#kanej royalty au
dregstrash · 2 years
gilded crowns pt. 9
a/n: I am keeping the tradition of posting on my birthday, and this may come to the surprise of many (and myself) that I chose to add to this fic that has seemingly been lost to time. i hope to finish this one day. and if you’re still there when the last chapter happens, i commend you
ps. there was a tag list for this and i am not sure if those are still active and also my tagging system right now is not working rip
Previous Chapter
Description: Prince Kaz of Ketterdam has been subject of much mystery and speculation, but that doesn’t stop his brother, King Jordie, to arrange a marriage to Princess Inej of Suli. Neither party are happy with the arrangement. Kaz has other ideas and if he can drive Inej away, he can get back to the plans that’ll silence the demons that plague his dreams. Of course, what happens when she proves to be as stubborn as he is?
“Kazzie, are you listening to me?” Jordie’s voice cut through the thicket of Kaz’s thoughts and it took him a couple of moments to focus on the annoyance so clearly written on his brother’s face.
“No.” Kaz said bluntly.
“Would it kill you to show a little interest? These are important decisions we are trying to make.”
The eye roll that occurred happened almost automatically.
“Because deciding to place Lord Petra next to General Nazyalensky is that important to the state of this country.”
Jordie pinched the bridge of his nose, “If you had taken enough care to listen to court gossip, then you would know placing those two next to each other would offend King Nikolai, and the Ravkans are one of the few loyal allies we have–so offending them is not an option. So, yes, it is  that important.”
In truth, he probably knew more than Jordie did on the state of affairs of all their allies. But Kaz didn’t have time for this. He needed to speak to Jesper today. And if annoying his brother enough to kick him out of this unnecessary meeting was the only way to do it, then that was just a bonus.
“Is it not enough that I have already agreed to this?” Kaz let his frustration take an edge to his tone. “This is nothing but drivel. And I have better things to do.”
“This is your wedding.” Jordie crossed his arms over his chest and gave Kaz a stern look. “That you agreed to. Which means that the details of it have to be handled by a prince who actually gives a damn about the future relations of his country.”
“The whole point of this arrangement is based on the fact that I am thinking about the future relations of this country.”
“You’re twisting my words, Kaz.” Jordie’s tone was sharpening.
He shrugged, and tilted his head toward Inej,  “Ask the princess. I’m sure she can agree that this is a waste of time.”
Jordie cut his eyes towards Inej. Maybe it was wrong of him to try to divert attention away from him to his fiance, but if his brother suspected that he wanted to leave, then he would never leave this suffocating room. She had spent most of this meeting quietly sipping her tea and commenting on the different ambassadors from Suli. It would be easier for Jordie to believe Inej over him. She was in the picture of patience and grace. The effect was marred by the sharp look she cut towards Kaz.
Her eyes moved over his face and he tried not to squirm under her attention. He tried to remember that he has faced the likes of gang lords and tyrants, and has met them with equal indifference. But when Inej suddenly smiled and turned to Jordie, Kaz felt a jolt run up his spine.
She pressed herself close enough to him that they weren’t actually touching, but enough for Kaz to be all aware of the tiny space that separated her thigh from his.
“It certainly isn’t a waste of time, Your Majesty.” She said respectfully. Kaz’s eyebrow raised in surprise. The worst he was expecting was for her to start arguing with him. The best was that she rolled her eyes and kept quiet. He wasn’t expecting an actual agreement.  
And it looked like he wasn’t the only one surprised if Jordie’s expression was anything to go by.
“However–as you know– with most arranged marriages there really isn’t much opportunity to get to know each other before the ceremony. But with the wedding date set, and everything moving so quickly, I think Prince Kaz would prefer to use this time to build our relationship further.”
Kaz couldn’t control the rising heat in his cheeks. He wished he could. Because if he could, he would have been able to stop the shit-eating grin that was now plastered on Jordie’s face.
“Is that right, Kazzie? You want a little alone time with your fiance? Why didn’t you just say so, you brat!”
Kaz’s face was definitely flushed now, and true to form, Jordie misread Kaz’s anger for embarrassment.
Jordie chuckled and moved behind his desk then waved them off.
“Fine, enjoy the afternoon. But I will finalize some of the bigger details with the both of you tomorrow. The final trade agreements with the Suli should be drafted in the next couple of days, and I will need both of you to read it over before the guests start arriving.”
Inej smiled once more at his brother and performed the perfect curtsy before striding out of the room. Kaz was still reeling but forced his body to follow right behind her.
He was almost to the doorway before something hit the back of his head. He turned around to glare at Jordie who was now eating from a bowl of grapes.
“Maybe try cracking a smile for your bride-to-be, Kazzie.” He winked at him, “This arrangement may just be on paper, but your fun doesn’t have to be.”
Kaz’s hands twitched for literally anything to throw at his brother–the chair looked particularly enticing– but he settled for slamming the door on his way out.
Inej peeled away from the shadows of the hallway. There were no traces of the smile she gave to his brother anywhere on her face.
“Care to explain, my dear beloved?” Kaz leaned his shoulder against a nearby column, and did his best to stare her down.
Inej examined her nails casually.
“Didn’t you want your brother to kick you out of there so you can go meet with Jesper?” She said. Her dark brown eyes met his, and there was that lightning again. He felt the sting of it under his skin. “Unless you’re always that much of an ass to your king.”
A bitter laugh escaped Kaz as he started to walk down the hallway, “Make no mistake, my dear Princess Inej, a king he may be, but the real ass is him.”
He could feel her judgmental stare at the back of his neck, but he didn’t turn around. Inej followed close behind, and Kaz tried to not think about how easily she had read him in Jordie’s study. How easy it had been to reach inside his head and help him get what he needed.
“There they are! My two favorite lovebirds!” Jesper yelled as Kaz and Inej entered the large stables. Both of them were leading tall stallions that he had sent for .
The horse that Jesper had by the reins neighed in seeming agreement.
“Glad to see you haven’t been eaten alive by the lords and ladies of Ketterdam.” Inej said playfully, which took Kaz by surprise.
Jesper’s easy grin brightened, “Oh they certainly did try, Princess. But it helps when you always manage to have music lessons during tea time.”
“You don’t play an instrument, Jes.” Kaz said.
