#kankuro x gn!reader
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Title: Random HCs Pairing: 「 Shikamaru x GN.Reader 」||「 Choji x GN.Reader 」 「 Shino x GN.Reader 」||「 Naruto x GN.Reader 」 「 Kankuro x GN.Reader 」||「 Kiba x GN.Reader 」 Plot: Some random relationship headcanons, reader is gender neutral as possible Warnings: N/A | Please notify if needed in ask format ’’’ ’’’ ’’’ Word Count: 3,087 Read Time: 11 minutes, 14 seconds ’’’ ’’’ ’’’ Author’s Note: Well I haven’t written anything in a hot moment, but here’s some headcanons I’ve had in my drafts for a while. If something needs to be tagged let me know! Anyways, please enjoy!
「 Misc. HC’s 」
Nara, Shikamaru
☀ It’s already known he would be the best nap buddy. But you know what’s even better? Is he willingly, and I mean willingly! Stays up for you when you need him or want him to. (Although he’d much rather wrap himself in a blanket with you and call it a day.) But yeah. That five hour long play you want to go to? He’s up and paying attention the WHOLE damn time. Maybe complains a little, but he’s up! You need a study buddy? Well yeah- duh, he’s gonna help you with it. Though he will probably request a kiss here and there as payment though. Sparring partner? Also yes. Although he’ll try to end the session faster just so he can reap the reward of cuddling sooner.
☀ He is faithful but uh- he still does quite a bit of rubbernecking out in those streets. Man has eyes and he will be looking. Won’t touch the displays. So that is something if you’re wondering. He doesn’t feel very bad about it either because he doesn’t think much of it- and why should he if that’s all he’s doing. It’s not like he’s his old man who was actively partaking in his window shopping.
☀ When he first introduces you to his parents his mom is excited. Finally someone other than the Nara men she had be dealing with for so long! Not that she doesn’t love them that is. But when he sees how you and her interact he knows he made a good choice in calling you his. Which just inflates his already giant ego more.
☀ He doesn’t talk about it, nor does his own father, but he does have a mild form of depression. It sneaks up on him and he doesn’t ever know what to do with it or himself. In fact it makes him more down trotted since he knows how to handle or do so much else. What he does know is that when he’s in this slump and you are beside him. He will have his face in your chest (even if you don’t have much), a hand interlocking fingers with you, and a quiet breath. In short you are a peace for him during the storm. Allowing him a momentary retrieve.
"Tsk.” Shikamaru was ready for the session to be over with already. He wanted to curl up into a ball with you in bed. Yet here he was, bent over the kotatsu table with you, helping you study for this irritating exam. He knew you didn’t really need his help even though you insisted on it. Glancing up with his charcoal black eyes, Shikamaru looked at you and sighed. He didn’t want to admit it, he liked that you wanted him around so bad- made him feel needed even if it was for something so benign. That small smile creeping up on his face that he didn’t even notice until he could feel the dimples form against his cheek.
Akimichi, Choji
☀ He would ditch spending time with Shikamaru to hang out with you if he could. Like he likes his best friend, but you? Opfh, he loves the fact you indulge in him for all that he is and could be.
☀ Yeah sure he loves to eat and cook with you-- but do you know what else he likes to do with you? Video Games, man has bought so many co-op games just to play them with you! When you two are both able to you’ll usually end up having at least one date night that consists of all game playing! Mixed with popcorn and sodas and also a dedicated wind down movie session for when the games get too heated or you guys get burnt out. Either way you usually end it at that.
☀ He likes working with his hands. Likes being able to mess with things physically. That’s why when he finds out there’s a pottery class he takes it up and makes you some cups, plates, and little knickknacks. If you have a favorite animal he’s making it, favorite color(s) will be used as paints, like plants? Babe guess what you got a new pot! Cooking? Man be building you plates and what not.
Let him show you he loves you with whatever he can build.
☀ Please let this man do your hair. Please, oh PLEASE, let him do your hair, (If you have any that is.) You won’t be disappointed at all with the magic he can weave. Man can do all kinds of braids and styles like it’s second nature! It kind of goes along with the whole- working with his hands thing. If you got curls (Such as 4C hair for example of this) he will give you some of the best hair care he can. When it’s time to wash out those curls, man is right there either to keep you company or to do the washing for you. He’ll wash them, dry them, and even willingly stand around for those long hours putting them into box braids. He’s committed to doing them right and does still try to be nice about it. If you often wear scarves/hijabs he’s going to try and learn how to knot and tie them into some faux hairstyles. He thinks he almost has a faux mohawk style down- but it’s still rather messy. But he does try! If you sport facial hair. Man is also going to help your trim and care for that too! He’ll help you scrub your face, put in that beard oil, and brush out any knots you might have! Plus he’ll help braid them to boot! If you don’t have hair then that’s also alright. Man will instead help you with your facial routines and scalp care. (If you shave it, he doesn’t get a single nick on your head that’ s how dedicated he is!) You’ll be delighted at the care he does with putting your lotion on your face. He will sneak a kiss in though.
☀ If it’s raining he’ll try to focus on putting the umbrella on you even if you insist that he keep it on him. He doesn’t care if he gets a cold from it, he just wants you to be covered. Besides, if he gets sick maybe you’ll take care of him. ☀ If you want to give him a treat that isn’t food related then a back massage would do best for him. You’d be surprised by how tense his muscles can get.
"AH! Y/N! Guess what!” Choji announces as he practically bursts through the front door with a bright eyed smile. Holding a delicately wrapped boxed to his side, bow and all. Only to present it to you like a child on their birthday receiving a gift themselves. “Go on! Open it! Take a look!” Practically beside himself with joy as he watches you take it from him. As if seeing you happy made him happy.
Aburame, Shino
☀ He takes his time with introducing his partner(s) to his friends and family. He wants to be secure in knowing that whoever he’s bringing around will actually stick around. So if you meet his father in a proper introduction at home with the dinner and everything. Just know, he is very serious about you and he would hope you feel the same way too.
☀ Will usually seek you out to have lunch with you when he’s able. He likes having his meals with you so you two can talk about the recent events of the day and unwind a little before getting back to it. Although if either of you are unable to, due to schedule conflicts or what not. He’ll ultimately send one of his insects to just hang around you- with your knowledge of course.
He finds tracking his partner without their knowledge to be quite a disrespectful thing to do. You should trust your partner after all.
☀ He isn’t the type to argue even with his petty instincts kicking in. He’ll only actively argue with you if the stakes are high and even then he’ll try his best not to let it get to him. He loves you and wants to handle things like adults.
☀ He will suggest you two do a class of some sort together! Just to have more quality time together despite any busy schedules either of you may have. Personally he’ll point out a sewing, knitting, or possibly some jewelry making. Just because that’s something you two could easily do at home as well! Not only that, if you do decide to make jewelry together you could always gift each other something to wear. Something you can keep on you to always know the other is there for you even when your thousands of miles apart.
☀ While he isn’t much for PDA (Public displays of affection) he still tries to keep a hand on you. This usually is touching the small of your back or hooking his pinky with yours. It’s stealthy and easy to hide, something that could be brushed off. This isn’t to say he’s embarrassed of you, he just get’s flustered easily when other’s point out his soft spot. Which is you.
Sitting under the umbrella covered garden table set, Shino fixed his usually closely held sunglasses onto his face. He was just enjoying the warmth of the spring sun on his, unusually, exposed skin. Allowing you to see the traces and trails of the small almost invisible scars of his body. It almost distracted you from noticing what was in his hands. A needle and thread, looping some beads together. The beads were in a colorful array with flowers and beetles. Looking up from his creation he caught your eyes. Smirking at you from the side of his closed lips.
Uzumaki Naruto
☀ As we know the boy is actually good about taking care of plants! One could even say it’s a hobby of his! But what they don’t know is how many he grows just to gift to his partner. Yes, yes he grows his own favorites too. But if he knows his partner has a particular favorite- well then he is going to be growing a few bundles of them in his small apart. Just so he can have a piece of them around when they’re not available and something to gift them later when they come by. Although your smile is far more than enough of a reward for him to take in return.
☀ He’s a board game man and no one can convince me otherwise. Y’all got a closet full of them and come every Thursday night when you are both at home in the village you two will play. Sometimes you invite friends, other times it’s just you and him. It doesn’t really matter what you play together! He’s just happy to be with you.
☀ Yes, when he was younger he wasn’t the best at keeping tidy. But as he’s gotten older he’s gotten much better about it. Especially when he found out that you had a particular scent you liked to smell. It might be a little pricey but he’s going to grab the candle or the fabric softener, whatever it is. Though admittedly the first time he does this he might have gone overboard and nearly knocked himself out from the singular smell taking up the small, cramped space. After that he tried to keep it to one thing at a time. Changes it from item to item or space to space.
☀ Out of the Konoha boys Naruto is the best dancer. He knows how to move his body in tune with a beat. Combo that with his talk no jutsu and one could say he is a smooth criminal on that dance floor.
”Oooiii!” Blonde hair on end as he straightened his back out, arms crossed behind his head pulling his grey tee-shirt above his midriff only to fall and hide that golden trail once more. He had been sitting there on the cold hard floor. Papers scattered all over the small table before him. “Can’t we go get Ichiraku now? My eyes are about to fall out from all this stupid paper work.” He groaned, only to perk up and lean into the hand that found it’s way into his hair. Maybe it wasn’t so bad if it meant some affection.
☀ Please let this man do your makeup. (If you do wear any of course. If you don’t, he’ll probably ask you at some point to let him try and put some on you. For practice reasons of course.) PLEASE. He’ll be so delighted, and chaotic, when you finally let him attempt it.
