#kara x alex x lena
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atomicjellyb3an · 10 months ago
Kara leaned in
Three years since the phenomenon that was “Kara leaned in” and we still have no explanation for it
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You had to be there. It was trending on Twitter.
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natalievoncatte · 24 days ago
Alex had been watching the man across the room for a while. If she’d been into men, he might have been her type- a little lanky and bearded, kind of a hipster air, one of those people who was born on the east coast and came west to fit in.
As she approached the bar she said, “You must be Alex.”
“Must I?”
He offered a genial hand to shake. “Jack Spheer. Lena invited me.”
Alex gave him a shake. “Oh, I know who you are. Lena and Kara both mentioned you a few times. Lena’s ex, right?”
He favored her with a dashing smile and saluted her with his drink. “Guilty.”
Alex turned and looked at Lena, seated across the bar at a table by herself, looking exhausted and overstimulated as she turned a drink between her hands and glanced furtively at Kara and Nia, who were animatedly playing Mortal Kombat on one of the barcade’s old game cabinets.
“Did she invite you?”
“Oh yes,” he said. “Can I swear you to secrecy?”
“Sure, why not.”
“She told me she feels a bit fifth-wheelish at these gatherings of yours.”
“That’s silly,” said Alex. “She’s sort of become the heart of our little band. She’s everybody’s little sister.”
“Nah, that’s Nia.”
Jack looked over at Lena and Kara. Nia lost the match and threw up her hands, and Brainy sauntered over. Nia put her arm about his waist and they fell into each other. Kara’s laugh looked a little strained, a little pained, as she turned to let the couple have their moment.
Kara was in fact staring at Lena now, leaning against a column and nursing a beer that lacked the potency to get her drunk unless she spiked it with the alien liquor in a flask in her purse, but Alex was sure she hadn’t touched it.
The only singles in the group tonight were Lena and Kara, and Alex remembered how Kara’s expression darkened when Lena mentioned he’d be joining them tonight to close out this new place they’d all be eager to visit.
“So are you two…” Alex said.
“No,” Jack laughed. Used to be, back in Metropolis. It ran its course.”
Alex turned and signaled the bartender to bring her and Jack another round.
“So you’re not thinking about making a move?”
Jack swirled his new drink and looked over at Lena, then down at the booze spinning in his hand.
“Thinking about it? Who wouldn’t. She’s gorgeous, you know. Obviously she has those model looks but it’s more than that, it’s deeper. She has the most soulful eyes of any woman I’ve ever met. You’d drown in them and never regret it. She’s a genius, she’s kind and driven. I’ve never met someone who’s so enthusiastic about kindness for the sake of kindness. She throws herself into goodness with such desperation.”
“Wow,” said Alex. “You have a way with words. You really must have deep feelings for her.”
“I do. I won’t say I love her as a sister, that’d be lie. I love her as someone who wants her highest happiness.”
“A girl would be lucky to have someone who sees her like that.”
“You would know,” said Jack. “Your Kelly introduced herself a while ago and had the same sort of high praise for you. By talking to your partner, you’d think you were Supergirl.”
Alex snorted. She glanced over at Lena and saw her still moping prettily, sighing into her drink with her cheek resting against her palm.
“She looks down,” said Alex.
“Unrequited love. Or so she thinks.”
Alex blinked. “What?”
“Don’t you see it?”
“I can’t say I do.”
“She’s in love. I know because she never really looked at me like that.”
“Like wha-“ Alex began.
Lena was looking at Kara, and suddenly Alex saw it. Lena practically radiated yearning, those big soulful eyes of hers so sad that Alex thought sappy music might start playing from nowhere. There was a deep need in that look. Every time Lena looked at Kara, she seemed afraid it was her last chance and she might never see her again.
“I dare say she’s quite in love with your sister.”
Now that Alex saw it she couldn’t unsee it. More than that, pieces began snapping together in her brain- how Lena had gone to absurd lengths to capture the attention of this klutzy, ditzy reporter that had come tumbling into her organized, minimalist, breakfast in California and dinner in Tokyo lifestyle, bringing friendship and a found family and all her bizarre quirks.
The billion dollar CatCo acquisition. The flowers. The look of pure relief in Lena’s eyes when Kara let her back into her life, let her come home.
“Jesus, you’re right.”
Alex took a long drink, then went completely still.
“Or so she thinks,” he’d said.
“Shit, they look like they’re in middle school. Every time Kara looks, Lena looks away.”
“And vice-versa,” said Jack.
Alex sighed. “Great. Just great.”
She suddenly realized that Kara was looking at them, now, and her eyes were wide, a look of unbridled shock on her face.
Goddamn Kara and her goddam bullshit super hearing.
Kara had locked eyes with Jack, and he looked back just as intently.
Then it happened.
Alex knew a bro nod when she saw one. Kara nodded back, pulled the flask from her pocket and took a nip for courage, grimacing as it went down, then turned, head down, and headed straight for Lena.
“Go get her, Supergirl,” Jack said softly.
