peterlaskaris · 2 years
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..heiliger #Bimbam, das #neutrale #Österreich beliefert die ganz & gar nicht neutrale #schweizerGarde, also die #Armee des #heiligen #Vaters, dem #Papst im #Vatikan mit #Rüstungen ⛑️ 🔪⛑️ ..mi scheint a #Hokn eigfadelt vom #kashoggi aus dem #Burgenland #Eurofighter Ober Provisionär #Graf #AlfonsMensdorffPouilly 😉😂🕶 . #food #austria #vienna #instafood #foodie #foodblogger #yummy #instagood #delicious (hier: Peter Konstantin Laskaris) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_qCBctSAT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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First, Biden’s insane energy policies traded away our energy independence. Next, we saw him grovel to our nation’s enemies and beg for the oil we are not permitted to drill ourselves. Now, he’s trading away our last shred of national dignity. Sickening!
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sing-you-fools · 7 months
jamming to Kashoggi's Ship
I begin to wonder: wtf is this song anyway
I head to genius to see what it says
Huh okay so kashoggi was a rich dude with a boat who threw parties on it and they went to one yeah makes sense and -
so kashoggi's ship is now donald trump's ship. what do i do with this information. the song is both a bop and a banger but can i continue to enjoy it. knowing the ship's fate.
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follow-up-news · 2 years
Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s widow has asked the U.S. government and United Nations to intervene and help her recover her husband’s electronic devices from the Turkish government so she can take legal action before the statute of limitations runs out later this year, according to letters, papers and other details about her efforts shared with NBC News.
It’s been more than a year since Hanan Elatr Khashoggi first requested the laptop, tablet and two cellphones of the Washington Post columnist who was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018, and she’s now hoping to increase pressure on Turkey to comply by getting help from Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
The letters, sent in November and January say that she believes the devices “will reveal previously undisclosed details about my husband’s murder that are critical to knowing the full truth.”
“I have the right to receive all of his possessions, particularly now as I am embarking on legal action in the United States against all parties responsible for my husband’s murder,” Hanan Elatr Khashoggi wrote in both letters, naming NSO Group, an Israeli cyber-intelligence firm, and the Saudi and Emirati governments as planned targets of future lawsuits.
She said Turkey recovered the devices shortly after her husband’s death and wrote in her letters that her personal appeals to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the phones, laptop and tablet “have not been honored.”
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
hi i havent been here in forever but this reminded me of you https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqcSWpw/
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opaqbeliever · 3 months
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hu mp er
mp is military police
er is emergency room
hu= who
Who military police Kashoggi?
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radiofreederry · 1 year
Among the celebrities Elon has been showering with blue checkmarks falsely claiming that they paid and verified a phone number include dead people like Anthony Bourdain, Jhamal Kashoggi, and Norm MacDonald.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Sarah I humbly request ur top 5 funniest US political scandals -ypq
okay so caveat that there are niche scandals that are funnier I'm just drunk and don't remember
Watergate - everything about it is so fucking stupid
Clinton impeachment - also a lot of stupid decisions here, the president saying "it depends on what the meaning of is is," the Republicans having to can Newt as speaker because he was having an affair with a staffer too and it looked bad, having to ditch one candidate to replace him because he was also having an affair, and finally landing on Hastert (who is an actual pedophile), just the part where Republicans were so sure public opinion would come around but people mostly wanted to stop hearing explicit details about the president's sex life.
idk if this counts as a scandal but the Army McCarthy hearings - if for no other reason than opposing counsel forcing the word "fairy" into the conversation as a microaggression against Roy Cohn
Iran-Contra - the guy who set the whole thing up was an insane grifter/arms dealer and no one even knows for sure who he really was. He took a polygraph and failed everything including his name which might be because polygraphs are bullshit but also he could totally have been lying about his name. might have been lying about his nationality. probably was lying about everything else. definitely was lying about how he could totally get those hostages out of Lebanon by selling weapons to Iran. we sold the weapons through Israel (they wanted to prolong a war between Iran and Iraq so both would be too busy to attack them, they were fine with people dying) and one time they showed up in Iran with a giant Star of David on them. this only got linked to the Contras in Nicaragua when Ollie North and company realized this operation which rescued net zero hostages (one guy did get released but someone else got taken hostage immediately) was turning a profit and used it to solve the problem of "we want to fund a right-wing paramilitary but Congress won't let us :(" also one of the other arms dealers involved was Adnan Kashoggi, uncle of murdered journalist Jamal Kashoggi, and he owned a yacht that was a notorious party boat and where Queen once attended a party. they wrote a song about it called Kashoggi's ship. there were rumors that it was an orgy but it probably wasn't. several people have owned the yacht since including, for a while, Donald Trump.
