#kate has taught them teamwork
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proudsilkies · 1 year ago
Haileeween 2023 Presents: Kate training the Young Avengers. Part 1.
*Kate has set out an unplugged Nintendo Entertainment System on a table in the common room at Young Avengers HQ*
Kate: Your first task is to plug this into the TV, and get it to turn on. Once you’ve completed that, I’ll give you the next one.
*Yelena to Kate as they observe the Young Avengers at work*: Kate Bishop, are you sure this is the best way to test them?
Kate: Oh definitely!
*Cassie after a few minutes of struggling to figure out how to plug the NES into the TV*: This is impossible. There’s no way to plug this cord into the flatscreen.
*Kate subtly nods in the direction of the forgotten CRT TV in the corner*
*After a bit more struggling, the Young Avengers get the NES on. Ghosts ‘n Goblins is the game that comes on screen*
Kate: Great job guys! Your next task is beat this game. You can take turns, or give the controller to whoever at any point to take over, but you must beat the game. Good luck!
*The Young Avengers cheer as they get to play a video game for the rest of the training session not knowing how hard the game is.*
*Yelena to Kate*: Now that is just mean. Why would you subject them to this? They are just children.
Kate: If they can beat this game together, they can beat anything together.
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irregularjohnnywiggins · 1 year ago
So, since apparently I'm in a DC posting mood right now, you all want to hear this concept that's been baking in my mind for a while now?
Stephanie Brown is the same level of crimefighter as Bruce Wayne. Hear me out.
First, a common thematic reading of the Batfamily, especially the Batkids, is that all of them are in some way better than Bruce at one specific thing. Like with the equally broad thematic reading of 'All of Batman's rogues reflect a part of his psyche' this doesn't entirely hold up to scrutiny and doesn't apply to all of the Batkids, but it applies to enough: Dick is the better leader, Babs is the better strategist, Tim is the better detective, Cass is the better fighter, you get the idea. Now, normally when considering this reading the consensus for Steph is that she is the negative archetype, similar to how the Joker is interpreted in the rogues reading - an inverse of the common rule, in this case meaning that Steph isn't particularly good at anything. Some people who take this reading end this part with 'And that's why I love her!' - most don't. But I think that's entirely wrong, and to explain why we need to examine Bruce's own past.
In most versions of the Batman origin, there's a period, usually immediately or closely after Bruce graduating from either high-school or college, where Bruce travels the world, seeking masters of specific disciplines and learning all he can from them. The amount of people he meets is extensive - seriously, I have a word doc of 40 names and that's not even all of them - and later stories, particularly the Nolan trilogy, Batman/The Shadow, and IIRC Batman: Earth One, try to par that down to a single entity - The League of Shadows, The Shadow, and Alfred, respectively - teaching him all that is necessary to become Batman. It's not a change I particularly like, for one simple reason - the trek around the globe is as much metatexual as it is backstory. Like many of the prototypical superheroes, Batman isn't just one thing, he's many influences that Bill Finger brought to the table when creating him - he's a pulp hero like the Shadow, an adventure swashbuckler like Zorro and the Scarlet Pimpernel, a detective like Sherlock Holmes, all melding together to form our concept of 'Batman'. Having him learn from all these disparate sources - from ninjas and car thieves and magicians and detectives - seems like a way of acknowledging that breadth of influence, and I can't help but feel like limiting it to only Ra's or Lamont or Alfred takes away from that.
So, what does all that have to do with Stephanie Brown? Well, think about it - almost all of the Batfamily have only one real mentor - there are exceptions, like Tim basically becoming Babs' apprentice in No Man's Land and Cass' very funny shared custody situation, but mainly all of the Batkids learn from Batman, and what they excel at they were just kind of naturally good at anyway - Babs and Cass especially, no shade. With Steph, though? It's not as impressive as Bruce's list, but she learns general Cowl skills with Bruce, hacking and cryptography with Babs, detective skills with Tim, get fighting tips from Cass and Black Canary, is taught teamwork by Kate, evasion skills with Damian (that last one may not be purposeful), plus whatever else she can learn because, unlike the rest of the Batfamily, at least Pre-Flashpoint Steph was always learning.
True, Steph started out with very few practical skills in crimefighting, but you know who else did that? Bruce - every single time a comic or adaptation has shown him attempting to fight crime before the training trek has him absolutely suck at it. At the very least Steph never decided to stop her dad by attempting to assassinate him in a courthouse full of witnesses by veeery slowly pointing a gun at him, like Nolanverse Bruce.
Bottom line? If one more person says Steph 'isn't particularly skilled at anything', I will chew glass.
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goodticklebrain · 5 years ago
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Q&A August: Kate Powers of the Redeeming Time Project
Q&A August continues! I first met Kate Powers at the opening reception of the 2016 Shakespeare Theatre Association conference.  It was my very first STA conference and I was, needless to say, SUPER NERVOUS about suddenly being in a huge room with hundreds of top-notch Shakespeare experts, artists, administrators, and educators. I felt very much like an impostor and interloper: after all, I was just drawing these stupid little comics, while these people were making Shakespeare come to life, and were changing lives in the process.
I had heard of Kate’s phenomenal work with Rehabilitation Through the Arts at Sing Sing Correctional Facility, so I was already suitably intimidated when I was first introduced to her. However, she took one look at my name tag, said “Oh my god, you’re HER”, and then seized me by the arm and proceeded to lead me around the reception, introducing me to all manner of Shakespearean theatre luminaries and instantly incorporating me into the STA community. And that’s pretty much Kate in a nutshell for you: welcoming and supportive, absurdly generous with her time and energy, and never hesitating to help lift people up in any way she can. Over the past several years she has become a wonderful resource, correspondent, and friend, and I’m so excited to share her with you now.
Take it away, Kate!
1.  Who are you? Why Shakespeare?
I am a director, a text nerd, a prison theatre maker. I saw my first production of Shakespeare before anyone had a chance to tell me that this was going to be good for me, or that these people talk funny.  I was eight.  The play was in a park downtown; we had a picnic and a can of mosquito spray standing by as we watched Petruchio arrive (on a motorcycle, wearing leopard-print hot pants, as it happened) to wed Katharine.  I am sure that I missed a lot, but I had a great time.
After a student matinee of my production of Measure for Measure at the Kansas City Rep in 2005, a girl asked at the post-show discussion, with great urgency, if Isabel was going to marry the Duke.  When I directed The Winter’s Tale at American Shakespeare Center, I spoke to a lady in the audience who was seeing her first-ever Shakespeare play.  She asked me if I had updated the language or if someone else had done it for me.  She was stunned when I told her that we had not changed a word.  “It’s crystal clear,” she exclaimed.  I am all about smashing up the cultural church of Shakespeare and starting the Shakespeare block party.
2.  What moment(s) in Shakespeare always make you laugh?
It’s cheap, but it is textually supported cheap. I laugh every time an actor playing Malvolio reads the letter, “If this fall into thy hand, revolve,” takes a beat, contemplates, and then turns in a circle. It’s not actually what the letter writer means (it means “consider,” essentially), but it doesn’t matter. I think you have written a strip about revolving Malvolios, (Mya interjects: I have!)  and I would like someone to start a band called the Revolving Malvolios.
3.  What's a favorite Shakespearean performance anecdote?
I would probably have to go with Squirrel Butt Romeo.
Mya interjects: Kate is, of course, referring to the immortal anecdote that led to the creation of this comic:
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4.  What's one of the more unusual Shakespearean interpretations you've either seen or would like to see?
I saw a Czech language production of Hamlet while I was in grad. school. The host at my B&B in Prague strongly discouraged me from going. I think he thought I would be upset when it wasn’t in English. I told him it was okay, that I was fairly familiar with the story. They cast Claudio much younger than I had previously seen. The late king’s much younger brother. He read like an older brother to Hamlet in some ways, and also, he was HOT. I suddenly understood “The king doth wake tonight and takes his rouse, / Keeps wassail and the swaggering upspring reels,” much more clearly, and I also could see the appeal, the sexy appeal, the temptation, the need to believe, for Gertrude.
The interpretation that I have seen far too often is the leather-clad Hamlet wielding an AK-47. Just. Don’t.
Mya interjects: OK, I have definitely seen leather-clad Hamlets, but Hamlet wielding an AK-47? What is that??
5. What passages from Shakespeare have stayed with you?
“It is required you do awake your faith” and “Let be” are perpetually in the front of my consciousness.
Mya interjects: I totally forgot about “Let be”. Is there a more powerful two-word quote in all of Shakespeare?
