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virtualtear00 · 6 months ago
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This bed is so Kaladin and Adolin coded
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dealunart · 7 months ago
!SPOILER ALERT! for Stormlight Archive (anything past Way of Kings but mostly for Rhythm of War)
More Stormlight RPG art that I did last year! This time showing Kaladin at each stage of his ideals. AD: Johnny O'Neal
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ketchupstrain · 1 year ago
Trying to brain storm for fan project I have in my head: Informational brochures about The Knights Radiant, Roshar, Scadrial, maybe even the Cosmere as a whole? Anyways, I need ideas on what to include. So far I have:
Knights Radiant
Vibe: informational, recruiting. (Did taln write it? 🤔)
So obviously the Orders and their oaths
The Heralds? And a brief about (each?) Of Them
Spren types to bond with
The 10 Surges and their applicability
Vibe: informational, travel brochure
High storms
The history of the knights radiant
Class structure (in vorin cultures at least) / Dahn vs Nahn
Glyph structure
The concept of spren in general (emotion, physical, nature, conceptual?)
The almighty, cultivation and odium
Vibe: informational, travelling, maybe more factual (what if sazed wrote it?)
(I'm only half way thru WoA so this may be inaccurate bc of the Wax and Wayne series I know nothing of .. BUT)
Fauna (mistwraiths, kandra, lmk if I missed another) flora
Hemalurgy even though it's kind of a spoiler?
Maybe the history of the church of the survivor?
Vibe: informational, travel, whimsical (hoid made it)
(this one is the hardest one)
connection? (I don't quite understand this one)
Cognitive, spiritual, and physical realm
Kinda just word committing this out while I'm bored at work so I have somewhere to reference, but if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!
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infohub-24 · 3 months ago
Summary of “The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson
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The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson Book: This is the first book in The Stormlight Archive, an epic fantasy series. This series opens the gates for a vast complex world of deep lore, intricate characters, and a magnificent well-built magic system. The story is set in the world of Roshar, a planet that experiences Very dangerous storms and is home to several different races.
The story is divided into three main perspectives: Kaladin Stormblessed, Shallan Davar, and Dalinar Kholin Every character is going through struggles of their own and working on personal journeys that for one reason or another will tie their paths together in very important ways. Read more...
#thewayofkings cover
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shivirleo · 4 years ago
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Honour Brothers! Kaladin and Zuko 's obsession with honour would really make them bond. Fan art of my favourite grumpy characters from Stormlight archive and Avatar the last airbender 😋
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jemmayoung · 3 years ago
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Kaladin and Leshwi because I LOVE these two.
These prints are now available in my shop.
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fionaruldass · 3 years ago
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Kaladin at the honor chasm for the first time… I have got to call this done! Onto my next paintings. Way of kings fans- let me know some of your favorite scenes and I just may try to paint them! #thestormlightarchive #kaladinstormblessed #kaladin #sylphrena #syl #honorchasm #honorisdeadbutillseewhaticando #visdev #wayofkings https://www.instagram.com/p/CgCwL7DPjSR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meevling · 3 years ago
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Continuing on my fantasy kick has really helped boost my artistic energy. Here’s my favourite angsty lad #kaladinstormblessed from #thestormlightarchive https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbl3bJgsdnZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kaytaypayne · 5 years ago
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Read this part in #wordsofradiance just recently and thought it was so adorable! Kaladin riding a horse for the first time and Syl making fun of him. Just had to do a quick sketch of it. Now maybe I can get my real work done... . . .#stormlightarchive #kaladin #kaladinstormblessed #syl #fantasyart #fantasy #sketch #illustration #brandonsanderson @brandsanderson #art #sketchbook #drawing #cosmere https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUHI0_BN2y/?igshid=1d0m3cw6b73qs
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geekynerfherder · 4 years ago
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#NewSwag #BridgeFour by #ZackStella (@zackstella) Exclusive print that was available through the #BrandonSanderson (@brandsanderson) #TheWayOfKings Kickstarter. #CoolArt #Art #Print #TheStormlightArchive #Cosmere #ShatteredPlains #KaladinStormblessed #Bridge4 https://www.instagram.com/p/CF1vuSaAiTY/?igshid=1nqovx42xogxl
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virtualtear00 · 6 days ago
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myarmormightrustintherain · 5 years ago
Kaladin that one time.
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caffine-induced-high · 5 years ago
When Hoid appears,
But Sir, that's my emotional support bastard jumping bean.