“Have you ever thought that’s why I need lessons? Plus,” He looked to one of the stalls in the back and to the boy who was diligently brushing the mane of a beautiful, ebony stallion. “My music teacher is pretty handsome.”
“I don’t have time to hear sonnets about Wylan, Jesper. Either you have something for me or you don’t.” Kaz said.
His friend smiled then waved his hand dismissively, “Yeah, yeah, I forget that before Inej got here you were married to the words ‘I don’t time.’”
Inej let out a small laugh while Kaz glared.
Jesper signaled to Wylan and both him and his lover started to mount their horses.
Without thinking much about it, Kaz started to reach his hand out to help Inej with her steed, but by the time he turned around she was already in the saddle.
She stared at his outstretched hand in surprise, and pretended not to notice the way it curled aggressively back to his side.
“Where exactly are we going?” Inej asked.
“Out of earshot.” Jesper yelled as he started to race Kaz outside .
When she was alive, and before Kaz was born, his mother had insisted on bringing some of the land from her home country to Ketterdam. It was a foolish wish based on the kind of soil and climate that was infamous in the country, but his father had done his best to please his wife.
Trees were planted in the ground for miles. Bushes and bushes of flowers and berries were arranged and taken care of. The air had turned sweet with the smells of what the people called Ketterdam’s Hidden Treasure.
Then, there had been a few skirmishes with Ravka and their former King crippling the Ketterdam economy for years. Those were lean times. Every expense worked to provide weapons, food, and clothing. Which only meant that the garden had turned sour and overgrown. The queen never pressed to revive it, no one knew why, but Kaz always assumed it was a good reminder of the fragility of  beautiful things. That, in the end, tragedy wound itself tightly over the things that had the audacity to grow.
Now, not many servants tended to it. Whispers of the ghost of the queen  wandering through the trees mourning the death of her beloved garden. It was the kind of abandoned stretch of trees that was perfect for hushed conversations.
“Tell me what you know, Jesper.” Kaz crossed his arms and let his horse graze at the weeds.
“Not even going to ask after my well-being, Kazzie?” Jesper teased, but he caught the look on Kaz’s face and immediately followed it up with, “As much as I can tell Dime Lions are old gang names–like I’m talking about your grandfather was still king when they were causing trouble kind of old. Their rackets mainly ran around smuggling, gambling dens, and pleasure houses. Rumor has it they haven’t been making noise in a minute.”
Kaz hummed. It wasn’t that he was distrustful of Nikolai and his information. He was just a man that liked to confirm rumors before jumping into bed with anyone. And so far, it wasn’t looking promising for the Ravkan King.  
“Anything else?” Kaz asked.
Jesper shot Kaz a look that could only be interpreted as: That wasn’t enough, for you?  
But he answered anyway, “I played some cards with some chatty Razorgulls, and they seemed all too comfortable claiming that they were the ones that had run the Dime Lions out of Ketterdam.”
Kaz couldn’t help but scoff at that. The Razorgulls were barely organized enough to run a proper gambling den, let alone eliminate an entire gang. There was a loose thread there that was begging to be pulled, and he was sure if he followed it for long enough the rest of this mystery would reveal itself.
After a few more minutes, Kaz flicked his eyes to Wylan.
“Van Eck, what’s your father’s dinner plans looking like these days?”
Wylan flicked his eyes to Jesper then back to him.
“What do you want?”
“It’s been a while since I’ve had dinner with him, that's all.”
“That’s bullshit, Rietveld.”
Kaz could have laughed, he remembered a time when Wylan couldn’t even look at him straight because he was too busy bowing. Calling him by his last name was a step-up.
“Would it be that impossible to imagine that I would like to formally introduce my betrothed to the head of the merchant council?”
“Yes, it’s impossible. You have always hated my father, and my father has always hated you. Now, what do you really want?”
Kaz shrugged, “Either you answer my question, Van Eck, or I just ask your father directly. I’ll try not to mention that you didn’t know his schedule since you seemed so preoccupied with giving out music lessons.”
The casual threat lingered in the air for a brief moment before Wylan huffed a breath out in frustration.
“You have an odd talent of pissing people off, don’t you, Kazzie?” Jesper said with an exasperation.
This time Kaz let out a grin as Wylan answered.
“He has his merchant council meeting on Wednesday. And this huge party to show off the DeKappel he just bought on Saturday–your brother had already declined the invitation on behalf of the both of you. “
“Well, tell him the princess and I will be there.”
“What?” Wylan asked in shock.
“Just tell him, Wylan. Don’t think too much about it.” Kaz said as he mounted his horse and gestured for Inej to do the same. “I’ll see you on Saturday.”
He didn’t wait for either Wylan or Jesper to give a response as he urged his horse to a trot with Inej riding by his side.
“What was that about?”
“According to Jesper, the Dime Lions have faded to legend. But according to Strumhond, they have been active as late as my parents’ death. Legends do not happen over the course of five years. There are only two options for gangs that powerful, they either get brought down by their own hubris or they find ways to work legally.”
“And you think that these Dime Lions have somehow become legal through Wylan’s father?” She said incredulously.
Kaz nodded, “My brother has been at odds with Jan Van Eck ever since he took the throne. And in recent years, has suspiciously gotten his hand on every single trade route Ketterdam has. On Saturday, we’ll get an answer to that.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Well, my dear Wraith,” Kaz said as the palace came into view, “That’s where your particular skill set comes in hand.”
Inej shook her head, but didn’t try to protest at her involvement.
“Schemes upon schemes, and plots upon plots. Does your mind never rest from all its spun lies, Prince?” Inej sniffed at him.
Kaz laughed, “If my mind was capable of rest, I’d be dead, Princess. Now, shape up. We don’t have much time to plan for Saturday.”
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sleepytypewriter · 1 year
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“Let's promise to be friends!” Kaz blurted as the voices got closer. “We can keep helping each other.” Kaz looked earnestly at her, almost frightened of what she might say. A look of a boy that didn’t have any other friends. Inej nodded, “Okay.” “The deal is the deal?” Kaz grinned, sticking out his hand for her to shake. Inej took it and gave it a firm shake. “The deal is the deal,” she echoed.
read chapter 1 of you’ll love me at once(the way you did once) on ao3
[original version here]
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i-can-read-to-him · 2 months
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The Wesper Fic Club's Author Spotlight is a post series that aims to feature two to three fic authors a month, randomly selected from a pool of names put forth on our server. The authors are then asked to answer three interview questions, select up to five of their fics for us to feature, and finally, recommend three fics by others in the fandom.