☀ He doesn’t look it but he is the type to find a copy of your favorite book and read it. In private of course. He doesn’t let you in on the fact that he now owns a copy, that he’s read every line that he could over and over again until he memorized it completely.
You won’t know it until he’s slipped in a line you yourself know by heart.
☀ Will puppy dog eye you with love when you’re not looking. He doesn’t even notice it. But he falls in love with you a bit more and more the longer you’re together. He’s the guy that will realize after YEARS of being with you that he loves you. That as time has passed as you two are holding hands as you walk through the market place it suddenly hits him how much you really do mean to him.
☀ While he’s not the marrying type his life and yours would be completely enwrapped in one another’s without the legality of it all. What is his is now yours. What is yours is his. You need not worry about his loyalty as he is all yours. Now if it’s that important to you he will propose and you’ll have the whole wedding and cake and what not. But just know. He doesn't want or need some silly paper to let you or others know he’s yours and you’re his. He just needs you in his home to share the good moments, the bad, and any others you’re willing to share. But also take note, his puppet will be in the front row somewhere.
☀ He likes to kiss the back of your neck when you sleep. A soft smile on his lips as he enjoys the feeling of you stirring underneath his hands. Something about the quiet of the room and you in his arms makes him so at peace. He can honestly say in those moments that he must’ve done something good to deserve you.
Kankuro tossed the water that pooled in his hands up and onto his face. Clearing up the debris of now shaven facial hair off with the leftover shaving cream he had applied earlier. Once down he grabbed the maroon colored hand towel, patting his face dry and further wiping anything off to ensure a clean canvas for his toxic face paint. “Hey dork! Hun’! BABY!” He shouted across the apartment to garner their attention. His head peaking out from the bathroom door frame to see them do the same from the living room. A look of bemusement written all over as his lips spread wide into a grin. “Chicken butt.” He snorted as they rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing.
Inuzuka, Kiba
☀ When he brought you home to officially meet his mom and sister. The man, well boy to them, tried so damn hard to tell them not to embarrass him in front of you. Practically threatened them not to do or say anything because he didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of you. They both chuckled and agreed. But what did he do when he brought you in? Tripped up over his own two feet and actually fell face first into a wet kibble bowl. Man is his own circus. But ultimately he is your clown.
☀ He’s a little insecure at times so watch out when he does get jealous. Because it’s a flip flop from being wildly accusative to wholeheartedly distant. Although if he see’s someone trying to hit on you. He’ll rush up right behind you, wrap an arm around you, and make it known that you and him are a serious thing. He knows it’s not attractive of him to do this. He’s gotten better about it the longer your relationship has gone on. It’s just that deep unsettling gut feeling he gets that maybe you’ll up and leave him without even a single note. Once they’re gone he becomes somber but quickly tries to pull it off by acting like the hot-headed idiot you love. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
☀ If he was a dog breed he would be a German Shepard, fierce and loyal but one of the more dramatic breeds out of the K-9 family.
☀ He and you will be getting matching necklaces. He needs it like the ring on your finger you’ll eventually be getting. Because, one might be shocked, he actually does want to settle down. Will he force you to have a wedding? Not at all, but he will be a bit heartbroken over it. It’s a big celebration of you two being together and officially tying your families into one after all. So if marriage isn’t for you he will at least ask you to wear a necklace of the Inuzuka clan marking.
"But babe!” The Inuzuka whined as he gripped his partner’s middle close to his face. Rubbing his nose into their clothes, catching their scent as he inhaled deeply and let out a loud disrupting huff. “Tsk,” His tongue clicked to his roof with an aggravated toss of his head onto their lap. Loosening his hold on them with a dramatic flair as he slipped onto the ground next to Akamaru. Who was none too please with his partner’s antics. “I want to go with you, what if someone tries to hit on you and whose gonna make you laugh like I do?” Kiba was being ever the silly dramatic at their friend’s night out. Not meaning any of it in a toxic manner, but more so to make his love chuckle.
#naruto uzumaki x reader#naruto uzumaki x gn!reader#shikamaru nara x gn!reader#shikamaru nara x reader#choji akimichi x gn!reader#choji akimichi x reader#shino aburame x reader#shino aburame x gn!reader#kankuro x reader#kankuro x gn!reader#inuzuka kiba x reader#kiba inuzuka x gn!reader#kiba inuzuka x reader#naruto reader insert#gn!reader#naruto: shippuden reader insert#gn!reader x canon#canon x reader
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Ghost (Gaara x SandNymph!Reader)
Synopsis: Gaara insists that he's been dating you for about a month. Well, Kankuro and Temari haven't seen you once and are convinced you're not even real. Temari is extremely concerned.
Word Count: 2.3k
Tags/Warnings: SandNymph!Reader, No Reader Pronouns, Humor, Fluff
Notes: I'm using "nymph" because I thought "sand spirit" or "spirit" would be confused with Shukaku, you know, Gaara's literal "sand spirit."
“A… date…?” Temari was in such disbelief over what she had just heard that she had to repeat it aloud. The lecture she had prepared about scheduling meetings died on her lips. Gaara spared a questioning glance from his paperwork, holding his pen just barely over the pages below. He held his posture completely still as he studied his sister’s expression of disbelief. Her eyebrows shot to her forehead. “You?” she blurted.
He frowned.
“Is it that hard to believe?” Gaara returned to his work, the previously motionless pen now sailing across the page. Termari opened her mouth before closing it again, at a loss for words, as she studied the schedule nestled in her hands. The slot of time that had been sectioned off still sat there just as it had the last time she stared at it. The location was marked “rooftop.”
The note made Temari quirk her lip in pleasant surprise. She nodded to herself, cocking her head to the side as she stared at the combination of letters. Now that she thought of it, the rooftop of the Kazekage office wasn’t a terrible date location. The time would set Gaara’s date to start around sunset, making for quite the romantic atmosphere she didn’t know he had the capabilities to foresee.
Temari glanced toward the Kazekage headpiece displayed on the wall behind Gaara’s desk, wondering if the not-so-subtle nod to his position had been intentional when he chose the setting. It was quite the power move. She couldn’t decipher whether it was too intimidating or if her little brother secretly had more charm than he let on.
“Do you need something from me?” Gaara corralled his paperwork, leveling the pages against his desk. Temari shook her head, physically dismissing her thoughts as she brought the schedule forward to place it in front of him. She stood there and rocked on her heels, always one to make it known when she had an opinion. Gaara let out a quiet sigh and spoke in an even tone. “Yes?”
“Don’t you think the Kazekage office is a bit intimidating?” Temari hummed, glancing off to the side. She pivoted the ball of her foot on the intricately woven carpet below. Gaara’s writing stopped for a second before picking up again.
“Considering that this is my place of employment— and that I’m the Kazekage— I would hope not.” Gaara quickly dismissed the question, much to Temari’s chagrin. “But I suppose we can afford to purchase a decorative plant or two.”
“I meant for your date,” Temari protested. An undetectable smirk tugged at Gaara’s cheeks, tarnishing his otherwise unreadable expression. “You knew what I meant.” Gaara blinked as he pivoted in his chair to stand and retrieve a few more pressing documents. Temari perked up instantly, folding her arms as she moved around the large wooden desk. “What’s with that look?” She jabbed a finger at him.
“I didn’t say anything,” Gaara insisted with a shake of his head. A small crease appeared above his brow. He brushed past his sister, adamant about finishing his clerical work over engaging with her.
“You didn’t say anything, but you were thinking it.”
“You put a date on your official calendar and didn’t even tell me about it?” As angry as she sounded, the gleeful inflection that whipped up the end of her sentence betrayed her. She leaned against Gaara’s desk to his left. With another subtle heave of his chest, he slowly met her eye. Her irises glinted.
“We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time. This is nothing new.”
“Wait, what?”
“Temari, please. If this is all—” He tapped the schedule with the back of his pen. —“I’d appreciate it if you left me to my work.”
Temari visibly deflated and left with a huff, knowing ultimately that she had been pushing her luck. She glanced back at her brother one more time before gently closing the office door. It was time to compare notes.
“It’s been maybe two months?” Kankuro took a sip of his tea with a shrug of his shoulders. Temari couldn’t help how her mouth hung open in disbelief. She stepped forward, slamming her palms on the surface of Kankuro’s glorified desk. A few papers went toppling to the floor as he visibly jumped. Liquid spilled over the side of his cup. “Probably longer?”
“You didn’t tell me?”
“I thought you knew!” Kankuro raised his hands in defense, three fingers still wrapped around his beverage. He snuck another sip. “I mean, it’s the same time every week. He puts it in the calendar for fuck’s sake.” Kankuro placed his cup on a few scattered papers in front of him, moving just in time to catch a falling pile of files.
“What do you mean ‘probably’?” Kankuro randomly spread the compilation of work across the desk, all the forms and other important documents blending together in the unorganized mass. He only shrugged, clearly disinterested in the matter at hand. “Kankuro.”
“I dunno!” He shrugged again, but higher this time, sinking in his chair to pout at the clock mounted on the wall. Kankuro had hoped that he could waste the rest of the workday away in peace. The bodyguard to the Kazekage being a clearly redundant position, there was only so much ass Kankuro could kick in the comfort of an office environment. While he certainly performed other tasks, those tasks… could be done another day. “I think he gets stood up half the time anyway.”
Temari tried to instigate a conversation about Gaara’s dating life twice that day, and twice, one of her brothers attempted to get her to drop the subject by inadvertently dropping the juiciest tidbits into the conversation. Suffice it to say, neither time worked in their favor.
Kankuro tried to turn away from Temari in his swivel chair. She rotated him back. Fury mounted in her eyes.
