#kasey <3
rabbitsrams · 10 months
Stella!! Tomorrow is Schlatts birthday :D (for me atleast, idk what time zone nyc has) Could you do something about him and reader? I’m thinking about how reader would just ABSOLUTELY spoil schlatt, or just like on any holiday. Doesn’t even have to be a holiday bro. But specifically on his birthday!!
Big guy turning 24 ‼️‼️💪
KASEYYYY YESSSS OMG <3333 i was planning to write a little smthn to celebrate his bday but time slipped away😭like i almost forgot it was this soon😭
it's still the 9th as im writing this but i will schedule so it's posted 12am austin time so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY <33333
little bit of suggestive stuff under the cut but mostly bday fluff <33
♡ okay. so.
♡ september 10, 12am. you and schlatt are probably already awake (night owl moment) but once the clock hits 12, you're all over him
♡ just showering him in kisses and hugs
♡ schlatt's not really a big birthday guy. doesn't really want to make a big deal about celebrating or anything. as long as he's with you and the cats that's all that matters.
♡ but not you. you've got a whole day planned.
♡ he wants to get back to editing but you're dragging him to your bedroom to give him his... first gift. (wink)
♡ he falls asleep after and because he's a deep sleeper (lowkey he gives deep sleeper but correct me if i'm wrong), you take the time to bake him a little cake.
♡ box cake, yes, but his favorite flavor of box cake :)
♡ and besides, you've got another one hidden in the freezer.
♡ you take an hour to frost it with his little ram guy (as best as you can draw it)
♡ it's the schlake!!!
♡ also as the cake is baking you take the time to decorate the house with silly little decorations (happy birthday banners, balloons, etc.)
♡ after all that you go to sleep
♡ he ends up waking up earlier than you
♡ is super surprised but happy to see the decorations
♡ doesn't want to wake you cuz you sleeping soundly by his side, head resting on his chest is the perfect gift.
♡ but he knows he has to eventually since jambo and the other guy paw at him so he can feed them
♡ him just marveling at the decorations all around the house
♡ he laughs so hard (in a happy way) seeing the schlake your decorated cake
♡ that causes you to wake up hehe
♡ you rush to the kitchen and see him just so happy🥺🥺🥺
♡ "do you like the cake?"
♡ "i love it." then he takes you into his arms <3
♡ this man loves you so much
♡ and you love him so much
♡ cake for breakfast!!!
♡ again he doesn't really wanna do too much but u insist on taking him to a batting cage <3
♡ smthn simple, yes, but you know how much he loves baseball :))
♡ it's kinda hot to watch him hit the baseballs ngl
♡ then going to dinner his fav korean bbq place :)))
♡ then going back home to have a chill rest of the night together
♡ opening presents too <33 getting him a ton of sweatshirts u found on ebay <333
♡ again i don't rly see schlatt as someone who wants to rly celebrate his bday
♡ but he still very much enjoyed the day with u <33
♡ happy birthday big guy ilysm <3
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losfacedevil · 5 months
Crystal, you’re making me emotional with all your “Sunny’s Josh” posts, I love it so much he’s so sweet
Kasey my love! How are you?! (I think tumblr ate the ask I sent you a few weeks back)
Sunny’s Josh is one of my favorite Josh’s 🥺 he’s so so soft yet a silly little sour patch kid who knows how to get his way at heart.
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 9 months
JAS!!! Look!!
