#kalos nuzlocke
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theoogtree · 3 months ago
oki same team for Clement except now they're all level 37 and I gave Chomper the eviolite to boost up his defense a little bit since he's still baby
I am kind of worried because I don't have any coverage for electric types like I have no ground moves at all lmfao but like it'll be fine
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mayordeas-clone · 7 months ago
playing a pokemon game after just finishing a persona game is funny as hell because now i feel compelled to actually use status moves
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waffticpkmn · 6 months ago
Nuzlocke Challenge comic ?
I would like to make a Nuzlocke Challenge comic , but I was wondering on what game should I be doing it :(
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year ago
So, uh... Was looking something up, and kinda started wondering...
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Why? Why are Mime Infestations a thing??
So, technically I did find my answer, which is that "infestation" is not actually a direct translation of the Japanese name for the move,
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But that just feels like it shifts things into a different sort of weird...
I get how a mime following you around at like an event space or a big intersection as a street performer kind of humorously mirrors not being able to get away from like, a wasp hounding after your ice cream on a hot summer day. But then the mimes are still the ONLY thing in this list that feels out of place.
Everything else is either a bug, a ghost, or some kind of thing that does kind of infamously swarm or congregate like frogs or tumbleweeds or mold or whatever. So it still makes this synonymous with like... a Plague of Mimes, which is still very funny
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bifurcate-nuzlocke · 2 years ago
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Page I is live! I’m so excited!!!
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wallyhastoomanynuzlockes · 2 months ago
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Playing pokemon in French. I am...getting so many girls.
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luchicm04 · 9 months ago
My Pokémon Challenges - PT. 2
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Game: Pokémon X
Challenge: Nuzlocke
Final team:
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Duration: 03/25/2023 - 04/01/2023
[This is one of the easiest and quickest lockes I've ever made. I've always wanted to try the 6th gen for myself, see how it really is. I gotta say, appart from the difficulty level, it was very enjoyable. The esthetic of the region, the music, the customization of the character, the new pokemons... totally underrated]
Nickname explanation:
-> Kurama: I was surprised when I realized my Fennekin was male (stop right there you femenists and furries) and I didn't really know what to name him. Seeing I was a huge fan of Naruto, I named him after the Kyubi because it was the only male fox name I could come up with.
-> Asunción: I know, I know. 'Asunción' (Assumpta in English, I believe) is a female name and my Gogoat is male. But this song had been stuck in my head for so long for random reasons and I was just dying to name one of my pokes like that.
-> Paloma: I think the reason for this one is pretty obvious. 'Paloma' literally means pidgeon and is a very popular name. Not my most original moment right there.
-> Escuero: same with this one. The meme speaks for itself.
-> Goku: yeah, I think we can all agree I got too lazy with naming my pokemons in this run.
-> Happy: no reason at all. I just thought of the kinder snack and the MCU's character and Peter Parker's friend. Ironically this poke always reminds me of when I caught a female one through an ultra wormhole thinking it was shiny. Pls tell me you can relate to that, it was such a bittersweet moment.
[What is a nuzlocke? You can only catch the first pokemon of each route and you gotta give them a nickname so you get attached to them (and receive emotional damage when they die) If they faint, you can never use them again]
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ribombeeloved · 2 years ago
Santalune Gym
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So far, my journey through Kalos has already had plenty of ups and downs. I already lost two pokemon, and they were the first pokemon I owned in this region.
I managed to defeat Viola, but not very easily. From here on out, I care for Pierce and Miku as all our lives depend on it.
...It doesn't lessen the sting, but I also caught a Skitty on my way out. Her name is Fancy Feast.
Pokemon Caught/Received:
Fennekin (Blaise), Bunnelby (Carrot), Kakuna (Pierce), Farfetch'd (Miku), Skitty (Fancy Feast)
Pokemon Evolved:
Kakuna -> Beedrill
Pokemon Lost:
Fennekin, Bunnelby
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blueberryblanket · 1 year ago
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Pokeddexy Day 24: Single Stage
My most vivid thoughts about Furfrou are about the couple on Kalos Route 6 who double battle you with Furfrou. "How cute!" No. For me, that is my Whitney Miltank. They've been the tragic end for more than one of my Nuzlockes for some inexplicable reason.
