#kalos fans how are you guys feeling!!!
mnstcrbnll · 7 months
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oh the neighbors are being LOUD
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phlurrii · 5 months
Out of curiosity, how come you dislike Ash? A lot of people seem to really like him, so it’d be interesting to see another point of view! Feel free to ignore this ask if you’d like tho.
To preface, as I know I’ll see them, if you guys like ash? That’s freaking awesome. Hands down, there is nothing wrong with loving a goober >;3
So Ash Lovers don’t take personal offense to my opinion, because that’s all is it, an opinion that in no, way shape, or form actually affects you X3
Anywho onto said opinion I know I’ll get flamed for!
So Ash just had the personality go a dish rag to me, he’s the most basic, run of a mill, boy protagonist. In the earlier seasons he wasn’t afraid to throw hands and be interesting, but they mellowed him down to be as predictable, 2 note, and “hero will do hero thing” as possible.
Not to mention the constant memory loss. He’s never allowed to grow as a character, I couldn’t ever get invested in anything because bro would forget it all in 20 minutes… and unlike status quo shows, this one is literally about growing to be the very best that ever was XD They wanted their cake and to eat it too, which made it really unfulfilling and boring to me even as a kiddo. They juggled between making him over powered and nerfing him into the floor. I think I gave up completely after the Kalos Championship battle where they shoe horned that loss in.
Not to say I really followed the anime, it was fine, a few episodes here and there I liked… but I purposely stopped watching after that forced loss. I think Ash worked really well for what he was suppose to be, with a lot of his fans being those that grew up with him from a very young age. Which is what he was made to appeal too, but I got into Pokémon at 8-9 years old, so he had no appeal to me in design, motives, growth, or even pokemon choice. Coupled with a lukewarm personality, garishly predictable stupidity, and his flaws just becoming annoying? He’s just not for me.
He was better in the movies at least ;V
Also please no one hate on folks who do love him, he is objectively fine, just not my cup of tea ;]
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cocolacola · 2 years
hellsing pokemon au !!
as promised, im going back to my usual hellsing shenanigans with some pokemon stuff. ive had this in my brain for months but have never gotten around to doing anything with it! my autistic ass has absorbed information about pokemon before i could have normal thought patterns, so hopefully my takes are at least a little satisfying. feel free to interact with ur own thoughts and suggestions!
i provided long explanations of each, but if you dont want to read all that just look at the pictures :P
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long post ahead!
note: these aren't definitive teams, just me throwing around ideas. don't take this as the holy grail of headcanons or anything.
seras victoria
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boltund would be her first pokemon i think, her main partner from before her work with the organization. togetic is here because idk im a togetic 4lifer and im a kinnie ? it just really made sense to me, just vibes, plus i think she really needed a flying type. may become a togekiss later, that would be cute. umbreon is pip's eevee that she evolved, and blastoise is a gift from walter. i think she needs more red pokemon to match her color palette and vampire vibes so ill probably add to this!
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alucard needs a legendary of course, so darkrai. i think they would be good friends, they give the same "misunderstood tortured soul" vibes. houndoom to represent baskerville, noivern to fit the vampire/bat aesthetic.
and an important distinction:
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i think girlycard should have a hisuian sneasel. they're the same critter. two ancient beings.
sir integra
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im surprised with how much i struggled with this one. i feel like a fake fan. smh, anyways. sirfetch'd is perfect to me-even the unevolved farfetch'd is super fitting too-but i included the final form for this post. i wanted to stick with galar pokemon, but aegislash is literally a sword. cmon. stoutland is a recommendation from a friend that i 100% agree with. ive always associated her with the serperior line, so snivy was probably her starter. i think that'd be cute. im really open to suggestions on this one because i think she deserves more steel or normal types.
pip bernadotte
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this is a big one! there were so many good options with pip... and i didnt even mean to color code it 😅 i wanted him to have an electric type to match seras (to add to the whole rivals-to-lovers aesthetic), so his main partner is raichu! it was between that or mudsdale, who i also really like (and is the only one on this team who cant be found in kalos, haha). i wanted him to have a bird (for the geese) so there's dodrio. scrafty and tauros just fit the vibe perfectly to me-they're sorta like honorable mentions. eevee is originally his but he eventually gives it to seras, who evolves it into umbreon. if pip would have kept it, i think it would have evolved into sylveon (the whole kalos thing).
walter c dornez
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some interesting picks for walter. corvisquire is his main guy, his "angel of death", he's raised it from a rookidee since he was a kid. maybe it would evolve into corviknight when he becomes Dark Walter. not sure how that would work. i choose not to think about dark walter. bisharp is there for the steel typing vibes as well as the chess symbolism: it really hits right for me, with walter's arc being about how he's played as a "pawn", in a sort of way. also a nod to a very dear friend of mine who loves walter and the pawniard line respectively. :) now, why leavanny, you ask? it learns string shot, of course! also because id like to think he would raise a sewaddle in his old age to help him with things around the estate.
..aaand im out of room for images in the post! i'll make a part 2 with some bonus thoughts + the iscariot organization if i feel like it. bye for now!
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werewolf-kat · 7 months
(Pokemon Presents spoilers)
Oh heck, didn't care for any of the other stuff but that final announcement was a total surprise. All the Unowns made me think something Johto-related was coming up. But it's Kalos and bringing back mega evos! (Which I actually do miss after they've been gone for ages now...)
The way the logo animation first showed "Z" alone actually brought back some of that old feeling of speculating Pokemon games and the "Crystal/Emerald/Platinum" entry for having trio versions again. (Though nowadays the novelty of that has died out for me)
I fondly remember people wishing for a Pokemon Z so we could see more love and lore for Zygarde. Gotta say, I am still a Zygarde fan myself.
But then the logo also showed an A afterward!
"ZA" being backwards "AZ" brings interesting story/lore possibilities to mind. I liked Legends Arceus way more than the main series Switch games so far. And with Kalos, X/Y did feel like weak games (to me) that had some lost story potential back in the 3DS days. I'd love to see what they do with that for a Legends game! Maybe stuff they couldn't fit into X/Y at the time?
Still nervous about release dates, though. I uh, heavily dislike TPCI's regulations and deadlines to force big Pokemon games every year or two (and primarily putting that on one dev company). Screw them. I want the franchise to have soul and love again. Legends Arceus really felt like that to me despite it feeling like it released too early too. Let the dev teams breathe, man.
(I have some criticisms toward how Gamefreak manages employees themselves too, though... )
Other than that, Idk if they're gonna attempt to jump onto some X/Y remake to pair with Legends ZA like they did to D/P... -sweats- For better or for worse, B/W would get skipped. With how the climate is right now for Pokemon, I lean on it being for the best. Gen 5 was peak for me. Even then, I don't think any of the original games should "deserve" a remake quite yet unless the development is handed to a different company and given a more reasonable deadline to not release one of the most unfinished games in Pokemon so far.
Felt so bad for a friend of mine who loves Gen 4 and Sinnoh a ton. Man, I'm sorry that happened to you guys in the Sinnoh apprecation/love camp. That was a disaster to witness. At least Legends Arceus was great? (We can pretend the DP remakes didn't happen and all we did need was PLA for a refreshing revisit to a Pokemon region...)
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profsilverleaf · 1 year
Regarding the Johto Raid, (what happened)
Context: There's a villain team known as Team Calm. They genetically modify Pokemon to make them more friendly and cute, to the detriment to those Pokemon's well-being.
This is the story of my part in the Team Calm Johto Raid
I have sneaked around their Kalos lab along with a friend (ooc: Leinwen of untitledswanna). Together we gathered incriminating evidence and she sent it to Prof Lemon. Someone we knew that was well-known and was concerned about Team Calm.
Well this ended up leading to Miku calling for the Alola raid, something I was initially planning on joining in. Then an idea struck my mind... why just stop at the Alola base? What if we struck another base at the same time, or a little bit after the Alola raid?
Well I privately went to Lemon with the idea and she was receptive to it. We had both ended up going to Johto. Well, we were still planning things out by the time the Alola raid ended and Miku also made a call on some individuals (which ended up including both me and Lemon coincidentally) to quietly raid the Johto base.