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katythemistborn · 5 years ago
Crem Block Tango
Renarin: And now, the six merry murderesses of the Roshar County Jail In their rendition of the Crem Block Tango
Everyone: He had it comin' He had it comin' He only had himself to blame If you'd have been there If you'd have seen it I betcha you would have done the same
Dalinar: You know how people have these little habits that get you down Like Gavilar Gavilar, he liked to have morals No, not morals, preaching So I came home this one day And I'm really irritated And I'm looking for a little bit o' sympathy And there's Gavilar lyin' on the couch, drinkin' a beer and preachin' No, not preachin' patronisin' So, I said to him, I said "You tell me that one more time" And he did So I took the flamethrower off the wall And I fired two warning shots Into his city
Everyone: He had it comin' He had it comin' He only had himself to blame If you'd have been there If you'd have heard it I betcha you would have done the same
Kasbal: I met Shallan Davar from Jah Keved about two years ago And he stold me she was single And we hit it off right away So, we started living together She'd go to the library, she'd come home I'd fix her some bread, we'd have dinner And then I found out "Single" she told me Single, my ass Not only was she Shallan Oh no, she had six personalities One of those Radiants, you know So that night when she came home from work I fixed her her bread as usual You know, some people just can't hold their arsenic
Everyone: He had it comin' He had it comin' He took a flower In its prime And then he used it And he abused it It was a murder But not a crime
Adolin: Now, I'm standing in the hallway Carvin' up a chicken for dinner Minding my own business In storms my rival Sadeas in a jealous rage "You been plottin' with the father, " he says He was crazy And he kept on screamin' "You been plottin' with the father" And then he ran into my knife He ran into my knife ten times
Everyone: If you'd have been there If you'd have seen it I betcha you would have done the same!
Kaladin: Mit kersek, en itt? Azt mondjok, hogy a hires lakóm lefogta a ferjemet En meg Lecsaptam a fejet De nem igaz En artatlan vagyok Nem tudom Mert mondja Uncle Sam hogy en tettem Probaltam A rendorsegen megmayarazni de nem ertettek meg
Adolin: Yeah, but did you do it?
Kaladin: Uh uh, not guilty!
Odium: My brother, Tanavast and I had this double act And my wife, Cultivation traveled round with us Now, for the last number in our act We did these twenty acrobatic tricks in a row One, two, three, four, five, splits, spread eagles Back flips, flip flops One right after the other So this one night before the show we are down at the Reishi Isles The three of us, boozin' Havin' a few laughs And we ran out of ice So I go out to get some I come back, open the door And there's Tanavast and Cultivation Doing number sixteen The spread chicken Well, I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing It wasn't until later When I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead
Everyone: They had it comin' (they had it comin') They had it comin' (they had it comin') They had it comin' all along I didn't do it (she didn't do it) But if I'd done it (but if she'd done it) How could you tell me that I was wrong?They had it comin' (they had it comin') They had it comin' (they had it comin') They had it comin' all along (they took a flower in its prime) I didn't do it (and then they used it) But if I'd done it How could you tell me that I was wrong?
Szeth: I admired Taravangian More than I can possibly say He was a real artistic guy Sensitive, a creator But he was always trying to make me find myself He'd send me out every night looking for myself And on the way I found Gavilar
Hanavanar Azir’s Vizier and I I guess you could say I broke them up Because of artistic differences
They saw themselves as alive And I saw them dead
Everyone: The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bumThey had it comin' (they had it comin') They had it comin' (they had it comin') They had it comin' all along 'Cause if they used us ('cause if they used us) And they abused us (and they abused us) How could you tell us that we were wrong?
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jemmayoung · 5 years ago
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I may have added in a Zelda reference cause it was too good to pass up... Bridging Chasms Page 10! This depicts the scene where Kaladin finds out Shallan has a shard blade in the book Words of Radiance by @brandsanderson #shardblade #pattern #wordsofRadiance #StormlightArchive #cosmere #kaladinstormblessed #comic #bridgingChasms https://www.instagram.com/p/B6I6_wQj3Oc/?igshid=4znqp7fec31s
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tsukihimesartcorner · 6 years ago
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I did this one long ago...but somehow I forgot to upload it. Here you have, Kaladin Stormblessed, from Stormlight Archive.I do not own anything related to Stormlight Archive. This is merely fanart.
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