“I’ll drink to that,” Alex said, offering Jack a toast.
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jeridandridge · 7 months ago
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Supercorp media post #2 ft Alex and Nia!
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 5 months ago
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Lena would tear the world asunder just to save Kara
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confused-bisexual · 4 months ago
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httpjupiterbby · 10 months ago
i hate it here so i will go to secret gardens in my mind (fictional women)
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teaforthotxxx · 11 months ago
Imagine being Alex Danvers aka the Gay sister who had an emotional coming out. You were engaged. You broke up. You had a drunken rebound.
Then, your alien sister who basically coasts through life just dates the CEO of her company who happens to be the sister of her cousin’s greatest enemy.
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Worse still: You have to watch them pine for each other.
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waytooinvested · 5 months ago
Lena: So... James and I are dating Alex: I'm so happy for you Lena, James is great! Kara: Yeah, really, really great guy. And not violent at all. Lena: What? Kara: I said he's not violent. And he's handsome. Lena: Yeah but... did he used to be violent? Kara: No, that's the great thing about him, he's never been violent. Alex: What are you talking about Kara, James isn't violent! Kara: No, that's what I said. Lena: Kara, if you told me you were going out with someone and I said 'oh great, they never set fire to things!' what would you think? Kara: I'd be pleased. Kara: Well... I suppose might wonder why you hadn't said whether or not they were violent. Lena: ... Right, fine. Well, I think I'm going to go for a walk. Clear my head... [Lena leaves] Alex: Wouldn't it just be easier to just ask her out? Kara: Yeah, no, I tried that once but I didn't get any further than 'hi' before I got all tongue tied and had to go and lie down for like an hour to recover. So I've decided what I'm going to do instead is just subtly put her off every other dating option in the world.
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rainbow-rebellion · 6 months ago
Happy three years to “Kara leaned in”!
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“It’s only because you’re on the team that I’m here,” she murmured in Lena’s ear, holding the other woman in her arms as close as she could without hurting her. It was the truth, but somehow it just didn’t feel like enough. And how could it, when there were so many more truths hammering away at the walls of her heart, begging to be let free? Kara wasn’t sure if there were enough words to say what she longed to. To tell her best friend how during their time apart, she constantly felt like a piece of her was missing, and how having Lena back in her life had made her feel whole again. And how could she explain to her, to everyone, that when she was trapped in the phantom zone, she thought her worst nightmares would be of losing Alex or Eliza - but instead the nightmare the phantoms chose to taunt her with, night after cold, dark, sleepless night, was of losing Lena. How she lost Lena a hundred times, in a hundred different ways, and every single time, she woke up screaming and choking on her own tears. When she finally stumbled through the door onto the ship and into Alex’s waiting arms, there was a large part of her that wished it had been Lena who caught her. And maybe that should make her feel guilty, with how close Kara and her sister have always been - but then again, Lena has always been the exception to the rule. 
The truth is, as much as Supergirl needs the sun, the teary-eyed woman standing in front of her is no less important. Like the weary traveler needs the moon, Lena is the soft light that guides Kara in her darkest nights. And like the moon, she has the same type of gravity about her - from the moment they met, it has always drawn Kara in, constant like the pull of the ocean tides. Maybe that very gravity is why, when Lena finally steps back from their embrace, Kara can’t help the way her body follows. Maybe it’s because after spending every night in that awful place having to face the reality of life without Lena, Kara is pretty sure she would follow her anywhere. Or maybe, it’s because she realizes she might never find the right words to say, and so for once, she chooses not to second guess herself and to simply let her heart take the lead.
She can feel herself lean in almost subconsciously, but then she takes a small step forward to close the gap between herself and the brunette, and there’s a moment where Lena’s eyes widen in surprise as she registers what Kara is about to do. But then her hands are softly cupping the superhero’s face and pulling her in, and just as Kara’s own trembling hands find Lena’s waist, their lips meet in a tender kiss. It’s everything Kara had ever imagined it would be, and yet it’s nothing at all like she imagined it, because it’s so, so much more. She doesn’t register the look of shock on Alex’s face as her hands slide up Lena’s back, as she tugs her closer and deepens the kiss, nor does she hear J’onn awkwardly clearing his throat as he politely suggests the team leave the room to give the two women some privacy. All that exists in this moment is the feeling of Lena’s heart pounding against her own, of the softness of Lena’s mouth against hers, and the feel of Lena’s hands tangling in her hair. She vaguely hears the receding sound of Nia’s laughter as she crows triumphantly about someone owing her fifty dollars, but none of that matters. Because right now, with Lena in her arms and their lips pressed together, Kara knows she is finally home.
edit - decided to put it on AO3 too
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supercorpkid · 4 months ago
Would it really kill you if we kissed?
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Kara Danvers x B!D!reader, Alex Danvers x B!D!reader, Lena Luthor x reader!
Word Count: 3125
Part 1 of 3
It’s late when the conversation dies out. Kelly is lulling Esmé in her arms, while Alex clears a spot in Kara’s bed to lay Esmé down more comfortably—even though they’ve been saying they should head home for a while now. It’s definitely late for a kid to still be up.
