2024 but would be happy to discuss ideas in the meantime. As a writer, I prefer to take ideas/prompts/tropes and run with them until finished. For this project, I would complete a rough draft, polish it, then submit to the winner to see if they have any suggested thoughts/changes. Once the winner is satisfied, I would pass the fic to my beta. If my beta has any suggestions beyond SPAG, I would consult with the winner. If my beta did not have any suggestions beyond SPAG, I would submit the complete fic once beta read. I would need one person to represent the pod/group for podbid communications. If you have any specific requests outside of my preferences, please reach out in advance to discuss to ensure we are both comfortable with the subject matter. Ship notes: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (Into the Spider-Verse): I added this with Peter B. Parker in mind. Natasha Romanov-Centric (What If?): This would be specific to Natasha from the universe where Ultron Won. Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov (What If?): I could make this work with either version of Natasha (Captain Carter or Ultron Won). Bucky Barnes/Peter Parker (What If?): This would be specific to the Zombies episode.
Ratings: Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 2015
Will create works for the following relationships: Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - MCU Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov - MCU, What If..? Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood - MCU Natasha Romanov-centric - What If..? Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo - MCU Peter Parker/Tony Stark - MCU Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - 616, MCU, Spider-Man (Raimi trilogy), Spider-Verse (animated films), TASM, X-Men movieverse Bucky Barnes/Peter Parker - What If..? Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop - MCU Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts - MCU
Work Description: I am offering a 10k+ fic (10k minimum, any longer is story dependent) with a starting bid of 20 USD and bids in 1 USD increments. I expect a 10k fic to take 10-12 weeks without any unforeseen real life events that could affect the timeline. Due to other obligations, I would not start work until 1 Jan 2024 but would be happy to discuss ideas in the meantime. As a writer, I prefer to take ideas/prompts/tropes and run with them until finished. For this project, I would complete a rough draft, polish it, then submit to the winner to see if they have any suggested thoughts/changes. Once the winner is satisfied, I would pass the fic to my beta. If my beta has any suggestions beyond SPAG, I would consult with the winner. If my beta did not have any suggestions beyond SPAG, I would submit the complete fic once beta read. I would need one person to represent the pod/group for podbid fic communications. If you have any specific requests outside of my preferences, please reach out in advance to discuss to ensure we are both comfortable with the subject matter. Ship notes: - Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (Into the Spider-Verse): I added this with Peter B. Parker in mind, but I'm also okay with the blonde, blue-eyed Peter who died in Into the Spider-Verse. - Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (616): I can adapt to just about any Deadpool/Spider-Man requested (I prefer Peter Parker Spider-Man because I'm more familiar with him), but if you have a specific comic run in mind, I may have to check it out from the library first to make sure I get the characterization right. - Natasha Romanov-Centric (What If?): This would be specific to Natasha from the universe where Ultron Won. - Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov (What If?): I could make this work with either version of Natasha (Captain Carter or Ultron Won). - Bucky Barnes/Peter Parker (What If?): This would be specific to the Zombies episode.
Ratings: Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2B
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Annette Bening (1958) “ANNETTE BENING (Kate Keller) New York: King Lear (Shakespeare in the Park), Spoils of War (Second Stage), Costal Disturbances (Tony nomination, Clarence Derwent Award). Los Angeles: Ruth Draper Monologues, The Female of the Species, Hedda Gabler (Geffen Playhouse), The Cherry Orchard (Mark Taper Forum). San Francisco ACT Repertory Company: Our Town Macbeth. Films: The Grifters, Bugsy. The American President, American Beauty, Being J, The Kids Are All Right, The Seagull, 20th Century Women, Captain Marvel, The Report (fall 2019), Screen Actors Guild and Golden Globe awards, Emmy nominations and four Academy Award nominations. Graduate of San Francisco State University and A.C.T. Conservatory Training Program. Board member: The Actors Fund.” – Playbill bio from All My Sons, May, 2019.
Kelli O'Hara (1976) “KELLI O’HARA (Young Hattie/Ensemble). Broadway: Jekyll & Hyde after playing Emma in the national tour. Favorite credits: Christine in the Yeston/Kopit Phantom (Lucille Lortel Debut Award); Kitty in Where’s Charley?  At MTW; Lili in Carnival; and the title role in Naughty Marietta. She graduated from OCU and won the 1998 State Metropolitan Opera Auditions. Thanks to the family and Mrs. Birdwell. God is good.” – Playbill from Follies, June 2001. Playbill insert indicates she went on as Young Phyllis at this performance.
