#kasumi yashiro
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#kasumi yashiro#muv-luv#2008#good smile company#1/8#scale#anime figure#anime figures#anime#figure#figures#figurine#figurines#banner#ads#00's#animecore#old web
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where is she going. wrong answers only
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Team C, let's gooooooo!!
#sept 2024#twitter#black star theater starless#bsts#team c#whoop#seiyuu#hirakawa daisuke#yashiro taku#shirai yuusuke#saiga mitsuki#kobayashi yuu#kabumoto hideaki#i love team c#my bae for life 😍😍#bias alert#kasumi is love
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Big Two Hundo, yippeeeeee
Taken from a 12 hour marathon stream over at JoePReal's twitch (4/4) https://www.twitch.tv/joepreal
#King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition#SNK#kof#Brian Battler#Yashiro Nanakase#Robert Garcia#Lucky Glauber#King#Mai Shiranui#Choi Bounge#Yuri Sakazaki#Blue Mary#Joe Higashi#Goro Daimon#Kasumi Todoh#Mature (Character)#Shermie#Takuma Sakazaki#60 FPS#video post#Youtube
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@electric-vivid / @electric-shifter (au creator)
@rad-fire (this blog)
@immortal-tree-hero (?)
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Pronunciation Guide for Fighting Games
A lot of people tend to say words and names wrong. For those who care, this guide should help with proper pronunciation. In particular, what syllables are stressed, proper spelling, and so on. This'll help you not look and sound like ignorant gaijin (gai-jeen) when talking to Asian players.
Again, if this doesn't bother you (and I acknowledge that for the vast majority of the FGC it doesn't), feel free to ignore this guide. Just don't get on everyone else's case, please. Also, don't use this guide to act smug towards your peers.
In short, this is to help people who want to be helped. That's all. Please understand. If there are any mistakes, let me know.
Note: Unfortunately, Mortal Kombat will be ignored for this guide, as saying Japanese words wrong is a franchise tradition, so it'd be a lost cause even trying. If you see any familiar words from that series, just bear in mind the proper pronunciation for everywhere else.
Letters/syllables in bold are sounds to be stressed when saying that word or name, if necessary.
Ryu = Rh-Yoo (See Shoryuken below)
Hadoken = Ha-Dou-Keh-N
Shoryuken = Sho-Rh-Yoo-Keh-N
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku = Tah-Tsu-Mah-Ki Se-N-Poo-Kh-Yah-Koo
Jin = Jeen
Bushinryu = Bu-Shee-N-Rh-Yoo
Kazuya = Kah-Zoo-Ya
Mishima = Mee-Shee-Mah
Kazama = Kah-Zah-Mah
Iori = Eee-Oh-Ree
Sakura = Sah-Kuu-Rah
Akuma = Ah-Kuu-Mah
Gouki = Goh-Uu-Kee
Kasumi = Kah-Suu-Mee
Raiden = Rah-Ee-Deh-N
Ryo = Rh-Yoh
Heihachi = Heh-Eee-Hah-Chee
Jun = Juu-N
Akira = Ah-Kee-Rah
Fujin = Fuu-Jee-N
Ayame = Ah-Yah-Meh
Mugen = Moo-Geh-N
Tenshin = Teh-N-Shee-N
Zangief = Zah-N-Gee-Eh-Voo
Yuri = Yoo-Ree
Chun-Li = Choo-N-Lee
Chizuru = Chee-Zuu-Ruu
Sasuke = Sah-Suu-Keh
Denjin = Deh-N-Jee-N
Shin = Sh-Ee-N
Kyo = Kh-Yoh
Shippu = Shee-Puu
Bounge = Poh-N-Geh
Koehan = Koh-Ah-N
Kaphwan =
