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soulfullofold · 2 years ago
(asks you about one of your elaborate character playlists) Which one is your flavorite out of the Library Guys- 3.2.1. GO
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The Sphinx's (Kalpis's) playlist is the longest! I have a dump n' cull approach to playlists where I gather and then prune and reorder when i Publish a playlist yknow. I haven't really gone through hers yet but I like my picks so far. It's more The Library + her, but I want to break them apart when I get enough songs.
The Hound's (Kyan's) playlist I listen to the most honestly. It's literally all Mountain Goats songs whoops. There's one on there that I REALLY want to like. make an animatic to or something. I just zone and think about her ;m;
The Archivist's (Rhys's) playlist is the shortest pfft but it's the one I'm the most confident about. I think my choices for her are spot on >:)c
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indilaras · 1 year ago
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flames of decimation Honkaitober Day 3: Elysian Realm Following this prompt list!
ID: a drawing of Kalpas, one hand raised near his shoulder. He seems to have a few scratches and bruises. Behind him is a big burst of flames. End ID.
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ddiomedes · 10 months ago
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witnesscrescentsuns · 2 years ago
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Kalpi and her wings
Workshopping the idea of Gandharva wings being elemental wind things with whatever the individual wants decorating it (in Kalpi's case, flowers). When not being used, they can turn into pretty shawls.
Also her arm jewellery is how she stores her magic metal wired lasso.
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jupiter-reimagined · 1 year ago
huh. i really should watch vella kalpi sometime. i think my friend would slaughter me if she found out ive never really seen it hdbdhshs
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dreaming-of-mossballs · 2 years ago
you don't have to respond to this, I don't wanna like make you like not anon?? but I'm glad you liked the playlist!!! 🧡🧡 was really scared it was just gonna be songs I like and not kalpas songs lol
Dw dw! I appreciate you being considerate though!
It actually blew my mind how WELL it seemed to fit him. (Ngl I can imagine him being part of a rock band just because of his hairstyle. Although have you seen the picture of his model? I stumbled across it on Pinterest, but i couldn’t find the origin of it and I was practically foaming at the mouth— ahem.) I actually prefer listening to jazz radios as well, so I was really surprised when several of the songs made it onto my playlist. As well as helping me get a general idea of the guy, it also expanded my music taste! Thank you so much for this, I have no words for how perfect it is❣️😊
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thearchaicsmile · 1 year ago
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A black figure kalpis depicting the poet Sappho (ΦΣΑΦΟ) holding a barbiton, an ancient stringed instrument similar to a lyre. Attributed to the eponymous Sappho Painter, active in Attica c. 510 to 490 BC.
🏛️: National Museum, Warsaw
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gelecekdamla · 1 month ago
Bu kadar olmamalı dünya,hep mi her kapı kapanır bi insanın yüzüne?düşünceli davranmak,şakaya vurmamak,dinlemek,kırmamak ne kadar zor ola bilir.Tamam zor olsun hiçbişey yapmayalım ama incitmeyelimde tek kalpi olan biz değiliz her kes kendini iyi sanar ama bunu asıl davranışı gösterir. Lütfen karşımızdaki(insanlar,hayvanlar,bitkilerin) duyguları olduğunu unutmayalım
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fanfoolishness · 2 years ago
Greez names a plant after Cal, and takes care of it through the years. (Based on a bit of dialogue in Fallen Order where Greez tells Cal he'll name a plant Kid after him.) Fluffy until it's angsty, filled with found family feels, Greez & Cal, 1340 words. Spoilers for Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor.
Greez wasn’t joking this time.  
Oh, sure, he joked about a lot of things.  But when he looked at the terrarium, filled to the brim with seeds Cal had scoured from the ends of the known galaxy, he couldn’t help but get a little emotional sometimes.  Everything that had been going on -- trying to find the Holocron, fighting off the Empire, defying death right and left?  Yet somehow Cal had remembered to collect a few seeds, just because Greez said he liked them.  It was enough to make a guy choke up.
One night he told Cal he was going to name a plant after him.  He’d call it “Kid.”  Cal laughed it off, with that little chuckle he used when he was afraid to really hope for something.  Greez got the hint, but he ignored it anyway.
Greez debated over which plant to use.  Featherfern, nah, too delicate.  Cal might be skinny, but the kid was strong as anything in all the ways that mattered.  Mushbloom?  No, the plant was a living joke.  Cal deserved something less goofy.  He wrote the Dathomir plants off right away.  He’d grow ‘em, but they were way too creepy for this.
