#kate aoa
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An A to Z for HRH The Princess of Wales
X is for (she's got the) X-Factor -> there are really limited options for words beginning with 'x'. I am incredibly jealous of the fact that as well as being intelligent, beautiful, sporty, rich and having loving family and friends, Catherine is also musical. We've seen her sing, conduct, play the drums, and play the piano. Her surprise performance at her first Carol Concert was one thing (and one people could not shut up about) but her Eurovision appearance - I wil never recover
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aprincesadegales · 2 years
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Inauguração do centro de reabilitação da Action on Addiction “Clouds in the Community”, na cidade de Wickford, Essex | 07.02.2018
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
What do you think of the new Shadowkat design?
Honestly, I don't really love it because they need to stop with the constant ninja and samurai aesthetics for Kate and Logan. Its just....not good. Do better.
Beyond that, I do like the color palette and I feel like a lot of the design elements individually kinda nod back to the AOA Shadowcat design, which fits how they seem to be hinting Kate's going down a darker path or whatever, being more lethal, etc.....all of which is very in keeping with that version of her, so an homage to that makes sense.
But the AOA Shadowcat design at least was its own thing and didn't come across as superhero ninja cosplay so I would have much rather seen them just....recreate that design or something very similar. I know everybody at Marvel is committed to acting like everything Claremont touched/wrote is as good as gold, but one of his biggest flaws from day one was being appropriative as hell, and just because his original story with Kitty and Ogun was 'iconic' doesn't mean it was GOOD or that its a well writers need to keep drawing from to this day.
She has other stories. Let them count as much.
Plus, for as much as Duggan's writing really pissed off a lot of Jewish fans and readers with its obliviousness and insensitivity, the one thing I did hear universally praised was the art emphasizing her curly hair, Star of David, etc, etc.....all elements which have just vanished now like they decided nah, why bother honoring her Jewish heritage in her design when we can just pretend all that doesn't exist and make her dress up as a ninja instead?
Its just....very poor choices all around, IMO.
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crazycatkatetrap · 10 months
I'm back, and . . . . Well, still depressed as fuck☠️
Don't worry though, I'm slowly getting out of my year and a half funk🥲
As for updates?
Come and get 'em🤩!!!!!!!!
So main thing I'm wanting to refocus on is my Long Live The King AU. I reread some of the chapters and good lord, I can see why y'all weren't the biggest fans of the writing, it fucking sucks. But on that note, I'll be updating the story significantly and will be using AO3 to write it this time around🎉🥳
As for how I want to continue with my other aus? I'll be updating the entirety of LLTK, including some of their designs (except Kate and Moondrop because chef's kiss to my babes🥰) and mainly focusing on that and my other au Angel of Awkward.
I won't be making too much artwork for AoA only because I'm not too sure how I want that story to go since it's based on my personal life outside of online😅 But rest assured, those brave souls who liked LLTK, congratulations, your Christmas presents will be a shit ton of artwork for it until I can rewrite it's chapters to see the view from Y/N's perspective🤩!!
Anyhow, gotta finish up some thanksgiving crap, but I'll update this later with more news in a few hours.
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15billionyears · 6 years
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Favourite photos of Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge: 358/∞
– Visiting Hope House, an Action on Addiction women’s treatment centre in London | 19.02.2013.
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Lennon & Maisy Stella ↳ Nashville Anatomy Of A Song | “What It’s Made For”
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 years
have you ever talked about your favorite ships? in the maximoff/dane family i mean. besides billyteddy and jerichowanda. who do you ship tommy with? and lorna? pietro? nocturne?... (whispering) magneto?
Okay, so I’m actually working on an ask about Tommy right now (which I’ve had to restart twice because my browser kept crashing and you can’t save drafts from your inbox, hi @yamibakuraofficial i promise I’m not ignoring you) and I was gonna talk about it there, but I’ll talk about it here.
I have a deep, secret love for a ship that will never happen, and that I don’t actually want to happen in 616 continuity, and it’s Tommy/Loki. 
You need to understand that I’m specifically talking about the version of Loki that exists between the end of Young Avengers and the end of Agent of Asgard. Loki goes through a series of transformations during this time-- from a child to a young adult, which eventually allows the Ikol and Loki personae to become more integrated; and later dying and regenerating in a different young adult form, the God of Stories, in order to completely shed their past and escape their destiny as the God of Lies. It’s important to note that this version of Loki is a new person, not a millennia-old immortal. In spite of their history, this Loki is a late-teens-early-twenty-something trying to find their way in the world, just like the other Young Avengers, and I legitimately think that’s the direction that Gillen, and later Ewing, were trying to take with this Loki character. 