“He what?” She towered over him with her
“I don’t know that for sure,” Kankuro whined, letting his head tilt back onto the back of his chair. He kicked an ankle up onto his opposite knee, cradling it in his lap as he braced himself for Temari’s firestorm. “He just always comes downstairs alone whenever I’ve been here late. But then again—” Kankuro scratched lazily at the back of his head. —“That’s me being here late.”
“Your brother has been dating—”
—“Our brother…?—”
“Your brother has had a more successful dating life than you—”
— “Okay, uncalled for—”
— “And you don’t want to know who it is?” Temari placed her fists on her hips with a puff of her chest. She sighed, walking around him to gaze out the window, watching people trickle in and out of the office building. Only when she had her back turned did Kankuro relax.
“‘Mari, I know you’re concerned about this, but I honestly don’t think it’s anyone.”
Temari snapped back around, causing Kankuro to sink back into his chair. She quirked her brow. Her lip twitched downward skeptically.
“What do you mean?”
“You really think he’s actually seeing anyone?” Kankuro stressed, leaning forward. He glanced in the vague direction of Gaara’s office. Temari followed his glance in consideration. “Even if he is the Kazekage, it’s just another degree of separation from being a regular guy.”
“You think he’s making it up?” The two locked eyes simultaneously, both having the same thought but neither wanting to vocalize it. Kankuro averted his eyes guiltily.
“I wouldn’t say he’s making it up…” he trailed off. “He has us, of course. And he has pretty good interactions with most people in, like, a Kazekage kinda way…” Kankuro heaved in a deep breath. “I just think he’s, um… compensating. I’m sure he’ll tell us everything when he’s ready.”
Temari wanted to fight him on his point, but she knew that Kankuro was right.
The rooftop housed a small garden. Flowerpots ranging in size lined the east side. A few sturdy stands had made their way upstairs, offering a few neat displays for the pots to sit. one of the older secretaries routinely arrived to work early to maintain his menagerie of drought-hardy plants: a well-kept compilation of cacti, succulents, and desert flowers. Over quite a number of years, the old man managed to turn the dreary, cracked rooftop of the Kazekage building into a rather peaceful space.
You were already waiting for him when Gaara arrived. The glow of the fiery-colored evening outlined your silhouette, a sunset of painted crimson surrounding you in his sights. You turned as soon as you heard the door.
Gaara stood in the doorway of the stairwell.
Your simple, traditional robes fluttered slightly in the evening breeze. Particles of sand fell from your fingertips, leaving a rounded puddle beneath around your feet.
But he didn’t move. Instead, Gaara leaned against the doorframe; the inside knob of the wide-open door sat under his fingertips as he stood enamored with you. You lit up at the sight of him, beckoning him over. Gaara tried to suppress the bashful smile of admiration that slowly crept onto his lips.
He stepped forward, letting the door close behind him, and stopped short in front of it. Gaara shifted his weight to his back leg. Two neat dimples indented his cheeks as he raised his arms, holding his pointed index fingers and thumbs to make a square shape as he lined you up in his vision with the blazing sunset in the background.
Gaara squinted one eye. You rolled yours.
“Get over here,” you protested playfully with a droop of your shoulders. Gaara’s lips tightened to form a twisted line as he snickered to himself, jogging forward to embrace you. You pressed your forehead against his.
“Have I ever told you that sunset is my favorite time of day?” Gaara said softly. You kissed the corner of his lips.
His fingers laced through yours. With a brush of your palm, a few more grains of sand fell to the ground. You chuckled, letting a sentimental smile rest across your mouth, pulling away to lead him to the edge of the rooftop.
But Gaara stood still, letting the tension of your pull stretch his arm and stop you mid-step. He used your momentum to pull you back into his arms, adding a spin as he did so.
“You must have missed me a lot,” you quipped as you used his leather-clad shoulder to steady yourself. Gaara shrugged with an informality surely unbecoming of a political figure as important as the Kazekage. But the soft gaze that focused back on you held nothing but genuity.
“Every time I looked upon the sand,” he hummed, finally releasing you. You cocked your head to the side, mischief already beginning to cloud your illuminated irises.
“Every time?” you repeated with a snicker and planted your hands on your hips. “It’s a miracle you can get anything done.”
You backed up a step, and Gaara followed. A few feet before the edge of the rooftop, you had set up a modest, woven blanket and a spread of simple, traditional foods. The two of you sat, perfectly shrouded from prying eyes by the tall cacti that grew around you.
“Bold of you to assume anything ever gets done with all these new global alliances.” Gaara’s forehead creased with amusement as he poured the tea for both of you. You began to fix the plates. “This is a government building, after all.”
“Oh, so the Kazekage has jokes. Does Baki know? I’m sure he would be thrilled to hear you say that.”
“I can’t say he does.”
Gaara set your tea down in front of you. The sun had lowered enough so that you could see each other clearly in the indirect light. The sky cast a golden color over the desert, and the fading beams trickled through the desert flowers that surrounded you.
“Well, I’m glad you found some time to take a break.”
“I always have time for you.”
The sun had set by the time Temari finally left the office. Bright moonlight lit up the roads as she began her trek home after a long day of running papers. Homes were lit with warm lantern light, laying the path before her. Kankuro already left hours ago.
She strode through the street. A few people milled about around her, also commuting home from work or closing up small market stalls. In a moment overtaken by thought, Temari stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to turn back toward the office building.
The outdoor lights had been lit. She searched for Gaara’s office window, only to find it dark. Perhaps he went home at the same time Kankuro had. Given the week they’ve had, Gaara deserved some well-needed rest, Temari decided. But two figures caught her eye just as she was about to turn her back to continue her walk.
Obscured by the tall plants on the rooftop, Temari could have easily missed them if she had been looking from any other angle. She looked to her left, then right, scanning the street for people before she stepped forward, squinting to get a better look. Temari hadn’t forgotten about Gaara’s date for a second, but she hadn’t expected it to go so late into the evening. And while she happened to see you and Gaara saying your goodbyes, she might as well see who’s dating her little brother.
But as soon as Temari began to look closer, you disappeared into a swirl of sand, and the grains blew into the breeze.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I prefer to avoid gendering readers in my work. Originally I was wondering how to talk about you in third person without having to pick a set of pronouns, but the dialogue wrote smoother than I originally even thought! It's very possible to write reader inserts without mentioning any specific third-person pronouns, it just requires some creativity, flexibility, and thought— I stand by this!
#gaara x reader#gaara#sand siblings#naruto x reader#naruto fanfic#gaara fanfic#naruto scenarios#gaara scenario#x reader#x you#reader insert#naruto#naruto x y/n#naruto x you#naruto shippuden#temari#kankuro#gn!reader#gender neutral reader
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Most to least experienced in bed? Konoha 11 and whoever else you wanna add. Love your work 😩😩
alrighty, i switched this up a bit to avoid strange research, if you wanna see someone else/another group ranking, lmk - i hope this is up to code, and thank you for the request!!
Sex Tier List
Ranked: Konoha 11 (Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Neji, Lee, Tenten) + Sand Siblings (Kankuro, Temari, Gaara) + Sasuke
Warnings: swearing, x(GN)reader implications, we are talking about sex, uh idk lmk if something makes you uncomfy
Notes: Boruto era for everyone, and, for everyone, their Bortuo era! this request had me fucked up lowk because, canonically, these mfs got zero action without rings - so we're putting an enjoyment spin on it, worst to best, in a modern-ish au. as in, who you would have to guide, vs, who could rock your world, five times over, in one night.
Tier 3 - Passable🪙
5. Hinata
I'm not even sorry. She deffo just lies there. Never gets on top. You have to ask for anything and everything, and not even in a sexy, teasing way, more in a 'I don't want to feel like I'm fucking a wooden board' way.
4. Kiba
May God love him because this man is certainly a selfish lover. That's not to say he isn't good - he's great at getting himself off, his brain just kinda shuts off otherwise. If you wanna cum, the onus is on you, because he's fuck-drunk within seconds of you touching him.
3. Kankuro
He's trying, okay?? It's just really fucking hard to keep you in mind when you just feel so fucking good. Kankuro's just inconsistent - that's the main issue. He'll try a million different positions in one session and is always unintentionally edging you.
2. Lee
Now, our darling, Rock Lee, is trying his best, honestly and truly. However, he doesn't know anything about anything, and you have to guide him every now and again. He's got the enthusiasm down, he's just not very good at translating it into pure sexual energy on the fly.
1. Gaara
He's too busy to be good at sex. When he does find the time, y'all get extra down and dirty, but Gaara's still lowkey inexperienced and the irregularity of your encounters doesn't help.
Tier 2 - Good🪩
5. Choji
Bro's got hidden talents, aight? It's a matter of him wanting to utilize them that sets Choji up. Most nights, he's chilling, but on those key few nights, hot damn.
4. Sasuke
I would've put him lower but y'all would've been mad - it's called REALISM. Sasuke would be wayyyyy too busy to put in the work to develop any actual skill in the bedroom, and he would find researching for it so far past disgusting. His good grace would be his natural endowment and prowess, but he's on thin fucking ice.
3. Tenten
Surprisingly stone top vibes, I cannot lie. She deffo gets off on your pleasure, but she's down here because she's kinda bad at first. There would totally be improvement, like obvious and quick improvement, but those first few times were pretty rough.
2. Shino
Baby boy. Sweet boy. Ugh. I love. I wanted him as number one, so I'm not even defending this. Take it up with my lawyer.
1. Naruto
He's not the main character for nothing. Naruto lays pipe, but he can get a bit selfish at times. Never fear though, the second he catches himself, lost in the sauce, another round gets added to his itinerary. He'll be making it up to you tenfold, even if it was just for a minute.