Kara leans in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. “We should go on vacation.”
You’re not sure what kind of reaction your sister was expecting, but it’s clear she doesn’t get it. Lena only raises her eyes from her wine glass, Alex’s brows knit together, Kelly keeps humming softly to Esmé, and you can’t help but sigh.
“No, come on, guys. I mean it. We should do it!” She insists, undeterred. “Take Esmé somewhere different. Go somewhere nice—all of us.”
“Ummm.” You make a sound, just to break the silence that’s stretching too long.
“What’s up?” Kara frowns. “Why is no one excited?”
“Because.” Lena answers, a single word with no follow-up. You nod in agreement.
“Because what?” Kara presses, exasperated.
Alex finally ventures the real explanation. “Kara, you don’t do vacations. Remember when we tried that ‘sisters trip’ a few years ago? You left Y/N and me stranded at the airport because of a Supergirl emergency.”
“Yes, I know.” Kara winces. “I’ve been apologizing for that for years now.”
You and Alex exchange a look. “And we’ve forgiven you,” you say, almost amused.
“Heh, jury’s still out on that,” Alex mutters, shrugging.
“But we don’t believe you anymore.” You give Kara a half-smile, seeing her open her mouth to protest. “It’s fine, Kar. We know you can never truly relax. It wouldn’t be fun, so we’d just rather not go.”
It’s a terrible lie. Alex and Kelly could definitely use a break, and they’d love to take Esmé somewhere nice and different. Lena looks like she’d kill for a vacation, and you wouldn’t mind stepping away from the endless 'saving the world' chaos your life has turned into.
But if you’re honest, going on a trip with Lena—specifically—sounds like a terrible idea. Your love for Lena has grown to the point of suffocation, devouring your thoughts and swallowing whole chunks of your day. Her face and voice are embroidered in your mind, and sometimes you struggle to tell what’s a memory and what’s just your imagination.
Kara, sensing the resistance, tries again. “No, I mean it this time. I can ask J’onn and M’gann to stay back and cover, and—” She pauses at your collective eye rolls, lowering her voice. “And even if I do have to come back, you guys can still stay. Please. I need this.”
She’s dead serious, and you know it. Lena quickly concedes, admitting you all could use some time off. Kelly doesn’t need much convincing either. But you and Alex still share a look, as if remembering that time she’d left you both waiting at an airport in Australia and never showed up.
Kara looks at you and Alex, her eyes pleading. “It would mean the world to me if we could go somewhere and be normal for a few days.”
You’re the first to waver. Obviously. She knows how much you crave a sense of normalcy. But you haven’t felt normal since the day your pod crashed on Earth, taking you and Kara away from Krypton’s certainty and into this chaos. It’s not like a vacation would change that.
Alex picks up Esmé from Kelly’s arms and lays her down in Kara’s bed with a sigh. “Oh well, I guess we’re going on vacation.”
Kara’s face lights up, but before she can cheer, everyone shushes her. Esmé has finally drifted off. Kara grins, pumping her fist in a whisper. “Yay!”
The next morning, just as you’re getting up for work, Alex is at your door, munching on a box of donuts. Which is a dead giveaway that something’s wrong—she doesn’t do sugar this early unless she’s nervous. You open the door, already braced.
“Alright, what’s up?” you say, brow furrowing. “You don’t normally start your day with a sugar rush.” You reach for the box, but she twists away, holding it out of your reach.
“Uh-uh. I need this.” She says, half-chewed donut in her mouth as she steps inside. “You’re the reason we’re all going on this vacation.”
“Am not!” You sigh, wandering to the kitchen to fill your coffee mug, hoping caffeine will help you handle this conversation before your brain fully kicks in. “It’s not like I’m dying to go.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” she says, arching an eyebrow, as if she knows more than she’s letting on.
Confused, you shoot her a glance. “God, Alex. Going on a trip with Lena is about the last thing I need right now.”
“Really?” She smirks, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Because it sounds like the perfect chance to finally do something about it.”
You huff, running a hand through your hair. “Or… and hear me out… I could just not go?”
“Oh, no way! You got us into this; you’re not backing out that easily, you little shit.”
“Again, this was all Kara’s idea,” you mutter, taking a deep breath. But Alex doesn’t bite. She watches you closely, her expression softening, as if she’s waiting for you to say something else—something you haven’t been able to admit out loud. You take a deep breath, fighting back a wave of nervousness.
You swallow hard, feeling your heartbeat in your throat. “I think Kara might… be in love with Lena.”
Alex doesn’t answer. Doesn’t deny it and tell you that you’re obviously wrong. That your sister wouldn’t fall in love with her best friend, that you’re just imagining the worst case scenario so you don’t have to act on it. She doesn’t say a word.
“Well?” you prompt, a mix of frustration and dread rising up.
“Well, what?”
“Do you think Kara’s in love with her?”
Alex lets out a long sigh that hangs in the air between you—and that’s how you know. She’s been thinking about it too.