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This has been detrimental to me and I needed to show you, but I love it so much
I love how hard they all commit to the bit, and they little elements of former theatre kid that appear at times like these. I just KNOW they were killing the game at improv when they did stuff like that in school
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shutupdevvie · 6 months
Dev you are literally this Josh
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cyancherub · 2 years
howdy darlin! not sure if you’ve seen this artist yet, but since your aki posting has convinced my dash that i, too, am an aki stan (no joke i don’t know how to turn off “recommended posts” so every other post on my dash is one, and they’re…all…..aki…..like literally. ALL aki. only him (not that i’m complaining bc like hello i have eyes)) - i thought you might enjoy these beauts : )
link (safe (mb not sfw though)) to twitter account - https://mobile.twitter.com/einruji__
KASEY I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH I LOVE THIS ARTIST SO MUCH THEY MAKE ME INSANE. they say reposts are ok with credit so im just gonna link to them and post my fav akis of theirs here,,
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pennylanefics · 1 year
aww thank you!! 🥰 also i agree with your response to mine, besties!! i always love chatting about sharks no matter what 🫶🏻🦈
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ratboiishere · 30 days
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Happy Pride with Headcanons
FNAF night Guards + ocs Headcanons (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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kaseyskat · 11 months
so tempted to write an extension of last episodes epic lovesong win and draw out the banter. it will be fun for me
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kasey-writes-stuff · 9 months
My brain is brring about something specific thanks to someone and now I really really want it but I don’t wanna ask aaahhh
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seahdalune · 4 hours
the papa louie collab art i did on march and forgot about
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rabbitsrams · 10 months
I am thinking
I feel like Schlatt would have this baby voice with the kitties, like you walk in on him one day and he’s just holding up the black kitty and going ‘Ooh look at how handsome you areee, with your big fanggss’ While giving him little scratches on his chin 🫶🫶
even if you saw it with your own two eyes he will still try and deny it
no bc he does. there is video evidence of it. and i eat it up. (/pos)
you're so open about using it toward the cats, always cooing at them whenever they do anything cute (which is like, 99% of the time).
schlatt never does it in front of you, always wanting to keep up the tough guy image despite him laying on your chest the other night and begging for cuddles.
and you come over one day and hear him from his office, speaking in a completely different tone than you were used to.
"jambo, you're such a sleepy guy! a sleepy guy! c'mon bud, let's go eat."
you have to resist the urge to squeal. "j, i'm here!" you shout, not acknowledging what you just heard, 'cause you knew he would be so embarrassed.
"oh, um, coming!"
and the second time you hear him, he's just. standing right by the apartment door, the other guy in his arms. "ohhh look at how handsome you are! with your little fangs, too big for your mouth!"
he doesn't notice you're standing right there, phone out and filming him cooing over the cat. until you clear your throat.
"um. i mean. look at this dude. wow."
"i heard you, j, don't deny it. you're a sap."
"i am not!"
"you are." jambo walks into the area. you 'pspsps' in his direction, causing him to look over at you and walk to you. "your dad's a softie, right jambo?" the orange cat meows in response, nuzzling his head into your hand as you pet him.
"jambo said so, stop lying."
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losfacedevil · 9 months
Hey… hey! That Josh thing you just posted was beautiful and emotional and I’m in my feelings and I needed you to know because oh my god
Kasey my love, we’re all in our feelings tonight it seems 🥺 I’m sorry I made you emotional but I’m glad you enjoyed the blurb 💖
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 1 year
Jake is in white and has a sword! I know how I’m feeling, how are you feeling?
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I'm so IN LOVE with this look!!! The sword, the cropped suit jacket, his energy. ALL OF IT!! I'm so sad I have to be at work during the premiere :(
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aftersparty · 2 months
@bardcwn .
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" . . . you're coming with me to the gala , right ? there's not a chance i'm going to that thing alone . "
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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if i see one more person calling miguel a quote-unquote Beast in response to his endearing quirk of scampering around on all-fours like a funny little guy then i am Actually For Real i think going to just start bashing peoples skulls together screaming gorilla style HE HAS ALWAYS DONE THIS HIS LIFE IS A LOONEY TOON.
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mushiewrites · 1 year
George and Punz for 6?
from this prompt list!
yay hi Kasey! you didn't say a lee or ler, so I did lee!Punz / ler!George, I hope that's okay! 😇
prompt 6 -  “are you…? oh my god. you are.”
“I see someone’s made themselves at home already,” The blonde tilted his head up to see George standing at the end of the couch with a smirk. He was on the other side of the armrest, where Punz had been resting his ankles with his legs crossed while he lounged and scrolled through emails. “What’s it been like, two hours since you got here?” 
“Three, actually.” Punz replied, rolling his eyes with a scoff at the comments. He shook his head slightly, chuckling as he lifted his phone back up to continue scrolling. It was silent for a few seconds, and Punz relaxed back into the cushions, assuming George had walked away. 