Tier 1 - Fantastic🔮
5. Sakura
With her level of anatomical knowledge, she barely even needs to break a sweat to give you a release. However, she will break a sweat, because she wants to. Just amazing, idk what to tell you.
4. Temari
Got me kickin my feet and twirlin my hair rn - she would be so GODLY in the sack. She's always very present, very attentive, but is so openly expressive in the moment. Temari would have you screaming syllables and seeing colours behind your eyelids.
🥉 Neji
The game my man's got is INSANE. I just know for a goddamn fact that no one dances the horizontal mambo as gracefully as Neji. You're pleased, he's pleased, no one's ever terribly tired or bruised, the limits are clear lines but are never even toed. That's just the reg, too! Special nights would be fucking wild, dude would have wine, and flowers, and candles - he would go the whole nine yards every time.
🥈 Ino
Be still, my beating heart. Christ. Yeah, Ino's got this shit on lock. She's a vers switch, need I say more? (I do, someone request a fic)
Y'all seen my preferance yet, or nah?
Oh Em Gee - Shikamaru could have you, heels to Jesus, all night longgggg. The stamina, the will, the knowledge, the capability; it's all there, and no one is as apt to put it all together except for Shikamaru. He would go for hours at a time, until he physically couldn't anymore. He would know exactly what makes your timebomb tick, and he would push every button so deliciously. Fuck, he's a tease too. If you two aren't actively in the bedroom, he's trying to get you there.
#konoha 11#konoha eleven#sand siblings#uzumaki naruto#naruto uzumaki#akimichi choji#choji akimichi#hinata hyuga#hyuga hinata#ino yamanaka#yamanaka ino#kiba inuzuka#inuzuka kiba#hyuga neji#neji hyuga#sakura haruno#haruno sakura#shino aburame#aburame shino#shikamaru nara#nara shikamaru#rock lee#rock lee naruto#tenten#uchiha sasuke#sasuke uchiha#kankuro#kankuro of the sand#gaara#gaara of the sand
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Locke's 100 Follower Celebration Masterlist !!!MDNI!!!
10.) A/B/O!Mishanks x Omega!AFAB!Reader (Snowed In)
9.) Sub!Shanks x AFAB!Reader (Ice Skating)
8.) Mishanks x AFAB!Reader (Mistletoe, Sex Pollen, DP)
7.) Sir Crocodile x AFAB!Reader x Nico Robin (Found Family, Sir/Mistress)
6.) MTF!Sanji x AFAB!Reader (Wrapped Like a Present, Bondage, Choking)
5.) Kid x AFAB!Reader x Killer
4.) Sub!Shanks x Dom!AMAB!Reader (Wrapped Like a Present)
3.) Bottom!Shanks x Dom!FTM!Reader (Orgasm Control, Praise Kink)
2.) Sub!Mihawk x Dom!AFAB!Reader (Pegging, Praise Kink)
1.) Kankuro x GN!Reader (New Years Kiss, Bondage, Edging)
#one piece smut#naruto one shots#one piece one shot#x reader#dracule mihawk#red haired shanks#cross posted on ao3#nico robin#sir crocodile
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Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Kyotaro Sugashita, Hayato Suo, Mitsuki Kiryuu, Ren Kaji, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame, Kota Sako
Haikyuu - Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Keishin Ukai, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsuroo Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Kentaro Kyotani, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuji Terushima, Naoyasu Kuguri, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya
Fruits Basket - Shigure Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Obanai Iguro, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Akaza
Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for
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Rules 📜
1. 🚫Off-limits: Smut, incest, anything sexual, any kinks or anything of the sort, character x character.
2. Platonic, friendly, family, romantic and all other types of relationships.
3. I do scenarios, one-shots, and headcanons. When requesting it'd be important if you note what exactly you're requesting.
5. I do all genders; female, male, gn. Just note which one you'd like, or otherwise I'll do it for gn.
6. Last thing, GIVE ME IDEAS. I would really appreciate it if you'd request what exactly you'd want my work to contain, instead of just stating a character (exp. character x reader)

List of fandoms
Bower's gang: henry bowers, vic criss, patrick hockstetter, belch huggings, (all).
The ninja: kai, nya, cole, jay, zane, lloyd.
Villains: morro, lord garmadon
Other: pixal, skyler. (for now)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: makoto naegi, kyoko kirigiri, byakuya togami, toko fukawa/genocide jill, aoi asahina, yasuhiro hagakure, sayaka maizono, leon kuwata, chihiro fujisaki, mondo owada, kiyotaka ishimaru, celestia ludenberg, sakura ogami, junko enoshima, mukuro ikusaba.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Dispair: hajime hinata/izuru kamakura, chiaki nanami, nagito komaeda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, akane owari, sonia nevermind, kazuichi soda, mahiru koizumi, peko pekoyama, ibuki mioda, hiyoko saionji, mikan tsumiki, nekomaru nidai, gundham tanaka.
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony: shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0(kiibo), maki harukawa, himiko yumeno, rantaro amami, ryoma hoshi, kirumi tojo, tenko chabashira, korekiyo shinguji, miu iruma, gonta gokuhara, kokichi ouma, kaito momota, tsumugi shirogane.
Other: komaru naegi, yuta asahina, natsumi kuzuryu, sato, kyosuke munakata, chisa yukizome, ryota mitarai, seiko kimura, sonosuke izayoi, koichi kizakura, ruruka ando, juzo sakakura.
Under 18: uzumaki naruto, haruno sakura, uchiha sasuke, nara shikamaru, ino yamanaka, choji akimichi, kiba inuzuka, shino aburame, hinata hyuga, neji hyuga, rock lee, tenten, gaara, kankuro, temari.
Over 18: kakashi hatake, (more).
Akatsuki: deidara, hidan, itachi uchiha, kazuku, konan, nagato, sasori, tobi/obito uchiha.
Other: shuigetsu hozuki, karin, jugo.
joseph descamps, jean-pierre magnan, alain laubrac, henri pichon, +more (just request)

©girlystories ©girlystoriess
#fandom list#character list#ninjago#it 2017#danganronpa#reqs open#taking commisions#commission info#naruto#naruto shippuden
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Favorite Person? | Kankuro X GNReader
| REQUESTED, not edited, slight angst, Temari meddles, a bit rushed, might do a part 2
| 15. "There is my favourite person!" "Haha, you're so funny!"
Word Count: 452
“There’s my favorite person!”
You pause, mid bite of your breakfast sandwich as you step into the office, your eyes locking on Kankuro, his face paint still fresh on his face. You swallow and laugh nervously, “Haha. You’re so funny, Kankuro…”
You step past him, heading upstairs to talk to Temari, needing to go over a few files. Kankuro hops off the desk he’d been sitting on, finally allowing the poor receptionist to get back to work.
“Woah! No good morning? I’m not your favorite person anymore? You always say that!” He huffs, not understanding why your sudden need to not exclaim who he was to you bothered him so much now.
What could have happened over your weekend off that made you want to avoid him like the plague now?
He follows you up the stairs, ignoring Temari as he inserts himself between the two of you just as you opened your mouth to speak. “I wanna know why you aren’t talking to me.”
“I did… I mean, I did talk to you though? Back there… Downstairs. I said you were funny!” You rub the back of your neck as you try to step around him, not in your usual chipper mood.
You were simply taking his sister’s advice now, trying to coax the confession out of him. After all, while you were obvious, he remained oblivious and she determined that if you redirected your attention elsewhere, he would surely cave and realize how he felt.
“Yeah, but that was it? You ignored me after that! Coming straight up here to…” He throws an annoyed glance back at Temari, resenting the fact that she had your attention, “Her.”
“Well, I’m just trying to work. I go out on a mission in three days,” you shrug and look down, your gaze remaining on your feet. “I don’t exactly have time to-”
“When did you get that mission and why am I just now finding out about it?”
“And you didn’t tell me?”
“Why does it matter, Kankuro? You’re not they’re boyfriend.” Temari finally speaks up, smirking as she catches him off guard. “Why don’t you run along? Y/N and I have work to do.”
She waves him off and he stalks away, heading upstairs, no doubt to talk to Gaara about sending you off and to get the details of your mission.
Temari turns to you, smiling a bit and crossing her arms over his chest, “That ought to keep him busy. Now we can get on to phase two.”
Now you panic. “Phase two? How many phases does this plan have?”
“Enough to get him to stop being an idiot before someone comes and steals you away from him.”
#bleu.writes#naruto x reader#naruto#kankuro x you#kankuro x reader#kankuro#naruto kankuro#Kankuro fluff#Kankuro imagine#gn reader#Naruto x gn reader
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Hey, I just read your Neji x male reader, Yours fic, it was so adorable!! It got me wondering if he or any other characters would've liked to be bridal carried across the threshold of the door by their Alpha? I feel like Naruto would find it fun, and maybe Iruka would too. Hmmm 🤔
Hey!! I'm really glad you liked it!! (although it is a gn!reader fic :D)
Hmm, who would like to be bridal carried through the door?
Would love it:
Naruto (Yes! He wants it so much!)
Chouji (He won't bring it up on his own, but he finds the idea fun.)
Lee (He'd want to go through the door twice, once you carrying him and once him carrying you XD)
Itachi (It's symbolic for him, leaving his old life and entering his new one!)
Is cool with it, if you want to:
Shikamaru (he's embarrassed by it and will sigh deeply, but still let you do it XD)
Kiba (It's not part of his clan's tradition, but if you want to, he's game! Will bite you while you do it though.)
Sai (Doesn't get why, but okay.)
Gaara (Thinks it could be fun! If you bring it up, he's happy to oblige.)
Would rather you didn't:
Sasuke (Raises an eyebrow at you and walks through the door lol.)