I held out hope for a long time that this Loki would reunite with the Young Avengers. Having grown, and literally become a new, better version of themselves, I was really hoping they would try to make amends. In this hypothetical scenario, I was really interested in what kind of dynamic Loki would have with Tommy. First of all, Tommy never knew Loki when they were a kid. Second, young adult Loki is totally his type. Both of his past girlfriends are brunettes who could kick his ass, and have. He likes gray morality (Lisa) and an irreverent sense of humor (Kate). 
Tommy and Loki both know what it’s like to be unfairly labeled and misunderstood, even by their friends and family. You guys know I love misunderstood characters who understand each other. More than that, I think they’d have so much fun together, and be really funny together on page.
I also want to say that I’m eager to see trans and nonbinary people dating without unnecessary complications. Tommy is canonically straight, but Loki is a girl, at least sometimes, and I think we’re ready to see relationships like that in media.
Unfortunately, that version of Loki doesn’t exist anymore. The Secret Wars event from 2015 came hot on the heals of AoA, and it was essentially a soft reboot of company-wide continuity. Loki was one of the characters who got reset for the worse, in my opinion. Although they are still young-ish, it’s as if the transformation into the God of Stories never happened, and their trajectory has just taken them really far away from Young Avengers. 
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minimaeng · 7 years
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kvwowv:  2017-04-17, 02:53
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heavyarethecrowns · 5 years
Did Kate start out with any patronage’s from the Queen? Has she taken any over from the Queen? And how many did Kate start out with? Also, thoughts on Meghan’s patronage’s?
1) Nope she did not start out with any from the Queen
2) She was given the Royal Photograpic Society in June of this year (way better people in the RF she could have given that too but I digress)
3) Kate started out with 4 Patronages 
The Art Room, National Portrait Gallery, East Anglia's Children's Hospice, Action on Addiction,
I can’t remember the last time she visited any of those other than the NPG which she is always happy to attend their Gala events. I am not just saying that because I am not a fan but because I honestly cannot remember the last time she visited the Art Room, I mean I remember her visiting twice when she got the Patronage but not since. EACH I don’t think she has visited since Charlotte was born. AOA I don’t remember the last time either, I mean 2014?
I mean basically ever since she decided mental health was her new thing all these, bar the Gala’s of course at the NPG, have been dropped. 
4) I love Meghan’s Patronages, they represent who she is and what she was working on before she met Harry. She is carrying on her work but on a larger and broader scale. No “she needs to find out what her interests are” which was the statement we had about Kate and why it took over a year for her to choose Patronages - which apparently were chosen for her as have the others since - but Meghan found out about the organisations here in the UK and what needed doing here and incorporated them in to her already ongoing charity work and interests. 
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mrmrswales · 5 years
ok I just googled him.. he also co-created Comic Relief and Kate has worked with Comic Relief before ie M-Pact and some work via AoA
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The Duchess of Cambridge’s Year in Review: May
May 5th - Kensington Palace released a video of the Duchess of Cambridge speaking to Harriet Nayiga. Kensington Palace also announced the official YouTube page of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
May 6th - Kensington Palace released audio of the Duchess of Cambridge speaking to Hold Still finalist, Mila Sneddon and her mother. Catherine also held a video meeting for Action on Addiction
May 7th - The Duchess of Cambridge visited the Royal London Hospital and the National Portrait Gallery
May 10th - Kensington Palace released audio of the Duchess of Cambridge speaking to Hold Still finalists, Romy and Niaz
May 12th - Catherine held an Early Years meeting
May 13th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Wolverhampton, starting at the Way Youth Zone. William and Catherine then visited Base25, before visiting Hugglepets
May 17th - Kensington Palace released audio of the Duchess of Cambridge speaking to Hold Still finalist, Haley
May 19th - The Duchess visited a Lewis Carroll exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum
May 20th - Catherine held an Early Years meeting
May 24th - William and Catherine began their Royal Visit to Scotland. They started at Turning Point Scotland, before visting Heavy Sound, then travelling to Sikh Sanjog. The Duchess also appeared in a video released for the Nursing Now 2020 campaign
May 25th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge opened Balfour Hospital. They later visited the European Marine Energy Centre at Kirkwall Harbour
May 26th - William and Catherine were spotted arriving in Fife and enjoying a private meal. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Blown Away and met representatives of Fife Young Carers. They then visited the University of St Andrews. The Cambridges met fishermen at Pittenween Harbour. William and Catherine a Drive-In Cinema for the premiere of Disney’s Cruella
May 27th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Starbank Park. Next, they visited Craiglockhart Leisure and Tennis Centre. The Cambridges received the Rt Hon Gordon Brown and Mrs Brown. Catherine also received Lynda and Mila Sneddon. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the Closing Sederunt of the General Assembly, before they attended Beating Retreat
May 29th - Kensington Palace shared a photo of the Duchess of Cambridge receiving her first Covid-19 vaccine
May 31st - Kensington Palace released audio of the Duchess of Cambridge speaking to Hold Still finalists, Jason Baird
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aprincesadegales · 2 years
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Inauguração do centro de reabilitação da Action on Addiction “Clouds in the Community”, na cidade de Wickford, Essex | 07.02.2018
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Did they not read that time when Emma possessed Bobby, and then he had to go to her and start to explore his Omega level powers? Like healing himself. Or maybe the whole rescuing Christian Frost? Or any number of other examples over the last two to three decades?!
