#kate daniels books
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twnj · 1 month ago
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Hugh d'Ambray- The Preceptor of the Iron Dogs 💪🔥
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a-book-covered-in-cobwebs · 4 months ago
does anyone else keep reading books by the same author. like I'm constantly reading Ilona Andrews and have been going through all her book series for like the past 2 years!!
btw I highly recommend her if you enjoy urban fantasy/fantasy, banter, book boyfriends, and amazing female main characters!!
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nmnf30 · 2 months ago
does anyone else think that young Kate Winslet would have been the perfect actor to play Nina Zenik in a live action six of crows. don’t get me wrong, i’m in love with Danielle Galligan, but i also believe young Kate would embody Nina. obviously Nina’s figure is slightly different but Kate reminds me of her so much.
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crimsoncold · 3 months ago
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Kate Daniels fanart (from the series by Ilona Andrews) by @crimsoncold
Kate Daniels is the iconic protagonist of an action packed/somewhat darkly humorous urban fantasy series. Stubborn, tough, funny, and at times compellingly vulnerable she is a fanastic gateway to exploring the intricate fantasy world created by "Ilona Andrews" (a husband and wife team that has flourished in writing their unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy). Awesome side characters, great high stakes action and villains, detailed and unique fantasy setting, with a compelling slowburn nemeses to lovers arc. This is a long but well paced series and an incredibly satisfying read for any fans of urban fantasy.
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doctormichaelaquinn · 7 months ago
I'm rereading (listening) to Magic Bites and I forgot how much of an asshole Curran can be...like I just read the part where they go to confront Crest and it turns out he's not evil actually and Curran is like wow Kate what the fuck way to screw up you horrendous egomaniac...my brother in Christ there was literally a severed head on her lawn. Crest being behind it was YOUR theory! You and your pack convinced HER!
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bangbangwhoa · 2 years ago
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books I’ve read in 2023 📖 no. 074
Magic Claims by Ilona Andrews
Conlan looked at me, his face desperate. “Ice Age animals!”
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diangelosnico · 1 year ago
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books i’ve (re)read ; Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
If someone manages to obtain some of your blood, kill him and destroy the sample. At first it was a matter of survival. Later it became a matter of vengeance.
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song89320 · 5 months ago
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amalgamat1on · 6 months ago
Fiction Recommended by Family.
My sister introduced me to this author, which is apparently a penname for a married couple, Ilona Andrews. I both love and hate her for it. I love her because I've found another author that I would die on hill praising their world-building, wonderful cast of characters, and eccentrically intriguing plots. But, I hate her for the amount of sleep I've lost, and tiring workdays that I've had for weeks. Because it's definitely her fault, and not my lack of willpower...
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reviliooscarr · 6 months ago
Made a playlist in honor of one of my favorite book series getting a tv show
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cozykitsune · 6 months ago
So going on another Fallen rant, and psychological dive of Cam. Severe TW
If you’ve never read the book, and don’t know who Cam is, or it’s been awhile, Cam is the bad boy, second love interest in Fallen who turns out to be a demon that just wants to sway Luce. He’s known for his explosive temper, and beautiful good looks; but in his, badly written book, we also find out just how much he avoids love; going as far as to ditch a girl on a rooftop because he was scared of getting too close, or even when Roland hugs him after not seeing him for so long, Cam doesn’t hug him back and tells him, “take it easy,” even though he doesn’t pull away. It’s not the first time he seems to flinch away from physical contact. In Fallen in Love, he literally flinches away from Roland: Roland wiped his face and pulled himself to his feet. He reached for Cam, but the demon flinched away.
Cam is a victim of abuse. His story had the opportunity to be about a victim healing, and learning to love again, and be in a healthy relationship; but that’s not what we got. Cam goes back into another unhealthy, and abusive relationship, which is why I hate Unforgiven completely and don’t consider it canon. Not only do we not get any backstory on Cam, or his relationship with his siblings, or stories of his time on Earth, but he doesn’t heal. He doesn’t overcome his trauma.
Now stay with me.
“How is he an abuse victim?” You may ask
Cam went through toxic relationship, into toxic relationship, into toxic relationship.