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"You know, looking at these production photos, I like Annette Bening as a brunette. Anyway, I sat a few rows behind her at this horrid little play reading a few weeks ago. She was there with Camryn Manheim, and frankly, I'd rather have watched them watching the show than watch the show myself."
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"I continue to be in awe of this woman's unending beauty. A few weeks ago, I stage-doored after the final performance of Days of Wine and Roses, and she wafted outside looking like a million dollars in this silky little cami, her freckled chest on full display. Even in heels, she was maybe a head taller than me (4'7"), and I had the pleasure of gazing up at her in awe. She is a stunning woman, and that voice... It's a sexual experience."
Fuck it: extra Kelli propaganda (with Audra bonus) because this duet could wake me from the dead.
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For three years running…
Kobe. Pandemic. Lockdown. Koalas on fire. Harry and Meg retire. Toilet paper hoarding. Alcoholism. Impeach the f*cker. Parasite. Bonnie Henry. Tiger King. Working from home. Sourdough bread. Harvey Weinstein guilty. Zoom overdose. Dip your body in sanitizer. 6 feet. Quarantine. OK Boomer. Home schooling (everyone passes). Murder hornets. Dolly Parton. Don’t hug, kiss or see anybody, especially your family. Chris Evans’ junk. TikTok. Glory holes. Face masks. CERB. West Coast wildfires. Stay home. Small Businesses lose, big box stores win. F*ck Bozos. ‘Dreams’ and cranberry juice. Close yoga studios, but thumbs up to your local gym. Speak moistly to me. George Floyd. BLM. F*ck Trump. Phase 2, 3 and Summer. RBG. Baby Yoda. Biden wins. Bond and Black Panther die. No more lockdown. Back to school and work. Just kidding... giddy up round 2. Giuliani leaks shit from his head. Resurgence of chess. UFOs are real. Restrictions. Dave Grohl admits defeat. Monolith. “F*ck... forgot my mask in the car”. No Christmas shenanigans allowed. Bubbles. Alex Trebek. Use the term ‘dumpster fire’ one too many times. Jupiter and Saturn form 'Christmas Star'. Happy New Year Bitches!!!! 2021... you better not sh*t the bed!!
“We love you, you’re very special”. Failed coup attempt at the Capital. Twitter, FB and IG ban Donny. Hammerin’ Hank goes to the Field of Dreams. Bozo no longer richest man but still a twat. Leachman, Tyson, and Holbrook pass. The economy is worse than expected. Kim and Kanye split. Brood X cicadas. Dre has an aneurysm and nearly has his home broken into. Bridgerton. MyPillow CEO is a douche. Covid restrictions extended indefinitely. Captain Von Trapp dies. Proud Boys officially a Terrorist Organization. Richard Ramirez. Cancer takes Screech. Travel bans. Impeachment trial (again?… oh and this was barely February? WTF??!!) Suez Canal blockage. Myanmar protest. Kong dukes it out with Godzilla, while Raya watches. Olympics. Friends compare elective surgeries. F9. Canada Women’s Soccer Gold. Free Britney. Multiverses. Residential Schools in Canada unearth children’s bodies. Kate is Mare of Easttown. Cuomo resigns. Disney and Dwayne cruise together. Wildfires. Delta variants. Musk passes Bezos. Candyman x 5. Capt. Kirk goes to space. F*ck Kyle Rittenhouse. Astros didn’t win. Squid Game. Goodbye Bond. Dune is redone. Angelina is Eternal. Astroworld deaths. Meta. Omicron. Three Spidermen. Tornados in December? World Juniors cancelled. Pills against Covid. School opening delayed. And Betty White dies. 2022… my expectations are ridiculously low…
Wow… eight billion people. Queen Elizabeth II passes away after ruling the Commonwealth before dirt was invented. The monkeypox. Russia plays the role of global asshole. Wordle. Mother Nature rocks Afghanistan. Hover bike. Styles spits on Pine. Olivia Newton John, Kristie Alley, and Coolio leave us. Pele was traded to team Heaven. FTX implodes. Madonna and the 3-D model of her vagina. Pig gives his heart to a human. Beijing can brag that it is the first city ever to host both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Uvalde. $3 trillion Apple. Keith Raniere gets 120 years. The Whisky War ends with Canada and Denmark going halfsies. Mar-a-Lago. Nick Cannon brood hits a dozen. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Inflation goes through the roof (if you can actually afford to put a roof over your head). Volodymyr Zelensky. European heat wave. Bennifer. Salman Rushdie is stabbed on stage, Dave Chappelle tackled, and Chris Rock is only slapped. Thích Nhất Hạnh. Heidi Klum goes full slug. Cuba knocked out by Ian. Liz Truss and 4.1 Scaramuccis. Taylor Swift breaks Ticketmaster. Human shitstain Elon Musk ignores helping mankind and buys Twitter instead. Riri becomes a mommy. NASA launches Artemis 1. Trump still a whiny little bitch. Music lost Loretta Lynn, Christine McVie, and Meat Loaf. Democracy died at least three times. Pete Davidson continues to date hottest women on the planet. Microplastics in our blood. Alex Jones is a cunt. So is DeSantis. Argentina wins the World Cup. Meghan and Harry. Eddie Munson rips Metallica in the Upside Down. tWitch. Roe vs Wade is overturned by the micro dick energy of the Supreme Court. CODA. James Corden shows he is a "tiny Cretin of a man". Amber (and the shit on the bed) Heard (round the world). Sebastian Bear-McClard proves he’s one of the fucking dumbest men alive. Latin America's ‘pink tide’. Anti-Semitic rants by Ye. Bob Saget. A verified blue checkmark. Godmother of punk Vivienne dies. And, Tom Cruise feels the need for speed yet again. 2023… whatcha got for us?!? Nothing shocks me anymore.
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nasubeenwithcat · 2 years
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𝙿𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚊 𝙰𝚄 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜𝟹
⚠️warning inspired:Phantom of the Opera (by Gaston Leroux)/(by McMullan Kate), (by Arthur Lubin), (by Andrew Lloyd Webber) contents:blood, swearing, yandere discotrain, mental illness, mind control, death, serious bullying, machine translation
Let me make a few excuses. I said that the role of Raoul would not be in this story. Unfortunately, that hasn't changed… but Raoul and Christine's adorable childhood is one of my favorite scenes, and I was wondering if there was any way to describe it. I was also a bit worried about the describe of Metro. I have a favorite fairy tale about cats, and I wanted to tell that story, too.(and...Train Rush in space??)
So the Empress and Grooves are friends. Please don't get me wrong, there is no romantic interest between them!The trigger? Well……I'll talk about it when I think of it.
🎬The restaurant setting was inspired by Kenji Miyazawa's "The Restaurant of Many Orders" and "Night on the Galactic Railroad"(or "the Night of the Milkey Way Train". Many English translations exist for this title. I honestly don't know which name to call it. I'm sorry but I will decide by next time.) However, you do not need to know the story as we just borrowed the concept. Cats do not eat customers, and the destination of the Galactic Railroad is the moon.
🎬Two years after the Empress purchased the property from Grooves, she and her friend built a restaurant. The name? …… Let's call it Lapis Lazuli. It comes from the full starry sky visible from the moon.
🎬The restaurant is thriving. Even though there is quite a lot of seating, there is never a noticeable empty seat. So the kitchen is always very busy.
🎬The head cook is Cherry, Cooking Cat. Before building the restaurant, she had been the head cook in a hotel run by the mafia, but she was bored with her job because she only cooked the same dishes every day. Then she received an offer from the Empress and decided to have her own restaurant.
🎬There are many cats in the kitchen besides her. Some of them were originally prefects of the Empress.
🎬The restaurant has a stage. At the center of it is a piano, where you can enjoy your food while listening to the wonderful jazz music played by a moon penguin, the performing staff.
🎬Why did the Empress decide to open a restaurant? What happened to her jewelry store? That' s simple…Metro got rid of Nyakuza.
🎬This was after she had acquired the land of the moon. The Owl Express conductor went missing and the train could no longer operate. The troubled owls decided to use the metro to commute to work until the express resumes service.
🎬Taking advantage of this trend, a project to renew the Metro was launched. The officials set out to improve public safety so that the owls could use the metro in peace.
🎬As a result, the Empress had to give up her beloved jewelry store in exchange for a large sum of money unilaterally given to her.