He settled on the bonshyyyr, but he didn’t tell him.  Cal got weird sometimes when Greez or Cere tried to do the heart-to-heart thing.  He’d blush, or make some kind of deflecting joke, or even get sullen and snarky if he was really in a mood.  So Greez figured he wouldn’t embarrass the kid any further by telling him the truth.  
The little tree thrived, with sturdy lush growth that threatened to overtake the terrarium if Greez wasn’t diligent with his trimmers.  Sometimes when Cal was out on a mission, Cere would find Greez grumbling, head half inside the terrarium, arms contorted to trim the leaves back in just the right way.  She’d comment that she was glad he had a project.  He’d mutter and wonder why he’d planted a tree from a planet where everything grew eighty thousand meters tall.
The bonshyyyr left the Mantis with him, along with a few of the other old-timer plants; the dreamwort, the kalpi, the gillypod.  He knew Cal would never remember to look after them.  The kid barely remembered how to look after himself, even if he’d grown a bit over the last year or two, losing the last of the pinched look to his cheeks, his face and arms exploding with freckles under dozens of alien suns.  
It was rough, when they decided to split up and go their own ways.  Cere was noble but resigned, talking about new opportunities to grow.  He saw her wipe her eyes, though, when she thought he wasn’t looking.  Merrin insisted that she needed to find herself and a purpose beyond vengeance, but she hugged him even harder than Cere had.  And Cal?  Greez didn’t know if he’d ever get over the way the kid’s face just… crumpled.
Greez cried with the rest of them.  He gave Cal a fierce hug with every arm he had (three out of four wasn’t bad) and cried into the kid’s grimiest poncho.  He didn’t care if the kid realized. His great-grandma always said there was no sense hiding what was clear as day.
He bundled up his plants and stepped down off the gangway, and the dust of a backwater world called Koboh floated up to greet him.
The years snuck by, and suddenly Cal was strolling into Pyloon’s Saloon like it was the most natural thing in the world.  
It knocked the wind out of Greez, seeing the kid again.  He’d grown more (surely he was done by now?), he’d grown a beard, and he looked like he needed a damn good dinner and a solid night’s sleep.  
He hit the kid with a hug as hard as he could muster, and when they’d managed to catch up, he insisted on Cal getting some rest.  Cal protested, as usual (kid was infuriating sometimes, how had he forgotten?), but within five minutes of curling up on the extra bunk in Greez’s room, he was out.
Cal wasn’t the only one who’d had a rough few years.  Kid the bonshyyr had had a tough time transplanting to Koboh.  Humidity was much lower here than Kashyyyk.  Took a while to find a heat lamp that mimicked the one he’d had on the Mantis.  Worst of all the plant had lost a whole branch, which had scared the hell out of him, but he’d done some research on the holonet and figured out it was a pest.  It had been dicey for a bit there, but now the tree was doing better than ever.
He thought that maybe he should fill Cal in.  Let him know he’d made good on his threat and named it after him.  But he glanced up from the tree with its gleaming, tight-curled leaves and saw Cal, fast asleep but mumbling under his breath.
His heart sank.  Kid might be doing fine.
Cal still wasn’t.
That first night back on Koboh, after they lost Cere, Greez finally told him.
“You… you named a plant after me?” Cal asked.  He looked like a wreck, swollen eyes and blotchy face, covered in bruises from his fall in the desert.  Greez knew he didn’t look much better.
“Yeah,” Greez said.  “I don’t know if you remember, but we talked about it once.  I was grateful, you know?  That you brought me all those seeds for the Mantis, even with everything else going on.”  He nodded over his shoulder at the bonshyyyr in his room.  It stood proud and neat and sturdy, not a leaf out of place.  “That’s Kid there.  Looking better than ever.”
Cal tried to laugh, but the sound was too close to tears still.  Ahh, they were both a mess.  “Greez, you old softy.”
Greez shrugged.  “What can I say?  It’s made me happy, Cal.  Every time I look at it, take care of it, fuss over it like Granny Pyloon used to do over me…  It’s been nice.  Especially when --” His voice cracked.  “Especially when things are hard.”  He wiped at his nose, sniffing.  “Right, Kid?”
The little tree didn’t answer, but Cal managed a smile, his eyes bright.  “I’m honored, Greez.”  He swallowed, gazing off into the distance.  “Hey.  …you ever talk to Pili?”
Pili turned around, holding something nestled in her large, gentle hands.  “I have just the thing for you, Greez.”  She bowed her head.  “Cal told me of your friend, and her sacrifice.  I am so sorry.  The Empire has taken so much.”