Hwoarang = Wah-Rah-N
Raijin = Rah-Eee-Jee-N
Karaoke = Kah-Rah-Oh-Keh
Kazuma = Kah-Zoo-Mah
Kiryu = Kee-Ree-Yoo
Hayate = Hah-Yah-Teh
Shiranui = Shee-Rah-Noo-Eee
Yashiro = Yah-Shee-Roh
Shun = Shh-Uhh-N
Goku = Goh-Kuu
Satsu = Sah-Tsu
Ansatsuken = Ah-N-Sah-Tsu-Keh-N
Asura = Ah-Soo-Rah
Senku = Se-N-Kuu
Naruto = Nah-Ruu-Toh
Boruto = Boh-Ruu-Toh
Kaioken = Kah-Eee-Oh-Keh-N
Kikosho = Kee-Koh-U-Sho
Kyokugen = Kh-Yo-Kuu-Geh-N
Gouken = Goh-U-Keh-N
Saikyo = Sah-Eee-Kh-Yoh
Hibiki = Hee-Bee-Kee
Takane = Tah-Kah-Ne
Sento = Seh-N-Toh
Yakuza = Yah-Kuu-Zah
Sagat = Sah-Gah-Tt
Adon = Ah-Dah-N
Hinata = Hee-Nah-Tah
Makoto = Mah-Koh-Toh
Ibuki = Eee-Buu-Kee
Kolin = Koh-Lee-Eh-N
Messatsu = Meh-Sah-Tsu
Shichisei = Shee-Chee-Seh-Eee
Tensei = Teh-N-Seh-Eee
Ranka = Rah-N-Kah
Tensho = Teh-N-Sho
Senretsu = Seh-N-Reh-Tsu
Asuka = Ah-Soo-Kah
Tekken = Teh-Keh-N
Izuna = Eee-Zoo-Nah
Otoshi = Oh-Toh-Shee
Pokémon = Poh-Keh-Mo-N
Pokkén = Poh-Keh-N
Ayane = Ah-Yah-Neh
Ryoko = Rh-Yoh-Koh
Hattori = Hah-Toh-Ree
Haohmaru = Hah-Oh-Mah-Ruu
Mitsurugi = Mee-Tsu-Ruu-Gee
Nakoruru = Nah-Koh-Ruu-Ruu
Yagami = Yah-Gah-Mee
Daidoji = Dah-Eee-Doh-U-Jee
Hinoka = Hee-Noh-Kah
Karin = Kah-Ree-N
Kanzuki = Kah-N-Zuu-Kee
Konoha = Koh-Noh-Hah
Zaibatsu = Zah-Eee-Bah-Tsu
Xiaoyu = Sha-Oh-Yoo
Mizuki = Mee-Zoo-Kee
Orochi = Oh-Roh-Chee
Karate = Kah-Rah-Teh
Shinku = Shee-N-Kuu
Jinrai = Jee-N-Rah-Eee
Guren = Guu-Reh-N
Kakashi = Kah-Kah-Shee
Sukuna = Soo-Koo-Nah
Tanjiro = Tah-N-Jee-Roh
Hitomi = Hee-Toh-Mee
Raiko = Rah-Eee-Koh
Kuruoshiki = Koo-Roo-Oh-Shee-Kee
Kagenaru = Kah-Geh-Nah-Roo
Mono = Moh-Noh
Kamehameha = Kah-Meh-Hah-Meh-Hah
Hazan = Hah-Zah-N
Kuzuryu = Koo-Zoo-Rh-Yoo
Tenma = Teh-N-Mah
Sie = Sheh
Hashogeki = Hah-Sho-Geh-Kee
Kagura = Kah-Goo-Rah
Yasakani = Yah-Sah-Kah-Nee
Kusanagi = Koo-Sah-Nah-Gee
Yamada = Yah-Mah-Dah
Suzaku = Soo-Zah-Koo
Omake = Oh-Mah-Keh
Ukemi = Ooo-Keh-Mee
Kisaragi = Kee-Sah-Rah-Gee
Shishigami = Shee-Shee-Gah-Mee
Tachibana = Tah-Chee-Bah-Nah
Kaede = Kah-Eh-Deh
Raidou = Rah-Eee-Doh-U
Jotaro = Joh-Tah-Roh
Takeda = Tah-Keh-Dah
Nobara = Noh-Bah-Rah
Honaka = Hoh-Nah-Kah
Kamikaze = Kah-Mee-Kah-Zeh
Decapre = Dee-Kah-Br
That's it for now. I'm always going to be adding to/correcting this guide, so please check back for updates. Again, feel free to correct me if I've made any mistakes. Just don't be a prick about it, please.
#fighting games#grammar#vocabulary#FGC#pronunciation#guide#useful#resource#Japanese#Chinese#Korean#Street Fighter#The King of Fighters#Art of Fighting#Fatal Fury#Samurai Shodown#Tekken#Dead or Alive#Capcom#SNK#Tecmo Koei#SNK Playmore#KOF#Nintendo#vocab#learning languages#foreign languages#anime#manga#Martial Arts
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♡ Introduction and Rules ♡
Hi there! My name is Topaz, I’m 22 years old, and I go by she/they pronouns! I’m an illustration student who also enjoys writing, hence why this writing blog was born haha (▰˘◡˘▰)
I enjoy writing just about anything, but especially hurt/comfort, fluff, and angst ! I also love to write headcanons, ships, platonic stuffs, and even some nsfw on occasion ;) all of my work is going to be gender neutral unless stated otherwise !