Neji (It makes him feel uncomfortable.)
Shino (unless it's really, really important to you, he'd rather not, he gets embarrassed.)
Kakashi (Judges you for asking lmao.)
Kankuro (Will also judge you, but will say tease you about it for your entire honeymoon. He'll be like "Wait!" and when you panic, he points at the doorway and says you'll have to carry him, because he's an asshole.)
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Hello, I hope you are doing well! I saw that your requests were open and was wondering if I could request a Gaara x reader fic where they are on their first date at a fair and he wins her something? Thank you in advance and have a good day!
Fair Date
Pairing: Gaara x gn!reader
Content: gn!reader, fluff & sfw, mentions of rough childhoods, the Naruto universe has rides and rollercoasters.
Description: Gaara wins you a stuffed animal during your date to the annual Sand Village fair.
“Do I look alright?”
Gaara turned away from the mirror in his bedroom to face his two siblings, Temari and Kankuro. They sat on the edge of his bed rather patiently. Temari was sitting with her legs crossed over one another, her beloved fan leaning against the wall closest to the bedroom door. Kankuro was slouched over with his elbows touching his knees, only perking up when Gaara finally broke the patient silence after making his siblings wait on him to finish dressing for a solid hour.
“Oh man, look at you!” Kankuro smiled, “I gotta say, seeing you dressed up like that suits you, Gaara.”
“I agree. You look nice,” Temari spoke up, pushing herself off of the bed. She made her way over to the shorter redhead, making tiny adjustments here-and-there to his hair and clothing.
“Thanks, you two,” Gaara offered the slightest grin of appreciation, trying to keep still as his sister started to straighten out his sleeves. “I wasn’t sure what to wear. As the Kazekage, attending what will be the first annual fair of the Sand Village means a lot to everyone, and it’s also my first date with Y/N, so I wanted to look nice for them as well. Then again, being that it is a fair, I was worried about overdressing, but I think I still might be slightly overdoing it. Perhaps I should go change-”
“No, no, no,” Temari gripped his shoulders. “You’re dressed perfectly, alright? Now you better get going or else you’ll be late.”
Gaara shifted his pale green eyes over to Kankuro. The puppet master gave an encouraging nod, and with that, a confident grin appeared upon Gaara’s face.
“Come on, Gaara! This looks fun!”
“Alright, after you.”
You grabbed the wrist of the Kazekage once more. The fair was rather extraordinary, especially as the sun kissed away the day and welcomed the night. The lights of the fair underneath the dark and starry sky only made you grin and shiver with every new attraction you laid your eyes on. Gaara’s heart beamed at the sight of your excitement. His eyes never once glanced away from you, as he couldn’t imagine there would be anything else he’d rather see. Even with the beautiful sky up above, sandy mountains in the distance highlighted by the moonlight, an enormous ferris wheel surrounded by bright and colorful rides and games, he truly only wanted to look at you.
You both approached a rather fun looking game. It was a colorful display with four chairs seated in front of four water guns aiming at balloons.
“Hey there!” A man greeted. “Welcome to Balloon Blast!”
He was a young shinobi with a scar on his right cheek, a bright smile across his face as he gave a slight bow in Gaara’s direction.
“It’s an honor to have you here, Lord Kazekage. Would you like to give this game a try?”
Gaara looked at you, his eyebrows raised in a look of great uncertainness. Your hand, that was formerly wrapped around his wrist, made its way to his own hand, and you interlaced your fingers with his. You gave his hand a comforting squeeze, your eyes glistening as you practically bounced where you stood.
“Would you like to play, Y/N? I don’t mind watching,” Gaara questioned.
Truth be told, being at the fair simply reminded Gaara of his childhood; his undoubtedly bitter past. While he had made his own peace with it, he couldn’t help but think about the games he used to play when he was a boy. None of them involved balloons or water guns, but even so, the sight of the games at every corner opened up the memory of his troubled youth.
“Sure, I’d love to!” You grabbed one of the empty seats, looking up at the shinobi. “How do you play?”
“It’s simple,” the man smiled, turning around to point at one of the deflated balloons behind him. “When I say go, all you have to do is pull the trigger on the water gun in front of you and aim at that tiny circle. If you can get your balloon to fill up before you run out of time, then you get a free prize.” The man gestured to the variety of stuffed animals, shirts, and even ninja tools.
“Oh wow!” You pointed to one of the stuffed animals. It was an enormous light brown teddy bear. “Look, Gaara! I’m gonna try to win that one!”
“You can do this, I believe in you. All you have to do is focus.” Gaara’s smile was one of reassurance. It was one that calmed your nerves up until the man rung a bell. With that, you pulled the trigger, trying your hardest to keep it steady.
Any confidence Gaara’s smile had given you was simply short lived, as after a moment, the circles in which you had to aim at had started to move around. Perhaps, that would have been fine, if the water gun didn’t start to vibrate as well.
Before you knew it, a loud buzzer blared, followed by an enthusiastic “aw, you lose!” from the gaming machine.
“Aw, damn it,” you frowned. You rested your chin in the palm of your hands.
“Sorry, maybe next time,” the man shrugged.
You felt rather silly when a prick of sadness started to sting in your chest. It was only a silly game. Only a silly stuffed animal. But anyone who understood what it was like to be a shinobi with a troubled past knew that it was deeper than that. It was one of the reasons why the Sand Village decided to have the fair in the first place; for ninja to reclaim their innocence lost to violence, war, or any other form of tragedy.
You were no stranger to any of it. This fair was the chance to make up for your past. It was a chance for everyone. You could have simply tried again, but you looked over at Gaara, and you didn’t want to waste his time on something so silly.
“It’s alright,” you raised the corners of your lips into a falsified grin. “It’s just a game. Let’s go.”
You started to walk off, only to realize Gaara wasn’t by your side.
“Gaara?” You tilted your head, turning to face him, but he paid you no mind. He simply sat down in one of the seats.
“I’d like to try,” he said.
You walked back over to Gaara as the man restarted the machine, standing over your lover’s shoulder. You looked down at him, your puzzled glance darting around, but after only a moment, you were able to put the pieces together.
Gaara wanted to try to win the stuffed animal for you.
Your heart fluttered inside of your chest. Win or lose, your body was overwhelmed with a warming blush of what was perhaps one of the biggest acts of love and kindness anyone had ever given you in your bittersweet lifetime.
As the nearby buzzer went off and the game started running, a small crowd of nearby fairgoers curiously gathered around at the sight of their own Kazekage playing Balloon Blast.
Just as the game had done moments before, the circles started to move around as the water gun shook aggressively in Gaara’s hand. However, to Gaara, it mattered not.
He was going to win.
Even with the unexpected difficulty of all the moving pieces, Gaara calmly pulled the trigger to his water gun, circling his aim around to follow the operating pieces. It was only a matter of time before his balloon started to fill up with water.
Your eyes widened. “Gaara, you’re about to win!”
Gaara’s concentration was deadly. He had one eye closed, his hands placed carefully on the water gun, and his mind shoving away any thoughts swirling around about his childhood.
Soon enough, the balloon popped, and three victory bells rang from the machine. “Congratulations, you win!”
The nearby crowd cheered rather politely as the man reached up to pull down the stuffed animal you had pointed out earlier, handing it to Gaara.
Gaara immediately placed the stuffed animal in your arms.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” you mumbled, looking down at the big teddy bear that was now all yours. You wrapped your arms around Gaara as best as you could with the stuffed animal. “Thank you, this means so much.”
And it did. It truly did.
Gaara gave you a kiss on the forehead. “I saw how much it meant to you. I knew I had to at least try to get it for you.”
“You had one like this when you were a kid, right?”
“That’s right,” Gaara gave a nod. “I did. It wasn’t as big, but I loved it.”
“Well,” you looked into his eyes, “this one can be ours to share.”
Gaara looked down at the stuffed animal. He touched the soft bear, and with his other hand, he glided his thumb across your cheek softly. You leaned into his touch, as it was healing. It was healing whatever troubled you both. And in that moment, looking at each other, nothing else mattered.
“Come on,” you said softly, “Let’s ride the Ferris wheel!”

Thanks for reading!
Don’t forget to support the work of fanfic writers with a like, reblog, and comment!
#naruto#naruto x reader#gaara x reader#gaara x reader imagine#gaara x reader imagines#naruto gaara#naruto x reader imagine#naruto x reader imagines#gaara fic#gaara fanfic#gaara x reader fanfic#gaara x reader fic#sand siblings#gaara of the sand#gaara of the desert#gaara imagine#gaara imagines#gaara
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|Halloween! HCs | - Konoha Boys Edition
Since I couldn't finish the Kankuro piece (I severely underestimated the amount of time I would have today)... I figured I would write some headcanons about the holiday!
[]Neji Hyuga []Sai []Shino Aburame []Choji Akimichi [] x GN! (You) Reader
Prompt: You ask him to enter a couples costume contest with you.
(Alternates from Modern AU to Naruto Universe)
A/N: I was going to do something a lot more complex and long for this, but I really loved the plots so I will just save them for next year and write full length pieces.
Neji Hyuga:
You want HIM to enter a contest with you? Absolutely not.
Unless you really, really, really want him too... Maybe he'll make an exception. You never really know with this guy.
Of course he envisions something with some level of class, possibly inspired by European fashion in the 1700s or something.
But when you suggest your own idea... a feeling of regret already washes over him.
Two peas in a pod? Wearing full, head to toe green... He just can't.
"Apologies, Y/n... I just doubt that even we could pull it off." Truth be told, when you made him try the outfit, he really did want to pull it off. In the literal sense.