“I know,” said Greez heavily.  “Cere was a special lady.  She’d really found a home on Jedha.  She might not have been a gardener, but I feel like she made that desert bloom, you know?”
“I understand,” said Pili.  “Take this.”  She pressed a tiny pot of burnt-orange sandy soil into his hands.  “Keep it dry, and keep it cold.  A harsh ultraviolet light or two, and just the rarest drop of water.”
“Thank you for this.  I mean it.  I know sometimes I tease Cal about his strays, but… I’m glad he met you.”
“I am glad, too.”
He did as she instructed.  Blasted the little pot with harsh light, kept it chilly, kept it in an aridification chamber.  And one day he got bold, and added just the smallest drop of water.
Greez waited.  Held his breath for days, nervously checking up on the plant any chance he had.  Finally one day he woke up to a tiny sprout, and he smiled for what felt like the first time in forever.
The sprout grew fast.  Once a desert plant decided to grow, once it got that bit of water, it was ready.  A sprout became a leaf, became two, became a stem, a bud.  
Became a Jedha desert poppy.  Its petals unfurled in silver-blue and violet, shimmering in the dry air, worth every bit of the work.  Greez blinked back tears.  It was beautiful.
“Hey there, Cere.”
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inspofromancientworld · 5 months ago
Legendary Creatures: Harpy
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By Written and illustrated by John Vinycomb (1833–1928 biography) - Fictitious & Symbolic Creatures in Art http://heraldicart.org/fictitious-and-symbolic-creatures-in-art/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=114035415
Harpies (Greek: ἅρπυια hárpyia Latin: harpȳia) are Greek and Roman creatures that are half-human (chest and heads) and half-birds (wings, legs, tail) and personify storm winds. They are mostly found in Homeric poems.
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Source https://www.flickr.com/photos/duncanh1/4565921045
The human half of the harpy is a young woman who looks pale with hunger according to the Greeks and in pottery. The Romans considered them to be ugly. Ovid, who lived from 43 BCE to 17 or 18 CE, described them as a blend of humans and vultures. Hesiod described them as fair haired and winged maidens and able to fly as fast as the wind. Aeschylus, who lived from about 525 to 456 BCE, described them as ugly and seems to have influenced those who came after.
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Boreads chasing Harpies, Laconian black-figure kylix C6th B.C., National Etruscan Museum
Harpies began as personifications of winds, especially those that are destructive. The word 'harpy' means 'snatcher' or 'swift robbers' so they are said to steal food and evildoers, taking the evildoers to the Eumenides, underworld goddesses of vengeance. They were also called 'the hounds of mighty Zeus', relating them to Zeus' thunder. They were also called guardians of the underworld, keeping out other creatures like the Chimera, Gorgons, and Centaurs.
The exact relationships and names of the harpies vary by writer. Hesiod stated that their parents were Thaumas, a sea god who was the son of Gaia and Pontus, a primordial sea god, and Electra, an Oceanid, an ocean nymph who is a daughter of the Titan Oceanus and Tethys, a Titan, and sisters to the river god Hydaspes. Hesiod lists their names as Aello, meaning 'storm swift', and Ocypete, meaning 'the swift wing'.
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Museum Collection The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu Catalogue No. Malibu 85.AE.316 Beazley Archive No. 30369 Ware Attic Red Figure Shape Hydria, Kalpis Painter Attributed to the the Kleophrades Painter Date ca 480 B.C. Period Late Archaic
The most popular story involving harpies is when King Phineus of Thrace angered Zeus by using his gift of prophecy to reveal the plans of the gods, so Zeus blinded him and put him on an island with a banquet that the harpies at before he could eat any of it. This continued until Jason and the Argonauts arrived. Phineus bargained for his delivery from the harpies by using his gift of prophecy to guide them. The Boreads, sons of the North Wind, Boreas, drove off the harpies. There was a prophecy that the Boreads would destroy the harpies, but that the Boreads would die if they didn't defeat the harpies. The harpies fled and one fell into the Tigris, and the other reached the Echinades, a group of islands in the Ionian Sea, and collapsed with fatigue, along with the Boread that chased her. She promised to leave Phineus alone going forward and they were both allowed to live. Aeneas is then said to meet them during the Trojan war where they took away Trojans.
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zeynepisteee · 5 days ago
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soulfullofold · 2 years ago
FOR THA ASK MEME..#4 and #5 for denora dearest and also #38 for miss archivist and miss kalpis :J
How easy is it to earn Ora's trust? / How easy is it to earn her mistrust?