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
To start off, here are some of the main fandoms I am in and who I will write for in said fandoms, everyone listed can be written for NSFW requests unless otherwise stated:
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed/TGMoDC) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Lan Zhan
Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen
Jiang Cheng
Jiang Yanli
Jin Guangyao
Nie Huaisang
Wen Ning
Wen Qing
Jin Ling
Lan Sizhui
Lan Jingyi
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hua Cheng
Xie Lian
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Faraway Wanderers (TYK/Word of Honor) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Zhou Zishu
Wen Kexing
Ye Baiyi
Gu Xiang
Cao Weining
Zhang Chengling
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Chainsaw Man *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Devil Hunters:
Aki Hayakawa
Kobeni Higashiyama
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Spy x Family *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Loid Forger (Twilight)
Yor Forger (Thorn Princess)
Franky Franklin
Sylvia Sherwood
Fiona Frost (Nightfall)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* My Hero Academia *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Katsuki Bakugou
Ochako Uraraka
Shouto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Eijirou Kirishima
Hanta Sero
Mashirao Ojirou
Denki Kaminari
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Fumikage Tokoyami
Tsuyu Asui
Kyouka Jiro
Hitoshi Shinsou
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
Himiko Toga (NO NSFW)
Tomura Shigaraki
Mr. Compress
Pro Heroes:
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods)
Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke)
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Nana Shimura
Sir Nighteye
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jujutsu Kaisen *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Yuuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Maki Zenin
Toge Inumaki
Kasumi Miwa
Professional Sorcerers:
Gojou Satoru
Nanami Kento
Ieri Shoko
Special Grades/Vengeful Spirits:
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Demon Slayer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Nezuko Kamado
Kanao Tsuyuri
Hashira (NSFW OK):
Giyuu Tomioka (Water)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Fire)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Love)
Obanai Iguro (Serpent)
Shinobu Kocho (Insect)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijimura
Koichi Hirose
Reimi Sugimoto
Mikitaka Hazekura
Yukako Yamagishi
Giorno Giovanna (Haruno Shiobana)
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
General Characters (NSFW OK):
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
Joseph Joestar
Caesar A. Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Suzi Q
Jotaro Kujo (after Part 3 ONLY)
Muhammad Avdol
Noriaki Kakyoin (after Part 3 ONLY/AUs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Holy Kujo
Rohan Kishibe
Tomoko Higashikata
Shinobu Kawajiri
Bruno Bucciarati
Leone Abbachio
Guido Mista
Jolyne Cujoh
Ermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Narciso Anasui
DIO (all parts)
Hol Horse
Yoshikage Kira
Risotto Nero
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Nene Yashiro
Minamoto Kou
Mitsuba Sousuke
Akane Aoi
Nanamine Sakura
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Arcana: Visual Novel *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Main Six:
Asra Alnazar
Julian (Ilya) Devorak
Nadia Satrinava
Portia (Pasha) Devorak
Count Lucio
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* THE RULES ! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
What I will write:
Song fics
Plus size readers/characters
Body insecurities
Mental health (anxiety/panic disorders mostly but I will put warnings!!)
LGBTQ+ readers/characters (including poly and ace!! I am queer myself ^-^)
TW// What I will NOT write:
Any kind of p*dophilia (aka romantic relationships between adults/minors/teachers/students)
Illegal drug use (weed/marijuana is ok)
R*pe or inc*st
Don’t be shy to pop in my inbox and request something or just to talk ! :> Anyways, I hope you will enjoy your stay and remember, you’re loved!!
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
#writing blog#headcanons#head canons#chainsaw man#mxtx#mo dao zu shi#the untamed#tian guan ci fu#heaven official's blessing#tian ya ke#word of honor#my hero academia#bnha#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#the arcana#the arcana game#toilet bound hanako kun#tbhk#demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba#spy x family#jujutsu kaisen#x reader#x you#fluff#angst#hurt/comfort#smut
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Hey, same person who told you which A3! VAs can rap, again. TY for the reply & for the Itaru 10th play N card.
In TWST, there’ll be a release of another part of Book 7 & a rerun of the Glorious Masquerade event w/ an SSR of Rolo(VA is Hiroshi Kamiya).
In A3!, I’ve been thinking about the charas who do the backstage prep. All I know is that everyone contributes to the blog, Tsuzuru writes the scripts, Itaru sometimes helps out w/ the blogging & info gathering, Chikage does the tech stuff & hacking, Citron is the ambassador of culture, Yuki sews the costumes, Kazunari designs the flyers & website & is the biggest blogger, Banri steps up as a stage director, Taichi helps Yuki sew, Omi photographs, Sakyo calculates the finances, Azami is the makeup artist, Tasuku sometimes fixes machinery, Matsukawa creates the music, Akashi handles the lighting, & Rento handles the sound.