“I don’t know, Y/N,” she says gently, seeing the tears gathering in your eyes. “But what if she is?”
You look down, struggling to keep your voice steady. “Then… then I’ll just… have to back off, right?”
“Back off more?” Alex’s voice is soft but incredulous. “You’ve been pulling away for months. To the point where Lena actually asked me if you hated her.”
Your chest tightens. “I don’t hate her,” you murmur, voice catching. “Obviously. I just… it’s too hard. Being around her and not doing something about it. And just as hard wanting to.” You let out a shaky breath, pressing your forehead to the cool counter. “Please Alex, can you find out if Kara has feelings for her?”
“No. That’s on you.” You lift your head, giving Alex a look of pure pleading. “Nope. No puppy eyes, Y/N. Kara’s your sister too. And I still don’t get why you haven’t told her any of this.”
You groan, burying your face in the cool marble, and holding up your index finger. “Donut me.”
“Classy.” she says, popping one onto your finger, and that’s the end of that.
Alex wasn’t kidding. She won’t talk to Kara about your suspicions, and as for you? You can’t bring yourself to do it either.
There was a time when you would’ve told Kara everything—more than you probably should have. But these days, it feels like there’s a wall between you. An invisible one, but solid all the same.
Maybe it’s the way she loves supering—the way she lights up at the mere thought of saving another day. And you… well, you’re still trying to learn to like it. Which is worlds away from loving it.
Or maybe it’s the way she feels so responsible for you, as if she’s obligated to take care of you. Lately, she's been acting so much like a mother that a few weeks ago, you accidentally called her Alura. The awkward silence that followed was heavy. Neither of you has brought it up since.
And then there’s Lena. The real wedge between you and Kara, and the reason you can’t find the words to talk to her about any of this. She would know. One look, one slip, and your sister would know you’re hopelessly tangled up in feelings you have no business having.
Despite all these reasons not to go, you find yourself packing for a vacation on a private island. Lena has arranged everything, from the secluded bungalows to the chef she hired to prepare your meals. You’re not complaining—it’s hard to argue with paradise—but somehow, it feels far from what a ‘normal’ vacation is supposed to look like.
As the island draws nearer, the knot in your stomach only grows tighter. Because, God, it’s just the six of you—Kara, Alex, Kelly, Esmé, Lena, and you. Nowhere to hide. And no distractions from the truth you’ve been so desperately trying to avoid.
Banging on your door pulls you out of sleep the next morning. “Auntie! Auntie!” Esmé’s voice rings out, cheerful and insistent.
You stumble over to the door, while using your superspeed to change, throwing it open with a wide grin. “I’m up, I’m up!”
“Let’s go play on the beach!” she declares, lifting her little arms toward you. You scoop her up, and she beams. “Can we build a sandcastle?”
“No way! Snowman first,” you tease, and soon the two of you are belting out Frozen lyrics at the breakfast table. Alex eventually gives you a look—half exhausted, half amused—and mouths, ‘please, shut the fuck up.’
“Meet you on the beach!” Esmé yells, racing outside, with Alex and Kelly chasing after her, leaving the table suspiciously empty.
You glance up, realizing you’re now alone with the two people you’ve been expertly dodging: Kara and Lena.
“Oh. Uh…” You force a smile. “So, what do you two have planned for today?”
“Not much,” Lena replies, her voice smooth. “A lot of reading on the beach.”
For a moment, your mind betrays you, painting an image of her stretched out on the sand in a bikini. You swallow hard, your throat dry. Oh, you didn't count on images of Lena in bikinis. Damn, this trip will be harder than you already predicted.
“I don’t have any plans,” Kara interjects, snapping you back to reality. Her expression is bright but almost pleading. “Do you want to do something together? We could fly around the island, see what’s interesting.”
It’s an innocuous enough suggestion, but the weight behind her words is impossible to miss. You haven’t really been alone together in weeks, maybe longer. She’s staring at you now, her eyes a little sad, hopeful, and you can tell she’s feeling the distance between you too.
“We haven’t hung out in a while, just us.” she says, a touch of hurt slipping through, like it’s your fault—which, honestly, it sort of is. You’ve been dodging her invitations unless Alex was willing to join. Lately, you’ve relied on Alex as a buffer more times than you’d like to admit, not ready to face everything that’s been bubbling up between you and Kara.
You hadn’t planned on confronting this on the first day of vacation, but there’s no way out now. “Oh, um… yeah. I guess it would be good to know the best spots.”
Kara’s face lights up, that bright, trusting smile of hers breaking through. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Lena watching the two of you, her gaze intent and almost curious. Then she smiles too, a warm, satisfied curve of her lips that sends an unsteady pang through you.
“Well,” Lena begins, her tone light but pointed. “We haven’t hung out alone in ages either.” There’s no accusation in her voice, just a gentle reminder. “Maybe make some time for me too?”
You knew this was coming. The wall you’ve built, the distance you’ve created to keep your feelings hidden—it’s collapsing faster than you can stop it.