First, he’s kicked out of heaven by his father, whom he was loyal to, and even remained an angel afterwards until his breakup with Lilith. He didn’t get a say in it whatsoever, his choice was taken from him, all because sky daddy was mad at Lucifer, so he kicked all of them out, because he “lost patience” with his angel host. So because his father is a narcissist and threw a tantrum, he was kicked out of his home. Which was a traumatic experience. One he even gets angry at Shelby about when she makes a joke about it.
“Yeah, about that… how’s that possible?” Shelby said. “You’d think that kind of thing would leave an impression on the old memorizer.”
Cam’s face reddened. “You try falling for nine days through multiple dimensions and trillions of miles, landing on your face, breaking your wings, rolling around concussed for who knows how long, wandering the dessert for decades looking for any clues as to who or what or where you are—and then talk to me about the old memorizer.”
And then he meets Lilith, who he is described as having a toxic relationship with. Daniel describes their relationship in Passion, “Both of them had their volatile sides, and when they argued, the whole tribe heard about it.”
During this moment, she gets so angry that he won’t marry her in a church (because he can’t) that she begins to physically assault him. Despite the power imbalance, he lets her. He doesn’t fight back. He lets her hit him, pin him down, belittle him. Why? Because he is so clearly an abuse victim. Their entire relationship is toxic, and the fact that he doesn’t fight back in this moment, and that her first reaction is to assault him physically, tells me this isn’t the first time. The fact that Unforgiven disregards this, and gaslights him into thinking he made it up, even though this is told through Daniel’s perspective, who says he remembers this. This was Lauren’s opportunity to write a deep story with a beautiful message, something abuse victim could be inspired by. Instead, she does the lazy thing, and pretends what happened in Passion was Cam’s imagination. Even though Lilith in Unforgiven is the exact same Lilith in Passion. They fight so much though it’s only 15 days. They fight almost every chapter. That’s not healthy. That’s Cam constantly going back to toxic relationships, because that’s all he knows.
After she leaves in Passion, Cam tells Daniel that he’s “lonely,” as in present tense. As in, even with Lilith, he was lonely. But Daniel is toxic to Cam too. In that moment, Daniel could’ve been there for his brother, who clearly adores him, but chooses to throw Lucinda in his face, and how she’s all that he needs.
Cam lashes out at that point. Which seems to be the source of Cam’s anger. The only time we see his infamous temper is in response to someone else’s behavior: which is what reactive abuse is.
Another example of this is when Daniel and Cam are fighting in Rapture, Daniel is stonewalling, with his arms crossed over his chest, being dismissive and not acknowledging Cam’s feelings. Cam is angry, red faced as he’s yelling at Daniel. As a victim of abuse, I can’t stand when I’m being ignored, or dismissed. It ignites a rage within you, because you don’t feel heard. This also seems to be a reoccurring issue because everyone, including Luce, doesn’t get involved. This is clearly normal behavior for them.
Daniel seems to downplay Cam’s feelings, and never take them into account. He doesn’t support him, or comfort him during his first breakup, that leaves him so devastated, that he switches sides, and even self-harms. His wings are badly scarred from self-harm.
That can be extremely frustrating for victims of abuse.
So then after all of this, he finds himself back with Lilith. No healthy relationships for him. No healing. Nothing.
This could’ve been such an inspirational story for victims of abuse. Watching Cam heal, and learn to accept love again, and not just romantic love! But familial love, like Roland and Arriane. Two who love him, but we never get to see Cam make amends with them, to become close again, to heal. I wanted a book about him that tells us more about his time in heaven, his adventures on Earth, more of his powers and charm, seeing the comedy and love between those three goofballs. There’s so much depth to Cam, and we don’t get to see any of it in Unforgiven. It’s more of Lilith’s story than his.
It could’ve still be a story about second chances, but not theirs. Cam’s. His second chance at love, but a healthy relationship, while also healing his relationship with Arriane and Roland. Unforgiven let me down, and I will never ever like it, or accept it as canon.
