abracafockyou · 4 years
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“I’m just saying, letting the trolls deal with our enemies is a lot easier than dragging a group of cultists back to Skyhold ourselves.”
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lyriumvolk · 4 years
@katariisaam​   -`ღ´- for a starter:
Fenris hadn’t been in the Inquisition for too long, but so far it didn’t seem as bad as it could be. He honestly hadn’t expected to see Qunari here though, but they were a welcomed sight to the Elf. Sure, they harmed many in Kirkwall, but that situation was a tricky mess to begin with. 
Who was he to judge them anyways?
He quietly drank a bottle of wine, only to stop mid drink as a massive form sat beside him at the bar, his olive eyes side glanced the male Qunari. It silently reminded him of the short time he sat with the Fog Warriors, especially seeing this man was a rogue.
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“Nice daggers.” really though, the craftsmanship in them were beautiful, “Did you make them yourself?”
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thedasonfire · 4 years
Under the Bird
Tay was almost never assigned to meet a new recruit. That was his brothers job. Val, his brother, was the one with the pretty smile and the pretty clothes and the personality that made someone want to join their organization. Tay was the opposite. He was blunt, impatient and he didn’t have the time to speak to people. Despite that, he was requested to meet a new recruit and the Nightingale had given the request. That was enough to peak his interest, but he was still skeptical. There was a Qunari standing beside the small redheaded woman. Their size difference was almost comical. He smiled because of it, and his smile was wide. The man was a tower compared to her and the Nightingale was supposed to be the most frightening force in all of Thedas. He wasn’t diminishing his advisors skill, but it made her look a bit cute. He would never say that out loud. “Inquisitor.” Lelianna moved towards him and practically bowed, but not entirely. He hated it. “Really, Leli. Stop.” “This is Isaam.” She relented. “He has been a great asset to my agents, but I believe he will benefit you more in the field.” Tay sighed. He felt like he was speaking to a piece of paper with her sometimes and he rolled his eyes. “You’re saying this guys gonna be on the field with us, yeah?” He linked arms with the new recruit. “Great timing! It’s late and I needed a new drinking buddy.” “Care to join me?” Maybe he was a bit too direct and forceful, but the bird gave him the jitters and he wanted to get away. Before she could interject, Tay asked the Qunari’s name and unlaced their arms when they were away from the bird. “I’m Tay, mind joining me for a drink? What’s your name anyway?”
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ode-of-odr-archive · 4 years
{ @katariisaam​ }
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“You’re from the marches, right? Never really went out that far while mercing, what’s it like? Where from the Marches are you from?”
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kaaras-adaar · 3 years
Death and temperance :>
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Tarot asks || accepting
Death: If your muse had to change something about themselves, what would they change?
If there was anything he could change about himself, it would be his PSAS/PGAD. It’s a nuisance to him. He hates his OCD, but he’s come to terms with it and can cope well enough. He hates what he looks like and thinks he’s ugly, but he’s come to terms with that as well, and he allows his clothes to speak for him when it comes to looking nice and pretty. Despite his alcoholism, he’s recovering from that and he’s overall proud of where he’s at today, of the man he’s become. But his PSAS/PGAD is nothing he believes is good. It’s uncomfortable, it’s embarrassing, and some days he’s in absolute pain because of it. Even with the herbal teas and remedies he’s been given to aid in the discomfort, it’s just something he wishes he didn’t have to deal with. And it’s not like talking about it openly is easy either. 
Temperance: Would your muse remain calm despite the worst circumstances?
Kaaras is absolutely level headed when it comes to being on the battlefield. When he’s using his magic, using strategy, it’s actually when he’s probably the calmest. It entirely depends on the situation, because he is a very emotionally driven character as well. If someone is being hurt and dying that he loves, then no... he’d probably not remain calm. But when things are chaotic in a war setting, then yes, he absolutely will remain calm and level headed. He is the voice of reason for a lot of people, especially the Inquisition. 