So it was me, Lemon, Cee, Touya, Taraka, and Arezu. Our small group worked together to do a covert operation. Lemon would stay outside with a truck for transporting the Pokemon while the rest of us sneak inside and get the Pokemon out, as well as keep guards busy.
Things started off very well... I was finding great success in using my Abra, Houdini to quickly teleport Pokemon to the truck, as well as keeping guards at bay with my other Pokemon.
Then I saw a message in our groupchat we made for our Johto raid. Lemon was calling for immediate help because of guards finding the truck and her not being able to hold all of them back at once. I had Houdini teleport me to the truck so I could help her.
I asked Houdini to keep up the mission of teleporting the UD Pokemon to the truck, the little guy would have to go alone though, but he was up to the task.
Me and Lemon worked together to defend the Pokemon in the truck from being captured by the guards. I'm not really sure how long it went on, I'm not good at time. But it was maybe only 5 minutes since I had got there, when the fire became visible to us. The building had caught on fire!
I don't know how it happened. And I wonder how fast it had spread. It could have already been started before I even left.
How could I describe that moment... the feeling of shock of seeing something that spelled doom. Things had been going relatively well. They had been.
I was so utterly focused on the guards, both in front of us and some I could see running over in the distance. I was also focused on the Pokemon in truck double checking that they were alright. I felt glad everytime I saw the flash of Houdini briefly showing up before flashing away. Houdini, along with one of Taraka's Pokemon, a Cosmog.
I didn't notice the fire immediately, it was Lemon who saw it. I just remember her gasping in horror and I looked her way and saw what she was seeing. The guards we had been going up against must have saw our aghast faces because they started turning around and panicking, calling to people inside the building with their walkies-talkies... or at least trying to...
You see... I have a Magneton, and magnets and electronics often don't go well together. And I didn't want them to call for reinforcements... so I had Click mess with electronics so they would stop working.
I like to think. I hope to think. That the people inside already knew and were already working on dealing with the fire. I hate to think... that I made things worse... that people would have known sooner if I hadn't done that...
Seeing the fire I scrambled to think of something... anything I could do. I did have an idea but I wasn't sure how effective it would be. After all it wasn't a move my Porygon Z, Zip, had used in years. And I'm not exactly.... a fan of the move. But using Blizzard was the best I could think of that could slow down the fire.
So I told Zip to use Blizzard on the fire. It looked at me as if I had pulled a Doduo and grew two heads. But with seeing the fire already slowly spreading it nodded. And I braced myself. You see.... I'm not really a big fan of ice moves. Or ice types. Or ice and snow in general. Not a fan. I've got my reasons. (and I hate Neo Plasma)
The Blizzard helped a little... I think. I tried my best to keep my mind of the... ice. Instead I was just waiting and waiting for the other people we came with to get out. I was also on the edge of my seat when it came to Houdini, despite the fire it insisted to keep going in anyway. Later, Houdini had to be treated for some serious burns at the Pokecenter. The little guy just had to keep going in the dangerous areas to get out anybody it could. That also ended up including humans as well. I guess he knew he was one of the best chances for those trapped in the fire to get out safely.
The blaze increased in intensity, despite the best efforts of Zip and the water Pokemon that the guards had, as well as the water type UDs (unfortunately their water moves were very weak). I saw Houdini growing weaker from the burns and constant teleporting. I worried that it would just faint inside the building. So I grabbed him to stop him from teleporting. I knew that if just used the ball he would get out and go right back to what he was doing. But if I was holding on to him, if he teleported he would end up carrying me along. I knew he wouldn't.
I don't speak Abra, but I think he was basically swearing at me for stopping him from going back. He wasn't happy.
I ended up going home to Kalos after this mess. I thought I would be going back to Alola.... but I needed me time. I helped to get some of the UDs into Kalos shelters.
The nurses say that Houdini will be ok but that it will likely have burn scars for the rest of its life. I suppose in a funny way we match. It has fire scars and I have an ice-related scar.
I've been a bit quite lately, I've had a lot to think about.
I saw Lemon's post and decided to make my own.
From my knowledge, the Team Calm people do keep records of who worked there as well as the Pokemon. But the records got burnt in the fire. The other bases had backup records... but the backups were being kept in the Johto Lab. It was the main lab after all. I don't know if there were any other backups or not.
Even if there were I'm not sure if I would strength to look at them. But I would anyway. I would have to know, even if I don't want to. To know how many were lost in the fire. It be a sort of... closure.
I worry this whole thing was a mistake.
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What are your headcanons for the Pokémon BW rivals?
Hi and thank you very much for the ask. I have a lot of headcannons on the BW crew as they are my favorite set of rivals in the entire pokemon series 💗💗
I like to hc that they are all like one big family. They are constantly hanging out at each other's houses and hanging out in public with each other. When they are not together, they stay connected through texts, calls, and social media. They always have eachs other's backs.
I like to think that Bianca and Trip grew up together since they are both confirmed to be from Nuvema Town. Anyways, Bianca would used to baby sit Trip while his parents were out. Of course Trip being his typical self wasn't too fond of the idea of Bianca being his babysitter due to her clumsiness. However, Trip eventually warmed up to her and they became close friends as they became older. Trip still gets annoyed by Bianca's ditziness sometimes though. 😌
Like a lot of fans, I do believe that Burgundy was originally from the Kalos region. But she then moved to Unova with her family at a young age. Her parents would still make her take french classes so she would be fluent in the language. So I hc that Burgundy speaks in some french words because it is harder for her to switch back and forth between English and French.
Speaking of, I hc that Burgundy knew Georgia from a young age. They met at nursery school and continued to be best friends after the fact. Georgia was from Iciruss city and came from kind of a broken household. Her mother was a workaholic and her father left the family when Georgia was young. This homelife left Georgia slightly troubled so Burgundy would act as a rock of support and her family would constantly invite Georgia over to their house for meals and sleepovers. When Georgia became a teenager, she and her mother would start fighting a lot.. this caused Georgia to runaway from home and start living with Stephan and his family. This is part of the reason why Stephan sees Georgia as his little sister and is very protective of her.
I also like to hc that Georgia is very protective of Cameron and likes to keep him out of trouble cause we all know how Cameron is. Georgia probably has the most sympathy and understanding for Cameron out of all the BW gang. Funny how caring she is when she isn't in "Dragon Buster" mode. 😏 This leads me to think that Cameron has developed a small crush on Georgia but won't tell her about it. Although, Georgia probably notices the blushing on Cameron's face whenever she is around him... But she just smiles and chuckles to her self and doesn't tell him about it. 😉
I like to think that Bianca and Virgil are dating. I don't really know why, I just hc that they are boyfriend-girlfriend. I think Bianca was very into Eevee since she adores cute pokemon and this made Virgil interested in her Soo... they are a really cute couple now. 😁
So, since Georgia didn't have a good relationship with her mother. This turned her into a rebellious wild child. So, whenever she hangs out with Burgundy, they get into mischief together under Georgia's influence. This could be sneaking out, gossiping in public, going to parties, etc. However, Burgundy always tries to keep Georgia in line and makes sure she doesn't get to reckless since she is such a good friend. By the way, Burgundy likes to do her favorite things with Georgia such as shopping, painting nails, or going out to a fancy restaurant. So, they are just like sisters and despite how annoying they can be to each other, they are always bff's. ❤️❤️
Anyways, thanks again for the ask. I really appreciate it. If You guys ever have any questions about pokemon BW or anything I'm into. Feel free to ask me anytime. ☺️
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hishima · 1 year
okayyyy finished pkmn y (first time through kalos yippeeeeee) and it was okay. little mini review under the cut. just for fun :)
honestly imo the kalos dex sucks. in my first playthrough of any region i try to use pokemon that were introduced in that gen but it was a struggle for me to find good ones to use. the gen 1 pandering was insane and the amount of gifted pokemon too. ik you don't have to use them but for my first playthrough i like doing it """"lore accurate"""" so i did and i ended up with only 1 gen 6 pkmn on my team (delphox <3)
but i feel like i didn't see many kalos pokemon in other trainer's teams either. but then again i don't remember many of the teams bc i was insanely overleveled and defeated everything rlly quickly
(EXCEPT for the water e4 member his clawitzer kept killing my ampharos and i had no other way to deal with water types lol)
THE STORY ummmm. umm. it was okay. the pacing was a bit weird but there were some good concepts and there are some interesting characters. wasn't a fan of any of the rivals though i would take 1 good rival over having a friend group
also for how much people hype up mega evolutions i found how they were incorporated really disappointing? like it had barely any significance to the plot and only like 3 other trainers use it?? yea korrina lysander and diantha were the only ones who used it against me. i barely used it either i didn't really see the need for it
anyway. i feel like oras did a better job of incorporating megas somehow. probably bc your starters got one which. WHY DID THE KALOS ONES NOT. come on
AESTHETICALLY SPEAKING. nice enough. i will always prefer pixel art in these games but there were some nice environments
highlights for me were the route before snowbelle city with the bridge, couriway town, and reflection cave
to me oras looked nicer, but that might just be because hoenn is generally better designed imo
WHAT I DID LIKE is the rollerskates. movement in general was good in this game it was fast and fluid and you don't need too many hms
unfortunately the 3ds soundtracks don't hit for me usually ☹️. i don't know what it is but i don't love the soundfont and most of the kalos songs sounded very similar to me. but my favourite is the boutique theme honestly that one is a banger. diantha's battle theme was pretty good too
what else is there......... umm
THE CUSTOMIZATION WAS PRETTY GOOD i liked the outfits but i wish there were more hair options and that the clothes weren't genderlocked. still there were some cute outfits and the default trainer designs look really nice to me as well
also sycamore is officially my least favourite professor i don't likehim. the vibes are off and i didn't like how he was like "oh lysander was just a bit disillusioned but he had some valid points we should have met him halfway" BRO HE TRIED TO KILL EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD. the dick can NOT be that good please change your ways
wtf happened to that guy anyway. did he die or get arrested or escape or what.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
I never actually did this. Ranking the villain arcs.