(Note: Our spotlighted fics are not limited to Wesper, though they tend to be a central pairing in most of our authors' featured works.)
This week, we are putting a spotlight on Caterellie's writing!
Socials: @hotpinkmurex (Tumblr) | HotPinkMurex (AO3)
Part One: Author Interview
Q: When did you first start writing? What keeps you going today?
A: I started writing last year, precisely when Shadow and Bone season 2 was released. Jesper falling for Wylan while he played Alby Rollin's piano was too inspiring to ignore. I had been in the habit of daydreaming little "fix-it" or "future" scenarios for my favourite books and TV shows for some time, I just finally decided to write them down. I continue to write so that I will get better. And I have got addicted to the buzz that comes from the story on the page being even 50% like the one in your head.
Q: What is one of your favourite scenes from the source material (book or show)?
A: My favourite scene in the TV show is Wylan saying "hello" to the cyan morphos in the garden in Shu Han, while his friends are quietly dying on the other side of the wall. Seems pretty representative of the competing vibes of the show, the books and the character. And has there ever been a more apt metaphor for why Jesper and Wylan work so well together, than pretty little butterflies processing poisonous nectar to get at the sugar and help the flowers grow? Probably actually. Leigh Bardugo is an excellent writer. As for the books, it's got to be Jesper's "But that's not all that I want" line while holding Wylan by the satchel. Och! My heart!
Q: If you could change anything about (book or show) canon, what would it be?
A: I know it fits the story... and the traumatic histories of the characters... and Inej's self-worth and all that... But I wanted some Kanej babies.
Part Two: Selected Works
A Little More Light Role Play
Teen | 33.7K+ (WIP) | Wesper Historical Fantasy, Romance, Slowburn
Historical Royalty AU remix of stormkpr's fic. Jesper is the Prince, Wylan is the evil Duke's forgotten son, and the Crows and Wylan's half-brother get to hang out in a fairytale inspired world for the summer while falling in love.  More 'Ever After' than 'Cinderella'.
What's truth but what we with say it is?
Explicit | 93.8K | Wesper Modern AU, Romance, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort
Pretty Woman AU remix of tinyarmedtrex's fic. Jesper is a rich playboy lost in life, Wylan is a street hustler with a traumatic past. They meet, fall in love, and then claw their way through everything else to find their happy end.
A Summer Of (Not Quite) Love
Explicit | 31.8K | Kylan, Wesper Smut, PWP, Seduction, Drinking, POV Wylan
Jesper and Wylan are living a happy mercher life together after the events of Crooked Kingdom.  Kaz and Inej are slowly working through their issues (with the help of Nina). When Jesper and Wylan decide to explore an open relationship while Jesper is in Noyvi Zem for the summer, and Inej is busy sailing the high seas, Wylan picks Kaz as his target. Complications ensue.
Words are not the only things that matter
Mature | 11.3K | Wesper Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Happy Ending
After the events of season 2 (and deleted scenes) Kaz reveals Wylan's true identity and Jesper's reaction is... not good. Things are said, truths come out, strength of character is shown.
Still Small Hours
Mature | 26.3K | Wesper Falling in Love, Angst, Slow Burn, Happy Ending
Jesper and Wylan's love story from season 2 of Shadow and Bone. My first fan fic and it is rough. But it gets better towards the end.
Part Three: Author's Recs
Caterellie says: I have lots of fic recommendations for stories with trigger warnings and darker material, but these fics are the kind I would like to be able to write one day.
Tea for Two by RoyalAsstronaut
Explicit | 9.7K | Wesper Domestic Fluff, Smut, Canon Backstory, Teasing
Jesper and Wylan have some sweet, smutty adventures after Crooked Kingdom ends and the medik fixes Wylan's ribs. Great characters and great dialogue.
A roll of the dice by @tinyarmedtrex
Mature | 1.8K | Wesper First Meeting, Strangers to Lovers, One Night Stand
Jesper and Wylan's meeting before the events of season 2. Sweet and bittersweet. With stroopwafels and efficient storytelling.
When Crows Blush by talking-crow (this-treasure-hunter)
Explicit | 9.2K | Wesper Modern AU, Coworkers, Office Romance, Smut
Modern Universe AU where Jesper and Wylan are office workers flirting shamelessly with each other. And dyslexic Wylan gets to make use of text-to-speech software (heart eyes).
Please support our authors by commenting and leaving kudos on any stories of theirs you read and enjoy! Don't forget to also reblog this post and check back soon for our next author spotlight to come.
Interested in joining our server and getting to know our community? Feel free to request an invite via the @i-can-read-to-him ask box.
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sparrowmoth · 3 months
❀ Wesper Fanfiction Masterlist
I've been writing (mostly) Wesper fics for over a year now, so I figured it was about time I put together a masterlist of my fics. You'll find b/g Kanej and Helnik sprinkled throughout many of my Wesper-centric fics. Mind the ratings/warnings because I write all over the spectrum.