Right now I hear Sir Thomas More’s “mountainish inhumanity” speech to the rioting mob loudly and insistently:
“Grant them removed, and grant that this your noise Hath chid down all the majesty of England; Imagine that you see the wretched strangers, Their babies at their backs and their poor luggage, Plodding to th’ports and coasts for transportation, And that you sit as kings in your desires, Authority quite silent by your brawl, And you in ruff of your opinions clothed; What had you got? I’ll tell you. You had taught How insolence and strong hand should prevail, How order should be quelled; and by this pattern Not one of you should live an aged man, For other ruffians, as their fancies wrought, With self same hand, self reasons, and self right, Would shark on you, and men like ravenous fishes Would feed on one another.”
6. What Shakespeare plays have changed for you?
Which ones haven’t?
7. What Shakespearean character or characters do you identify the most with?
I pretty much am Beatrice, with a dash of Paulina. Very smart, very punny, often wielding my words as a weapon, tenacious, determined, protective of those around me, and also afraid of getting hurt, yet determined to speak, to name injustice when I see it. “I care not. It is an heretic that makes the fire.”
8. Where can we find out more about you? Are there any projects/events you would like us to check out?
I am the founder of the Redeeming Time Project. Our name comes from Hal’s speech in I Henry IV, “I’ll so offend to make offense a skill / Redeeming time when men think least I will.” We make theatre with men incarcerated in two Minnesota state prisons. I started doing this work over a decade ago with Rehabilitation Through the Arts in New York state.  We believe human beings are born inherently good, and we teach critical life skills (such as empathy, critical thinking, communication skills, teamwork, conflict resolution, goal setting, delayed gratification) through making theatre together. At Sing Sing Correctional Facility in 2016, while we were rehearsing Twelfth Night, one of the men said, “Shakespeare gave me words for emotions I didn’t know I had.”
The act of imagination required to play a character can become the spark of compassion that leads to empathy. One can learn empathy through the effort of performing a play, because one must ask, “What is it like to be this character? What is it like to walk in his shoes?” Through rehearsal room disagreements about the interpretation of a scene, or a line, one can learn to tolerate not just different points of view but also ambiguity itself. This newly acquired tolerance and wider understanding of human behavior helps cultivate patience and perspective.
Shakespeare teaches us what it means to be human, in all the nobility as well as all the depravity that it can entail. Again and again, he asks us, “What does it mean to be alive? How should we act? Who am I? What do I love?” Redeeming Time makes Shakespeare accessible to all, restores a voice to the silenced and voiceless, and explores the full complexity of the human condition.
Incarcerated individuals who study and perform Shakespeare challenge. They develop a passion for learning. They explore the full complexity of humanity through Shakespeare, reassessing their past and current choices, as well as their future options, as they do so. Although RTP will work with material written by other playwrights and authors, Shakespeare will always be the firm ground on which we stand.
(Back to Mya) Thanks so much to Kate for taking the time to answer my questions. You can find out more about Kate and her excellent work here:
The Redeeming Time Project
@_plainkate_ on Twitter
Plus, you can hear Kate on several episodes of the Reduced Shakespeare Company Podcast:
Episode 346: Theatre in Prison
Episode 398: ‘Salesman’ Behind Bars
Episode 498: Year of Shakespeare
Episode 532: Shakespeare and Trump (also featuring yours truly)
Episode 580: Redeeming Time Project
COMING THURSDAY: A fellow Michigander who just happens to be one of my personal Shakespearean superheroes!
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slightly-certain · 5 years ago
A Player's Thoughts on the Season
I don't want this season to be over. In fact, I don't think any of us do. My decision to join the team, as some of you may or may not know, was one of impulse, although my love of soccer has been deeply rooted. When I was four years old my father bought me a child-sized soccer goal and I would, as a lonely child does, go outside and practice shooting on my own. It was my dream to play on a team. I had a friend in fourth grade who I confided this to, and we would spend any free time talking about how much we loved this sport. The next school year, on the first day, I found out she moved away and I gave up on my dreams of ever playing, eventually burying them deeper and deeper until they were forgotten. That was until this year. Late junior year I realized how fast my school career was going, and I thought to myself, do I really want to let this dream go unfulfilled? Why not give it a shot? And so I did.
This season in general was rusty for me. Having never played this sport with any other people before, I truly didn't know how to play. But I loved every second of it. Kicking the ball took me back to the happiest point in my life, and the reminiscence was accompanied by being surrounded by a group of girls who are not only some of the most talented individuals I have ever met, but also the most supportive, and I would not have continued the journey if it wasn't for them.
Through the season, we have faced many wins and losses together, and being on this team has truly taught me so much about teamwork, passion, and dedication.
Sydney: You are one of the strongest people I know. You are also one of the best athletes that I know. The hard-work and dedication you have put into soccer this year has been incredible, and I look forward to seeing you play in the coming years. Thank you for being one of the most positive people I have ever seen. You are amazing. I hope we continue to be friends.
Autumn: Your guidance as captain this year was indispensable. I truly believe that we could not have won nearly as many matches as we did without you, and I have nothing but respect for you. I wish you nothing but the best with your future endeavors, because you truly deserve every positive thing that comes your way.
Mariah: I am so glad that this season has brought us closer together. You have grown so much over this season, and I only look forward to seeing how you grow over the coming years. Also, I missed you tonight.
Amber: Although we have been on good terms for a while now, I am truly so thankful that we are closer now. I love how close we are and how we can talk about anything with one another. I will truly miss playing soccer with you. I wish you the best of luck with everything.
Lauren: Your work this year has been so impactful to the team, and I look forward to seeing how much you grow over the coming years. Thank you for everything you do.
Skylar: You, my friend, are an unstoppable force. I truly feel sorry for any of your opponents in any sport. You are one of the strongest defensive players I have ever seen, and I know that your skills will only continue to improve from here on out. Also, thank you for your humor off the field. I will truly miss playing soccer with you, and I hope we continue to stay friends.
Aleigha: I am truly so glad that you decided to join the team this year. Playing with you has been a pleasure, and you are an INCREDIBLE athlete. Thank you for bringing so much positivity to the team this year, and I wish you the best of luck in your athletics in the coming years.
Aubrey: Thank you for everything you have done for the team this year. You are so talented and I admire your athleticism so much. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors, and I am honored to have played on this team with you.
Isabella: The effort you have put into this team has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for all of the dedication you have poured out onto the field. I am honored to have played with you this year, and I wish you the best of luck with your future.
Paige: I am so glad that we have been able to play this amazing sport together. You are truly an amazing person, and I will greatly miss being able to take the field with you. I truly hope that we continue to stay close friends over the coming years.
Marcy: You are such an amazing person to play with, and I will truly miss your sense of humor. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, and I look forward to seeing how much you grow over the coming years. Never let anyone take your passion for this sport away from you.
Chloe D: You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Thank you for your dedication to this team. I also truly appreciate your sense of humor. I am so lucky to have been able to play with you this year. What it do, baby?
Anna: I am so glad that soccer has brought us closer this year. I have enjoyed getting to spend time with you so much these past few months, and I will miss hanging out with you. Thank you for all of the work you have put into this season, and I wish you the best of luck with your future.
Chloe P: I am truly so impressed by the amount of skill you exhibit on the field. I look forward to seeing how you improve in the coming years. I am so glad that this season has brought us closer, and I will truly miss taking the field with you.
Kate: You have grown so much over this season and I am truly so glad to have been on this team with you. I wish you the best of luck in the coming years.
Olivia: Though you may be little, you are MIGHTY. I am so impressed by your skill every time you take the field. I have enjoyed being on this team so much with you, and I will miss being able to hang out with you as often. Love you big time.
Meghan: You have no idea how much I am going to miss our bus rides. I love your humor and how many memories we have together from the IES days. I greatly enjoyed taking the field with you this year.
Delaney: I am so glad that I have gotten to know you over this year. You are an amazing person, and I wish you the best of luck with your senior season. Thank you for being such a positive person on and off the field.
Abby: Words cannot express how much you mean to our team. You have done so much this season and your dedication means everything to us. I am so glad that I got to be on this team with you, and I love that we've gotten closer over this season.
I am sure that every single person reading this has heard someone say that all good things must come to an end, but this is greater than that. This is the end of an era. So many seniors took the field for Breckinridge County for the last time last night, most of them ending their time with this sport forever. Our cleats will begin to collect dust and our shin guards will be kept in a closet.
The soccer net I used as a child is dry rotted now. It is buried in a shed with the other memories of my childhood, where I locked them all away to be forgotten about. However, the love I have for this sport will not die. It will not be buried in a shed.
Thank you, lady tigers, for everything you have done for me this year. I will miss this chapter of my high school career so much.