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Also this should’ve been Cam
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twnj · 4 days ago
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Derek Gaunt - before and after the Midnight Games, Kate Daniels
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ataurusinabookshop · 1 year ago
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Apple pie from Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews
For the Crust:
▢ 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
▢ 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
▢ 1/2 cup unsalted butter cold, cubed
▢ 1/2 cup shortening cold, cubed
▢ 6-8 tablespoons ice water
For the Filling:
▢ 8 cups apples I like ginger gold or granny smith, peeled, cored, sliced 1/4 inch thick
▢ 2 tablespoon lemon juice
▢ 3/4 cup granulated sugar
▢ 3 tablespoon all-purpose flour
▢ 1 teaspoon cinnamon
▢ 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
▢ 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
For the Topping:
▢ egg wash
▢ coarse sugar
For the dough:
Mix the flour and salt together. Use a pastry cutter or forks to cut in the butter and shortening until mixture resembles pea-sized crumbs. Add the water one tablespoon at a time, stirring between each until dough starts to come together.
Press dough together, divide in two and then shape into a thick disks and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate 30-60 minutes or up to 3 days.
For the Filling:
In a large bowl, mix the apple slices with lemon juice and the sugar, flour, and spices together. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees with a rack in the lower third of the oven.
For Assembling:
Roll out one dough disc (leave the other one in the fridge) on a lightly floured surface into a 12-inch circle and transfer to a pie plate.
Place the apples in the dough, discarding the liquid in the bowl.
Roll out the remaining dough into a 12-inch circle. Place on top of the apples. Trim excess dough (if desired), pinch the edges of the dough together, and roll it under itself. Flute the edges. Make 5-6 slits in the top of the pie to allow steam to escape.
Brush the top of the pie with the egg wash and sprinkle with coarse sugar. Bake for 45-55 minutes until golden. Place a pie shield on the pie after 25 minutes to prevent edges from getting too browned.
Let pie cool on a wire rack. It takes 2-4 hours for pie filling to set. Store leftovers in
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persephinae · 1 year ago
so prefacing this by saying i love the Kate Daniels series a lot, i reread the series at least 3 times a year
but the series poses so many questions in its worldbuilding
a magical apocalypse occurred and magic came back, knocking out technology when it hit causing planes to fall out of the sky, hospitals to fail, etc, and a LOT of lives were lost that day
since that day the magic comes and goes in waves, oscillating between technology and magic, with the magic waves getting stronger and lasting longer as the years go by
now due to this, as you can imagine, society has or is on the slow decline of breaking down, with cities retaining some semblance of the 21st century and society, however once you leave population centers it's like the wild west/fiefdoms outside of cities, with some areas that people straight avoid due to high concentrations of magic
now naturally this has impacted supply chain and manufactured products like BIG TIME, with the in universe characters stating how much chocolate is an expensive rarity - chocolate chip cookies are an indulgent splurge, and chocolate cake being a flat out expensive treat that not many people can enjoy any more unless you have money
BUT they all still drink coffee like it's nothing, and like, i cannot stress enough how much coffee is just as delicate and an expensive crop as cacao
ALSO, they all still wear 21st century clothes. Granted technology still works in its own waves, but supply would be limited due to the limited time it can be manufactured. I would imagine that there would be a LOT more handcrafted clothes in this scenario - handwoven textiles and skirts/dresses, hand knitted/crocheted sweaters, handmade shoes, etc..
How would this economy work? Handcrafted items are time consuming and an artisanal craft, worth their cost if made to last. As for manufactured clothes like jeans, i would have to imagine that they go back to the late 1800/early 1900's kind of jeans that farmers had to use because they were DURABLE. If they resorted to cheap materials, they would now have to contend with angry werewolves, witches/sorceresses, demi-gods, or even the few elves that were coming back. They'd HAVE to be good quality or else they'd find their throat ripped out or cursed.
I would also imagine bartering would also supplement the cash economy because otherwise no one would be able to afford anything, so favors and other comparable goods would also be traded.
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haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted · 4 months ago
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Now Reading: Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels #9)
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bangbangwhoa · 2 years ago
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books I’ve read in 2023 📖 no. 050
Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews
“She will find the hornet’s nest and set it on fire. When the angry hornets fly out, she’ll poke them with her sword.”
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