Alger Hiss and the secret pumpkin - some people thought Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers were gay and these people included Richard Nixon. also there was a pumpkin involved (used to hide microfilm)
honorable mention to Obama wearing a tan suit
whatever Trump has going on - it's gonna be even funnier in like 20 years when we all have some distance also maybe he'll have died in prison by then
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eileen-crys · 1 year
For the asks thingy: The Miracle by Queen! :)
Ohh The Miracle has a strange position in my list because it's almost equally split between songs I really don't like and songs I LOVE to the extreme hahahah (4 I dislike and 6 I love)
I also find the music videos very charming! (Besides the "Worth It" MV which is an insult to animation itself and a disgrace for such a beautiful song.)
3 fav songs: Was it All Worth It, Breakthru, I want it all
3 songs I dislike: Party, Kashoggi's ship, Rain Must fall
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bllsbailey · 1 month
Biden Approves Lethal Aid Package For Ukraine, Weapon Sales To Saudi Arabia
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The United States is sending weapons of war to Ukraine and Saudi Arabia.
The war pigs are feasting from their troughs.
On Friday, the Biden White House announced its latest lethal aid package to Ukraine. It is part of America’s $175 billion investment in the country.
Officials say Ukraine is being hit by attacks from Russia and needs all the support it can get from its allies.
“This would be our 63rd tranche of equipment since August of 2021, and the 10th since the president signed the National Security Supplemental in April,” Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said. “Included in this package are Stinger missiles, more 155- and 105-millimeter artillery ammunition, which has been instrumental, in anti-armor systems as well.”
Meanwhile, Joe Biden announced he’s reversing his ban on the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Biden campaigned on making Saudi Arabia a pariah state over its alleged involvement in the murder of Washington Post reporter Jamal Kashoggi and role in the devastating civil war in Yemen.
However, like all administrations, Biden’s capitulated to the kingdom on all things security.
Experts say the administration is also taking the middle eastern proverb, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, to heart.
They say officials are trying to bolster ties with Saudi Arabia to help take on Iran.
This comes as tensions between Iran and Israel are boiling over after Israel assassinated a top Hamas official in Iranian soil.
National security officials have been worried that Iran could strike at any moment.
“I’m certainly not going to speak to what Iran may or may not be planning,” Matthew Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. State Department said. “Other than to say, as we’ve said for several days now, and it’s been the, the, focus of our diplomatic engagements is we continue to make clear to Iran that they should not escalate this conflict. They should not take, any further escalatory steps, that those steps are not in their interests. They’re not in the interests of a, the wider region.”
In the meantime, it is unknown when lethal aid will be sent to Saudi Arabia or what weapons of war will be provided.
Biden seems to want his legacy to be marked by one thing, making sure America is the number one weapons peddler in the world.
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pressmost · 4 months
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Mittwoch, 22.5.2024
(c) Fritz MArksteiner Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Ich darf Dir heute zahlreiche “Komplimente” für das Gasthaus/Hotel Schiffsmeisterhaus in Ardagger Markt weitergeben. Emad Kashoggi – ein französisch-saudiarabischer Immobilienentwickler war kürzlich mit seiner Familie bei uns in Ardagger Markt zu Gast und schwärmte anschließend in höchsten Tönen von der…
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mariesrbouipochodian · 4 months
Personnellement, j'ai 'mon' procès à cause de Jean kemler de 1983.
Ma soeur est morte en 1983, 1984, 1985 et 1986 en corse plusieurs fois à cause de lui...
Moi j'étais mineure, j'ai survécu.
J'ai eu 21 ans en 1987, les usa ont commencé à m'emmerder vraiment....