Signing off,
Morgann Lucas, #12
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jgreenfeld · 5 years ago
meet the muse;
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jessica abigail greenfeld | 22 | bisexual | irish-american | aeronautical engineering student/mechanic | potterhead | supernerd | oreo addict | bookworm | cheerleader
1. Harry Potter
Your obsession with Harry freakin' Potter is a timeless affair. You read the first book tucked into a corner on the a tour bus, musicians fiddling with their instruments all around you, but you were lost to them. You were too busy learning spells, playing Quidditch and fancying yourself Mrs Jessica Potter. Sure, a lot of your friends have outgrown their Harry Potter phase, but you don't think that'll ever happen to you. He was never just a character to you, he was a comfort when you were recovering from your illness and figuring out what life was going to be like without being able to hear things from now on. You lost quite a number of things after the meningitis hit, but you never lost Harry. He taught you how to be brave and true and a little bit sassy, and you're always going to love him.
2. Atticus Finch
Your father is a mechanic, not a lawyer. He wears sports jerseys instead of tweed suits. But he's still the closest thing to Atticus Finch that this world is going to get - in your eyes anyway. Your dad was the first one to introduce you to To Kill A Mockingbird. He panicked and shoved his own copy into your hands after you finished the fifth Harry Potter book and spent three straight hours wailing over Sirius. Of course, TKAM wasn't going to be something that necessarily cheered you up, but you were hooked from the get-go. Atticus taught you how to be just and fair. He taught you to think about what it would be like to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. He taught you valuable life lessons that you still carry today, and even though it would be impossible to hope that everyone in the world could be more like him, you could at lease try to channel all that energy yourself. You like to think that he taught you how to be a better person.
3. Mark Watney
Mark Watney taught you that space is dangerous and terrifying and that it has the potential to be the very death of you. He taught you that it's vast and empty and nothing but a challenge. And it only made you love it even more. When your father picked up on your space obsession, right after your solar system model won first prize at the middle school science fair, he gave you a copy of The Martian. In all honesty, he had no clue what it was about but the name hinted that he was on the right path. You devoured it whole. Or rather... you spent the full night yelling at your book whenever something traumatic happened and Michelle fully attempted to smother you with a literal pillow just to get you to shut up. Mark Watney made you fall in love with space even more, and he kickstarted your desire to work for NASA one day. When you feel like you're never going to make it, you just need to look to him for a kick up the ass.
4. Gilbert Blythe
Gilbert Blythe is the very first love of your life. You understand that there's a high chance you’re not his type, because when he tugs on Anne's pigtails and calls her 'carrots', she hits him over the head with a slate and it's love at first sight for him because of that. If Gilbert Blythe ever tugged on your hair to get your attention, then you probably would have just decided to marry him right then and there. Still, what's not to love about him? He's kind and he's funny and he's smart and he cares about school. Perhaps you would be relationship goals based solely on the fact that you're a nerd and he's a nerd. But you'll never get to test that theory out, which is a shame. In the meantime, Gilbert is setting the standards for all other men and he's raised the bar to a whole other level.
5. Paddington Bear
Paddington Bear is the reason you demanded a duffle coat and red wellies at the age of six. He's the reason you wanted to travel to Darkest Peru whenever a family vacation was brought up. And he's the reason that you still unironically enjoy a marmalade sandwich, even to this day. Plus, he's cuddly and kind and the exact friend you think anyone should have. Honestly, you'd love to be someone's answer to Paddington Bear.
6. Matt Saracen
You're never going to be a football player and, to be quite honest, you never really want to be. You're tiny and any tackle would crush you in an instant. Soccer, on the other hand, is different. And then, of course, there's cheerleading. Matt Saracen was never a cheerleader, although you have total faith in him and believe that he could be anything he wanted to be. He was a football player though, and had always been desperate to be one, despite shortcomings like money and being one of the younger kids on the team. You relate to that. Friday Night Lights taught you all about teamwork. You love being part of a group like that, whether that be the girls soccer team or the cheerleading squad. It's what you miss most about high school, that sense of belonging. You love your family but Michelle likes to make your life a living hell, Brendan can only defend you so much and Gabby has her head in the clouds half the time. Matt taught you that sometimes it's okay to feel way more at home when you're part of a team.
7. Leslie Knope
She likes waffles, she likes fairness and she loves her friends. Leslie Knope is exactly the kind of woman that you want to grow up to be. Maybe you don't have a future in politics, but that's okay! You can still embody her in all the ways that are important. You're a feminist, you would happily arrange a wedding ceremony for two gay penguins and you would absolutely die for Michelle Obama. Leslie Knope is that caring and goofy friend that you want to be, and while you're not as savvy as her or as good with words, and you absolutely do not have her knack for public speaking, you wake up every morning and tell yourself that you're going to be a Pawnee Goddess that day.
8. Clint Barton
You watch the Avengers and you fall in love with superheroes. Your dad seems bolstered by this since he's been trying to get you to read comics for years now, and this eventually persuades you. You discover that you're a die-hard Captain America fan and there are several failed attempts to write a popular Steve/Bucky story when you foray into fanfiction, only to realise you're nowhere near as gifted a writer as you think you are. But you still love this world and these characters and it's like a blanket gets wrapped around you when you find out Clint Barton is actually deaf in the comics. Just like you. You devour Hawkguy, trawl the internet for all the meta discourse and fanfiction you can find and you even dress up as Kate Bishop one Halloween. Clint Barton teaches you that you can have a disability and still be a superhero.
9. Luke Skywalker
There was no way that you were making it through your childhood without discovering Luke. And Leia and Han and Chewie. But Luke was the one that stuck with you most and your dad was very proud of you for that. He's a hero, but not the typical rough-and-tough, 'needs a damsel in distress to save' sort of hero. He teaches you that you can save the galaxy and still be loyal and compassionate and have a good heart. You don't need to be jaded to be a hero, and it's okay to show emotion. And sometimes it's okay to be a little bit of a drama queen as well. You appreciate that last one.
10. Buttercup
The Princess Bride is one of the few movies that you and Michelle actually agree on. Or rather, you like all movies and she hates anything that you like. But even Michelle can't say no to The Princess Bride. Buttercup is a character who undergoes development, giving you hope that maybe one day Michelle will also go through that same growth and decides that she wants you to be her sister. Perhaps it's a pipe dream but you never give up hope. Buttercup also teaches you that you can fall hard and fast for someone who says 'as you wish' to your every command and like, you get that. You're pretty sure that you'd die on the spot should anyone say that to you.
@jupiterjess: i've ran out of oreos. is my life even worth living anymore?
@jupiterjess: the new cheerleading captain at jasper high messaged me for tips. LITTLE OLD ME. i'm blushing hardcore.
@jupiterjess: thank you so much to everyone who failed to tell me i've been walking around with a chocolate milk moustache all day!!!!! you're the best guys!!!!!! thanks!!!!!
@jupiterjess: do you ever just. stop and think. about exoplanets?? someone come hold my hand and talk to me about exoplanets.
@jupiterjess: america, i have no idea what you're doing right now, but you need to be better than this. wake up and smell the racism.
@jupiterjess: 'it's a power that jedi have that lets them control people and... makes things float.' rEY asdfgh
@jupiterjess: as a bisexual, the trailer for 'last christmas' has been very difficult for me. thoughts and prayers for jess in this trying time.
@jupiterjess: @NASA i love u
1. Halleys Comet won’t orbit past earth again until 2061
JESS' INPUT: Okay, so here's another fun fact about Halleys Comet! At Disney's Magic Kingdom, Main Street USA is connected to Tomorrowland by one thing and one thing only. Main Street's design is based on the year 1910, and Tomorrowland's design is based on the year 1986. What do those two years have in common? That was when Halleys Comet orbited past Earth! ... That's more of a Disney World fact, but pretty cool all the same, huh?
2. A full NASA spacesuit costs $12,000,000.
JESS' INPUT: 12 million! That's so much money, holy smokes. Honestly, imagine going around wearing an outfit that cost 12 million dollars. Wouldn't be me! I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it.
3. There may be a planet made out of diamonds.
JESS' INPUT: Okay, so this planet is like, 40 lightyears away and it's eight times the size of earth. Researchers think it could be made of graphite and diamonds and everyone is like 'wow, that's cool!' And okay. yeah, I get it. Diamond planet. That's super cool. But you know what isn't cool? That episode of Doctor Who where they went to the diamond planet and that one woman got possessed. That was the opposite of cool.