#8: Alola The only VA that I'm willing to say what entirely bad on every front. Just an absolute garbage event. Literally no stakes, no significance, not even a real conflict. Instead of just whipping Lusamine around to being good, now we also have to drag Faba into this kicking and screaming. The worst part is the alts weren't even that good. Sure, SS Acerola wound up being fantastic, but the other three are fairly unimpressive, with Mina being borderline bad. Also I'm just saying, it's not my favorite on aesthetics either. And to think we got all of this...instead of a good Lusamine alt. Or hell, somehow without a Lillie alt. Or Gladion. Or anyone I think people were clamoring for. I'm usually in favor of lesser favorites getting alts but this one stings a bit.
#7: Kalos Kalos felt similarly nothing, because the main event was Giovanni stealing some data from Team Flare, by...having some Rocket grunts pose as their grunts? And threaten to fire a big weapon they had? Lysandre is toothless at this point, mostly just grousing about his ideals or whatever while refusing to act for vague reasons. At least he gets to kill people. Also the alt game was strong. SS Diantha was a great Rock Zone option, Emma and Anabel finally got in, and I do like SS Lysandre even if I'm not a fan of Volcanion.
#6: Hoenn Hoenn feels like it's just treading old ground with little in the way of innovation. It tells a story where things happen, so it's better than the last two, but that story is mostly Maxie and Archie continuing to wax philosophical while Giovanni riles up their beasts as distraction to steal a bunch of Pokemon. Which on its own is okay. But then it shifts kinda out of nowhere into the same old "there is a meteor" thing. Also Deoxys just shows up with no significance or fanfare, the protagonists don't really accomplish shit, and more emphasis is placed on Zinnia getting her mega evolution than anything. The alts for the event were fun, but nothing in this event felt important. You could've just not done this one and not a single thing would've changed for any future story.
#5: Unova Comparable to Hoenn. Ghetsis tries to do stuff, and at the very least this isn't a Giovanni plot in disguise, but it amounts to nothing. Ghetsis is completely useless when he's not able to scheme, and events just don't carry much weight. Hilda just shows up with Victini, while Hilbert getting Genesect is...fairly mundane. Even N's Kyurem is wildly out of nowhere. The alts were good, don't get me wrong. But Hilda's just damage, and N's fairly awkward, so it's a little messy.
#4: Galar Galar...went well, actually. I think it's actually a good story. The alts were reasonable though I hate the Gloria alt on Cinderace-themed principle. I like how the story actually incorporates Giovanni without making him the center of attention. I like that it ends in failure for him like all of these actually did even if we never acknowledge it. There's just one teeny tiny thing that makes this hard to accept. Rose is an alternate reality Rose. And so is Oleana. For...no reason. Sincerely, why? Because you couldn't come up with a way for him to bounce back from the Darkest Day? Lysandre fired the ultimate weapon and nearly killed everyone, and we just kinda treat him as some surly guy that lives in the woods, this is absolute cowardice. If it weren't for this, Galar would be #3, but as it stands...
#3: Sinnoh SOMEHOW, Sinnoh gets to be #3. Look, I won't pretend like Sinnoh's events were important in the grand scheme. It's very much a side story to Giovanni's stuff. Which is why it's good. It is the only one completely removed from Giovanni. Instead, we focus on Cyrus, whose perfect world was found in Darkrai. The instant he got the opportunity, he just retreated into his own dark world and refused to come out until people made him. Which is funnier than it is serious. More to the point, though, this story had consequences. Team Galactic still operates, but his grunts openly acknowledge they're on a different track and focused on scientific development more than destruction of spirit. And I'm willing to bet Renegade Cynthia will have some significance when Volo shows up. Events from this VA endure, and had more of an impact.
#2: Kanto But of course, Pokemon is just Kanto. Literally just Kanto, if it's not about Kanto stuff we don't care and won't try for you. The quality between Kanto/Johto and literally everything else is so stark that I legitimately think this entire VA thing was a fucking waste of time. Which is sad because it started so fucking well. Giovanni steals some data that lets him unlock the power of mega evolution in his Mewtwo, and becomes strong enough to fight off Red and Blue, then escapes to become a massive threat hiding in the shadows. All of this around a great little narrative about how Mewtwo enjoys causing problems on purpose, and they do have a true bond in that desire. And on the heroes' side, we get Paulo starting to act up, Blue being a leader and champion, and I admit even Red gets to be a bit of a chaos gremlin about things with the whole Dynamaxing in a contained space and nearly crushing everyone. There's great stuff! But of course, just like actual Kanto, we can do better.
#1: Johto There's always the sequel. Johto is easily the best VA. Not only do we have more of an emotional hook with Silver's connection to Giovanni and attempt to put a stop to all this, we also have everyone in Johto working in tandem to fight back as Team Rocket temporarily assumes control of Pasio. We get direct continuity from the last event as Giovanni learns about Dynamax/Gigantamax, and learns to apply that to his Nidoking. And unlike Kanto's fairly limited sync pair choices, Johto rules. A bunch of first time alts (and Lyra), all of which are fantastic, including what remains one of the best supports, and the strongest disruptive effect in the game even now. Sure, SS Giovanni wound up being a dud in the grand scheme, but he's Kantonian, failure comes naturally to him. It was the only other time that they legitimately tried to make something interesting.
I think the big problem here is DeNA's refusal to actually engage with its villains. That's probably because some villains are too good to really do much with, but like...if you can do it with Cyrus, the guy trying to unmake reality, you can do it with the others. Lysandre, Lusamine, even Rose are all just ignored as threats. Maxie and Archie are sidelined so hard they effectively don't do anything at all. Ghetsis tries but is completely ineffectual without scheming in his corner. All of them could have had more to do. Lysandre's willing to kill, but let his clash with Team Rocket mean something rather than just be petty nonsense. Lusamine still cares for her children but never confronted what her flaw actually way; let her go villain mode on Giovanni for threatening her kids. Actually engage with the fact Rose is an extremist and that maybe he could be talked down or brought to other solutions, without just hand-waving events. It's just such a mess, seeing how many of these antagonists went to complete waste. Whatever the next story arc is, I hope it's lower stakes. DeNA does better when they go with just heartfelt or lighthearted. I don't think they're legally allowed to get serious.