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➳ Oneshots
Inside/Outside Voices | Teen | 1.6K Kaz POV, pining, denial of feelings, love, missing scene, canon compliant
Yours, Mine, Hours | Teen | 11.5K Hurt/comfort, fake relationship, attempted assault, drinking, fluff, jealousy, humor
Armor and Amor | Teen | 1.5K Royalty AU, knight/prince, secret relationship, fluff, flirting, sexual tension
the perfect genius of our hands and mouths | Teen | 1.5K Modern AU, semi-epistolary, mutual pining, gay panic, romance, fast burn
The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To | Teen | 3.2K Reincarnation, fate/destiny, true love, married Wesper, honeymoon, fluff/angst
We Go Down Together | Explicit | 11.1K Human/monster romance, aphrodisiacs, threesome, consensual kink, unsafe sex
My Kingdom for Your Kiss | Explicit | 5.6K Light angst, tentacle sex, fluff and smut, interspecies romance, love confessions
all this (but heaven too) | Explicit | 20.5K Non-con, graphic violence, serial killers, heavy angst with a happy ending
➳ Multichaps (Complete)
The Show Must Go On | Teen | 20K Kidnapping, body horror, torture, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort
i feel like i've known you (but we've never met) | Teen | 20.5K Modern AU, internet friends to lovers, fluff and angst, happy ending
➳ Multichaps (WIP)
cards on the table (we're both showing hearts) | Teen | 5K+ Modern AU, fluff and angst, emotional hurt/comfort, humor, college/uni
The In-Between | Mature | 19K+ Hybrid AU, Wylan-centric, Angst, body horror, hurt/comfort, happy ending
The Only Hope For Me Is You | Mature | 4.5K+ Dubcon, public sex, humiliation, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
My Little Pony: BDSM is Magic | Explicit | 11.8K+ Pony play (kink), heavy BDSM, safe sane and consensual, dom/sub play
➳ Drabbles
les fragments de la nuit | Teen | drabble collection Divine/mortal, afterlife, love, fantasy, siren/mortal, reincarnation, love confessions
Pretty Face/Blank Canvas | Teen | drabble Gender roles, wearing make-up, fluff and angst, love, short and sweet
starlight starbright (too-ra-loo-ra-li) | Teen | drabble Memory loss, surreal, mild hurt/comfort, love, singing, short & sweet
➳ Poetry
Soul to Burrow (Little Rabbit) — and other poems | Teen | collection* Love, childhood memories, self-worth issues, dreams and nightmares, mutual pining
*ft. Kanej in the poem Her & the Sea
+ Polycrows
Leather Collar Prayer | Mature | 4.5K Polyamory, puppy play (kink), praise kink, soft, no smut, emotional hurt/comfort
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lilisouless · 2 years
What your favorite Six of Crows ship says about you
inspired by this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns_7ax-i3DE&list=PLZKnRTyUP15ZC04zScew3pmDG8ZaKno_M&index=12 and the other serie s of videos 
Kanej: You crave a romance with the yearning of a period drama but also want to create unstoppable chaos while holding hands
Helnik: Your thing is enemies to lovers as long as it pays off with tons of fluff afterwards (also chapter 40 doesn’t exist)
Wesper: You like ships with the versatility of working in any possible au…And you may have anxiety and/or self steem issues
Hanina: You favorite aesthetic is either royalty core or cottage core
Matthias/Nina/Hanne: you just want Nina to be happy and fuck the fjerdans in all senses
Kuwei/Jesper : you just wanted good things for Kuwei (and really, who wouldn’t?)
Ninej: Your love language is physical touch, sharing sweets and slaying together
Kazper: You have a secret crush on someone in your life or you love buddy cop comedies
Kaz/Nina: You though the books were written by Sarah J Maas
Inej/Jesper: You believe in friends to lovers supremacy , but keep it to yourself to avoid toxic responses that you clearly don’t deserve
Matthias/Kaz : You don’t like enemies to lovers, you like enemies WHILE lovers (or you just wish Wesper went harder with their hostility phase)
Wylan/Kuwei: same as above , but more like a passive aggressive kind of hostility
Nina/Jesper: you have a crush on one or both and since you can’t have them you just make the most bi couple to ever bi
Jesper/Matthias: Probably shipped Bert and Ernie in your childhood before knowing what shipping was
Kaz/Wylan : Your thing is corruption and revenge stories, also hate the Dad!Kaz thing
Inej/ Matthias: You just don’t understand why short people with tall partners will beg to get lifted instead of climbing over them and obliterate them
Wylan/Matthias: You don’t actually ship them, you are just a Kazper shipper who doesn’t want Wylan to be sad
Alinej: Your thing is bodyguard au! (Also totally your choice but you should consider Alina x Tamar)
Zonej: There is a surprising lack of positive desi women representation on YA literature, so you said “alright i’ll do it myself”
Nina/ Nikolai : You are heterosexual 
Nikolai/Kaz: 🎼 two bastards are better than one, is twice the cringe 🎶
Kaz/Anika: You tried to get into Kaz x reader but you didn’t feel y/n had enough personality for your taste
Kaz/Imogen: You want to see more of this girl, you also dig lost love tragedies when the main characters doesn’t end up together
Kaz/Saskia: you don’t exist
Anya x Joost: you wouldn’t survive a single A song of ice and fire book
Aditi x Colm: You are a textbook hopeless romantic
Colm x Marya: you are so lost in the thought of second love chances, that you didn’t thought the implications of wesper becoming step brothers
Marya x Alys: you are so lost on the thought of destroying Jan Van Eck that you didn’t thought the implications that Alys is probably at least twenty years younger
Jan Van Eck x Death:I respect your opinions but i seriously don’t get it,death is clearly too good for him
Inej/Dunyasha: You love enemies to lovers in theory, but in practice you would rather they just stay on the enemies stage
Important: i had the link saved since this was on drafts and didn’t remember it gets you to a hp video themed since is the first one on the reproduction list, i recommend skip the video if you can’t stand anything related to jk rowling
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thegaycondor · 1 year
Y'all I'm STRUGGLING rn. What should I work on?
For the series and shit y'all can find them here
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violets-and-books · 1 year
Bestie! Will you pleaseeee pick a prompt for Helnik, Kanej, and Wesper 👀 I'm in the middle for one shots today 😌
Always happy and honoured to help!!!
Kanej: Going over to the other's house in the middle of the night (I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're bout to cry and I know your favourite songs and you tell me bout your dreams think I know where you belong think I know it's with me)
Sorry, I got a little side-tracked
Wesper: Calling someone because they're drunk/hungover and need a familiar face to take them home
Helnik: Hurt and the other person not realising until much later (royalty au royalty au royalty au knight matthias knight matthias knight matthias - it's all I askkkk)
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
AU Fic Requests: OPEN
As I've reached my goal of completing a handful of WIPs as well as the 100 Kiss Prompts, I've decided to open up another list of prompts to request from. This time, however, these prompts have been curated by myself and @thestarlitnight, based on AUs that I love and have yet to write about!
Below you will find the general rules for requesting, along with the pairings that are available to request. Below the cut, you will find the actual list of AUs and if they are available or not (There are 70, and I need you all to know that the original list was closer to 120.)
The only thing you need to include in your ask is the paring name (in bold) and the prompt as I've written it. Please do NOT request specific plot points or dynamics.