4. The footprints on the moon will be there for 100 million years.
JESS' INPUT: There's no atmosphere on the moon so the footprints there can't be eroded by wind or anything like that. So those footprints are going to be there for practically forever. Imagine being Buzz and Neil and being able to flex like that. I went to the grocery store the other day, accidentally dropped a jar of Marmite and then stood in it - so my footprint was there because the cashier couldn't handle the Marmite-y smell for long enough to clean it up and apparently I wasn't allowed to help for 'health and safety'. So at least my footprint is going to be imprinted somewhere. Just nowhere that's as cool as the moon.
5. The moon was once a piece of the earth.
JESS' INPUT: People think that there was some sort of collision which made a part of earth break off. They say it was an early protoplanet of Mars called Theia. Anyway, Theia made the moon break away from Earth but it stayed around to orbit us because of the Earth's gravitational pull. Don't you love the moon? She's a lesbian queen! Hey, maybe Theia had a crush on her or something and just went about it like, the wrong way.
6. There is floating water in space.
JESS' INPUT: Uh huh! So there's this massive water vapour cloud that astronauts found and it holds - oh my gosh, get reads for this - it holds 140 trillion times the mass of Earth's oceans. My head is honestly spinning just thinking about it. 140 trillion! That's crazy!
7. There is a volcano on Mars three times the size of Everest.
JESS' INPUT: Yep, her name is Olympus Mons and I would personally like to know why she didn't have a starring role in The Martian. Maybe it's because she would have easily outshined Matt Damon. Sorry, Matt.
8. In 3.75 billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies will collide.
JESS' INPUT: I'll be honest, my brain doesn't even know where to begin processing this. I can't... compute. What is this... I can't... Sorry, I'm shutting down. Jess out!
7. Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos. - you can pretend you can handle spicy food by eating one of these. and doesn't that make you look cultured, huh? still... it's a weird mix of flavours. 5/10. 6. Peeps Oreos. - a solid 7/10 for taste... but you still feel guilty about eating a fluffy marshmallow chicken, hence the low ranking. 5. Oreo Mini. - all the 10/10 taste of a regular oreo but they're tiny so it's very easy to hide them when you want to sneakily eat them in class! a solid 12/10 for being so gosh darn convenient. 4. Golden Oreos. - look, you were brought up in ireland and that means that sometimes you just really, really want a custard cream, okay? this is america's answer to that and it comes in a delicious, compact oreo form. *chef's kiss* exquisite. 8.5/10 3. Mint Oreos. - honestly, it's so easy to feel halfway to sophisticated when you eat one of these. a solid 9/10. 2. Red Velvet Oreos. - CREAM CHEESE IS THE PEOPLE'S CHEESE!!! 10/10!!!!!! 1. Cinnamon Bun Oreos. - you nearly cried when you tasted these for the first time. the sun was shining. obama was president. your skin was clear, your crops were growing. the promise of tomorrow was as bright and warm as the feeling in your chest when that cinnamon-y biscuit-y goodness first met your tastebuds. you could write an essay on cinnamon bun oreos. 100000/10.
1. Jensen Greenfeld
Your dad is probably your favourite person in the world. You'd do anything for him - including deferring your college acceptance to keep an eye on him, because that's what family does. He's your rock, your best friend, and he's the most giving person you've ever met in your life. He and your mum met in university when he studied abroad for a year and they were instantly best friends, keeping in touch long after they'd graduated and your dad moved back home. He knew your mum always wanted a kid and so he gave her you. It's unconventional, you know that, and most people raised their eyebrows at him helping another woman conceive in such a short time after his wife passed away, but that's the kind of person your dad is. Generosity helped him through his grief. How could anyone criticise that? He taught you how to ride a bike, change a leaky exhaust and adopted Comet for you so you wouldn't feel so lonely when you moved to New York to be with him. When he ended up in hospital, you were beside yourself. But not because you had to stay with him now instead of going to college like you'd planned. You could never begrudge him that, not when so much of his own life has been dedicated to making sure you were happy.
2. Magda McTaggert
Your mum has never had the easiest life. Disowned by her parents after she came out to them, she had to make her own way in the world. That's something you've never been able to relate to, because she made sure that you always had people who loved you. When you were sick as a kid, she stayed up with you every night, barely getting any sleep herself. She was your champion when you began to learn sign language, and she held your hand when the doctors first began talking about your cochlear implants. You miss her when she's in Ireland and you're in America, but she's only ever a Skype call away.
3. Kinsey McTaggert
Technically, Kinsey is your step-mother. But you rarely refer to her as that. She's your ma. She's been in your life since you were three-years-old so keeping her at arms-length with a 'step' term doesn't feel right to you when she's just as much your family as your mum and dad are. Sure, you'll call her by your first name but that's because Kinsey is so terrifyingly, inexplicably, astronomically cool. She's been managing bands for her whole life, she has pink hair and she let you come on tour when you were younger and being homeschooled. Your fondest memories are the tour bus with your mum and Kinsey and whatever up and coming rockers had adopted you as their little sister. Kinsey is the reason you felt alright leaving your mum behind to start school in America. You know she's in safe hands with her wife.
4. Michelle Greenfeld
Michelle has pretty much hated you since the day you were born. Perhaps 'hate' is a strong word, but she highly dislikes you and never let you forget the fact that you're only her half-sister. In some ways, you get it. You came into the family shortly after her mum had died. Her dad had a kid with another woman and, even though there were absolutely no romantic feelings involved, it still must have felt like a kick in the teeth. You try your best to be accommodating of her feelings because you know she's not all bad. The ways she treats Brendan and especially Gabby is proof of that. She can be the perfect big sister - unfortunately, just not to you.
5. Brendan Greenfeld
Brendan likes you though, and you're so happy about that. Brendan is exactly what you want in a big brother. He's protective and funny and taught you all the cheats for his video games, so you're basically unstoppable when it comes to Mario Kart now. He was also the one that told Gabby to shut up when she saw you for the first time after you lost your hearing. He took learning sign language in his stride and always makes sure there's room for you to sit at movie night. Sometimes you worry that, if it ever came down to it, he'd still pick Michelle over you - full sibling loyalty and all. But maybe that's doing Brendan an injustice, because he's never been anything other than the perfect big brother to you.
6. Gabby Greenfeld
Gabby is a sweetheart. She might be a little flaky at times and come out with mildly offensive things, but you know that she means well. Michelle is her favourite but she loves you as well, even if she often turns her nose up at your love for scrunchies and denim jackets. She'd rather get you to wear something sparkly and show-y and while you'll never say no to glitter, you don't think that Gabby's closet is quite for you. In fact, you're pretty sure only she can pull it off. Gabby is wild and free and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She's loving and loud and you want to make sure that you get to keep her around forever.
memory one
You blush when Tor lets out a low whistle. "Some talent you've got there, Little J," he says. That makes you blush even more. Tor is just so nice. And has a handsome face. Kinsey says you're far too young to like boys yet and that you're far too smart to like someone like Tor. She says he goes through girls like a revolving door and you're not sure what that means, but you like the attention from him anyway. "I was just messing around," you smile, your fingers trailing over the keys again. He tips back his head and laughs. "Well, mess around anymore and I might be out of a job. Are you trying to upstage me?" Tor teases. Grinning, you shake your head and Serge wanders over. Normally, he's so tall and silent and sort of intimidating but his smile is warm when he reaches over to ruffle your hair. "Say the word and I'll kick Tor to the curb in an instant, Jess," he promises solemnly. You know that they're just joking, but it's nice to feel that sort of validation. Especially when you're a little kid and they're rockstars. That's why music is so special, it brings everyone together, even Irish Harry Potter enthusiasts and charming keyboardists with pretty eyes.
memory two
The headache has cleared up but you still feel groggy and confused and so you fall back asleep again, promising yourself that you'll ask after your mum when you wake up again. Because maybe then you'll be able to hear her. There's no such luck when you come to again. Everything is silent and it's too weird to even begin describing. You're confused at first but your mum's tears, your dad's shell-shocked expression and the grim line set around Kinsey's mouth helps you to put the pieces together. There's a kind looking doctor who's writing something on a notepad for you, and you already know what it's going to say before he places it in your lap. You've worked it out. You're deaf. It's as if years fall away from you at that moment. It's hard to reconcile the news with everything you know about yourself. Your whole childhood has been music and now what? That's gone away and you're just meant to be okay with it? How is that fair? With shaking hands, you take the pen from the doctor and write a reply. As soon as your mum reads it, she starts crying again but your dad finds it in himself to smile and he reaches over to squeeze your knee through the hospital bedsheets. He still has that piece of paper which is stupidly sentimental of him and you love him for it. It read: Okay. What's next?