This really depends on the situation at hand. He’s an emotionally driven character who wears his heart on his sleeve, but he’s also a mercenary captain and the Inquisitor, someone who listens to reason, logic and strategy. In many ways, that makes him a complete juxtaposition, but that’s the kind of man he is. 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 4 years
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
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// Not so much the fact that they wouldn’t FIT? It’s more my concerns about being judged by fandom and having people jump down my throat--which I’ve seen happen online so much that I just try and stay clear of things like that. 
Honestly, I try to write as canonly close to canon as possible. I enjoy using canon tropes because it makes Kaaras feel like he fits the universe more. In saying that, where there are gaps in DA lore (which there ARE PLENTY) then I love also getting to fill those gaps with whatever I want (and I like reading other people’s headcanons in that regard, too!).
I’m not going to go into it because we simply don’t know right now, and I know there’s huge fannons out there about qunari... but I do happen to base some Qunari (Qun) traditions off both Ancient Greek and Ancient Eastern cultures. What we know of the Qun is that they have the best medicine in Thedas currently, which I would think ties in well with Hippocrates and his use of science and biology over the use of magic and gods (much like the Qun have). But I also feel like their society could be based more off Eastern cultures, their structure at least.
I think it’s important to remember that Thedas is inspired be MULTIPLE cultures out there, and just saying Orlais is Thedas’ version of pure France is wrong. Just like Ferelden is not England and Nevarra is not Egypt. They have inspiration from multiple cultures, and at the end of the day... it’s a fantasy world anyway. So... it’s something that I have considered but have not put entirely into words yet, and it would also require a lot more study which I simply don’t have the time for lol. 
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elerosselavellan · 5 years
Casting Shadows
[Question Starters]
@katariisaam ”Want some?” (Its probably food of some sort but interpret it as you lik :>)
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Elerosse knew the call for dinner had gone out, as it did every evening once the Inquisition encampment became settled in the hills above Redcliffe Village. He knew he should have gotten up, taken a break, gotten a little bit of food in him. Maybe then the map spread before him might have started to make a bit more sense with the missives on troop movement he was trying to work from.
The flickering lamplight probably wasn’t helping much either, and when a large shadow moved through the Inquisitor’s light, the poor elf startled. Flinching back, his hands already reached for his staff, wild eyes darted to find the source of the shadow, only to land on... a Qunari? Yes, right. He’d seem this man around camp. Couldn’t come up with his name, but it was hard to forget such a distinctive silhouette, and he seemed to be offering... food?
“Fenedhis...” he breathed and placed a hand over his chest to calm his pounding heart. “I’m sorry, yes. Thank you. Creators... I didn’t hear you, I’m so sorry.”
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chokethelight · 4 years
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    “Not everything that comes from my homeland is entirely awful. I mean, there’s the constant war, the great game, the game the Magister’s play for fun, the power struggles, and of course every once in a while there is a loud mouth talking about change. They usually get themselves killed, but the South? It’s awful, it’s too cold, and I think I’m actually starting to smell.”
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call-2-arms · 4 years
"Hey Cassandra! Heard Varric told you 'bout the Arishok. Ain't never met him, but I heard he was real horny."
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She looked at the Inquisitor before she rolled her eyes. “Ugh...” 
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abracafockyou · 4 years
@katariisaam replied to your photoset “He’s not on the multi, but some day, some day I might add my gangrel...”
-sof gasp- A baby!
HE IS A BABY! He’s 20 years old and only been a vampire for one year so far. He’s DOING HIS BEST AND WE LOVE TO SEE IT
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lyriumvolk · 4 years
@katariisaam​ said:  "Hey Fenris, s'it true that the mages and templars in Kirkwall tried to get along? I heard they jus' kep' goin' 'round in Circles." 
Was that a pun? He couldn’t tell, since he was rather blunt.
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Fenris looked to the taller male and sighed out slowly, remembering those days felt like another lifetime, “There was no peace there in all the years I was there.” he ran his fingers through his own hair, pushing it back as he thought back to that time.