Like.....’feats’ that reviewers have gone gaga over Duggan writing for Bobby:
1) Bobby growing to giant-size to fight a dragon.
Okay cool, too bad Chuck Austen literally had him absorb an entire lake to grow to giant-size to fight the Collective Man way back in 2003 or Rick Remender had AOA Iceman grow MULTIPLE giant versions of himself as an army for X-Force to fight like ten years ago or Marjorie Liu had Iceman grow to skyscraper size and dwarf the entire NYC skyline in her Dark Iceman arc and Jason Aaron had Bobby growing to giant size to kick the Red Hulk’s ass in Avengers vs X-Men and X-Men First Class had Bobby going full frost giant to fight Thor back in 2005 and I COULD GO ON, THAT’S HOW OFTEN HE’S DONE THIS. Hell, he’s BEEN a giant-sized ice dragon in the Dark Iceman arc.
2) Bobby teleporting to take revenge on Kate’s presumed killers.
Okay cool but as you said he’s literally known he could teleport since Emma did it in his body back in 1992. He was one of the Age of Apocalypse X-Men team’s primary TEAM teleporters for that entire event. He was teleporting all around the damn planet every other panel in the Dark Iceman arc, etc, etc.
3) Bobby being able to survive well, literally anything because oh yeah he’s unkillable and can make new bodies from scratch.
Yeeeeeeah this is like. Really old and established by now. Carey had him come back from being blown up while in human form, he had him survive Mystique poisoning him by literally deconstructing and rebuilding his body one water molecule at a time, he survived for like a week as a disembodied consciousness before finding enough moisture to build a new body once, he was shattered and reduced to just a head in Austen’s Draco arc and literally ripped all the moisture out of a demon to build a new body out of while turning them to dust, he’s broken into a million pieces or cut in two or had a giant hole blown clear through him by Sentinels in basically every single story of the past fifteen years where are people getting the idea this is a new revelation for him, it is the opposite of new it is in fact very ancient. Decrepit even.
4) Making multiple golems and animating a whole army of them.
Yeah he’s actually REGRESSED at this as every writer since Aaron thinks this is like a new thing for Bobby that he’s barely experimented with at all when Aaron debuted this aspect of his power as like, lmao nope Bobby’s basically Jamie Madrox just with ice. Originally, he could split his consciousness evenly through as many ice clones of himself as he wanted, like he could full on talk through them, see what they were doing even states away from his ‘main body,’ etc. But Bendis only read like one story of Aaron’s and assumed they were all mindless doubles he could kinda just animate on autopilot and then made it so one of Bobby’s clones aka ‘the Ice Hulk’ acting independently was some kind of big revelation when its like lmao Bendis you are so bad at acknowledging other writers’ work, BEFORE you it was ALL of Bobby’s golems that could act completely autonomously and be treated as individuals. 
And cuz of Bendis’ regression even Sina Grace treated it as though Bobby projecting his consciousness into one single golem to fool Sinister was a breakthrough and like I like Sina Grace’s runs over all but I was like I’m begging you guys to go read Liu’s Iceman arc, when his mind was corrupted by the Death Seed, his subconscious literally fractured into pieces that each animated a different golem that utilized the full range of his powers to teleport around the world collecting the people Bobby cared about in defiance of ‘main Bobby’s’ wishes in order to countermand the Death Seed’s influence. Duggan doing things with ice clones isn’t a glow-up for Bobby its STILL several steps behind what Bobby’s already done before afhsklfhalhflkafhla.