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toaarcan · 2 days ago
Pokemon Legends Z-A Trailer Thoughts
I like the way the battle system looks better than PLA's, the spacing and dodging is gonna be odd but it looks less bullshit. I doubt Pokemon's headliner titles are going to move away from standard turn-based battles, but if they did, this looks better than PLA. Of course, I have to actually play it to judge it, but I'm optimistic.
The game being set after XY rather than before it doesn't surprise me- That reveal trailer looked way more future-y than past-y. Also means we get to see more out of A-Z, which I'm down for. Also also, quietly smug because since the reveal I've been mulling over a Kalos-set Nuzlocke sequel to my Y run, and this will make it much easier to do that!
Starter choice is, honestly, really weird. Two Johto starters is just bizarre (not that they don't need help, it's just odd), and the third one being Unovan just makes it weirder. I can get them not wanting to mess with the Kanto or Hoenn trios because they've already got Megas, and not going to Kalos because we'll likely be catching them in the wild like the Sinnoh trio in PLA, but fuck, Sinnoh was right there, guys.
It'd be funny if the Mega Foreshadowing for Chikorita means we get to the end of this game and have a situation where Typhlosion is the only Johto starter without a Mega.
Despite being a Totodile enjoyer through and through, I'd rather Chikorita be the sole Johto rep, poor bean needs it more.
Already don't trust Jett. At this point a CEO in a Pokemon game is like a cute new buddy in a Kirby game, those fuckers always turn out to be bad guys.
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fractured-dreamers · 2 months ago
[2 online]
[1 still unconnected]
[Take 3]
[Take 1]
[End of [redacted]] [sector is private]
Uh hello? What app is this, this wasn’t on my phone before.
But hi there ‘rotomblr’, I’m Oriole (he/him??), a new trainer to Kalos who’s on my Pokemon journey after having a really weird dream, nice to be here?
My team changes a lot, apparently my universe is more dangerous than others?
What’s up rotomblr, I got access to this account today while Ori was slacking, I’m Usagi, and just moved from Kanto to Alola (in the middle of the night I might add) so I’m just gonna be getting used to being in a new place and maybe get some pokemon✨
(Blog contains characters in a nuzlocke, and will therefore regularly contain Pokemon death, please be aware)
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[Take 1: Robyn]
[Take 2: Wren]
(Hey there! Making some discord guys I’m using for my attempts at nuzlocking into a blog! Main blog is @hoiimtemmi)
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theoogtree · 4 months ago
gym 2 team. Really it's only the first three because rekindled and statistical improbability and soar high are benched due to being weak and weak and four times weak to rock types so everyone say good luck to my beaver and my duck and my rose bush
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crovvertti · 7 months ago
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[OC] Kalos Nuzlocke had me in a OC making mood 🤭🤭 very much a WIP but would love to make an official sheet for him lmao
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months ago
I should probably finish Pokemon Shield first since I was almost at the end anyway and I've been putting that off for a year, but I want to do another pokemon challenge. The gimmicky Sapphire and Alolan forms only Ultra Moon runs were fun, but the fairy types only in Kalos was too easy, though I probably should've guessed as much since fairy types have been op since their introduction and Kalos is notorious for babying the player. Oh well.
It's often hard to gauge how hard the challenges will actually be before I do them because even if I know the game really well there's always unexpected twists and turns, and the line between a difficult but rewarding challenge and straight up torturing yourself can be incredibly fine. So I've decided to just really toe the line towards what I think will be difficult but still manageable and at least generally enjoyable. I have some ideas, but I'm not interested in nuzlockes or solo pokemon runs, sooo,
*The Universal Randomizer lets you mod pokemon roms so that you get random pokemon instead of the usual handful that are scripted to show up in certain areas. Basically I'd turn that on, get to pick between the three starters it spits out since those can also be randomized, and catch the first five unique species I come across. Then that's it, I'm locked in, no other new pokemon except for HMs. If I managed to get legendaries or really strong multi-stage final evolution pokemon, I would ignore those and move on to whatever comes up next.