In actuality, George was still standing by the arm of the couch, looking Punz up and down to see if he could come up with a way to mess with him. His eyes landed on the socked feet that were a mere few inches away from his twitching hands, and he bit his lip to hold in the giggle that threatened to expose his plan. He had no idea if Punz was ticklish or not, but at the very least, it was guaranteed to surprise him.
The brunette watched him for a few more seconds before holding his two pointer fingers in front of him, slowly wiggling them as he moved them closer and closer to Punz’s feet. When George’s finger met the fabric of his sock, Punz jolted with a yelp, immediately bending his legs into his chest. He sat up to face George, who was staring at him with wide eyes and an excited grin on his face. 
“Don’t.” Punz wrapped his arms around his shins, pressing his palms flat over the tops of his feet as George slowly walked around to stand in front of the couch, blocking any chance of escape. 
“Are you…” He paused as he watched the blush flood quickly into Punz’s cheeks, spreading down his neck and over his nose. “Oh my God. You are.” 
Before Punz could protest, nails were suddenly skittering over his knees, tickling in circles and random patterns that had the blonde squealing with laughter.
“Nohoho! George! Geohohorge, wahahait!” 
“For what? You’re anti-ticklish medicine to kick in or something? Just shut up, idiot.” George responded, voice dripping with sarcasm as his smile spread wider watching the boy in front of him squirm and throw his head back with a loud cackle.
“I’m- I’m nohohot an idiot!” Punz protested through his giggles, a tiny snort making itself known every so often when George would hit a particularly sensitive spot on the bottom of his kneecaps. “P-Plehehease George!” 
“Just be lucky you weren’t wearing those jeans with all the holes.” George teased, switching back to the pointer finger technique as he continued to swirl little circles against Punz’s knees. He squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling, his laughter growing in volume. Punz couldn’t stop himself as his hands flew up to cover his knees, needing to get rid of the tickling feeling more than protecting a spot that was already targeted. 
However, Punz quickly found out that George actually was not done targeting that spot, letting out a huge shriek when he felt a grip on his ankle. George held onto his left ankle, yanking it away from the rest of Punz’s body and holding it up high, causing him to fall back against the couch cushions with the position essentially keeping Punz from sitting back up. 
“No! N-No way, George. Please!” Punz pleaded as George turned his head to the side, lifting his chin up to meet the blue eyes that were full of nothing but nervousness and giddiness. He smirked one last time at Punz, ignoring his pleas as he used his free hand to drag his fingers up the squirming boy’s foot. 
“Awh, is little Punzy wunzy a bit too tickwish?” George teased in his signature overly British voice he used whenever he messes around with friends, always over exaggerating the accent and making his voice go high pitched. He used his pointer and middle finger to scratch up and down the arch of Punz’s foot, causing him to stomp his free foot against the couch, not knowing what to do with the feeling.
“NOHOHO! Oh FUHUCK, dohohn’t! Stohohop!” 
“Don’t stop? Well, alright!” The elder didn’t give Punz a chance to respond before shoving his fingers under his toes, squeezing and scribbling under them while the blonde boy thrashed and pounded his fists into the couch. George smirked, hearing how loud Punz was laughing and also catching the little squeaks that he produced whenever he scratched a finger over the ball of Punz’s foot. 
“NAHAHAHA I- I DIDIDN’T MEHEHEAN IT LIKE THAHAHAT!” Punz whined through his laughter, which was now borderline hysterical as George continued to tickle over the wiggling foot he had trapped in his grasp. 
“Well, that’s what you said, so it looks like we’re gonna be here for a looooooong time, Punzy!” Punz groaned through his giggles at the nickname, bringing his hands up and twisting them into the neck of his hoodie, quickly lifting it to cover his reddened face. 
When George eventually released his foot, Punz attempted to scramble off the couch, trying to escape before he could do anything, but was stopped when the brunette suddenly grabbed his right ankle, this time yanking him into a laying position as George held his ankle in a headlock. 
“Where do you think you’re going, blondie? I never said I was done,” George smirked, watching Punz melt into the couch with a new round of laughter as he traced a finger up and down the sole of his foot. “And we’re not finished until I say we are.”
Punz’s eyes grew as wide as saucers, swallowing thickly as he felt goosebumps begin to rise on his skin. He shuddered through his panicked giggles, having a feeling that he definitely wouldn’t be shown an ounce of mercy any time soon.
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