The only exception to the rule above is if you specifically do NOT want M or E-rated content, as some AUs are/can be mature/explicit leaning.
There will be no acceptance of ships that are not listed below. These fills are more in-depth, and because of that, I do not want to write for ships where their dynamics/characters feel harder to dig into for me.
1 Request Per Person until your previous request is fulfilled in order to give others a chance to request.
If I believe that an anon is sending in multiple requests I will delete them. This may not be fair to the people who are making honest requests, but given that I've already had issues with this I'm going to be firm.
If you're wondering why there isn't a specific AU on the list it's possible I have already written/am already writing something and thus did not include it.
Most Importantly! These prompts are bound to be longer than the kiss prompts (I am shooting for a 3-5k range maximum for each), and thus they will take longer to complete. With that in mind, please do not send me multiple requests for the same prompt/pairing if you think I haven't marked yours down. Check below the cut, and you will know. If it seems I haven't received your request you're free to DM me to ask why it's not there yet.
I plan on completing between 1-3 prompts a week, depending on the rate of requests and my ability to fill them.
Please be advised that if the rules of engagement are NOT adhered to, I will delete your request.
Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin (Hangster)
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Icemav)
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw/Carole Bradshaw (CaroleGoose)
Reuben "Payback" Fitch/Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia (Fanback)
9-1-1 (TV)
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (Buddie)
Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone
Wyaln Van Eck/Jesper Fahey (Wesper)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa (Kanej)
(Taken prompts will be colored with a ship name next to them. Completed prompts will be removed.)
Personal/Physical AU:
Blind Date - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Catboy/Catgirl - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Disability - Top Gun | Icemav
Fake/Pretend Relationship - Top Gun |Icemav
Genie/Djinn - Top Gun |Icemav
Ghost - Top Gun | Hangster
Hanahaki Disease - S&B/SoC | Kanej
Shifter - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Environment/World/Setting AU:
Apocalypse - Top Gun | Hangster
Battle Royale - S&B/SoC | Wesper
Bed & Breakfast - S&B/SoC | Wesper
Circus - Top Gun |Icemav
Deserted Island
Diner/Ice Cream Shop - Top Gun | Icemav
Fantasy  - Top Gun | Icemav
Gods/Goddesses - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Groundhog Day/Time Loop
Hogwarts/Harry Potter World - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Kingdoms/Royalty - Top Gun | Icemav
Marching Band
Olympics - Top Gun | Icemav
Pen Pal  - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Sentinel/Guide - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Ski Lodge - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Space Exploration
Occupation AU:
Art School Students - Top Gun | Hangster
Assassin/Hitman/Mafia - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Ballet Dancer
Bodyguard - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Delivery Boy/Girl
Demon Hunters - 9-1-1- | Buddie
Doctor/Nurse - Top Gun | Hangster
Dog Walker
Influencer - Top Gun | Hangster
Lifeguard - Top Gun | Icemav
Serial Killer - Top Gun | Icemav
Witness Protection - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Yoga Instructor - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Soulmate AU:
A Birthmark Where the Soulmate Touches the First Time - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Colorblind Except for the Eyecolor of the Soulmate - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Colorblind Until Meeting the Soulmate
Drawing/Writing on Skin Transfers to the Soulmate - Top Gun | Hangster
Names Exchanged Will Confirm Soulmates - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Names/Marks/Symbols on the Skin
Soulmates Share Strong Emotions - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Timer Counting Down to First Meeting
Movie/TV/Popular Media Show AU:
CSI - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Percy Jackson - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Pokemon - S&B/SoC | Wesper
Resident Evil
SCP Containment Breach - Top Gun | Icemav
Star Trek - Top Gun | Icemav
Star Wars
Underworld - 9-1-1 | Buddie
Completed Collection
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jackwolfes · 1 year
heyyy, could u list out all your wips? I'm curious🐦‍⬛🥰
yeahhhh boi 😌 i've put all 85 that i intend to actually genuinely try and finish at some point below the cut (with mild commentary ✨)
soc (book verse/AUs)
Enby wylan Ghezenite wylan jesper go nyoom (street racer jesper au) on your knees, your highness acotld (so close to the end now 🥲) acotld the sequel (you can pry this au out of my cold dead fingers) bridgerton au wesper bridgerton au helnik bridgerton au kanej sugar baby au “I tested a luxury prostate massager with my best friend because I lied to my editor” sex toy tester fic 5 times jesper gets injured during sex angels and demons drummer jesper au every which way (all 15 formulations of crows shipped with each other) first time 2 giving grinding handcuff handjobs inesper prompts kuwesper 1 kylan orchestra make it messy ninejesper 1 trust me love me fuck me wynejsper (wylan deserves to explore women, as a treat) an eye for an eye, a leg for a leg don't hide ghost home jealous wylan relapse fight (req) thats not how my brain works torture (wish i could remember what the fuck this fic was! 😌) wesper anniversary party highlan sickfic a knights tale by the sea cabin cinderella au cowboy au domx for hire wylan history huh (👀👀👀👀) home for christmas jesper fahey vs the world kanej yoga au pain au rewrite (hopefully getting done for wesper week but who knows) piano teacher radio waves (very cute au where they're both radio DJs) slln5 (very nearly ready to share actually) supermodel the darkest little paradise/the return of winglan the things that happen when you get left at the altar (kazper fake married) zookeeper au grisha wylan kazpernej 241 luggage stripper jesper telepathic jesper wsj wve does top surgery wylan van eck: adorable little idiot (wedding florist) inejsper fake dating catnip (fotm bonus) (horatio returns!!) he's gentle when he wants to be (a rare kanej pwp) lightweight kawesper squirt crisis (squisis) strap (👀) the weight of a love that defined and redeemed you (wylan gets amnesia the fic) wylan gets dicked wynej
sab verse
a key means home and tomorrow pt 2 (van eck reveal) return (wylan gets lightly waterboarded) there's a cap on the tab malkolai car sex (i wrote 4,000 words of this in about 6 hours and it's now fully drafted & i think there's a horny ghost in my brain that really likes malkolai)
check please
superheroes (i've actually been working on this quite a lot recently!! and am having a wonderful time)
the ghost king (solangelo arranged marriage/royalty au bc who am i if not very repetitive)
pynch painplay jordeclan daddy kink
rwrb wedding night smut (prequel to this fic)
hooking magic out of string (aml rope bondage, pt 1 and 2, bc i am shocked and offended that there arent any rope bondage fics already for this fandom)
winters orbit
worbit soulmate au worbit escort au (this has got fake dating in it!)