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torterragarden · 2 years
001 pokemon specifically x and y bc im making you take pity on Kalos
Fine 🙄
Favorite character: Shauna because of the rivals she has the most discernible personality, she's pretty funny and likable. Diantha is very cool and very hot but really doesn't do enough or live up to her potential so. yeah idk I think Shauna
Least Favorite character: Lysandre makes my head hurt trying to understand what the fuck he's about. He makes me like Chairman Rose more by comparison and that says a lot
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): uuh Shauna/Serena is boutiqueshipping I think, right? Anyway, that's one. perfectworldshipping is pretty funny so that's another one. idk if phaesporiashipping counts cause Cynthia isn't actually in XY but if it counts then that. I don't know of any other Kalos ships sorry
Character I find most attractive: Diantha, I really love her design. The old movie star vibe she's got really does it for me. Plus she's Champion so like #girlboss even tho she's one of the easiest Champions to beat
Character I would marry: Diantha. See above
Character I would be best friends with: uuh... Diantha? I guess?
a random thought: I really don't dislike XY as much as I make it sound like lmao I don't dislike it at all really, it's just that there's nothing about it that makes me want to play it over any other Pokemon game. Like I just don't Care about it is all
An unpopular opinion: Here's a big one, I never liked megas. A mechanic that only benefits like 30 out of hundreds of Pokemon, most of them being Pokemon that were already strong and popular anyway, was never that interesting to me for a casual playthrough, and only like 5 megas were even viable in competitive so it wasn't any more interesting there. And none of the Pokemon who got megas were gen 6 Pokemon despite the mechanic being introduced in gen 6? not even the starters? Oh no but lets give megas to the Kanto starters, hell lets give our special little guy Charizard two. come on. At least the Galar starters got gigantamaxes eventually and there were still plenty of gen 8 Pokemon that had them from the start. Also literally the only one that looks good is Mega Sableye, and that's just because it's regular Sableye but with ruby eyes and a big gem to hide behind. Every other mega is at best Fine and at worst ugly as shit, because the design philosophy for megas seemed to be "it's [Pokemon] but cooler, and cooler means busier". Have you seen mega Garchomp? Have you seen what they did to my boy? Disgusting. I never want to see it again.
My Canon OTP: "otp" is too strong a word for it but boutiqueshipping. That fireworks scene was so romantic coded this IS canon idc
My Non-canon OTP: phaesporiashipping. I just think Diantha and Cynthia should kiss
Most Badass Character: Diantha, at least in theory
Most Epic Villain: no. I am not giving Lysandre and credit lmao
Pairing I am not a fan of: I really don't know enough of the Kalos pairings to know which ones I don't like specifically, if it's obviously gross and bad for the obvious reasons etc etc then yeah throw it all out but like I don't Know
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): LYSANDRE. Also Diantha. How did they set her up to have an opposite philosophy to Lysandre in her first scene and then just never have her play a part in anything involving him later
Favourite Friendship: Shauna and Serena I guess, or Shauna and whatever the male player character was if you prefer. Calem? yeah
Character I most identify with: Sycamore because I am also a dumb idiot villain apologist
Character I wish I could be: I would sooner die than be French
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insecateur · 2 years
What’s your opinion on the Kalos va? yay or nah?
do u mean the voice actors.. ? hmm
i like the japanese ones a lot, i think akio ohtsuka for lysandre in pokémas was very big-brained of them and i hope we get more of him voicing lysandre in the future thanks to the game .. !
in general i'm not rly a big fan of lysandre's english voices. i think d.c. douglas in pokémas is the best one he's got ever tho. despite the fact that i hate how they have him pronounce "adieu" (so it rhymes with "you" i guess... i just don't like it... sorry.) i don't remember what sycamore's english VA sounds like in pokémas i'm sorry LOL i don't think i remember disliking it tho? it was fine.
i have no strong feelings about the other characters' voices... they're okay.
in french i feel like they keep getting guys who can't do deep enough voices for lysandre and still asking them to do deep voices. it's maddening. he always ends up sounding like he's constantly out of breath. i liked his french VA in pokémon evolutions tho. i think they picked a good one for this one and he doesn't sound like he's forcing it. and it's better than the one in pokémon generations, imo (he talks way too fast in that one ??? it's kind of endearing, i suppose...)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah as you can see in general lysandre is the only one i really have strong opinions about LMAO i just... don't really care about voices for characters in general to be honest. it's just not something i think about a lot. i think lysandre should get to have a deep voice tho <- the only thing that matters 2 me
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lostonessoulworld · 2 years
Pokemon: A team to care for
So if it isn’t obvious Pokemon is pretty much the ONE Jrpg/rpg I can play that I feel like I don’t suck at. Fire emblem? BRUh If there wasn’t basically a easy mode I think EVERYONE in my game would be dead. Xenoblade Chronicles? I struggle with even the most basic enemies. I could go on but you probably get the idea. Because of this I have a long and storied history with the games. Through the good times, bad times, and the times of introspection some version of a team of six made up of various monsters has ALWAYS been there. So. yesterday, cause I noticed you guys seem to like it when I tell stories related to my pokemon journey’s, I decided to make a team of pokemon based around this ONE. SIMPLE. QUESTION. If I had to make a team of six out of the pokemon that matter most to me (have some sort of special meaning or connection to me) what would that team look like? Well I went to Pokecharms, made a trainer card, and here are the results.
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Leading the charge is Obviously haxorus, Followed by Sylveon, Then came Charizard, then Gardevoir (The shiny version to be exact which I’ll explain later) Then came Rampardos which probably surprised a lot of you since i don’t talk about it, and Finally Alolan Ninetales. Odd team? Maybe. Do I love them? With My heart and soul (Pun intended). hope ya don’t mind but I AM going to go into detail on them, just a little.
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Kukuri-AKA haxorus
I don’t think I REALLY need to go into to much detail. If Ya know me ya Know haxorus is not only my favorite pokemon to ever be made, but also who I consider to be my spirit pokemon. It’s starts off as the rather weird and akward kid that is Axew with it’s weird tusk that are more trouble then help, Evolve into the somewhat cool Fraxure Who’s starting to get the hang of dealing with it’s tusks , and then becomes the BEAST that is haxorus with full control over it tusks turning them into deadly weapons. Kinda like how I dealt with my own disability of being blind in one eye. Yeah you can see why I like this big guy so much. I chose the shiny version as it relates to something else about me as well. My giant port wine stain birth mark that covers half my face. I’ll explain more in a later post. MOVING ON!!!
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Serena- AKA Sylveon
So for those of you who want to know the full story I advise looking up the post “The importance of: Sylveon” as it goes into greater detail about why Sylveon matters so much to me. But TLDR: Before X & Y came out I had lost a friend to Cancer and was struck heavy with grief. She was a pokemon fan and before her death some time before X & Y came out she made me promise to at least TRY Sylveon out. Sometime later in pokemon sun I would keep that promise naming the Sylveon after her as I was lucky enough to get a female Eevee. Ever since Sylveon has been a very special pokemon to me.
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Blair- AKA Charizard
So with Charizard it was more of a result of a reset of Pokemon Y and needing a good fire type. See This reset was LONG after the special event where you could get a free torchic with a mega blaziken stone. As a result I had a slot open and knew that the Kalos region...doesn’t have that many fire types....and even less good ones. BUT I did remember that you get a SECOND STARTER in the game. So me being me I said goodbye to Bulbasur and hello Charmander...not realizing I had not only gotten a FEMALE STARTER....but a Shiny one. After that our relationship quickly grew and we became unstoppable....and then it happened again in a emulation of pokemon Fire red. Female Charmander, this time NOT shiny, and was a total freaking BEAST who could take hits from high level end game pokemon....like they were level ONE.
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Artemis-AKA Gardevoir
So...I’m noticing a pattern of sorts with me and Fairy type pokemon...whenever something horrible happens in my life that effects my mental state......I play pokemon and a Fairy type helps Veal those wounds. Artemis is no exception to this rule. I’ll do a full on post about her some day but TLDR: A family member had passed, My great grandfather to be exact who died peacfully in his sleep. I remember I had brought with me my 3DSXL and pokemon Alpha sapphire to help me get over the loss. Load and behold. One of the first pokemon I encountered was a shiny female ralts. I threw a pokeball at full health thinking it wouldn’t catch. One shake *CLICK!* I named her Artemis after the greek moon goddess as I remembered that Gardevoir learns moonblast with a heart scale. To this day I only see Gardevoir as Artemis. As the moon guardian that helped me heal. Side note: This art is how I always imagine Artemis whenever she went mega.