"Hyuga's should display class, Y/n. Really, I must insist we refrain from participating in this event. Unless... you want to get a different partner, that is." He smirked, knowing full well that you would never. He is your husband, after all.
You realize it really might be for the best, and why wear costumes when you could just sit at home and watch movies? A place where the world wouldn't be watching and he could be himself.
If it's something that you want to do, he's immediately in. No matter how stupid he looks in the costume.
Actually he's rather a fashion critique himself, and had many interesting comments to give to the other couples. "A fisherman and his catch of the day? Do you want to brutally murder her for profit? Nonsensical."
"You don't want to win first place?" He kind of goes overboard, almost forgetting about you with his preparations. "So I was thinking... we should do a dance. Something that symbolizes a bee flying around a flower and collecting its nectar?" You two might have to enroll in an interpretive dance class afterwards.
After being near you for so long, it was easy to tell if you were bothered by anything. "Y/n... you seem distant. Is there something wrong?" He asked, though usually quite emotionless in public, around others.
"I just thought this would be more of a fun activity for us... not a huge competition." He seemed to get the hint.
In the end you both enjoy it, regardless of if you win or lose.
Choji Akimichi:
When you brought it up over dinner one night, it seemed you both saw the same poster hanging up at Ichiraku. He was going to ask you as well.
His love of potato chips has never faded since he was a child, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he brought them up as a costume idea. And asked if you could pick some up from the store for 'research purposes'.
It turned out to be quite a cute costume, and with Choji's pure passion being shown for the design, you obviously won. Whether said passion was for you or for the chips, no one will really know. "I mean... why can't it be both?".
"I really didn't think we would win against Kiba and Akamaru... It must've been pretty good luck." He smiled greatly, looking at the trophy in your hand. "They were disqualified! Akamaru wasn't even wearing a costume." You frowned at him. "Well everyone loves dogs!" He chuckled, walking into the kitchen.
It was somewhat refreshing to see a new trophy after so many from food eating competitions. "It really is good to mix it up a little..." You muttered, setting it down on the mantle.
Shino Aburame:
"It's a contest?" He asked, shifting his gaze from the flyer to you. "Yes! Isn't it wonderful? All the other couples are going..." You added, trying to be convincing, though to no avail. "And... it will be a great way to spread the word about insect awareness, being filmed and shown on television." He breathed in loudly, contemplating his predicament. "Fine... for the insects."
The next week was spent painting the large shells that would go on your backs. He made a dark, monochromatic one, made to look like his own.
"Too bad we lost." He laughed, surprising you. Your husband never laughed. "Are you feeling alright, Shino?" You asked, resting your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. "It was... more fun than I was expecting. It was nice to spend some time with you." You looked away with a slight blush covering your face. "I don't say this nearly enough, but I love you Y/n." You both smiled at the sentiment.
Little did he know, that little conversation was also broadcast live on TV. "I didn't know Shino had such a soft side..." Hinata mumbled, a mix of confusion and fear coating her face as she sat on the couch. She could almost hear the loud bursts of laughter that came from Kiba blocks away.
#Neji#neji hyuga#neji x reader#neji hyuga x reader#choji#choji x reader#choji akimichi#sai#sai yamanaka#sai x reader#sai naruto#shino#shino aburame#shino aburame x reader#shino x reader#naruto
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Title: Coming Home To You Pairing: 「 Shikamaru x GN.Reader 」||「 Choji x GN.Reader 」 「 Shino x GN.Reader 」||「 Naruto x GN.Reader 」 「 Kankuro x GN.Reader 」 Plot: Just some gentle thoughts about how the boys come home to you after a day of work Warnings: N/A
「 Coming Home To You 」
Nara Shikamaru
☀ This man has worked a long hard day in the office. Just, nothing but paperwork and picking up where his father left off. But now that he’s punched out the clock this boy is dearly in need of some tender cuddles. Which before he met you was something he didn’t do so much of. Preferring to just take naps by himself.
☀ Now though? No, now when he comes back to your shared apartment the man expects to be cuddled and snuggled up with on the couch for at least thirty minutes with no distractions.
☀ We’re talking head scratches, you en-wrapping him in your arms ( because he wants to be babied a lot alright ), the whole nine yards if it’s available.
☀ Sure, he’s a little selfish in that regard but he obviously cares about you. Which he lets you know by the way he’ll be tender in his approach of requesting his cuddles. He’ll always looks for your first and wherever he finds you, even if you’re sitting down at the table or in a bath. He will find a way to make it his snuggle time.
☀ If it’s in the bath, he’s already stripping and encouraging to move over regardless if you want him too or not. Usually he’ll try to sit behind you. ( Unless you’re bigger than him, at which he will gladly be a lap man. ) Wrap his arms around you as he presses his cheek against yours
☀ If he finds you in bed? Oh boy, expect dinner to be late because this man is going to hold you down for as long as he can. That is the end all be all of snuggles. Because what you just told him right there is that you are tired and very willing to waste the rest of the day away tangled up in one another’s company.
☀ But if it’s the couch? Or the kitchen? He’ll just wrap his arms around you and pull you in. Leading you to what he wants for a moment.
☀ As you two just laze about against one another, though he does usually just want to bask in the silence of it all, he’ll softly ask how your day was. But he won’t have a full on conversation with you. Instead he’ll let you carry it as he just enjoys the way your body rumbles against his every time you speak.
☀ Like he will just be smiling softly the whole time as he listens. Nods when he feels to, groans in displeasure at hearing something has gotten you upset. The little things for the most part.
☀ When that’s done, then he’ll let out a groan and ask what’s for dinner. Get changed out of his attire and go to laze about with you in the kitchen as you cook. ( Which you switch with, though normally it’s you because he just can’t be asked. This man despises cooking after coming home form work. )
☀ Really all he wants to do is just relax with you after a day in the office.
Putting his face into the crook of your neck. Shikamaru smiled tenderly. Not wanting to say much as he took in your scent, took in your warmth he tried to wrap himself around. Quietly contemplating falling asleep or staying awake just to enjoy the moment, something not many could make him want to do. “You smell so good, so warm.” He grumbled lovingly into your skin.
Akimichi Choji
☀ He usually comes back from the field. Not having been lucky enough to earn himself a comfortable position in the office like his best friend. No, Choji instead usually comes home a little dirty and a little sweaty. But that doesn’t stop him from wanting a kiss the moment he gets back.
☀ So after he takes off his shoes, putting them up where they’re meant to go. He goes looking for you. Yes he knows he might be a little smelly or dirty, but he can’t help it he wants some tender kisses when he gets home. Though he always waits to see if you’re available to do so.
☀ If you’re not he gets cleaned up real quick. Washing his face and taking a quick rinse off. Changes his clothes and what not into something more comfortable. Then goes to do some small chores before going to see if you’re available just yet.
☀ Which if you finally are expect to be covered in kisses and hugged tightly. He really doesn’t like getting his welcome home kisses after he’s been home for a while. But it just means he wants a few more. Which he certainly gives himself as he peppers them wherever he can on you at least.
☀ If you were available the first time around those it’s just him wrapping his arms around you and kissing you tenderly on the lips. Stalling for a moment as he enjoys the feeling of someone wanting to kiss him. He’ll always pull away a little bit flustered because he loves the warmth you bring to his heart so much.
☀ After he got his kisses and what not though he gets his chores done. Yeah he’s physically tired but he told you he’d get them done.
☀ When he gets done with those little chores he’ll ask what you want to do for the evening or tell you of the new restaurant that just opened up not too far away.
☀ Once all that is over he’ll go to the kitchen and start prepping dinner with you, because he likes to cook with you okay. He likes to do things with you and spending time with you whenever he can. You’re his favorite person!
☀ If you don’t feel like cooking that’s fine, but he’d always appreciate having you in the same area as him so he can just talk to you or enjoy your company while he cooks. Otherwise he just quietly hums to himself.
☀ When it’s all said and done. Choji pulls out a seat for you, makes you a plate, and presents dinner to you. Yes, the last bite is his but the first is yours because you’re one of the first things on his mind.
“[Y/N]? [Y/N]?” His voice full of concern as he peaked his head around the door frame’s corner. “You okay?” Holding his breath as if expecting something to go wrong. Only for his face to lighten up with a soft sigh at the sight of you fast asleep on the couch. He had been worried you were upset with him when he hadn’t gotten his welcome home kiss or a welcome. Instead just hearing the TV going. He walked further in quietly and draped the blanket from the back of the couch onto your frame. Grinning like a child the whole time.
Aburame Shino
☀ Back from the academy where he was teaching some students. Shino is, as in his quiet yet stoic nature, more than content to be back in the sanctity of your shared home. While he enjoys the idea of having you greet him at the door he isn’t disappointed if you don’t. Instead he takes his coat off and shoes and places them neatly in the places where he knows they should go.
☀ He gets to putting his things away, satchel with work in it being placed on his desk. As the contents get placed about in their proper areas with care.
☀ After that he does a quick check up on his aquarium, because yes he loves his insects but he also loves the small aquarium with the fish he has obtained over the years. Then he moves to the insects he keeps in his small office, always tries to keep his things out of the way in a neat and orderly manner.
☀ When he’s done putting everything away and checking on his fish he’ll go to where he knows you are. ( Those kikaichu of his are useful little bastards like that. It’s his home and he wants it to be theirs too though he reels them back some for your comfort too. ) But he goes to you and will greet you with a tender kiss on the top of your head. “[Y/N].” He’ll mutter softly as he lets his lips linger for a brief second.
☀ Unless you do greet him at the door, at which he asks you to wait a second for him. Does all the taking his shoes off and coat and what not that he can there.
☀ Where after he’ll give you a quick kiss on the cheek. Put a hand on your back and tell you thank you.