5) “OMG he had Bobby create polar ice caps for Mars when they were terraforming it, nobody will ever doubt he’s omega level now. HUGE!”
....Bobby froze HELL in Amazing X-Men. Actual, comic book version Hell, populated by legions of demons. Like, the whole thing. He froze it. They literally did a ‘Iceman causes Hell to freeze over” story. That’s a thing that already happened.
Sorry not sorry I’m just so eternally BORED of the Bobby’s powers stories because they’re actually LIMITING his character at this point because every writer these days acts like the only actual development worth exploring with him is him understanding the true nature and extent of his powers and they also act like they’re literally the first writer to have that idea and thus they keep rediscovering fire and reinventing the wheel while thinking this is all completely uncharted territory when it fact, its extremely well charted territory! 
Fire’s already been discovered, folks! We already have a working wheel! Literally all of this is stuff someone has beaten you to, and just because YOU seem to think until you Bobby was just this guy who makes jokes and ice slides and has no awareness of his vast untapped potential, like....that doesn’t actually make it true omg just read his wiki page I’m begging you its all there I promise.
And then maybe just maybe, try doing something....new? Maybe even something that...gasp...isn’t just about his powers?
Like he’s the second X-Man ever, the youngest of the original founding five who’s been dodging Magneto throwing tanks at his head since before high school, he’s been a teacher, a Champion, a Defender, led groups himself, he’s been the one to challenge authority and second-guess leadership he doesn’t trust, but also he’s been the one to extend a hand in friendship to people they previously didn’t think they could trust, he’s been the one specifically cited by younger generations of mutants like the X-Terminators kids as the guy who inspired them in like their entire outlook on being mutants or the one to be the last X-Man standing in stories like O:ZT and on and on and I’m just saying like maybe he might possibly have more to offer than just ‘untapped potential with his powers.’
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A Fan-%#&#$-tastically Good Story: A Reading Guide to Marvel Comics Loki
In other words: every Loki appearance in my collection of Marvel comics, in chronological order. (It's not everything in the past ten years, but it's really close, and I've tried to make a note where there's stuff I haven't read yet -- I'll get to it all eventually! Minimal spoilers, and I've tried to list the trade paperbacks where I can rather than single issues. Updated 6/27/2019.)
Old Loki
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Thor by J. Michael Straczynski (aka the Lady Loki ones)
Thor, now king of Asgard and wielding the Odinforce, is returned from the void after Ragnarok. He decides to bring back the rest of the Asgardians and establish a new Asgard floating above Broxton, Oklahoma, but Loki plans to bring it -- and Thor -- crashing down. (There’s a lot in these, but particularly there’s a good amount of time devoted to Loki’s origin and how he came to be adopted by Odin.)
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Thor by Kieron Gillen
Contains the leadup to and fallout from Siege, including Siege: Loki, a one-shot prequel that shows the deals Loki was cutting behind the scenes from his perspective.
Siege (aka the one where old Loki dies)
With the help of Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers, Loki brings down new Asgard -- but the heroes bring chaos that not even Loki is prepared for.
Kid Loki
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Thor: The World Eaters by Matt Fraction
In the wake of Siege, Thor misses his brother -- enough to bring him back from the dead, despite his many crimes.
Loki: Journey Into Mystery by Kieron Gillen (aka the Kid Loki ones)
The old Loki is dead and in his place is a new Loki, a child with no memories of his predecessor’s evil. But Asgard doesn’t trust him, and old Loki left behind plenty of schemes.
A+X 005
Loki manipulates Mr. Sinister into retrieving the sample of his DNA that Doom’s been using to try to clone him.
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Young Avengers (2013) (aka Young freaking Avengers)
Loki schemes to manipulate a bunch of teenage superheroes into helping him regain his full power. Chaos (predictably) ensues.
Loki: Agent of Asgard
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Marvel Now! Point One 001 (one-shot)
Loki hunts down a magic sword on the orders of the All-Mother of Asgard. A prequel to Loki: Agent of Asgard.
Loki: Agent of Asgard (aka THE Loki Comic)
Loki makes a deal with the All-Mother of Asgard: for every mission he takes on for them, they will strike one of old Loki’s crimes from the books. But he’s not the only one trying to rewrite his story.
Ms. Marvel 012 (one-shot)
(takes place during the first volume of AoA) Loki makes some mischief in the Valentine’s Day issue of Ms. Marvel.