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Ram Ram-AKA Rampardos
So let me make it clear...I freaking LOVE Rampardos. Why? Cause Cranidos was my very first fossil pokemon, and a crutial member of my team back when I played Diamond for the first time. I loved it in the anime, and in the game all because ONE. PARTICULAR. PERSON had one. Roark. Y’know. The gym leader? yeah I actually lost to him the first time. So imagine my utter ShOCK when i saw ThIS BEAST instead of Cranidos. I vividly remember saying after the fight “I need to get me one of those.” and when I did...It was a glorious day...as the NVP of my ENTIRE game was born. This guy could out speed a crobat, hit harder then a tsudo legendary, and took hits like they were NOThING. I LOVED him...and his name was a pun. Yup. Funny story the day Ram Ram was made I was watching the flintstones, to be exact the episode where Bam Bam got introduced. As a Joke I named my Cranidos Ram Ram...only to come full circle and teach him rocksmash. From then on I just imagined my little baby Cranidos headbutting people as his way of saying hello.
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Tenko-AKA Alolan Ninetales.
This one came about mostly due to a VERY small fan theory that I saw back when ultra sun and moon were new. The theory goes as such: That Alolan Vulpix you interact with through out the game? that is cannonically one of the protagonist pokemon. I gotta say I loved that theory so much I actually used a Alolan ninetales. I named her Tenko cause I thought it sounded cool, as well though Alolan Ninetales was the first regional variant that I used, with it’s pre-evolution Alolan Vulpix, being one of the first plushies I bought for myself.
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poke-entomology · 3 years
Hello. I can’t remember if this is the first ask I’ve done for this blog in particular, but I’ve always been a fan of bug type Pokémon. I feel they are incredibly underrated. However I have a small conundrum. Recently a huge amount of joltiks and a galvanetula have appeared in my small town. I am the only trainer in the town with any battling experience. However I don’t wanna jump to conclusions that they are here for malicious purposes. And I’ve actually befriended one of the joltiks (I have a small personally generator due to how far out the town is from any city.) And I was wondering if there was any ways for us to live in peace.
Yea! Any fan of cute lil bug mons is a friend in my book!
Oh, and I can almost guarantee they're not being malicious. Pokemon don't really "do" maliciousness, except in extenuating circumstances where something else much worse is happening. That's not to say there aren't bad apples, but they tend to be rare and usually don't work well in groups.
Joltik are always found near electricity and seek to suck it up as fast as possible. Sometimes they cause blackouts or burnouts from feeding somewhere they shouldn't like in cities or power plants. But the presence of Galvantula tells me that something else may be going on.
It's possible that the group may be migrating to somewhere new (Galvantula tend to function as portable batteries for younger Joltik in times of scarcity) and are stopping by your town to refuel and scope the area for a good source of power.
I'd check with your local rangers and ask that they investigate the place the group of roving bugs came from. They might find evidence of a disrupted habitat! (new predators, natural disasters, poachers, etc.)
Either way, you were right not to jump to conclusions. It's good that you want to live peacefully with these little guys and there are plenty of ways to do this sustainably (c. Lumiose City in Kalos) so it's possible to find a way in your small town to! In the short term, finding out why they're here and working to minimize harm to both pokemon and humans will help loads. Keep up the good job, my dude!
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mcofthemansion · 4 years
Just thought it would be interesting to think about what pokemon starters the Ikemen vampire characters might pick! And maybe what kind of trainers they would be...well of course once Mc explained what a pokemon is...I hope this isn't boring
So here's the headcanon :
(These are just my opinions! Feel free to tell me what you think! There isn't like a wrong or right answer)
Arthur :
• Arthur finds all the starters of each generation interesting
• would probably pick a pokemon with an outgoing personality something like maybe Oshawott, Charmander, or Popplio
• Remembering when Arthur told us about when he was getting Vic...who's to say he won't make that same cute mistake twice (even with his godly observation skills, he's still capable of mistakes sometimes, rarely, besides it's cute) With a pokemon this time
• So Arthur chooses Popplio
• "don't you look like a fine gent, let's get along nicely"
• Eventually Popplio evolves into Brionne and then Primarina then he realizes his Primarina is a girl
• still sticks to his guns like he does with Vic
• He loves how pretty and majestic Primarina looks, and plenty of "Skirts" in town like his pretty Primarina too
• He would probably be decent at batting but with a beauty like Primarina maybe he would try Contests or Musicals instead, also lots of contest or musical trainers are women ;)
• Imagine Arthur dressing up Primarina as a detective!
• He would probably also be the kind of trainer to always stock up on full restores, revives, and full heals.
• He might be a pokemon breeder on the side it kinda suits him sort of, maybe eventually dabble a bit in pokemon doctoring
• He might meet Brock from the first season of Pokemon and become good friends
• Would probably be smart with like battle items too like X Attacks and X defenses and such
• perfect strategist and would set up terrains and use smart moves, would also have perfect offence and defense
• He and Primarina would probably be a delight to have a journey with
Theo :
• Would immediately look for a strong and or tough looking one
• No dog starter, that's too bad
• Stays the hell away from Litten
• Can sense great things from Charmander
• trains very hard everyday
• Charmander evolves into Charmeleon then Charizard and does not disappoint
• No one would want to mess with Theo and Charizard
• Focuses more on attack
• probably has like a potion somewhere right? Kinda forgets about that
• I can see him having a few similar personality traits from Paul from the pokemon diamond and pearl anime
• Once he becomes pokemon champion of the region he's in, he'd probably spend loads of time at the art galleries in different regions, it would be a whole new world for him
• Charizard would have a sweet tooth like Theo (They need some cute underneath that tough exterior)
• Charizard gets along well with Vincent's pokemon
• Would be a great Ally to have if your traveling and prone to regional evil team encounters
Vincent :
• Is a great friend to the shy pokemon of the bunch
• All the pokemon are at least a little drawn to his kind and caring nature, he's the snow white of the mansion residents
• I can see him eventually deciding on Chikorita
• He would probably paint pictures of it and have them put in pokemon art galleries, like the big one in Lumios city in the Kalos region
• It will look even prettier as it evolves
• C'mon Vincent and Meganium was meant to be
• He would probably be more into Contests but make no mistake, he will mop the floor with your pokemon if you dare battle him
• Would probably be great at defense and takes out pokemon in 1 hit
• He would probably immediately be good at making pokemon food, he doesn't want them to starve afterall
• His pokemon are close with Theo's pokemon
• He would probably be good about always having supplies on hand for pokemon
• Meganium would probably always have the same expressions as Vincent most of the time! Adorable!
• He Would be a delight to travel with
Will :
• Which one looks mischievous enough to keep up with him?
• Chimchar looks promising, great energy, and fire typing looks fun, what was fire symbolic of?
Well lots of things... but in this instance Hell.
• might even join an evil team just to write incredible plays for pokemon musicals, in secret of course, then possibly be a double agent for the good guys, really it depends on his mood.