“I thought the point of this trip was  to not have schedules,” you say, aiming for a joke, but it comes out grumbly and defensive. “We can hang out whenever, I mean.”
“Perfect!” Lena’s smile widens, bright and genuine, making your pulse race. “I’ve been missing you too, you know.”
They’re not trying to guilt-trip you; you know that. But the sincerity in their words makes you feel raw and exposed, and you can’t help but feel the need to defend yourself.
“I’m sorry, the whole superhero thing…” You trail off, realizing you can’t actually explain it. Not with Kara right there. “And, um, the thesis for my doctorate…”
Lena reaches out, resting a hand over yours, her touch unexpectedly soft and grounding. “Hey, Y/N,” she murmurs, her gaze steady. “We get it. You have a lot on your plate. Really, it’s okay. We just miss you. You’re… you’re fun to have around.”
Fun. It’s meant to reassure you, but the word sinks like a stone in your chest. You don’t feel fun. Lately, every moment spent with them has been a calculated exercise in restraint. It’s exhausting—lying, hiding, swallowing words you’re afraid will slip out. It’s not fun to be hopelessly, irrevocably in love with Lena. It's not fun to know you can't do anything about it because Kara might be in love with her too. And it’s even less fun to not be able to be yourself around your own sister.
You stand up abruptly, plastering on a smile that feels almost painful. “Cool. I’ll just, uh, grab something from my room, and then we can go flying?”
Kara nods, visibly brightening. “Perfect!”
But as you walk away, a sinking feeling settles over you, knowing that the closer you get to these two, the harder it is to keep pretending.
You actually like flying. Seeing the world from above, watching your problems shrink to nothing but blips—it’s your favorite power, if you’re honest. When you and Kara first discovered what you could do, you felt invincible, legendary even. Like a hero in some ancient Kryptonian folktale. But the thrill didn’t last.
Before long, it became “don’t use your power—wait, please use it—be a hero—but only for the greater good, never for yourself—be a hero—save everyone—forget what you want—be a hero!” Now? It doesn’t feel half as exciting as it once did.
You both land on a quiet beach, the waves lapping against the sand, and you look around, frowning. “This doesn’t really seem like—”
“We should talk.”
“—the best spot.��� you mutter, the words stalling as her tone hits you. You feel your heartbeat spike, hammering loudly against your ribcage.
“I can hear your heart racing,” Kara says softly, almost apologetically. You try to steady it, but the thumping only grows stronger as you realize what’s coming. There’s no way around it—you’re finally about to confront what you’ve been dodging for months. “Y/N, will you sit with me?” she asks, patting the spot beside her on a driftwood log you hadn’t even noticed. You make your way over, bracing yourself.
“What’s up with you, ie?” The word in Kryptonian tugs at something deep inside you, a pang of longing for home, for the uncomplicated love you shared as kids. Her hand settles on your shoulder, warm and grounding. “You’ve been so distant from me. And don’t start with the thesis or the superhero excuses. I know it’s not that.” You open your mouth, but she cuts you off. “You’ve certainly had plenty of time for Alex.”
You roll your eyes, maybe too hard. “You can’t seriously be jealous of Alex.”
“I’m not jealous,” she insists, her gaze softening. “I’m worried. You’re my little sister. I promised mother and father I’d always keep you safe, that you’d always have family in me.”
“I’m safe, we’re family,” you reply, shrugging off her concern. “I don’t see what there is to worry about.”
“This,” she says, gesturing at you in frustration. “This distance. You’re pulling away from me like I’m the enemy.”
“Kara, you’re overthinking it.” you say, feigning a breezy tone. But she’s right, and you know it. She’s barely scratched the surface, and already you feel yourself unraveling. So you get up, turning your back at her and you hear a sigh behind you.
“I know you’re in love with Lena!” she says, her voice breaking the silence in one clean strike. You go still, holding your breath as her words hit you like a blow.
“What?” You try to sound unaffected, but your heart’s stuttering tells another story.
“I know you well enough, Y/N.” Kara makes sure you know it’s on her, that she was the one to figure it out. “I’ve noticed the stares, heart skipping beats, blown wide pupils. I’ve noticed how kindly you say her name, and how fond you talk about her.”
“So you think I love her?” You finally turn around to face her.
“I know you do,” she says firmly. She won’t let you deflect this time, won’t let you squirm out of it. “I’m your sister,” she means biologically, her voice tinged with something close to accusation, almost as if she is mad you'd confide to Alex and not her. “Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Because—” You falter, the excuse fizzling out in your throat. “I’m dealing with it, okay?”
“By ignoring her?” she presses, stepping closer. “And me?”
You swallow hard. “Among other things, yeah.”
Kara’s brow knits in confusion, like she’s searching for some other answer, something that will explain why you’re pushing her away too. “Why me?” she asks. “I get why you’d need space from Lena if you don’t want to act on it, but why shut me out?”
You can’t answer. Not when you can barely make sense of it yourself. You want your sister to be close, you need her closer—but being near her feels like one more reminder of all the things you can’t have.