memory three
At first, you were excited. After years of homeschooling, you're finally going to a proper high school and you get to see your dad every day. What's not to love about all of that? However, now that you're in New York, the nerves have started to settle in. What if no one wants to be your friend? What if the kids at school are weird about the deaf thing? What if they try and touch your implant? What if they don't let you join the soccer team even though Kinsey bought you new cleats specifically for that? Most of all, what if Michelle tries to smother you in your sleep? Your dad laughs when you voice that one aloud. "Don't you think you're being a little bit dramatic?" he asks you, fondly smoothing down your hair. You laugh along with him but you aren't so sure. That night at dinner, Michelle spears a meatball with her fork in such an aggressive manner, glaring at you all the while, that you think you're about to faint. No, you don't think you're being dramatic at all.
memory four
"Jess? Jess, are you alright?" At first, you can't even reply. You're too speechless. With shaking hands, you present him with the letter - your CalTech acceptance letter. Your dad cheers at once and he scoops you up into a hug and you think that you could just die of happiness right then and there. You're going to be studying aeronautical engineering. All of the hard work, the late night physics reading, the dedication to science club, the hours spent in your dad's garage understanding engines, the grease and oil covering your hands and your hair and your face. It was all worth it. And now it's one step closer to NASA.
memory five
A heart attack. Your dad isn't even old, and as far as you know he's always had a clean bill of health so what's changed. You stay silent all the way to the hospital and Brendan lets you. When you arrive, Gabby hugs you and even Michelle manages a watery smile your way. Then all four of you are allowed into see him. He's lying in bed, tubes attached to him, but he's sitting upright and he smiles at you, his kids, even if he does look sleepy. Then he cracks some sort of joke and hell if you can remember what it is. But that's what makes you cry. The idea of college goes flying right out the window. He argues with you, naturally. So you lie and tell him you were never that sure about it anyway. He doesn't believe you at first because that career path has been the only thing you've ever been sure about since you were 11-years-old. Maybe you're a good actress because eventually he relents and lets you stay with him. Or maybe, deep down, he's scared to be on his own now too.
1. Tor Eklund
keyboard player for The Corkscrews
has the nicest set of teeth in the world
went through girls like a revolving door according to Kinsey
called you 'little J'
total dreamboat
saw you as a little sister
2. Graham O'Connell
striker for the boys football team in Ireland
had never seen or read Harry Potter but he had floppy hair so you were willing to make allowances
always complimented your football boots
was your first kiss
asked if the two of you could keep in touch when you moved to Canada
messaged you one day to say he'd started watching Harry Potter
you were overjoyed
messaged you again to say he didn't really like Remus Lupin
you well and truly dodged that bullet, didn't you?
3. Amanda Forbes
literally the prettiest girl you've ever seen in your life
was visiting Jasper in the summer with her family
was also a cheerleader
your bisexual awakening
said she wanted to kiss you because she had never kissed a girl before
kissed you lots of times that summer
ghosted you when she left and has a boyfriend now
well, fine then, Amanda
4. Steve Rogers aka Captain America
I mean, you're only bloody human, aren't you?
1. Neighbourhood Dog Walker
You were fourteen. You needed some money. You loved dogs. It made perfect sense. All the neighbours trusted you to look after their pooches and you made about twenty different canine friends.
2. Apprentice Mechanic
When you told your dad you wanted to be an aeronautical engineer, he said that you needed hands on experience. It helped that he owned an auto shop. Convenient, right? He thought a week working alongside him would help you get to grips with things and prepare you for college. You kept working there for three years. You loved it so much.
3 Aeronatucial Engineer
With your dad on the mend, it doesn’t seem like such a pipe dream anymore. Now you’re at NYU and you feel lucky that they want you to study with them. It’s not CalTech but it’s still one step closer to NASA, and this way you still get to be close to your dad.
1. Comet
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2. Sirius
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Bubbly, optimistic, generous, strong-willed, determined, resilient, resourceful, courageous, cheery, nurturing, reckless, stubborn, lacks self-awareness, self-conscious, easily influenced, cares too much about what other people think of her, total Gryffindor, eats too many Oreos, space nerd, deaf, soccer player, cheerleader, dog mom, half-Irish, half-American.
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cxiong22 · 5 years ago
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2010 - 2020 Wow. It really has been 2 years since I’ve blogged. My last post was back in 2018… Whew. Well, life definitely has it’s highs and lows since then but despite the bad times, they all have taught me to be thankful for the little things. Therefore, I will ever praise and be grateful to God for everything that came, gone and stayed in my life. So, here we are, 2020. Today I want to journey back to 10 years ago and reflect what life has been like for me. 10 years ago I graduated from high school and I was named as one of Bill Gate’s 2010 scholars and if you know, being a Gate’s scholar you get a FULL ride to a 4-year college! Oh man, all of those after-school hours I put in to write my 10 essays were all worth it! I can’t even fathom the fact that I was even considered as one for the finalists and then to be chosen??? It was that season of my life when I realized that God already written my life story. I mean, come on. I was not the smartest student, not an AP student, I wasn’t even the top 20 students in my class and I had A’s and B’s with a GPA of 3.4. I didn’t feel like I deserved it and to be quite honest I was a little embarrassed too since I was just an ordinary teenage girl who was just trying to make her parents proud. Because I was a gate’s scholar they flew me out to Los Angeles, that same year, for a BIG gathering conference for all the 2010 scholars. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget! It got to fly in an airplane for the first time in my life, I stayed at a 30+ level Hyatt hotel. I was roomed on the 20th floor and had the best view at night! During the conference I met and made friends with other scholars and got to hear successful people speak at different workshops and did a lot of teamwork activities at night. During that time I was debating really hard if I wanted to attend St. Kate’s and major in Fashion Design or UNWSP and go for accountant but for some reason I really felt that God was calling me to UNWSP. So there I was, at UNWSP pursuing an accountant degree. All I could think about was making BIG bucks and get all the materialistic things I could have after I graduate as an accountant. I wanted a BIG house, an expensive car, a massive walk-in closet full of high-branded shoes, bags and clothes. Then, in my 2nd year of college I heard God so clearly and I felt like He was telling me to lay down my life for Him and at first I didn’t know what that meant or looked like but the tugging in my heart was so strong. It had me praying for many months and I shared with my mentors, youth leaders and godly friends and I knew that what God wanted was for me to give up my selfish and materialistic dreams and pursue Him and His heart. It was the BEST decision I ever made in college. After I switched my major to Intercultural Studies and found joy in everything! I learned a lot about myself, I was challenged in so many ways, I was pruned and sharpened to be the person God called me to be. This was it. That was the reason why God placed me at UNWSP; it was for me to grow and to find who I am in Him.
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claydanceco · 6 years ago
By Lillian Aliyinza
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  Life is Good!.What can we give back to god, save for a good dance. December 2018; Photo by Watoto Church
The psalmist in Psalms 116:12 said
What can I give back to God for the blessings He’s poured out on me (us)? I’ll (we’ll) lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God! I’ll (we’ll) pray in the name of God; I’ll (we’ll) complete what I(we) promised God I’d (we’d) do, and I’ll (we’ll) do it together with his people.
 What a season and a year to celebrate the goodness of the Lord through the ministry He as entrusted to us with. For the people that joined us this year thank you for coming, we bless God that you did for the puzzle was made perfect because you came. For the people that have been around through the years, we thank you for staying. You have given this puzzle the various shapes. To the ancestors, you are the hard board on which Jesus laid the foundations of this amazing dance ministry.
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CLAY Dance Show Case Sept 2009: L-R Barbara, Julio-Bradley, Ernest, Nicholas, Catherine, Cmo, Edna, Florence, Jessica, Aziza, Michael and Sarah. choreography by Drew
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Some of the original members of CLAY Dance Co. L-R, David Jessica Mumford, Cmo Atuha and Joanne; looking like the original cast of Wakanda. Taken December 2010.
2018 has been such a great year; we thank God for the leadership of the church that has continually given us the resources and believed in the facts that dance is worship that does impact lives.
We kicked off the year with a great workshop facilitated by our friends from Soul Expressions. They took us back to our roots of contemporary dance. We learned rolls that boy or boy we have really utilized the entire year.
Watoto Church then launched Sisterhood to which we (mostly the ladies from CLAY) privileged to be a part of, performing, Pieces as well as Different Drums. This turned out to be a tour over the next 2 months that went to Watoto Church Gulu, Worship Harvest Naalya and the Makerere University Norwegian Dance Festival. This was an amazing experience as the abundance of the women of CLAY Dance has always been a given , we asked God for some men, and they came in droves, droves so many that we could not contain them. For all the men that signed up, returned, or decided not to take a break this year, we celebrate you as well.