• did I mention he adores pokemon musicals? New passion right here
• Although would probably beat the league to earn that respect, with you guessed it, un-evolved Chimchar like a madlad
• Chimchar would evolve into Monferno then Infernape later and be like a copy of Will
• He would probably lean more towards special attack and special defense
• Would probably at some point come across Jessie and James...just found his first play victims >:)
• Would be very entertaining to travel with, but he might dissapear if he find a scheme to cook up
Comte :
• Enjoys the beauty of all of them
• Has a hard time deciding on a typing
• Eventually he gets a sort of connection with Fennekin
• Both the beauty of the starter and his own handsomeness would complement eachother nicely
• He would probably get an Elite four position like very easily
• battling would totally be his thing, although his pokemon don't get dirty during battles
• focuses on speed
• is a very prepared trainer with items
• probably gets a big fanbase as large or larger than Raihan of the galar gyms
• He would have a very refined Braixen then Delphox
• Kalos is like home to this man, it is the france of the pokemon world afterall
• Might join a contest if the mood ever strikes him
• He and his team are the definition of elegance
• Would be incredible to travel with, although expect him to be swamped by fans everywhere
Leonardo :
• Litten reminds him of Lumiere
• Litten likes naps
• Leo just found a pokemon partner in a couple seconds
• Leo would probably be on a pokemon journey practically forever just living his life and just going with the flow
• He would EVENTUALLY get champion status...EVENTUALLY
• Would probably be a pokemon culinary genius (c'mon it's mostly berries anyways, and this man is talent galore)
• Litten would be the cat version of Leonardo
• It will eventually evolve...with time...EVENTUALLY...to Torracat then Incineraor
• Even as Incineroar it's like looking at Cat Leonardo
• His Incineroar would probably be the strongest Incineroar of all time and not give a damn about it
• His pokemon are very peaceful
• Leonardo might paint something for a pokemon gallery if Theo bugs him enough
• After having his Champion status he'll probably just move on to the next region
• a delight to travel with if you don't mind waking him up from naps occasionally
Isaac :
• So much to discover
• Where to Start? Probably with a starter pokemon
• He has a hard time opening up to a connection, but Cyndaquil reminds him of his own pet at home, and it's quiet enough to focus on research
• Eventually he picks Cyndaquil
• Isaac has started on the road to being a pokemon professor
• He is an impeccable assistant
• Will probably be most interested in ultra space and ultra beasts
• Hell yes he's going into space, it's for science
• Cyndaquil will probably be a cute assistant to Isaac, making sure he isn't cold when he falls asleep at his desk, giving cuddles when needed, and being a sweetheart
• This type of assistance warms Isaac's heart, Cyndaquil was the right decision
• Isaac isn't the best at batting, it's stressful and he's all over the place, why would he willingly put his little Cyndaquil in danger?
• But when he does he's quite defensive and uses items a lot
• Cyndaquil would probably learn to be great at finding space samples Issac might want
• Cyndaquil probably would have a hard time getting necessary experience to evolve, but in time he would probably evolve battling against ultra beasts and saving Isaac from them
• Isaac would be very nice to travel with but be warned he is training to be a professor, so expect him to stop at labs.
Dazai :
• There are bird Pokemon that remind him of Bunta but he wants something different this time
• Foakie, it seems good at stealth, which means it'll be incredible at climbing through windows
• Dazai and Froakie immediately get along, even though Froakie isn't as much into pranks, jokes, or teasing like Dazai is with the mansion residents
• They are both kinda relaxed
• Froakie is fond of the slight chaos energy Dazai seems to emit sometimes, it's fun chaos not evil chaos :)
• Dazai appreciates the more slightly down to earth nature of Froakie
• Dazai having a water type now would probably try Mantine surfing and probably make friends with Grimsley due to similar clothing styles and having water type pokemon
• Dazai would probably have the most unexpected pokemon journey out of the residents
• He would probably get to becoming a pro Mantine surfer.
• Froakie would follow that path too
• Froakie would eventually evolve into Frogadier and then Greninja due to battles with Grimsley
• He would be fun to hang around
Sebastian :
• Would probably go with Squirtle due to familiarity and nostalgia (he is from your time and Squirtle is quite popular, lots of people have a soft spot for gen one)
• He won't waste a second and get battling to make it evolve
• Now imagine this guy having a Blastoise to wash laundry.
He'll never spend too much time washing again.
• even though Blastoise is bulky Sebastian will happily train it to be a good butler like he is
• Sebastian will probably go on a pokemon journey that leads him to the Unova striaton city gym.
• Why? It's like a gym made for butlers! Did you see the uniforms?
• he'll probably still keep tabs on what the residents are doing too somehow
• He'll probably have fun learning the history of this place although re-learning history even if it is a new one might be a slap in the face
• He could probably have Blastoise do small bursts of water or a gentle bubble beam to clean hard surfaces and windows too
• He would possibly make friends with Az from Kaloa and Hapu from Alola while learning fun history facts
• traveling with him would be pleasant
Napoleon :
• He would pick Piplup
• Was there even competition? Ok maybe Charizard was an attractive offer but Piplup becomes an Emperor it's practically screaming his name.
• He would waste no time meticulously and throughly training it and his team
• He will have an Empoleon in no time
• He will probably be on par with all the strongest trainers
• Will probably become a pokemon master easily and will have beaten the league in every region
• probably feels good to pokemon battle, it's refreshing and fun, will probably battle Jean from time to time.
• hard to describe what he focuses on most, but probably special attack
• It would act just like Napoleon
• Napoleon probably likes the idea of battles with no death
• Napoleon will see Empoleon as a close partner and friend
• He probably has a bunch of Pp up's and Hp up's in his bag, not many restores or potions, c'mon this guy doesn't lose he doesn't need them
• He would probably be thrilling to travel with, like having your own 3d action novel play out before your eyes
Jean :
• holy boi is lost here, they're all kind of strange but eventually he gives in and picks one.
• Sinvy
• it's calm and honestly a bit mysterious
• He would train his Snivy well, it would be just as strong as him
• it wouldn't take long to evolve
• he'll probably become good friends with it, tell it all about where he comes from
• Jean would probably be the most homesick :(
• He would probably pick a job like looking after legendary pokemon shrines and temples
• He'll probably run into the other residents a lot
• I feel like for him to like it here something big should happen, like meeting Arceus and having a battle
• Then he and his now Serperior would probably bond over that moment
• after that he would probably come to love pokemon
Mozart :
• He was partial to Popplio Primarina but Arthur already claimed it
• Well all of them are cute and kind of interesting, and he's not against teaching it music
• Torchic it is since it's a bird and birds sing well
• Now Mozart's Torchic is quite musically gifted so they actually get along quite well, it can also dance nicely.
• He eventually evolved it into it's final evolution Blaziken with the help of Jean and Napoleon
• Mozart will probably write music for pokemon musicals and contests
• Probably during a heated session of music writing, he and Blaziken will get so in sync that he discovers that mega evolution is a thing that exists
• He will probably make writing music popular in this universe
• He might also be quite homesick
• But he does enjoy Blaziken's company
• He isn't too big on batting without the help of Jean and Napoleon but he's probably offensive rather than defensive
• He is pretty a good trainer and carries all the pokemon essentials
• It would probably be sweet and bit exhausting traveling with him, he'll get loads of music ideas
(I'll also include the unholy trio, Vlad, Faust, and Charles because why not)
Vlad :
• Would pick Bulbasaur
• Venusaur is a huge flower monster c'mon, a deadly flower has Vlad written all over it
• He would probably be excellent at training it so evolution would be easy
• He would probably be an elite four
• He probably focuses more on attack during battles
• He may or may not be on a quest to catch a legendary or all of them
• He might create a new evil team...maybe
• He really does look like a good evil team boss, and Venusaur can look threatening if raised to be threatening
• Venusaur would adore Vlad, almost worship him
• Vlad will make it the prettiest flower and care for Venusaur well
• Mega evolution would be unlocked for him
• He would probably be an interesting fellow to travel with
• would probably like pokemon
• Ultra space travel would probably be a thing for him once he and Venusaur get ahold of Lunala or Solagelo
Charles :
• Needs something as clingy and energetic as he is
• Scorbunny it is
• They would probably feel a magical connection instantly
• He would train very hard with it although battling might be difficult because he gets worried when pokemon faint
• He is probably a big fan of Gigantamax and Dynamax
• loves the loud Stadium music in Galar
• He would probably want to be a gym trainer and take over the galar fire gym once Kabu retires
• He has mastered attack and defense
• Charles would probably cuddle Scorbunny a lot
• He would still cuddle Cinderace once it's all evolved
• He would probably also be good at cooking
• He probably has a lot of potions a stuff too just incase
• He probably likes watching how cute Cinderace is when it's eating berries
• He probably loves Cinderace's fluffy ears
• He really likes how fun pokemon are
• He is probably really pumped and fun to travel with, some aspects of his personality might be slightly Ash ketchum-ish
Faust :
• Rowlet's final evolution is a ghost type you say?