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wesper-ao3feed · 7 months
broken crown | but oh my heart was flawed
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kGhRACo by DancingShadows9174 Inej wants to get away from her abusive Aunt Heleen. Prince Kaz is supposed to get engaged by the end of this ball. Maybe they can make this work for both of them? Or, Cinderella fake dating AU featuring Kanej. Buckle up, bitches :) Words: 3331, Chapters: 2/16, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Inej Ghafa, Tante Heleen (Six of Crows), Nina Zenik, Wylan Van Eck, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker, Anika (Six of Crows), Pekka Rollins Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck Additional Tags: Mentioned Matthias Helvar, Mentioned Jordie Rietveld, Dead Jordie Rietveld, Minor Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, POV Inej Ghafa, POV Kaz Brekker, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Sexual Slavery, Sexual Trauma, Inej Ghafa Has PTSD, Touch-Averse Kaz Brekker, Kaz Brekker Has PTSD, Haphephobia, Fairy Tale Retellings, Cinderella - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sneaking Around, Technically Stealing, Small Heist, technically some crimes are committed by our MCS, but it's for a good cause, some crimes are committed by our villians, but it's for appropriately bad causes, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Romantic Fluff, the relationships that the adults have to the main characters have been entirely rearranged lmao read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kGhRACo
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
a dream is a wish your heart makes (whatever you wish for, you keep)
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Kaz's cold eyes stared directly back at his mentor. "I cooperated when I showed up."
Per Haskell huffed and walked off in irritation. Kaz would feel bad, but he had already warned Per Haskell this was not what he wanted. Marriage was not a commitment he could make easily, and for him to secure his throne, Kaz would need to be even more careful.
Kaz found his eyes drifting to the door, longing for escape. He was alright with large crowds but they still left him uncomfortable and having to meet with so many people standing had his leg killing him. The ball would be ongoing for ages yet and Kaz longed to walk out the double doors at the end of the room and leave all this nonsense behind. It was perhaps this reason that, as he watched the doorway at the top of the winged staircase, Kaz saw someone new enter the ballroom.
Kaz had been so surprised by the new arrival that he almost missed Jesper sidling up to him.
"You could pretend, you know. It would at least help your reputation."
"I cannot waste my time pretending with pleasantries for every person in this ballroom, Jesper. It's a waste of time." He didn't look away from the woman on the staircase.
Or, A Kanej Cinderella AU
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dregstrash · 4 years
gilded crowns pt. 8
A/N: i am just as surprised as you with this update. thank you to all those still keeping up with this story of mine, and thank you for your continued support!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 
Description: Prince Kaz of Ketterdam has been subject of much mystery and speculation, but that doesn’t stop his brother, King Jordie, to arrange a marriage to Princess Inej of Suli. Neither party are happy with the arrangement. Kaz has other ideas and if he can drive Inej away, he can get back to the plans that’ll silence the demons that plague his dreams. Of course, what happens when she proves to be as stubborn as he is?
Tagging: @lavehl @hysteriaas @fromferfer @ifangirlninja @spell-cleaver @s-artsnstuff @locksandbobbypins @friendo-nintendo @thatonefangirl-mrc @looking-for-wisdom @terrywho-cartoons @mykitchenisonfire151 @ysitsohardtofindaname @timeinhereyes @stormwitch-zoya @spvcexpeachvs (if you don’t want to be tagged anymore or do want to be tagged please let me know!)
Kaz could hear the telltale sounds of a full pub brawl bounce noisily against the cobbled streets. It was a discordant note in the symphony that was usually played in the likes of the Barrel. The usual sounds of drunken yelling and gleeful shouts of people high off of alcohol and anonymity were broken by the sound of glass shattering, shots ringing out, and bodies aggressively colliding with walls-- or fists. 
Inej stalked ahead in front of Kaz, and she held a hand out to stop him as they neared the building that most tourists and partiers were making an effort to avoid.
The Kaelish Prince’s usual crowd was nowhere to be seen as a huge brawl started to spill out onto the street and the loud whistle of the police getting closer and closer.
Inej made two gestures with the hand that was held up, and it was the most natural thing in the world for Kaz to interpret her signals. 
It was a good plan. She would take to the rafters while he tried to maneuver his way through the crowd. 
“We have to get Jesper out of here before the police find him.” Kaz whispered. He didn’t wait for her agreeing nod before he stalked through the brawling crowd.
Before his leg broke, Kaz had started to take sword fighting lessons, as was tradition of young Kerch princes when they turned eleven. He didn’t take to it like his brother had, his body just a tad weaker and leaner than Jordie’s was. He did his best, and tried not to look too foolish-- it didn’t do much. Then his leg broke. Then he started to hang with the likes of the Barrel. Then he learned how to fight like it mattered. Ketterdam’s dirtiest streets were better teachers than an uppity swords master who hadn’t seen a real fight in decades. 
As Kaz waded through the flying punches and dodging through stray bullets, he felt his heart kick up his beat. His own footing started to pick up the rhythm of survival, and as a burly man twice his height and weight set his bloodlust eyes on him, his muscles tensed in anticipation for the fight. 
He felt more than he saw the punch headed for his weak leg, and he brought his cane up and over and smashed it against the man’s ear. He heard the crunch of bone, and stepped over the howling man clutching at the side of his face. The lamp light of the street was too dim, and it was hard to catch any signal that Jesper was even among the fighting. 
Kaz didn’t have time to be brawling with every person who cut into his path, and dodge as he might, he was getting bogged down by the amount of bodies that were starting to come from each side-- especially when the first uniform appeared in the throng of people. 
He ducked inside the Kaelish Prince where most of the fighting was happening, and a quick flash of green got his attention. It wasn’t ntil he was a few more feet away that he confirmed that it was Jesper-- and despite the blood that was smeared on his cheek, he was grinning like a maniac. 
Kaz shoved his way forward and launched himself over the overturned table Jesper was using for cover. 