When you stay silent, her expression shifts, something like realization dawning in her eyes. But you don’t wait to see where her thoughts land.
“Well, as fun as this has been, I promised Esmé I’d meet her at the beach,” you say abruptly, stepping away.
You’re just about to lift off when you hear her voice, soft but unyielding. “We’ll talk when you’re ready.”
You take to the sky, flying to the other side of the island, hoping the wind might strip away the heaviness clinging to your thoughts. But even as you busy yourself building sandcastles with Esmé, your mind drifts back to Kara’s words—and the truth you’re trying so hard not to face. In all fairness, all you can do is think about the feelings that you hide and sit in silence waiting for a sign on what you should do next.
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tatsumiku1 · 18 days ago
Kara coming to the command room where her team is
Kara : what are you guys doing here ?
Alex : there is a new Luthor in the town
Kara watches Lena on the screen
John : we need to be wary of her
Brainy : from my research her intellect is even higher than lex and she is known to be the most strategic one
Kara : she is really pretty, I have never seen eyes like that (dreamily)
Nia : and she talks so well, I will say really well mannered
Kara : right (excitedly)
Alex : KARA,Nia you too, she is an enemy
Kara : how could you say that, she seems nice
Alex : please Kara, is there anyone that you think is not nice?
Kara pouts
Alex : keep a special eye on her team.
Kara :(thinking) maybe I should try to meet her, if we need to keep an eye on her
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captm29 · 10 months ago
Kara: | have feelings for you.
Lena: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay? Do I need to call Alex? You know what I’m calling Alex
Jess in the background already messaging Sam and Alex: oh my fucking god she is so dumb Alex come get kara Sam come talk some sense into this woman
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natalievoncatte · 27 days ago
Content Warning: It is very lightly implied but there’s part of this that may be upsetting.
Kara bolted awake to the sound of a scream, and when she bolted awake, she bolted. Her forehead thumped the ceiling and someone in the loft above hers yelled for her to stop that fucking racket, but it didn’t matter. The blood curdling, gurgling shriek of terror was still ringing in her ear and she had but a single thought: Lena.
She threw up the sash of her window so hard the wood chipped and leaped into space, alien power folding the air behind her so hard that the entire building shuddered, and she had to stop herself from going hypersonic and breaking every window on the block.
It was Lena. Her voice cut through the constant barrage of human and mechanical and animal noises around her. It sliced through a wall of arguing spouses and sighing lovers and wailing sirens, through the secret language of cats and the grinding of the tectonic plates beneath all their feet. It was not a mere scream but a shriek, a wail of agony and terror that made her blood freeze even as she rocketed through the city in a blur, dozens of pedestrians looking up as she blasted overhead.
Lena’s place was across town, an hour on foot- for a human. Kara made it at the speed of thought, arriving so fast that Lena was still screaming as she landed and wrenched open the balcony door and stormed through the penthouse.
When she brushed open the bedroom door she found a cowering Lena curled in the corner in a pile of bedsheets, staring at nothing, shaking violently and shrieking.
Kara jabbed the comm bead in her ear.
“What?” Alex said, groggily. “Kara? What time is it? Why… who’s that screaming?”
“It’s Lena. I need help. It’s like she’s still asleep but she’s screaming and her eyes are open. She’s not reacting to me.”
“What the hell is she doing at your apartment at three in the morning?”
“I’m at her place. I heard her screaming and flew.”
Alex let out a pained sigh. “Please tell me you remembered the suit.”
Kara looked down at her threadbare pajamas and frowned.
“Yep, sure did. What do I do?”
“Get off me!” Lena choked out, “get off me!”
Her eyes wide wide with horror, but worse, her heart was beating incredibly fast, her pupils tiny points. She began swiping at nothing with hooked fingers, tangling herself in the sheets, which only drove her into a deeper frenzy. L
“Alex! What do I do?”
“Try to get her back into bed. Gently. Speak slowly and calmly.”
Kara nodded. “Lena?”
She was met with another round of screams.
“Lena, it’s me, it’s Kara. I’m hear to help you.”
“Kara?” Lena choked out. “No, you have to go, you can’t, they’ll hurt you too.”
“No, they wont,” Kara said, soft but firm, kneeling in front of her. “No one can hurt you when you’re with me. I’ll protect you.”
Kara gently placed her hands on Lena’s shoulders. Her skin was fever hot and a vein stood out on her forehead, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
Very slowly, Kara began to shift her towards the bed, finally giving up and lifting her entirely. Lena clung to her in a full body arms-and-legs hug.
Alex crackled in her ear.
“Stay there. I’ll have J’onn do a sweep of the area just to be sure.”
“Don’t go,” Lena murmured, “Kara please, don’t go please.”
“I’m right here and I’m not leaving,” Kara said, lowering her to the bed.
It was… awkward. Kara had no choice but to climb in with her. She grabbed an armful of silk sheets and down comforter and sheltered them both within it, packing herself up into a tight roll with Lena, arms locked around her.