• He'll take it
• He would probably also be a pokemon professor, but not quite like in a professor Oak kind of way, he also wouldn't be much like Isaac either, He'll probably resemble evil team scientists bit he'll have a heart like Colress from Unova
• He'll probably be interested in studying Giratina or Yveltal for starters
• He probably wouldn't get along with Rowlet off the bat because it's scared that it might be dissected
• But Rowlett will see his sweet side and they will eventually be inseparable friends
• Faust will love the ability spirit shackle that the final evolution of Rowlett, Decidueye possesses
• Evolving it wouldn't be a pokemon for Faust
• He has a whole vast world to research now, he's probably on cloud nine
• He's probably excellent at batting even if he doesn't do it that much
• He might join an evil team if they fall in line with his plans
• Traveling with him wouldn't be boring that's for sure
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shima-draws · 4 years
maam you cant just say that you have a FAKE DATING AU and not tell us abt it spill
So I never thought I’d write anything Amourshipping in my entire life because I’m sure most of you know exactly how I feel about them but that’s what I’m doing for this LMAO
Anyway it takes place a couple years after the end of SM, Ash is around 18-19 and has made a big name for himself competing in tournaments and Pokemon Leagues. Gladion and Lillie are back in Alola with Mohn, and Gladion does research on Ultra Beasts with him while maintaining a position at the Battle Tree and competing in the Alola League every year. Serena is the current reigning Kalos Queen and spends her time doing showcases and performing for large audiences.
The AU starts when Serena calls up Ash and asks him if he’s willing to fake date her. For the sake of publicity and also because her manager is getting on her ass about dating some guy who’s a professional in PR videos (also for publicity and to promote her image)—this guy has also taken an interest in Serena and doesn’t know what the word no means, so the whole thing has made her super uncomfortable. Serena figures since Ash is her friend, she knows him well enough to be comfy with fake dating him and because Ash has a great reputation that won’t scar her public image (not that she cares much about that anyway!) it would be the best thing to do to get her manager and the PR asshole off her back.
Note that at this point Serena is well over Ash lol and tells him as such—basically water under the bridge now, especially because Serena has a crush on Shauna instead (but was too afraid to ask her to fake date because she didn’t want to mess things up with a potential romantic relationship—with Ash it’s a no strings attached sort of deal). It’ll probably be a little awkward but out of all the people who could do it Ash is clearly the best option.
Ash is very hesitant about it since he’s not really a fan of lying to people, but eventually relents because Serena really needs help. They agree to go through with it long enough for the opposing parties to back off, and decide they’ll have a fake breakup once Serena feels safe enough to be single again. Obviously this is a terrible idea but both of them are idiots and didn’t think things through LMAO
The only real issue is that Ash is scheduled to stay in Alola for a few weeks, part of a routine he does yearly where he rotates around all the regions he’s visited to catch up with old friends and get some training in. Serena’s like oh no problem I’ll just come to Alola with you and we can show off there! Do some hand holding and cheek smooches in front of the cameras and we’ll be golden. So Ash flies out to Kalos first so he and Serena can break the news of their “relationship” to the public.
Back in Alola, Lillie and Mallow end up breaking the news to Gladion, who subsequently has a meltdown (tho he will deny that he did) and gets really depressed and hurt by the situation, because lately he and Ash have been growing closer and he actually planned on confessing his feelings when Ash came to visit. Welp. Clearly that’s not going to happen now, and as soon as Ash and Serena arrive Gladion literally BOLTS because he’s gay panicking and can’t bear the thought of seeing Ash with somebody else.
Lillie keeps making excuses as to why Gladion’s avoiding Ash, Ash and Serena continue to parade around in front of the cameras and do silly shit that makes the paparazzi go nuts, Gladion falls further into despair and Lillie gets fed up with his angsty emo bullshit fnnsndnsn
Eventually the rest of the Alola crew start to catch on that hey maybe this is...not real? A publicity stunt? They have no idea why Ash or Serena would stoop to doing something like that but they try to convince Gladion that hey maybe you’ve still got a shot. This could all just be a huge ruse and they’re not actually into each other. With enough goading Gladion is eventually convinced to go hash things out with Ash and figure out what the hell is going on, but he witnesses them kissing alone in the woods and realizes that no, it’s genuine, and he’s an idiot for hoping otherwise. Ofc Gladion’s a dumbass and didn’t realize that Ash and Serena were being tailed, so they kissed to put on a show.
Gladion eventually puts his foot down and says you know what I can’t do this anymore I’m leaving. And Lillie’s like. What? You’re just running away from your feelings? And Gladion’s like that’s exactly what I’m doing—I mean no I want to travel and visit all the other regions and. Do research. See if the Ultra Beasts were ever involved anywhere outside of Alola. And Lillie’s like that’s a great excuse but you’re just being a coward about it and Gladion’s like well there’s nothing you can do about it ;) and generally acts like a stubborn jackass LMAO
Then Lillie is the one to put her foot down and decides if Gladion’s too chicken to confess his feelings she’ll fucking do it for him! God she has to do everything for this family jfc. She corners Ash and demands the truth, who easily lets up about the fake dating thing, and Lillie tells him Ash Ketchum if you don’t get your ass down to the marina right now you’ll probably never see Gladion again. So leave right now. Kiss him. And tell him you’ve been in love with him since you battled him on the beach all those years ago.
AND ASH DOES EXACTLY THAT and he and Serena “break up” and he gets together with Gladion and she gets with Shauna and it’s a happy ending for everyone THE END
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So I have part one of a fanfiction I’m writing on Wattpad, and it’s regarding the Kalos Crisis AU. Also, before I present this awful fanfic to you, I wanted to make it clear that Satoshi and Gou are both 15 and Koharu is 14. So now, I present to you-
Chapter One
Gou rushed ahead of Satoshi, who was clearly more exhausted from running past him the previous five times.
Satoshi! Why are you so slow!" Gou called to his friend, who was sweating by the time he caught up to him.
"It's not my fault you're so incredibly fast!" Satoshi whined, tripping over his feet.
"Pikaaa-" Pikachu cried as Gou saw Satoshi fly towards him.
"Satoshi!" Gou opened his eyes to see Ash sitting on top of him. His face flushed a crimson red.
"Ah, Gou! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." Satoshi scrambled to his feet, hiding his face that was  blushing mess.
'Heh, cute.' Gou thought, not realizing Satoshi holding his hand out to help him up.
"Uh, Gou are you gonna stop staring at me and get up or.....?" Satoshi questioned. Gou blushed even more.
"Oh! Yeah, sorry." Gou apologized as Satoshi  grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
"Here. You've got to stop apologizing, Gou." Satoshi said while laughing softly. Gou turned away, muffling under his breath.
"Let's start heading to Professor Sakuragi's lab."  Satoshi cheered. "Race you there."
By the time they got to Professor Sakuragi's lab, it was Gou's turn to be sweating.
"Gou~ why are you so slow!" Satoshi taunted while sticking his tongue out.
"Oh, boys! You're here! I have more research that I would need you two to investigate." Professor Sakuragi had called from the doorstep, letting the boys inside.
"So, what is it Professor?" Gou asked, walking to the lab full of computers.
"I need you to visit Kalos and get information about Zygarde controlled by Team Flare." Gou looked at Satoshi with excitement, though he wasn't excited at all.
"Satoshi, what's wrong?" Gou asked, noticing the gleam in his eyes was gone.
"Huh? Oh, sorry, I must have gotten sidetracked. It's nothing, I'm fine." Satoshi stuttered out, his Pikachu rubbing against him.
"Pikachu?" The electric mouse cooed towards his trainer. Satoshi scratching his Pokémon's chin, assuring him he was fine.
"Alright, I have the tickets here. You're leaving tomorrow morning, so you can pack today." Professor Sakuragi handed each ticket to Satoshi and Gou.
"Thanks professor!" Gou said before he saw Satoshi wasn't with him. He sighed softly.
"I can't go back there not after what happened with them-" Satoshi muttered to himself, thinking he was alone. He looked at the burnt picture of his friends, reminded of the time they helped Korrina find Lucarionite.
"Pikachu." Pikachu sadly responded.