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year ago
All this Pokemon Z-A and Kalos on the brain got me.to pick up X for the first time in ages, and I figured a nuzlocke, because why not? But I forgot how odd this game was. Full 3d and no sprite for the first time. The big group of friends. The store sells pokeballs before you even get to the tutorial. The weird viridian forest clone. The new exp for catching. The weird little micro routes. Hell, the jump to 3d models... It all seems so quaint to think this all was a step up but it's neat and cozy to be back in it again, even if it wasn't my favorite gen.
In any case say hello to the team thus far:
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Erie the Fennekin; he is Rash and Hates to lose. I was kind of banking on getting a girl so I could name her after Dorothy Dietrich, but I settled for naming my little guy after Dietrich's hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania. Dorothy Dietrich was a famous stage magician, magic historian, and hoax debunker known for helping to pave the way for female magicians at a time when the business was still fiercely sexist.
Dayton the Pidgey; he's Gentle and Capable of taking hits. Named after the hometown of the Wright brothers in Ohio. I was sorta feeling the precedent I'd set with Erie and I've always liked naming pokemon after towns or other types of geographic locations, I feel like it fits that good space in-between being a "people" name and a pet name.
Saturna the Kakuna; she's Calm yet Quick to flee. My naming schema starts falling apart here already... I could not think of any historical figures strongly associated with bees. I considered the village Sherlock Holmes retires to in His Last Bow, but it turns out that was never really named. So instead I tried naming it after the village/island in the infamous 2006 remake of Wickerman(the one with the bees), but that was also never named. So I had to settle for Saturna Island, the location parts of the film was shot in, in British Columbia, Canada.
Van Nuys the Fletching; he is also Rash, and Somewhat of a clown. This one was a stretch, but I went with naming him after Van Nuys, California, where the Van Nuys Assembly Plant was in operation from 1947-1992. Among other things they produced the second generation Pontiac Firebird. My father's first car was a 1971 Firebird Trans Am, and I've always kind of wanted to have one, but I've never felt confident in the commitment it would take to keep it running even if I could afford one in working order.
and Okuno the Azurill; they are Brave and Take plenty of siestas. Named after Okunoshima, the island in Japan that went viral years back as the "rabbit island". I had trouble thinking of anything with both "rabbit" and "water" associations... I considered Arnhem, after the Battle Arnhem that Richard Adams based large portions of Watership Down on, but that was... Uh... Kind of a not great battle in WWII so it felt a little heavy for a dumb little pokemon reference...
All this and I haven't even challenged the first gym yet...
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oceandiagonale · 11 months ago
Speaking of OCs, I've actually got one from my Nuzlock runs that's similar to Generic in terms of journeys in Kalos and Hoenn: Reine Sagorsky, Sky Trainer. She moved to Kalos from Hoenn and eventually becomes Yeltal's Scion/ Hero. Just from that lens, it'd be interesting to see them interact in that sense.
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(originally sent in April 30, 2023,,, good lort,,, 😳😨)
hang on I have to go look something up
[one search of the Mórrigan later where I realize I know very little about Celtic mythology] oh!!! I really like that, having Yveltal as the main legendary works exceptionally well in a Nuzlocke, where battles are literally life or death. also calling them Boss is very funny, like it's accurate and very cavalier fsdlfsdfdskfskdhfs
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no no, don't worry, they don't have to have title names!! reine already has a full name so she's all set with her character tag!
anyone can be any legendary's hero (like red being mew's/mewtwo's hero, but still having his own name, and the same thing with white/reshiram and ruby/latios!) the whole "protagonist" thing mainly applies to like... characters who were just spontaneously generated to protect their world lol (for example, kyogre and KK, or the Unown and Cream "WIP protagonist")
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