🎬She is no longer Nyakuza. She had to give up all the stores she had owned and operated. All she was left with was unsold jewelry, a lot of money, a few prefects, and a land on the moon.
🎬Failure was no longer an option for her. She had to succeed in her new business and revive the Nyakuza at any cost.
🎬She immediately contacted Cooking Cat and suggested the restaurant business to her.
🎬There must have been many difficulties before opening the restaurant. In fact, The cats had to improve their culinary skills and it took months of menu development by Cooking Cat.
🎬There were probably significant cultural differences between what the cats liked and what the moon penguins preferred. The atmosphere of service, the wording, the flavors, the gestures, the etiquette, etc. To adapt to their culture, the Empress checked the restaurants and boutiques of the moon every day and also listened to trendy music.
🎬Making connections was probably the hardest part. Anyway, she needed to make a lot of moon penguin friends, besides Grooves. In the process, she found a moon penguin who played the piano wonderfully well and invited him to join the performance staff at the restaurant.
🎬Now, why did Grooves give away the land? Last time I mentioned that his mailbox was filled with lots of fan letters and bug eggs.
🎬About a month after he won the Bird Actor Award, strange, monstrous letters began arriving at him daily. The carefully sealed, plain white letters had several small, white, round objects on them. The contents of the letters made nonsense, and Grooves didn't even know what the round things were. So sometimes he would throw them away right away, and sometimes he would just leave them on the table with the newspaper.
🎬The eggs peeled off from the letter on the table, fell into a crevice in the floor, and hatched. The eggs from the letter he threw away also hatched in the trash. They ate the wood of the house and multiplied rapidly.
🎬It was two weeks later that Grooves realized this. He had no choice. He was busy with work at the time and didn't get home much. He finally learned of the bugs when he opened his favorite book before bedtime and found black bugs squashed in places. Confused, he bought some insecticide and sprayed the chemicals all over the house. That should have killed most of the bugs, but it did not restore the gnawed wood or the stained books.
🎬A week later, something even worse happened. The doorbell rang and Grooves opened the front door. There was "the director". Grooves was surprised to see, and quickly turned away from the awkwardness …… to find him holding a knife in his right fin.
🎬Grooves reflexively closed the door, locked it, and barricaded himself in. When he opened his upstairs window to call the police, he saw him running back, so he gave up on the call. Because there was no evidence.
🎬Naturally, Grooves had a hard time calming down. He wanted someone to share this fear with him and tell him it would be okay. So he decided to contact his best friend.
🎬The Empress was worried when her best friend told her that his house was in shambles and that he had just been almost killed. Neither of them had expected this to happen the last time they had seen each other and played together after a long time when he had won an award. The Empress decided to cut out of work and stay with her best friend for a little while.
🎬They talked it over and Grooves decided to take a year off and leave his hometown. Obviously, he was tired of acting like a star. So what about his house? The Empress offered him a deal. She wanted him to forget about all this and enjoy his vacation.
🎬The Empress got the land …… but three months later she was kicked out of the metro.
🎬Grooves looked quite well when he visited her there after hearing that she had built a restaurant. After enjoying some food and chat, he revealed that he was interested in a new challenge. …making movie as the director.
🎬Of course, he loves acting. But after some time back at work, he wanted to make a film from scratch.
🎬They would meet at this restaurant every two months. Grooves seemed to really enjoy it. But on the other fin, he seemed to be concerned that the film was not getting good reviews. He was disappointed that people didn't understand his taste and that he couldn't reward his crews' hard work with anything other than a paycheck …… Until he met Phantom.
🎬Subsequently, Grooves' visits to the restaurant became less frequent. But the Empress was not worried that he was not showing up at the restaurant; in fact, she was pleased. She knew that his latest movie was a hit. He must be so busy that he doesn't even have time to come to the moon……. She missed him, but more than that, she was happy for her best friend's newfound success.
🎬He visited the restaurant twice, at great intervals, and each time she sensed something different about him. As if he were exclusive and secretive… had he been like this before? Perhaps this is the kind of charisma that a real star has?
🎬After Grooves won the award, the Empress noticed that he had definitively changed. A moonstone engagement ring adorned his chest.