Ma soeur avait donc sous son nom le procès de Jean kemler. Elle n'a pas eu de chance, sa sosie , ma soeur qu'ils m'envoient à chacune de ses morts, ...
Elle a rencontré en 2008 jean kemler ucciani. Il meurt en 2012 après des procès et torture... Un peu comme kashoggi.
Il a raconté le cannibalisme, le satanisme et les crimes rituels sur enfants pour adrenochrome... Il a balancé ses amis francs maçons....
Tous ses contacts amis ou ennemis en sont morts...
Donc ma pauvre sœur est encore morte... Entre 2008 et 2013, elle est morte je crois une fois par an... Ses pauvres sosies. Comme ces pauvres sosies à Jean Claude Gaudin...
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 10 months
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Fünfzig Jahre nach der "Ölkrise"
Damals, als die Politik noch handelte
(Bild: Magnussen, Friedrich CC BY-SA 3.0 DE) Bis 1973 gab nur die Maxime "je mehr und schneller, desto besser". Erst in der sogenannten "Ölkrise" im Herbst 1973 - ungefähr ein Jahr nach Erscheinen des Berichts zu den "Grenzen des Wachstum" des Club of Rome - gab es ein (kleines) Umdenken. In Westdeutschland verordnete die sozialliberale Regierung von Willy Brandt vier autofreie Sonntage ab dem 25. November. Außerdem galt für die vier Wochen zudem Tempo 100 auf Autobahnen und 80 km/h auf der Landstraße.
Die "Grenzen des Wachstums" waren der Mehrhet zu dieser Zeit nicht bewußt. Es ging in erster Linie darum, gegen die Preiserhöhungen der arabischen Staaten ein Zeichen zu setzen. Deren Preispolitik sollte mit Sparappellen abgewendet werden.
Immerhin stellte Heise.de fest: 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung sollen damals ihren Energieverbrauch eingeschränkt haben. Die Menschen sparten Strom, regelten die Heizungen herunter und fuhren langsamer. Heute passiert das nicht mehr freiwillig, sondern nur noch bei denen, wo das Geld wirklich vor dem Monatsende alle ist.
Damals - wie heute?
Schaut man auf das Ergebnis der Sparmaßnahmen, so ergibt sich, dass Schätzungen zufolge das Sonntagsfahrverbot rund knapp 10% Benzinersparnis bewirkt hat – in etwa so viel wie das Verhalten der Bürger nach den Sparappellen im Winter 2022. Allerdings gingen oder radelten viele Deutsche damals fröhlich auf Autobahnen und Straßen, während heute Maßnahmen wie ein Tempolimit, geschweige denn ein autofreier Sonntag im Mainstream nicht diskussionswürdig sind.
Bereits bei der 2. "Ölpreiskrise" 1979 waren wirkliche Maßnahmen nicht mehr drin - es blieb bei Sparappellen und Preiserhöhungen. Heute kann ein arabischer Staat den Journalisten Kashoggi in seiner Botschaft zerstückeln, deshalb wird die enge Freundschaft - im Klartext Abhängigkeit - und der Import von Öl und Gas von dort nicht in Frage gestellt.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Missing-Link-Die-Oelkrise-von-1973-Anstoss-zu-einer-modernen-Energiepolitik-9355654.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3xw Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8599-20231127-fuenfzig-jahre-nach-der-oelkrise.html
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thebeardedcaptain1 · 11 months
Saudi Arabia to host 2034 World Cup
After Australia pulled out of the running, it appears increasingly likely that Saudi Arabia will be hosting the 2034 World Cup. The opposition to this news has been fierce, with many critics. Saudi’s human rights records have come under real scrutiny. Some high-profile cases such as Jamal Kashoggi’s passing, which was reportedly orchestrated by Mohammed bin Salman, have been one of the main…
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crossroad1960 · 11 months
Mi piacerebbe che qualcuno spiegasse perché gli arabi di Renzi sono i cattivi che hanno ucciso Kashoggi, mentre gli stessi islamici che appoggiano Hamas e fanno strage di innocenti sono quelli bravi. Forse c’è un po’ di schizofrenia e di confusione, e come sempre trasformiamo le tragedie in farsa🤡
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opaqbeliever · 2 months
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A Kashoggi ✌🏽
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