☀ When he finds you/is greeted by you he’ll ask about your day as he goes to get some tea. Pouring you a glass as well as he gets comfortable on the loveseat, nodding for you to come along and sit beside him.
☀ Shino, will then have you put your legs over his. ( Even if you’re taller than him, which is a small shock seeing as he himself is fairly tall. ) Drape an arm against the back of the loveseat and you with a soft smile towards you.
☀ But his favorite part about coming home to you, well beyond having you there to come home to, is when you’ll listen to him. Listen to him talk about his day even if it’s in small spurts between empty silences that you two just drink in with each sip of tea.
☀ He’ll trace shapes into your shoulder as he talks about his day with his thumb. To the outside world he isn’t the warmest, but with you? He opens up a bit. Even if he still ends up being a bit quiet half the time.
☀ He loves you, otherwise he wouldn’t be sharing his space with you. Because to an Aburame, space is important.
☀ He’ll tell you everything about his day though. Inform you how Kiba decided to come by and damn near ruin his lesson or how Iruka complimented him on his teaching technique. Really he’s just so happy to have someone to listen to him with actual intent.
☀ He even chuckles on occasion, maybe even a little more when he hears you do it.
☀ Because you always brighten up his day and make him feel seen.
Long slender fingers wrapped themselves around your hand. Chin pressing itself on the top of your head. He was comfortable, finally having found the spot to settle as he read quietly with you in his lap. An arm draped across your back being held up but the back of the couch with a hand holding said book up. He didn’t say much, never needed to. Instead he hummed the words he read softly as he enjoyed the moment with you. Occasionally pressing his lips into the top of your skull as a way of saying ‘I love You’.
Uzumaki Naruto
☀ He’s been training non-stop again. He has to to be the best after all, even more so with his dream on the line! But he isn’t one to always be like that. Just, as of late he’s been trying real hard.
☀ But the moment he enters that door to your shared home. The boy is already shouting. “[Y/N]! I’m home!” with a grin that speaks volumes to how much he loves having someone to share his spaces with.
☀ The man absolutely adores sharing a home with you and getting to call it “our home.” Anytime he gets the chance. “Hey why don’t you guys come by OUR place later?” or “Nah, we can’t me and [Y/N] are gonna back to OUR house.” and seriously the way he says it? So much love.
☀ But he’ll always go immediately to you after tossing his things to the side. Like a homing beacon the man just zooms to you and demands a kiss no matter what you’re doing.
☀ Talking on the phone? Better spare a moment and kiss him or else he’ll bother you non-stop.
☀ Busy reading? Put that book down, time for a kiss!
☀ Writing a very important essay/report/etc? Listen you better begin to write a report on how much he loves you with a kiss.
☀ The man adores you to no end.
☀ It’s barely twenty minutes after he gets home though before he immediately wants to go out and do something again. He wants to explore the village with you. It has been rebuilt quite a bit since you were kids. Numerous times actually. ( Such a quaint village right? So safe and secure. ) And he never seems to be surprised by what he finds there. He still swears he saw Kakashi doing something weird by the west gate that one time you two went down there only to see him vanish without a trace.
☀ What can you say, he doesn’t like sitting still.
☀ Unless of course you tell him what you want to do is sit and read with him.
☀ The moment you say that he is all yours. He’s not the brightest and he knows that. But you? Reading to him? He is ready to snuggle up for the evening, snaking on whatever you guys have on hand, with his head on your chest and just. Man is ready to just enjoy the stillness and stability you bring to his life.
☀ He’s grateful for you. In every sense of the word.
"Nah, [Y/N], let’s go out!” Grinning ear to ear as he leaned over your frame laying on the couch. Nose almost tickling yours with how close he made himself. His smile wide as ever as he continued to peer down with his warm pools of blue. “We could go get some Ramen or maybe see about going down to that new plant shop by that little café ya’ like so much!” He leaned down more, lips begging for a kiss. “That sounds nice, right?”
☀ This man works with his younger brother ( Who his relationship with has gotten so much better with over the years. He’s so grateful for it. ) all day everyday. He even lives relatively closed by. But he still tries to keep a bit of a private life, which includes you now that you had some how wormed your way up into his britches and his private space.
☀ That’s not to say he isn’t happy to share his space with you. He is, he really really is, but that spare bedroom he has is specifically for his puppets and that office of his, puppets again. He, he has some problems. Which admittedly comes from attachment issues.
☀ But that’s for another time, so onto him coming home to you.
☀ This man literally tosses his stuff on the side that he knows he can toss without too much worry. Scrolls, puppets, sometimes weapons- although he’s fairly good at keeping the poison and pointy deadly things that someone with no sense could hurt themselves with out of reach.
☀ So he comes in, tosses all that to the side and comes fumbling on in with a groan and a “Babe!” or some sort out for ya’. He’s usually sore as hell and the first thing he wants is a bath with some salt of some kind or a massage but he never out right asks for it.
☀ Instead he usually fumbles his way on over to the fridge and starts talking out loud to you. Going on about whatever, grabs a drink, maybe a snack because he is a growing boy. Even if he’s no longer really growing. ☀ But he’ll talk to you, go over to wherever you are and mess up your hair. ( Or just rub your head like an ass. ) Pick on you a little before inviting you to join him in for a dip. ☀ Which if you say yes to, man is gonna pick you up ( He picks up human sized puppets, large human sized puppets. ) and throw you over his shoulder ( height doesn’t matter he will do it. ) and take you with him, Yeah it isn’t like romantic per-say or anything but spending the free time he has with you, in a bath? Priceless. ☀ Especially when you come to realize he uses bubble baths and salts. He knows how to have a real nice bath to be quite honest. It’s probably one of the few things Temari didn’t have to trick him or pick on him into loving as a kid. Because let’s be real, she was kind of their mom after their mom passed away. ☀ When you to get into the bath area though he’s the one to sit in first and no he will never not be the one to sit in your lap. ☀ If you say no he’ll just call you a brat and nudge you away. Then go off and do his own thing for a bit as he relaxes. Cucumbers possibly included. ☀ But once his bath is done Kankuro will pop out, get dressed, then get to work on whatever new puppet he had started to work on. ☀ Not without calling you his favorite puppet.
Kicking off his sandals without much care, Kankuro let out a long yawn. Scratching the back of his head as he did. “Babe!” His steps making a rough sound against the wooden floor far harsher then he meant. Tiredness in his eyes as he stretched with a pop of his back. Pausing for a brief moment as he let it sit. Only to return to life as his hand rub up the back of his head, running through his brown hair. “Babe!” He hollered once more before finding you on the balcony. A half-assed smirk popping up on his face as he threw his hat to the side near the couch. “Ey’ fucker, getting some last minute sun?” His arms wrapping around you as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
#reader insert#gn!reader#naruto reader insert#shikamaru x reader#choji x reader#shino x reader#naruto x reader#kankuro x reader#shikamaru nara x reader#choji akimichi x reader#shino aburame x reader#naruto uzumaki x reader#shikamaru nara x gn!reader#choji akimichi x gn!reader#shino aburame x gn!reader#naruto uzumaki x gn!reader#kankuro x gn!reader#shikamaru nara#choji akimichi#kankuro#naruto uzumaki#shino aburame
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kakashixhatakesxwhore's Masterlist
Total works: 32
Last updated: 17.11.24
Inbox Guidelines 🔮 Poll Time

Group Ventures
Love Language Headcanons - Iruka, Kakashi, Itachi, Hashirama, Madara
How They Sleep Headcanons - Iruka, Kakashi, Itachi, Shikamaru, Sasuke
Husband Headcanons 1 - Iruka, Kakashi, Itachi, Jiraiya, Obito
Husband Headcanons 2 - Sasuke, Suigetsu, Shikamaru, Neji, Naruto
How They React To A Dream About Their S/O Dying - Iruka, Kakashi, Itachi, Shikamaru, Sai
Albums I Think They Would FW 1 - Iruka, Kakashi, Itachi, Sasuke, Naruto, Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, Shikamaru
Albums I Think They Would FW 2 - Choji, Kiba, Shino, Sai, Neji, Lee, Kankuro, Gaara, Shisui, Gai, Asuma, Yamato, Jiraiya
Random Kinks They Deffo Have - Iruka, Kakashi, Itachi, Sasuke, Shikamaru
Sex Tier List - Konoha 11 + Sand Siblings + Sasuke
Kissing Tier List - Konoha 11
Seeking Peace - NotSpecified!Male x GN!Reader
Character Specific
Smoking With Shikamaru (Clean) - Shikamaru - headcanons
Smoking With Shikamaru (Dirty) - Shikamaru - headcanons
An Extended Sesh - Shikamaru x F!Reader - fluff oneshot
Joint Reverie - Shikamaru x F!Reader - smut oneshot
450 Autumn Avenue - roommate!Shikamaru x F!Reader - something that I love
Semper Amare Et In Perpetuum - Shikamaru x GN!Reader - fluff oneshot
could you imagine...? - Kakashi x GN!Reader - fluff drabble
secretadmirer!kakashi - Kakashi x GN!Reader - fluff drabble
Chocolate-Covered Confessions - Kakashi x F!Reader - fluff oneshot
A Chilly Trip to The Sugar Dealer - Kakashi x F!Reader - smut oneshot
The Cardigan - Kakashi x F!Reader - fluff oneshot
Alone - Kakashi x F!Reader - angsty-fluffy oneshot
Poor Communication - fwb!Kakashi x F!Reader x Iruka - angst oneshot
Such Effort - Kakashi x F!Reader - completed series
Take Me In Your Arms - Kakashi x F!Inuzuka!Reader x Itachi - WIP series (posted to Wattpad unless otherwise requested)
Thank You - Itachi x F!Reader - fluff oneshot
A Dream From Another Universe - Itachi x F!Reader - bittersweet fluff oneshot
Loving From Afar - Itachi x F!Reader x Shisui - WIP
Take Me In Your Arms - Itachi x F!Inuzuka!Reader x Kakashi - WIP series (posted to Wattpad unless otherwise requested)
Closing Time - Shisui x GN!Reader - fluff oneshot
Loving From Afar - Shisui x F!Reader x Itachi - WIP
The Art of Mutual Growth (pt. 1) - Shino x F!Reader - fluff oneshot
The Art of Mutual Pleasure (pt. 2) - Shino x F!Reader - smut oneshot
The Sound of Gladness - Iruka x GN!Reader - fluff oneshot (with level 1 smut)
Poor Communication - Iruka x F!Reader x fwb!Reader - fluff oneshot (if you stop halfway through)
#masterlist#kakashi fanfiction#itachi fanfiction#iruka fanfiction#naruto fanfiction#sasuke fanfiction#shikamaru fanfiction#fanfiction
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Most of these are NSFW

The hidden Leaf 🍃
Kakashi Hatake
♥︎ Confusion (Kakashi x fem reader x Yamato)
♥︎ I won't leave (kakashi x fem reader)
♥︎ I'm sorry (kakashi x fem reader)
♥︎ Overstimulation (Kakashi x fem reader)
♥︎ A Family (Kakashi x fem reader)
♥︎ Confusion (kakashi x fem reader x Yamato)
Sand Siblings
♥︎ Just this once (gaara x gn! reader)
♥︎ Caught (gaara x fem reader)
♥︎ The Office (gaara x fem reader)
♥︎ Interruption (gaara x fem reader)
♥︎ Don't Leave Me ( Kankuro x fem reader)
Ongoing series
♥︎ Confusion (kakashi x reader x Yamato)
♥︎ Confusion/Part two (Kakashi & Yamato x reader) Paused
♥︎ First chance pt.1 / Pt.2 (gaara x reader) - Paused
♥︎First Chance/Part three (gaara x reader) [will be published soon]
Current favorites:
- Kakashi Hatake
- Gaara
- Kankuro
Feel free to leave a request, I can write for any Naruto character of your choice!