(Original Sin) Thor and Loki: The Tenth Realm
(takes place between volumes 1 and 2 of AoA) Loki takes a break from dealing with the All-Mother’s missions by accompanying Thor on a mission to the sealed-off tenth realm to find their long-lost sister.
Angela: Asgard’s Assassin
(takes place after Original Sin but before AXIS) Loki has a brief part trying to help Thor hunt down their sisters when Angela steals Odin and Freyja’s new baby daughter, Laussa.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 008
(takes place before the end of AoA but after AXIS -- the timeline is a little wonky here) Loki helps Squirrel Girl trap Ratatoskr -- never mind that he’s kind of the one that let her out to begin with!
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS
The inversion event is a big part of Agent of Asgard, but if you get the AoA trade paperbacks, it’ll be pretty well-covered. I haven’t yet read all of these.
Loki: God of Stories
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The Mighty Thor (2015) (aka the Lady Thor ones)
Loki’s been out of the game for a while, but now he’s back doing the bad guy thing -- or is he?
Vote Loki
(takes place during -- and is referenced in -- the second volume of TMT) Loki runs for president.
All New Guardians of the Galaxy 012
Loki has a brief (but pretty!) cameo in which he impersonates Cable to prevent Drax from meeting the real one, and spies on the other Guardians as they meet other heroes, trying to track down the Infinity Stones. Kind of starts the ball rolling for Infinity Wars.
Marvel Legacy
(takes place during TMT) Loki gathers a group of frost giant runts -- the Black Ice Berserkers -- and sends them after a mysterious crate heavily guarded in a SHIELD warehouse, while Loki himself takes a trip to South Africa and makes a new friend. A prequel to Avengers (2018) and Infinity Wars (2018).
Loki: Sorcerer Supreme
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Doctor Strange by Donny Cates (Volume 1: God of Magic) (Doctor Strange 381-385 aka Loki: Sorcerer Supreme)
In the aftermath of the Empirikul’s attack on magic, Loki takes on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme.
The Amazing Spider-Man 795
The new Sorcerer Supreme asks for a little help from a certain friendly neighborhood superhero.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Volume 8: My Best Friend’s Squirrel)
When Tippy-Toe and Nancy Whitehead are abducted by squirrels from outer space, Squirrel Girl gets some help tracking them down from the Sorcerer Supreme. Space road trip? Space road trip.
Loki: ...Double-Agent of Asgard?
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Thor by Jason Aaron (2018) (aka the one where they go to Hel)
In the aftermath of the Mangog’s attack on Asgard, Thor is trying to put a stop to Malekith’s War of the Realms and find himself worthy once more -- and Loki  is trying to help... probably. In the far future, things have taken a dark turn for the brothers, and not just because the universe seems to be dying!
Marvel Free Comic Book Day 2018
Odin entreats T’Challa to stop Loki’s plans to call down the Final Host. A prequel to Avengers (2018).
Avengers (2018) by Jason Aaron (Volume 1: The Final Host) (aka the one where he gets the band Avengers back together)
Loki calls down the Final Host, revealing the reason why Earth is such a hotspot for superpowers in the cosmos.
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Infinity Countdown Prime
When Logan comes into possession of an Infinity Stone, Loki offers to take it off his hands. Another prequel to Infinity Wars (2018)
Infinity Wars Prime
Loki scours an ancient library for an answer to the question: why can’t he ever seem to win? Someone is pulling the strings of his story, and he’s determined to find out who. Still another prequel to Infinity Wars (2018).
Infinity Wars (2018) (aka the ones where he has a ponytail, finally.)
Aliens fighting over shiny rocks interrupt Loki’s existential crisis, so he does what he always does: puts together a team of superheroes.
Infinity Wars: Infinity
An epilogue to Infinity Wars. Demoralized after his jaunt into the Prime Universe, Loki is deciding what to do next when a fiery old acquaintance from the end of time drags him straight back into things. A prequel to Wolverine: Infinity Watch.
Asgardians of the Galaxy (aka holy shit what is HE doing here?!)
While Gamora’s playing Gotta Catch ‘Em All with the Infinity Stones, Nebula is determined to show that she’s still a contender for the title of “deadliest woman in the universe.” Angela and a motley crew of Asgardians (and adjacent) are out to stop her, but you’ll never guess who’s pulling their strings. (Well... something tells me you might have an inkling.)
Wolverine: Infinity Watch (aka one last hurrah before the shit hits the fan)
Old Logan finally reveals the reason Loki’s plans involving the Infinity Stones went awry and enlists his help to prevent a catastrophe.
The Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl #43-46
When Squirrel-Girl is unexpectedly teleported to New York during Malekith’s invasion, Loki sends her on a mission to destroy a secret Frost Giant base in Canada.
War of the Realms (aka what it’s all been leading up to)
Malekith is finally poised to take over Midgard with the help of his allies. Loki’s failure to stop the War of the Realms culminates in a final, tragic battle with his father -- Laufey, the King of Jotunheim.
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2
Billy Kaplan has a brunch date with his old Young Avengers compatriot, Kate Bishop. She wants to talk about the good old days -- and what they’re going to do about Loki.
War of the Realms: Omega
What’s next for Loki? An epilogue to War of the Realms and a Prequel to Loki (2019).
Loki: King of Jotunheim
Loki (2019)
After Laufey’s fall in War of the Realms, there’s a power void in Jotunheim that Loki is all too happy to fill. Sorry, did I say happy...?
(to be continued)
Extra-Canon Comics
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These aren’t part of the prime Marvel comics universe, but I think they’re noteworthy.
Thor and Loki: Blood Brothers (aka Loki (2004))
Loki has waged war on Asgard and won, and now he sits on Asgard’s throne. Odin and Thor are imprisoned, and all he has to do now is decide what to do with them. So why does he hesitate? An exploration of Loki’s character that definitely informs the movies and the comics, even if this comic itself isn’t canon. (Be warned if you’re looking for a lovely Tom-Hiddleston-esque Loki... this Loki is very, very much not that. This was yours truly’s very first Marvel comic~)
What If? Thor (2018) (aka what if Thor was raised by frost giants?)
The origins of Thor and Loki, in an alternate universe where Laufey defeats Odin and brings his son home to Jotunheim. At least as much -- if not more -- about Loki than Thor, honestly.
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15billionyears · 6 years
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Favourite photos of Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge: 359/∞
– Visiting Hope House, an Action on Addiction women’s treatment centre in London | 19.02.2013.
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punkranger · 6 years
about me!
I was tagged by @krijgsonthaal - thank you! :) This was fun but it took ages because I can’t have one favourite thing.. (I’m sure you understand^^)
Nicknames: Ze, Lui, Nafar (ahaha most are gaming-related so they make no sense)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Last movie I saw: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone (It’s become a sort of habit to watch or read hp when I’m sick)
Height: 171 cm
Last thing I googled: Impeachment (It suddenly seemed funny it was spelled like that so I had to check that it wasn’t a typo)
Favorite Musicians: In no particular order, and I’ve probably missed a lot:  Ayreon, Infinite, Versailles, Billy Talent, Crashdiet, Exo, Ghost, Dream Theater, Joan Baez, VAV, Kate Bush, Shinee, Roy Kim, Vixx, Kamelot, Nightwish, N.Flying, Jethro Tull, Blue Öyster Cult, Backyard Babies, Epica, In Flames, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Btob, Red Velvet, Fairport Convention, Cross Gene, The Gazette, Black Sabbath, Arch Enemy, Block B, AFI, BAP, AoA, Disturbed, Neil Young, Mamamoo, Buck-Tick, Shakira
Song stuck in my head: None atm
Do I get asks?: No
Following:  225 (a lot of which seem to be inactive now, I really need to follow more ppl)
Amount of sleep: I guess 7~, don’t really count
Lucky number: 8
What I’m wearing: Jeans and sweater
Dream trip: Japan definitely, there’s so many things about Japan that interests me, sights and culture but also shopping which is something I’m normally not interested in but I’m sure this would be a place I could find some interesting souvenirs. 
Dream job: I really don’t know, I thought I’d found it but I don’t think so now.. maybe it’s just the wrong time. I am working with furniture restoration/renovation atm.
Do I play any instruments?: No, I’ve tried many during class but I didn’t much enjoy playing any particular instrument enough to want to learn
Languages: Swedish, English, French
Favorite songs: I’m just going to go with some songs I’ve listened to recently: 41th - Sunggyu, Apple Blossom - White Stripes, Outside - Staind, Body - Mino, Moon - Jonghyun, God - Jimin & J.Don, Never Enough - Dream Theater, Witch Image - Ghost, Rooftop - N.Flying... and a lot more from the musicians I listed before
Random fact about me: I used to be afraid of heights but now I’m not
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Still lake in the forest, that time just around the sunset when both the sun and moon are in the sky together, wood-shavings and the smell of cut wood, dusty books, art, mixing different patterns and colours, tea, listening to music alone
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