“Glad of you to join us.” Jesper yelled. His trademark Zemeni pistols were smoking at the ends, and he cocked one of them before he took aim at a man who had his eyes set on their hiding spot. 
“I thought you said you didn’t get caught!” Kaz grunted as a woman with a club as thick as Kaz’s skull decided to attack. Her club met his cane in an arm numbing collision. But in no time she was splayed out on her back with her collar bone broken and her weapon out of his reach. 
“It’s not helpful when someone accuses you of stealing.” Jesper grunted as he started to reload his gun.
“Were you?” Kaz growled.
“I’m offended by that.” He said. “I always play a fair hand.” Two shots rang out. “But it also doesn’t help that I may or may not have insulted someone’s mother trying to defend my honor.”
“Kaz, watch out!”
 Kaz has prided himself on always being one step ahead of everything. He was a master of his own survival-- except the knife that was flying towards him.
He saw the point of it come to him in slow motion, his limbs feeling too knock it aside, he braced himself for the inevitable pain, but like a shadow Inej materialized in front of him stopping the knife with her own weapons crossed in front of her. As the blade clanked to the floor, Inej’s arm flew out in one fuid motion and shot true to the opposing knife fighter. 
“Let’s go!” She yelled.
She darted away from their cover, slashing and cutting brawlers and gang members like a farmer cuts down wheat. She forged a path towards the back of the gambling hall, and with another roguish grin Jesper blew the smoke out of his guns before following closely behind. Kaz gave an imperceptible sigh of relief then followed suit-- trying not to think about the warm feeling in his chest that had nothing to do with the adrenaline pumping in his veins and everything to do with the girl with the knives in her hands who had just saved his life. 
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sleepytypewriter · 1 year
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“Five years.” Inej drew her legs up under her to stand on the ledge. The summer wind grabbed at the edges of her clothes, wanting to whisk her off the balcony onto the ground below. “I watched you run around Ketterdam for five years and never uttered a word of it. Never let you see me. Never let anyone see you. How is that for a test of loyalty? If I wanted to, I could have had Pekka kill you years ago.” “Then why didn't you,” Kaz snapped.
read chapter 3 of you'll love me at once(the way you did once) on ao3
or read from the beginning
[original version here]
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aneiria-writes · 2 years
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A Soft Light Rising
A Hades / Persephone AU, written for @kanejweek 2022 - prompt: Kings and Queens
Read on AO3 here, or keep on reading below...
There were rumours, around the Barrel, that Dirtyhands had tricked his Wraith into becoming his queen. Had offered her false, tempting lies, or promises to expand her fleet of ships, or reassurances she would keep her freedom, despite being chained to him.
Others claimed he’d lured her with a perfect, ripe pomegranate, plump with ruby seeds, and signed her life over to him while she was distracted by the taste, lips pink with juice and eyes closed in bliss.
Whatever the truth, the Wraith of Ketterdam spent half the year in the city, the deadly shadow by Dirtyhands’ side, and the king and queen of the Barrel stalked the streets they ruled, two pairs of dark, dangerous eyes keeping watch over each other. 
The other half of the year, the Wraith left Ketterdam and her king behind, sailing away on her ship, never once looking back. 
Of course, there had always been rumours floating around the Barrel, and not often were they entirely true. 
‘Meja! Oh, my Inej, it has been too long!’ 
Inej’s mother already had tears streaking down her cheeks as she ran towards her daughter, flinging her arms around Inej as she walked into the circle of caravans. From behind her, Inej’s father smiled fondly, waiting patiently for his wife to release their child.
‘Mama, please,’ Inej murmured, allowing herself to be stroked, held, wept upon. ‘It has only been half a year.’
It was the same every spring, when the ice thawed and she set off from Ketterdam and across the True Sea once again. 
Inej’s mother huffed indignantly. ‘And if it were not for that Brekker, clouding your good sense with his dark trickery, you would be back safe in your caravan all year long, with your parents, where you belong.’ 
‘Cara, my love.’ Inej’s father moved close then, gently pulling her mother back. His voice was gentle, but held just a hint of warning. ‘Kaz is who Inej has chosen. Ketterdam is where she has chosen. Be grateful she is able to spend even half a year with us, ov?’ He smiled at Inej as her mother tutted. ‘Welcome back, meja.’ 
Kaz had never joined Inej on her trips to Ravka. It had been made clear, back in Ketterdam when her parents arrived at the docks that first time, that although they were infinitely grateful for him reuniting them with their daughter, the Ghafas considered him a demon, a devil, and not someone worthy of their bright, happy, precious only daughter. 
Even after five years’ of marriage, Inej’s mother acted as if Kaz had tricked her into loving him, had stolen Inej away from the safety of her caravan’s embrace — as if he were no different to the slavers who first snatched her away, no different from Tante Heleen herself. 
Inej had cut her first visit home short, when her mother refused to stop making snide, hurtful comments about Kaz, and ever since her mother had managed to keep to the minimum of insults when Inej made her yearly visit. 
And as much as Inej loved her parents, her family, the life she’d long lost, she knew she loved her husband more. She missed him desperately, ached for his tender touch, his bitter-coffee eyes, the single-minded devotion he held for her.
She’d been thinking, more and more: six months was not enough for her, anymore.
The deal had been the deal. 
Kaz asked her to stay, but Inej knew she had to be free to sail the seas, to bring some form of justice to the dark, cruel world. To see her parents, and try to rebuild their relationship. The compromise had been half a year with Kaz, and half a year to herself. 
And no matter how much he missed her, the gentle touch of his wife, her brilliant eyes and kind smile and wicked tongue, Kaz knew he could never deny her anything. Besides, six months with his queen at his side in Ketterdam felt far more than he’d ever deserved.
Still, he missed her, in the months she sailed away from him. Missed her with a longing, an intensity, that no-one would believe was possible from the Bastard of the Barrel. 
In her absence, Kaz haunted the Barrel, kept the city under control, ran his Dregs’ with an iron fist. He visited the Van Eck mansion, had supper with Jesper and Wylan, ran his schemes and heists and plays as usual.
And he waited, with every beat of his darkened heart, for his love to return to him. 