Lena’s screaming had stopped but she still seemed unaware, her focus entirely on Kara as she sobbed lightly into her chest.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, it’s okay,” Kara repeated, like a mantra, lightly running her fingers over Lena’s scalp.
“You’re safe, I promise.”
Lena buried her face in Kara’s throat and sobbed. Kara continued to stroke her hair, and almost without realizing it, started singing.
“Kara,” Alex said in her ear, “the channel is still open. Kara, you’re singing a Kryptonian lullaby!”
She didn’t care. She jabbed her ear to silence the little voice and continued to sing, the same song her father used when she had nightmares in the groundquakes when their world was shaking itself apart.
Lena’s breathing finally slowed. The tension slid out of her and her breathing and pulse eased. She fell into a deep, deep sleep.
Kara could leave now, if she wanted. Skip away and let Lena think it was all a dream, though she might wonder what happened to the lock on her balcony door.
She could, but a promise was a promise.
Eventually, her own lullaby lulled her to sleep, and she drifted off into a dreamless rest of her own.
When the sun draped a warm touch across her skin and Kara opened her eyes, she found herself oddly well rested for someone who’d woken up at three in the morning and flown across town. Lena dozed lightly in her arms, tucked against and under Kara so naturally it was as if they were made to slot together this way. Kara lay turned and curled around Lena, a fortress of living walls around her smaller frame, even as she clung to Kara’s waist.
She still had time to leave, to let the night be a mystery… but something stopped her. She wasn’t sure if it was the soft, sweet scent of Lena’s hair or the way Lena’s breath tickled her throat or the soft weight of her or the delightful sensation of her breasts pressed against Kara’s own but she needed this, she wanted this.
Lena was looking at her.
“Are you real?” she whispered.
“It’s me, Lee.”
“Why are you here?”
Kara licked her lips and sorted through fifty lame excuses. What would it be this time? Lena butt dialed her in the middle of a night terror? She forgot her hairbrush?
“I heard you screaming and I flew here to protect you.”
Lena blinked, clearly groggy, her brows pinched in consternation as she worked it out. Kara waited.
“Oh,” Lena said, finally.
“Yeah,” said Kara. “I can go if you’re upset, or you need time,” her voice grew thick, “or if you’d rather not see me anymore.”
“No,” Lena snapped, almost angrily, then more softly, “please stay. I’d like you to stay, I… I need you to help me feel safe for a while.”
Kara nodded.
“I had a terrible dream. It was so real. I dreamed Lex sent people after me in my office, but they weren’t there to throw me off the balcony this time. I tried the gun I keep in my desk but it had no effect on them, and Jess didn’t hear me screaming and no one would help me.”
“It wasn’t real,” Kara murmured. “That will never happen. I will always be there when you need me.”
“What if you’re too far or you’re too busy?”
“I’m never too busy and I’ll never be too far. I’ll give you a signal watch.”
“A signal watch?”
Kara nodded. “Like my cousin gave James. If you use it I’ll be able to find you anywhere.”
“God, Kara in can still feel the hands on my throat. It was so real.”
“It wasn’t, I promise. I’m real. Can you feel me?”
Lena suddenly seemed a touch embarrassed, but didn’t pull away.
“I can definitely feel you.”
“Good. You’re safe. We don’t have to get up yet. Just lay here with me in the sun and you’ll be safe.”
There was a knock at Lena’s door and they both jumped.
Alex’s voice crackled in her ear.
“I’m at the door, Kara. Let me in.”
“Kara? What’s going on?” said Lena.
“Alex is at the door.”
Kara started to slip out of bed and Lena almost frantically followed her, pressing close behind. Kara looked through the door -a little relieved that Lena hadn’t lined it with lead- and saw Alex standing there in full agent gear. She opened the door.
Alex raised a brow. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Yes,” said Kara. “We were going back to sleep.”
Alex swept into the apartment.
“J’onn caught a guy. Two-bit mercenary hack, calls himself Doctor Destiny. Uses a drug to enhance latent psychic abilities- he’s a dreamer, messes with people’s heads while they sleep. J’onn gave him a taste of his own medicine.”
Lena tensed beside her, and Kara felt it.
“Alex, where is he now?”
“Back at headquarters in a holding cell. I made arrangements for him to be transported to Belle Reve, with a cape escort.”
Kara paused for a long moment.
“Alex, can you stay with Lena for a few minutes?”
Lena paled even further, the blood draining from her face.
“I won’t be gone long, baby. I’ll be right back, I promise.”
“Baby?” said Alex.
“Shut up,” Kara snapped.
Lena gave her a slight nod of assent.
Kara decided to make this quick. She flew home first, changed, and landed on the DEO balcony all in less than five minutes. When she reached the holding cells, she told the guard on duty to get a coffee and let herself in.
He was an unassuming man, average height and build with scruffy hair and a five o’clock shadow. He looked more like a petty crook that got caught robbing a corner store, less like a supervillain.
“You’re ’Doctor Destiny’?”
“That’s right.”