🎬What would she think of his change? Raoul was deeply in love with Christine so he was terribly angry when he saw her ring. Then what about the Empress? Since they were friends, it seemed the best way to congratulate him on his engagement. But on the other hand, she couldn't forget the eerie vibe she had been getting from him lately. Could she really congratulate him?
🎬Metro's renewal has been completed successfully. Stations have been added and new lines established. One of them is the Galactic Railroad(the Milkey Way Train), which connects this planet to the moon.
🎬For those owls who missed the Owl Express, officials forcibly bought it. After remaking it, they put it into operation as the Galactic Railway. You can board the train by going to the spaceport.
🎬As a result, increase traffic between the moon and this planet, and cultural exchanges between moon penguins and owls began to flourish. And jazz and movies began to catch on in the bird city. This may have been one of the reasons for the success of Grooves' third film.
🎬Hatkid is a detective. She is very good at observing and making friends, but not so good at deducing. Despite this, she is a detective and has solved a variety of difficult cases.
🎬Why? Because she has a magical prop. When you fix a time lift, you get a storybook, right? She could create a time lift for a subject simply by holding that little loupe over the subject. She gets the clues to solve the case from the storybook and timerifts. But they are far more suggestive and puzzling than anything we know, forcibly produced. Some pages are blurred, others torn and torn apart.
🎬Of course, the loupe remains too useful. Secrets that a subject does not want to be known will try to escape the eyes of hat kid by tearing or burning.
🎬By the way, the Grooves' storybook is very difficult to understand. Perhaps the pages are disjointed and bound incorrectly. You have to collect several other storybooks to read them correctly. This may mean that his memory is wrong. Or it could mean that he has a secret that he wants to hide at all costs…… about his angel.
🎬Secondly, she is good at making people love her. A private investigator cannot solve a case if people do not like her, no matter how smart she is. This is because private investigators do not have strong investigative powers, so they need as many people as possible to help them with their investigations.
🎬In other words, despite the fact that she is not very good at deductive reasoning, she has been able to solve cases thanks to her immense popularity and her handy loupe.
🎬For her, the first request was very easy. It was easy to gather information from birds that knew Phantom well.
🎬Soon after she arrived in Bird City, she learned that there was an audition for the movie " Picture Perfect ". She immediately took her best picture and submitted her entry sheet for the lead role. Of course, she passed and made a spectacular debut as a superstar.
🎬This made her a celebrity among the birds and made her job easy.
🎬Why do they work on this planet instead of their home? Hatkid used to be an employee of a detective agency and Bowkid was a newspaper reporter. But both of them were dissatisfied with their bosses.
🎬One day they went on a space trip together. They love sightseeing. But an accident happens and their time pieces are scattered.
🎬They immediately went to collect the time pieces. They then collected about 10 of those pieces. At that point when electricity was restored to some extent, they could have contacted their supervisors and asked for help. But they left the company. They then became freelance and decided to tag team.
🎬Bowkid decided to write a novel based on the various cases Hatkid began solving as a detective. It was first published by a publishing house run by the mafia. As they found more time pieces and were able to send the data back home, her novels were published in her hometown as well.
🎬But they are not mystery novels for adults. Bowkid wrote them as juvenile liteature because the development of Hatkid's work was always easy to understand. The novels, which are easy to read and in which a pretty girl converts a cunning villain with brilliant deductions, became popular. The popularity meant that it became necessary to develop her stories into a series.
🎬Of course, in writing the novel, Bowkid adapts things quite a bit. Naturally, she only writes about very successful cases. In her novels, Hatkid is a huge star. She boldly confronts any evil and is always on the side of the weak. Her little readers only know the sparkling HatKid. When she meets them, HatKid does not want to disappoint them. Step by step, the real Hatkid began to play the Hatkid of her novels.
🎬She became better and better at acting. She even began to play the charisma of a real star. Perhaps that is one of the reasons she was able to play the lead role in Picture Perfect.
🎬Bowkid has regret it. Hatkid still doesn't play in front of Bowkid and shows her the real her, but maybe one day she won't. Besides, she can't write her own creation now that Hatkid's novels have become so popular. For both of their sakes they should break up the tag team and end her series. ...But will readers and publishers allow that?