In BLACKSTAR, all the charas perform(some act as directors) & serve the guests ‘cause they’re the waitstaff, except for Kongou ‘cause he’s actually a cook in the kitchen staff. Though Yakou is still the acting boss w/ Unei, Takami, & Kasumi providing some store management assistance (& sometimes Sinju ‘cause he wants to help & Sin), Taiga is in charge of the tech support & maintenance & is a hacker, Kei mostly makes the decisions in the store management & makes sure the performances are top quality, Heath only writes the music for TeamB, Qu was the make-up artist during 2 Summer Fest events, Ginsei wants to try script writing, & now there’s a new chara named Aogiri(青桐/Firmiana simplex/Chinese parasol tree) that can actually design the stage outfits & his VA is Taku Yashiro.
Also, Happy Birthday to BLACKSTAR’s Kei on 9/6, to A3!’s Banri & ParaLive’s Shura on 9/9, & to TWST’s Jamil on 9/12!
Hello! I didn't expect they would release Rollo's SSR, but at the same time it makes sense. I'm so glad the masquerade is coming back. This is my chance to get Idia! He avoided me back then.
It's exciting to know what the characters do aside of their actor roles in both A3! and Blackstar. This was a nice reminder about A3!'s characters side roles in MK company. A bit unrelated, but I want to see new link skills or updates of some of them soon.
Yey, September BDs!! Aah, I missed Kei's BD... I didn't recognize Haruomi as Shura for a bit, but hey, he shares BD with Banri! If I'm not wrong, Jamil's BD begins the new TWST BD card set.
I forgot to mention in TWST that the next Master Chef event will have Leona & Epel making dishes feat. milk. Also, I just realized in 2 Master Chef events where Ace & Idia cooked bell pepper dishes & where Floyd & Sebek cooked noodle dishes, their VAs were in the 2019 anime Horimiya w/ Idia’s VA playing Miyamura, Ace’s VA playing Ishikawa, Floyd’s VA playing Sengoku & Sebek’s VA playing Mizouchi. In A3!, I found out what minor roles Banri & Juza will play for their B-day cards. I was surprised that Banri’s from the South Hill Prison play & Juza’s from the Mantou Fist play.
Master Chef events are my favorites. This one has two characters I like. I'll have to do a pull to get both (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Wait, Idia and Miyamura share the same VA?! I knew he sounded familiar, but I didn't recognize it. I think the only one I was aware was Floyd and Sengoku.
Ooh, yeah, I saw them. I don't remember which of their roles I voted for, but I hope I can get Banri's in the BD free pull.
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hiiiii :3 idk how many you want so uhh
all of niigo but esp mafu and mizu, hona, saki, and icchan
fischl, venti, and kinda diona
nene yashiro
ako udagawa, kasumi, pareo
chiaki nanami, ibuki mioda, sonia nevermind
all the ddlc girls, mostly yuri and sayori
nikki from love nikki/ shinning nikki
percy jackson, nico di angelo
osamu dazai, edgar allan poe
chika fujiwara
coco from witch hat atelier
hitori gotoh
shoko komi
shoko nishimiya
madeline hatter, briar beauty, ca cupid
last but certainly not least, the one no one will know, sasha tartt from the antagonists pet manhwa (its on tapas free or pirate it)
hey there mutuals reblog with your kin list and i will try to make assumptions based off your kin list!!
it would be great if you post your reaction after you finish reading the assumptions :)
#rose rambles#if you want sources for all lemme know but i just did sources where they dont have a last name mostly#if you wanna know ny reasoning for these i can tell you too#hmmmm adding more in tags#kaede azusagawa akko kagari BMO nezuko kamado
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Megami Magazine January 2023 Issue (#272) - Muv-Luv Alternative 2nd Season
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kasumi yashiro from muvluv
Kasumi Yashiro has a Limited Ryu Number of 2.
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Kasumi Yashiro (Muv-Luv Alternative) » October 22
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Nothing behind on schedule here, nope
#King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition#SNK#kof#Shingo Yabuki#Orochi Yashiro#Chizuru Kagura#Kasumi Todoh#Athena Asamiya#Ralf Jones#Clark Still#Mai Shiranui#Brian Battler#Takuma Sakazaki#King#60 FPS#video post#Youtube
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I wish there was an option to adopt Kasumi
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Somehow this has me thinking of a bunny... The hair is interesting, but the main point is somewhere else in this picture...
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Kuranagi first line:
Yashiro (current head of the Kuranagi clan) and his wife Kasumi Kuranagi ; Both Alive, both parents of Kensei, Eriko, and Ryouta Kensei (next in line to be the head of the clan), Eriko, and Ryouta (deceased) Kuranagi
#{ The Kuranagi Clan }#{ The Vampires }#Kensei ( dossier )#Kensei ( visage )#Kensei ( relation )#eriko ;; dossier#eriko ;; visage#eriko ;; muse relation#ryouta ;; visage#yashiro ;; visage#kasumi ;; visage#( queue )#{ The Kuranagi Siblings }
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