“Did you do this on your own or were you hired?”
“Fuck off,” he said, with a shrug. “I’m going to the hole until Waller comes in to cut me a deal. You’re a Supe, you don’t scare me. Maybe send the Bat if you want to-“
Kara took two steps across the cell, seized his throat in a crushing grip that almost crushed his windpipe, and pinned him to the wall like a struggling insect beneath a sadistic child’s thumb.
“What the fuck?” he croaked out.
Kara turned her head slightly and hit the wall with a pop of heat vision that scorched the concrete and left a warm red spot.
“What the fuck?” he said again.
“I can see it,” Kara said, her voice as cold as ice. “I can see the little quirk in the back of your brain that gives you powers. One little blink and it’s gone.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“It’s too bad that there’s some important structures in the way, but you probably don’t need those language and motor skills.”
“You can’t!” he screamed.
Kara leaned in close, eyes smoldering so that he could feel the heat begin to sting his flesh.
“Wrong. I’m Supergirl. I can do anything.”
“Jesus fucking Christ! It was Edge! Morgan Edge! He paid me fifty grand!”
“Fifty g-“ Kara snarled, gritting her teeth. “Listen to me. They’re taking you to Belle Reve. I want you to tell everyone there. Everyone, do you hear me?”
“Tell them what?”
“If anything happens to Lena Luthor, I have no rules.”
“Okay,” he said, “I’ll tell everyone I promise! I swear!”
Kara let go and turned, ignoring his cries as his knees hit the concrete floor, and slammed the cell shut behind her.
When she landed on Lena’s balcony, Alex was sitting with her on the couch. The color had come back to Lena’s cheeks and she no longer looked small and frightened, her eyes no longer darting to corners and thresholds as if she expected something to pop out from behind them.
“Lena is going to pack a few bags and come stay with you for a few days,” said Alex. “I convinced her that crashing on Supergirl’s couch is a better security system than what she’s got, and while she’s out I’m going to have our tech team integrate her security into the DEO so we’ll know instantly if she’s in trouble.”
Lena nodded at all of this.
Kara knelt before Lena and gently took her chin by a curled finger and raised her gaze.
“You’re under my protection,” she said. “I swear it.”
Lena’s eyes sparkled and she gave Kara a soft smile, cupping Kara’s hand in her own.
“Okay, Brave Sir Kara, let’s take milady Luthor back to yonder castle.”
“Shut up,” Kara muttered.
The trip home seemed to calm Lena even more, as she laughed at the two sisters bantering with each other after Kara changed and climbed into Alex’s car, leaning forward from the back seat to poke her head between Lena and Alex and tease her sibling.
Lena ended up staying a full two weeks.
The “sleeping on the couch” concept didn’t even last the first night.
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jeridandridge · 6 months ago
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Another Supercorp media post. Re reading @jazzfordshire ‘s small town AU (again)
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 5 months ago
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comic-book-jawns · 11 months ago
F is for Godmother
“Esme, sweetie, who did you learn that word from?”
Well, that’s a question Mama’s never asked before. But before Esme can ask ‘why??’, the door to Aunt Kara’s apartment opens and —
“Aunt Lena!”
Esme doesn’t get why she’s always the only one — aside from Aunt Kara, of course — who runs to give her godmother a hug every Game Night.
“Ow, fuck!”
Stupid chair.
Although the chair isn’t the one who starts laughing about her falling. That’s Aunt Nia, who is usually really nice. Uncle Brainy seems confused about it too when she falls on top on him.
“Kara, don’t you dare.”
Mommy sounds mad… because Aunt Kara is laughing too! Not like Aunt Nia, but her face is red, and she’s got a hand over her mouth, and her shoulders are shaking.
“It’s not funny!”
Esme stomps her foot as she stands up — the foot that doesn’t still hurt — and she can feel her eyes getting spicy. Which her moms say is ‘okay.’ But it’s not okay because it makes Aunt Lena sad, and Esme just wanted to make her smile!
At least no one’s laughing anymore.
“You okay?”
Esme feels her godmother’s hand on her shoulder and spins around to throw her arms around Aunt Lena’s shoulders. She always crouches down when she talks to Esme.
“They’re making fun of me.”
“No, honey, they’re not. They’re making fun of me.”
Esme pushes back with a gasp. She might not like them laughing at her… but at Aunt Lena?!
“Not in a mean way! Not in a mean way!”
She looks back to see Aunt Lena flapping her hands, which she does when she’s talking fast.
“In a friend way?”
“But you didn’t do anything. You just got here.”
Aunt Lena opens her mouth… and then she laughs, quietly, and shakes her head.
Mommy sounds mad again, and her godmother’s face is really red all the sudden. Esme turns around again, ready to protect her.
“A word?”
But then the laughing starts again, louder than before. Even Papa J’onn is smiling! And —
“I’m sorry, dear, but you could have phrased that any other way.”
**12 Hours Later**
Esme still doesn’t see what the big deal is. It’s just the word her godmother uses when some part of her experiment isn’t working, like now.
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