In the week before she was due back into her berth at Fifth Harbour, Kaz started preparing for her return. He opened up their house on Zelverstraat, airing the rooms, laundering the musty sheets and towels until everything smelled as bright and flowery as Inej herself. He stocked the kitchen with the ingredients for her favourite pan bread and dhal, as well as hutspot, and of course, fruits of every kind. 
Inej loved all fruit indiscriminately, from the crispy apples and fat, sweet peaches that were Kerch’s speciality, to gold-fleshed mangoes, tiny purple blueberries, sharp, juicy oranges the size of her fist. And always, ripe, blush-coloured pomegranates, her favourite. From the first one she’d ever tasted, on the eve of their wedding, Inej had declared them the most delicious food, and Kaz had ensured that their house was laden with pomegranates each time she returned to him. 
Now, he waited on the docks of Fifth Harbour, ignoring the chill in the air, his hands clasped on the crows-head of his cane. He almost smiled when the Wraith appeared on the hazy horizon, perfectly on time, and stayed standing, silent, watchful, until the sprightly warship swept into berth twenty-two, and her captain leapt up onto the brow of the boat. Kaz barely had time to raise a hand in greeting before Captain Ghafa grabbed onto a sheet and swung down onto the dock and into his waiting arms with a golden laugh. 
‘My darling Inej,’ Kaz crooned, kissing her greedily, stroking her silken hair, breathing in the sunshine smell of her as he buried his face into her neck. ‘My queen, my love. I have missed you.’ 
I have missed you: such mundane words, for the depth of feeling they portrayed. He’d missed her, of course, but in a way so much more than just missing. He’d missed her, like the winter missed the flowers, like the summer missed the rains. 
He’d missed her, and now she was in his arms, his, again, for the next six months.
‘I missed you too, Kaz,’ she murmured, her breath as sweet as spring air against his cheek. She kissed him again, and for a moment he imagines blossoms flowering in his hair as her lips breathe life into him.
‘They say I stole you away,’ Kaz whispers into her hair, as she pushes his shirt from his shoulders. 
‘I ate the fruit willingly,’ Inej gasps, as his soft lips kiss the tender skin of her neck. 
‘They think I have chained you to me,’ Kaz murmurs, arms tensed, as she pushes him back onto their bed with a sharp smile.
‘It is I who have chained you, my love,’ she smiles in return, trailing a long, steady finger down the muscles of his stomach. 
‘They think you are my Queen of Hell.’
‘They don’t realise you’re my King of Flowers.’
Kaz groans as she sinks onto him, her back arched, her hair loose, her skin glowing in the light of the oil lamp. ‘I love you, Inej,’ he manages, before she wipes his mind clean with her voice, her body, her very being. 
Her eyes are bright with adoration and wicked with intent as she smiles down at him, straddled across his hips, holding him hostage to her heart. ‘And I love you, Kaz.’
A soft light rising above the level meadow, behind the bed. He takes her in his arms. He wants to say I love you, nothing can hurt you
but he thinks this is a lie, so he says in the end you're dead, nothing can hurt you which seems to him a more promising beginning, more true.
- A Myth of Devotion, by Louise Glück
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darksvster · 3 years
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idealism of all kinds ➥ kanej — grishaverse college au inej is surprised by her family, who pop in unexpectedly to celebrate her birthday. kaz meets the parents and the family and is then roped into pretending to be her boyfriend in the process. but... aren't they basically already dating? aka the somewhat-sequel to my immortal bird fic and face of the river fic.
ao3 link
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fanfic-corner · 3 years
some of my favourite fics <3
It's my birthday on Sunday, so I thought I deserved to make another list of all my favourite fics! They are in no particular order and from a variety of fandoms... I hope you like them all as much as I do! (Spiderman, SamBucky, and Grishaverse fics under the cut.)
See my Destiel favourites list from last year here!
Exclamation, Statement, Question, Command by shipNslash (32k)
honestly this is maybe one of my favourite fics of all time... the writing is just *mwah* and the way the au is weaved into the plot of the actual show??? genius.
Of Fans and Fictions by Nellied (21k)
this is just so funny and sweet! it revolves around Foggy thinking Matt is just a cosplayer... kinda meta, but I love it!
The Glass of Sand and Fog by neonbrutalism (7k)
it's a fan comic!!! it's just so beautifully illustrated and also one of the most hilarious things i've ever read... it's amazing!
Day Forty-Seven by Marchling (17k)
this is some of the best angst just. ever! it's so angsty but the comfort part of the hurt/comfort is amazing... just go read it right now :D
The Devil Went Down To Tennessee by RAT_BAT (1.5k)
Matt deserved to ride a horse. Enough said.
In Which Foggy Nelson Will Absolutely File That Sexual Harrassment Claim, Matt by cosmicocean (9.5k)
I have read this fic so many times I could probably recite it by now. Matt and Foggy are both written so well in this and it is so funny!
More fandoms under the cut!
The Teenage Vigilante's Guide To Saving New York (And Making Friends Along The Way) by candlesneedflame (103k)
this is one of my all time favourite fics... The plot is fantastic, all the characters (and there is just about every vigilante in New York involved) are written perfectly, and come on... Matt with kittens? That's just adorable.
Danger Pizza by alice_in_ink (5.2k)
this is just adorable and also hilarious Irondad hurt/comfort!!
This is the worst timeline by Hittinmiss (6.6k)
the field trip trope is iconic, and this is probably my favourite version of it! it's just absolutely hilarious and I love Ned with my entire heart <3
a couple rebel top gun pilots (flying with nowhere to be) by notcaycepollard (19k)
Bucky walking Lucky the pizza dog cured me. Also Kate Bishop my beloved <3 but seriously, this fic is so sweet and I love them all so much
we're awesome, totally genius by napricot (3.9k)
coffee shop au!! absolutely hilarious and also quite soft <3
Two Weeks Of Tutoring by Feriku (83k)
honestly idk what it is but modern au fics for the Grishaverse fandom hit different and this one.......... hoo boy
Six Fifteen by mugsandpugs (3.5k)
I had to include a Kanej fic as well and this one is just so sweet... Kaz and Inej, karoake royalty <33
I hope you enjoy all of these! There are a million different fics I could put on here, but I ran out of time... Thank you to every single author or artist who put out any kind of fan content in this last year, because I love all your work and I have no idea what I'd do without you <33
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