Truly earning her trust is an ordeal to say the least. Even in the face of unabashed and repeated kindness, her guard will remain up...unless one does something that convinces her otherwise. No amount of lip service will do it. It took a courageous sacrifice for Ora to trust her now-friend Heath. It took Tex helping to break Ora out of jail. It took Willa a canyon trip and a horse-wrangling mission. It took the repeated sacrifices Dia made during her case to help her. The list goes on. Mistrust, though... Once you've got her trust, you've got it for a long, long time. It would take intense cruelty to have Ora not on your side. But when that trust breaks? ✌ She's outta there forever. You'll never see or hear from her again. If you want it back, tough luck.
What memory do The Archivist and Kalpis revisit most often?
Oh weird. It's the same one. Soooo strange haha wonder why.
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deer-rising · 4 months ago
79895? sorry it's a bit of a mess right now
I pick Raggedjaw!
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The LAYERING!! I am Bad at Dressing Dragons and your whole lair is very Well Dressed, but this gal has some great stuff going on. The Coral Crown/Contestant's Skull/Mosswood Trim/Kalpie Mane combo to make a cool mossy deer skull? VERY cool and with just the spooky glassey part of Natural Primal peeking through? Ough..... Very Good. Quintessential Swamp Beast Cryptid Runners Up - Fendrel (Marigold Chrysocola is So Nice and he LOOKS KIND!), Miles (i love a white/cream pattern Atop Colours gott abe one of my favrouites genders), Juniper (wearing one of Olde Time Legendary Accent Series Piebald by DancingHare and another nice outfit!) and special shoutout to your Intro series of dragons(chickens/hedgehog/cat) it Sets the Vibes wonderfully. Like some kinda text based RPG
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elfin-blogg · 2 years ago
Aklıma geldikçe💥💥💥
Allah'ım aklıma gelmesin amin 🤲
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mavininincisiderya · 2 years ago
Arkiadaşlarıma iyi davrandım.Onların kalbini kırmak istemedim.Ama her defa kalbimi kırdılar. Onlarla dürüstce arkadaş olmak istedim kalplerinin kırılmaması için elimden geleni yapdım olmadı.Yinede kalpi kırılan ben oldum. Belkide onlar bilmedi belkide onları karndırdığıçı düşündüler ama ben onları çok sevdim ve yakın arkadaşım bildim. Ama onlar kalbimi kırdılar,2yuzluluk yapdılar, beni yalnış bir sey yapmışım gibi her zaman suçladılar
Ve sorunda şuki biliyoruz ki bir birimizin arkadaşı diyiliz ama oyun oynuyoruz arkadaşız gibi devranıyoruz.Bunu onlar istediler bende bunu devam etdirecem bakalım küçük oyunları ne zamana dek devam etcek. Sonda onlar bıkcaklar buna ADIM GİBİ EMİNİM.Ama bu menim kalbimin kötüleşdiyini asla göstermiyor Onlar kötülük yapdılar diye bende kötü biri olmıycam.Benim kalpim yinede iyilik işin çalışcak kalp kırmıycak.Zaten onlarda bir gün bunu anlıycak. Ama geç olcak. Ve bu benim umrumda diyil. Olmiycakda sadece kötü kalplerini onlara açıklamak istiyorum.
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kalpasio · 1 year ago
Damn I forgot my intro but HI IT'S 🧊ANON, CHECKING IN!!
IT'S BEEN A WHILE GOD DAMN. How many months have passed? I honestly have no idea😭 BUT I MISSED YOU!! How have you been?? Wow I completely forgot to send asks and stuff I'm so sorry🙏 My interest did like a 180 and now my new obsession is Jing Yuan from honkai star rail and Mizu from blue eye samurai🤭 I still love Kalpie but there's been like NO CONTENT of him so I had to stick to something else🧍‍♀️ Bring back the flamechasers, the anime was not enough!! I need more of KALPIE!!!
Anyway this is a random rant and it's like 2am atm but I was still curious since it's been so long!!!
it's been like over a year since I posted regularly 💀💀💀 I completely understand, I haven't played star rail but jing yuan is kinda 👀👀👀 I know since the story has moved on most fans wouldn't expect more of the golden courtyard anime but I would pay like 2 dollars for more of it I am very poor 💀
I hope you get some rest 🧊 anon!! I'm glad you're like alive and thank you so much for the ask 🧡🧡🧡
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