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hanukkahbingo · 10 months
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!חג אורים שמח
It's the second night of Hanukkah and the second night of the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo! We're seeing a dip in the number of submissions from last year, so I just wanted to remind everyone that these prompts can be used for fic, art, moodboards, graphics -- whatever you want to create! I know things are hard out there right now and the year has been dark, but all of your creations are lights in that darkness and it's lovely to see your interpretations of Jewish joy. Keep creating!
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A Deal with the Dead by abby-gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
One could say being kind to ghosts is a Jewish value. So, when a familiar face reappears to haunt a local bakery during Hanukkah, the Ghostbusters propose a compromise.
A Very Voyager Holiday by Divinemissem13/@divinemissem13 | AO3 | tumblr
After years of throwing Voyager's holiday parties, Neelix is surprised to learn that Federation winter holiday traditions include much more than just Christmas trees and Santa Claus.
A1. Applesauce - Kate Bishop by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Yelena loves to cook, which is great, because Kate loves to eat. But…
A2. Snow - Jane Foster by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Jane wasn't supposed to live to see another Hanukkah. But a great miracle happened, and she is here.
A3. Shalom - Kaydel Ko Connix by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Basic isn't Connix's first language.
A4. Smashing Fascists - Booker le Livre by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Booker is worried that the others will see what he did as treason. A betrayal of their cause. But they've all been alive long enough to know better.
A5. Eighth Night - Joyce Byers by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Hop stops by Melvald's one slushy December morning.
Alone in the Dark (Chapter 2) by josiebelladonna/@feverinfeveroutfic | AO3 | tumblr
He found himself trapped out in the wilderness during a power outage, and his meeting with that one strange girl proved to be a stroke of fate for him. A fic that asks “what if Alex and Christine had met in another period?”
Bring on the Light: Haunted Dreidel by melbelle310/@perfectpurls | AO3 | tumblr
On night two of my Channukah series, Ace and Nancy teach their friends to play dreidel!
Eight Nights (Chapter 2) by genuineformality/@genuineformality | AO3 | tumblr
On the first night of Chanukah, Viktor lights a chanukiah for the first time in a long time. On the subsequent nights, Viktor and Jayce explore a lot of complicated feelings.
The First First Night by awlenrose | AO3 | tumblr
Survival always comes at a cost.
holiday wishes by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
"Asha, why do you call your grandfather Saba?" Valentino asked this as they walked to the palace to help Queen Amaya prepare this week's winter solstice festival. During it, Asha would be officially announced as the next Princess Of Rosas. Which was quite the change, but at least some other things in her life wouldn't change.
Keep a candle burning (Chapter 2) by dharmashark | AO3 | tumblr
Bucky has been sitting cross legged on the floor with Steve Rogers for three hours. He feels giddy on two donuts too many, his ribs tight and hot from laughing. But mostly he feels smug as hell: he cannot wait to tell Clint how wrong he was when said this was a terrible idea. Well, what Clint had actually said was, “Are you out of your mind? Steve, as in Steve, is going to spend Hanukkah with you, in your studio apartment?” — In which Bucky can totally, definitely last eight nights without falling for his childhood best friend. Again.
Love and Light by Hollie47/@hollie47 | AO3 | tumblr
Wanda thinks about her family and how Darcy is now apart of it.
The Opportunistic Telekinetic by abby-gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
It’s all fun and games until Talia uses her newfound telekinesis to cheat at dreidel.
Princess Asha Holiday Moodboard by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
Asha is in the middle of lighting candles with her Mamà and Saba when she gets the queen's message in the mail.
Spidersona Doodles by scribbling-scientist/@enby-scientist | AO3 | tumblr
K1-2 presents, H1-1 dreidel, H2-4 ugly sweaters, K2-4 Bad puns, A2-5 Chinese food, U-2 sufganyot, A2-1 Oil (Bingo! +2)
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reds1981 · 1 year
watched christine twice this weekend now I keep going back to watch certain scenes. it’s probably very bad for me. It’s relentlessly sad obviously. But I am mesmerised by hall’s performance and of course morbidly drawn to it, because I see something of myself in her which is what makes it a kind of Horror piece. I do think it’s completely non-exploitative though. It really humanises everyone involved and yes they show the act - of course they do. I saw a YouTube comment under the trailer for Kate plays Christine which I havent yet seen (looks bad, annoying) that was like ‘we shouldn’t remember how she died we she look at what she achieved’ which is a fair enough point but she did this in public. That’s the confounding paradox of it. She wanted us to talk about it. That why they have to show it that why the movie exists. We would not remember her otherwise, unless she took her obvious talent and intelligence to success, but even then. Idk what point I’m making. I probably shouldn’t go further with this fascination.