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Different Drums: Watoto Sisterhood
For the first time we understood why God has blessed us with numbers as we were able to do a split rotation. Thanks to the amazing gifts of Michelle and Karen who choreographed “LOYAL, done over 4 Sundays in 2 teams. What a blessing it was. We were also able to share this dance with the special needs awareness day organized by the Mukisa Foundation where our Sarah Ampumuza works. The special needs experience really challenged us as we experienced children with special needs enjoying dance to the fullest and yet us being full and able bodied, many at times give excuses of how we cannot dance because it is “hard” or it is not “my dance genre” It showed us that if God made us whole then we can’t afford to return to him, a half-baked and lame sacrifice.
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Easter came along and the dancing angels (in white, oh how that color follows us everywhere) showed up to convey the resurrected power of Christ which does live in each one of us. Sometime in June, Power, Sex and Money (PSM) held a panel discussion on Arts & culture featuring our team leader Duncan Roy Kawooya. CLAY Dance shared in that experience with the dance “Joy”.
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Anne, Vero, Lydia, Martha and Vanessa all expressing pure joy!
We are forever grateful for the partnership that has grown with the Batalo East team who gave us an opportunity to be part of the Batalo Dance Festival this year where we danced a piece titled “Rend Your Heart” which was birthed in Joel 2 and depicted the struggles we all go through, telling the story of how the enemy can use that opportunity to come in and put us down but then eventually the light of Jesus shines forth and redeems us from the enemy’s fangs. This dance reminded us that there is no place; our Lord would not go to rescue you. We were honored to share this story again at Power FM Presents in September. We are grateful to Andrew Amanyire for having taken the role of project Manager and lead choreographer for our submission to Batalo Fest 2018 and to Batalo East, for the monthly equations from which we continuously grow. Furthermore they selected two of us (Mijumbi Lydia and Andrew Amanyire) to be part of the MUDA Dance 2018 Exchange programme that was held in Tanzania, and they ably represented us.
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Ace Amanyire with the Batalo East Team at the MUDA Dance 2018 Exchange in Tanzania
God has taught us over the years that all that we do should exude His love for people and we were honored to be part of a dance outreach alongside our friends from VTC Dance Crew from The City Church in Luzira who did an outreach in Kilombe, that involved a joint community cleaning up, collected “praise worthy” items inclusive of bags, shoes, clothes and others that we gave away as we danced and shared the gospel. Many people gave their lives to Jesus, enjoyed lots of dance and even experienced a stampede…..but that’s a story for another day.
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  Clay Dance’s Karen at the outreach in Kilombe
This year has seen us take a leap as God launched us into the corporate world. We were honored to be part of the launch of two big projects in two big companies. First was URA where they launched “All hands on Deck” where we did a stomp dance to help raise awareness about an internal campaign they were having during April 2018. Second was NSSF “Hi Innovator” launch, for which we did flash mob codenamed “teamwork”. We truly thank God for such amazing opportunities and we believe that this is just the beginning of the amazing territories He is taking us to because He says that wherever the sole of your feet step there you shall take possession.
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the gang at the launch of NSFF’s Hi Innovator Program; L-R; Namata, Maria, Mercy .W., Barbara, Vero, Jose, Patricia Mercy .I., Lydia, Trem, Emma-Hark, Prima, Mugi, Mij, Bella, Lillian, Karen, Hizzy, Ruth, Brandon, Joanne, Milky, Byron ansd Anna
We once dreamt that Clay Dance would go viral and well we are living our dreams. We officially went international first by being part of the launch of the Global Dance Network in Uganda which was facilitated by our very own Solomon Mugabi and Catherine Nakaweesa alongside the Carol Smolek from Global Dance Network. The international appeal didn’t stop there; as we were part of the Nsiimye tour as Sandra Suubi launched her album “Nsiimye” for which we did feature on her interview with CNN as she shared her story.
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  Clay Dance at Sandra Suubi Nsiimye Tour. Photo by RytahUg
As the winds of blessings blew on, they sent us Shafik our longtime friend and Kate Stoddard, the dance team leader at Hillsong Church Australia. Shafik has an amazing warm up that am sure we cannot forget but he taught us body awareness and how to play around with the three (insert word) of dance (Space, time and insert word). Kate on the other hand took us to the “foreign land” of ballet and this greatly improved our technique. We are absolutely grateful to the both of them.
Our very own Daniel Iterera had his nuptials with the love of his life Daisy and we know that many more are coming to us. Clay Dance was very ably represented at the Miss Uganda 2018 where our very own Kwagala Lynette walked away with the Miss Uganda-Central crown. We congratulate and celebrate the both of them.
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As we continue along we draw aspiration from our friends at Vizuri Dance Crew and The Bravas who had amazing concerts, Tonsindika and 7 Stories, for which we both were privileged to be a part of.
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CLAY Dance at the 7 Stories Concert by the Bravaz. L-R: Duncan, Anna, Vero, Daphine-Series, Prima, Mij, Namatah and Ace
The bible says He crowns the year with His goodness as we celebrate the biggest gift to humanity, the gift of Jesus as told through music and dance. We have been preparing and we are excited for what Jesus is about to do in and through us. We pray that God will use us afresh to do just that which He wants to do. We are priviedged to be a part of the annual Watoto Church Christmas Cantata; Perfect Light, which this year marks its 35th run, and we are thankful to God for allowing us to be a part of a congregation with such amazing talent.
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Dancers from the Song Perfect Light: Head Choreographer Andrew Ace (et al) Photo by Watoto Church
Ruth, Lillian, Jean-claire Barbara, Namata, Mercy & Solome: Photo by Duncan Roy
Miraculum; Head Choreographer- kate Stoddard; Photo By Watoto Church
T-256’s Jeremiah Kenneth in all team song- Jesus is; Photo by Watoto Church
Cathy, towering above our lovely Comfort in silent night; Photo by Watoto Church
Miraculum; Choreohpahy By Kate Stoddard & others; Photo by Watoto Church
Trem, Mon and Byron taking in the city views; Photo by Duncan Roy
In conclusion, we just want to give thanks to each and every person that has walked this journey with us throughout the year. We are grateful for your commitment towards the call that God has placed upon your life and we are honored to serve God alongside you. We declare God’s blessing upon you and we pray that He will grant you all your hearts’ desires.
We are excited for next year because we make 10 years and we know that we are moving from Glory to Glory as we Discover, Develop and Belong.
You are dearly loved and You Matter.
We are worshippers
We are family
We are friends
We are fighters
We are warriors
We Dance inside out
There is more
Clay Dance Goes Viral
After all at Clay Dance Co. we are #MoreThanDance#
2018: What a year! By Lillian Aliyinza The psalmist in Psalms 116:12 said What can I give back to God…
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theleftoverurl · 7 years ago
Back in time to Mother’s Day, wow, that feels so long ago. What was it? 2 weeks? 1? Anyway, in the aftermath of REXTAB, I woke up at 10:30 as I had promised Kate the night previous, and dragged myself out of bed for an update, only to find Kate and Vron leaving for Jules’ soccer and Lindfield already.
I suppose I had already made it pretty clear that I didn’t want to go to Lindfield so early, but I had assumed that Kate would come with me (given that I often go out of my way to keep her company for trips because she doesn’t like being alone) but turns out she dislikes public transport so much, that she is willing to watch a 13-year-old’s soccer game in the dull drizzle outside and then spend a whole day in an Internet-less house. The bitterness is just me being ditched and a hint of jealousy that has continued in recent times at the realisation that with my absence in other social things and preoccupation at the hospital, Kate and Vron have probably become better friends than Kate and me. Also, Kate has been too caught up in stressing about all the things she has due to spend much time with me, so I feel like we haven’t had any nice interaction for a while. Lucky we pre-scheduled the massage for this Saturday, before things get distant and then she just leaves for New Zealand, but anyway, I digress.
They left, and I attempted to feed myself, but the kitchen was at a new level of filthy. I wasn’t about to clean it, because I was feeling generally spiteful and also because I had definitely been so absent during the week that I hadn’t had time to eat in that kitchen, so contributed about 0% of that mess. I cleared enough space to make 2minute Shin Ramyun noodles (the spicy Korean ones that are my favourite) and Marmite toast and then I rang mum (for a rant) to wish her Happy Mother’s Day. Nick was on the Leeuwin, a fancy boat that Christchurch takes him on to sail and learn physics and teamwork and things, so mum and dad had Mother’s Day all to themselves. Mum and I had a big talk about Veronica’s idiosyncrasies and how I could stop myself from getting so irritated because I don’t understand them, and Nick’s parent-teacher meeting, which obviously went well because he’s such a charmer, and then we got onto my ILP project, which mum is making a big deal about (turning it into a burden in my life I am not looking forward to). Things turned a bit sour, but I managed to squeeze in a discussion about potentially volunteering in a 3rd world country over the December holidays, to get in some work experience (in a country with less strict regulations, where I’ll be allowed to perform procedures and it will be useful) and then she remembered my lack of ability to drive and yelled at me about that so that we ended the call on a bad note. Very typical.