What I will not write:
- x male reader (As much as I would like to be inclusive for both genders, I don't know how to write in a man's POV, so sorry)
- Incest (straight up no for me, but stepcest can pass as an exception)
-Underage characters (absolutely will not do that)
#gaara x reader#sabaku no gaara#gaara fanfic#kakashi hatake x reader#hatake kakashi smut#kakashi x reader#yamato x reader#yamato fanfiction#sabaku no kankuro x reader#kankuro x you#kankuro x y/n#kankuro fanfic#kankuro smut#kankuro fanfiction#kankuro of the sand#kankuro x reader#kankuro#naruto
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[Gaara X Reader] Pillow Talk
|2022 Flubruary Event|
Week 4: True Love | Day 24: Gaara shares his deepest thoughts for you while you are asleep, or pretending to be asleep.
Pairing: Gaara x gn!Reader
Note: Hello, hello! Quick question, I was thinking of writing for more fandoms, what do you guys think? This one is very poetic, enjoy!
You could not fall asleep, despite it being literally one in the morning. And Gaara was no better than you. He lay staring at the ceiling, his hand periodically smoothed across your shoulder a couple of times before he released a long exhale.
“Can’t sleep?” You looked up at him, eyes twinkling in the dark.
“Yeah,” he hummed, pecking your forehead. It became his habit whenever you would snuggle into his arms—to bring his lips to your skin in feather-like kisses. “You too?”
You nodded, something bothering you, lowly simmering in the pit of your stomach. “About the mission…”
Indeed. Gaara knew you were worried about his upcoming mission. As a Kazekage, he would not need to go on a mission himself, but this was a special case, thus, made you worried sick for the last few days. Even though you did not deliberately show it, still acting like your normal self, the red-haired could easily discern your uneasiness through those long stares that you would give him when you were alone.
“I’ll be going with Kankuro,” he assured, “you don’t have to worry.”
“I know,” you sighed, “it’s just… You know, sometimes, those thoughts keep appearing in my head.”
Gaara hugged you closer, and you obediently dove into his broad chest, greedily inhaling his warmth. He could not tell you how agonizing it put him through seeing you dispirited from the moment you heard the news that he would be away for at least one month, out there walking on the line of life and death. The two of you started counting the days left before his departure in secret as if it was to prolong the minutes you could spend together, even as simple as leaning against one another under the clear, blue sky. And tonight was the last peaceful night before the tides of loneliness would wash over the shore of your heart. It was the silence that buried the dread growing larger inside your bosoms, suppressing the overwhelming speculations that neither one of you dared to express. Because you feared for the worst.
“Just close your eyes, Y/N,” he whispered.
You did, shutting your eyes at his words, trying your best to relax your tensed muscles. “Even though you’re leaving tomorrow, I’m still happy we can still be like this, Gaara.”
You felt your body getting heavier and heavier until you were nearly drifting into your slumber. The red-haired dotingly looked down at you in his arms, smiling fondly. “Whenever you miss me, just close your eyes, and I’ll be there by your side.”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @darling-imobsessed @animepickle7 @simping-master-69 @tirzamisu @uchiha-bride @the-tiniest-one @greenshirtimagines @adeards @chloe-secret @rory-cakes @byyalady @icedemon1314 @melovehiddlestan@sharingangirl @sakinotfound @kaimaara @ireallyhateithere2 @feitanett @bobalix
#gaara x reader#gaara x y/n#gaara x you#suna no gaara#kazekage gaara#gaara of the sand#gaara fluff#gaara imagines#imaginativeamateurflubruary
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Home x f!reader (4.1k)🍋
Warnings: NSFW, ‘Daddy’ kink, age gap, dry humping, messy pussy eater!Asuma, dumbification, overstimulation, unprotected sex, doggy style, vibrator, soft dom!Asuma

100 Supporters Request (“You have bewitched me...”) x f!reader (1.9k)🍋
Warnings: Absolutely none. This is the fluffiest fluff I have ever fluffed.
100 Supporters Request (”As you wish.”) x f!reader (1.2k)
Warnings: Angsty boi, sad boi who finds love but thinks he doesn't deserve it, Itachi is too hard on himself, fluffy fluff fluff

Eight Hours & Sixty Days x f!reader (4.2k)🍋
Warnings: Size kink, "Daddy" kink, age gap, praise, orgasm denial, dumbification, female masturbation, unprotected sex, cookie monster!Jiraiya, soft dom!Jiraiya, slight infantilization, aftercare
100 Supporters Request (”I need you... Do you feel how I need you?”) x f!reader 🍋 (2.3k)
Warnings: NSFW, age gap, cookie monster!Jiraiya, orgasm denial, bondage, light BDSM, brat/daddy, ‘Daddy’ kink, loss of control, over-over-over stimulation, dumbification, soft dom!Jiraiya, brat!reader, unprotected sex, established relationship, minor ass play

Master of Puppets x f!reader (5k) 🍋
Warnings: NSFW, breeding, degradation, dumbification, unprotected sex, praise, oral (male/female receiving), soft dom!kankuro, choking, bondage, loss of control, mentions of alcohol/rec drug use, drunk reader, overstimulation
Comfort Object x gn!reader ☁️

Rock Lee
100 Supporters Request (”I need to taste you.”) (1.3k)🍋
Warnings: NSFW, Virgin!Lee, Virgin!Reader, oral (f! receiving)

Crush Headcanons x gn!reader ☁️

Crush Headcanons x gn!reader ☁️

100 Supporters Request (”Where’d you learn to kiss like that?”) x f!reader(3.3k) 🍋
Warnings: NSFW, oral (m!receiving), fingering, virgin!Nagato

100 Supporters Request (”Beg for mercy. You can’t have it, though, not yet.)” x f!reader (2.k) 🍋
Warnings: NSFW, 'Daddy' kink, dom!Obito, very very sub!reader, choking, ass slapping, choker use, light BDSM, loss of control, dumbification, overstimulation, orgasm denial, cookie monster!Obito, oral (m&f receiving), 69696969, degradation, praise, Obito is so hard yet so soft

O Captain, My Captain! x f!reader (5.2k)🍋
Warnings: Fingering, hand job, praise, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, role play (RP), alcohol consumption, cinnamon roll Yamato
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Naruto Masterlist
Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = * Mental health issues = % Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content.Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
Nightingale * % # (RiP / HIATUS)
Hatake Kakashi x fem!oc!reader. Kakashi investigates strange occurences in Konoha that have much greater consequences than he ever could have imagined.
A sneak peak *
Uchiha Itachi x fem!reader. The Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi has returned under cover to his hometown and indulges for a moment.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2
Uchiha Itachi x GN!reader. Modern AU. Reader is pining hard for co-student Itachi.
Failed Successfully
Hatake Kakashi x fem!reader. Modern AU. Kakashi and reader are spies working together and oblivious to the fact that they each are pning for the other.
In the eyes %
Uchiha Itachi &/x fem!reader. Volunteering for the assignment has probably been one of the more masochistic choices reader has made, but she just couldn’t let the last Uchiha go yet.
So soft *
Uchiha Itachi x fem!reader. Lots of fluffy, soft smut with ropes.
The First Step
Uchiha Itachi &/x fem!reader. AU. Harbouring deeper than average feelings for Itachi, you have decided to do something about it. Somehow. Probably.
Kankuro Kink *
Kankuro x fem!reader. Some smutty thoughts on how Kankuro plays dirty.
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