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up-risingrp · 1 year
These are our major canons on the site with activity monitored more closely as they're either part of our site subplots or will be in the future
Tony Stark - taken by Kathleen
Steve Rogers (on MAC)
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff (on MASH)
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Hope van Dyne
Wanda Maximoff - adoptable NPC
Christine Everhart
Trish Walker
Mitchell Ellison
(minor canons will be approved on a case by case basis as there are many X-men whose powers will not fit the site)
Charles Xavier - adoptable NPC (on MAC)
Jean Grey - played by rue
Scott Summers - played by kathleen
Hank McCoy (on MAC)
Bobby Drake
James Howlett - played by kathleen
(same with the X-men, minor canons will be approved on a case by case basis)
Erik Lehnsherr - adoptable NPC (part of MASH)
Raven Darkholme
Lorna Dane 
Amara Aquilla (part of MASH)
Warren Worthington III (part of MASH)
Sebastian Shaw - admin NPC (part of MASH)
Emma Frost - adoptable NPC (part of MAC)
Regan Wyngarde
Roberto da Costa
Maria Hill
Nick Fury - admin NPC
Phil Coulson
Bobbi Morse
Daisy Johnson
Melinda May
Al Mackenzie
Everett Ross
Valentina de Fontaine
Sharon Carter
Stark Industries
Pepper Potts - played by rue
Happy Hogan
Leopold Fitz - played by kathleen
Jemma Simmons - played by rue
Street Teams
Peter Parker
MJ Watson - played by rue
Matt Murdock - played by rue
Frank Castle - played by kathleen
Danny Rand
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Young Avengers
(not yet a team but can be on the site)
Kamala Khan
Kate Bishop
Cassie Lang
Eli Bradley
America Chavez - admin NPC
David Alleyne
Fantastic Four
Reed Richards - played by rue
Sue Storm 
Johnny Storm
Ben Grimm - played by kathleen
Victor von Doom - adoptable NPC
Aldrich Killian
Justin Hammer
Helmut Zemo
John Walker
Bucky Barnes - admin NPC
Alexander Pierce
Ophelia Sarkissian - adoptable NPC
Wilson Fisk
Billy Russo
Maya Lopez
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
The small disparity of when Eric and Donna want a second kid in my verse (and other stuff), explained.
@tht70sblog, a long ass winded explanation. :)
So, their daughter Kate's obviously a mistake, since she was conceived when Eric and Donna were in Cape Town. When Kate turns two, and shortly after James is born (he's technically a mistake, but Jackie and Hyde were going to start trying for a second kid soon anyway, kind of like RK with Eric), Eric wants to start trying for another kid. Donna isn't quite ready, and wants to wait at least a year.
They end up compromising with six months, and Donna very quickly gets pregnant, but she miscarries in late October/early November.
They hold off for a few months, before trying again in the late winter, circa 1989. That's roughly when Leah is conceived, but for much of the pregnancy, it was thought she was a boy. Eric's the last male-line Forman, so he's pleased. They have a name picked out, Alexander, but when Leah is born, Alexandra just doesn't fit. Nor do their second and third choices, Emma and Lucy. Even though the name Leah is an inside joke (it's a name they slowly warm up to, since it's a playful suggestion after Donna jokingly suggests Leia, and Eric rightfully freaks out), it just...fits. Like a glove.
But despite the disappointment on Eric's part (Donna is rightfully pissed about that), Eric definitely plays favorites, and he really warms up to Leah fast (faster than he did with Kate). And as time elapses (around 92-3), Eric kind of wants to try for a boy, but Donna is adamant, and loudly vetoes such a suggestion. No more kids.
Eric: But I'm the last Forman man standing, unless 'ol Uncle Jerry, Uncle Paul, or Uncle Marty decide to go the John Tyler route...
Donna (annoyed): What about Adrian?
Eric: He doesn't count. He only has the Forman name because no one can pronounce his dad's last name.
Note: Uncle Jerry and Uncle Paul only have daughters (Ellen, Christine, and Rachel for Jerry, and Sarah for Paul). Uncle Marty has no kids.
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