I was feeling very trashy by this point, and nobody was home to keep me company, so I had round 2 of 2minute noodles by eating the Mama tom yum ones I had stocked up and then I watched Grey’s Anatomy and ate Cadbury chocolate chip cookies and leftover Easter eggs and took a sneaky swig of Vron’s orange juice (out the bottle, ha) and had a packet of crisps. Just making myself as disgusting a human being as possible, really.
By now, it was late afternoon, and I didn’t want to turn up to Veronica’s house for dinner late, given I was already only turning up for dinner and not to spend time with her and Kate, so I did a quick hour’s work writing up List B for my Onc-Pall assignment which was due the next morning and then hopped onto the dreaded public transport for my trip to Lindfield. I did decide to wear my puffy grey Guess jacket which I got in New York, and it was extremely warm and so fluffy, really elevating the mood of my particularly average day (although I felt alright, I just knew it was from being a slob).
The train ride was uneventful, and I arrived around 6:15. Veronica was in the shower or doing her laundry or something, but I had a nice chat with Kate, Anna and Vron’s mum whilst her dad made beef Wellington – a specialty he creates every Mother’s Day. Both the dogs put their heads on my lap and fell asleep which was therapeutic and so, so cute. Everyone had a contentious discussion about Veronica wanting a dog – does she get a brand-new therapy dog, or does she take Charlie and Lola or just Lola, oh my goodness, so many decisions. I wasn’t really listening, to be honest, because the dog conversation has really tired me out recently – I’m a person who makes decisions and sticks to them, so if I want a dog, and I decide that it’s not too difficult to have one, I’ll just get one. I won’t suffer having multiple circular discussions about it and end up on no decision. So, I just cuddled the dogs and minded my own business, though I did throw in the suggestion of a rabbit or a guinea pig, that wasn’t taken too seriously (but I wasn’t being serious either, I ain’t cleaning no cages).
Dinner was huge, but really, really yummy and I felt bad for being the pig as usual and eating all the food (despite all the junk during the day) when everybody else picked at something or the other or left bits on their plate. I guess I never really was taught to leave anything on my plate and being in situations with people makes me nervous where I eat more, because I’m afraid people will think I’m not eating, which is stupid and irrelevant and not the stage of my life that I’m in anymore, but I think it’s a remnant of that. After beef Wellington were choco hot-o pies, which is basically a self-saucing chocolate pudding that we had at Veronica’s last time which is super rich and delicious (brilliant with vanilla ice cream to cut out the richness of consuming pure sugar and chocolate). I had mine early because I like it a bit gloopy, but everybody else heated theirs up further.
Afterwards, Kate and Vron were tired and anxious to go home, so we had a quick pat of the dogs and then headed. On the way to the house, they had a disaster, where the bonnet of Veronica’s car wasn’t secured properly, so it flipped up whilst they were in the middle of the road and they couldn’t see anything. I’m very proud of Veronica that she didn’t freak out and navigated everyone to safety, which just goes to show that honestly, she’s not as incapable as she believes she is (or her anxiety believes, I don’t really know how that all works). Anyway, Veronica’s mum dropped us home and I stayed up late finishing my assignment. I got it in at 11pm sharp, with minimal proofreading and giving myself huge leeway on the word count, but it was completed on time, and with minimal fuss. I watched a bit more Grey’s before bed which was nice.
So, that’s all I have for now, I am running super behind on updates, but this was the last long one I had planned, so it should jump back to the present very soon. I got out of hospital early today by literally running away because I was so tired and had a sleep at 4pm. I was too tired to go to the GHSC tonight, which is a big shame, and I was too tired to correctly estimate how much pasta I needed and ate 2 huge bowls so now I feel a bit sick. My diet has been crazy bad recently, but I’ll probably fix it up soon, idk. Tomorrow I must go to uni an hour earlier because my group project group prefer to wake up earlier than skip an SH lecture. Ridiculous. Anyway, that’s all for now, hopefully things are less weird in the house tomorrow as I’m cooking dinner – family dinner should fix things up. Okay, till next time 😊
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theochelpsquad · 7 years ago
Katherine Jenkins (Attack on Titan OC)
Quotes: “If you’re just standing there doing nothing to help, I swear, Rachel, I’m going to kick someone’s ass, and you know damn well who.”
“I do not care WHAT you were going to say, but I’ll take your piece of cake and make it hostage, for you do not do anything stupid.”
“Why do you care? Go do something useful and don’t think about my safety. Yours is more important.”
H: This is also a really long review, so under the cut! I’ll be the only mod reviewing this one.
General Characteristics-
Name: Katherine Apprill Jenkins
Nickname(s): Kate (mostly used by Rachel), Jenkins (most of the higher-ups), Susan Jenkins (Levi when needs her attention), Catty (when being teased)
H: The nicknames are really creative, but why does Levi call her Susan? Did she tell him who she was? How did it affect their relationship?
Affiliation: Survey Corps, Special Operations Squad
Former Affiliation: 104th Training Corps
H: WOOO, 104th! My favorite thing about the AoT series is that OCs can be in the 104th Corps. Unfortunately, that means she can’t be in the top 10. :(
Theme Song:
(childhood) www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH5WzkE8_Hk&list=PLD511BA65BC4B66AF&index=7
(to her (future) significant other) www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4svwoQad6k&list=PLD511BA65BC4B66AF&index=5
(actual) www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHEv5HMsWc
Zodiac: Aquarius
Physical Characteristics-
Accessories: None
Knowledge: 9/10
Conceptualization Power: 5/10
Motivation: 9/10
Will to Act: 10/10
Agility: 5/10
3D Maneuvering Gear: 8/10
H: Low agility and high 3DMG stats sounds like an interesting combination! Does it cause some trouble?
Swordsmanship: 7/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat:: 3/10
Long Range Accuracy: 4/10
H: It’s really rare to see an AoT OC with low battle stats and agility. I like where you’re going with her!
Strategy: 9/10
H: Earlier, you gave her low conceptualization power but high strategy. How does her mind work? I’m not saying you should change the scores--in fact, it might be more interesting to explain how she comes up with battle plans when she can’t conceptualize.
Teamwork: 6/10
Offense: 7/10
Defense: 5/10
Social Skills: 4/10
Dress Style/Wardrobe: Survey Corps jacket, White long-sleeved shirt, white pants, dark brown sash around the waist, dark brown knee-high boots, green cloak
Eye Color: Green
Equipment: 3DMG complete with snap-off blades
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Redhead
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Most Valuable Possession: A gold bracelet with “Susan Jenkins” written on it, which Katherine has since birth
H: I really like this tidbit! Who was Susan and where did she get the bracelet?
Nationality: British with both American parents
H: I made a post about AoT OCs a while ago, where I talked about character nationality. In the series, America is never mentioned, and most characters come from Europe. I would personally recommend that you change her parents’ nationalities, but seeing as the location of the AoTverse hasn’t been confirmed, you don’t have to.
Scars: One on her left knee, and a few on her back and shoulders
H: To add complexity to her background, explain where she got these. Maybe a fight, or an injury as a child?
Weight: 127 lbs (58 kg)
H: She seems pretty thin, but it could be because of malnutrition. Then again, Wall Sina (Sina? Sheena?) is mostly rich. Did her parents use up all of their money to move inside Wall Sina and ended up poor? Were they rich but she lost weight after running away?
Personal Characteristics-
Birth Date: August 23
Birth Place: Yarckel District, Wall Sina (or Sheena, whatever)
First Word(s): “Papa’s song”
H: This is really sweet!
Parents: Ronald and Emma Jenkins
Siblings: Katherine Apprill Jenkins (stillborn)
H: Having a stillborn sibling can be hard, especially when you share a name. Did this affect her relationship with her parents and herself?
Death Date: N/A
Age at Death: N/A
Death Place: N/A
Resting Place: N/A
Last Word(s): She has already thought about them and has them ready
H: It seems like a small addition, but this says a lot about her character. I like it!