"Satoshi, what is it with you?" Gou entered the room. Satoshi quickly stuffed the burnt picture of Korrina, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena in his bag.
"Satoshi!" Gou shouted, making Ash tremble at the sudden outburst.
"I'm sorry for scaring you, but please. I hate seeing you like this..." Gou started to tear up. "I want to help you, whatever it is."
Satoshi got up, putting Pikachu on his shoulder. "You wouldn't get it." He retorts blankly while walking out with his Pokéball's.
Satoshi sighed as he looked off the balcony. "Greninja, Bonnie, Clemont, Serena, I'll see you all soon."
"Pikapi..." Pikachu cried softly, he hated seeing his trainer sad. It wasn't before the other Pokéballs lit up and out came Riolu, Gengar, and Dragonite.
"Gen?" Gengar questioned, noticing a difference in Satoshi's voice.
"Dragonite?" His Dragonite was just as confused as Gengar.
"Riolu. Riolu." Riolu tugged on Satoshi's shirt, making him lean down and pick Riolu up.
"Why'd you pick me Riolu?" Satoshi asked out of the blue, Riolu looking up at his trainer. 
"Rio! Riolu!" It cried, exaggerating it's movements.
"Okay, okay." Satoshi said, laughing slightly. His Pokémon cheering slightly for Riolu.
"It's because I saw how you cared so much for me." Riolu said, but only he could hear it.
Satoshi was star struck. "Woah, Riolu, did you just use your Aura to communicate with me?" Riolu jumped up with excitement.
"You're amazing! I'm so glad you got to come with us." Satoshi pats Riolu on the head as his Pokémon cheer with happiness.
"You wanna go train Riolu?" Satoshi asked, getting the Aura Pokémon's attention.
"Rio!" The Pokémon cheered, following his trainer to the battlefield. Dragonite, Pikachu, and Gengar following.
"Alright, Pikachu! Use Quick Attack." Satoshi called to his Pokémon.
"Hey Riolu, can you hear me? You're gonna watch Pikachu's movements and dodge." Satoshi commanded. Riolu focused on Pikachu, dodging at the last second.
"Yes! Now get behind Pikachu and use vacuum wave!" Satoshi praised. "Pikachu! You use Thunderbolt!" He commanded. Gengar and Dragonite loved battling, but loved watching battles as well.
"He looks so happy, maybe I pushed it a little too far." Gou sighed as he watched the trainer battle. His Raboot staying close behind.
"Alright, I think that's enough training for today. You guys wanna help pack?" Satoshi asked with both Riolu and Pikachu on his shoulder.
Satoshi got back to his room to see Gou's luggage out by the door.
"Oh goddamnit Satoshi, you screwed up yet again!" He yells as he throws himself on his bed. "You screwed up your relationship with the only person you liked."
His Pokémon all looked at him with sadness. Little did Satoshi know, Gou was listening behind the door. All Gou heard muffled screams along with swearing.
"I mean, Greninja is fine, he's helping Zygarde take care of Kalos. Me and Alain took care of Team Flare and saved Chespy." The black haired boy ranted on.
"I mean, sure I traveled with girls. Misty, May, Dawn, some time with Korrina, and Serena, but I'm gay, Pikachu! I don't like girls!" He ranted to his electric Pokémon. Gengar, Dragonite, and Riolu had gone back into their Pokeballs.
"Yeah I know, you wouldn't get it." Satoshi sighed.
"Hey Satoshi, I heard yelling. Are you alright?" Gou walked into the room.
"Oh, uhm, yeah." He muttered softly in response.
"Okay, well, it's only 12:30, you wanna go hang out somewhere?" Gou asked.
"Yeah sure." Satoshi responded, avoiding eye contact.
What is this feeling? Gou felt his heart flutter everytime he was near Satoshi. Was this what love was? Certainly not, but he'll ask Koharu when he gets back.
Focused on the road ahead of him, Satoshi barely said a word. Only answering Gou's questions with a simple yes or no.
When they stopped for a break, Satoshi let his Riolu out, where it was ecstatic to see it's trainer. Though he was saddened when his owner said nothing.
"Master, why are you sad?" Riolu used his aura to communicate with Ash.
"I can't go back to Kalos, not after what happened with Team Flare. What happened with Greninja." Ash communicated back with him, sighing out loud.
Riolu decided to end it there, as they were to start walking again. Both boys were ignoring each other until they got back.
Professor Sakuragi also saw this when Gou had bluntly responded to his questions with no emotion.
Gou decided to talk to Koharu about this. Whatever he's feeling, Koharu's got an answer.
He knocked on her door, hoping she would answer. "What's up Gou?"
Gou looks embarrassed and asks to step inside. After explaining his feelings, Koharu laughed silently.
"What's so funny?" Gou asks, a serious look plastered on his face.
"You have a crush!" Koharu exclaimed proudly.
I plan on adding more but I just need some constructive criticism since it’s not posted on Wattpad yet.
And yes, if you want to know what my Wattpad @ is @CasualAllinnoel if you want to take a look at my other shitty Pokémon fan fictions.
(Also, I don’t space out my paragraphs that much, it’s just Tumblr spacing god damn it)
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Pokémon XY revisited nearly 8 years later.
So... if I could describe my feelings on this game it would be 'fiercely neutral'.
By that i mean I feel very little strong emotions about this game. I don't necessarily think it's a good game but at the same time I give it a lot of slack because I know they weren't focusing on bringing a great plot or anything to the game, they just wanted to make the transition to 3D as smooth as possible for a series that had put off doing it for so long.
That being said some things I just can't let it away with:
1. The pacing! Holy fuck the pacing in this game is utterly garbage. After Gym 1 you can legit spend a few hours before you get to Gym 2, following Gym 2 Gyms 3 through 7 all come in relatively quick succession, then the game stops you to have plot and then you beat the plot into submission, go get Gym 8 and be on your merry way.
2. It's unforgivably dull. I'm assuming the novelty of Pokémon in 3D was enough at the time to keep me engaged when I first played but as I said in a previous post I legit blanked out while playing this ans went on full autopilot, actually forgetting I'd just fought the same guy twice, in the same night too, I did all the plot stuff post Gym 7 in one sitting and I forgot about over half of what I did. That's... I've never, at any point forgot actually plot battles that I just did, that's how dull this game was for me.
3. "Rivals". This game hands down still has the worst "Rival" in the series. They aren't particularly motivating to kick their ass the way Blue, Silver, Barry are and they don't show any real character growth the way Cheren, Biance, Hugh, Hau and Hop do. They're just there, there's too many of them so none of them really get to shine and quite frankly they just became annoying at points.
OK so those are my negatives but as I said I'm fiercely neutral on this game so I do have some positives:
1. The XY Pokémon. A lot of the Mons introduced in XY are a lot of fun to use. This playthrough I used Aegislash, Tyrantrum, Meowstic and Chesnaught all for the first time and they were all super fun to use although still not the biggest fan of the starters even if Chesnaught was a beast. On previous playthroughs I've used Sylveon, Talonflame, Pangoro etc. XY introduced some damn good Mon I won't lie.
2. The character of Kalos. This region is undeniably France and its one of the prettiest looking regions we've had. Lumoise City does justice to the style, the history and the character of Paris (but also damn that place is a maze) I'd argue out of all the Pokémon Cities based on Major Metropolitan Areas, especially the Western Ones ie. Castelia City, Lumoise and Wyndon, it is the one I think best captures the City its based on. The Pokémon League Building is honestly one of the most beautiful places I've seen in a Pokémon Game.
3. Character Design. Sadly many of the actual characters attached to these designs are mediocre but XY has some amazing character designs. I love the portrait cut ins of the Gym Leaders you get before battling them, yes obviously 3D models are probably better but the art was so crisp and clean and I just loved the style. I think all of the Elite Four + the Fairy and Psychic Gym Leaders were especially good designs.
So yeah over all I give this game a pass where I wouldn't other games just because I know their priority was the transition to 3D, it doesn't magically make the pacing or the boring plot or the annoying characters any better but I'm more forgiving on this game. Which is why I'm fiercely neutral, i don't feel a lot about this game, there's parts I liked and parts I didn't but overall when asked about this game I'd likely just shrug and say "it's okay".
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