“If it wasn’t for the people who had bleeding hearts for the mages, it was those who feared them. Neighbors turning on other neighbors, blood magic was practice there.” Though it paled compared to Tevinter, “Then there were those who were meant to protect their underlings. They failed obviously. Orsino turned himself into a massive abomination, and Meredith became a stature of red lyrium.”
He went quiet for a little time, “She brought statues to life, and thanks to the help of Cullen, we all were spared. I would have to say the worse of it was the aftermath of what Anders had done. Being interrogated by Cassandra then protecting refugees was quite a bit of work.” a frustrated sounding sigh left him this time.
“All that struggle to keep the shit from going anywhere, and here we are with red lyrium everywhere, and people are ingesting it.”
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theinquirere · 4 years
Caged between bars of thick iron and stone by a band of crazed cultist was never a situation one desired to caught up in. Yet here Bastian was, beaten and defenseless, locked up with his newest cell mate. It seems they were snatching up ANYONE they saw ‘tainted’ off the roads. A shame he went out riding on his own that morning. It’d be hours before the scouts began to question his whereabouts (long rides were common for him). It didn’t help they also stripped him of all his gear as well. Tauntingly laying it in his sights on top of matters. “What did they accuse you of? Being a demon?” He jests playfully at the other’s horns. Words weren’t to be taken seriously.
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He approached the Qunari, crouching down beside him as he peered over his figure. Attempting to identify any damage their captures may have done. “Are you alright? They aren’t friendly and hit damn hard, the bastards.”       @katariisaam​
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ode-of-odr-archive · 4 years
Much to his surprise, it was Liliana who suggested Raserei take this other Qunari along, she boasted that despite his size he was rather agile and good at getting in and out of places. Just by looking at the man Raserei wouldn’t have guessed it, mostly because the only Qunari spy he’d met was Bull, and Bull wasn’t a quiet man. 
Then again he was told this Qunari was like him, outside the qun so the Avvar wondered what life he led to have such talents. 
It was odd for Raserei to look eye-level at another person; it was amusing and a nice change of pace. 
Hopefully, his stent into the Hinterlands would be over soon. Most everything had been stabilized save for some bandits who seemed all too organized. He was starting to think they were mercenaries or smugglers, the latter being more likely. 
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“Your name is Isaam, correct? Liliana has spoken highly of you.” Raserei commented looking the other man up and down, taking in every curve of him. So weird that in such a short span of time he was around two other Qunari. It must have everyone thinking they were taking over.
The thought amused him.
{ @katariisaam​ }
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altusmage · 4 years
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the way isaam’s gaze seemed to roam over him, that alone caused the altus’ heart to flutter in his chest, a slight flush dusting his cheeks. still, though, that smirk remained — it would take more than that to wipe such a look from his face.
              ❝ well, yes... ❞ he hummed in response. it was so secret that the man had caught dorian’s eye. even before walking in on him, the necromancer could appreciate what he saw — the eyeful that he’d gotten the other day, well that only further piqued his interest. gentle hands slid their way up to rest on the qunari’s chest, fingers idly toying with the fabric beneath them.
               ❝ and, I can think of at least a few things I’d like to do. ❞
@katariisaam​​  /  cont. 
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kaaras-adaar · 4 years
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Send me a "✔" if i'm one of your favourite blogs || accepting
// Aahhhh thank you so muuuccchh! <3 You’re so sweet and kind! I’m so glad you enjoy getting to write with me and my special boy. :) 
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loomingxmoon · 4 years
★ Awed/Impressed
@katariisaam || Always Accepting || [X] 
Sam is pretty easily impressed by other people, just not himself. 
Be relaxed around him, laugh with him, or in general. Sending him feel-good vibes and happier things. He loves to hear all the different laughs that there are from others. Since inside he is just so sad and hurt.
Compassion towards others and himself. Show it, and he will grow a little bit softer. He loves to see people helping others. People helping animal companions and showing that compassion towards all of nature.
Talking about accomplishments. He loves to hear about other’s successes in their lives and just, sit and visit with the guy. He is very lonely and just likes company sometimes.
Like I stated, it isn’t hard to impress him. Sure there are materialistic things that impress him, but he likes those top three things the most.
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