Primary Objective: Rachel says is for avenge the death of all the victims of Shiganshina, but Katherine never said that it was all the truth. So everyone else just assume that it’s somehow related to her family or friends, and she doesn’t want to talk about why she’s there or what are her main goals
H: Does she have a reason for not telling or is she just awkward?
Secondary Objective(s): Keep Rachel safe and protect the humanity
Priorities: Herself, Rachel, her friends and her family
Motivation: Rachel and herself. If it were not for the hope of living a happy life with her best friend after destroying all the titans, she would have gone insane and would throw herself into the mouth of a titan at the first opportunity.
H: I can tell that Rachel is a really important person to her. Does she feel guilty when Rachel is injured, even when it’s not her fault?
Solo Titan Kills: 9
Team Titan Kills: 25
Greatest Achievement: Helping humanity take back Wall Maria and Shiganshina District
Failures: Letting Jean irritate enough to fight physically with him, became too afraid of telling her parents about entering the Survey Corps and running away because of it
Biggest Failure: Feeling overconfident on her first battle and almost being killed as consequence
Self-Confidence: Kate has trouble trusting herself. Sometimes she is overconfident and thinks that she can defeat anyone (and ends up being defeated), at other times she trusts herself in a healthy measure, and at other times she simply thinks she can not do anything useful. Rachel is always there to make her go back to the healthy measure of self-confidence
Traumas: Hearing her parents discussing about her dead twin for the first time when she was really young
Embarrassment: Being scolded by Levi because of her fight with Jean (being scolded by her own crush, I would be embarrassed too)
H: Yikes… so would I.
Worries: She worries too much about Rachel, Wallace and Oliver, even if they’re actually good on protecting themselves she just can not think the worst will not happen.
H: Do they get annoyed at her overprotectiveness or do they understand?
Earliest Memory: Hearing her father singing for her when she was three years old
Fondest Memory: When she showed Rachel all her grandfather’s paintings of the outside world
Worst Memory: Seeing her comrades dying right in front of her, she was trying to help fighting against the Female Titan and after had to race back to the walls
Favorite Dream: Rachel and her living a happy life, free of titans and walls, with her other best friends together, every comrade alive and well with them
Worst Nightmare: Everyone is dead. Katherine is shaking as she was when she was held by a titan in her first battle. Female Titan, Armored Titan, Colossal Titan, Beast Titan, all of them are just ahead of her eating her best friends and she can not do anything to stop it.
H: Her nightmare has to do with being powerless; you could tie in her fear of losing control with anxiety and her overprotective nature.
Desires: to be free from these walls, this king and these titans along with all the people she cares about
Wishes: That her mother and father could see how much she changed and got better. Of course, to her it is a silly wish, but is what she wanted
Secrets: Her crush on Levi Ackerman (she think it is, but is pretty obvious)
Confidantes: Rachel and William
Soft Spots: The “cute dog face that fell from the change truck” thing and being called Susan.
Quirks: Is annoyed by people prone to fidgeting with things, is fascinated with bees, always have to scream once in the day “BRIOCHE” and/or “SAUERKRAUT” on Oliver’s ears because he get so mad (and is funny)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Catchphrase: “I’m not going to listen your stupidity.”
Mental Characteristics-
Attitude: Most of the time Katherine shows little to no emotions, but when she’s with her “squad” (three childhood friends, Rachel, Wallace and Oliver) she becomes more sociable. Short-tempered when it comes to idiotic things. No matter what, she will try to protect her close friends if they’re in danger but Kate gets embarrassed when she’s the one being saved. Kate is emotional and sensible inside, but acts stone cold when she thinks emotions will interfere (almost all the time). She’s gentle and polite normally, but get angry easily and then she become violent and rude to her anger’s target.
H: These are really well written and realistic characters, well done!
Bad Habits: Following people if is bored, talking alone, breaking the rules if she think she needs
Good Habits: Help her comrades on trainings, discuss all her strategies with the others
Known Languages: English, French and a little about German
H: Where did she learn these? Was it taught to her by her parents or did she teach herself?
Pet Peeves: Idiotic comments, people who are drumming their fingers in things
Phobias: Ankylophobia (Fear of immobility of a joint)
Spiritual Characteristics-
Animal: Owl
Superstitions: Every Friday 13th is a dangerous day and bad events can happen to people
Vices: Crankiness, doubt, secrecy, melancholic, moodiness
H: These are really well-rounded flaws!
Virtues: Awareness, cooperativeness, hopefulness, independence, punctiliousness
Signature Move: She doesn’t have one
Specialty: Planning and helping with strategies
Strengths: Protecting her friends, trusting her comrades and her will to survive
Weaknesses: Overconfidence (or lack of confidence at times)
Residential Characteristics-
Citizenship: Wall Sina (or Sheena, whatever again)
Hometown: Yarckel District
Sleep Patterns: Katherine usually sleeps 3 hours and take naps during daytime
Traditions: Scream “BRIOCHE” and/or “SAUERKRAUT” on Oliver’s ears once in the day, before a mission Katherine takes out her bracelet and think about the “other Katherine”, then put it back
H: Is Susan Jenkins another name for her twin?
Interpersonal Connections-
Friends: Oliver (OC), Wallace (OC), Rachel (OC), Sasha, Connie, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Hanji, Levi (…or she does think he is), William (my friend’s OC)
Immediate Family: Ronald Jenkins (Father), Emma Jenkins (Mother), Katherine Jenkins (Twin sister, stillborn)
Inspirations: Levi, Armin Arlet, Eren Yeager (Jaeger, whatever)
Rivals: Jean Kirschtein
First Love: Oliver Schmit
Love Interest(s): Levi Ackerman and William Knox
H: This is a good place to expand on her relationships! Do William and Levi know she likes  them, and do they care? Are they jealous of each other?
Significant Other: None - she’s single
Highs and Lows-
Likes: Reading mystery/thriller books, opening up to who she trust wholeheartedly, calm and silent places, home
Dislikes: Being angry, fighting against humans, fake smiles and fake people, being alone, misunderstandings
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Favorite Excuse: Unless she was doing something she’s comfortable, she will tell the truth. If it’s a secret or uncomfortable thing, “I was occupied enough”
Favorite Food: Apple pie
Favorite Number: 57
Favorite Pastime: Reading
Favorite People: The trio (Oliver, Wallace and Rachel), her two love interests
Favorite Place: Her room, as she made him look quite like his room at home
Favorite Quote From Another Character: I don’t like the terms “good person” or “bad person” because it is impossible to be entirely good to everyone - Armin Arlert
Social Characteristics-
Communication: Katherine speaks politely and carefully so people understand exactly what she means, except when she relies on the person enough to speak in a more informal and less cautious way. When she gets angry she simply talks everything she feels or thinks about the person, rudely and maliciously, to hurt that person
Criminal Record: She doesn’t have a criminal record
Discrimination: Even if she don’t want to, Kate look down at the Military Police and the ones that run away for fear, especially the last one, because even if she is scared she fights (and, secretly, she remembers when she runned away from home and feel regret of being like those people).
Dominance: Following is always the best for her. She listen to her higher-ups well, but if Katherine feels that they are wrong, Kate knows that she needs to lead the ones that feel the same way that her.
Emotional Stability: Depending the topic of conversation or situation, the little Jenkins can explode or suppress her emotions until she’s all alone. Alone the girl cry all she needs to cry or hit something until it is in pieces. Normally Kate express herself if she feels comfortable, mostly when surrounded by friends or people she can trust.
Expression: The Jenkins almost all the time wears a blank expression, but if she’s with her friends or alone, you can see how she really is and feels.
Humor: With her friends she joke sometimes, but she isn’t the funny type
Liveliness: Once you gain her trust and/or affection, Kate will slowly open up and relax around you
Mannerisms: She moves her legs a little when she’s been waiting for a long time, runs her hand through her hair when she’s about to say something difficult or uncomfortable to someone else, scratches the back of her neck when she’s nervous, blink more than usual when she hears something unexpected or gets confused
Patience: “Everything has a limit,” she would say if someone asked why she did not wait for 2 hours to receive a piece of apple pie
Reputation: For the others in Survey Corps, she’s the girl who got a scolding from Captain Levi after fighting with Jean or the girl who makes good strategies, for those in the Military Police she’s the girl who makes great strategies and does not show emotions, for those who are in the Garrison is who helped to take back Wall Maria, and for normal people she is the daughter of a wealthy couple who has a twin who was born dead and was named with the name that would be her sister
H: She’s really complex!
Sociability: She does not approach other people unless she really admire that person or think is necessary. Usually people approach her
H: In general, I think you wrote her really well and realistically. She has an interesting backstory, but there are a few inconsistencies, and a few places where you could add more. She’s a really promising start, though!
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